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Your Belief System

Dictates Your Life

J.M. Setlodi

Abstract: A lot of us are brought up, in our families and

societies, buying into many different kinds of belief
­systems that have more to do with other people’s b ­ eliefs
than the ones that are fully aligned with who we are.
The unconscious beliefs that you bought into that are
limiting will always have some effect on your ­emotions,
thoughts, and actions, which will result in creating
­realities that may seem overwhelmingly negative. Your
beliefs determine what kind of feelings, thoughts, and
behaviors you exhibit, which then reinforce your r­ eality.
In this e-book, you will learn how letting go of those
J.M. Setlodi (Justice) is a hands-on
­beliefs, which are not yours, will make you feel empow-
metaphysical student. He is a ered, freer, and lighter.
meditator and author by day and
a reader by night. Justice started Keywords: Acknowledge, Actions, Affirmation,
meditating in 2005, with the aim of
Alignment, Anything is possible, Belief systems,
reducing stress and living a more
joyous life. Little did he know that Beliefs, Believe, Consciousness, Create, Desire,
this would lead to a spiritual journey Emotions, Empowerment, Excitement, Future,
of discovery and creativity. Justice is Imagination, Inspiration, Knowledge, Law of attraction,
constantly working on his ability to Life, Loa, Manifest, Metaphysics, Motivation, Paradigm
strengthen his connection to universal
knowledge. He is able to connect to
Shift, Personal development, Positive, Prefer, Reality,
his higher self and retrieve information Self-help, Self-improvement, Success principles,
that he uses for writing books and Success, Vision, Wealth
online courses. To date, he has written
three books: How to Use Mind Power
to Lose Weight and Stay Young,
You Create Your Own Reality 100 Percent
The Ultimate Guide to Manifesting, “You create your own reality.” This has become a catch
and Believing Is Seeing, all of which phrase within the new age here on earth. You do ­create
are available on The your reality 100 percent. If you have a ­belief that you
Ultimate Guide to Manifesting has just
don’t create your reality 100 percent, the paradox of that
recently been translated into Chinese
Mandarin and is available on Amazon. is that you are creating that belief!—despite ­everything
com (China), as well as Douban and it backpedals to you. The idea that you call time is also
JingDong. Justice also manages his part of your creation. You may have ­perhaps heard
own blog, which is a good source of the saying that physical reality is an illusion, and that
information covering topics in the
metaphysical space. His aim is to
time is an illusion. From the p­ erspective of God, it may
awaken and inspire every person he seem illusory, but let’s face it; when you are choosing
interacts with. to ­create it, it seems quite real. This does not imply

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94819-809-7 (2018) Expert Insights

Your Belief System Dictates Your Life

that you are not creating it, simply that that you do not prefer and therefore, you
you are that good in creating it. perceive that things are happening to you
One of the many purposes for you to create now, ­because of something that happened
time is discovery, of having the capacity to in the past. The only reason that it appears
­advance. For example, we have a saying that that way is because you believe that it must.
time flies by when you’re having fun. It may You are ­actually re-creating in the present;
seem in that sense to “fly,” but then that is in the now, that scenario as being a result of
not the precise mechanism. The mechanism the past. It is only so because of your defini-
involved in that instance is that you actually tions and your belief system. Your present is
create less time. Therefore, if two hours have not ­experientially a result of the past.
passed by your clock, and you have only You generally have everything that you
“­experienced,” say, 20 minutes, you have only have to do, that excites you, with integrity,
aged, physiologically, 20 minutes. You have in any given moment. You are a complete
created, in that sense, less time by being in the and a full toolbox. There are no tools that
moment. Paradoxically, the actual only exist- you must go to the store and buy. It is all
ing time is now, always now. You create the there, right now; the only time there is! The
idea of an illusion of a continuum, not recog- idea of the future extending out lineally in
nizing that in each and every given ­moment the other direction is that there is no one
you re-create your own reality entirely. the future. There are infinite probabilities
You use time in many ways, and some of of futures, each of which will be lived out
them have “tricked” you up. I will now pres- on some level. If you wish to take a right
ent one of the many ideas in which you use down the road of your life instead of a left
time that, by simply being made aware of, at a particular fork, some portion of your
you will have the option to change, if you consciousness on some level would have
desire. Because you only exist in the here taken the left and lived it out. This is what
and now, by extension, you have ­created the is sometimes called “probable realities.”
illusion that the present is a­ ctually a result Be that as it may, you generally get the
of the past and by extension, result in the chance to choose which reality you will
future. However, you only ever e ­ xist in the ­exist within. As opposed to there ­being a
now and create or re-create the past from ­future to predict, everything that is ­possible
the present. Whenever you are “­reflecting” and probable is out there as a possibility.
on your past, you are actually re-creating a It is not so much what will the ­future be as
scenario about what you perceive that your which future will you choose. You can begin
past was, yet in the present, in the now. to decide that everything that occurs within
Recognize that this is not the case other your life is a choice. What this implies is
than that definition you assign it. that you have the power, by extension,
The way that you create your ­ reality to make another choice. When you begin
is through your belief systems. When to reflect on the idea that the present is not
you ­believe something, you go about as a a consequence of the past, you free your-
­person who believes that. Your actions are self up from using that past as an elaborate
what create your reality. excuse to continue to do the things you
You direct your activities as indicated do not prefer. There is no genuine energy
by your beliefs. Therefore, any belief that behind those things, you are re-creating
you have because you act as though you them in the now and perpetuating them as
have it, is or appears a reality for you. a choice. You do not have to.
­Operating on the premise that the present When you recognize that you have any-
is the ­result of the past, you re-create your thing in any “now” moment, and become
present, ­however, in a way that binds you the you that you wish to be right “now,” not
to that very past. Most often this is a past using things you did in the past as an excuse

