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For proper mixing of fuel and gas, there is a need for hovering in the sI engine. Using
Virtual Bench "CFD" The value of the engine consumption port's designs has been significantly
revised which reduces the use of the best time. In this case, direct injection is being done using
Computational Action Diesel Engine Seven Port Fluent. The CFD calculation is done to simulate
the test rig "flow bench" work. Engine with two ports is considered to be designed to study the
movement of gas flow. To analyze the air flow movements in the diesel engine, the 3D model
of the flow area was calculated. It has been calculated on various valve lifts to calculate the speed
of air flow in different parts of the engine. Two set of engine geometry is said to be a traditional
valve and the other with a skirt is the valve. It has been comparatively analyzed to fill the
cylinders well. This analysis was made to develop standard methods for future revisions.

1.1 General
Internal combustion engines are seen every day in cars, trucks and buses. The internal
combustion name also refers to gas turbines, with the exception that the name is commonly
applied to piston engines (CI), as found in ordinary automobiles. There are basically two
types of I.C. Ignition engines, those that require a spark plug, and those that rely on the
compression of a liquid. Spark-ignition engines absorb a mixture of fuel and air, compress
it and ignite it with a spark plug. Figure 1.1.1 shows a piston and some of its basic
components. The name "round trip" is given because of the movement that the crank
mechanism passes through. The piston-cylinder engine is essentially a crank mechanism, in
which case the slider is the piston. The piston is moved up and down by the rotational
movement of the two arms or limbs. The crankshaft rotates, rotating the two limbs. The
piston is enclosed in a combustion chamber. The bore is the diameter of the chamber. The
upper valves represent the intake and exhaust valves required for the suction of an air-fuel
mixture and the evacuation of chamber residues. In a gasoline engine, a spark plug is
required to transmit an electric shock to ignite the mixture. In compression ignition engines,
the mixture ignites at high temperatures and pressures. The lowest point at which the piston
arrives is called bottom dead center. The highest point at which the piston arrives is called
top dead center. The ratio between bottom dead center and top dead center is called
compression ratio. The compression ratio is very important in many aspects of compression
and spark ignition engines in defining engine efficiency.

Compression-ignition engines absorb atmospheric air and fuel, compressing it at high

pressure and at high temperatures, at which point combustion occurs. These engines have
high performance and fuel economy. The engines are also divided into four-stroke and two-
stroke engines. In four-stroke engines, the piston performs four separate races for every two
revolutions of the crankshaft. In a two-stroke engine, there are two separate races in one
Figure1.01.1 Piston and other components of an engine

Figure 1.1.2 shows a p-v diagram for the actual process of a four stroke internal combustion
(IC) engine. When the piston starts at bottom dead center (BDC) the intake valve opens. A
mixture of fuel and air is then compressed to top dead center (TDC), where the spark plug
is used to ignite the mixture in spark ignition engines and fuel reaches to self-ignition
temperature in compression engines. This is known as the compression stroke. After hitting
TDC the air and fuel mixture have ignited and combustion occurs. The expansion stroke, or
the power stroke, supplies the force necessary to drive the crankshaft. After the power stroke
the piston then moves to BDC where the exhaust valve opens. The exhaust stroke is where
the exhaust residuals leave the combustion chamber. In order for the exhaust residuals to
leave the combustion chamber the pressure needs to be greater than atmospheric. Then the
piston proceeds to TDC where the exhaust valve closes. The next stroke is the intake stroke.
During the intake stroke the intake valve opens which permits the air and fuel mixture to
enter the combustion chamber and repeat the same process.
Figure1.1.2 P-V curve
The combustion in diesel engines depends on the injection process and the interaction of
the fuel spray with the air inside the cylinder. Knowing the movement of air in the cylinder
is of great importance to improve the combustion process. In direct injection engines,
twisting is necessary to mix fuel and air well. In addition, the efficiency of the engine can
be improved by increasing the combustion rate of the air-fuel mixture. Turbulence and
fuel movement can have a significant impact on mixing, combustion, heat transfer and
fuel emissions. The turbulence in the cylinder is high during the intake and then decreases
as the flow rate slows down near the bottom dead center (BDC). During compression
stroke, it rises as vortices, compression and tumbling increase near top dead center (TDC).
The strong turbulence near the PMH when ignition occurs is very necessary for the engine
combustion process. It breaks and spreads the flame front several times faster than a
laminar flame. Fuel and air are consumed in a short time, avoiding auto-ignition and
rattling. This turbulence is amplified by the expansion of the engine cylinder during the
combustion process

