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PEPERIKSAAN PEGAWAI . KESELAMATAN DAN ~ KESIHATAN SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP ‘National institute of Occupational Safety and Health How to answer Multiple Choice question (MCQ)? * Read the question carefully and do not get confused, + There are 5 choices for each of the question (A toE choice). The choices may have combination of correct or incorrect answers (e.g. | & tlor!, It& {). However, only one choice is correct. * Understand the intent of the question. * Read through alll the choices though you are confident of the correct choice. ‘* Answer according to the degree of difficulty which are as follows: First stage Firstly, answer allthe easy one (those that you are carlan ____|of the corr ss). ; Second stage | Goto jatisens nat you ate not sre of he caret answet nate the incorrect choices. Third stage Go tithe ial you do not know the answer. You haveing st ect answer. Example (Mi Pilih kenyataan Pengurusan ig injuries and occupational & Accident provention is cost-effective, the highest cost is human suffering 14 Safety and Health Orticer Examination Workshop. National institute of Occupational Safety and Health How to answer essay question? * Understand the intent of the question. + Think and plan for the answer. * Neatand legible writing. No pencil please... * Compact, concise and comprehensive. Do not write wordy answer with litle substance in it +» Preferably presented in point forms (but do explain or elaborate in detail if the question requires you to do that) * Attempt to answer all questions. Don't give blank sheet. You must try to write down anything that makes sense even if you do not know the answer. Who knows that you might get 1 mark for that..." markah kesian”, + Always look for the allocated marks at the end of the question. You can estimate how much you could write and how many points are actually required. Common mistake done by candidates: * Do notunderstand the question * Donotanswer according to the instruction in the question e.g. the question ask to list down types of accident but the candidates explain in detail the accident types. ‘Too wordy but lack of correct points. Common expression used in essay questions: ‘* describe briefly/ in detail : fo give an account or representation in words (in brievdetail). + explain briety/ in detail: to make something comprehensible especially by giving a clear and detailed account of it (in brief deta). *+ define / what is meant by... to state precisely the meaning of something or to describe the nature of something. why ‘suggest : fo propose or state ideas for consideration prepare : fo put together or make something state : fo put into words enumerate : to name one by one list : fo write down in point forms. Identity : to discover or recognize write out: to write in full. discuss : to write about something from several points of view name: fo say what the name of something outline: fo write the main ideas or facts of something without details give examples Example (Essay): Keperluan-Keperiuan untuk pemonitoran pendedahan pekerja atau pemonitoran orang perseorangan telah diperuntukan di bawah Peraturan Kilang dan Jentera Timah Hitam (1984), Peraturan Memproses Asbestos (1986), Peraturan Pendedahan ‘Bunyi Bising (1989) dan Peraturan Habuk-habuk Galian (1989). 214 Health Ofticer Examination Worksho ‘National institute of Occupational Safety and Health i Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan istlah pemonitoran orang perseorangan? Mengapakah ia penting khususnya di dalam persekitaran pekerjaan? Berikan langkah-fangkah yang teribat di dalam program pemonitoran orang Perseorangan bagi mereka yang terdedah kepada bahan berbahaya seperti ‘timah hitam, (20 markah) The requirements for employee exposure monitoring or personal monitoring had been ‘incorporated in the Factories and Machinery Lead regulations (1984), Asbestos Process regulations (1986), Noise Exposure regulations (1989) and Mineral Dusts regulations (1989) i What is meant by the term personal monitoring? i. Why is it particularly important jn the occupational environment? vil Common mistake done by candidates: > General mistake * _Tepetition of the points. * too brief and shallow. * diverted from the intent of the question. ‘+ not legible— re-photostatting materials, * facts disjointed and no flow in writing. * does not follow the instructed format. + too short or foo long. «all text are in capital letters. + photocopying friend's assignment, Safety and Health Officer Examination Workshop National institute of Occupational Safety andi Health Methodo! section methodology chosen not convincing and very loose ‘no data to support the hazards and its assessment, accidents etc, detail criteria for selection of risk is not mentioned very general ‘i eeergy Discussion/ recommendation section very general. does not show clear understanding. the recommendations are not convincing, es eeg How to prepare for oral assessment? * don'tbe nervous. * prepare and familiar yourself with your workplace assignment. * refresh your knowledge and understanding on OSH basic principles e.g. general duties of employers, duties of SHO ete, Common mistake done by candidates: do not exactly prepare for the oral e.g. do not read the workplace assignment beforehand, do not wear proper attire e.g. wear jeans and ‘tshirt, do not show interest and full concentration during the oral do not carry out their homework prior to the oral. As a safety and health officer, the candidate should expect and know more about OSH (apart from their assignments). © GOOD LUCK! Examination & Certfestion Unit, MOSH 414, Safety and Health Officer Examination Workshop BENGKEL PEPERIKSAAN FEGAWAI KESELAMATAN DAN KESIHATAN 1. Pilih satu tempat kerja. la boleh terdiri daripada keseluruhan tempat kerja atau satu bahagian berasingan di tempat kerja 2. Kenal pasti s 3 slay booed keselamatan da kurangnya §2 pat kerja dan 2 balk \owd bincangka luk mengenal pasti setiap Lee Porky Wok Life “ke We wete) 3. Taksir eselamatan dan kesihat, Setiap hagard- : = 207) haza @ sate 4. Berik; a kepada haz: } azard yang pali keselamatan dan 1 hazard kesihatan). 5. Bincangkan = langkah-langkah = kawalan untuk Menghapuskan atau mengurangkan risiko hazard- hazard kritikal tersebut. [BENGKEL PEPERIKSAAN PEGAWAJ KESELAMATAN DAN KESIHATAN 6. Berikan cadangan kajian semula langkah atau tindakan kawalan ~ yang disarankan atau dilaksanakan. “ERS coer Lhe “ote alebn CALON DIKEHENDAKI MENYEDIAKAN LAPORAN BERDASARKAN FORMAT DI BAWAH. 4. ABSTRAK (10 markah) Ringkasan pendek bagi menjelaskan keseluruhan kandungan laporan anda. ‘Abstrak ini mestilah mengandungi tidak melebihi 100 perkataan. _ hg feed 2. PENGENALAN (12 markah) Satu keterangan ringkas mengenai organisasi dan tempat kerja yang dipilih. Keterangan tersebut mestilah_meliputi a organisasi, shiv, ess kerja, persekitaran kerja, kerja dan tGgasan untuk menjelaskan aktiviti di tempat kerja dan hazard yang berkait dengan aktiviti-aktiviti tersebut. Seksyen ini hendaklah disediakan dalam 2 hingga 3 halaman muka surat sahaja. Sebarang bentuk gambarajah atau gambar boleh dimuatkan di dalam seksyen ini atau dijadikan lampiran jika ia dirujuk sahaja tanpa penjelasan lanjut. [BENGKEL PEPERIKSAAN PEGAWAI KESELAMATAN DAN KESIHATAN 3. OBJEKTIF (5 markah) Nyatakan objektif kajian. "ye yt PPO 4. KAEDAH (20markah) = &-nlke. 4.1 Terangkan kaedah mengenalpasti hazard keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja. 4. 2 Terangkan terperinci bagaimana kelima-lima 4 ilai risikonya sehingga terhasiln F untuk tujuan lokumen yang aksiran, penilaian im = memberikan 5 hazard rmasuk — sekurang-kurangnya $2 hazard kesihatan, «+ Me ey me eS LT 5.2 Pilih hazard yang paling kritikal (1 hazard keselamatan dan 1 hazard -kesihatan) dan terangkan bagaimana ia. boleh menjejaskan keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerja. BENGKEL PEPERIKSAAN PEGAWAI KESELAMATAN DAN KESHATAN 6. CADANGAN & KAJIAN SEMULA (30 markah) 6.1 Terangkan secara terperinci langkah-langkah kawalan yang diambil atau dicadangkan untuk mengawal hazard paling kritikal. 6. 2 Terangkan secara terperinci:langkah-langkah semakan semula yang dijalankan atau dicadangkan terhadap langkah-langkah di dalam sub-seksyen 6.1. 6. 3 Bincangkan manfaat daripada cadangan atau langkah dalam sub-seksyen 6.1 dan 6.2. 7. RUJUKAN/SUMBER (3 markah) Senaraikan semua rujukan yang digunakan di dalam laporan ini. nen cas. as akighmet ce 8. LAMPIRAN («ds mackeh ) Hanya lampiran yang telah dirujuk di dalam laporan sahaja perlu dilampirkan.- Reesetekon pee ae 0) in oe aber “Wak ah Weel CD \kok felled p Obel oe sey A hath (D Meds k cel Weed —she~ ele m4 x @ beamed OY Ser) & bus & ee h lens wd) ae serrate ghd - yee wort yl OY a ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 4 According to Heinrich , there are five factors in the sequence of events leading up to an accident . Explain briefly the five factors that should be considered before making workplace decisions that involve risk. (20 marks) \Z. Workplace emergencies often require a medical response. The immediate response Is usually first aid. Explain factors that you should consider in providing first aid program at your company. (20 marks) La. Section 15(2) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 requires an employer to provide and maisatalli: and safe system of work. va) \i0f work? vb) (4 marks) lace? (8 marks) employees in (8 marks) Qu are responsible for shave identified several (5 marks) ghould be taken to ensure (40 marks) trol measure, (5 marks) A chemical manufacturing Company X has instituted an emergency response Program which defines the roles and responsibilities of various groups and an individual responsible for controlling the emergency operations. ay Name five possible types of emergencies other than fire which may occur in this company. marks) ‘bY Briefly describe an emergency response procedure for a fire emergency. (20 marks) ¢f Draw an organization chart to indicate the hierarchy of command in controlling emergency operation. ( marks) 116 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 1 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION (MOD I) x Which of the following is FALSE ‘A. Accident prevention is an essential part of good management and workmanshi B. Top management must take the lead in organising safety. C. There must be a definite and known safety policy in each workplace. D. The best available knowledge and methods must be applied. Employees have accidents because they are accident prone. Up omen, 216 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS.SET 1 A safety and health committee has been established in accordance