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03/03/2018 Jesus through John | Guidance from an elder brother

Jesus through John

Guidance from an elder brother

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It is impossible for you to even imagine the Truth of Who

You are!

February 22, 2018 by John Smallman

00:00 00:00

Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday February 22nd (h ps://


As the human awakening process intensifies and accelerates much is arising that has been buried or
denied and that needs to be acknowledged, recognized, and released. There is no need to engage with
these powerful emotions and feelings, they are like tropical storms that arise, expend an enormous amount
of energy quite indiscriminately, and then dissipate. And, like storms, the feelings and emotions that arise
will express themselves very powerfully, and that, of course, can be very painful,so do not a empt to
suppress or control them, just allow them to flow though you, as they will, without a empting to direct
them or dump them on others. Doing that just aggravates an emotionally tense situation and invites in
additional energy to intensify the pain that is already present. It would be like adding further moisture to
a tropical storm, which you can’t do, or gasoline to a fire, which you most certainly can!

Stuff is arising for all who are presently incarnate as humans on Planet Earth. It is mostly very ancient
stuff long suppressed or denied, and now it really needs to be released, and all of you – every human –
chose to be on Earth at this time to take part in this enormous project so that the blocks to Love that have
beenin place for eons may be easily and swiftly acknowledged, thanked, and released. Thanked because
they had a purpose in the game you have been playing, and that purpose was to bring to your awareness
the absolute hopelessness of life without Love. And this they have achieved. The evidence is all around
you as you meet and come to know people everywhere who are seeking love and meaning in their lives.

Love is who you are, and It is your purpose. Love creates endlessly like Itself unless Its Presence has been
blocked. Love does not force or impose Its Presence on anyone, but It is always with you offering Itself to
you unconditionally. All that you need do – as you have been told so many times – is to dismiss your
fears of It and open your hearts to allow It to enter and embrace you.

All fear is fear of Love, fear of rejection by that which never rejects. That fear arises because you see
yourselves as unworthy of God’s Love for you due to the errors or “sins” that you believe you have
commi ed and are still commi ing, sins or errors that you believe God finds abominably odious and for
which He has judged you as u erly unacceptable. If that were the case there would indeed be reason for
fear, because if God judged you and in so doing rejected you, you would cease to exist, and that is a very
fearful thought. 1/13
03/03/2018 Jesus through John | Guidance from an elder brother

But you are all His beloved children, perfect in every way, just as He created you, and therefore rejection
or judgment by Him is completely impossible. He loves you and wants only your eternal happiness. Your
fear arises because of your sense of guilt for a empting to live separated from Him by playing the game of
separation. But it is only a game and, as such, it is totally unreal, a construct without foundations, within
which you have barricaded yourselves, as it floats on an infinitely vast ocean of Love into which it will
eventually collapse and dissolve. As it does the game ends, and you will find that you have surrendered
into God’s loving embrace, which isthe state of total acceptance of you in which you always have been and
always will be held,and unconditionally loved, honored, and respected forever.

So, to reiterate, separation never happened! There is only Source, the infinite unconditional field of Love
which holds all of creation in Its warm embrace. It is infinite, It has no boundaries and there is nothing
beyond It or before It, It just is. Every sentient being is One with It, there are no exceptions, no rejections,
and there is no hell to which the unacceptably sinful are banished for all eternity, there is only the divine
field of Love where all are welcome, and where all are eternally present.

The separated state seems u erly real because that was the intent when it was envisaged with Your infinite
creative power, the infinite creative power that was God’s gift to His Son when He created You. You and
God are One. You then chose to experience separation through the many masks and disguises you
invented for that purpose. And the game lasted but an instant and was finished. Nevertheless, it appears
to be ongoing, and to have been ongoing for eons. For humans it is an incomprehensible paradox. You
see, each individual entity into which God’s Son split Himself has free will. Therefore, as long as the
majority, the collective, continues to support the game it will seem to continue without interruption.
However, now that the collective has chosen to end the game, a game that has brought you much pain and
suffering, its termination is assured.

All presently incarnate are in human form at this moment to assist in bringing the game to a close. But, as
you know, becoming human involves an enormous loss of memory and awareness, and, as humans, the
world in which you find yourselves – a tiny point in a seemingly infinitely vast universe – is very
convincingly real, firm, and physical. Consequently, to remember your natural state as pure awareness or
pure consciousness, without any physical form whatever,is impossible, in fact it is inconceivable.

