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Developmental Changes in Serum Ferritin Concentration of Dairy Calves


Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station
Sapporo 061-01, Japan

15, 17). Also, where iron deficient, susceptibility
Serum ferritin concentration of nursing of calves to some pathogenic agents increases
calves was measured by a two-site im- (13, 21). Administration of iron compounds to
munoradiometric assay to assess de- newborn calves is effective for calf growth and
velopmental changes and to evaluate hematological aspects (5, 12, 25, 27, 30, 31).
relationships of serum ferritin with Thus, economic damage from iron deficiency is
iron-related blood characteristics. Serum considerable. In the earlier studies, character-
ferritin concentration of calves was low at istics in blood for monitoring iron nutritional
birth and elevated slightly at 3 days of status were hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Ht),
age. From 1 wk of age onward, serum red blood ceils (RBC), serum iron (Sl), and total
ferritin concentration of untreated calves iron-binding capacity (TIBC). There were close
and calves fed only whole milk for 4 wk relationships among measurements in blood and
decreased and remained low throughout storage iron in calves (29).
the nursing period. This finding almost More recently, ferritin concentration in
coincided with hematological char- blood serum has attracted attention as a useful
acteristics. However, that nearly normal survey tool to monitor iron status, because
hematological measures and weight gain as ferritin in blood serum is directly propor-
persisted and that they did not develop tional to iron stores under normal condition
any anemic symptom indicate that serum (32). In previous papers (7, 18) authors reported
ferritin concentration is more sensitive a highly sensitive two-site immunoradiometric
than other hematological characteristics assay measuring ferritin concentration in blood
to iron depletion. However, serum ferritin serum of dairy cows and bulls to assess their
concentration of calves administered 130 iron nutritional status. Also, our study on
mg of ferrous fumarate (40 mg iron) daily serum ferritin of nursing piglets indicated that
from 3 to 22 days of age or injected with circulating ferritin is an indicator for assessment
4 ml of iron-dextran intramuscularly (400 of storage iron (8). Although there is con-
mg iron) at 3 days and 2 wk of age siderable evidence on blood characteristics of
increased sharply just after treatment and nursing calves, only limited data are available
persisted high for 2 to 6 wk of age. on serum ferritin levels of calves.
However, there was large variation Objectives of this study were to assess de-
between animals for serum ferritin velopmental changes in serum ferritin of calves
concentration. Thus, it seems likely that and to evaluate relationships of serum ferritin
serum ferritin concentration is an index with iron-related blood characteristics.
for monitoring prelatent iron deficiency

INTRODUCTION Animals and Samples

Nursing calves fed only whole milk often Twenty male and 20 female Holstein calves
develop anemia within a few weeks (3, 5, 20, were allotted into 4 groups of 10 calves by
26). In the veal industry especially, where weight and sex. They were housed in individual
milk diet is commonly fed and rapid growth calf pens on concrete and bedded with straw
occurs, iron deficiency anemia is common (2, 4, for the 13-wk experiment. Pens were cleaned
every morning. Water was available ad libitum.
The feeding program for calves is in Table 1.
Calves were full fed colostrum three times a day
Received July 8, 1983. for 1 wk and thereafter fed whole milk twice a

1984 J Dairy Sci 67:1256--1263 1256


TABLE 1. Feeding program for calves.

Weeks of age
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Groups 1, 2, and 3
Whole milk,
kg/day a 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4~0 2.0
Calf starter,
kg/day .1 .2 .4 .5 .8 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.0 .5
kg/day .5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Orchardgrass ad libitum
Iron treatment
(oral) b

(i.m.) C C

Group 4
Whole milka
kg/day 5.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 2.0
Calf starter
kg/day .2 .4 .6 .8 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.0 .5
kg/day .5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Orchardgrass ad libitum

aFed colostrum ad libitum.

bOral administration of 130 nag of ferrous fumarate (40 mg iron) daily.
Injected lron-dextran (400 mg iron) intramuscularly.

day. Groups 1, 2, and 3 were on similar feeding Blood samples were collected by jugular punc-
programs. They were fed calf starter after 1 wk ture into nonheparinized and heparinized
of age. Relative to the other groups, group 4 tubes. The RBC were counted by TO A microcell-
received additional whole milk and no starter counter (Model CC-108, TOA tyo Denshi,
until 4 wk of age. All calves were fed orchard- Kobe) and Hb, Ht, and plasma total protein
grass hay for ad libitum consumption after 1 (TP) were determined as in (7). Serum was
wk of age. They were weaned at 9 wk of age extracted from whole blood and frozen at
and fed concentrate after weaning. Group 1 - 3 0 ° C for later analysis of SI, TIBC, and serum
received an oral dose of 130 mg of ferrous ferritin. The SI and TIBC were determined as in
fumarate (40 mg iron) daily from 3 to 22 days (7). However, SI and TIBC of calves ad-
of age. Group 2 received 4 ml of iron-dextran ministered iron-dextran intramuscularly was
intramuscularly (400 mg iron) at 3 days and 2 not measured because of difficulty of separation
wk of age. This iron level was based upon dietary of Fe from iron-dextran complex.
requirement of calves of 40 mg/day per head
reported by Matron et at. (17), Roy et al. (28), Two-Site Immunoradiometric Assay
and Hansard (10). Iron content of the rations for Bovine Serum Ferritin
was 283 ppm for calf starter, 179 ppm for Serum ferritin concentration was determined
concentrate, and 190 ppm for orchardgrass hay by a two-site immunoradiometric assay as in
dry matter. (7). Bovine ferritin was isolated from bovine
Observation and sampling of calves were at spleen by the method of Penders et al. (24) and
birth, 3 days, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 13 wk of age. purified by high speed liquid chromatography