to the requirements of Section 31 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, ‘a Describe the main functions of a safety and health committee, (10 marks) 6) Explain the various activities which the committee can perform or carry out in fine with the above. (40 marks) 2 ay @Y In your own words explain what is meant by “practicable” in accordance to the Occupatiénal Safety and Health Act 1994. ‘ (20 marks) tS, ale of Occupational Safety and Health i we ae Act 19942 (20 marks) ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 4 1. a) Toxic substances may cause health problem if it enters the bloodstream. Name four (4) types of entry routes and give example for each of the routes. (4 marks) b) List the four classification of hazardous chemicals based on their physico-chemical properties and five classification based on their health effects. (9 marks) ©) _ List down the key information that must be included on the label of container containing a hazardous chemical. : (7 marks) 2. a) What is the difference between sound and noise? (4 marks) b) At what level Is it necessary to begin using some type of personal protective equipment? (6 marks) c) What is the purpose of noise monitoring and what is the commonly used unit to measure sound? How would your conduct a noise monitoring program at your workplace? (20 marks) 3. The requirements for employee exposure monitoring or personal monitoring had been incorporated in the Factories and Machinery Lead regulations (1984), Asbestos Process regulations (1986), Noise Exposure regulations (1989) and Mineral Dusts regulations (1989). i. What is meant by the term personal monitoring? ii, Why is it particularly important in the occupational environment? iii, Outline the various steps involved in @ personal monitoring program for exposure to hazardous substance such as lead (20 marks) Ale ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 1 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION (MOD Iii) ‘Threshold Limits Values (TLV) i. refer to airborne concentration of substances which are believed that most workers may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effect. are based solely on best available information from industrial experience. help to decide between a safe and unsafe condition at the workplace iv, may be exceeded with no ill-effects A) iit 8) haiti Cc) igkiv dD) ow E) None of the above ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 1 i, _ Asa Safety and Health Officer for a construction company, you are required to outline the measures that you will take to prevent the occurrence of accidents due to the following causes: a. slides and cave-ins earth, stones /sand @ marks) b. struck by falling object during handling (5 marks) contact with electricity. (5 marks) d. collapsing of building, walls or staircase. (S marks) ‘a) List and briefly explain the common types of mechanical injury hazards. Give example for each hazard. (10 marks) b) Briefly explain how you would prevent accident, that are associated with mechanical hazards. (40 marks) a) _List and explain the three (3) important elements that must be considered in implementing @ personal protective equipment (PPE) programme. (9 marks) b) Once the type of PPE has been selected (e.g. respirator), explain at least three (3) important factors that must be taken into consideration to ensure its effective and efficient use. (44 marks) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION (MOD IV) 1, Poor housekeeping can produces : accidents poor lighting productivity fires AW Bil &iv Citi &iv De dil EB ialiv 6 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 1 ee SS ee oe bee Heeb Ee SAO 1. According to Heinrich , there are five factors in the sequence of events leading up to an accident -Explain briefly the five factors that should be considered before making workplace decisions that involve risk. (20 marks) Answers: ‘Ancestry and social environment, Fault of person. Unsafe actimechanioal or physical hazard. Accident, Injury. pore 2. Workplace emergencies often re usually first aid. Explain factors wa your company. Page 1 of 13 : 4 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 1 eS 3. ~~ Section 16(2) of the Occupational Safely and Health Act 1904 requires an employer to provide and maintain plant and safe system of work. va), What is meant by a safe system of work? (4 marks) ‘»), _Howcan safe system of work be created at the workplace? (B marks) <) How would you formulate a safe system of work for the employees in your ‘organisation to work at height? (8 marks) ‘ANSWER (2) Safe system of work is a formal procedure which results from a systematic examination of-a taskcin order to identfy all the-hazards and assess the risks, and wihich identifes safe methods of work to:ensure that the hazards are eliminated or the remaining risks are minimised. (4 marks) (0) Safe system of work can be created at the workplace through the folowings: {Hazards identification Tmark eg. Process flow chart Accident Investigation Report Material / machine specications Process diagrams Statistios Complaints Su ee eeevce Workplace / task observation Any 2 examples, 0.5 mark each ITveyS. | i.” Risk assessment on the hazard identified ‘Tmark __ prioritizing the risk involved i, Defining safe:-methods to -minimise=the risksleliminale the | 4 mark ‘hazards measures e.g. = marks each © Engineering 8g. isolation of source, lock out procedures, design, process or procedural changes, monitoring and warning equipment © Administrative €g personnel, management, monitoring, limiting worker exposure, measuring performance, training and education, housekeeping and maintenance, purchasing, ‘Personal protective equipment 2g. body protection, fal protection —_ This can be done through the implementation of control} Any 2 explanation, 0.5 WW. Monitoring a) Assessing the effectiveness of existing controls 4 mark b) Monitoring activites to locate new hazards 4 mark @.g, workplace inspection task observation dustrial hygiene testing Hewes 1b sole gph vt wil _ mebhed Page 2 of 13 eects eo Leewatiamed 7 a MK ins Z 2 gue oh werk ds ager F o mabesel - marbory [toa\ leg? SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET + a medical surveillance 5 v. Evaluating system effectiveness | 05 marks eg. (@) Accident indicator + Fatality & severity rate: Any 1 example, 0.5 (b) Performance indicator © Safety sampling + SCRAPE (0)_Feed back from workers. TOTAL MARKS: 8 © Formulation of safe system of work for working at height: 1 entity the types of work that involves working at heights. OS marks Examples: © inspection and Imantonance of oistmotorferoverhead crane, | 0.25 marks for any 2 * Replacing ceiling light bull examples. ‘Ventilator, exhaust fan Tmark 05 marks for any 2 ‘examples 0.5 marks 0.25 marks for any 2 examples Tmark Any 2 examples, 0.5 mark each Provision cae nets (al of obocs) * Safe area for the placement of ladderiscaffold. a ‘* Provision of other personal protective equipment. ‘* Barricade the area below and put up waming sign, + Supervise the work ‘+ _ Establish in plant safety rules for working at height. \._ Iniplement the system e.g. OS marks + Train-and educate: workers on safe work procedure - working at | 0.25 marks height, ‘+ _ Enforce in plant safety rules for working at heights. 0.25 marks i. Monitor and review the system e.g. 05 marks ¢ Got feedback from workers on the system Any 4 point, 0.5 marks | Page 3 of 13 ul » ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 1 + Conduct task observation TOTAL MARKS = 8 As a Safety and Health Officer in your workplace, you are responsible for various aspects of safe work environment. You have identified several important issues which must be address effectively. 8) What is meant by ‘near miss’?. What are the differences between ‘hazard’ and ‘tisk’? (5 marks) b) Describe with examples 3 basic steps that should be taken to ensure a safe & healthy workplace. (10 marks) ©) Briefly explain the hierarchy and the risk control measure. (marks) 5/ A chemical manufacturing Company X has instituted an emergency response “program which defines the roles and responsibilities of various groups and an individual responsible for controlting the emergency operations. a) Name five possible types of emergencies other than fire which may ‘occur in this company. (5 marks) b) Briefly describe an emergency response procedure for a fire ‘emergency. (10 marks) c) Draw an organization chart to indicate the hierarchy of command in controlling emergency operation. (S marks) McQ 1. Which of the following is FALSE. ‘Accident prevention is an essential part of good management and workmanship. ‘Top management must take the lead in organising safety ‘There must be a definite and known safely policy in each workplace |, The best available knowledge and methods must be applied © Employees have accidents because they are accident prone, Page 4 of 13 5 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 1 Asafety and health committee has been established in accordance to the requirements of Section 31 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994. a) Describe the main functions of a safety and health committee. - (40 marks) 8) Explain the various activities which the committee cam perform or carry out in line with the above. (10 marks) Answer ain functions ofthe safety and health committee: i Review the measures: 1e safety and health of persons:at the place of work, (3 marks) i ‘considers isnot 7 (4 marks) iii, the place of work. (3 marks) Other fur it 2 3. 4. 5. 6. Vc 7. SYA. 8. Imences, pol ord eS, 1.25 marks for each point; total marks: 10) hee in your own words explain whatis meant by “practicable” in accordance to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (40 marks) ‘Whatis the objectives and rationale of OSHA's 19947 (10 marks) 7 ere hntim, a Dekh (dream & he A te Nek — debe om factimer - DEM of. Rear Elst ade male og beter Page 5 of 13 a ' N yer vf eSerce Bh = DAT ay ak eSercemat Karta raked (eB abet inure ee Ns teed he Bete Bok meses bleh ae ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET t eS Answers a) Practicable : having regard to: the severity of the hazard or risk in question; The state of knowledge about the hazard or risk and any way of removing or mitigating the hazard oF ris fi, the availabilty and suizabilty of ways to remove or mitigate the hazard or risk; and iv. the cost or removing or mitigating the hazard or risk. 1) The objective ofthe Act are: i. to secure the safety and health of persons at work: ji. to protect persons ata place of work other than employees; i {0 promote an appropriate and suitable environment for persons at work; Wv. 0 enable previous eit obo replaced by regulations and approved industry codes of practice operating in combination eith the OSH Act 1994, wca 1 The certificate of fitness for steam boiler is only valid for a period of “ay 12 months 3) 15 months. €) 20 months D) 24 months £)* 10 months Page 6 of 13, zi ’ SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET1 » 9 Toxic substances may cailse health problem iit enters the bloodstream. Name ‘our (4) ypes of entry routes and give example for each ofthe routes, (4 marks) List the four classification of hazardous chemicals based on their physico-chemical properties and five classification based on their heath eects. (9 marks) List down the key information that must be included on the label of container containing a hazardous chemical. {7 marks) °) information needed on labels i, signal words /dangerous goods class and subsidiary risk label, li, identification label.