As infinitely powerful beings contained in a human form of such intense limitation it is impossible for you
to even imagine the Truth of Who You are! The state you conceived of and into which you chose to place
yourselves is so insignificant that it cannot exist even for a moment. The gulf between what You are and
what you imagine yourselves to be is infinitely vaster than the difference in size between one hundred
human beings and one bacterium!

And yet, at times, it does seem to you that you are much more than your physical form allows. And that
sense or feeling is the motivating force that is driving you towards your awakening. As you keep hearing
in messages from many sources, you are far more than you appear to be as a human. That message or idea
was once thought to be insane, a figment of some individuals damaged mind. Now modern physics has
shown that everything is unbreakably connected to everything else, and that “that everything else” is far
vaster than can possibly be imagined.

It is becoming apparent to all who are prepared to open their minds that there is far, far more to life than
the human condition seems to permit. By going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuary where the
Light of Love – Source, the Supreme Wisdom and Intelligence, Father/Mother/God – resides at One with
You, you can experience the sense of this, the feeling of this. It is like a warm welcoming glow that lights
you up with joy and peace, dissolving your worries. You then find you have all the strength you need to
deal satisfactorily with the issues that arise in your daily human lives without being unduly disturbed by
your egoic distractions of anxiety and uncertainty.

Go within at least once daily. Open your hearts to accept the embrace that Love offers you in every
moment, and delight in the peace and contentment that enables you to deal lovingly and spontaneously
with whatever arises. 2/13
03/03/2018 Jesus through John | Guidance from an elder brother

Your loving brother, Jesus.


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A chat with Jesus.

January 29, 2018 by John Smallman

00:00 00:00

Jesus Audio Blog for Monday January 29th (h ps://


Hello, this John with Jesus’ message for Monday January 29th 2018. Today I was cha ing with him
about my own sense of inadequacy, and he came up with some guidance for me, and also suggested
that sharing it with our blog followers would be appropriate. So here it is!

Jesus Channeled 10.00. Monday January 29th Blog # 349 for Monday January 29th 2018.

A chat with Jesus.

Me: Good morning Dear Jesus. Very frequently I do feel uncomfortable calling on you for a chat or
conversation, or even guidance. Within me I feel that to call on you is an intrusion on your space. I feel that
with others as well. It’s like asking for help, which I feel uncomfortable doing – I shouldn’t ask – and also I
am often unwilling to help or offer help to others. Thoughts as to why I feel like this do arise, but they
never seem to be the full reason. So perhaps you can offer me some guidance here. Yes, it just occurred to
me, I like reading guidance in books or hearing it in interviews – particularly the ones on Buddha at the
Gas Pump, when Rick Archer interviews some very bright and interesting people – but I have difficulty
taking it from loved ones, friends, or acquaintances. Is it silly self-righteous pride on my part, or just fear
of being wrong. When reading a book or listening to an interview I can’t be “made wrong,” whereas in
conversation I can. Anyhow, over to you, if you have the time and the inclination to chat with me and offer
some sound and valuable guidance.

Jesus: A very good morning to you John, as always I would be delighted to converse with you. Pause just
a moment to release that inner fear of communing one on one with me, then listen and type. What I have
to say will help and uplift you, and anyone else with whom you choose to share it. 3/13
03/03/2018 Jesus through John | Guidance from an elder brother

We are all One with God/Source and inseparable from Him. We are all just different and unique
expressions of that One, and we are all equally loved and cherished by our heavenly Father in every
moment of our existence. When in human form it is very difficult to truly know and sense that, except for
an occasional and mostly unexpected flash of awareness that: “the Oneness that is All That Exists includes
me, always.”

The game of separation that humans are playing is all about maintaining: Unawareness and unconsciousness
of the Oneness that is God, which includes All that He creates, and therefore, each and every individual one. And the
consequent unawareness of the fact that there are NO exceptions and NO enemies, because there cannot be exceptions
or enemies when all are One.

Thus it is readily apparent that separation must be unreal. Therefore you, everyone that God creates, is
always totally connected with Him. He is the Source from which all arises, and all that arises is, by His
Nature and Intent, perfect.

Your human form is unreal, a temporary vehicle of intense limitation, which each one who is incarnate
chose to occupy for a strictly limited time for the separate events and happenings it makes it possible for
each individual to experience uniquely for itself. When you lay it down to return to the spiritual realms all
sense of separation dissolves, but your individual sense of Self not only remains, it intensifies, because
your awareness of the immense and immeasurable Power and Love with which God endowed you at the
moment of your creation returns to you.

