Anda di halaman 1dari 48

Table of Contents

a. Abbreviations ..

1. Introduction 1

2. Guggulu in Samhita:
a. Charak Samhita(1000 B.C.)
b. Sustruta Samhita(1000 B.C.)
c. Astanga Sangraha(6th century A.D.)
d. Astanga Hridaya Samhita (7th century A.D.)
e. Kashyapa Samhita
f. Sharangadhar Samhita

3. Guggulu according to Chikitsa Granthas:

a. Sidhayoga Sangraha(9th century A.D.)
b. Chakradatta(11 thcentury A.D.)
c. Gadanigraha(12 thcentury A.D.)
d. Sidha Bhesaja Samgraha
e. Gadanigraha(1155-1215 A.D.)
f. Yogaratnakar(17 th century)

4. Guggulu in Koshas & Nighantus:

a. Amarkosha (5th Century A.D.)
b. Madanpal Nighantu(14th century A.D.)
c. Kaiya Dev Nighantu(15th century A.D.)
d. Rajanighantu (15 th century)
e. Bhavaprakash nighantu(16 thcentury)
f. Shankar nighantu(1935 A.D.)
g. Brihatnighanturatnakar(1867 A.D.)
h. Nepali nighantu
i. Bharatabhaishjya ratnakar
j. Abhinava nighantu
k. Nighantu Adarsa
l. Rasayogasagar

5. Guggulu in views of Modern authors :

a. Indian Medicinal Plants

b. A Compendium Medicinal Plants in Nepal
c. From Wikipedia
d. Dravyagunavijnan
6. Botanical characters of family Burseraceae 36
7. Botanical characters of the Genus Commiphora 38
8. Chemical constituents 39
9. Taxonomy 39
10. Genera 41
11. Pharmacology 42
12. Conclusion 59



u|lGyZr ef}hf]{ nz'gM lz/LifM ;nf]dzf] u'Uu'n's[i0fuGw] .


r Þ ;" Þ# ÷#

In this case it is described under the heading

VAHYAPRAYOGARTHA BATIS SAFAL YOGA. It is indicated in shweta kustha(leucoderma),
indralupta(alopecia), kitibha(psoriasis), ring worm, bhagandar(fistula -in -ano), arsha(piles),
apachi(cervical adenitis) and pama(scabies).


kßs+ u'Uu'n'+ nf]x+ zNnsL+ jf 3[tfKn'td\ ..

r Þlr Þ!& ÷*)

In this context guggulu is described under the heading DHUMRAPAN KO YOGA along
with other drugs

ht';]Jokqu'Uu'n'eNnftssek'ik;h{/ ;f M .

Zj]tf r w"d p/ufv'sL6j:qs[ldg'bU|oM ..

r Þlr Þ @#÷!))

In this context it is described under DHOOMAGADA YOGA along with other drugs. Its
smoke kills the small krimi of cloth, snake, rat and other


pdf―yf] u'Uu'n'M ;f}w+ kof] bIfskf]tof] M . ............................................

r Þ lr Þ @%÷%#

Here it is described under the heading PAKVASHOTH-BHEDANA LEPA along with other
drugs.It is indicated for vranashothabhedana.

e"h{u|GYoZdsf;L;dwf]efuflg u'Uu'n' M.

j|0ffj;fbg+ tåt\ snljÍkf]tlj6\ ..

r Þlr Þ@%÷!))

Here it is described under the heading VRANA-AVASAADANA along with other drugs.
It removes the swelling of vrana.

Guggulu is also described in the same chapter under ARANDADI DHOOMAVARTI.

It is also discussed under MOORVADIYOGA . Cha.Chi 27\35


z}n:o ht'gf]―Toy{+ ko;f u'Uu'nf]:tyf .


Here it is described under the heading ;j{: yfgfj[t jft–lrlsT;f;"q . jfo'sf] cfj/0fdf ;j} k|sf/sf] /;fogsf]
k|of]u >]i7 kmnbfos x'G5, ljz]ifu/L lznfhLt / u'Uu'n'sf] k|of]u b"w;Fu clws nfes/ x'G5 .

k"/f0fojuf]w"d;LWjl/i6;'/ f;j} M.

lznfht'k|of]u}Zr u'Uu'nf]df{lIfs:o r ..

r Þlr Þ@(÷!%(

Here it is described under the heading jft/Qmgfzs ljlzi6 b|Jo . It is indicated in vatarakta
along with other drugs.


;/nfu'Uu'n'oj}M ;t}ns6'dT:os}M .
r Þlr Þ#)÷!@!

Here it is described under the heading Zj]t k|b/gfzs of]u . Stem of sarala, guggulu and jau
is mixed first then it is mixed with ghee . Dhupan of yoni is done with this yoga.




u'U u'n'; h{/;t'?iss'Gb'?sfu'?:k[Ssf]zL/eb|bf? ...........................................................................

;' Þ; " Þ# *÷@$

Here it is explained under the heading ALADIGANA. It destroys the poison and alleviates
vata and kapha,useful in vranaprasadana(improves complexion) and corrects kandu,pidaka and

lkKkNoflbM ;'/;flbM ...........................................u'Uu' n'd':tnfËnsLz's gf;fkLn'k|e[tLlg ;fn;f/flbZr k|fozM s6'sf]

ju{M .............................................

;' Þ;" Þ$@÷!*

Here it is explained under the heading DRUGS OF KATUK(ACRID) VARGA .

u0ff] j?0fsflb:t' u'Uu'Nj]nfx/]0fjM . ........................................... ..

;' Þ;" &÷!$

Here it is explained as kwatha of drugs of varunadi gana, guggulu, ala,harenu, kustha,

bhadradaru,etc., maricha, chitraka and devadaru mixed with aja dugdha which is purified in
kalka of uskadi gana is very beneficial in kaphotpanna ashmari .

>Lj]i6s+ ;h{/;+ ;'/ bf? ;u'Uu'n' .

oi6Ldw'sr"0f{ t' ljbWoft\ k|lt;f/0fd\ ..

;' Þ;" Þ @@÷%

Here it is described for pratisarana(rubbing) as management of oral cavity diseases.

It is also described in the same chapter as snaihika dhuma along with other drugs. It is
kaphanasaka, vatanashaka and it is useful in mukharoga destruction.

It is also described in kalpasthana, 5 th chapter under the heading TffIo{ gfds cub along
with other drugs . It destroys all types of poison even takshaka snake poison . It is also
explained in the same sthan, 6th chapter under MAHASUGANDHI AGADA . It is useful in
skandhabhanga, when eye get relaxed and also for people who is about to die.

It is also described in kalpasthana, 8 th chapter under TREATMENT OF VISHOTPANNA


Iff}du'Uu'Nju'?leM ;3[t}w"{ko]Rr td\ .

eQmf]kl/ lxt+ ;lk{a{l:tsd{ r k"lhtd\ ..

;' Þ;" Þ @!÷!!

Here it is described under DHUPANADI IN KARNASHOOLA.The dhupana(fumigation) of

guggulu along with other drugs is useful in karnashula(otalgia). It is also described in the same
chapter under KARNADAURGANDHYAHARA YOGA as dhupan(fomentation) drugs for ear.


u'Uu'n'M lklR5n:kzf]{ ljzbf]―Eojxf/tM .

;:jfb'M ;s6'l:tQm M ;siffof] /;fogd\ ..&$..

j|0oM :jo{M s6'M kfs]M ?If M ;"Idf]―lUgbLkgM .

Sn]bd]bf]―lUgnZn]idu08d]xfkrLs[dLg\ ..&%..

lk6sfu|lGyzf]kmf+Zr xGTo'i0fM ;|+;gf] n3'M .

c ;+ ;" !@÷&$, &%

Guggulu is sticky on touch but clears stickness when used internally, slightly sweet,
pungent, bitter and astringent in taste, rejuvenator, good for ulcers and voice, pungent at the
end of digestion , dry, gets into minute pores, improves digestive activity, cures over hydration ,
fat accumulation , increment of vata and kapha, enlarged lymph glands, diabetes, scrofula(or
goitre), worms(bacteria), boils, tumors and inflammatory swellings; is laxative and easily

It is also described in sootrasthan, 13 th chapter as the best medahar and vathar



;fl/jfltljiffs'i7b'M:kzf{d':tu'Uu'n'M .

…………………………………….. ..

c. ;+ . lr. ! \&(

The decoction of sariva, ativisa, kustha, dussparsh, musta and guggulu cure kaphaj jvara.

It is also described in chikitsasthan, chapter swas-hidhma chikitsitam , shloka 15 along

with other drugs.If even after purificatory therapies, the dz does not subside, then the residual
doshas are to be subsided by using guggulu along with other drugs.

It is also described in chikitsasthan, chapter kustha chikitsa, shloka 12 under the

preparation of YOGARAJ AVALEHA along with other drugs. The patient of leprosy , after
undergoing purificatory therapies, and performing auspicious rites should consume this recipe
in the prescribed dose, in the morning daily.

It is also described in chikitsasthan, chapter 21, shloka 101 under the preparation of
MAHAVAJRAKA TAIL along with other drugs.It cures leucoderma, piles, tumors and scrofula.

It is described in uttarsthan, chap 1 , the balopcharniya adhyay and its fumigation along
with other drugs' is prescribed in new born babies.

It is described in uttarsthan, chap 22, the karnarogapratisedha and guggulu along with
other drugs' dhoom is indicated in treatment of dz of ear.It is also described in the same
chapter, shloka 23.The orifice of the ear, if coated with the discharge, should be cleaned with a
cotton swab both in the morning and evening, exposed to the fumes of yava, aguru and
madana or of guggulu added with ghee; then the ear filled with honey.