- (product name, chemical name, ingredients and formulation details, ji, risk phrase iv. directions for use, v. first aid procedures. Vi. emergency procedures. vil details of manufacturer or importer. Page 7 of 13 ° * ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET1 I ee ee eee eS See eee HE vil. expiry date. x. reference tp the MSDS. 2a) Whatis the diference between sound and nolse? (marks) b) —_Atwhat levels it necessary to begin using some type of personal protective equipment? (marks) ©) What is the purpose of noise monitoring and what isthe commonly used unt to measure sound? How would your conduct a noise manitoring program at your ‘workplace? (10 marks) ANSWER: 2 a. sound vsnoise sound : is any change in pressure that can be detected by the ear. noise : is unwanted sound. b $536 © purposes of noise monitoring isto: i. toidentify areas or equiomentin the workplace that are noisy i. to identify workers with exposures above the action level or PEL. 38 Page 8 of 13, . ‘ ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET ¢ 3. The requirements for employee exposure monitoring or personal monitoring had been incorporated inthe Factories and Machinery Lead regulations (1984), Asbestos Process regulations (1986), Noise Exposure regulations (1989) and Mineral Dusts regulations (1969). i.” Whatis meant by the term personal monitoring? i, Whyisitpartcutaly important in the occupational environment? ii, Outline the various steps involved in a personal monitoring program for exposure to hazardous substance such as lead, (20 marks) ANSWER: i. Measurement ofa particular es, (1 mark) = Measuring device placed in lie (@it contaminand or ear (noise) (mari nations in the (t mark) ii. Important beta is teler: antrations in the workers fe (1 mark) (05 mark) ji, Samping © Dec exposure standards or . (2 marks) . (eg. Closest (marks) . weather conditions, (2marks) . (1 mark) + Decide how many samples to take, Depends on purpose. May require many. Can use statistical tables. Sometimes worst case will be sufficient. (1.5 marks) ‘+ Select sampling and analytical method, Depending on accuracy, precision Tequired. Use recognized method where available eg. NIOSH (US) HSE eto, (@ marks) ‘© Select appropriate equipment. Usually constant flow pump, fiter to collect fume or dust (1 mark) © Collectsample. (mark) ‘© Select competent laboratory for analysis. Send sample (1 mark) Page 9 0f 13 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 1 SSE eee eee eee McQ ‘Threshold Limits Values (TLV) 1. refer to airborne concentration of substances which are belioved that most workers ‘may be repeatedly exposed without adverse effect. are based solely on best available information from industrial experience, help to decide between a safe and unsafe condition at the workplace may be exceeded with no ll-efiects iv E) None of the above Page 10 of 13, * ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET1 1. Asa Safety and Health Officer for a construction company, you are required to outine the ‘measures that you will fake to prevent the occurrence of accidents due to the following causes: a. slides and cave-ins earth, stones /sand (5 marks) b. struck by falling object during handling (G marks) ©. contact with electricity, (marks) d. collapsing of building, walls or staircase. ~ (Gmarks) 2a) _Listand briefly explain t ‘of mechanical injury hazards. Give ‘example for each hi (10 marks) b) Briefly exp) ciated with mechani (10 marks) st be considered in rogramme. (@ marks) or), explain atleast three jon to ensure its effective b) (14 marks) i. Nature of the hazard, Details are required before adequate selection can be made, e.g. head and feet - from feling materials; ‘eyes - from fying particles or splashes of corrosive liquids; skin from contact with corrosive materials; body - from extremes of heat or cold (4 marks ) ii, Performance data for the PPE a) Manufacturers information for e.g. respirator ~ ight fype of cartridge to be used (toxic vapour, mist, dust etc) Page 11 of 13, * SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXANINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 1 (b) Ti ~ ight type of ear plug/mutf (ioformation on attenuation chart from manufacturer) (2marks ) b) Manufacturer's information with regard to its durability should be adhered. (2 marks ) The aoceptable level of exposure to the hazard. = equipment capability to meet the required standard of acceptable level of exposure fo the hazard (3 marks ) (Total = 14 marks) ‘Once the type of PPE has been selectet (e.g. Respirator), explain at least three (3) important factors that must be taken into consideration to ensure its effective and efficient use. ‘Answer: (any 3 points) 1. 2 Fit- a good fit, right size and designs is required to ensure full protection Petiod of use - to be worn whenever the hazard is present, so wearer acceptability is important. tis less likely to be worn if the equipment is not acceptable for any reason which affect task performance, concentration and stamina, Maintenance: - equipment must be regularly cleaned, checked and maintained in serviceable condition. Comfort fo the users -_ there is usually agreement among users about comfort, so permiting (imited) choice of equipment without compromising on protection standards will improve the likelihood of corect use. Training - users and supervisors must know the limitations, correct use, how to achieve a good fit and the necessary maintenance for the equipment. Interference - regard for the practicabiity of the item of equipment is needed in the work environment. Some eye protection interferes with peripheral vision, other types cannot easily be used with respirators. Correct selection can alleviate the problem for example the “Airstream” helmet gives respiratory protection, and has fed eye protection incorporated ino the design, Management commitment - the necessary condition of any safety program, required especially in relation to PPE it constitutes the last defence against hazards, (Total = 9 marks) Page 12 of 13, . [SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 1 mca 1. Poor housekeeping can produces : accidents oor lighting productivity fires mpom> Page 13 of 13, ‘ ‘ ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 2 ‘Sample questions and answers for Safety and Health Officer Examination of Loss Prever ‘What are the six-principles of accident prevention? Answers: 1) Accident prevention is an essential part of good management and of good workmanship: 2) Managermentand: workers ‘must cooperate: wholeheartedly invsecuring freedom’ from accidents. 3) Topmanagement must take the tead 4) There must be a definite and kg 5) The organisation and resus aly so gar rest. 6) The best available’ F i ts, that occurs through a rto an individual, damage to 2) Plant A ‘building damage 3) Tool and equipment damage 4) Legal costs 5) Expenditure on emergency First Aid supplies 6) Clearing site 7) Production delays 8) Overtime working 9) Temporary labour 10) Investigation time NOTES: v9 ‘The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Heath Officer Course notes. ‘The candidates are required to refer to the notes forthe detals. SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 11) Supervisors time diverted 12) Clerical effort : ‘ 5 13) Fines The 4h pry oe (oy 14) Loss of expertise / experience a Roum | if i a eae lant, he 3 What is meant by an OSH policy? wide, Answers: ‘An Occupational Safety and Health policy is a statement of management's commitment and intent in regard to occupational safety and health, 2. What are the content of a general: OSH policy ? Answer: Written statements of safety and health policy should at the very least: 2) setthe direction for:the-organisation by communicating senior management's values beliefs and.commitment to. safety and health, 2) -explain the basis of the policy:and how it-can contribute to: business performance (e.g. by reducing injuries and ill health, protecting the environment and reducing unnecessary losses and liability); 3) establish the importance: of health ‘and safety objectives’ in elation to. other. business objectives; 4) commit the organisation to pursuing progressive:improvements: In safety:and: health performance, with'legal:requirements defining the minimum level of achievement; 5) explain the responsibilities of managers and the contribution that employees can make to policy implementation outlining the participation procedures; 6) commit the organisation to-maintaining- effective systems:of communications on safety and health matters; 7) identify the director or key senior-manager.-with. overall..responsibilty:=for~policy formulation, implementation and development; 8) commit the leaders of the organisation to supporting the policy with adequate financial and physical resources and by ensuring the competence of all employees and by the provision of any necessary expert advice; 9) commit the leaders to planning and regularly. reviewing and developing the policy; 10) be signed and dated by the chairman or chief executive of the organisation. 3. Outline the organisation of safety and health responsibilities and the arrangement (plans and procedure) at a workplace? Answers: ‘This will be mainly about “who is to do what”. Essentially it should spell out the list of safety and health responsibilities of all levels of management ie. from top management down to supervisors, and safety and health personnel (if any). NOTES: “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes. “The candidates are required to refer to the notes forthe details, 219 . . ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS -SET 2 ‘The role of workers in the implementation of the policy. Each employee has a duty not to endanger himself or others by his actions or omissions, and to cooperate in all measures provided for his safety and health. ‘The structure and functions of safety and health committees and other in-house safety and health organizations(if any). Arrangements (System, Plan and Procedure) Procedure A procedure is a logical series-of ‘steps relating. to specific’ workplace activity. It establishes what action is required, who is required to act and when the action is to take place. ‘The general (systems) procedures would include the following: 10) NoTEs: “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes, “The candidates are required to refer to the notes forthe details. Hazard/accident reporting : Accident/incident investigation Workplace inspections Risk assessment and control First aid Emergency preparedness and ‘OSH induction and otf Procedures for ct ‘OSH promotion Record keeping ‘A hazard Is anything that can cause harm (e.g. chemicals, electricity, working from ladders etc). Risk is the chance or probability (big or small) of harm actually being done. (It can also be expressed as a frequency - the number of events in unit time). ‘As an example, think about a can of solvent on a shelf. There is a hazard is the solvent is toxic or flammable, but very little risk. ‘The risk increases when it is taken down and poured into a bucket. Harmful vapour is given off and there is a possibility of spillage. ‘Things are made much worse if a mop Is then used to 3/9 . . ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 2 spread it over the floor for cleaning. The chance of harm, ie. the risk, is then high. Danger Danger is the relative exposure toa ‘hazard. A-hazard'may’be present: but there 2 may belittle danger. because of the control.precautions taken; What are the 3 basic steps in the design of workplace OSH procedure? Answers: ‘The three steps are: 3. 1) identifying the hazards “involves recognising things which may cause injury or harm to the health of a person, for instance flammable material, ignition sources or unguarded machinery; 2) assessing the risk - involves looking at the possibility of injury or harm occurring to a person if exposed to a hazard; and 3) controlling the risk - by introducing measures which will eliminate or reduce the risk of a person being exposed to a hazard. Discuss the various methods of identifying hazards at workplace? Answers: Methods of identifying workplace hazards include 4 1) previewing legislation and supporting codes of practice and guidance; 2) NIOSH/DOSH published information; 3) reviewing relevant Malaysian and international standards; 4) reviewing Industry or trade association guidance; 5) reviewing other published information; 6) developing a hazard checklist; 7) conducting walk-through surveys (audits) and inspections; 8) reviewing information from designers or manufacturers; 9) assessing the adequacy of training or knowledge required to work safely; 10) analysing unsafe Incident, accident and injury data; 112) analysing work processes; 12) job safety analysis; 13) consulting with employees; 14) observation; 15) examining and considering material safety data sheets and product labels; 16) seeking advice from specialists. What is meant by safe:system of work? Answers: A safe system of work is a format»procedure which results:from:a:systematic exariination-of a task:in order to identify all the hazards and assess the'risks, and which identifies safe methods of work-to ensure that the hazards are eliminated or the remaining risks.are:minimised, NOTES: 49 ‘The answers ae extracted fiom the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes, ‘The cancidates are required to refer to the notes forthe details. . . ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 5. Explain the hierarchy of the contro! measures. Answers: Most Effective elimination - removing the hazard or hazardous work practice from the workplace. This is the most effective control measure; Feirty Effect Substitution - substituting or replacing a hazard or hazardous work practice with a less hazardous one; Isolation - isolating or separating the hazard or hazardous work practice from people not involved in the work or the general work areas. This can*be done by marking off hazardous areas, installing screens or barriers; the risk, This could rd; and, personal protective control measures are not practicable or to incr 6 *paring the JSA. Answers: Job Safety Analy it is another: € system of work and-formutate orvall job training ensuring all asy dures should be Incorporate ‘The basic:proceduré'for job:safety-analysis: is to undertake the following, in:consultation: with employees and the supervisor to raise awareness, 1) Select thé job'to be “analysed. 2) Break the job down ‘into its: component parts'inan ‘orderly and chronological sequence of, job:steps. A rule of thumb is that most jobs can be described in less than 10 steps. Each item is started with an action verb, 3) Critically observe and examine each component part’of the job to determine: potential hazards or accidents. NoTEs: 5/9 “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes, The candidates are required to refer to the notes for the detalls, ° . ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 4) Develop preventive - measures: to eliminate’ or reduce the tisk of accidents using the hierarchy of control. '5) Formulate written and safe systems of work and job safety instructions for the job. 6) Review safe systems of work and job’ safe practices at regular-intervals to ensure their utilisation. incident 1 1, What are the purposes of incident investigation? Answers: Incident investigation The immediate aim of an accident investigation accurate and full information about the circumstances aid catises of the accident. ‘The ultimate objective is to:prevent:the occurrence of similar incident in'the future;to: uncover new hazards where’ such exist and-to devise adequate measure to control them. 2. How you would conduict ain'incident investigation? Answers: For the incident investigation to be successful in identifying all of the causes it will be necessary to establish: (2) Events:leading up to the incident 1) the system:of work being carried:on; 2) the instructions given for:thve work: 3) variations from instructions'or safe work:systems; 4) workplace:conditions such as lighting, floor surfaces, stair treads and handrails, 5) warning signs, temperature, weather if the incident occurred outside, etc.; 6) the exact location.of the incident (with sufficient detail for the spot to be readily 7) Identified by somebody else reading the report 8) the materials in:usmior being handled; 9) the typeof transport oF equipment'in tise, (b) Facts ofthe:incident itself - 1) the state-of the system and the:actions that occurred at'that moment; 2) the persons-directly-involved, and those involved at a distance, if any; 3) the tools; equipment, materials and fixtures directly-concemed; 4) .thetime. (©) _ Relevant facts of what occurred immediately after the:incident: 1) the injuries:or damage directly resulting; 2) the events leading to consequential injury ordamage; 3) the persons involved, including those rendering ald; NOTES: 69 “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Offer Course notes. “The candidates are required to refer to the notes for the deals. . ‘ ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 4) any problems in dealing with the injuries or damage such as no method for releasing a trapped person, a faulty extinguisher, isolation switch dlifficutt to locate, and similar specifics. 3. Who are responsible to investigate the Incident? Answers: Chemicals involved. “The supervisor ts usually on:the spot and.can.begin the investigation. soon after the time of the incident, an important factor in good Investigation procedures, For any serious incident, the Safety and Health Officer: must lead:the tam and he/she’shoutd sign the report-and oversee all incident investigations, 4 Describe how you would interview the witnesses? Answers: oe Interviewing Witnesses Witnesses ‘and’ others should: be: ‘comments of one do not inf i Witnesses must: be convind the incident and not to allobatest ‘There are certain proven, ‘basic approach to “ir st way to put the i tht in affixing blac” 2) Yourg ‘achieve prevention with his’or her help in identifying all the factors. 3) You are interested in fact NOT theory. Be polite and reassuring, NOT aggressive and rude. Ensure the interviewee understands that all statements are confidential, 5. Discuss how you would write an incident report? ‘Answers: A record form of the incident should be completed to assist recording of those details for statistical analysis, NoTes: 79 ‘The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes, ‘The candidates are required to refer to the notes forthe details, ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 2 An incident report should contain the following: 2) Assummary of what happened 2) Anintroductory summary of events prior to the accident 3) Information gained during investigation 4) Details of witnesses 5) Information about injury or toss sustained 6) Conclusions 7) Recommendations 8) Supporting material (photographs, diagrams to clarify) 9) Thesdate, and be signed by the person or persons carrying out the investigation. ‘The full details of every incident or near-miss, having been investigated, must be consolidated Into @ single file which should include the supervisor's investigation repott, witness statements, plans/diagrams/photographs, copies of medical certificates and insurance claim forms, copies of any notification made to the relevant statutory body: All incidents should be reported by employees and recorded in the incident book. All:incident-and-near misses must be recorded; however minor. Unless the company is informed of these incidents, it will be unable to take remedial action. Tf an injury;damage:incident or ‘near miss is reported ‘to a:member of management, that manager should ensure that the SHO is informed. First Ald at Worle 1 ‘What are the three*basic steps: that the employer must take to ensure that first aid facilities provided are appropriate? Answers: 1) identifying hazards - this will assist in determining what injuries or diseases may occur: at the workplace (JSA, codes of practice, regulations and MSDSs will assist identification) 2) assessing the:risk: will assist in determining’ the ‘result or consequiences'for:people if they are exposed to:a hazard(the distance from the workplace to the nearest ambulance service and emergency service or hospital will be one factor to consider); and 3) controlling:the'tisk~ implementing measures. which will eliminate‘or'reduce the risk. ‘This may have an affect on what first ald facilities or services are required. ncy Plan and 1, List down the.type of emergencies? Answers: 1) Fire 2) Explosion 3) Release/spillof hazardous substances 4) Natural events; flood, cyclones 5) Bomb threats noes: 89 ‘The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course nates. “The candidates are required to refer to the nates for the deta. SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 2. Discuss the elements that should be included in an emergency plan? Answers: 1) Types of emergencies 2) Emergency escape procedures and emergency escape route assignments. 