As a human you always have a sense that you are far more than your human form suggests, but the
distractions of that state, not the least of which is your sense of smallness and insignificance in such a
seemingly vast and immeasurable universe, make it very difficult for you to come to a full realization of
what that means. Some, who do make a conscious choice to follow a spiritual path, do come to know that
they, and everyone else, are far more than they appear to be as embodied humans. But full realization of
your real and unchangeable nature is not possible until you release yourselves from your human forms.

When you do amazement, awe, and intense joy u erly replace any sense of smallness, insignificance, or
worthlessness that you lived with as a human. The awe arises because the realization of the magnificence
of who You truly are is absolutely mind-blowing after living with your limited sense of self for so long. It
truly is an awakening from a nightmare of being terrifyingly insubstantial and insignificant into the
infinite brilliance of your own Light, which is way beyond the brilliance of the brightest star in your
universe by an enormous order of magnitude.

Smallness and insignificance are not of God! God is the infinite field of Love in which all have their eternal
existence, and in which all events occur. There is no beyond it, there is only within it, and that “within” is
limitless, boundless, all-encompassing, and all-embracing as it holds to itself in Love all of creation. All are
of infinite value, irreplaceable, essential, and are eternally fully consciously aware of the Love that is God’s
and their nature.

I always remind you to go within daily to commune with the Love residing there because, as a human,
you truly do need to take the time to connect consciously with your Source daily. It is Life, and It powers
your seemingly individual energy fields, and then you are more fully able to interact with those of all the
other individuals that you think of, communicate with, or just pass in the street or in your motor vehicles
on the highway. Interaction between you all is constant, ongoing, even if you are convinced that you are a
single physical entity quite separate from everyone or everything “out there” in the world where you live
your human lives.

You have the choice to be loving, unloving, or unaware. Once you know this then your tendency is to hold
the intent to be only loving, because Love is your nature. But, having free will, you can choose to ignore
the multitudinous opportunities that occur in your daily lives to offer and receive Love, by keeping your
hearts closed in fear, and thus almost – but never completely – blocking Its normal and naturally occurring
back and forth flow through you and all of the One. 4/13
03/03/2018 Jesus through John | Guidance from an elder brother

You are always connected to your Source with an u erly unbreakable or inseverable link. Without it you
would not exist, because your existence is totally dependent on your connection to Source through which
Life and Love flow constantly and endlessly. However, you can, and many do, restrict or block it. But why
would you? Well, because in the separated world of the illusion there is a fear of others, of what they
might and could do to your bodies that would cause them intense pain and suffering. And it is true that
through your bodies – mental, emotional, and physical – you can experience intense pain and suffering, as
many or in fact almost all of you have done. Within the illusion many believe that love is weak and that
they need to be strong, so they block it from their awareness in order to be strong.

But when you open even just a li le to Love any suffering that you are undergoing will diminish, and even
physical pain will become less intense. If, however, you engage with judgment, blame, and anger, your
pain and suffering will increase. You have all met or interacted with ones who are suffering and who
blame others for it – and, of course, you do have the ability to cause suffering to one another – and who are
extremely unhappy. While others, in similar circumstances, are not so unhappy because they rise above it,
accept what has occurred, and then choose to move forward instead of engaging with the blame game.
You always have a choice as to how you will respond in any situation, and if you choose to be loving
instead of fearful and blaming you will far more easily find peace within yourselves.

As you know, and as you have often been told here and in other places, your nature is Love. Therefore
when you choose to engage with It you will be far, far happier and more at peace than when you choose to
blame others and seek restitution. Blame and restitution never bring satisfaction because they constantly
ask for more. The more a person believes that they deserve restitution the more of it they will seek as they
engage in endless cycles of judgment and blame. Satisfaction comes from within, it cannot come from
outside yourself. Yes, admiration or congratulations from another are uplifting, but their uplifting effect is
only temporary. Unless you value and love yourselves the praise from others will never satisfy you
because you will need to have it repeated and repeated endlessly to drown out your own sense of
inadequacy or worthlessness.

So many people have a public persona behind which they hide and shelter their sense of inadequacy, and
if that persona is uncovered or disclosed unexpectedly shame almost always ensues, because, due to their
own sense of inadequacy, the person is not prepared or ready to be seen as the li le selves they believe
themselves to be. A false persona is just that, and the owner knows it and fears it, even though it is unreal,
an ego construct. You cannot be another, and you are not meant to be another, you are always the being
God created, and you are also the human you chose to be before you incarnated. And you made that
choice most carefully and with wise guidance from those in the spiritual realms whose task it is to assist
you in every moment of your life. The way to find the enormous value that resides forever within
yourselves is by being yourselves!