2 © Business Expert Press 978-1-94819-809-7 (2018) Expert Insights
Your Belief System Dictates Your Life

why you cannot, another interesting thing Creating a Past for a Better Future
will seem to occur. That past will appear to You perpetuate your now reality by what
have changed, for when you r­ edefine who you have done in the past. You normally say
you are in the “now” moment, by extension “I’m this type of person, who does this type
you must have had a slightly different past of things because I’ve always done it that
to be the different new you. Therefore, in way. Therefore, I will always p ­ robably will.”
any “now” moment, when you transform If you wish to “play” with these ideas, then
and change, you do change your entire past this retrospective reconstruction will come
and your entire future automatically any- in handy. For there is ­nothing any more
way. You can have the past that will allow real about what you perceive your past was
you to have the present that you desire. than what you wish it was. R ­ emember, you
The upset that you create stems from the are creating your past in your presence.
past you do not prefer. Reassign the new As you change, although you may not be
meanings and you will get the new present. conscious of this, you even create that path
As you begin to live in the now and do what slightly differently. You latch on to different
is most reflective, in any given m ­ oment, of things that happened, which allows you to
who you are, you actually ­create less time be the you that you are now.
and “age” in a slower fashion. In order to What you can do—which you may find
extend the term of your life, all you need to be very helpful and interesting—is to
to do is stay in the here and now. re-create a path that you prefer, by doing
When you do create “what if” s­ cenarios, this: Use your imagination to conjure up
when you invest a lot of your energy who you wish to be. When you have got a
­contemplating the past, you are nullifying solid image of this idea, then use the same
the present you are currently creating. If imaging to create the path that you would
you will reestablish your relationship with have needed to have in order to have that
the present, you will always know what is present. Now plot that path into your own
available at that present. Since those are framework. Say, for instance; to be the
the only things that you can act on, any- person that you wish to be, you feel it will
way, why bother to worry about the future take you 10 years. Simply imagine and cre-
what if and the past I wish it wasn’t. ate a memory 10 years ago that you have
You can, when you feel swept away by started to do that thing. You will find that it
this again, recognize that it is a choice. is very easy to reassign that new path that
Take a few deep breaths, relax, don’t allow will now make it “OK” to have the present
­yourself to become reactive, allow yourself that you now desire, for you can now say
to explore what you are thinking, how you it originated from the past that let up to it.
are feeling, and what you must be believ- You simply do that right now, using what
ing to feel that way. If a “reaction” is about you perceive to be your past to perpetuate
to happen that you do not prefer, recognize things you do not prefer in your present.
that that reaction is a choice in the moment. For instance, if you had a disease that
What that implies is that there are other would take 5 years to heal. Regress in your
choices. When you are creating a great imagination back to 5 years ago and begin
upset, you are not allowing yourself the that healing then. That will now make it
awareness of the other choices. If you have acceptable to be healed now. When you go
to choose between getting upset and not through that whole imaging, and come to
getting upset, I think you may be inclined the now person that you prefer to be, all
to pick the latter choice. This will give you you need do to be that person is to act like
a chance to break free of the momentum you are already that person. This works
that you feel has trapped you into doing for you already do it. What you perceive to
the things that you do not prefer. be your past is not cast in stone; you are

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94819-809-7 (2018) Expert Insights


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