3) Procedures'to: be followed by employees who remain to:perform: (or shutdown) critical plant operations before they evacuate: . 4) Procedures :to: account’ for all employees: after emergency .:evacuation has been completed. oe Rt 5) Rescue and medical:duties for those employees who are’td perform them. * 6) The preferred means for reporti 7) Firefighting procedures and ct training program. 4) Present training. 5) Evaluate training. Evaluate the course and on the job competence. Performance Monitoring 1, What is meant by near misses? Answers: Near: misses'- any unplanned: incidents that: occurred’ at the workplace which, although not resulting in any injury oF disease has the potential todo so, NOTES: 29 “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Meaith Officer Course notes. “The candidates are required to refer to the notes for the deta, . ‘ Diltee tab. OSHA EMA vaqficken eggs MUD : aggeech Aone eee fédl regres i # vert. v2 3 Fem Vek sb pte ~ Te Cheb Ltgeetoc for Selick Cruusies Gensel Qados ue E plas byy Das dt Deny SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 ‘Sample questions and answers for Safety and Health Officer Examination Whats the primary aim of the Occupational Safety and:Health Act 19942 Answers: ‘The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (the Act) provides for the promotion, co-ordination, administration and enforcement of occupational safety-and:health. The Act places:certain'duties ‘on employers, employees, self employed persons, manufacturers, designers and suppliers. It also places emphasis on the prevention of accidents; il-health and injurys az What are the three separate branches of the taw of tort? Answers: ‘Three separate branches of the faw of tortsAf being by far the most important and apply accidental injury to his employee. ‘Brespass, nuisance and negligence, the latter gular to the field of an employer's liability for . —_ Under the Occupational Safety the following term listed? ee (a) any/tand) building or part of any building; (b) any-vehicle, vessel or aircraft; (©) any-installation‘ontand, offshore installation or other installation whether on the bed of or floating on any water; and (d) any tent or movable structure; 5) “Prescribed” means prescribed by this Actor the regulations. NoTes: 7 18 ‘The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safely And Health Officer Course notes. ‘The candidates ate required to refer tothe notes forthe details, ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 «4 What are the two main functions of the Occupational Safety and Health committees? Answers: ‘The Act specifies the following functions of committees: 1) review the measures taken to ensure the safety and health of persons at the place of work. 2) investigate any matters at the place of work: a) which a member of committee or a person employed there at considers is not safe or is a risk to health; and b) which has been brought to the attention of the employer. 5/ List down the composition of the. ‘Occupational Safety and Health committees? Answers: 1) Chairman- should be from the top mariagement, preferably the Chief Executive Officer. 2) Secretary- can be appointed from among the members. If the company lias a safety and health officer, he should be the secretary. 3) Management's Representatives 4) Workers! Representatives \6 What is the main abjective of the Factories and Machinaries Act 19672 Answers: ‘To:provide for the control-of~factories with respect to matters relating'to'the safety, health and welfare of persons, the registration and inspection of machinery. List down the machinery that includes under Factories and Machinery (person in charge) regulations, 1970. . Answers: 1) .steanv boiler; 2) steamvengine; 3) internal-combustion-engine; and 4) dredge: ! PE men govale a According to Fire Services Act 1988 & Regulations February 1997, what are the five main hazards produced by fire? Answers: 1) _oxygendepletion 2) flame/heat 3) smoke: 4) gaseous ‘combustion products: 5) structural failure of buildings. NOTES: an “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course nates. “The candidates are required to refer to the notes for the deta SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2. 9 Explain the three: strategies for protecting against: and. dealing with’ fire. in accordance with the Fire Services Act 1988 & Regulations February 1997. “Answers: 2) Structural: design “precautions: providing protection through insulation, integrity. and stability: permitting people to'escape, for example compartmentalisation, smoke control, unobstructed means of escape, 2) Fire detectors and alarms: activated by sensing heat; flame, smoke or flammable gas, for example heat detectors, radiation detectors, smoke detectors. 3) Fire'fighting: with portable extinguishers or fixed fire-fighting equipment. (manually or automatically operated). 10° Discuss the four ways:how: fire or flammable’ atmospheres can be detected Answers: ‘ Fire, or flammable atmospheres, can be: 1) Heat detection: expansion of a solid, ji 2 3) ke scatters a beam of light from reaching a 4) able gas in the atmosphere NOTES: ‘The ancwers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes ‘The candidates are required to refer to the notes for the deta, 3B SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 Sample questions and answers for Safety and Health Officer Examination 1) Physico-chemical properties 2) Dose 3) Health 4) Age 5) Adaptation 2 Describe the mode of entry of st Answers: Common routes of entry are ingest ‘on the substance and its specific more than one route. fi absorption into the bloodstfsa 4 cis or, more than italy, the critical injury al 2) Ingestion Anything eaten or di gf thelpleural cavity, surrounding Hele, or just about any other ithe route of administration, nt’route of entry in terms of occupational exposure is absorption through either intact or abraded skin. Contact of a substance with skin results in four possible actions: (1) the skin can act as an effective barrier, (2) the substance can react with the skin and cause local irritation, (3) the substance can produce skin sensitisation, an (4) the substance can penetrate to the blood vessels under the skin and enter the bloodstream. 4) Inhalation For industrial exposures to chemicals, the most important route of entry is usually inhalation, Nearly all materials that are airborne can be inhaled. NorEs: mo “The onewers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes. “The candidates ae required to refer to the nates for the deta. : * ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 3. Briefly explain the purpose of personal sampling, area sampling, grab sampling and integrated sampling. Answers: Personal air-sampling is the preferred method of evaluating workers’ exposure to air Contaminants. It involves the collection of an air-sample by a sampling device wom by the worker. “The sampling device is positioned as close as possible to the breathing zone of the worker (usually clipped to the shirt lapel) so the data collected closely approximate the concentration inhaled. ‘Area - or general ~ room air samples are taken at fixed locations in the workplace. In general, this type of sampling does not provide a good estimate of worker exposure. For that reason, it is used mainly to pinpoint high exposure areas, indicate flammable or explosive concentrations, oF determine if an area should be isolated or restricted to prevent employees, {from entering a highly contaminated area. Confined spaces, such as sewer lines and reaction vessels, are examples where area monitoring is necessary. In addition, continuous air ‘monitors can be used to detect leaks, ventilation fallures, and equipment malfunctions before worker exposure occurs. Grab samples represent the environmental concentration at a particular point in time. It is ‘ideal for following several phases of a cyclic process and for determining aitbome concentrations of brief duration but is seldom used to estimate §-hour average Concentrations. When primary irritants such as ammonia are present, grab-sampling techniques can provide useful information for evaluating peak exposures. In integrated air-sampling, a known volume of air is passed through a collection media to Temove the contaminant from the sampled airstream. It is the preferred method of determining time-weighted average (TWA) exposures. Integrated sampling consists of one Or a series of samples taken for the full or partial duration of the time averaging period, ‘The {ime average period can be from 15 minutes to 8 hours, depending upon whether a ceiling, short-term, or 8-hour exposure limit is being evaluated. 4. What are the 4 types of monitoring system used in occupational health surveillance? Answers: 1) Personal Monitoring Personal monitoring is the measurement of a particular employee's exposure to airborne contaminants. In personal monitoring, the measurement device, or dosimeter, is placed as close as possible to the contaminant’s entry portal into the body. When moritoring an. air contaminant that is toxic if inhaled, the measurement device is placed close to the breathing zone. When monitoring noise, the device is placed dose to the ear. 2) Environmental Monitoring Environmental monitoring is the measurement of contaminant concentrations in the workroom. The measurement device is placed adjacent to the worker's normal workstation, The air contaminant concentration or physical energy stress is then ‘measured, 3) Biological Monitoring Biological monitoring involves the measurement of changes in the composition of body fluid, tissues, or expired air to determine absorption of a potentially hazardous materia. Gramples are the measurement of lead, fluoride, cadmium, and mercury in blood or in Urine to determine intoxicant absorption. By establishing baseline levels, such monitoring ‘may indicate inadequate environmental controls or improper work methods before NOTES: 20 “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes. “The candidates are required to refer to te nates forthe dota. ‘ ® ‘SAFETY ANO HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 2 excessive absorption occurs. Biological monitoring is not a replacement for environmental or personal monitoring but may be used to complement these. 