Call on those guides, mentors, and angels who are on your permanent support team and ask them to help
you see clearly the purpose of whatever arises in your lives, and then ask them to assist you in dealing
with it for your own highest good and for the highest good of all involved. They will, and then you will
find the courage to just be yourselves. And truly, that self is magnificent. How could it not be when God
Himself created it like unto Himself?

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Danna Beal and I chat about fear.

January 27, 2018 by John Smallman 5/13
03/03/2018 Jesus through John | Guidance from an elder brother

Liberation from Fear–John Smallman and Danna


Liberation from Fear--John Smallman and Danna Beal

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The unreal is weakening in the Presence of Love, and it

is dissolving.

January 25, 2018 by John Smallman

00:00 00:00

Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday January 25th (h ps://


All across Planet Earth the energy fields of humans are moving toward each other, and melding, blending,
and integrating, in evermore harmonious cooperation as the Tsunami of Love continues to strengthen and
intensify. Yes, there are still conflicts arising, suffering is still being inflicted on the weak, as your various
news agencies keep on reporting, but while this is occurring a massive release of old buried hatreds and
resentments worldwide is taking place. The intensity of the loving a itudes and behaviors arising
everywhere is leading to the disclosure of much shameful conduct that has been ongoing, but hidden, for
eons. It is no longer possible to hide behaviors that prey on the weak and the innocent, they are being
disclosed and brought to a close as the perpetrators are brought to justice.

Love is the infinite field of divine Power in which all that exists is held in eternal joy. As I have said before,
anything that is not in perfect and complete alignment with Love is unreal, ephemeral, and it just fades
away into nothingness in Love’s Presence. That is what is happening now on Earth. And that is reason to 6/13
03/03/2018 Jesus through John | Guidance from an elder brother

C E L E B R A T E ! The unreal is weakening in the Presence of Love, and it is dissolving, its time is past, all
that you are seeing and hearing is but its final and raucous disintegration.

As the unreal, the illusion, disintegrates all around you, you will notice many amazing changes in your
earthly existence, from your human forms to the physical environment in which you appear to be firmly
ensconced. You have the power to change your perceptions and beliefs, and to open yourselves to a far
wider range of possibilities and opportunities while you continue to maintain your human forms. There is
no intent to move you out of your bodies, which can serve you well indefinitely. By allowing the fullness
of Love to flow into and through your hearts, healing on every level will occur, revitalizing every aspect of
your human nature – your loving nature that is divine and eternal.

As you well know, you are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary experience as humans in form.
Until now it has seemed that you had no control over your human forms, because they appeared to age
and decay with time regardless of how well you tried to take care of them. Now you have collectively made
the decision to allow yourselves to choose how much time you wish to spend as a human before returning
to your Real Home in the spiritual realms.

Life is a non-returnable gift from God, it has no “best by” or “sell by” date because it is eternal, everlasting,
immortal. God does not play games with you, He does not judge you, and He does not punish you. His
Will for you is eternal joy, and His Will is always achieved. You, however, have the freedom with which
He invested you to be creative and inventive in myriad ways. The unreal material environment was
brought into being by your collective choice, and, over the eons, much has changed within it. Now you are
returning to a state of fully conscious awareness that will allow you to initiate changes lovingly within it
for the benefit and the good of all sentient life forms.

This is an enormous responsibility. It is also an enormous opportunity for you to demonstrate Love in
action in every moment, and delight in the results that that demonstration produces. Previously you have
been actors in a drama where it appeared that you had no input, and where the directors and producers
were unknown and hidden from your conscious awareness. Now, however, that is no longer the case.
Everyone has the ability and the responsibility to consciously play their part in the unfolding drama that is
life as a human on Planet Earth. You are awakening to your responsibilities as stewards of your
environment, where you are, in rapidly increasing numbers, choosing to be in service instead of seeking to
be served.

To serve and to seek to serve is divine, whereas seeking to be served is egoic and divisive. Of course, by
serving you are served, because service, by its very nature, is open-ended, giving and receiving, sharing and
extending; it is Love in action. Humanity is returning from its sense of separateness, confusion, and
abandonment, to its natural state which is full awareness of its unchangeable divine nature.

