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3/2/2018 Qualtrics Survey Software

English (US)

English Student Climate Survey Items

The following questions are about your school. Please select the answer that best represents how you feel. Remember, there are no right
or wrong answers!

1. My classmates show respect to each other.

2. I use ways to calm myself down.

3. My classmates show respect to other students who

are different.

4. I am happy with the way my classmates treat me.

5. Teachers at this school care about their students.

6. Adults at this school listen to student ideas and


7. I don't give up, even when I feel frustrated.

8. Adults at this school treat all students fairly.

9. The staff in the front office show respect to


10. It is easy for me to talk to adults at my school

about my problems.

11. I say "no" to friends who want me to break the


12. I like to come to school.

13. At my school, there is respect for different


14. Students at my school follow the school rules.

15. I feel safe at my school. 1/4
3/2/2018 Qualtrics Survey Software

16. Students at this school treat teachers with


17. At my school, there is respect for students who

speak languages other than English.

18. I can do even the hardest schoolwork if I try.

19. I enjoy doing my schoolwork.

20. During my school day, I am aware of when my

feelings change.

21. I try hard to do my best work.

22. I feel successful in my schoolwork.

23. During my school day, I am aware of when my

thoughts change from positive to negative.

24. I can reach the goals I set for myself.

25. My homework helps me learn things I need to


26. During my school day, I am aware of how my body

feels when my feelings change.

27. My schoolwork makes me think about things in

new ways.

28. I have fun learning in my classes.

29. My teachers are fair to everyone.

30. At my school, I often notice how people feel and


31. My teachers connect what I am doing to my life

outside the classroom. 2/4
3/2/2018 Qualtrics Survey Software

32. My classmates behave the way my teachers want

them to.

33. If I get angry with a classmate, we can talk about

it and make it better.

34. Our classes stay busy and do not waste time.

35. Students at my school are bullied (teased,

messed with, threatened by other students).

36. My teachers expect me to think hard about the

things we read.

37. At my school, students take care of each other.

38. My teachers expect everybody to work hard.

39. Teachers at this school know who I am.

40. I receive recognition or praise for doing good


41. My teachers know what I am good at.

42. At my school, some students are not treated fairly

because of who they are.

43. I will go to college after high school:

Yes No Maybe

44. I make friends easily at school.

A lot of the time Sometimes A little of the time Never Don't know

I am a:
Girl 3/4
3/2/2018 Qualtrics Survey Software
I'd prefer to self-identify

Do you ever feel welcome at school? What is one thing your school does to make you feel welcome?

Do you ever feel unwelcome at school? What is one thing your school could do to make you feel more welcome?

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey! Please click the "Next" button below so the survey will be ready for the next
student. 4/4

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