It is also described in uttarsthan, chap 30 , the vrana pratisedh, shlok 30 under the
heading Daran and its paste along with other drugs' is indicated for this case.
It is also described in uttarsthan, chap 33, the bhagandar pratisedh, shlok 48 and its
paste along with other drugs' mixed with honey and consumed cures eruptions, obesity, and
rectal fistula.It is also described in the same chapter, shloka 49 and its paste along with others'
mixed with honey cures leprosy, rectal fistula, abdominal tumor and sinus ulcer.

It is also described in uttarsthan, chap 40, the visa pratisedh, shloka 103 in the
preparation of MAHESHWAR AGADA. along with other drugs . It destroys all kinds of poisons.

It is also in uttarsthan, chap 49, the rasayanvidhi, shloka 257-284. Guggulu is

yogvahi(yogvahi) , benevolent, good for all, fit for use in all seasons, easy to consume, destroyer
of old age, inauspiciousness, and desease and promoter of digestive fire, intelligence, memory
and keenness of sense organs.Guggulu consumed with decoction of drugs of drugs of
mahatpanchamoola, the patient taking only suitable foods, it cures dz caused by increase of
vata and kapha.



/;f~hg:o dxtM k~rd"n:o u'Uu'nf]M .

c Þx[ Þ;" Þ!$÷@@
Here it is described under the heading TREATMENT OF ATIBRIMHANA
.It is used along with rasa of agnimantha for the treatment of excess
It is also indicated in the sutrasthana of 15 th chapter, shloka 43 under
ALADI GANA . It alleviates vata, kapha and visha, clears complexion, removes
kandu, pitika and kotha(chakata). It is also described in the 16 th chapter, shloka 34
drugs.It is also described in 44 shloka of the same chapter for treatment of
KUSTHADI ROGA along with other drugs.
It is also described in sutrasthana, chap. 22, shloka 13 under the heading
SNIGDHADHUMA KO DRAVYA along with other drugs.
It is also described in sutrasthana, chap.29, shloka 25 under the heading
z:qsd{+df /f]uLsf] cfZjf;gflb st{Jo . Guggulu, aguru, mustard, hingu, ral, salt, vacha,
neema leaf all are mixed with ghee and is burn in fire and the dhoopa of it is given
in vrana.
u'Uu'n'+ jf dgf]Xjf+ jf zfnlgof{d]j jf ..
c Þx[ Þ;" Þ$÷!#,!$
Here it is stated that if even after vamana and virechana doshas are not
pacified then the kapha glued in minute srotas are removed by dhooma .The
dhooma may be of guggulu or of manasila or of ral.Or it may be of sarjadhoopa,
guggulu, aguru and padmakha mixed with ghee.
u'Uu'n'd{l/r+ s'i7+ lrqsM ;;'/fXjoM ..
c Þx[ Þlr Þ!!÷@%
Here it is described under the heading KAPHAJ ASHMARIBHEDAKA GHRITA
along with other drugs. It easily removes kaphajanya ashmari.
;jf{j:yf;' ;jf{;' u'Uu'n+ ljb|wLif' r ..
siffo}of}{lus}o'{~hofT:j} M :j}:tålR5nfht' .
c Þx[ Þlr Þ!#÷@%
It is indicated in all types of vidradhi with kashaya according to doshas.
It is also described in chikitsasthana, chap 14, shloka 98,99 under the
heading VIRECHANA CHURNA along with kuth, shyama, nishotha, jamalgota,
harada, yavakshar and guggulu with gomutra or guggulu alone with gomutra.

It is also described in chikitsasthana, chap 15, shloka 41 along with milk.It is

indicated in remainig dosha of udar rogi. It is also described in the 17 th chapter,
shloka 4.It is here indicated in all doshajanya shoth and the swayathu(Zjoy') and in
aama.In this case the first thing to do is vishoshama(only langhana or langhana,
pachana and shodhana).Then laghu bhojan is taken.Then for shodhan guggulu is
taken with triphala kwatha.

It is explained in chikitsasthana, chap 19, shloka 71 along with other

drugs.Guggulu, maricha, vidanga, mustard, kasis, ral, musta, shreevestaka, haratal,
gandhaka, mainsil, kuth, kampillaka, haridra, daruharidra mixed with fresh oil and
then is heated in sunrays . This preparation when rubbed on the kustha it get

It is also explained in the same chapter shloka 81 under the heading

MAHAVAJRAKA TAIL along with other drugs.It is indicated in lZjq, cz{ and u|lGy-
u08_ .

It is described in chikitsasthana, chap 21, shloka 49 under the heading

p?:tDedf :g]xflb lgif]w . Since there is increment in shleshma, aama and meda in
urustambha snehana and samshodhana are forbidden.For it ruksha chikitsa is
indicated.For that guggulu is also suggested along with gomutra.It is written in
sloka 50 that trikatu, chitraka, musta, triphala and vidanga all in equal amount and
guggulu in equal amount when taken it removes all diseases of meda, kapha, aama
and vayu.

It is explained in chikitsasthana, chap 21, shloka 60 along with other

drugs.This preparation alleviates the vayu and kustha of sandhi, asthi and majja,
useful in nadivrana, arbuda, bhagandar, gandamala, urdhwajatrugata roga, gulma,
arsha, prameha, yakshma, aruchi, shwas, pinas, kasa, shopha, hridayaroga,
panduroga, vidradhi, vatrakta.

It is described in chikitsasthana , chap 22, shloka 65 under the heading

SARVADHATUGATA VAYUCHIKITSA.It is indicated in sarvadhatugata
vatachikitsa as rasayan along with milk.

It is described in uttarasthana, chap 22, shloka 3 along with other drugs

useful in the treatment of vataj osthakopa.

It is described in uttarsthana, chap 25, shloka 37 under the heading

DARUNA DRAVYA along with other drugs. This preparation is useful for
vidarana of shopha.
It is explained in uttarsthana, chap 28, shloka 38 under the heading
GUDUCHYADI LEHA .It is indicated in pitika, sthoolata and bhagandar.It is also
described in the next shloka under the heading MAGADHIKADI LEHA along
with pippli, chitraka, indrajau, vidanga 1 pala each, triphala 6 pala and equal
amount of above the guggulu.When this preparation is taken with honey it
alleviates all diseases.In the next shloka it is described under the heading
GUGGULYADI LEHA along with other drugs.It is indicated in kustha, bhagandar,
gulma and gati(nadivrana).

It is written in uttarsthana, chap 40, shloka 48 under the heading MAIN

DRUGS IN ALL DISEASES .It is here indicated in vataroga.It is also described in
the same chapter shloka 56 along with triphala.This preparation is useful in




Under recipes of lehan guggulu with other drugs are mentioned.

Aaji ……………………..namerorguggulosttha……………..


under management during labour ,it is described that mother should either inhale the fumes of
bhurja or nameru and guggulu,by this the fetus descends downdards and delivers quickly.


In preparation of bala tail guggulu aong with other drugs is used.

Ghritam guggulu………………………..


In ricipes of fumigation it is described that ghrita ,guggulu,bilva,devdaru and nameru mixed

with yava this is mahesvara fumigation and eradicates ghrahas.



along with ghrita and other drugs guggulu is mixed and form fumigation named dasang, is fit to
used in all diseases specially in epilepsy(along with diseases caused by ) ghras and upghras.

Ghritam guggulusanyuktam……………………….sarpisa.


ghrita mixed with guggulu,devdaru mixed with ghrita, kalaguru mixed withghrita, sarsapa and
ghrita, leaves sara i.e flower,fruits and bark of ttrinamula with ghrita, these five fumigations are
known for eradication of ghraha.



these guggulu etc should be mixed with dasang which is famous for grah fumigation, it is never
opposed i.e cures all the diseases.



In general management of puerperal woman it is mentioned that to puerperal woman having

received sudation, then bath with hot water and having taken rest, thus, becoming free from
tiredness,the fumigation should be given with kustha,guggulu and aguru mixed with ghrita.


in treatment of puerperal fever due to vata, it is mentioned that to the woman having been
given pleasing tub bath and consolation/encouragement, then wrapped with a blanket seated
over askin covered seat the fumigation with kustha and guggulu mixed with ghrita should be
given . this should be follow use of hot edibles and drinkables.


cy rGb|k|efu'Uu'n'M k|d]xfbf}

It is described in chapter 7, section 2 in shloka 44 under the above heading along with
other drugs. It is indicated in prameha, dysuria, retention of urine, renal calculus , vibandha,
aanaha(enlargement of abdomen), shoola, mehana granthi and arbuda(tumors & cancer of
penis ), antravriddhi(hernia), swas-kas, etc.

cy of]u/fhu'Uu'n'j f{t/f]u] cfdjft] jf

It is also described in the same chapter, in shloka 59 under the above heading along
with other drugs.It is indicated in all types of vatvyadhi(nervous disorders), kustha, arsha,
prameha, vatarakta(gout), nabhishoola, bhagandar, gulma, apasmara, urograha(pain in chest),

cy s}z f]/u'Uu'n 'jf{t/Qmfbf}

It is also described in the same chapter, in shloka 72 under the above heading along
with other drugs.It is indicated in all types of kusta, tridosaj vatrakta(gout), vrana(ulcer),
gulma(abd.tumor), prameha pidaka(diabetic corbuncle), prameha, udara, mandagni, kas, shoth
of pandu roga, rasayan.

cy lqkmnfu'Uu'n'e{uGb/fbf}

It is also described in the same chapter, in shloka 82 under the above heading along
with other drugs.It is indicated in bhagandar, gulma, shoth, arsha(piles).
cy uf]If'/flbu'Uu'n'M k|d]x fbf}