The study is conducted to see the effect of valve lift on vortex generation using the CFD
code. The effect of the vortex generator on the vortex motion is also tested in this project.
The problems associated with a conventional bench flow bench are the time and cost
consumed by them. Designers should work a lot on the design and construction of the
model. And defects in the test bed influence the results. Thus, the virtual flow bank (CFD)
is a simple and reliable way to analyze the engine model. CFD can also be used to improve
connection constructs to improve vortex generation in the cylinder. CFD simulation
provides flow velocity and pressure over the entire solution range with complex
geometries and boundary conditions. With this efficient and effective tool, designers can
evaluate the impact of different design changes and constraints on alternative port designs.
This reduces the amount of experimentation required to develop a new product, thus
reducing costs and time.

One of the main problems encountered in the design investigation of inlet port using
steady state test rig, “Flow Bench” is that the time it took for realizing the final design.
The cost and time involved in building a new design renders the designers to evaluate
more and more designs. With the reduced lead time for design cycle, this would lead to
compromised design.

Also, flow bench testing does not provide a very efficient path to the final design because
the designers do not have an insight on the details of recirculation areas, turbulence and
design-imposed pressure losses.

CFD (Virtual Flow Bench), an analysis tool to improve port design by simulating flow in
other port designs. The CFD simulation provides flow velocity and pressure over the entire
solution range with complex geometries and boundary conditions. With this efficient and
effective tool, designers can evaluate the impact of various design changes and constraints
on alternative port designs. This reduces the amount of experimentation required to
develop a new product, reducing costs and time.

In current practice, it takes a long time to prototype the port configuration and perform a
test that does not provide information about the internal flow model. CFD simulation
allows a new design to be analyzed in less time and provides complete information on
flow velocity and pressure throughout the model.
CFD analysis was carried out to aid the design of effective air intake system. An extensive
study was conducted to convert the physical model to comparable computational model
in order to reduce the modeling numerical error with fewer numbers of iterations.

In current practice, it takes a long time to prototype the port configuration and perform a
test that does not provide information about the internal flow model. CFD simulation
allows a new design to be analyzed in less time and provides complete information on
flow velocity and pressure throughout the model

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has emerged as a useful tool in understanding the
fluid dynamics of IC Engines for design purposes. This is because, unlike analytical,
experimental, or lower dimensional computational methods, multidimensional CFD
modeling allows designers to simulate and visualize the complex fluid dynamics by
solving the governing physical laws for mass, momentum, and energy transport on a 3D
geometry, with sub-models for critical phenomena like turbulence and fuel chemistry.

Insight provided by CFD analysis helps guide the geometry design of parts, such as ports,
valves, and pistons; as well as engine parameters like valve timing and fuel injection.

Engine analysis using CFD software has always been hampered due to the inherent
complexity in;
• Specifying the motion of the parts.
• Decomposition of the geometry into a topology that can successfully duplicate that
• Creating a computational mesh in both the moving and non-moving portions of the
• Solving the unsteady equations for flow, turbulence, energy, and chemistry.
• Postprocessing of results and extracting useful information from the very large data
This is a time consuming and error prone process, creating a significant impediment to
rapid engine analysis and design feedback. The solution to this problem is an integrated
environment specifically tailored to the needs of modeling the internal combustion engine.

The environment requirements are as follows:

• It should have the necessary tools to automatically perform a problem setup.
• It should require minimal inputs from the user.
• It should be able to transfer information rapidly between the different stages of the
CFD analysis.
• It should significantly compress the setup and analysis process.
• There should be no loss in the accuracy.
• The potential for errors should be reduced.
• The IC Engine Analysis System provides such an integrated environment with the
capabilities integrated to set up most IC Engine designs.
• The IC Engine System includes:
• Bidirectional CAD connectivity to mainstream CAD systems.
• Powerful geometry modeling tools in Design Modeler.
• Flexible meshing using ANSYS Meshing.
• Solution using ANSYS FLUENT.
• Powerful post processing in CFD-Post.
• In addition, persistent parameterization and design exploration (DX) allow users to
modify geometry or problem setup parameters and to automatically regenerate
analysis results.