You, every human without exception, are all divine beings because God created all of you, and what He
creates He creates like unto Himself. Remember, there are no exceptions! God is infinite perfection and so is
what He creates. The chaos, conflict, confusion, and competition in which you seem to be embroiled, while
many a empt to ensure their survival by self-deception and misrepresentation, is coming to an end. It
serves no beneficial service of any kind. The only service is Love, and Love serves and embraces all.

Go within daily, to your holy inner sanctuary – you can always find the time – and allow your true nature,
Love, which resides there, to flow into your hearts, revitalizing, inspiring, and uplifting you so that you
can maintain and demonstrate your constant intent to be loving whatever arises. Then the Love continues
to flow through you and out from you to mingle and meld with the energy fields of everyone with whom
you interact throughout your day, raising their spirits and empowering them to do likewise.

You truly have no idea what powerful beings you are, or how effective your presence is when you engage
willingly and lovingly with others. However, when you do, you feel good within yourselves, and that is
the feedback and confirmation you need to continue doing what you do best – loving and accepting all,
without judgment or fear. 7/13
03/03/2018 Jesus through John | Guidance from an elder brother

Truly, as divine beings, you are invulnerable. Know that, be aware of that, and allow your day to unfold as
it will, because you will then deal with every issue that arises in the most appropriate manner possible, as
your self-doubts dissolve in the face of the positive results that you experience. Even when what you
expect does not occur, you will know that what does occur was what was divinely intended. You are all
instruments in the divine plan, and, as such, you are fully supported in every moment, thus ensuring that
it always unfolds as divinely intended. For this you are mightily honored.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Truly, death is but a transition and should not be feared.

January 10, 2018 by John Smallman

00:00 00:00

Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday January 10th. (h ps://


2018 is here and well established, and much needed change is happening planet-wide. Love is penetrating
the hearts of even the most fear riven because the Tsunami of Love continues to intensify as more and
more of you set and hold the intent to be only loving all day and every day, whatever arises.

That intent is Powerful! Please keep renewing it when you take your daily journeys within, to your holy
altar where Love resides eternally, supporting and embracing you in every moment. That is why you are
incarnate at this moment in time. You courageously chose to be on Earth to assist in the awakening
process for humanity, knowing full well that it would be difficult, demanding, and at times very painful.

You are greatly honored in the spiritual realms, as you will discover with joy when you awaken. Even
now you will get glimpses of it if you will allow yourselves to fully accept yourselves. The time for self-
disparagement and negative self-judgment has passed, and your constantconscious intent to be completely
self-accepting makes it far easier for Love to flow into you so that you can feel Its warm embrace, and then
out through you to interact most positively with the energy fields of all with whom you are in any form of
contact. And that is what you are here to do, so enjoy the fact and the activity of being alive, and in that
state you are doing the essential work of helping to awaken humanity.

Life is eternal and is a divine gift that mostly you do not appreciate because you get so caught up in being
human and all that that entails – taking care of your bodies with food, shelter, and clothing, and ensuring
that you can provide those essentials for yourselves, your loved ones, and dependents by going to work
and paying bills – and while that is occupying your a ention life flows by practically unnoticed.

Make it your intention to notice the li le things in your daily lives that you enjoy – being warmly clothed in
winter or lightly clad in summer, that first taste of coffee or tea in the morning, a smile or greeting from a
friend or loved one – for those are what life is really about, and far too often you are unaware of them.
BUT, Life is Awareness so, Be Aware! Choose to live mindfully, and keep reminding yourselves of that
choice until it becomes automatic. Being consciously aware of this now moment, instead of lost in the
worries, anxieties and deadlines of daily human life, will bring you a sense of peace and contentment, thus
assisting you to deal more easily and effectively with whatever issues arise throughout the day.

You are divinely assisted in very moment because there is only One, from which separation or
disconnection is impossible. However, as humans, you have cut yourselves off from your knowing of that
by your choice to experience separation, and, believing yourselves to be alone and separated, you a empt 8/13
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to solve and resolve your issues with your extremely limited human intelligence, instead of allowing
divine knowledge – your intuition, not your ego based thought system – to guide you lovingly to a
resolution that is for the highest good of all involved.