It is also described in the same chapter, in shloka 84 under the above heading along
with other drugs.It is indicated in prameha, mootrakrichchhra, mutraghat, pradar, vatrakta,
vatrogas, shukradoshaj, and ashmari.

cy sf~rf/u'Uu'n 'M u08dfnf―krLu|GyLeuGb/fbf}

It is also described in the same chapter, in shloka 97 under the above heading along
with other drugs.It is indicated in chronic gandamala(cervical adenitis), apachi(scrofula),
arbuda, granthi(tumor), vrana, gulma, kusta, bhagandar(fistula-in-ano),


VRINDAMADHAVA(siddhayoga samgraha,9 th century A.D.)

lqs6' lqkmnf d':t+ r"l0f{t+ kn;Ktsd\ .


k|d]xfg\ d"qs[R5«+ r d"qf3ftf+Zr gfzo]t\ ..

l;Mof]M;+M &

This is described under the heading GOKSHURADI GUGGULU along with 8 other
ingredients.It is indicated in prameha, mutrakrichchhra and mutraghata.

rGb|k|ef jrf d':t+ e"lgDafd[tbf?sd\ .


rGb|k|e]lt ljVoftf ;j{/ f]uk|0ffgL ..

l;Mof]M;++ &

In this case guggulu is described under the heading CHANDRAPRABHAVATI along with
other ingredients.It is indicated in all types of prameha, mutrakrichchhra, mutraghata, stones,
arsha, shoola, kamala, pandu, shukradosha and shwetapradara.
gfu/+ lkKknL rJo+ lkKknLd"nlrqsf} .

d]bf]j[l¢+ tyf s'i7+ d+lhi7flbo'tf] x/]t \ ..

Sjfy]g lgDalgu'{08\of]M ;j{j|0flg;"bgM .


In this case guggulu is described under the heading YOGARAJ GUGGULU along with
other ingredients.It is indicated in vataroga with rasnadi kwatha, medovriddhi with
mahamanjisthadi kwatha, kustha, female disease like anartava,piditartava and all types of vrana
roga with nimbark kwath or sambhalu mula(nirgundi).


nf]x:o låkn+ rflk u'Uu'nf]M kn;Ktsd\ ..


Here it is described under the heading PANCHAMRITALOHAGUGGULU along with other

drugs.It is indicated in sciatica(gridhrasi), avavahaka, waist and knee pain and snayugata

Guggulu is also described in the chapter 20 ,the VATAROGADHIKARA under the heading
VATAGHNALEPA along with other ingredients.It is indicated for external use in pain and


ofjRr"0f{ldb+ ;j{+ tfjGdfq:t' u'Uu'n'M .

l; Þof] Þ;+ Þ@$-!_

In this case it is described under the heading KANCHANARGUGGULU along with other
ingredients. It is indicated in gandamala.

u'Uu'nf]M knrTjfl/ tbw{+ lqkmnf/hM ..


l; Þof] Þ;+ Þ@^-!@_

It is described under the heading SHIRSHULADIVAJRARAS along with other ingredients.It

is indicated in all types of headache alone or along with godanti bhasma.

CHAKRADATTA(11 th century A.D.)

knÍiffjrfkYofj[lZrsfNos{;if{k} M .

...................................... ..

r Þb Þck:df/lrlsT;f÷#!,#@

Here it is described in PALANKASHADWAMA TAILAM along with other drugs.It alleviates

apasmara roga.

It is also described in vatavyadhi chikitsa under TRAYODASHANGA GUGGULU along with

other drugs.It is indicated in vatakaphaj vikar, hridayagraha,yonidosha, asthibhanga,
asthivedha, and khanjavata.It alleviates katigraha, gridhasi, vahugata vata, pristhavata,
hanugraha, janugata, padayugashrita, sandhigata vata, majjagata, snayugata and kosthagata

It is also described in vatarakta chikitsa chapter under VATSADANI KWATH. u'8"rLsf]

oyfljlw ;flwt siffodf ljz'4 u'Uu'n' /fv]/ lkpgfn] jft/Qm gi6 x'G5 .

It is also described in the same chapter in the preparation of KAISHOR GUGGULU . It is

indicated in eka-doshas, dwi-doshas, chirakalaj, sravasamyukta, parishushka, sphutita ,
aajanujata(januparyanta, vistrita) vatarakta . It is also indicated in vrana, kasa, kustha, gulma,
shotha, udararoga, pandu, prameha, agnimandya, malarodha, pramehapidika,etc.Its regular
use alleviates all diseases.It removes the old age and makes one kishor(young) so called kaishor

It is also explained in the same chapter in AMRITA GUGGULU along with other drugs.It is
indicated in vatarakta, kustha, bavasir, agnimanda, dushtavrana, prameha, aamavata,
bhagandar, nadivrana,aamavata, shoth, etc.

It is also explained in the same chapter in PUNARNAVA GUGGULU along with other
drugs . It is indicated in amlapitta, vatarakta, kustha, bavasir, agnimandya, dustavrana,
prameha, aamavata, bhagandar, nadivrana, aamavata and shotha.
It is described in urustambha chikitsa along with shilajita, pippali churna and shunthi
churna.It is indicated in urustambha with gomutra or dashmula kwatha.Its dose is 2-4 rati.

It is also described in the chapter aamavata chikitsa under YOGARAJ GUGGULU along
with other drugs. It is indicated in aamavata, aadhaya vata, krimi, dustavrana, pliha, gulma,
udar, aanaha, bavasir, etc.It also improves digestion.Tej and bala of body get
increased.Sandhigata and majjagata vata roga also get removed. Its dose is 1\2-2 masa.

It is also described in the same chapter under SIMHANADA GUGGULU along with other
drugs. It is indicated in dz of vata, pitta and kapha, khanjata,panguta, daruna swas, 5 types of
kas, kustha, vatarakta, gulma, shoola, udar roga . It is indicated in asadhya aamavata.It removes
palitya and old age.It also improves digestion. Its dose is 1\2-3 masa.

It is also described in the same chapter under BRIHATSIMHANADA GUGGULU along with
other drugs. It is more effective than simhanada guggulu.It more effectively cures the the above

It is described in the chapter sthaulya chikitsa under NAVAKA GUGGULU along with
other drugs. It alleviates meda, shleshma, dz of aama and vata.

It is indicated in treatment of udar roga in the chapter udararoga chikitsa.It is described

in the same chapter under PUNARNAVADI CHURNA\KWATH. It alleviates skin dz, shoth, udar
roga, pandu roga, sthulata, praseka, urdhwa kapha,etc.

u'Uu'n+ ?a't}n+ jf uf]d"q]0f lkag\ g/M .

jftj[l4+ lgxGTofz' lr/sfnfg'alGwgLd\ ..

r Þb Þj[l4j|3\glrlsT;f÷!

z'4 u'Uu'n' jf P/08 t}nnfO{ plrt dfqfdf uf]d"q;Fu lkpgfn] lr/sfnLg jfth j[l4 gi6 x'G5 . dfqf –u'Uu'n' $ /QL,
P/08 t}n ! sif{ .

Guggulu is described in the same chapter under SHATAPUSHPADYAM GHRITA along

with other drugs.It allevites vata-pitta-meda janita roga and mutravriddhi roga, shlipada, yakrita
and pliha roga.

It is described in the chapter shlipada chikitsa under SAURESHWAR GHRITA along with
other drugs. It alleviates kaphavataj, mamsasrita, raktashrita, medojanita and pittajanita
shlipada.It is also indicated in apachi, gandamala, aantravridhi, arbuda, samgrahani, shotha,
bavasira and kosthagata krimi. It is very effective in indigestion . It is esp. shleepada nashaka.It
is sarvaroganashaka.

It is also indicated in vataj vidradhi in the chapter vidradhi chikitsa , shloka 4 . It is also
described in the same chapter along with other drugs to alleviate kaphaj vidradhi.

It is described in the chapter vranashotha chikitsa, shloka 67 under TRIPHALA GUGGULU

. lqkmnfsf] oyfljlw;flwt siffodf z'4 u'Uu'nnfO{ pko'Qm{ dfqfdf xfn]/ ;]jg u/fpgfn] Sn]b, kfs, ;|fj, b'u{Gw, zf]y Pj+
j]bgfo'Qm uDeL/ j|0f klg gi6 x'G5 .

jl6sfu'Uu'n 'M

lqkmnfr"0f{;+o'Qmf] u'Uu'n'j{6sL+s[tM .

lgo{Gq0ff] ljaGw3\gf] j|0fzf]wg/f]k0fM ..

r Þb Þj|0fzf]ylrlsT;f ^*

lqkmnfr"0f{df z'4 u'Uu'n' ldnfP/ l3p;Fu db{g u/]/ uf]nL agfpg] . o;af6 ljaGw gi6 x'G5, j|0f z'4 x'G5 .

It is also described in the same chapter under TRIPHALA GUGGULU , shloka 68 . It

alleviates kleda, paka, srava, durgandha, shoth and vedanayukta gambhir vrana.

It is also described in the same chapter under VIDANGADIVATIKAGUGGULU .It is

indicated in dusta vrana, apachi, prameha, kusth and nadivrana. It is also described in the same
chapter under AMRITAVATIKAGUGGULU, shloka 71 ,72 .It is indicated in vrana, gulma,
udararoga, shoth and pandu.

u'Uu'n'l:kmnfJof]if}M ;df+z}/fHoof]lht M .

gf8Lb'i6j|0fz"neuGb/ljgfzg M ..

r Þb Þgf8Lj|0flrlsT;f !%

Here it is explained along with other drugs under the preparation saptangaguggulu.It is
indicated in nadivrana, dustavrana and bhagandar.