The time taken for geometry, meshing, and solution setup has been reduced from several
hours of work to minutes, with reduced potential for error. The user specifies the engine
parameters and geometry at the beginning of setup, instead of at the solution stage, to
guide and automate the entire setup process.

The next few chapters will introduce the automation tools in the IC Engine Analysis
System and how to use them. A deeper examination of the fluid dynamics issues in IC
Engines and the CFD modeling process will be conducted first; followed by details of the
IC Engine Analysis System.

1.2 Swirl motion in IC engine

Turbulence is required to break the front of the frame into pieces so that each part of the
combustion chamber receives a flame to ignite a homogeneous air-fuel mixture. If the
distribution of the flame is unequal, the combustion is incomplete, resulting in a lower
torque and also causes pollution.

In compression ignition engines, the fuel is injected into compressed air. There is always
the possibility that the amount of air in the vicinity of the injector gets more fuel and
therefore the farthest point of the injector receives less fuel. This in turn leads to an
unequal distribution of fuel and incomplete combustion.

However, in compression ignition engines, the arrangement is made so that the air in the
cylinder flows once in front of the injector for proper mixing. The trend in medium and
high performance engines is towards direct injection or open-space diesel. An open
chamber has the entire compression volume in a chamber formed between the piston and
the head. The shape of the chamber helps or creates the vortex or turbulence that is present
to help blend fuel and air or combustion products and air. The vortex refers to a rotational
movement of the gases in the chamber, more or less around the axis of the chamber.
Turbulence means a random movement of gases. Sometimes it is useful to distinguish
between primary and secondary vortex and turbulence. The primary vortex and primary
turbulence are induced before combustion in the inlet and compression strokes by the flow
geometries of the inlet and chamber passages; Secondary turbulence and secondary
turbulence are caused by the combustion process and are driven by the flow geometry of
the combustion chamber and contain walls. Therefore, the design of the open chamber is
divided into three classes.
There are different methods of creating torsion, for example skirting boards and sheaths.
The fairing and skirt are designed to improve load movement by modifying the engine
valve. In this case, we studied the changes in load movement when the skirt is added to
the valve and the vortex generation is tested.

1.3 Use of fluent

IC engines involve complex dynamic interactions between airflow, fuel injection, moving
geometry, and combustion. Fluid dynamic phenomena such as jet formation, swirl and
tumble wall influence, and turbulence generation are critical to the performance of the
high efficiency engine and the fulfillment of emission criteria. Among the design issues
involved are the design of the on-stream, the design of the combustion chamber, variable
valve timing, injection and ignition timing, and low or high speed design. In slow motion.

There are several tools that are used in practice during the design process. These include
experimental studies using test bed or flow configurations, 1D codes, analytical models,
empirical / historical data, and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Of these, CFD has
the potential to provide detailed and useful information and ideas that can be incorporated
into the design process. This is because in CFD analysis, the basic equations describing
the flow of fluids are solved directly on a grid describing 3D geometry with sub models
for turbulence, fuel injection, chemistry and combustion.

Several techniques and sub models are used to model the motion of moving geometry and
its effect on fluid flow. By using CFD results, flow phenomena can be visualized in 3D
geometry and numerically analyzed, allowing considerable insight into the complex
interactions within the machine. This allows you to compare different designs and make
compromises like soot vs. NOx, Vortex vs. Tumble and effects on turbulence production,
combustion efficiency vs. Quantification of pollutants, which contributes to the
identification of designs optimal. Therefore, CFD analysis is often used in the design
process in automotive, power generation and transportation. With the advent of modern,
cost-effective computer and 3D CAD systems, it is easier for analysts to perform CFD
analysis. In ascending order of complexity, the CFD analyses performed can be classified

• Port Flow Analysis: Quantification of flow rate, swirl and tumble, with static engine
geometry at different locations during the engine cycle.

