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Jesus Gonzalez

Arizona State University

Tel 311
Fall 2016

Signature Assignment
Table of Content
Self-Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Room Arrangement ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Teachers Desk ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Material Cabinet ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Book shelve ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Homework station .................................................................................................................................... 4
Teachers Locked Cabinet .......................................................................................................................... 5
Filing Cabinet............................................................................................................................................. 5
White Boards ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Students Desk ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Mounted Projector ................................................................................................................................... 5
Trashcans .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Bulletin Board ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Computer Station...................................................................................................................................... 6
Smart Board .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Classroom procedures .................................................................................................................................. 7
Beginning of class...................................................................................................................................... 7
End of class................................................................................................................................................ 7
Transition between activities .................................................................................................................... 7
Managing student’s work ......................................................................................................................... 8
Collecting Homework ................................................................................................................................ 8
Handing Back Work ................................................................................................................................... 8
Handing Out Material ............................................................................................................................... 8
Student absences ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Later Work ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Grading and Recording student’s work .................................................................................................... 9
Communicating with parents.................................................................................................................... 9
Consideration for diverse learners. .......................................................................................................... 9
Rules .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Consequences ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

My name is Jesus Gonzalez and I am currently enrolled in Mary Lou Fulton Teaching
College at Arizona State University. I am completing my Bachelor’s degree in Secondary
Education in History and a minor in economics. Prior to Arizona State University, I Attended
Estrella Mountain Community College where I spent two years to receive my Associates in Arts.

The reasoning for my teaching career involves numerous influences. I dream of making
a difference in my community. I want to set my students up for success and change their view
about school. Instead of viewing school as a burden, barrier, or obstacle, I want them to view
school as an opportunity to achieve a better future to change their world. I want to open their
minds and critically think how our society came to be through my love of social studies. In order
to accomplish an immense task, I strive to mimic the safe environment to grow and learn the way
previous educators gave to me. I also want to grow and learn with my students and experience
something new every day, every hour.

Based on the research of Madeline Hunter, Dr. Fred Jones and Dr. Harry Wong, my
belief is that all students deserve the right to a proper education and I have the opportunity to
ensure they do. Every person is different and as a result, each student learns differently.
Regardless of ethnicity, their first language, or learning disability, I will make certain that every
student receives the proper education that accommodates their needs. I believe all students are
capable of learning and becoming successful individuals, but it is up to the teacher, me, to put
forth the effort to convince the students as well.

Room Arrangement
Arranging my room was an easy process once I started to figure out how I wanted to
instruct my classroom. I would like the students interacting with me, as much as they interact
with others. With no money or space restrictions, I was able to make the classroom student
orientated and the ability to reach each student within seconds. I based my methods of my room
arrangement around Dr. Fred Jones’s interior loop.

Teachers Desk
I placed the teacher’s desk on the back corner of the classroom to give me more
proximity with the students. Putting the teacher’s desk in the back also allows me to observe
what the students are actually working on, instead of what they want me to see. The teacher desk
is an L shape to allow space on my left hand side to organize paper work for each class.

Material Cabinet
The material cabinet should be placed right in front of my teacher’s desk because it
allows me to check and observe if the students are following procedures on gathering their items
located in the material cabinet: such as color pencils, construction paper, glue, scissors, etc.
Material cabinet could potential waste a numerous amount of time if not managed properly, and I
will manage the material cabinet even if I am sitting at my desk.

Book shelve
I thought the book shelve would fit perfect around the back of the class. I personally will
not use the books very often, and placing it in the back opens up the room when viewing the
front of the classroom. When I do use books for my lesson, I will give specific procedures that
will fit perfectly if the book shelve is in the back of the class as well.

Homework station
I contemplated on placing the homework station by the front door, but placing the
homework station on the teacher’s desk allows me to minimize the cheating that could
potentially take place. It also allows me to make small conversations, or comments, with each
student by a small praise or a thank you.

Teachers Locked Cabinet
I will place the teacher’s locked cabinet right behind my teacher’s desk to keep the items
inside the cabinet secure and away from everyone. Since there is personal and important
information, I will feel safer to keep it near myself, in the back of the classroom and out of sight.

Filing Cabinet
Filing cabinet will contain all my worksheets, homework, and paper work for each class
and I will keep it by me near the teacher’s desk. Keeping it near my teacher’s desk allows easy
access to pull paper work I need and storing paper work for future classes. I can organize each
lesson in the filing cabinet to keep everything safe for next semester.