It is also explained in the chapter bhagandar chikitsa in the preparation of

NAVAKARSHIKAGUGGULU .It is indicated in shotha, gulma, bavashir and bhagandar.

It is described in the chapter bhagnachikitsa in preparation of LAKSHAGUGGULU , shloka

12 and is indicated in bhagna and alleviates sthanachyuta asthivedana.

It is also described along with other drugs in the chapter kusthachikitsa, shloka
83,84,85,86,87 in the preparation of EKVIMSHATI GUGGULU.It is very effective against
kustaroga, krimi, dustavrana, samgrahani, bavasir,mukharoga, galagraha, gridhrasi, bhagna,
gulma and dz of kostha.

It is explained in the chapter navakashayaguggulu in the preparation of

navakashayaguggulu, shloka 19 . It is indicated in visarpa and 18 types of kustha.

GADANIGRAHA(12 th century)

Guggulu is described in the chapter vatavyadhi chikitsa, shloka 101 under the heading
;j{jft/f]u] /f:gflbSjfy along with other drugs.It is indicated in vataroga, kamparoga, shoth,
apatanak, manyastambha, hridayaroga, pakshaghat, apatantraka, ardita, aakshepak, kubjaroga,
hanugraha, shirograha, gridhasi, januroga, gulmaroga, shoola, katigraha, saptadhatugat
vataroga, aavrit(with pittakaphadi) and anavritta vataroga and esp. in vatarakta

It is also described in the same chapter , shloka 157,158 along with other drugs under
the heading ;GWoflbutjft] u'Uu'n'j6sM .When this vataka is used along with mamsarasa it alleviates
sandhigata, asthigata, and majjagata vataroga.

It is described in the 20 th chapter, the vataraktadhikar, shloka 37 along with other

drugs under the heading jft/Qm] nfËNoflbl6sf .It is indicated in complicated case of
padasphota(crackin of heels) , cracking of whole body and asadhya vatarakta.

It is described in the 20 th chapter, the vataraktadhikar, shloka 58 along with

other drugs under the heading jft/Qm] cd[tfu'Uu'n' M . It is indicated esp. in amlapitta.It is also
indicated in vatarakta, kusta, arsha, agnisada(mandagni) , dustavrana, prameha, aamavata,
bhagandar, jadata, aadhayavata, shotha and all dz .

lznfht'+ u'Uu'n'+jf lkKknLdy gfu/d\ .

p?:tDe] lka]Gd"q}b{zd"nL/;]g jf ..

u Þlg Þp?:tDelrlsT;f @)

lznfhLt , u'Uu'n' jf lkKknL tyf z'07L nfO{ p?:tDedf uf]d"q jf bzd"nsf] /; jf Sjfy;Fu kfg u/fpg'k5{ .

It is also described in the same chapter , shloka 25 under the heading p?:tDe] sltkoof]uf
M . It is indicated in urustambha.

u'N d] Zofdflbof]u M
Zofdf bGtL lqj[Ts'i7+ ojIff/f] x/LtsL ..

u'Uu'n'Zr]lt d"q]0f kftJo+ u'Nde]bgd\ .

u Þlg Þu'NdlrlsT;f && , &*

u'Nddf Zofdflb of]usf] r"0f{nfO{ uf]d"q;Fu vfg'k5{ .

cDnj]t;lgof{; f] nj0f+ lj8k"j{sd\ .

/fd7+ :jlh{sfIff/:tqmkLt+ r u'Ndx[t \ ..

u Þlg Þu'NdlrlsT;f *&

cDnj]t;, u'Uu'n', ;}Gwjnj0f, lj8nj0f, lx+u' tyf ;lh{sIff/ oL b|Josf] r"0f{nfO{ tqm;Fu kfg ugf{n] u'Nd /f]u lgsf] x'G5 .

d]b f]/f]u] gjsu'Uu'n' M

Jof]ifflUgd':tlqkmnflj8Ë}u'{Uu'n'+ ;dd\ .

vfbg\ ;jf{~ho]b \ JofwLg\ d]bMZn]idfdjfthfg \ ..

u Þlg Þd]bf]/ f]uflwsf/ @%

o;sf] ;]jgaf6 d]b, skm tyf cfdbf]if Pj+ jfthGo ;a} /f]u gi6 x'G5 .

hnf]b/] k'gg{jflbof]uM

k'gg{jfu'Uu'n'b]jbf?x/LtsLgf+ ................ .


u Þlg Þpb//f]uflwsf/ !!^

o;sf] ;]jgaf6 pb//f]u tyf eo+s/ hnf]b/ gi6 x'G5 .

It is also described in the same chapter shloka 121 under the heading hnf]b/] kYoflbof]u M . It is
indicated in jalodar when taken along with gomutra.

It is also described in the chapter kusthadhikar shloka 207 under the heading ;j{s'i7] låtLo+
l;Gb"/fB+ t}nd\ . It is indicated to alleviate frequently in al types of pidika in a single abhyanga.

1.Kanchanar guggulu

Dose : 1-3 goli

Indication : galaganda, gandamala, apachi, arbuda, granthi, vrana, gulma, kustha and

2. Kaishor guggulu

Dose :1-3 goli

Indication : vatarakta, vrana, kustha, gulma, netraroga, kas, shoth, udar roga,
pandu,agnimandya, prameha, vibandha, prameha pidika

3. Gokshuradi guggulu

Dose : 1-3 goli in a day

Indication : prameha, mutrakrichchhra, mutraghat, shukradosh, ashmari, pradar, vatrakta,


4.Trayodashanga guggulu

Dose : 1-3 goli in a day

Indication : katigraha, gridhrasi, bahugraha,pristhagraha, hanugraha, janugraha, sandhivata,

asthivat, majjavat, snayuvat, kosthavat, hridgraha, yonidosh, bhagnasthi, khanjavat and other
vatakapha related dz.

5.Navaka guggulu

Dose : 1-3 goli in a day

Indication : medoroga, kapharoga, aamavat

6.Panchatiktaghrita guggulu

Dose : 1-3 goli in a day

Indication : vataroga, kusta, arbuda, nadivrana, bhagandar, gandamala, urdhwajatru roga,

gulma, arsha, prameha, yakshma, aruchi, shwas, pinas, shosh, hridroga, pandu, galavidradhi,

7.Brihatyograj guggulu
Dose : 1-2 goli in a day

Indication : vataroga, kustha, pitta roga, kapha roga, katigraha, akanga shosh, gridhrasi,
sandhi vata, sarvanga vata.

8. Brihat simhanad guggulu

Dose : 1-2 goli in a day

Indication : aamvat, shirovat, sandhivat, januvat, janghagat vat, katigraha, ashmari,

mutrakrichchhra, bhagna, timir, udar roga, amlapitta, kustha, prameha, gudabhramsa, etc.

9.Yograj guggulu

Dose : 1-3 goli

Indication : aamvat, aadayvat, krimiroga, dustavrana, pliha, gulma, udar roga, aanaha, arsh,
agnimandya, daurvalya, sandhivat, majjavat.

10.Rasabhra guggulu

Dose : 1-2 goli in a day

Indication : vatarakta, kusth, krimiroga, ashmari, bhagandar, gudabhramsa, shwitra, kamala,


11. Vatari guggulu

Dose : 1-2 goli

Indication : aamavat, katishoola, gridhrasi, khanjavat, panguta, shoth, dahayukta vatarakta,


12. Shiva guggulu

Dose : 1 goli

Indication : aamavat, katishoola, gridhrasi, kroshtushirshak.

13. Saptanga guggulu

Dose : 1-3 goli

Indication : dusta vrana, nadivrana, kusta, apachi, prameha, shoola, bhagandar

14. Simhanad guggulu

Dose : 1 goli

Indication : khanjata, panguta, shwas, kas, kusta, vatarakta, gulma, shoola, udararoga,
aamvat, palit, jararoga.

YOGARATNAKAR(17 th century A.D.)

Jof]ifflUgd':tflqkmnflj8Ë}u'{Uu'n'+ ;dd\ .

vfbG;jf{~ho]b \ JofwLGd]bMZn]idfdjfthfg\ ..

Here it is described in the chapter MEDOROGACHIKITSA along with 9 other drugs.It is

indicated in all types of meda and kapha roga and in aamavata.


along with other drugs.It is suggested as pathya in galaganda, gandamala, apachi, grathi and
arbuda according to dosha and awastha.

lqkmnfr"0f{;+o'Qmf] u'Uu'n'j{6sLs[tM .

lgif]ljtf] ljaGw3\g]f j|0fzf]wg/f]k0f M ..

Here it is described in the chapter VRANASHOTHADHIKAR along with triphala churna.It

removes vibandha and it is helpful as vranashodhaka and vranaropaka.

It is also described in the same chapter along with other drugs.It purifies dushita vrana ,
apachi , prameha, kustha and nadivrana.It is also explained just below the above matter along
with other drugs as enemy of vrana, vatarakta, gulma, udar, pandu and shotha.

AMARKOSHA(5 th century A.D.)

cd/sf]if k]h $

k|s|dfÍ&$& sf}lzsf] u'Uu'n'M k'/ M .

sf}lzs, u'Uu'n', k'/ uf]s'nw'k j[Ifsf gfd x'g\ .

MADANPAL NIGHANTU(14 th century A.D.)

u'Uu'n' M sfnlgof{;f] dlxiffIfM knÍifM .

h6fo'M sf}lzsf] w"Qf]{ b]jw"kM lzjM k'/ M ..

d Þlg Þ#÷$^

Here it is described under karpuradi varga. The names indicated in the shloka is
of guggulu

u'Uu'n'lj{zbl:tQmf] jLof]{i0ff] dw'/ M ;/M .

eUg;Gwfgs[b \ j[ioM ;"IdM :jof]{ /;fogM ..


d Þlg Þ#÷$&,$*,$(

Guggulu cleans the rasadi dhatu, is bitter in taste, usna virya, madhura, sara,
joins the fractures, vrishya, sukshma, improves speech, and is rasayana.