• Cold Flow Analysis: Engine cycle with moving geometry, air flow, and no fuel
injection or reactions.

• In-Cylinder Combustion Simulation: Power and exhaust strokes with fuel injection,
ignition, reactions, and pollutant prediction on moving geometry.

• Full Cycle Simulation: Simulation of the entire engine cycle with air flow, fuel
injection, combustion, and reactions.

However, the CFD engine analysis process was complex, time consuming and error
prone. Typically, the analyst must take several steps to solve the problem, and a minor
error can cause the simulation to fail. Once the analysis is complete, it takes several hours
or days of calculation to get the solution and evaluate the results. The results are quite
complex, with large amounts of data that require time and effort to analyze and obtain
useful information that goes back to the design phase. Automation and process
compression are becoming a critical need. The next section will continue to assess the
practical problems that engineers face when performing CFD analysis on IC engines.
Then you will discover the solutions available in an integrated environment, such as
ANSYS Workbench, and explain the reasons for the IC engine analysis system.

1.4 Problem definition

The project is organized in two different situations with comparative analysis of two
engineering components. In the design of an engine, the traditional valve and the second
design of the engine use improved valve design. The revised valve is designed with skirting
to determine the air speed and to get into the air.
The main objective of this project is to compare both the design with minimum and
maximum valve lift. The objective of this project is to check the effect of the effectiveness
and effectiveness of using modified valves.
Literature Survey

Abdul Rahim Ismail, Rosli Abu Bakar and Semin[1] The effect of the intake
and exhaust valve outflow coefficients for the direct injection engine was investigated,
the outflow coefficient was theoretically successfully calculated and its value varies with
the test pressure and valve / diameter ratio. This article shows the effect of the discharge
coefficient of the intake and exhaust valve for the direct injection engine. The main
objective of the work is to determine the exhaust coefficient of the intake and exhaust
valves in the 406 cc engine cylinder head. The experiment was performed using a Super
flow SF-1020 flow bank model. It is necessary to know such discharge coefficients as a
function of the stroke and pressure ratio in the mathematical modeling process in each
stage of the open cycle. Accuracy can be obtained for gas mass flows, pressure wave
amplitude and thermodynamics in the cylinder. The results obtained depend on the test

T. Lucchini, G. D’Errico, D. Ettorre, E. Spagnoli, G. Ferrari[2] have discussed

Development and application of numerical models (Lib-ICE) to simulate in-cylinder
flows and combustion in IC engines using the OpenFOAM to improve the existing
combustion models to provide advanced diagnostic and development tools to design and
simulate Diesel engines. Lib-ICE combined with OpenFOAM-dev to simulate real IC
 Gas exchange
 Fuel-air mixing including wall-film formation and evolution
 Combustion (Diesel, SI, GDI, PCCI, HCCI)

Bassem Ramadan[3] Conducted a computerized study of the direct injection (DI) intake
system using KIVA-3V. The effect of adding layers on the intake valve is examined. A
computerized study of a direct injection system using KIVA-3V was performed. There are two
intake ports designed to generate the swirling motion of the intake charge in the cylinder of the
engine studied in this work. To study the effects of the casing on the intake valve on the vortex,
two sets of intake valves are considered; the first set consists of conventional valves and the
second set consists of valves with a rear fairing to prevent the flow of air to the rear of the valve.
The influence of the inlet diameter on the airflow and the vortex movement was also studied. In
this case, the ports with two different diameters were modeled. A port is blocked to determine
the effect of using one or two input ports in vortex generation. The conclusion is that the use of
the wrapped entrance is higher than that of the unfolded intake valve.

Ervin Adorean, Gheorghe-Alexandru Radu [4] have performed cylinder

calculations in a diesel engine using Open Foam and compared with an experimental
setup. The reduction of soot and NOx is taken into account. In this work Open FOAM
simulates a constant rate test bench configuration for the development of diesel engine
connections. The flow through the inlet ports was simulated at different valve strokes.
The CFD values of the flow coefficients and vortices ratios are consistent with the
experimental results. By taking sections of the considered domain, a detailed description
of the flow field is obtained. One advance was the simulation of combustion in a direct
injection diesel engine. It is a much more complex task, but the calculated pressure in the
cylinder is the measured pressure. They concluded that CFD programs also provide more
information about the flow field than experimental research. It is very important to define
a reliable working methodology for this type of simulation, a methodology that can be
applied to any configuration of diesel engine simulations.

