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Design of a Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power Electronic

February 17, 2018

The relevant topics and literature regarding the elements in a photovoltaic system and grid
connection standards have been studied and reviewed. A system, with the capacity and ratings
of solar modules currently available in the laboratory, has been designed in Simulink. The
designed system in a multistage system. Perturb and Observe algorithm is used for maximum
power point tracking. Boost converter is used to amplify the photovoltaic array voltage. The
inverter used is a three-phase two-level inverter. The control structure for inverter is designed
in synchronous reference frame. PLL extracts the necessary information of grid voltage phase.
The grid has a Line to Line voltage of 400Vrms. An LCL filter is used to interconnect inverter
output to the grid. After that the results of the designed simulation are discussed. Hardware
specific models are then made for code generation using the Embedded Coder feature of
Simulink. In the end, discussion about this paper, conclusion and recommendations for future
work are presented.

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Item Quantity
Widgets 42
Gadgets 13

Table 1: An example table.

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n n i

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[Gre93] George D. Greenwade. The Comprehensive Tex Archive Network (CTAN). TUGBoat,
14(3):342–351, 1993.

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