It improves the digestive power, is pichchhil , baladayaka, and it alleviates kapha, vata,
vrana, apachi, medoroga, prameha, raktavata, raktasweda, kustha and aamavata, pitika,
granthi, shopha,piles, galaganda, krimi.

New guggulu improves the virya, nourishes the dhatus. Old guggulu is very lekhaniya.
RAJNIGHANTU(15 th century A.D.)

u'Uu'n' M sfnlgof{;f] h6fo' M sf}lzs M k'/ M . gQm+r/ M lzjf] b'uf]{ dlxiffIfM kn+siff .. -$(_÷!@&
u'0ffM – u'Uu'n'M lklR5nM k|f]Qm M s6'l:tQm M siffojfg\ . j0o{ M :jof]{ n3' M ;"Idf] ?Iff] jftanf;lht\ ..!@*.. cGoZr–
u'Uu'n' M k|lyt M l:gUw M ;/f]i0ff]―y skmflgnft\ . al:td]bf]j|0ffGd]xzf]kme"tljsf/lht\ ..!@(.. u'Uu'n'lj{ifb:tLI0fM siffo M lklR5n M
s6' M . j0o{ M :jof{ n3'e]{bL l:gUwf] jftanf;lht\ ..!#).. ; gjf] a[+x0ff] j[ioM k'/ 0f:Tjlt n]vg M .

/fhlg306f} rGbgflbåf{bzf] ju{ M –

u'Uu'n'o{jglÞåi6f] ejfeLi6f] lgzf6sM . h6fn M sfnlgof{; M k'/ f] e"tx/M lzj M ..!*#.. sf}lzs M zf+ejf] b'uf]{ oft'3 \gf] dlxiffIfsM .
b]j]i6f] d?b]Zof]―lk /Iff]xf ?IfuGws M ..!*$.. lbJo:t' dlxiffIfZr gfdfGo]tflg lj+zlt M .

u'0ffM – u'Uu'n' M s6'ltQmf]i0f M skmdf?tsf;lht\ . s[ldjftf]b/KnLxzf]kmfzf]{ /;fog M ..!*^ ..

/fhlg306} rGbgflbåf{bzf] ju{ M –

s0fu'Uu'n '-u'Uu'n 'ljz]if_

uGw/fh M :j0f{s0f M ;'j0f{ M s0fu'Uu'n' M . sgsf] j+zkLtZr ;'/ ;Zr kn+sif M ..!*^ ..

u'0ff M –s0fu'Uu'n' M s6"i0f M ;'/ lejf{tgfzg M . z"nu'Ndf]b/fWdfgskm3\gZr /;fog M .. !*& ..


Hindi name: Bola, Heerabola

Bangali name : Karam, Bandarkaram

English name : Myrrh

Latin name : Commiphora myrrha

Family name : Burseraceae

Plant description

About 10 ft high and its other variety may reach 25-30 ft high.

This is the niryas(resin) of the above plant.It is yellowish white liquid which on exposure
becomes reddish brown.
It is 1-4 " in diameter.It appears reddish brown or reddish yellow externally and deep
brown and sometimes with white spots internally.It is with special smell and taste, sugandhi
and tikta-katu.


1.When rubbed in water yellow emulsion is obtained

2.When ether satwa of it is dried and is placed in vapour of bromine becomes deep
brinjal colored

3.The madyasar of it should not contain > 70 % insoluble part and >5% ash.

Chemical composition

volatile oil, resin, gum, etc.


Artavajanan, shleshmakalautejaka, pratidooshaka, kaphanashaka and deepana.


Anartava, garbhasayasaithilya, shwetapradar, vastishotha, kasa, shwasa and

kupachana.Gandusha of thi drug is helpful in mukhapaka, snoring and swelling of gum.Its lepa is
used in vrana.It is used in toothpowder and it is used as fragrant agent in sunrays.


1\2- 2 rati


Sanskrit name : Guggul

Marathi name : Guggul

Gujrati name : Guggal

Bangali name : Guggulu

Arabi name : Mukale arjaka

English name : Indian Dellum

Taste : Bitter

Color : blackish(syaha)

Haniprada : lungs and liver

Haninivaraka : kateera, kesar

u'0 f

ljzb, s8jf, pi0fjLo{, lkQhgs, b:tfj/, s;}nf, kfsdf r/k/f, ?vf], xNsf, eUgl:y ;+of]hs, jLo{ pTkGg ug]{, ;"Id,
z'4 ug]{jfnf, pQd /;fog, clUgbLks, lklR5n, ansf/s tyf skm, jft, j|0f, ckrL, d]b/f]u, k|d]x, ky/L, JoftJofwL, Sn]b,
cfdjft, lk8sf, u|GyL/f]u, ;"hg, ajf;L/, u08dfnf / s[ld/f]unfO{ gi6 u5{ . of] dw'/ /;o'Qm x'gfn] jft, siffo /; x'gfn] lkQ
/ ltQm /; x'gfn] skmnfO{ gi6 u5{ . To;}n] u'Uu'n' lqbf]ifgfzs 5 .

gjLg u'Uu'n' –jLo{hgs / ansf/s

k'/fgf] u'Uu'n' –b'a{ntfbfos

h'g u'Uu'n' ;kmf b]lvG5, ;'j0f{sf] ;dfg lgd{n 5, ;'ulGw 5, kSj hfd'g ;dfg :j?kjfnf / kx]Fnf] 5, To:tf] u'Uu'n'
gjLg x'G5 . k'/ fgf] u'Uu'n' ;'s]sf] , b'u{Gwjfnf, :jfefljs j0f{xLg / jLo{jlh{t x'G5 . u'0fflenfifL u'Uu'n' ;]jg ug]{ dflg; cldnf]
, lk/f], d}y'g, k/L>d, 3fddf lxGg], dlb/fkfg / s|f]wnfO{ TofUg'k5{ .
pTklQ u'Uu'nsf] j[If df/jf8 e"lddf pTkGg x'G5 . u[id Ct'df ;"o{sf] udL{af6 ;+tflkt eO{ zLt Ct'df lr;f] kfP/ pQm j[Ifdf
% k|sf/sf] /; lgl:sG5 . tL x'g\ ;'j0f{j0f{jfnf, e};Lsf] g]q;dfg, kb\d/fusf] ;dfg, sfnf], s'd'bsf] km"nsf] sflGt;dfg .

h'g cfuf]df /fVbf hNg], tftf]df /fVgfn] klUng], pi0f hndf /fVgfn] hn ;dfg x'g], o:tf] u'Uu'n' >]i7 x'G 5 .o;}nfO{
cf}iflwsf] ?kdf k|of]u ug'{k5{ .


dlxiffIf, dxfgLn, s'd'b, kb\d / lx/0o .

dlxiffIf sf]Onf / c~hg ;b[z j0f{jfnf

dxfgLn cToGt gLn

s'd'b – s'd'bsf] km"n ;dfg

kb\d – dfl0fSo /Tg ;dfg /ftf]

lx/0ofIf x]d– ;dfg /+u
dlxiffIf / dxfgLn u'Uu'n' xfQLsf] nflu lxtsf/L, 3f]8fsf] nflu s'd'b / kb\d u'Uu'n' 5 . dg'iosf] nflu lx/0ofIf
u'Uu'n' cToGt lxtsf/L 5 . s;}s;}n] eg]sf 5g\ ls dg'iosf] nflu dlxiffIf u'Uu'n lxtsf/L 5 .

o;sf] j[If kj{tL / /]tLnL e"lddf x'G5, kft cgL/lxt ;fgf] ;fg]f gLdsf] kfth:tf] x'G5 . km"n /ftf] /+usf] d+h/Lsf]
aLraf6 lgl:sG5, o;sf] kmnnfO{ u'ulnof elgG5 . o;sf] kmnn] pb/sf] kL8f gi6 x'G5 . o; j[Ifsf] lgof{;nfO{ g} u'Uu'n'
elgG5 . Jojxf/df z'4 ul/Psf] u'Uu'n' lng'k5{ .


k6f]n flb Sjfy

k6f]nlqkmnfl/i6bfjL{SjfyM ;u'Uu'n' M .

x+ltlkQej+zf]y+t[i0ffHj/;dlGjtd\ ..

k6f]nkq, lqkmnf, gLdsf] af]qmf, bf?xl/b|f logLx?sf] sf9f u'Uu'n' xfn]/ lkpgfn] t[i0ffHj/o'Qm lkQzf]ynfO{ gi6 u5{ .

bf?u'Uu'n'z+7Lgf+sNsf]d"q]0fzf]kmlht\ .

uf]d"q:orof]uf]jflIfk|+Zjy'gfzg M ..

bf?xl/b|f, z'07L, u'Uu'n' logsf] sNsnfO{ uf]d"q;Fu lkpgfn] ;"hg gfz u5{ .

Guggulu is also described in andavridhinidan under the preparation of ARANDATAILYOG.It

alleviates andavridhi very fast.

It is also described in the same chapter under the preparation of GOMUTRAYOG.Guggulu when
taken along with gomutra cures chronic aantravriddhi.

It is described in the aantravriddhinidan.When it is taken along with punarnava, daruharidra,

shunthi and dashmoola decoction it alleviates vatvidradhi.

It is described in vranashothanidan under the preparation of AMRITADI GUGGULU It is

indicated in vrana,vatarakta, udar roga, pandu roga and swelling.