Laxmikant P. Narkhede and Atul Patil[5] have optimized the air flow
performance during intake port process. The author have studied the flow within the
intake port in both steady and unsteady states and analyze the results to evaluate and
improve the ability of the intake port to convey air identically to all cylinders with the
least possible pressure losses. Also the effect of engine speed on the volumetric efficiency
has been analyzed by 2D CFD model at different engine speeds. The airflow performance
during intake port process is optimized in this work. The analysis being conducted could
be used to increase efficiency of volumetric flow rate and maximizing usage of air fuel
in combustion process, which reduce emission to environment. Even though air flow
have been optimized on its intake port, but still intake system could be improve by
considering other parts of engine also such as intake manifold, Valve etc. This work is
related to, two important common fluid flow patterns from computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) simulations, namely, effect of steady state and unsteady state analysis and effect
on air motion on turbulence inside the cylinder. According to author the performance of
the engine can be improved by efficient design of intake ports. For optimization of the
port flow for improving engine performance, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
simulation plays a very important role and it is adding cost effectiveness. According to
literature survey, turbulence inside the cylinder is high during the intake and then it
decreases as the flow rate slows near the bottom dead centre (BDC). As swirl, squish and
tumble increase near the top dead centre (TDC) turbulence increases again during the
compression stroke. The high turbulence occurred near TDC when ignition occurs is
much required for combustion process of the engine.

It breaks up and spreads the flame front many times faster than that of a laminar flame.
Both fuel and air is consumed in a very short time due to which self- ignition and knock
are avoided. This turbulence is enhanced by the expansion of engine cylinder during the
combustion process. Design of inlet manifold configuration is very important in an IC
engine. Hence, this study looks up on the effect of helical, spiral, and helical-spiral
combined configuration on the induced mean swirl velocity in the piston bowl at TDC,
swirl ratio and flow coefficient during suction and compression stroke, turbulent kinetic
energy variation and volumetric efficiency at various engine speed. Results were
compared between flow coefficient and swirl ratio obtained from steady state CFD

T. Lucchini, G. Montenegro, G. D’Errico[6] have studied 1-D and 3-D flow
modeling, using OpenFoam. The guiding path for modeling and simulation is formed.