4) Medical Monitoring Medical monitoring refers to the examination by medical personnel to determine the worker's response to an intoxicant. Biological and medical monitoring provide mation only after absorption has occurred. 5. What is the purpose of health surveillance? Answers: Health surveillance is the monitoring of individuals in order to identify changes in health due to exposure to hazardous substances. It may include biological monitoring. 6. Outline the type of health surveiiance that can be carried out for workers. Answers: 1) biological monitoring, for « substances or their metabol may be complementary to 2a 3 4) ») to discharge their general Simation on the hazardous ted with those substances. iv. composition; 2) health hazard information; 3) precautions for use; and 4) safe handling information, 8. —_Discuss the safe procedures of chemicals that should be carried out during receiving, handling, storing and disposal.p114 Answers: 1). Receiving ‘This involves a number of tasks. NOTES: 3n0 “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Softy And Health Cfficer Course notes. “The candidates are required to refer tothe notes for the data, SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 9. (®) Ensuring that the appropriate information accompanies each product, Material Safety Data Sheets must be provided by the supplier. The containers must be correctly tabled and instructions for use should be checked at this point, (b) Ensuring that the right facilities for handling and storage are available when the product arrives. This includes emergency procedures. (© Entering data about the hazardous substance on a register. The name of the product, quantity and location are important. (@ __ Directing the products to the right part of the workplace. 2) Handling These procedures aim to minimise damage to containers and subsequent spills, Equipment such as forklifts may be needed for the movement of these materials. Mechanical equipment may also be needed to avold manual handling problems. ‘Transferring hazardous substances from one container to another may require special precautions. Flammable materials, toxic dusts and liquids, corrosive materials will require special training. Information on the hazard and controls can be obtained from the MSDS and labels, 3) Storage ‘Specific storage requirements for major facilites is covered by legistation. There are @ number of important principles that must be applied when storing hazardous substances. 4) Disposal ‘The aim is to prevent injury to people and pollution of the environment. Ideally all chemicals should be used in the process for which they were intended. Where this is not possible other options need to be considered. Examples are: (@) return to manufacturer (b) waste exchange (someone else could use it) (© disposal at appropriate site. Disposal requires careful consideration of chemical, physical and toxic properties, ‘Specialist advice may be needed. Some information is provided in MSDS, Give the effect of noise. Answers: ‘The most common effects of noise are listed below: 2)_Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) TTS is defined as the hearing loss suffered as a result of noise exposure, all or part of which is recovered some time after one is removed from the noise, TTS is @ resuft of the overstimulation of the ear. Over a long period of time, noise which causes TTS is believed to cause permanent threshold shift. 2) Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) ‘This resembles TTS but the recovery Is less than complete. 3)" Tinnitus NOTES: 4no “The answers ate extracted from the NIOSH Safety Ard Heath Officer Course notes “The candidates are required to refer tothe notes for the deta . ' SSAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 ‘This is characterised by a ringing sound in the ear. There are a number of possible ‘causes for this condition one of which is thought to be hearing loss at a particular frequency. 4) Communication Problems Hearing loss can result in the loss of “Moudiness” of the sound or its "clearness", ‘The inability to hear soft sounds is a common problem associated with hearing loss. IF the noise is made louder these people have much less difficulty. Damage to the outer ‘and middle ear is primarily responsible for this hearing loss. If on the other hand, the inner ear or the nerve fibres are damaged, a loss of clarity as Well as loudness is usually experienced. To these people speech seems mutfied or fuzy ro matter how loud It is. 10. Discuss components of the noise conservation program. Answers: ie Hearing Conservation Program, ‘The hearing conservation prograr Noise dosi worker during an entire shift. It Is, i 'S @ number of different tasks and ig Noise. suf particul 2) Engineering Controls ‘The degree of noise reduction required is determined by comparing the measured levels with acceptable noise levels. The next step is to consider various noise control measures, ‘such as making alterations in engineering design, limiting the time of exposure, or using Personal protective devices to achieve the desired level of reduction. Engineering controls is the preferred method of reducing noise, Every noise problem can be broken down into three parts: (1) a source that radiates sound energy, (2) a path along which the sound energy travels, and (3) a receiver, such as the human ear. If each part of the system - source, path, and recelver-is examined in detail, the overall problem will be greatly simplified, NOTES: sno “The answers are extracted fram the NIOSH Safety And Heath Officer Course nots, “The candidates are required to refer tothe notes forthe deals, ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 ‘Some examples of engineering controls are: a) using flexible mountings on machines. b) using fan blades designed to reduce turbulence. ©) enclosure of noisy machines. d) maintaining machinery (lubricate, replace worn parts etc), €) using mufflers on exhaust gases, 3) Administrative Controls ‘There are many operations in which the exposure of employees to noise can be controlled administratively, that is, production schedules can simply be changed or jobs ‘an be rotated so that exposure times are reduced, This indudes such measures as transferring employees from a job location with a high noise level to a job location with a lower one if this procedure would make the employee's daily noise exposure acceptable. ‘Administrative controls also refer to scheduling machine operating times so as to reduce the number of workers exposed to noise. For example, if an operation is performed during only one 8-hour day per week and the operator is overexposed on that one day, it might be possible to reduce the operation to one-half day (4 hours, 2 days per week). ‘The employee then may not be overexposed, Employees who are particularly susceptible to noise can be transferred and allowed to work in a less noisy area. Transferring employees is a limited control measure since Personnel problems can be caused due to loss of seniority and prestige and lower productivity and pay. 4) Audiometric testing ‘Audiograms are an indication of a persons hearing ability. In industry audiograms are used to: a) obtain a baseline measure of a persons hearing ability at the time of Placement. b) check the effectiveness of control measures by measuring the threshold of exposed workers at set intervals. ©) record significant shifts in thresholds. Audiometric testing is carried out by placing the person in a booth and feeding noise signals through a set of headphones. The softest sound that can be heard or frequencies specified in the regulations is recorded (thresholds). These are compared with standards. 5) Hearing Protection Hearing protective devices are intended for use where other forms of control are either inadequate or impractical. A number of general principles need to be applied. ‘There are several types of hearing protection. The most common are described here: 2) Helmets enclose the entire head and can provide a high level of protection. ‘They can also be used with a second device (eg ear plugs) inside the helmet, ‘These devices tend to be used only in extremely noisy situations, b) Ear plugs (aural inserts) are supplied in many forms and are made from such materials as plastic, rubber, five glass bres, foam and wax impregnated cotton. ores: «10 “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safty And Health Oicer Course notes, “The candidates are requiod to refer to the notes forthe deal, SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 NOTES: Formable slugs provide good attenuation and ft all ears. They are generally disposable. They are rolled into a conical shape and inserted into the ear ‘canal. Custom made plugs are molded to the individual and pre-molded plugs (universal fit) are also available, ©) —_Ear muffs are cup or dome shaped devices that fit over the extemal ear and seal against the site of the head. The cups are generally held together by a headband. A wide range of ear mufis (some of which allow communication) are now available, ‘When selecting hearing protection one needs to consider the following: a) the characteristics of the noise. 9 frequency of exposure, 7 9 a) b) * At 39.20C, core temperature the risk of collapse is 25%, <) Heat Cramps ‘Cause: Low salt level in muscles. Result of salt loss from heavy sweating and also drinking large quantities of water which tends to dilute the bodys fluids. Those muscies used in the work are the most susceptible, d) Fainting ‘The unacclimatised are particularly affected. Blood pools in the lower limbs due to vaso-dilatation and there is an associated fall in blood pressure, If stand up suddenly of if stand sill and erect the worker may faint. mo “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes, “The candidates are required to refer to the notes forthe detats. ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 2. 2) Heat Rash AF hot and humid, sweat is not easily removed from the surface of the skin by ‘evaporation and the skin remains wet most of the time, Note: Thirst is a poor predictor of heat stress. NIOSH (USA) have wamed against pregnant females using spa baths. Explain the safe measures that can be used to prevent heat stress, Answers: 1) Work organisation Reorganise work so that more of the work is done in: @) cooler parts of the day, for example, early moming; and b) cooler areas, for example, under Cover and shaded areas. . Consider split-shift arrangements, for example, have a break from ‘work during the hottest part of the day. * Consider reducing physical demands of work, for example, use ‘mechanical assistance, . Provide breaks in cooler areas during hot periods. . Alternate periods of work in hot conditions with periods of work in cooler conditions. . Organise systems for employees to report heat-related discomfort. Work Environment @) Work in shaded areas, for example, under permanent cover. b) Erect temporary cover. ©) Increase air movement, for example, use extraction and ventilation equipment where appropriate. 