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 67, No. 6, 1984


(HLC-803A, T o y o Soda, T o k y o ) . The antisera u n t r e a t e d calves and calves fed only whole milk
against purified bovine ferritin was o b t a i n e d declined from birth to 1 wk of age. F r o m 1 wk
f r o m rabbit i m m u n i z e d by repeat subcutaneous of age onward, RBC gradually increased,
injections of purified ferritin m i x e d with whereas Hb and Ht remained low. However,
F r e u n d ' s c o m p l e t e adjuvant. G a m m a globulin calves did n o t show any anemic s y m p t o m . The
fraction was salted out with Na2 SO4, f o l l o w e d Hb and Ht increased gradually from 6 wk of
by affinity c h r o m a t o g r a p h y on a ferritin-coupled age. These results are similar to (2, 4, 15, 17).
CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B column. A part of Thus, it seems likely that the neonatal anemia
purified anti-bovine spleen ferritin a n t i b o d y of calves does n o t develop severely in a short
was coupled on silicone rubber strings (3 m m in period, as c o m p a r e d with that of piglets (6, 8).
diameter, 4 m m long). The o t h e r part of Under the present condition, severe iron
purified a n t i b o d y was labeled with radio- deficiency may develop when calves are reared
active 125 I. Iodination of purified anti-ferritin on exclusive milk diet for a tong time.
a n t i b o d y was according to the m e t h o d of Niitsu However, hematological m e a s u r e m e n t s of
et al. (23). Ferritin standard solutions and two- calves administrated iron orally or intra-
or threefold diluted serum samples were sand- muscularly increased sharply just after t r e a t m e n t
wiched between two antibodies, and radio- and reached m a x i m u m at 2 to 4 w k of age. The
activity of antibody-antigen-antibody linkage of RBC, Hb, and Ht were higher (P<.01) for
silicone rods was c o u n t e d by an auto g a m m a treated calves than for u n t r e a t e d calves during
scintillation c o u n t e r (LKB Wallac, Turku). All this period. According to ferrokinetic studies
samples were analyzed at least in triplicate. A on calves (11, 14, 22), m a x i m u m u p t a k e by red
standard curve for this assay showed a positive blood cell of radioactive S9Fe has been 12 to 16
relation with ferritin c o n c e n t r a t i o n over a range days after iron injection. Our findings almost
of .1 to 500 ng/ml. coincided with the ferrokinetic data. However,
no difference was significant between oral and
RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION injected groups for RBC, Hb, and Ht. Mean
Changes in b o d y weight of calves are shown in corpuscular v o l u m e (MCV) declined slightly
Table 2. Daily gains of calves in groups 1, 2, 3, from birth to 8 wk of age. The MCV was higher
and 4 were .84, .75, .82, .78 kg. No difference for iron treated calves than for u n t r e a t e d calves
was significant among daily gains of four groups between 1 wk and 6 wk of age. Mean corpuscular
(P< .05). h e m o g l o b i n (MCH) declined gradually from
Hematological changes of calves are shown in birth to 6 wk of age. The MCH was not affected
Figures 1 and 2. The RBC, Hb, and Ht of so sharply as MCV by iron treatment. Mean

TABLE 2. Changes in body weight of calves.

No. of Weeks of age

Groups animals 0 4 8 13 Daily gain

Group 1a 10 46.7 1.8 kg 58.6 2.2 kg 90.3 3.2 kg 123.2 3.4 kg .84 .04 kg
Group 2b 10 44.4 2.3 57.1 1.5 86.0 2.0 113.6 2.6 .75 .02
Group 3c 10 45.1 .9 57.0 1.7 83.4 3.4 119.5 3.1 .82 .04
Group 4d 10 48.5 1.8 60.8 1.4 86.3 1.7 119.2 2.9 .78 .03

aFed calf starter after 1 wk of age, weaned at 9 wk of age, and received an oral dose of 130 mg of ferrous
fumarate (40 mg iron) daily from 3 to 22 days of age.
bFed calf starter after 1 wk of age, weaned at 9 wk of age, and received 4 ml of iron-dextran intramuscularly
(400 mg iron) at 3 days and 2 wk of age, respectively.
CFed calf starter after 1 wk of age, weaned at 9 wk of age.
dFed calf starter after 4 wk of age, weaned at 9 wk of age.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 67, No. 6, 1984


o Group1 £oral iron~

• Group 2 , i. m iron>
o - - - - - Group 3 (untreated)
o _ _ _ G r o u p 4 *whole m i l k f o r 4 weeks)


0 900

0 800
700 I t I i I I I I t


-~¢. "-,~_ _ _ - , ~ . ~ . . . . ..o~ ~" ~" -....

