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3/4/2018 Pre/Post Test

Pre/Post Test
* Required

First Name and Last Name *

I believe it is important to plan out my personal and homework schedule to help me be
successful. *
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

I believe using technology, such as google calendar, is a helpful tool to use to stay organized.
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

An organized student ___________________ *
Mark only one oval.

Places their papers randomly in one folder

Writes down homework, tests, and extracurricular activities in their planner/agenda
Sets only short term goals
Keeps everything in their backpack all year long
None of the above

When preparing to complete a large, long-term assignment it is important to
________________ *
Mark only one oval.

Break down the assignment into major steps

Write down the major steps in order
Set deadlines for each step
Break down each step into daily/weekly actions
All of the above are correct 1/2
3/4/2018 Pre/Post Test

6. What feature on google calendar can you use to help keep track of assignments? *
Mark only one oval.


Which of the following homework task entry has all the necessary information? *
Mark only one oval.

Due date March 1th

Science homework
Math - do all even number problems
History read pg. 105-112 due Monday
Complete questions 1-10

Which of the following extracurricular calendar entry has all of the needed information? *
Mark only one oval.

Basketball practice
Meet coach at 10am
Swim team practice 4/25/2017 @ Lindo Park 4pm
Chess tournament @ Lindo Park
Dance recital 4pm @ the theatre

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