White Boards
I will hang up white boards all along the four walls except for one because the material
cabinet and teacher’s desk will take up most of the wall space. I personally enjoy white boards
because they would be use to post objectives, directions, and allow the students to utilize them
for different activities I have constructed.

Students Desk
I arranged the student’s desk in pairs because throughout my lessons I will continually
ask each student to perform some activities: such as think pair and share, completing a worksheet
and small activity where they need partners. Allowing students to have a partner in a classroom
reduces the stress of the classroom and allows them to collaborate ideas easier. I placed four
columns and four rows of desk to follow Dr. Fred Jones idea of interior loop. I have the room to
walk around and monitor every student by placing each desk in a specific location. I also have
power points at each corner, granting me vision of every student, regardless of where I am in the
classroom. Each desk is wide enough to accommodate to students who do not fit in regular
desks or are in a wheelchair.

Mounted Projector
The mounted projector is located directly in the center of the room, connected to the
ceiling. Mounted projector allows me to share my computer screen with the whole classroom,
making it possible to present PowerPoints and videos.

The trashcans for my classroom are going to be located right near the door and on the
side of my teacher’s desk. I supplied the classroom with two trashcans at each location because
one is for recycle and the other is for everything else. Above each respected trashcans, I will
provide pictures on what objects would go where. For an example, I will have plastic and paper
above the recycling bin. Placing one pair of trashcan near the door allows students to throw their
items away before class begins and after class ends. Having a pair of trashcans near my desk
allows me easy access to throw away what I do not need.

Bulletin Board
The bulletin board for my classroom will be located at the very back of the classroom
because when students enter the classroom; their eyes fall on the back of the class first. On the
bulletin board, I will have the main ideas we will work on that week. I will also have the school
events approaching, school spirit items, and reminders about anything else.

Computer Station
The computer station will be located on my teacher’s desk to give me instant access.
Taking attendance, pulling up files, and communicating with the whole school through email
will be efficient if the computer is located directly on my desk. In addition, it will also allow me
to protect the computer from all the students.

Smart Board
Smart board will be located directly in front of the classroom to allow every student to
get a clear visual of everything I put on the smart board. It is a fun interaction technology tool I
could use, but also the students could use as well. The announcements for the school will be
displayed on the smart board as well. I will also register for specific training dealing with the
smart board to expand my knowledge on how to navigate around it and inform my students on
how to handle the smart board properly.

Classroom procedures
My classroom procedures will be taught throughout the whole semester to save time and
ensure everyone is on the right page. I will follow Dr. Harry Wong on how to lead the class
from the very moment they enter classroom, to the very end when the bell rings. Procedures are
habits that all students comprehend and everyone should follow each procedure without unfair

Beginning of class
Before class begins, I will stand by the door greeting each student as they walk into the
classroom. My expectation is for them to sit in their assigned seats and follow the instructions
on the board that I have listed. Unless they have homework, which they will placed in its
respected location before heading to their assigned seat. The instruction can range from bell
work, thinking of an idea with a partner, or getting out materials that are essential for today.
After the bell that indicates the beginning of class, I will close the door and discuss with the
students on what I instructed them to do while I was waiting at the door.

End of class
Before class ends, I will teach each student to put all the materials away and open the gates
for the sound of the zippers to occupy the sound of the classroom five minutes prior to the end of
class. After each student stores their material away in their backpack, except for a writing utensil
and a piece of paper, they will answer the closure question I have created located on the board.
Making them store everything away allows me to ask the questions without the competition of
the zippers and their anxiety to pack and leave. After the students have completed the closure,
they will hand their slip of paper to me on their way out the door while I say goodbye to each
individual student.

Transition between activities

Before each transition between activities, I will explain how every student will perform the
process on getting to the activity and what I expect of them during the activity, content wise.
Explaining the direction will be my key focus because if someone is confused, then my
directions were poor and multiple students will be lost. I will call on students to repeat the
directions on what they will do in the next few seconds to ensure everyone knows. I will have a
timer for them to beat the clock in order to have the transition to be smooth and quick. While

they are working, I will hold up my hand for an auditory signal, indicating them to hold up their
hand and be silent, to gather the entire student’s attention to continue with the class.

Managing student’s work

Managing student’s work consist of three parts: Collecting homework, and handing back
work and handing out material. For each sub topic, I will discuss in detail on how I will teach
each procedure to my future students following Dr. Harry Wong.