To be alone is not an option that is available to you, such a state does not exist, but you can and did choose
to be unaware of your unbreakable connection to Source, your oneness with Source, while experiencing life
as a human. This choice has not only made the illusory world of form seem intensely real, but has also led
you to believe that your life as a human is a onetime event, terminating finally, and without you having
any choice in the ma er, at the moment of physical death. However, death is just a moment of transition,
the point at which you lay down your physical form and return to your natural state of being fully wide
awake and consciously aware of your unbreakable connection to Source, Love, Mother/Father/God. Many
who have had near death experiences have shared what they learnt about death very widely, and yet it is
hard for individuals to release their doubts about their own personal immortality, and their fear of that
seemingly life-threatening termination point – Death – remains.

Truly, death is but a transition and should not be feared. Life as a human, during which you engage with
family, friends, and workmates, does provide you with experiences that you value, and relationships that
you do not wish to end, but your relationships do not end with death. It seems to those who remain as
human after your passing that the relationship that they had with you has ended because they are no
longer able to experience your physical presence or be in contact with you, and so they grieve. But when
you transition you will be met and most warmly greeted by a multitude of friends and relatives who have
already transitioned, or who have chosen to discontinue the cycle of human life experiences and remain in
their natural state at One with Source. You will be at Home, embraced by joy, and fully at peace as you
once again fully understand the meaning of Life. And, of course, you will always remain fully aware of
those with whom you had any kind of relationship while in human form, and will continue to be able to
interact with their energy fields, even though they may well be unaware of your loving presence.

You are eternal beings created in joy for all eternity, while presently you are, by your own choice,
experiencing an unreal but seemingly very real sense of separation from Source. However, deep within
yourselves you know that you remain One with Source, always. So go within daily, to your holy inner
space, and join with the Love residing there and allow yourselves to feel It’s loving and uplifting embrace.
This will strengthen your faith that you are forever One with God, and your ability to hold the intent to be
always loving whatever arises. Then you will notice the li le things that can and will inspire and uplift
you as you go about your daily human tasks and duties in a state of awareness and openness, inspiring
and uplifting those with whom you interact in any way at all. And in so doing you will indeed be doing
God’s divine Will in every moment, just as you have always intended.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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For God to lack anything is impossible.

December 28, 2017 by John Smallman

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Jesus Audio Blog for Thursday December 28th (h ps://

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03/03/2018 Jesus through John | Guidance from an elder brother

As the year of Our Lord, 2017, draws to a close, make a point of giving thanks. There are none among you
who have been completely without occasion to give thanks in 2017. Giving thanks is a very powerful
energy exchange, much like forgiveness, which you should all also be offering to those you have offended
– including yourselves for the negative self-judgments and disparagements you have dished out to
yourselves far too frequently during these last twelve months. So, remind yourselves frequently, as this
year closes and 2018 dawns, that you are the perfect divine children of God, and that therefore, surely, you
should be loving yourselves purely and completely just as God does. Yes, of course you have made errors,
that is part of being human, but forgive yourselves and move on, instead of dwelling on your perceived
failings and inadequacies, thus depressing yourselves and your energy fields.

You all must have heard the saying: To err is human, to forgive divine. Well, you are all both human and
divine, because you are eternally one with God. There is only God, Love, Source, Father/Mother/God, the
Supreme Intelligence – or any other word or phrase that you feel may be er describe All That Is. You are
inextricably entangled within and at One with God, who, in His infinite perfection is error-free! Therefore,
so are you! Sins, errors, mistakes, pain, suffering, bi erness, hatred, judgment, and blame are ALL of the
illusion, as will be abundantly clear to you when you awaken, as you inevitably will. Your awakening is
completely unavoidable! So CELEBRATE, and bring it on!

This is the day – December 28th – that Christians remember as the “Feast of the Holy Innocents.” In truth
you, all sentient life forms, are Holy Innocents. Even you, as humans, do not blame or punish very small
children, because you are fully aware of their innocence, of the fact that they do not understand what it is
they have done, and that what they have done carried not the slightest hint of an intent to offend you. In
truth, as humans you are very like them. Yes, you have grown into mature, adult humans, but in the
larger scheme of things, in contrast to Reality, you too are Holy Innocents.

You are playing your games within the illusion. You are learning from them, and you continue, at a deep
level within yourselves, to keep on renewing the intent to learn from the errors that you make, of whatever
kind, and to behave ever more lovingly to all with whom you interact. As humans you do need to do this,
it is part of the game, and part of the awakening process, but in Truth you have never separated from your
divine Source. Separation is an unreal state that you have imagined, and to which you cling as you try to
differentiate yourselves from others you judge as good or bad, right or wrong, more beautiful or less
beautiful – making endless meaningless comparisons and judgments of God’s holy and beloved children –
in desperate a empts to crush or deny your own totally invalid feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness.

