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JD3LSFORM3 2ndSem AY 2017-18 Br.

Manuel Pajarillo

ESSAY #1: On God, the Human Being, God, and the Plan of Salvation

1. In much of Catholic, Christian thought and reflection, the insight and revelation
is that God is Merciful, Compassionate, but also Righteous and Just, and with
those attributes, is very interested in human relationships and concerns. Render
an opinion on these concepts, following the introductory discussions in class and
citing Scriptural texts.

2. A prominent Biblical reflection on the human being is one of a creature “made in

the image of God” (imago dei), expected to mirror the qualities of God, especially
in justice and mercy. Such that the provisions on land, livestock and other
properties, debts, wages, etc. of the Old Testament Law or the Covenant, were
supposed to represent the ideal ethico-moral behavior of human beings,
mirroring the Compassion and Justice of God. Give at least 5 Biblical passages
that evidence this, with a short description of each.

3. The Good News proclaimed by Jesus Christ reiterates this same Compassion and
Justice of God, especially in relation to the poor, who hold a special place in God’s
eyes. One wonderful, but challenging, insight that Jesus shares is that at the end
of time, or in “Heaven”, the criteria used for who is “In” and who is “Out” is action
in behalf of justice and the poor. Elaborate, using Biblical passages to illustrate
your argument.

4. The plan of salvation, it would seem from a serious consideration of the Gospels
and Holy Scripture, is not “A pie in the sky when you die;” but rather,
involvement in the affairs of this world, and looking at these with the eyes of God
and of Faith, with a particular ethico-moral stance of justice and compassion
inspired by the life and words of Jesus Christ lived out as discipleship to the
Master. Explain what this means in your own context and actual/real historical-
material conditions, in relation to how God may wish you to live your life.

I would encourage you to discuss with a classmate, or a group, before you write
your essay, so that you get a good grasp of the question and how you would write
the essay.

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