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ORDER OF OPERATIONS Communitive Property: Distributive Property:

Addition and Multiplication: YES A*(B + C) = A*B + A*C
1. Parenthesis and Brackets A+B=B+A
2. Exponents A*B=B*A Squaring a Binomial:
3. Multiplication and Division
(left to right) Subtraction and Division: NO (a + b)2 =
4. Addition and Subtraction A–B≠B–A
a2 + 2*a*b + b2
(left to right) A/B≠B/A

Multiplying Two Binomials: Ratios: Solving Linear Equations

F.O.I.L. 𝒂 𝒄
(First, Outers, Inners, Lasts) = y = a*x + b
𝒃 𝒅

(a + b)*(c + d) = Which leads to: Solve for x:

𝒂∗𝒅=𝒃∗𝒄 y – b = a*x + b – b
y – b = a*x
a*c + a*d + b*c + b*d 𝒏 (y – b)/a = (a*x)/a
Percent: 𝒏% =
Then: x = (y – b)/a

Solving Quadratic Equations

a*x2 + b*x + c = 0
−𝒃 ± √𝒃𝟐 − 𝟒 ∗ 𝒂 ∗ 𝒄

Discriminant: D = b2 – 4*a*c Distance between Two Points:

D > 0; real and distinct roots D = √( (x1 – x0)2 + (y1 – y0)2) Equation of a Line: y = m*x + b
D = 0; repeated rational root Midpoint: ( (x0 + x1)/2, (y0 + y1)/2 )
m = slope
D < 0; complex conjugate roots Slope: m = (y1 – y0)/(x1 – x0)
b = y-intercept (when x = 0)

Right Triangles Circles Law of Exponents

xa+b = xa * xb

xa-b = xa / xb
Diameter: D = 2*R
Area = ½ * A * B Circumference: C = 2*π*R (xa)b = xa*b
Pythagorean Theorem: Area: A = π*R2
A2 + B 2 = C 2 Pi: π ≈ 3.141592654

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