It is also described in aagantuvranachikitsa under the preparation of SAPTAVIMSHATI

GUGGULU .It is indicated in kas, swas, shoojan, bavasir, bhagandar, hridayashoola,
parshwashoola, vastipida, gudapida, stones, mutrakrichchhra, aantravriddhi, krimi, unmad,
kusta of all types, all udar roga, dusta nadivran, prameha , shlipada, sampurna rog.

It is described in twagadosha under the preparation of TRIPHALADI MODAK . It is

indicated in 18 types of kusta, pliha, gola , bhagandar, 80 vataj rog, 40 pittaj roga and 20 kaphaj
rog, etc.

It is also described in visarpa chapter under the preparation of GUDUCHYADI KWATH

along with other drugs and it alleviates vishavisarpa.

xl/tfnflb w"k
uf]d"qdf x/tfnnfO{ 3;]/ sfgdf xfNgfn] tyf u'Uu'n'sf] w"gL lbgfn] sfgsf] b'u{Gw gfz u5{ . of] s0f{/ f]u cGtu{t
JofVof ul/Psf] 5 .
s'i7, u'Uu'n' , Zj]t ;/;f], xftLsf] bfFt of] ;a}nfO{ l3pdf d'5 ]/ w"gL lbg] / o;}sf] n]k nufpgfn] afnssf] ifli6sf u|xsf] bf]if
gi6 x'G5 . of] afn/f]u cGtu{t JofVof ul/Psf] 5 .

g]k fnL lg306'

^$* uf]s'nw"k k]h @@^

;+— u'Uu'n', sfnlgof{;, s'Def]n"vns, sf}l;s, h6fn, h6fo', lbJo, b'u{, b]j]i6, lgzf6s, kn+sif, ejfeLi6, e"tx/, d?b]Zo,
dlxiffIf, /Iff]xf, oft'3\g, ojglåi6, ?IfuGws, zfDej, lzj, k'/ .
lx—u'un, u'Uu'n

a d —u'Uu'n'

s —u'Uu'n', O8jf]n

n}—Commiphora mukul

:jefj—lttf], 6/f]{, / ?vf] 5 . pi0fjLo{ 5 . kfsfj:yfdf lk/f] 5 . xnsf / n]lrnf] 5 . /;fog 5 . lkQnfO{ a9fpF5 . :j/nfO{
z'4 u/fpF5 . ef]s hufp5 . eUg ;+wfg u5{ . an / jLo{nfO{ a9fpF5 . skm, jfo', j|0f, cklr, k|d]x, cZd/L, jftljsf/, s'i7,
cfdjft, lk6sf, u|lGy, zf]km, cz{, s[ld, u08dfnf / d]bsf] /f]udf pkof]uL 5 . z/L/df km}lng] :jefjsf] 5 .

u'U u'n —edf}/f j0f{s f] dlxiffIf , sfnf]—gLnf] j0f{sf] dxfgLn , ;]t f]—gLnf] j0f{sf] s'd'b , sn]h f]-dfl0fs _j0f{sf] kb\d / kx]n f]+
j0f{s f] lx/0ofIfu/L hDdf % hftdf slxPsf] 5 . tLdWo] dlxiffIf / dxfgLn xfQLsf nflu, s'd'b / kb \d 3f]8fsf nflu /
lx/0ofIf dg'iosf lgldQ ljz]if pksf/L 5 , eGg] ljz]if jrg 5 . tfklg dlxiffIf klg dg'ionfO{ lxtsf/s n]lvPsf] 5 .
gofF u'Uu'n —lrNnf], pHhjn, kfs]sf] hfd'gsf] kmnsf] cfsf/sf] x'G5 . ljz]i f—;'uGwL / n]lrnf] x'G5 . an, k'li6 / jLo{nfO{
a9fpF5 .

k'/ fgf]—;'s]sf], s]xL b'u{Gw / :jfefljs?kn] 5f]8]sf] x'G5,, jLo{df klg xLg x'G5 .
nIf0f—cfuf]df /fVbf aNg], 3fddf uNg], tftf] kfgLdf /fVbf kUnL b'w ;dfg x'g] pQd x'G5 . g"gdf don k/]h:tf] cfsf/ ePsf],
uGxfpg], k'/fgf] 7xb{5, u'0f lbFb}g .

u'U u'n —zf]w g gu/L k|of]u ug{ x'Fb}g , z'4 u/fpg'k5{ .


1.Abhayadi guggulu : indicated in snayu roga and brain dz.

2.Amritadi guggulu : indicated in pimples, obesity and bhagandar.

3. Amrita vatika guggulu : indicated in vrana, vatrakta, gulma, shotha and pandu.


Sanskrita name : guggulu,

Hindi name : gugar-la

Bangali name : guggulu

Marathi name : gugal

Gujarati name : gugal

Plant description

It is found in mountain region.Leaf : small, similar to that of neema.Flower : small. Fruit :

similar to that of khirni.

New guggulu : smooth, golden colored, aromatic,

5 varieties of guggulu

1.Mahishaksha : kajjal sadrisha

2.Mahanil : deep blue

3.Kumudakhya : similar to that of kumuda

4.Padma : color of manikya ratna

5.Hiranyakhya : golden yellow colored


visada, bitter , ushna virya, kashaya, katu, ruksha, light, sandhaniya, balakarta,
sookshma, swariya,rasayana, agnidipaka and pichchhil.


Kapha, vrana, apachi, medoroga, prameha, stone,vayu, kleda, kustha, aamavata, pidaka, gout,
swelling, piles, gandamala and krimiroga.It is tridoshanashaka.

New guggulu : pustikaraka, balavardhaka

Old guggulu : atyanta lekhana


Tikshna padartha like amla, tikta, ajirnakarta padartha, sexual intercourse, exertion,
madyapan, aatap sevan, anger should be forbidden.


The guggulu which burns in fire, melts in sun rays, become liquid when placed in hot
water is the best.


3 masa


Commiphora mukul

Shrubby, 1.2-1.8 m high; young parts glandular-pubescent; branches knotty and

crooked, divaricate, usually ending in a sharp spine. Leaves 1-3 foliate ; leaflets subsessile,
rhomboid-ovate, serrate-ovate, serrate-toothed in the upper part(the tapering base entire),
smooth, and shining, the lateral leaflets when present less than half the size of the terminal
ones. Flowers in fascicles of 2-3 ;pedicles very short. Calyx campanulate, glandular-hairy; lobes
4-5, triangular, as long as the tube.Petals brownish red, broadly linear, nearly thrice the length
of the calyx, reflexed at the apex. Stamens 8-10, alternately long and short, half the length of
the petals. Disk 8-10 lobed, the alternate sinuses deeper and in these are inserted the shorter
stamens.Ovary oblong-ovoid, attenuated into the style. Drupes red when ripe, 6-8 mm diam.,
ovoid , acute; epicarp 4-valved; pyrenes ovate, acute, readily splitting into 2.

The gum is of five types. It is bitter, hot, acrid; laxative, stomachic, aphrodisiac,
alterative, tonic, antihelminthic; causes biliousness ; heals fractures, ulcers, fistula, piles ;
removes "kapha", "vata " , cures indigestion, urinary discharges, urinary concretions,
leucoderma, tumours, inflammation, tubercular glands in the neck, "tridosha" ; useful in
ascites, asthma, and troubles of the chest; removes bad discharges from the ear . The fruit
cures abdominal troubles(Ayurveda).

The gum is bitter, acrid, with a bad odour; maturant, resolvent, expectorant,
aphrodisiac; enriches the blood; useful muscular rheumatism, lung complaints, dyspepsia, and

The gum is a demulcent, aperients, carminative, and alterative; esp. useful in nervous
dz, scrofulous affections, urinary disorders and skin dz.

It is applied locally as a paste in hemorrhoids, incipient abcesses, and bad ulcers.

It is also used as an expectorant.

The gum in combination with other drugs is prescribed in the treatment of snake-bite
and scorpion –sting.

The gum is useless in the antidotal treatment of snake-bite and scorpion – sting.
Commiphora agallocha

A small crooked tree with many spreading and drooping crooked branches, the short
lateral brachlets often ending in thorny points.Bark of the young shoots green and smooth, that
of the larger branches and trunk covered with a light colored skin peeling off fromk time to
time. Leaves alternate, petioled, oval or elliptic, serrulate, smooth on both sides, at the base or
apex of the petiole on each side, there is generally a small leaflet, tending to give the whole the
appearance of a ternate leaf. Flowers red, shorto-pedicelled, small, collected in little bundles on
the small protuberant buds left by the previous year's leaves. Sepals, petals and stamens as in
the genus. Glands 8, alternate with the filaments. Drupe the size of a black currant, red,
smooth.Nut 2-celled with a single seed in each.

The gum resin is used in the same ways and for the same purposes as that of C.mukul .

Commiphora stocksiana

An unarmed shrub, much resembling C.mukul in general habit; branches not tipped with
a spine; young shoots and leaves rusty pubescent.Leaves 2-3 pairs with an odd one; leaflets
entire, the terminal obovate, petioluled, the lateral subsessile, usually oblong -obovate.Flowers
fascicled, 1-3 together, subsessile.Calyx urceolate; teeth short.Petals red or white, obovate,
acute, spreading at the apex, not reflexed. Stamens equal in height. Disk equally toothed.
Drupes red, subglobose, shortly pointed, marked by 4 conspicuous white sutures, the alternate
ones not reaching to the apex, 2-valved, the valves semibifid.

The gum obtained from this tree may be used in the form of ointment for cleansing and
stimulating bad ulcers.It is a favourite application in Delhi sores, combined with sulphur,
catechu and borax.