3. Cool Drinking Water ) Provide ready access to cool drinking water. b) Encourage drinks of 100-200m! of water at frequent intervals to replace fluid lost in sweating. 4, Suitable Work Clothing @) Light coloured clothing reflects radiant heat. b) Loose clothing, where such clothing is not a safety hazard, assists ‘evaporation of sweat. ©) Clothing of loosely woven natural fabrics assists evaporation of sweat. NOTES: ano “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Oicer Course notes. “The candidates are required to refer tothe notes forthe deta, . . 'SARETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 @) Wide brimmed attachments on helmets to protect from direct sunlight. 5. Health of Employees Some employees have health conditions, eg cardiovascular problems which may reduce their tolerance to heat, In such cases, advice from their doctor should be considered by employers, 13. What Is the purpose of general dilution ventilation? Answers: General ventilation systems add or remove air from work areas to keep the concentration of an air contaminant below hazardous levels. It is also used to maintain a comfortable working environment. This system uses natural convection through open doors or windows, roof ventilators, and chimneys, or air movement produced by fans or biowers. Exhaust fans mounted in roofs, walls, or windows constitute general ventilation, Answers: Local exaust vehtlation is con ig Ossi Local exhaust systems capture of * ‘escape into the workroom environ is, ducts, an air leaner, if needed, 15. Discuss the saf ‘Answers: 1) Testing the : It is important ft a ts apie a er thab air and wil are devices that can allw workersto safely breathe without inhaling toxic gases or particles. Two basic types are air-purifying, which filter dangerous substances from the air, and alr-supplying, which deliver a supply of safe breathing air from a tank or ‘an uncontaminated area nearby. 3). Standby/rescue ‘A standby person should be assigned to remain on the outside of the confined space and be in constant contact (visual or speech) with the workers inside. The standby person Notes: ono ‘The answers are extracted fiom the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes. “The cancldates ara required to refer to the nates forthe deals. ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SEF 2 should not have any other duties but to serve as standby and know who should be ‘notified in case of emergency. 16. Discuss the factors involve In the selection of the respirators. Answers: 1) Contaminant Related 2) The nature, toxicity, physical form and concentration of the contaminant, whether particulate, gas or vapour, or a combination of these, b) Whether failure of the device can result in a situation which is immediately dangerous to life or health, © The need to wear other personal protective equipment eg eye or skin protection to protect against initants. d) The adequacy of the warning given by the contaminant. ) __ The possibilty of the contaminated atmosphere being flammable, 2) Task Related a. Whether the device is for regular use or for emergency or rescue purposes. b, The probable length of time during which the wearer will be in the contaminated atmosphere, c. The expected level of activity and mobility required of the wearer. d. The access to and nature of the working environment and its focation with respect to a source of air suitable for breathing. €. Vision and communication requirements f. Maintenance requirements. 3) Operator Related a) _Basic physiology (eg workload, temperature). b) Facial fit. ©) User acceptance, Fit testing is an important part of the selection process, particularly when the respirator design relies on @ good seal. A range of respirators may need to be tried to fit individuals with different facial characteristics. Facial air can also reduce the effectiveness of seal significantly. a 1010 “The answers ae extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Offcer Course notes. “The candidates are required to refer to the notes forthe deta. . * [SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS SET 2 Sample questions and answers for Safety and Health Officer Examination 1. Describe the hazards that can be caused by movement of machinery. Answers: 2) CUTTING Examples of cutting hazards include all kinds of cistting tools, circular saws, milling utters, routers, spindle moulders, planing and tenoning machines, hand-saw blades, rotary knives, disc blades, water jet cutting or edges of moving sheet material. The autting effect may be aggravated by the body being unable to move away from the cutter. 2) SHEAR et @) @) 3) STABBING. (>) Rapidly moving parts of machinery or pieces of material, eg. sewing machines, driling machines. 4) IMPACT Impact hazards are caused by objects which act against the inertia of the body but do not penetrate it, eg. the traversing motion of a machinery part, oscillating Pendulum movements, being struck by projections or moving counterweights. 5) ENTANGLEMENT ‘The risk of entanglement is increased by loose clothing, gloves, neckties, jewellery, hair, cleaning brushes or rags, medical dressings or materials being handled. NOTES: us ‘The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course notes. “The candidates are required to refer tothe nates for the deta. ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 8) ores: Bodily contact with the following features may lead to entanglement: (@) Contact with a single rotating surface, eg. couplings, spindles, chucks, leadscrews, mandrels, bars, or rotating workpieces. (b) Catching on projections or in gaps, eg. fan blades, spoked pulleys, chain wheels, gear wheels and flywheels, mixer and beater arms, spiked cylinders, belt fasteners, projecting keys, set screws, cotter pins on shafts or slat conveyors. © By eatching between two parts: (Between counter-rotating parts, eg. gear wheels, roling mills, mixing rolls and calenders, or material being drawn between two rolls. (@ Between rotating and’ tangentially moving parts, eg. a power transmission belt and its pulley, a chain and chain wheel, a rack and pinion, metal, paper, rope etc. and a reeling draw or shaft, batch-up, reel-up, etc., or a conveyor belt and its driving pulley or any bend putley. Some mechanisms contain a combination of' sliding and turning movements such as those used in certain cam gear designs, eg, the mechanism on the side of some flat-bed printing machines, (i)—_Between rotating and fixed parts. Examples of such rotating and fixed parts are spoked handwheels or flywheels and the machinery ‘bed, screw or worm conveyors and their casings, revolving mixer and mincing mechanisms in casings having unprotected openings, Z- ‘blade and ribbon-blade mixers, extruder screw and barrel, or the periphery of an abrasive whee! and an incorrectly adjusted work rest. @ Catching. in materials in motion, eg. in centrifuges, tumble driers, dough ‘mixers, or swarf from machining operations. FRICTION AND ABRASION Friction burns can be caused by relatively smooth parts operating at high speed, eg. the rim of a centrifuge basket at the edge of the casing opening. Other examples of friction or abrasion hazards include the periphery of an abrasive wheel, belt sani machines, material running onto a reel or shaft, a conveyor belt and its drums or Pulleys and fast-moving ropes or belts. CRUSHING Crushing occurs when one part of machinery moves against another with a part of the body in between, eg. the ram of a forging hammer, the tools of power presses, the calipers of spot welding machines, garment press closure, the ciosing nip between two platen motions, hand-fed platen machines, foundry moulding machines, counterweights. The traversing motion of a machinery part, eg. the table of a ‘machine tool, and a fixed structure not being part of the machinery may also create this type of hazard. 2s ‘The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Officer Course nots. ‘The candidates are required to refer tothe notes forthe deta, . . ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH CFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 8) DRAWING-IN ‘Shearing or crushing injuries can be caused when a part of the body Is drawn into a Funning or in-running nip formed in the following ways: (@)_. Inrunning nips between two counter-rotating parts, eg. meshing gears, rolling mills, mixing rolls, press rolls, reel and carriage rolls, calenders, dough brakes and moulders, (b) —_In-tunning nips between a rotating surface and a tangentially moving ‘surface, eg. power transmission belt and pulley, chain and chain wheel, rack and pinion. (© Running nips between a rotating surface and a tangentially moving surface ‘Where material, eg. metal, paper, cable or rope, runs on to a reel, drum or shaft. . 2 What are the principal fact machinery? Answers: 1) The agent of da lain the types of machine guards, Answers: 3) Fixed Guard: A fixed guard should be fitted wherever practicable and should, by Gesign, prevent access to dangerous parts of machinery. It should be robust to withstand the process and environmental conditions. Its effectiveness will be determined by the method of fixing and the size of any openings, allowing for an adequate distance between the opening and the danger point, This may be determined by national standards or Regulations. ‘The guard should only be removable with the use of a special tool, such as a spanner or wrench, 2) Interlocked Guard: The essential principles of an interlocked guard are that the ‘machine cannot operate until the guard is closed, and the guard cannot be opened Luntit the dangerous parts of the machine have come fully to rest, Interlocked guards NOTES: 3s “The anowers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Heath Officer Course notes. ‘The candidates are required to refer tothe notes forthe detail ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 can be mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic or a combination of these. Interlocked quards and their components have to be designed so that any failure of ‘them does not expose people to danger. 