The result is that you do feel separate, alone, frightened, in constant danger, and many of you focus
intensely on all that could arise to hurt or destroy you, thus effectively bringing into your human lives all
that you fear! Let go of fear, but don’t jump off a cliff to prove that you are fearless. Be loving with
yourselves and with others and enjoy the peace and contentment that that way of living offers you.

God’s infinite Love for you surrounds you in every moment. You are Love, as is He, so therefore you
yourself must be constantly enveloped in the field of Love in which all is lovingly and eternally embraced.
All that you have to do is open your hearts to receive and accept the infinite Love within which you are
held eternally safe. It is always there, and you have the choice either to be aware and welcome It’s
embrace, or to deny It by refusing to love the Love residing within you – the first step to loving all that
God creates – and thus seemingly place a veil or cloak between you and It. That obstruction is but a very
frail, diaphanous, inconsequential cloud of smoke or mist – however you choose to imagine it or name it –
except when you intend to be aware of it instead of the infinite field of Love that envelops you. Then it
seems to you that Love, God, is inaccessible, unavailable, in fact far removed from where you imagine
yourselves to be, maybe separated from Him by an unbridgeable gulf, by an impenetrable forest, or by
billions of galaxies.

And yet, God is always closer to you than you are yourself! So close that you are forever looking beyond
or through Him, seeking Him where He is not – out there! But, as you have so often been told there is no
out there, there is only here, immediately in the Presence of your loving Source, Mother/Father, God,
infinite loving Wisdom, All That Is, and That always has to include you. You would be incomplete without 10/13
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God, and God would be incomplete without you. But for God to lack anything is impossible, therefore
you are eternally safely at Home within Him, and have just temporarily shut off your awareness of this
your natural and most joyful state. So, to reiterate what you have been told in many channeled messages,
and by many saints and mystics: It is essential that you go within daily, to that holy and Love-filled
sanctuary of inner peace, and rest awhile to renew and re-energize yourselves.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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As humans many of you think or assume that you were born

without any input or choice in the matter.

December 13, 2017 by John Smallman

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Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday December 13th

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As Christmas approaches and the year draws to a close, much is happening for all humans at a level that is
far below their conscious awareness, and this is bringing into their normal conscious awareness
discomfort, unse ling thoughts and ideas, and much confusion. For a very long time people have been
accustomed to burying or denying extremely painful experiences that they have undergone in order to
carry on with their lives and the commitments that they have taken on. It has been very generally
accepted that after painful events have occurred it is best to forget about them and move on with life – you
have a song: Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again, which very well describes that belief. It
works, for a while, and it is useful, but eventually the feelings of pain, bi erness, resentment, and suffering
have to be honored, thanked, forgiven, and released, or buried more deeply and totally denied, which
takes enormous amounts of your energy. And as the majority of people make the la er choice, these past
events or experiences then, naturally, have a very marked effect on the way they live their lives, with many
eventually seeking relief through psychotherapy.

What is happening now for so many is that all their buried and denied feelings are rising into awareness to
be released, as they must be for your awakening to happen, and most cannot understand where all this
“stuff” is coming from or how they should deal with it. Those of you who are intending to be on your
spiritual paths, and who a end seminars and workshops and read channeled messages like this one, are
on Earth to assist in the awakening process, and from your human perspective it is indeed a mighty task.
But, of course, you are never alone, you have limitless assistance from those in the spiritual realms on
whom you may call for help at any time. The thing is that you often forget to call!

This why your daily visits to your holy inner sanctuaries are so important. When you relax there fully,
even if only for a few minutes with the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you are giving permission
to those in the spiritual realms, who are with you constantly wanting only to support you, to infuse you
with the Love for which you all yearn, and which is your true nature. This divine Light, this Love is
always within you, but It will not intrude or a empt to control or direct you. It offers you loving guidance
which is very clear, but frequently your egos want either for you to use it for personal gain, or not hear or
dismiss it. Even the most highly evolved humans have egos that a empt to seek personal gain. You are all
aware of ones who have abused their positions of trust to manipulate and control those who saw them as
highly evolved and very wise spiritual beings deserving of their service. 11/13
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Egos are a part or aspect of your human nature that seem to be separate from you – the one following the
spiritual path – but you do need them to enable you to operate in the world you perceive through your
human form, and you will also have to integrate them completely into your true nature, where they truly
belong and from which it appears that they became separated. When you experience inner conflict it is
because your egos are desperately seeking your undivided a ention, and they will suggest to you all sorts
of ways that you can use to gain advantage over others who they will suggest are a empting to do the
same to you. It is very difficult for humans to be graciously and unconditionally giving of themselves or
of their possessions without there being some kind of pay off that is sought in return. It can be anything
from a large financial payoff to just a simple grateful acknowledgment, but that underlying need is seldom