Collecting Homework
For collection homework, I will have a homework station at my desk where they can place
face down before arriving in their assigned seats. Putting them face down will decrease the
amount of cheating that could take place because they will not have the answer right before
placing it in the homework station. Having a specific location for homework will reduce the
chaos of everyone getting up and handing the homework when I ask for it.

Handing Back Work

Handing back work depends on the kind of work they need to turn in. For homework and
worksheets, I will hand it back in bulk face down. Each student will take the top paper, which
will be their personal work, and hand it back to the person behind them. Alternatively,
occasionally have students pass out some work and I will have their grade on the back so no one
can see their score. For tests, I will hand back personally while they work on something to praise
them each individually.

Handing Out Material

The materials for the students will be located on a desk near the door so they can grab what they
see and head to their assigned seats. It is located in the front because it saves time handing paper
out and allows them to read the material before attempting to complete the worksheet. For a big
project that requires color pencils and construction paper, all those materials will be located in
the material cabinet. For each situation, I will teach them the proper way to perform each task on
gathering their material and continue to teach the procedures throughout the school semester.

Student absences
Students will eventually miss some classes and for this occasion, I will have a specific station
that will tend to their needs. It will have any worksheet they have missed for the past week. For

notes and bell work, they can use their classmates as a recourse for that information to catch up
and earn points they have missed.

Later Work
Later work is very simple. There is no late work. The students will have until the end of
the day to get the assignment in to me. I will not accept late work because I believe student
should improve their self-regulation and how do we improve this habitat without giving extreme
consequences? The student is able to make up their work if they have an excused absence, as
stated above. There is a difference between make up work and late work.

Grading and Recording student’s work

I believe students should receive immediate recognition. By following this rule, I will
stay until the end of the school day grading each individual student’s work and enter each grade
into the grading book. The students will receive their homework, or worksheet, the next day.
When it comes to test, I have a different method. An essay style test will take two or three days
to grade to give valuable feedback to each individual student. When I hand out multiple-choice
tests, I will grade them as soon as they hand it in and give them the option to view their results
before class ends.

Communicating with parents

My communication with parents will be through the phone, verbally. I will like to give the
student’s parent information as personal as I can. If a person wishes to contact me, I will make it
my priority to contact that parent before the sun sets that day. Throughout the semester I will
send a student’s parent a “Good News” sort of message letting them know their children did
something superb in my classroom.

Consideration for diverse learners.

Every one of my classroom will be full of diverse learners. Some students are English
Language Learners, Special Ed, or learn differently. I will design my entire lesson to fit each
person needs by having notes either for specific students, a teacher aid, or presenting the
information differently.

My classroom will have five simple rules to provide structure in my classroom.
Following Richard Lavoie, Students need structure in their life because they might not have it

anywhere else in their life. Another important factor about my rules is that they are specifically
written positively. By wording phrases positively, I mean that the rules do not contain the words
do not, never, or no. Through positive phrasing, the students are not inclined to break the rules
because have a negative word only provokes bad behavior. My rules are created to allow my
classroom to function efficiently with, or without, me in the classroom. Here is my list

• Always keep an open mind in the classroom

• Have integrity in your work

• Only use cell phones when instructed too

• One person speaks at a time

• Stay in your assigned seat unless otherwise directed by the teacher

Each rule is something I deeply believe should be followed in my classroom. Always

keep an open mind allows students to share their opinions without having the stress of being
judged. Have integrity in your work sways away from cheating and empowers the students to
take pride in their work. I will utilize cell phones in my classroom for activities, but I will make
it clear cell phones are only for educational purposes. One person speak at a time is specifically
for me because having students talk during my instructions hits a nerve more than anything.
Staying in their assigned seats allows me to take control of the classroom and direct their
movements. With any rules comes consequences. In any classroom, the teacher should always
follow due process with each student equally. Consideration of students with IEP’s and 504
plans will be made based on the content of the students programs if deemed necessary.

First offense- Warning conference

Second offense- Call home

Third offense- Detention

Fourth time- Administrative referral

*Teacher reserves the right to skip steps based upon the severity of the violation.

Consequences exist so students feel obeyed to follow the rules. Teacher reserves the right to
skip steps of due process based on the violation: such as fights, dress code, extreme verbal

To wrap up, this plan will allow me to create a safe and beneficial learning environment
for all diverse and special learners. By following Dr. Fred Jones, Dr. Harry Wong, and Dr.
Richard Lavoie my classroom will have room arrangement, classroom procedures, and rules that
will treat every student equally. My classroom will contain structure that allows students to feel
safe and understand what my expectation are for the whole class.


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