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Year 3 Mathematics Lesson Plan

Date: 22/02/2018 Year: 3

Learning Area: Mathematics Topic: Division

Curriculum content description:
Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts

Students’ prior knowledge and experience:

Students have had one lesson on division. They have a basic understanding of written division and the
connection between division and multiplication.
Preparations and Resources:
 Whiteboard/ Marker
 12x Mini whiteboards/ marker.
 Dice
 12x Board games
 24x Counters.
 24 x basic division worksheet.
 24x 3 digit division worksheet.

Division with no remainders.

Activities and Management Considerations Focus Questions

Game: - Quick Activity?

5 min. Everyone sit in a big circle- you have 10 seconds.

Kapow game:
You might have already played this game but were going to pass this ball
around the circle in a clockwise direction. If the ball lands on you and is
a multiple of 5 then you must say kapow. The next person has to say the
next number. If someone doesn’t say kapow at the right time then we
start back at one.
Demonstrate the game.

Get students to sit on together on the mat facing the white board.

Tuning in:
So Mrs Dowell tells me you have done a bit of division work? Is that
10 min  Ask the students what is division?
 What does it mean? What is division?
Get students to answer- shared between, divided by, how many groups What does it
of, how many lots of. mean?
Present the problem: If I had 14 strawberries and I shared them
between two bowls.
 How many were in each bowl? Get a student to answer.
That’s a magic once isn’t it- we know from using our times tables.
If I didn’t know my timetables what are some other ways to solve a Discuss
division problem. strategies for
solving the
Discuss strategies for solving the problem.
Counters, drawing, written method, multiplication.

Does someone want to come up and show how we can use drawing to
solve 15 divided by 5 – pretend they are apples. How do we
32 divided 4 check our
63 divided 7 answer?
21 divided by 3

Draw on the board.

Who remembers how to use the written method when solving a division
10 mins. problem?

Say we want to solve 55 divided by 5.

How would I write that on the board?
3 divided by 303? = 101.
63 divided by 3 = 21
844/4= 211


What about 57 divided by 3?

This one is a tricky one because it doesn’t go into the numbers evenly.

Model written method on the board.

3 into 5 goes once.
2 remainder- Im going to put the 2 here and circle it. This number is
now 27. So now I say how many times does 3 go into 27? Look at my
times tables and its 9.

3 into 27 goes 9 times.

Answer- 19.

How do we check our answer?

19 x 3 = 57.

Pick a student to model 84/3 = 26.

64/ 4= 16
51/ 3= 17
15 min 52/4= 13
72/ 3 = 24
5/90= 18
Check answer

Independent Task:
Get students in a big circle on the mat. Give them 10 seconds.
I am going to show you a quick game that we are going to play.
Sit next to a student and model the game.
Go through the equipment:
 Dice
 Mini Whiteboard/pen
 Calculator
 Board game.
Explain the rules and practice playing against a student.
 Scissor, paper, rock to see who starts.
 The player who wins, rolls the dice and moves their counter
forward the number of spaces shown on the dice.
 If you land on an equation, you must solve it. Write the answer
on your mini whiteboard and show your opposition.
 Check answer.
 If you get the equation incorrect you must move back one
space. If you get the equation correct, you stay where you are.
 First person to get to the finish wins.

Get students to find a partner in 6 seconds.

One person may go up and get the equipment.
Begin playing.
Tell students they have 10 minutes to play.
Collect equipment.

Teaching Group, Main Activity.

Have students facing me on the mat.
Explain activity:
 When you go back to your desk, I want you to first put your
name up the top.
 Explain the worksheets that they are going to complete in
silence by themselves.
 I want you to see if there’s any you can do straight away and do
them first. Then go back to the harder ones.
 Once they have finished, put hand up and one of the teachers
will collect.
 If you finish early, you are going onto mental maths, we are on
week 4.

What have you learnt about division?
How does division link with multiplication?

Tailored Plan:
Low Achievers: Are given the opportunity to work at their own pace.
Teacher in the room will sit with them and work one on one.
They can also use their mini whiteboard or a scrap piece of paper to
help them solve equations.

High Achievers: Have an extension sheet where they solve harder

division word problems.

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