30 i I I I I I I i


_13 fO
T 9 I I I "-- L I I
03 I 2 3 4 6 8 13
! I I., ql
oral iron WEEKS

[ i.m iron f
Figure 1. Changes in red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), and hematocrit (Ht) of dairy

corpuscular hemoglobin c o n c e n t r a t i o n (MCHC) chronic changes during the nursing period.

was relatively low at birth and elevated at 3 Changes in TP, SI, and TIBC are shown in Fig-
days of age, and thereafter it remained almost ure 3. The TP and serum transferrin concentra-
u n c h a n g e d t h r o u g h o u t the experiment. Eryth- tion increased rapidly from birth to 1 wk of age
rocyte of calves show microcytic and n o r m o - and thereafter plateaued. Although intense and

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 67, No. 6, 1984


immediate change of TP occurs as a result of orally from 2 to 4 wk of age. The SI was

intact absorption from the small intestine, relatively low at birth and 3 days of age. The SI
elevation of serum transferrin is derived from of untreated calves and calves fed only whole
endogenous sources (16). Developmental milk increased gradually from 1 wk of age and
changes in TIBC are similar to those reported was relatively constant after 4 wk of age.
by Martinsson et al. (16). The TIBC was slightly However, SI of calves administered iron orally
higher in calves fed only whole milk than in increased temporarily with a peak at 1 wk of
untreated calves and calves administered iron age (P<.01). This finding is consistent with that

o Group1 ~oral ironJ

_- Group2 * i m iron>
(>----- Group3 ' u n t r e a t e d ,
~___ Group4,v#lulerrnilkfor4weeks'



35 I I I L I _1 I

~ 14--

(.~ 12

""~0-- ~ _ ~ -- ~ l - - ~

I0 1 I J I I I J


25 I I I I I I
03 2 3 4 6 8 13
L w I

orat iron WEEKS
I ~-

1' i m l r o r , f

Figure 2. Changes in mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCI-I), and mean
corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) of dairy calves.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 67, No. 6, 1984


o Group1 (oral iron)

• Group 2 (i. m. iron~
:f ~ o - - - - Group 3 ~unt reated~
7 ~ e----- Group4 ~whole m i Ik for 4 weeks)

~'~ I I 1 I I I 1 I I

500 - / ~ " ~ --- ~ . ~

~ 400 "- ""

0 300


0 J J J J I I I I l
03 I 2 3 4 6 8 13
'D/~Y~' ora'l iron
[ i.m. iron 1L
Figure 3. Changes in plasma total protein (TP), serum iron (SI), and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)
of dairy calves.

of Getty et al. (9), but after 2 wk of age, SI of from circulation from 2 to 4 wk of age. Ferritin
treated calves was not different from that of concentration in blood serum of calves ad-
untreated calves. ministered iron orally or intramuscularly
Developmental changes in serum ferritin increased rapidly in a short period and persisted
concentration in blood serum of dairy calves high for 2 to 6 wk of age. However, there was a
from birth to 13 wk of age are presented in Fig- large variation between animals in serum
ure 4. Serum ferritin concentration of calves was ferritin concentration. Thereafter, it declined
low at birth and elevated sligb ely at 3 days of age. linearly to 13 wk of age. No difference in serum
This is similar to tfiat of nursing piglets (8.19). ferritin concentration was observed between
From 1 wk of age onward, ferritin concentration treated and untreated animals at 13 wk of age.
in blood serum of untreated calves decreased This indicates that active iron absorption occurs
and remained below 10 ng/ml throughout the in intestine of neonatal calves and rapid growth
experiment. Similarly, serum ferritin con- accelerates in iron depletion of storage sites
centrations of calves fed only whole milk was following low ferritin concentration in blood
less after 1 wk of age compared with untreated serum. This finding also indicates that most
animals, and serum ferritin almost disappeared iron administered orally or injected is utilized

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 67, No. 6, 1984


E 120

g IO0
o G r o u p 1 ~oral iron~
V-- = Group2~im. irom
8O / ~----Group3,untreated'
---- -- " r 4 weeks~


o 11 I I
0i 3 J I 2 3 4 6 8 13

oral iron
P m

tim iron t

Figure 4. Changes in serum ferritin concentration of dairy calves. Mean -+ standard error.

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