Vinodh Kumar B., Sivagaminathan N. Larsen, Gopalakrishnan N. Larsen, Scott

Morton, Paul Radavich[7] studied the air flow and charge motion of engine intake
port. Compressible steady state CFD calculation was performed to emulate conventional
test rig “Flow Bench” with close attention to three dimensional flow field including design-
imposed pressure losses. The calculation was carried out at discrete valve lifts to obtain air
flow rate and rotational speed for predefined constant pressure differential between the
atmosphere and the system. A User Defined Function (UDF) is developed to calculate the
angular momentum flux at the swirl monitoring plane. The various inputs like mass flux,
cell centroid from the swirl axis and also velocity magnitude at each cell face in the
monitoring plane is obtained from the solver by the UDF at the end of the calculation. The
collected inputs were used to calculate angular velocity/circumferential velocity and axial
velocity which are needed to calculate swirl ratio.CFD and experimental results were
compared for its accuracy and to develop a standard methodology for future iterations. The
results obtained from CFD Especially, the flow coming from the lower part of the port (flow
from inner diameter) exits in the same direction whereas the flow from upper part (flow
from outer diameter) of the port exits in the opposite direction. Strong pressure differential
exists near the throat which resulted in flow acceleration through the throat and hence high
velocity. The flow from upper part is mainly responsible for swirl inside the engine cylinder.
Streamlines released from inlet shows this flow feature. Swirl created is stronger and visible
near top of the cylinder during lower lifts but as the valve opens up, the swirl location moves
down and gets weaker. At lower lifts the flow is attached to the wall causing less turbulence
near the throat. The jet of flow coming out of the throat causes recirculation below the valve
head. A portion of high velocity flow out from throat creates strong swirl inside the engine
cylinder at low lifts compared to high lifts. Mass flow rate matches closely with flow bench
at lower lifts and starts to over predict during higher valve lifts. This could be because at
higher lifts the flow starts to separate from the wall creating turbulence near the throat. The
flow thus rushing into the chamber creating more suction upstream of the throat which
results in more air flow at high lift position of the valve. The CFD predicted values are close
to flow bench measured values for all the valve lifts except high lift. Discrepancy in the
suction pressure measurement is obtained at the location between CFD and Flow bench.
Mass flow rate and swirl ratio were compared between CFD and flow bench. Much of the
flow coming from the inlet goes directly into the chamber but some hugs the outer diameter
of the port around the valve stem.
(i) 2D monitoring plane instead of a paddle wheel,
(ii) The paddle wheel speed calculation between CFD and Flow bench.
Abhilash M Bharadwaj, K Madhu, Seemanthini J, Vismay K G, Anand M Shivapuj
& Aravind T.[8] have studied two important common fluid flow patterns from
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, namely the swirl and tumble motion
typical of automotive engines. These two parameters represent the fluid flow behavior that
occurs within the combustion chamber, which affects the airflows to the cylinder during the
intake stroke and greatly improves the mixing of air and fuel to give better mixing during
the compression stroke. In this study, they deal with the swirling motion of intake air during
the intake stroke and during the compression stroke. The results obtained from the
numerical analysis can be used to study the homogeneity of the air-fuel mixture structure
for a better combustion process and engine performance. The creation of a swirling vortex
in the cylinder is one of the ways to improve turbulence levels during the compression
stroke. Turbulence enhances turbulence during the compression stroke by the following
methods: Turbulence generated by shearing on the wall becomes secondary flow generated
by most of the flow through diffusion and vortex, or any projecting objects that are not on
the axis of rotation of the vortex , Transporting turbulence through shear and vortex
shedding or swirl, in combination with the squish flow, accelerates the speed of rotation of
the vortex as the piston approaches the TDC to obtain the angular momentum. This will
increase the turbulence late in the compression stroke. The author has come to the
conclusion that vortex flows need energy to create the vortex during the suction stroke. This
energy comes mainly from the kinetic energy of the gases entering the cylinder through the
inlet valve. Therefore, to increase the swirl intensity, the gas velocities at the intake valve
must be high, thus requiring a smaller cross-sectional area of the intake valve. This is one
of the main tradeoffs of swirl flows. The requirement of a large intake valve for greater
intake of airflow during high engine speed and the requirement of a smaller intake valve for
better generation of vortex intensity.

Steafan Gundmalm et al.[9] The simulation of internal combustion engines is a major

challenge in the field of CFD research. The displacement limits of the solution zone
caused by the movement of the piston and the valves lead to a deformation of the
calculation grid, which leads to a decrease in the quality of the solution. On this basis, a
previously developed mesh strategy has been used in which a number of meshes are used
to cover the entire simulation cycle. In each intermesh interval, the internal points of the
mesh are moved to account for the limit movement of the piston and the valves. This
strategy has been applied to both simplified geometries and real engine geometries. The
purpose of this work is to show its validity for a real and complex engine geometry
covering a longer simulation interval than before. After a first description of the point
formation process, investigations were made on the load movement in the cylinder during
the suction stroke to investigate the presence of tilting motion. The result shows that no
strong tumbling movement is generated. This could also be due to the digital diffusion
caused by the lattice structure. In addition, research has been done to see why the current
engine tends to hit. Simulations have shown that the flow field in the cylinder produces
a temperature distribution in the cylinder that is not uniform, which can increase the risk
of rattling near the exhaust valves. Finally, simulations of the combustion process were
performed using the Weller combustion model. The problems that led to a calculated
turbulence intensity that was too low for proper flame propagation were obvious,
resulting in an inconsistency between the calculated CFD cylinder pressure and the
calibrated 1D calculation. This paper describes the CFD simulation of a four-stroke
spark-ignition internal combustion engine, including the creation of the different
computing grids needed for the entire simulation cycle.

