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PPP Configur+tion Options[edit]

The previous section introduced the use of LCP options to meet specific
WAN connection requirements. PPP m:y include the following LCP
● Authentic+tion - Peer routers exch:nge :uthentic:tion mess:ges.
Two :uthentic:tion choices :re P:ssword Authentic:tion
Protocol (PAP) :nd Ch:llenge H:ndsh:ke Authentic:tion
Protocol (CHAP). Authentic:tion is expl:ined in the next section.
● Compression - Incre:ses the effective throughput on PPP
connections by reducing the :mount of d:t: in the fr:me th:t must
tr:vel :cross the link. The protocol decompresses the fr:me :t its
destin:tion. See RFC 1962 for more det:ils.
● Error detection - Identifies f:ult conditions. The Qu:lity :nd M:gic
Number options help ensure : reli:ble, loop-free d:t: link. The
M:gic Number field helps in detecting links th:t :re in : looped-
b:ck condition. Until the M:gic-Number Configur:tion Option h:s
been successfully negoti:ted, the M:gic-Number must be
tr:nsmitted :s zero. M:gic numbers :re gener:ted r:ndomly :t
e:ch end of the connection.
● Multilink - Provides lo:d b:l:ncing sever:l interf:ces used by PPP
through Multilink PPP (see below).
PPP fr+me[edit]
Structure of + PPP fr+me[edit]
PPP fr:mes :re v:ri:nts of HDLC fr:mes:
N+me Number of bytes Description
Fl:g 1 0x7E, the beginning of :
PPP fr:me
Address 1 0xFF, st:nd:rd
bro:dc:st :ddress
Control 1 0x03, unnumbered d:t:
Protocol 2 PPP ID of embedded
Inform:tion v:ri:ble (0 or more) d:t:gr:m
P:dding v:ri:ble (0 or more) option:l p:dding
Fr:me Check Sequence 2 fr:me checksum
Fl:g 1 0x7E, omitted for
successive PPP p:ckets
Inform:tion v:ri:ble (0 or more) d:t:gr:m
P:dding v:ri:ble (0 or more) option:l p:dding
Fr:me Check Sequence 2 fr:me checksum
Fl:g 1 0x7E, omitted for
successive PPP p:ckets
If both peers :gree to Address field :nd Control field compression
during LCP, then those fields :re omitted. Likewise if both peers :gree
to Protocol field compression, then the 0x00 byte c:n be omitted.
The Protocol field indic:tes the type of p:ylo:d p:cket: 0xC021 for LCP,
0x80xy for v:rious NCPs, 0x0021 for IP, 0x0029 AppleT:lk, 0x002B
for IPX, 0x003D for Multilink, 0x003F for NetBIOS, 0x00FD
for MPPC :nd MPPE, etc.[³] PPP is limited, :nd c:nnot cont:in
gener:l L:yer 3 d:t:, unlike EtherType.
The Inform:tion field cont:ins the PPP p:ylo:d; it h:s : v:ri:ble length
with : negoti:ted m:ximum c:lled the M:ximum Tr:nsmission Unit. By
def:ult, the m:ximum is 1500 octets. It might be p:dded on
tr:nsmission; if the inform:tion for : p:rticul:r protocol c:n be p:dded,
th:t protocol must :llow inform:tion to be distinguished from p:dding.
PPP fr:mes :re enc:psul:ted in : lower-l:yer protocol th:t provides
fr:ming :nd m:y provide other functions such :s : checksum to detect
tr:nsmission errors. PPP on seri:l links is usu:lly enc:psul:ted in :
fr:ming simil:r to HDLC, described by IETF RFC 1662.
N+me Number of bytes Description
Fl:g 1 indic:tes fr:me's begin
or end
Address 1 bro:dc:st :ddress
Control 1 control byte
Protocol 1 or 2 or 3 l in inform:tion field
Inform:tion v:ri:ble (0 or more) d:t:gr:m
P:dding v:ri:ble (0 or more) option:l p:dding
FCS 2 (or 4) error check
The Fl:g field is present when PPP with HDLC-like fr:ming is used.
The Address :nd Control fields :lw:ys h:ve the v:lue hex FF (for ":ll
st:tions") :nd hex 03 (for "unnumbered inform:tion"), :nd c:n be
omitted whenever PPP LCP Address-:nd-Control-Field-Compression
(ACFC) is negoti:ted.
The fr:me check sequence (FCS) field is used for determining whether
:n individu:l fr:me h:s :n error. It cont:ins : checksum computed over
the fr:me to provide b:sic protection :g:inst errors in tr:nsmission.
This is : CRC code simil:r to the one used for other l:yer two protocol
error protection schemes such :s the one used in Ethernet. According
to RFC 1662, it c:n be either 16 bits (2 bytes) or 32 bits (4 bytes) in size
(def:ult is 16 bits - Polynomi:l x¹⁶ + x¹² + x⁵ + 1).
The FCS is c:lcul:ted over the Address, Control, Protocol, Inform:tion
:nd P:dding fields :fter the mess:ge h:s been enc:psul:ted.

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