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Seat Number012

Java Programming Languages (2403)
(New) (June-2015)
P. Pages : 1
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 60

Instructions to Candidates
I. Do not write anything on question paper except Seat No.
2. Graph or diagram should be drawn with the black ink pen being used for
writing paper or black HB pencil.
3. Students should note, no supplement will be provided.
4. Attempt any five questions.
5. Figures to right indicate full marks.

1, a) List and explain features of JAVA. 6 b) What is JVM? What are advantages of JVM?
2. a) Compare between Java and C++ as programming language. 6
b) Explain different data types in java. 6

3. a) Explain while loop with syntax and example. 6

b) How switch executes? Explain by using on example. 6
4. a) What is an array? Explain its types. 6
b) List and explain string funqtions. 6
5. a) What is constructor? Explain one example of constructor. 6

b) What is inheritance? Explain different types of inheritance. 6

6. a) Explain if else condition by using an example. 6
b) List and explain access modifiers. 6
a) What is polymorphism? Differentiate between function overloading and 6
b) Explain try, catch and finally blocks. 6
8. a) Explain J button and J frame control.
b) What is JDBC? Enlist types of drivers used in JDBC.

1. a) State the features of Java.

b) Explain while and for loop with example.
2. a) Demonstrate single inheritance in java.
b) Explain using array in java with example.
3. a) Write a note on model view controller architecture.
b) What is applet? Describe applet life cycle.
4. a) Explain the following string methods with example.
i) Equals 0 ii) Char AT 0
b) Explain the procedure of creating and importing packages.
5. a) Differentiate between interface and abstract class.
b) What is exception? Explain any two exceptions with example.
6. a) Write a note on Layout Managers in awl.
b) Explain the difference between AWT and swings.
7. a) What is listener? Demonstrate the use of anyone listener.
b) Write a program demonstrating function overloading:
8. a) Explain the following containers of AWT.
i) Panel ii) Frame
b) Explain the following class.
i) Font ii) Text field


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