In Las Bela the gum is used as a cure for stomach ache.


A compendium of medicinal plants in nepal by Baral & Kurmi has not described
Commiphora mukul


Commiphora wightii
Commiphora wightii

Commiphora wightii resin (guggul)

Conservation status

Data Deficient (IUCN 2.3)

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plantae

(unranked): Angiosperms

(unranked): Eudicots

(unranked): Rosids

Order: Sapindales

Family: Burseraceae

Genus: Commiphora

Species: C. wightii
Binomial name

Commiphora wightii
(Arn.) Bhandari


Commiphora mukul (Stocks) Hook.

Commiphora wightii (Guggal, Guggul or Mukul myrrh tree) is a flowering plant in the family
Burseraceae. The guggul plant may be found from northern Africa to central Asia, but is most
common in northern India. It prefers arid and semi-arid climates and is tolerant of poor soil.

It is a shrub or small tree, reaching a maximum height of 4 m, with thin papery bark. The
branches are thorny. The leaves are simple or trifoliate, the leaflets ovate, 1–5 cm long, 0.5–
2.5 cm broad, irregularly toothed. It is gynodioecious, with some plants bearing bisexual and
male flowers, and others with female flowers. The individual flowers are red to pink, with four
small petals.

Traditional medicinal use

Guggul has been a key component in ancient Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine. But has
become so scarce because of its overuse in its two habitats in India where it is found — Gujarat
and Rajasthan that the World Conservation Union (IUCN) has enlisted it in its Red Data List of
endangered species.

Guggul produces a resinous sap known as gum guggul. The extract of this gum, called gugulipid,
guggulipid or guglipid, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional Hindu medicine, for
nearly 3,000 years in India.[1] The active ingredient in the extract is the steroid guggulsterone,
which acts as an antagonist of the farnesoid X receptor, once believed to result in decreased
cholesterol synthesis in the liver. However, several studies have been published that indicate no
overall reduction in total cholesterol occurs using various dosages of guggulsterone, and levels
of low-density lipoprotein ("bad cholesterol") increased in many people. [2][3]

Cultivation and other uses

Guggul is sought for its gummy resin, which is harvested from the plant's bark through the
process of tapping. In India and Pakistan, guggul is cultivated commercially. The resin of the
guggul plant, known as gum guggulu, has a fragrance similar to that of myrrh and is commonly
used in incense and perfumes. It is the same product that was known in Hebrew, ancient Greek
and Latin sources as bdellium.

Guggul can be purchased in a loosely packed form called dhoop, an incense from
India, which is burned over hot coals. This produces a fragrant, dense smoke. The
burning coals which let out the smoke are then carried around to different rooms
and held in all corners for a few seconds. This is said to drive away evil spirits as
well as remove the evil eye from the home and its family memb

Commiphora Mukul Dry Herb(Guggul Gum)

Commiphora Mukul Herb Extracts (Guggul Gum) has been used for a long time in Ayurvedic
medicine to treat obesity and other weight related problems.Today, Guggul is frequently used
to help lower cholesterol levels and decrease high blood pressure.

Gum Guggul is also known by the names Guggul, Indian Bedellium, and Guggulow. Guggul, the
sticky gum resin from the mukul myrrh tree, plays a major role in the traditional herbal
medicine of India. The primary chemical constituents of Guggul include phytosterols, gugulipids,
and guggulsterones. It was traditionally combined with other herbs for the treatment of
arthritis, skin diseases, pains in the nervous system, obesity, digestive problems, infections in
the mouth, and menstrual problems. In the early 1960s, Indian researchers discovered an
ancient Sanskrit medical text that appears to clearly describe the symptoms and treatment of
high cholesterol. One of the main recommendations was the use of Guggul

Commiphora Mukul Dry


Several research trials followed the discovery, culminating in studies examining Guggul's
effectiveness in humans.

• Guggul helps reduce high cholesterol, because it lowers harmful low-density lipoproteins
while elevating
the beneficial high-density lipoproteins. It helps prevent blood platelet aggregation and
breaks up already
formed blood clots. Thus, it helps prevent heart disease and stroke.
• Guggul is also widely promoted as a weight loss agent that supposedly enhances thyroid
• Guggul lipid stimulates the activity of white blood cells in the body, contributing to the build-
up of the
immune system. Guggul lipid also helps eliminate and expel dead tissues, wastes, and toxins
the body.
• Guggul lipid may also be used to treat arthritis and reduce inflammation of the joints.
• A small controlled trial compared oral gugulipid against tetracycline for the treatment of acne,
reported equivalent results.

Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of Commiphora mukul as an adjunct to dietary therapy

in patients with hypercholesterolemia.

Singh RB, Niaz MA, Ghosh S.


Heart Research Laboratory, Medical Hospital and Research Centre, Moradabad, India.


The effects of the administration of 50 mg of guggulipid or placebo capsules twice daily for 24
weeks were compared as adjuncts to a fruit- and vegetable-enriched prudent diet in the
management of 61 patients with hypercholesterolemia (31 in the guggulipid group and 30 in
the placebo group) in a randomized, double-blind fashion. Guggulipid decreased the total
cholesterol level by 11.7%, the low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) by 12.5%, triglycerides
by 12.0%, and the total cholesterol/high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ratio by 11.1%
from the postdiet levels, whereas the levels were unchanged in the placebo group. The HDL
cholesterol level showed no changes in the two groups. The lipid peroxides, indicating oxidative
stress, declined 33.3% in the guggulipid group without any decrease in the placebo group. The
compliance of patients was greater than 96%. The combined effect of diet and guggulipid at 36
weeks was as great as the reported lipid-lowering effect of modern drugs. After a washout
period of another 12 weeks, changes in blood lipoproteins were reversed in the guggulipid
group without such changes in the placebo group. Side effects of guggulipid were headache,
mild nausea, eructation, and hiccup in a few patients.



[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Guggulu reduces cholesterols levels remarkably

Guggulu has been an important herb in Ayurveda since long. Atharva Veda, Charaka, Sushruta
mention Guggulu in their treatises. Other Samhitas and Nigandus of Ayurveda tell about
Guggulu. Ayurvedic books referred to uses of Nava Guggulu and purana Guggulu

Botanical origin: Actually Guggulu is a oleo-resin obtained from the plant-commiphora Mukul. It
belongs to the family – Burseraceae.

Vernacular names:
Sanskrit :- Guggulu, Gugala, Devadhoopa etc.

English :- Indian bedelblium, Gum guggulu

Hindi :- Guggulu, Gugala, Mukul

Tamil :- Kukkil, Kungilium, etc.

Telugu :- Meshakshi, Guggula

Kannada :- Kangah, Guggula.


Guggul plant is a large thorny shrub or a small tree, with spiny, ascending branches. The leave s
are 1-3 foliate, terminal ones the largest, rhomboid to ovate in shape, irregularly serrated near
the tip. The flowers are small browrish / pinkish, either solitary or in groups of 2-3. The fruits
are ovoid, drupe.

Guggul plant produces seeds and fruits from female flowers without access to pollen. The bark
is like paper in structure and peels off in flakes.


It grows wild in warm and arid rocky tracts, gravelly land types. It is found growing on foot hills,
along the slopes of the hills but scarcely on hill tops. It is found usually associated with
Euphorbia niruvelia, Gymnosporia montanel and Grewia populifolia. It is discributed in
Rajasthan (Jodhpur, Bikaner), Gujarat, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Assam.


Plants may be easily raised from cuttings. The rooting initiates 21 days after sprouting and 300
mm long and 15 mm. diameter cutting gives the maximum rooting. As it is a plant of arid zone,
there is no necessity of irrigation upto the middle of November except during drought.
However, if there is the winter shower, there is a necessity of irrigation to at least plants of one
to five years of age group. The plants of 6-7 years of age group require irrigation only in
summer season.

Tapping for oleo gum resin:

The tapping of guggulu is done from the middle of December to the end of January. The plants
of 5 years or more old with 1.5 cm diameter in girth, are tapped. The gum resin resides in the
ducts located in the soft bark of the tree. Circular incisions, 0.8 to 1.5 cm deep are made on the
main trunk and thick branches, not beyond the thickness of the bark. From these incisions, a
pale yellow, aromatic liquid exudes. It solidifies to form a golden – brown or reddish – brown
resin. This has a bitter aromatic taste. The res in is then collected.


Many compounds have been isolated from guggulu. Besides gum and resin, it contains –
perfumed essential oil. Detailed chemical studis have revealed that guggulu is a good source of
several useful steroids. These compounds are

Diterpene hydrocarbon
Diterpene alcohol
Z – guggulsterone
E – guggulsterone
Guggulsterol besides sesamin etc.
Uses of Guggulu

Guggulu has been used as a folk remedy for a variety of ailments since 2000 years. It is a much
respected drug in Ayurveda. The Atherva Veda dedicated a 5 line ‘Sloka’ to guggulu. The gist of
the sloka is “When the healing aroma of Guggulu penetrates, disease does not afflict. It flees
away. O Guggulu, I chant your name for removal of diseases”.

Sushruta described etio – pathogensis of ‘Sthaulya” (obesity) and advocated treatment with
gum gugglu in his samhita. Other treatises of ancient system of medicine mention that this drug
may be successfully used for treating body – bulk and other lipid disorders.

Research on gugglu as a Hypolipidaemic drug was initiated by Banaras Hindu University,

Varanasi in 1964. This research was influenced by a sloka on obesity found in sushruta samhita.

This research was conducted with cholesterol induced hyperlipidaemic rabits, which were fed
with aqueous extract of Guggulu. This extract significantly lowered serum cholesterol,
phospholipids, and body weight of the animals.