The simulations were carried out from the start of the intake stroke (IVO) until around
the end of the combustion process, thus covering the intake, compression and part of the
expansion phases.

An important part of the total time devoted to the work was devoted to the creation of
meshes. Before the original template mesh could be created, the geometry had to be
cleaned up and subdivided into sub volumes, which took a long time to actually create the
mesh. This process could probably be made much faster with more experience and / or
mesh software, which allows for easier manipulation of the geometry and more options
for mesh generation than Gambit. The strength of Gambit lies in the Journal feature, which
made the rest of the meshes very quick and easy, taking only about 10 minutes, compared
to the few hours it took to make meshes by hand. A total of 18 different meshes were used
to cover the entire simulation interval. The mesh strategy of the MUMMI approach has
been used successfully for this complex engine geometry.

Alexander Sakowitz, Simon Reifarth, Mihai Mihaescu and Laszlo Fuchs[10]
Studied the process of mixing exhaust gases with fresh air in internal combustion engines
(ICE). For this purpose, the flow into an intake manifold of a six-cylinder high-
performance diesel engine is calculated using the Compressible Grand Eddy (LES)
simulation. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) is modeled as a passive scalar. The results
are confirmed by measurements of EGR concentration at the engine level using CO2
sensors. The boundary conditions of the highly pulsed flow come partly from one-
dimensional simulations, partly from pressure measurements on the motor. To evaluate
sensitivity to boundary conditions, the changes are applied to the base case. The quality
of the mixture is evaluated with regard to the cylinder roll distribution and the spatial
RMS on the outlet cross sections. Different average techniques are used. It has been found
that the temporal and spatial EGR distribution between the cylinders is different. The EGR
distribution inside the cylinder inlet is not uniform. These factors imply that no time-
averaged EGR value should be used as an indicator of EGR content. In addition, it has
been found that the flow pulsations at the EGR inlet have a great influence on the EGR
distribution. By comparing ERP results with measurements, ERP has been shown to
provide a better insight into mixing in such turbulent flow situations. Exhaust gas
recirculation (EGR) is a technique commonly used in modern internal combustion engines
(ICE), particularly diesel engines. EGR reduces nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by
lowering the oxygen concentration of the flue gases and, consequently, the maximum
combustion temperature. This is possible because oxidation of nitrogen occurs only at
elevated temperatures. Due to strict emission legislation, EGR rates of up to 50% are used
in modern engines. However, the rate of EGR is limited by the increase in particulate
emissions at high EGR rates. The flow in an inlet manifold of a six-cylinder Diesel engine
was analyzed using LES. The focus was the analysis of the mixing process between EGR
and Air. On-engine CO2-measurements were performed in order to validate the results.
The agreement between the experiments and the simulations was within 5%. It was shown
that the EGR flow, which is highly pulsating, induces a flow rotation that is sustained
throughout the plenum. The EGR pulsations were identified as the largest contributors to
the no uniformity.

On the one hand, it is known that large pulsations improve the mixture, on the other hand,
large pulsations also lead to higher unevenness, which increases the cylinder-cylinder
variation in the upstream cylinders.

The LES results have shown large deviations up to 20% over the port cross-sections
according to the research. And also different averaging methods indicated that simple
time-averaging of the concentration might give misleading results, since it can
significantly deviate from the EGR concentration of the actual flow into the cylinders.

Andras Horvath, Zoltan Horvath[11] In this work, we study the characteristics of
the air flow of the intake manifold of a diesel engine through a numerical simulation based
on a self-developed code. Several possibilities of the mathematical model of the
engineering problem and its numerical solutions are implemented, discussed and partially
developed and compared to real physical measurements. As a first order finite volume
method, the Vijayasundaram vector division method with local time step control is
suitable for accurately calculating the flow properties, namely the flow and rotation
coefficients. Precisely, we mean that the calculated and measured quantities differ by 0-
0.5% and 0.5-10% respectively, which confirms our numerical model. Then, applying this
code and the deformation of the domain, we can increase the flow coefficient by 1% under
the condition of a constant number of vortices, which is significant because only small
modifications have been allowed. The Vijayasundaram method is suitable for sufficiently
precise compressible flow simulation in existing design problems, even on a non-adaptive
network. For simulation, the capacity of an average workstation is sufficient to obtain
accurate results for such problems. The numerical results were compared with the
experimental results and considered valid. Using numerical simulation, we have been able
to study the flow in the intake channel in detail, which is not possible with a conventional
experimental method. Thanks to numerical simulation, we have been able to study the
effects of many deformations and find small deformations that meet the requirements of
the engine designers and improve the intake manifold.

