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Harrison Ng

AP Physics
Ch. 3– Applying Newton’s Laws

3.1 Force components

● Newton’s 2nd law→ break forces into components using displacement, a vector value
with start position (d​i​) and final position (d​f​)
○ Ex. Route 1 is direct path displacement vector ( →C)
○ Route 2 is two displacement vectors perpendicular to each other but still end at
same final position as Route 1 ( →A and →B)
○ →C = →A + →B (graphically) → sum of displacement vectors
● Can replace force (→F) with two perpendicular forces (→F​x​ and →F​y​), as long as these
two forces graphically add to →F
○ X- and y- vector components=perpendicular forces along x- and y-axes
○ →F​x​ + →F​y​ = →F
● Scalar components (w/o vector symbol)
○ F​x​ and F​y
○ Specific numbers with signs
● Using magnitude of force F and angle θ that force makes with the x-axis, find scalar

3.2 Newton’s second law in component form

● What if forces exerted on system do NOT point along one of the coordinate axes?
○ If represented in scalar component form, then one force can be determined if the
other two are known
○ Ex. 3 ropes may exert forces on a knot, where both the sum of the y-scalar
components and the sum of the x-scalar components are equal to 0
■ → system does not accelerate
○ If the sum of the forces does not add to zero and the system has a mass, then it
has an acceleration due to the forces exerted on it
■ →a​sys​=(sum of forces)/m​sys​ (Newton’s 2nd law)
■ Split into x- and y-scalar component equations (a​Sx​ and a​Sy​)
● To determine magnitude of a force that an external object exerts on the system, visualize
the situation with a ​force diagram
○ Givens: mass of system; One of the forces that an ext. Obj. exerts on system;
Angle of elevation above horizontal
○ Find magnitude of vertical normal force, gravitational force, and net vertical force
○ Vertical acceleration can then be calculated

3.3 Problem-solving strategies for analyzing dynamics processes

● Dynamics processes=relation between ext forces exerted on an object and its changing
○ Utilizes Newton’s 2nd law and kinematics equations
○ Ex. pulling a sled
● Inclines
○ Draw y-axis perpendicular to inclined surface for force diagram
○ Acceleration depends on gravitational force exerted by the Earth and mass of the
○ Keep in mind how the different magnitudes of the forces and the different masses
affects the accelerations of two different systems
■ Objects of all different masses have the same free-fall acceleration
● Two objects linked together
○ Use Newton’s 2nd law for situation where two objects are connected by a cable
or rope (Atwood machine)
■ Ex. two blocks of diff. mass at the opposite ends of a string that is passed
over a pulley
○ Determines acceleration g of system objects
○ ∆y = a*(∆t​2​/2)
○ a = (m​2​g)/(m​1​+m​2​) or a = ((m​1​-m​2​)g)/(m​1​+m​2​)

3.4 Friction
● Static friction
○ Force parallel to surfaces of two objects not moving in relation to each other and
opposes tendency of one object to move across the other
■ Ex. spring scale exerts increasing force on a block
○ Changes magnitude to prevent motion
○ Block moves when external force overcomes static friction force
■ Ex. walking on flat horizontal sidewalk
● Force is system, surface exerts static friction force
○ Magnitude of maximum static friction
■ Does NOT depend on system’s mass
■ Ratio between max static friction force and normal force exists
■ μ​s​ = f​s max ​/ N (coefficient of static friction)
● No unit bc it is a ratio of two forces
○ Magnitude is always less than or equal to product of static friction force and
normal force
● Kinetic friction
○ What is relationship between resistive friction force exerted by surface on the
system and the normal force exerted by the surface on the system?
○ Similar to static except:
1.) Under same conditions, mag of kinetic friction force is always lower than max
static friction force
2.) The resistive force exerted by the surface on the moving object has a constant
● Depends on roughness of contacting surfaces (coefficient of kinetic friction) and
on magnitude N of normal force exerted by one surface on the other
○ f​k​ = μ​k​N
Ex. using skid marks of slowing car for evidence of different types of road surfaces used to
estimate vehicle’s speed at time the brakes were used
→ kinetic friction coefficients

3.5 Projectile motion

● Projectile=obj launched at an angle relative to a horizontal surface
● Use Newton’s 2nd law
● Consider system’s separate vertical and horizontal motions
○ Independent of each other
● Use equations of motion for velocity and constant acceleration
● X-comp of projectile’s acceleration is zero (a​x​ = 0)
● Y-comp of projectile’s acceleration is a​y​ = -g
● Initial velocities:
○ V​0x​ = v​0​ cos θ
○ V​0y​ = v​0​ sin θ
● Ex. human cannonballs

3.6 Using Newton’s laws to explain everyday motion: Putting it all together
● Ex. static friction helps a car start and stop
○ For moving car, part of tire not in contact (behind) is lifting up off road and part of
tire (in front) is about to make new contact with road, while part of tire in contact
with road is at rest with respect to the road
○ increasing/decreasing speed involves static friction
○ μ​s >
​ μ​k
○ Static friction maintains car’s constant speed

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