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Berdasarkan The World Health Report kurangnya konsumsi buah dan sayur
diperkirakan akan menjadi penyebab kanker gastrointestinal sebesar 19%, penyakit
jantung istemik sebesar 31%, dan stroke sebesar 11% di seluruh dunia. Ada sekitar 2,7
juta warga dunia yang meninggal setiap tahunnya akibat konsumsi buah dan sayur yang
rendah. Rendahnya konsumsi kedua sumber serat tersebut menjadikannya masuk
kedalam 10 besar faktor penyebab kematian didunia. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk
mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan asupan serat dengan pola buang air besar pada
siswa-siswi SMP Budi Utomo Binjai. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik. Jumlah sampel
sebanyak 80 orang.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden responden paling banyak berusia
13 dan 14 tahun yaitu 27 orang (34%). Responden paling banyak berjenis kelamin
perempuan 50 orang (62%). Responden paling duduk dikelas VIII dan IX yaitu masing-
masing 27 orang (34%). Responden paling banyak termasuk kategori terbiasa dalam
kebiasaan konsumsi serat sebanyak 65 orang (81%). Responden paling banyak termasuk
kategori teratur sebanyak 63 orang (79%). Terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan konsumsi
makanan berserat dengan pola buang air besar di SMP Budi Utomo Binjai dengn nilai
signifikan (p 0,001< 0,05).

Kata kunci : Kebiasaan, Makanan Berserat, Pola Buang Air Besar, Siswa

The World Health Report is based on a lack of fruit and vegetable consumption is
expected to be a cause of gastrointestinal cancer by 19%, istemik heart disease by 31% and
stroke by 11% worldwide. There are approximately 2.7 million people worldwide die each year
from consumption of fruits and vegetables are low. The low consumption of both the source of
the fiber making it into the top 10 causes of death in the world factors. The research aimed to
investigate the relationship between habitual intake of fiber with a pattern of defecation at
students of SMP Budi Utomo Binjai. This research is an analytic. The total sample of 80 people.
\The results showed that most respondents respondents aged 13 and 14 years is 27 people
(34%). Most respondents were female 50 people (62%). Respondents most sit in class VIII and
IX, respectively 27 people (34%). Respondents were most familiar category in fiber consumption
habits as many as 65 people (81%). Most respondents categorized as regularly as many as 63
people (79%). There is a relationship between habitual consumption of fibrous foods with
defecation patterns in SMP Budi Utomo, Binjai with less significant values (p 0.001 <0.05).

Keywords: Habits, Food Fiber, Pattern defecation, Students

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