S.K. Sabale, S.B. Sanap[12] studied the effects of different geometric parameters of
the spiral opening on the turbulence performance. A methodology for designing a helical inlet
port of a diesel engine is proposed to achieve a target value of 1.8 swirl number. The numerical
flow simulation approach is used to analyze inlet port performance. The port performance of the
prototype flow box was experimentally analyzed on a stationary fluidized bed. The observed
values of mean vortex and flow capacity meet the requirements. The new methodology is used to
design the helical intake port of the diesel engine based on a parametric study of geometrical
parameters. The proposed design is analyzed using CFD software and stationary flow bench
experiment. A satisfactory correlation is obtained between the experimental and CFD results. The
resulting swirl ratio of the designed helical opening is close to the target value. The results of the
parametric study have shown that the swirl ratio increases with decreasing T / R value, as there is
a correlation between the swirl ratio and the neck height T. In the case of a lower T / R many
streamlines of the incoming air follows the cylinder wall and creates strong turbulences. On the
other hand, with a higher T / R ratio, a larger proportion of the streamlines are directed towards
the center of the cylinder, resulting in a smaller swirl ratio.

Pandey K. M., Roy Bidesh[13] In this work, an analysis is performed in a gasified
gasoline engine using the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) FLUENT code to
determine the degree of turbulence. The calculation is performed again on the same engine
for three other types of intake valves. Finally, a new type of intake valve was designed
for the data obtained from the four calculations, and the CFD analysis is also carried out
for them at a different crank angle during the intake stroke of the engine and at a
corresponding valve lift and intake pressure, and thus a detailed study of the redesigned
Inlet valve is carried out in relation to the swirl height. The author has come to the
conclusion that the "Poppet" inlet valve is the better design for intake turbulence
generation inside the engine. For the three new types, the intake valve was modeled by
simple modifications to the geometry of the intake valve. With the integrated two cam
followers on its neck, the inlet valve of the intake valve will significantly increase the
intensity of intake swirl generation within the engine.
From the computational analysis it is seen that in all the cases the surface which is closer
to the valve shows higher tangential velocity at various location compared to the surface
at which is at higher distance from the intake valve i.e. the intensity of swirl decreases
along the stroke length of the engine cylinder. The intensity intake swirl generation within
the engine decreased with the increase of the valve lift for all the cases.

Jorge Martins, Senhorinha Teixeira, Stijn Coene[14] have re-designed the inlet
port of a small Internal Combustion Engine in order to enhance the production of
turbulence by swirl. A good swirl promotes fast combustion and improves the efficiency.
A small internal combustion engine was designed to be part of a very efficient vehicle to
enter a consumption marathon. The engine should run at low speeds, in order to have low
mechanical losses but the combustion should be fast, enabling good combustion
efficiency. Therefore high turbulence should be produced prior to combustion within the
cylinder, so swirl was induced by the inlet channel within the cylinder head. To perform
this task the help of three software programs is required, Solid Works, Gambit and Fluent.
The first was required to produce the CAD-geometry. To build the geometry it is
important to bear in mind that there are some restrictions for casting and fuel injection. In
the next step, Gambit meshes the geometry in the design by using a volume mesh. At last;
Fluent calculates the flow within the engine by using a suitable turbulence model. Initially
the current geometry was tested and proved to create low swirl, so the geometry was
changed several times until reaching a good result in terms of generated swirl. The tests
include just steady flow, where the air enters the inlet port and leaves the bottom of the
cylinder continuously. The flow within the cylinder is examined at specific sections,
namely at various heights of the cylinder (horizontal sections) and pathlines are also
evaluated. The flow is calculated for various valve lifts at a specific engine condition.

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