Love, however, is a total absence of need because It is and haseverything! When you succeed in opening
yourselves to the Love residing within you, allowing it to fill your hearts, you will instantly be free of
needs. If you have ever fallen in love, you have probably briefly experienced that beautiful state, but,
because of the limitations you imposed on yourselves by choosing to become human, it never lasts.

Your egos always want more. It is your egos that create your dissatisfactions with your lives by constantly
comparing your situation with that of someone else, suggesting that that other is more . . . . successful,
a ractive, accomplished, wealthier, happier, loved. The thing is that you are who you are, by choice, and
envying anyone else for any reason at all is a total waste of your time and energy. You all know people
who have struggled enormously, often very selfishly, to become wealthy and yet, despite all the
accoutrements and accessories they have gathered to themselves, they remain unhappy and disillusioned
with life.

A empting to model yourselves on someone else is to have lost your way. Who you are is who you most
wisely and carefully chose to be, and the path forward is always by way of total self-acceptance. When
you make the choice to accept your self fully, just as you are without conditions or negative self-
judgments, the need to compare yourself to others dissolves, allowing you to just be, and then to do what
a racts you by allowing your creative abilities, and you all have them because they were given to you at
the moment of your creation, to grow and develop as you intended when you chose to incarnate.

You are all creators! God, Source, Mother/Father/God, the Supreme Intelligence, the aware and Conscious
Universe – whatever word or phrase you personally prefer is perfect for you – created you and at that
moment gave you everything It had – Love, All – so that of course includes enormous creative abilities and
the potential to use them as you chose. You have all heard the phrase: You create your own reality. It has
become considerably overused and abused over the years, nevertheless, it is true. You each have your own
totally personal perception of life as a human, no one is the same, for each one of you it is individual and
unique – there are no copies, no one who exists, has ever existed, or will exist in the future is or could be
the same as you. The reality you experience as a human is the one you have created for yourself and
continue to create in every moment of your human existence.

When your perception changes, due to experience, new information, maturity etc., it is because you are
creating that new perception. As humans many of you think or assume that you were born without any
input or choice in the ma er, and from that assumption you build your lives – I’m ugly, I’m beautiful, I’m
smart, I’m stupid, I’m unlovable, I’m worthless, I can achieve anything – to fit those assumptions that you
have made about yourselves. You have forgo en that you are creators with infinite potential.

Many of you do change your self-perception over the years, some for the be er and some for the worse,
but it is generally within the fairly limited confines of the original basic perception that you developed
during your childhood due to family, cultural, ethnic, religious and political influences present in your
environment as you grew up.

There have always been people who have moved well beyond that original conditioning and have created
amazing human lives for themselves, and over the last two or three hundred years the percentage of
humans doing this has been increasing, and today the growth in that percentage is accelerating rapidly. 12/13
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More and more of you are realizing that you can create, that you are creators, and that is causing
enormous and essential changes in perceptions and behaviors to occur throughout all human cultures and
ethnicities. The world is changing, and it is you, collectively, who are doing this.

This is what your awakening is all about, namely changing your perceptions and your beliefs about what
is achievable, and then working to make it happen. When you do this your own personal awakening
becomes inevitable. Of course doubts and anxieties will arise, they are aspects of being human, but by
a ending purposefully to your spiritual growth – choosing to remember that you are Love incarnate – you
can dispel them and continue to move forward gracefully and beautifully, just as you intended when you
planned your present human life path prior to incarnating.

Your daily visit(s) to your holy inner sanctuary to reconnect with the Light, the Love that resides there
always, awaiting your invitation to commune with you, strengthens your energy field, empowering you to
be and demonstrate the Love that you are as you go about your daily lives. The warmth of the loving
embrace that you experience when you go within is also felt by the Light, the Love, because you join there
in Oneness. It wants you to accept and engage with Its embrace because it deepens that unbreakable
relationship you have with your divine Source.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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Jesus through John

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