3) Control Guard:_If the motion of the machine can be stopped quickly, control guards ‘can be used. The principle of control guarding is that the machine must not be able to operate until the guard is closed. When the guard is closed by the operator, the ‘machine's operating sequence is started. If the guard is opened, the machine's ‘motion is stopped or reversed, so the machine must come to rest or reverse its ‘motion quickiy for this technique to be effective. Generally, the guard in a control system is not locked dosed during the operation of the machine. 4) Automatic Guard: An automatic guard operates by physically removing from the danger area any part of the body exposed to danger. It can only be used where there is adequate time to do this without causing injury, which limits its use to slow-moving machinery. 5) Distance Guard: A distance guard prevents any part of the body from reaching a danger area. It could take the form of a fixed barrier or fence designed to prevent access, 1) Adjustable Guard: Where it is impracticable to prevent access to dangerous parts (they may be unavoidably exposed during use), adjustable guards (fixed guards with adjustable elements) can be used. ‘The amount of protection given by these guards relies heavily on close supervision of the operative, correct adjustment of the guard and its adequate maintenance. 4. What is meant by maintenance? Answers: ‘Maintenance can be defined as work carried out in order to keep or restore a facility (part of '@ workplace, building and contents) to an acceptable standard. It is not simply a matter of repair; some mechanical problems can be avoided if preventative action is taken in good time, 5. Discuss the type of maintenance for machines, guards and tools, ‘Answers: 1) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Preventative maintenance can be called the orderly, uniform, continuous and scheduled actions necessary to prevent breakdown. It consists of three main components: @) Scheduling and performing periodic maintenance; b)_ Keeping records of repairs and service; and ©). Repairing and repiacing equipment and components, Safety staff cannot be expert in all these activites, but they should know the subjects well enough to make @ contribution from the safety and health viewpoint. Safety knowledge requires an understanding of the hazards that may arise: a) Through failure to carry out preventive maintenance at the right time; b) In the course of maintenance operations themselves at the right time; and NOTES: 4s “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Ocer Course noes “The candidates are required to refer to the notes forthe deta. SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 2 9) Through faulty maintenance, which leaves the equipment in a more dangerous condition than it was before. 2) BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE On-call maintenance is often the cheapest and most flexible type of maintenance to perform, It means waiting until a fault appears or an item breaks down and then deciding whether to repair it, scrap it, sel it, or replace it with a similar item. ‘This policy assumes that replacement or repair facilities are readily available, so that spare parts ‘need not be carried, and that there will be minimum delays in starting the process or equipment. 3) ONLINE MAINTENANCE ‘Where it is not practical for the machine to be stopped and itis essential to the process, leaning, maintenance, or repair procedure that the machine remain in operation, then the following steps should be taken by employers: ) Only the part of the machine whiGh should be energised; ia 7 Four basic safety rules can help prevent hazards associated with the use of hand and power tools: 2) select the right tool; 2) use tools correctly and safely; 3) keep tools in good condition; and 4) store tools in a safe place, NoTes: 35 “The answers are extracted from the NIOSH Safety And Health Ofcer Course notes. “The candidates are roquied to refer to the noes fr the detail, SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 3 SHORT ANSWER, i State three types of OSH:communication and give 2 examples for each. Answer i. Printed»material - examples, notices, waming:-signs, posters, reports, safety newsletters. i, Verbal-communication — examples, tool box talks, safety and health training (lectures) ili, Non-Verbal:Communication — examples, it is not worth advising ‘someone who is working on a-construction site to wear-appropriate protective: footwear up| officer is also wearing suitable footwear, inspection 4 va icy should be Siar lieflexsoutive of the organisation. At Answer 4 é : Signed: dated « OS ae ts Ais AM io 4. A hazard is anything that can cause hare. and a danger is the etlyeue eegvsw® toa hazard. Answer Harm, relative exposure wi2 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 3 OBJECTIVE 5. The following informations and instructions about first aid facilities and services in the workplace should be provided to all employees EXCEPT names, work locations and contact numbers of first aiders location of all first aid boxes and rooms universal precautions for the control of infection the cost of the first aid boxes. the first aid procedures 6. Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding written statements of safety and health policy? A B) x D) E) set the direction for the organization by communicating senior management's values beliefs and commitment to safety and health. establish the importance of safety and health objectives in relation to other business objectives. be signed and dated by the chairman or executive of the organization. See explain the basis of the policy and how it can contribute to business performance. commit the leaders to planning and regularly reviewing and developing the policy. 2/2 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET3 OBJECTIVE FIRE SERVICES ACT 1988 ate ‘There are five main hazards produced by fire. Which of the following is FALSE? A. Oxygen depletion B. — Flame/heat &. Contamination D. Smoke E. 3. Memb EXCEPT: A. BL ‘Treasury D. Management's representatives E. — Worker's representatives 3/2 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 3 SHORT ANSWER FIRE SERVICES ACT 1988 1. List three strategies for protecting against and dealing with fire? Answer: a. Structural design precautions b. Fire detectors and alarms cc. Fire fighting SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMITTEE REGULATIONS 1996. 2, As soon as practicable after the establishment of new--committee members, they should receive training in their function. List 3-of the training area, Answer (any 3 points): i,” the terms of reference of the committee, what it does and what it cannot do i, how to make the most of accident and ill-health statistics, using them to spot trends i, howto analyse audits and inspection reports iv. howto review safety policies,procedures v. howto. communicate effectively Vi. the'role of minutes’and:agendas v. the role of the chairperson and secretary FACTORY AND MACHINERY ACT 1967? 3. What is the main objective of Factory and Machinery Act 19677 Answer: To provide for the contro! of factories with respect to matters relating to the safety, health and welfare of persons, the registration and inspection of machinery. FILL IN THE BLANK SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMITTEE REGULATIONS 1996 1. Safety Committee meeting should be held regularly at least once in ree Answer: 3 months 42 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 3 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT 1994 2, An employer shall kept.a copy of the report in the place of work for a minimum period of years. Answer: 7 SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMITTEE REGULATIONS 1: 3. Asafety and health committee may remove a member from the committee if he/she ; (3 marks) pvicted on, a charge in turpitude occupational safety and member of the 5/2 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 3 ° If hot and humid, sweat is not easily removed from the surface of the skin by evaporation and the skin remains wet most of the time. (b) Name and describe 5 (five) safe work system that should be set up to prevent heat stress. Ariswer = Work organization : * _ Reorganize work so that more of the work is done in : i) cooler parts of the day ji) cooler areas (under cover, shaded areas) Consider split-shift arrangements Consider reducing physical demands of work Provide breaks in cooler areas during hot periods. Alternate periods of work in hot conditions with periods of work in cooler conditions . Organise systems for employees to report heat-related discomfort. ccc Work environment * Work in shaded areas * Erect temporary cover * Increase air movement Cool drinking water * Provide ready access to coo! drinking water * Encourage drinks of 100-200m! of water at frequent intervals to replace fluid lost in sweating. Suitable work clothing * Light coloured clothing reflects radiant heat * Loose clothing, where such clothing is not a safety hazard, assists evaporation of sweat. * Clothing of loosely woven natural fabrics assists evaporation of ‘sweat * Wide brimmed attachments on helmets to protect from direct sunlight. Health of employees * Some employees have health conditions, eg cardiovascular problems which may reduce their tolerance of heat. * In such cases, advice from their doctor should be considered by employers. 10/12 ‘SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 3 OBJECTIVE 1) Following machines parts may caused entanglement, EXCEPT : a) chain wheels b) fan ¢) sewing machine , d) gear wheels e) spiked cylinders” 2) Whigh of folowing factors are NOT causing sprains and strains to muscles regarding to manual handling a) Static posture b) Repetitive ©) Age d) Smoking h 5 | the use of force exerted by a perso, spush, pf /e, hold or restrain a ff edges of access. . from or through to a lower level. . Answer: Gi SHORT ANSWER 1) State four (4) safety rules that can help to prevent hazards regarding use of hand and power tools: “4 Select the right tool Use tools correctly and safely fi. Keep tools in good condition je Store tools in a safe a2 SAFETY AND HEALTH OFFICER EXAMINATION WORKSHOP QUESTIONS-SET 3 2) Give five (8) types of machinery guard. i. Fixed guard F~Ad ii. Interlocked guard Valle Control guard“ A mentees iii. Automatic guard “ Bx dysthh iv. Adjustable guard “ ie v. Distance guard ~ p - vi. Self- adjustable guard / S - slebyshly Le FO - WL cmedehor SI% Seqe aBerhd ry. ) l te bh Coy ed LE Se- CHU bn seh ay by edsy aa _ Asghyrit- es sh arp Fale kabel Neregh rec ethe Sesdhine - Sem Sw SOLU Gretel. Days Fn Ae Ue oe Hatin Cait - i [ 1217

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