Patients numbering 22, suffering from various ailments like hemiplegia, diabetes, hypertension,
ischaemic heart diseases were admiristered guggulu in divided doses for 15 days to one month;
Showed fall in serum cholesterol and serum lipid phosphates.

Further Pharmacological and clinical studies, carried out, over 2 decades, with pigs, monkeys
and human beings, prove that

Guggulu is clinically effective in hypolipidaemic patients. Significant reductions in serum

cholesterol levels were observed in obese and hypercholestrolemic patients using gum guggul.
The lipid lowering property is independent of age, sex or body weight.
The active compoments of guggulu, namely, Z – guggulsterone and E-guggulesterone
were found to be responsible for the hypolipidaemic activity of the drug.

4. It controls artherosclerosis – the principle cause for coronary heart disease.

Guggul has been used in Ayurveda for treating rheumatoid arthritis, heart ailments,
neurological disorders, skin infection, inflammation besides obesity.
Studies have proved that the steroidal component of a fraction of guggulu had a pronounced
anti – arthritic action which is superior to phenyl – butazone – and comparble to
hydrocortisone, which are the conventional allopathic drugs for Arthritis. The oleo – resin
fraction possesses significant anti – arthritic and anti – inflammatory activities.
In 1988, a preparation called “gugulip” was developed from guggul by the central drug research
Institute Lucknow and this was marketed by CIPLA, Mumbai as a hypolipidemic agent in the
Indian market.
Guggulu is much used in Ayurveda as a astringent, anti – septic, expectorant, aphrodisiac,
demulcent, carminative, anti – spamodic and emmenagogue.
The solution of the gum – resin is used as gargle for spongy gums, chromic tonsilities and caries
Guggulu Herbal Farm.
Over tapping of the plant has led to depletion of the trees. Therefore raising the gugglu tree
plantation to regenerate the species became essential. Under aegis of Regional Research
Institute (Ayurveda), Jaipur, a Guggul herbal farm at Mangliawas, 27 km. from Ajmer, was
established. The area approximately covers 50 acres. A There are about 18000 plants growing in
this farm and Guggulu gum resin collections have been made.

DRAVYAGUNA VIJNANA, Ach. Priyavratta Sharma

 Gana : Aladi gana

 Latin name : Commiphora mukul
 Family name : Burseraceae
 Nepali name : Gokul dhoopa
 English name : Gum-guggulu, Indian bedellium
 Sanskrita name : Guggulu, Devadhooopa, Kaushika, Pura, Mahishaksha, Palankash
 Plant description
 Small tree\shrub, 4-6 ' high.Branches –thorny
 Leaf –compound, alternate Flower – reddish
 Fruit – with large mesocarp, oblong and reddish
 The resin of this plant called guggulu burns in fire, melts in heat, when placed in hot
water becomes like that of milk.
 niryas production – in summer
 niryas collection - in shishir, hemanta
 Distribution
 Imported in Nepal.Commiphora roxburghii is found in Bangladesh, Asam and
Madhyapradesh. This is small in size and its leaf is big and thin .
 Properties of prashasta guggulu
 Snigdha, komal, pichchhil, madhurgandhi, tikta, yellowish, very much water
soluble, free of mud, sand,etc.
 Chemical composition
 Volatile oil, resin, gum
 Guna
 Guna –laghu, ruksha, vishada, sookshma, sara, sugandhi(old guggulu)
 snigdha, pichchhil (new guggulu)
 Rasa – tikta, katu Virya – ushna
 Vipaka-katu Prabhava-tridoshahar
 Doshakarma –vatakaphashamak,medohar
 Uses
 External : shothahar, vedanasthapak, vranashodhan, vranaropan, jantughna
 Internal :
 Digestive system –deepan, anuloman, pittasaraka, yakrita uttejak, arshoghna,
krimighna, kosthagata durgandhahar
 Nervous system - vedanasthapan, nadibalya
 Circulatory system- hridya, raktaprasadan, shothahar, gandamalanashak
 Respiratory system-kaphaghna, kaphadurgandhahar
 Urinary system - asmaribhedan, mootral
 Reproductive system – kamottejak, artavajanan, vrishya, vandhyatwaadoshnivarak,
old guggulu –shukranashaka
 Skin-kusthaghna, varnya Temperature – sheetaprashaman

 Satmikarana
 New-balya, rasayan
 Old - lekhan, medohar
 Shodhan

 swedan in godugdha
 Parts used
 niryas
 Dose
 2-4 gm
 Vishishta yoga
 yogaraj guggulu, kaishor guggulu, chandraprabhavati
 Contra-indication
 Amla, tikshna bhojan, madya, ajirna bhojan, maithun, exercise, aatap sevan,
krodh sevana is prohibited.
 Unwanted effects
 Mithya yog-liver and lungs disease
 Atiyoga - timir, mukhshosh, klaivya, krishata, moorksha, shaithilya, raukshya.


Bursera simaruba (Gumbo-limbo)

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Sapindales

Burseraceae is a moderately sized family of 17-18 genera and about 540 species of flowering
plants. The actual numbers differ according to the time period in which a given source is written
describing this family. The Burseraceae is also known as the Torchwood family, the
frankincense and myrrh family, or simply the incense tree family. The family includes both trees
and shrubs, and is native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia and the Americas.

Just as the family size (in terms of genera and species) differs according to the time period of
the study, so too does its placement in the higher ranks. Nevertheless, the family is a
genetically supported monophyletic group currently and frequently cited within the Sapindales
and is recognized as a sister group to the Anacardiaceae. The Burseraceae members are
characterized by the non-allergenic resin they produce in virtually all plant tissue and the
distinctive smooth, yet flaking aromatic bark. The origins of the family can be traced to the
Paleocene (~65 Mya) when Beiselia mexicana first diverged in Mexico. The subsequent
divergences in the family lineage and migration of the species in the Eocene (~53 Mya) from
North America have led to the current distributions of the species that are primarily associated
with the tropics. Though the family likely originated in North America, the greatest generic
diversity presently is in the Southern Hemisphere [3]. Tabonuco (Dacryodes excelsa) and gumbo
limbo (Bursera simaruba) represent the economic, ethnobotanical, and ecological significance
of the Burseraceae in the Western Hemisphere, while frankincense (Boswellia carterii) and
myrrh (Commiphora abyssinica) represent the same in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Key characteristics

The Burseraceae trees or shrubs are characterized by resins (having triterpenoids and ethereal
oils; that are present within the plant tissue from the vertical resin canals and ducts in the bark
to the leaf veins. In fact, the synapomorphy of the Burseraceae is the smooth yet peeling or
flaking aromatic bark. The clear, non-allergenic resins may smell like almonds, but at least the
most well known resins, frankincense and myrrh, have an odor that is distinct from almonds,
smelling like incense. The leaves are generally alternate, spiral, and odd-pinnately compound
with opposite, frequently long-petiolulate, entire to serrate, pinnately veined leaflets whose
symmetry is distinctive in some genera. However, some members are known to have trifoliate
or unifoliate leaves. The leaf and leaflet stalks and axis may be brown and scurfy, while the leaf
base is swollen and may be concave adaxially. The family members tend to be without stipules.
The determinate, axillary inflorescences carry small, radial, unisexual flowers. The plants tend
to be dioecious. The flowers may have 4-5 faintly connate but imbricate sepals with an equal
number of distinct, imbricate petals. Also, the stamens, that may contain nectar discs, have
distinct glabrous filaments that come in 1-2 whorls and in numbers equaling or twice the
number of petals; the tricolporate pollen is contained within 2 locules of the anthers that open
longitudinally along slits. The gynoecium contains 3-5 connate carpels, one style, and one
stigma that is head-like to lobed. Each locule of the superior ovary has 2 ovules with axile
placentation that are anatropous to campylotropous. The 1-5 pitted fruit is a drupe that opens
at maturity. The endosperm is usually lacking in the embryo.

Tribes, subtribes, and genera

There is some discrepancy in the literature about the size of the Burseraceae. Records say that
the family has 17 to 18 genera and 500 to 540 to 726 species. Other authors cite different
numbers: 16-20 genera and 600 species ; 20 genera and 500-600 species; According to a pollen
studies and molecular data, the family is split up into three tribes: Protieae, Bursereae, and
Canarieae. The Protieae is composed of Protium (147 species and largest in this tribe),
Crepidospermum, Garuga, and Tetragastris . The Bursereae, which is further split into subtribes
Boswelliinae and Burserinae, contains Commiphora (nearly 200 species and largest in the
family), Aucoumea, Beiselia, Boswellia, Bursera, and Triomma. Finally, the Canarieae is
composed of Canarium (75 species and largest in this tribe), Dacryodes, Haplolobus,
Pseudodacryodes, Rosselia, Santiria, Scutinanthe, and Trattinnickia. The morphology of the
fruit, which is a drupe, helps to distinguish between the three tribes. Though the groupings
have slightly changed since the 1990s, Protieae is described as having a 2-5-parted drupe with
either ‘free or adhering parts’ which are ‘not fused in the endocarp’; Bursereae is described as
having a drupe with parts that are fused in the endocarp but an exocarp with dehiscing valves;
and the Canarieae as simply having a drupe with parts that are fused in the endocarp.


This is a list of the 18 genera of the Burseraceae with placement in tribe and subtribe (where

Bursereae subtribe Bursereae subtribe Canarieae Protieae

Burserinae Boswelliinae
 Canarium  Crepidospermum
 Bursera  Aucoumea  Dacryodes  Protium
 Commiphora  Beiselia  Haplolobus  Tetragastris
(myrrh)  Boswellia  Pseudodacryodes
(frankincen  Rosselia
se)  Santiria
 Triomma  Scutinanthe
 Garuga  Trattinnickia

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