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Cover Letter

:Jah Born-Allah: El
Latitude 40.5890655 Longitude -7 4.28L364
:Turtle-lsla nd/:Atla n/:Amexem/: M uu-La n
[care of: 2311 Murray Street
Avenel, New Jersey]


Greetings Governor Andrew M Cuomo:

l, :Jah Born-Allah: El, have disclosed a Statutory Declaration to inform you and allworld governments of
who I am upon discovering that I am an Autochthon/lndigenous, Flesh and Blood, True and Living Man
[Garifuna (Carib) Arawak; Yamassee-Moor/:At-Sik: Hata] to these lands called :Turtle-
lsland/:Atlan/:Amexem/:Muu-Lan which today is a misnomer called IUnitied States, Canada, Mexico]
that do not denote the true appellation of the land, but are corporations/corporate entities exported
into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

l, :Jah Born-Allah: claim My lndigenous Standing in accord with United Nations Charter Articles 55 &
56, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of lndigenous People(s), and [now just implemented]
lnternational Decade for People of African Descent in promoting human rights across the planet.

Our People cannot thrive or survive in any community, civilization, society or body politic without
knowing their true ancestry, language, culture and heritage; and My ancestors were stripped of their
names and heritage. This is Genocide, Apartheid, Rape, Forced Assimilation, Peonage, Slavery, and
Trafficking in Human Cargo, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity.

The united States is no longer bound by its constitutional delegated powers but to promote the five
fields of endeavors: civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights under Articles 55 & 56 of the
United Nations Charter. I honor My ancestors and that honor is in claiming My family appellation
[name], claiming My ethnic group, tribe, nation, classical tongue(s), heritage and culture. All states are
mere corporations operating under color-of-law which are legal fictions by operation of law.
I know Now, I am Deity (God). [See: David lmhotep's Book "The First Americans Were Africans"

According to the Dred Scott Decisibnof 1857, so-called [black people] are not part and parcel of the
united States according to the original intent of the united States Constitution and the original
Thirteenth Amendment with twenty t20] sections: Section 12 states: "persons of African descent could
never be citizens" which Justice RogerTaney states: 'A [black manl has no rights a white man is bound
to respect'' which means people of African descent are outside the jurisdiction of the united States and
cannot be brought to court in any state.
President Obama stated on the Tom Joyner Morning Show: "Black has no standing at law." (See: PresentKinssa ndQueens/posts/16746032571 167)

Nubians, Melanites, Moors, Lascars, Kemetu, Asiatics are the Original People(s) of this Planet,
Autochthon/lndigenous People, and I claimed My lndigenous Standing. Take Judicial Notice.

I thank you for your time and understanding...much appreciated,

gr;/J r,,"^-t'il"A'l'(
't / *n Born-Allah: El
' u"t*ilcotoil3ots67l6

My Holiness, Pope Francis
Apostolic Palace
00120 Vatican City

Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli

President, Pontifical Council for Social Communications
00120 Vatican City

Her Majesty, The Queen

ATTN: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor Mountbatten Battenberg
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA

Executive Office of the President aal 5,^g1e,5i5s; i

ATTN: Barack Hussein Obama, President
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20500
His Honor, Bill de Blasio o"orl ,fraac{-s,torf
Mayor of New York City
City Hall Building
NewYork, NewYork 10007

The ffice of the Governor o.t I strcce'f'rorJ

State of New Jersey
ATTN: Christopher J Christie
Post Office Box 001
Trenton, New Jersey 08625

New Jersey Department of State eo I J^cccJrosf

ATTN: Kim Guadagno, Secretary of State/Lieutenant Governor
Post Office Box 3(X)
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
Statutory Decl?ration
In the matter of Amendment to New York Division of Vital Records Regiskation + l5 6 -75 - Il'J.{0d

l,Joseph Georgq to be now known as :Jah Bom -Allah :El, (care of : 2311 Murry Street and 2311
Lsesville Avenue , Avenel ,New Jeney), do solemaly declare (in accordance with: the l9l3 statue of
Sfesuninster {hrg:l/www"legislatiox.gav.uklulrygall93l/4/pdfs/ukpga_en.pdf} ,1665 Agreement between
Dekis and Queen Victoria on Bargain 1833,1777 Articlss of Confederationand Perpetual Union-
art.Xl, I 81 2 Treary of Ghenq 1794 Jay Tre aty of Marrakesh (Morocco) all recognized and valid treaties,
congress is no longer bound by its constitution system ofdelegated powers-Congressional records (page
}^3220) $tatement of Carl B. Rix on: May l1 1955, ttre 1948 Charter of the United Nation,the 1975 Inter-
American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People
{hnp,/*enpd{) } and the United Nations 2d Decade of t}re
World's Indipnous Peopte {h@:1/www.un,a,rglesa/*oedev/unpii#dacumentr,&r*ch*re_2d*decads.pd0.
Upon discovering that the registration of live birth of September 28 l975,in the city state called New York
was a confact between my mother and the Government who did not tell her that she was selling me ,a flesh
and bl,ood child, to the Sbte sf New York as their chafiel properly/slave, which is a violation of human
riSrb, I hereby void the co:rfiact ab initio for fraud Since I arn a flesh and Blood Yamassee -Moor of
the:At-sik-hata Nation (Garifuna (Carib), Arawak) in accordance with the United Nations Declaration on
the Rights on Indigenous People,HJR-t9a { htfp:#www.qpq"sovl*ls"yslpkg/Bll-l{$-
I l.0hrysl9, ch.pdf/Bll-L$-l l0bre$l04ch.odf )- S Con. Res 26 ( hqf:#www,epo.gqvildslxlpkg/Bfl.l"&
l"U.p*o{rs$?6€$lpd#Bll.I.&1 I lsf"onrss26cE.pdf ), HJR-3 Nativs People Apology (
htFs;/lwww.confress.govll l0lbills{{res3/Blll$l l$hjre$3ih.pdf } ; U.S.A. apolory to Nativs Americaa
{hup/l www.govmslru$/congresdbills/ 1 I 1 {hr3326ltext).
REGINA V. JAH { Ref T20107746). On May,14,201 I at Southwa* Crown Cou* (l English Crounds
in $outhwark, Londo& England) Defendant: john Anthony Hill in the united Kingdom proved before an
English juy that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windor -Mountbatterq was not the rightful monarch and never
was. Elizabeth knew-both tbea and now-tlat she was crov*ned on ftke coronafion stone instead of the real
$tqnq of DestinyCofonation $tp?e , which meant not only was she neverproper$ crowned, but she was
also knowingly and fraudulently conning the public, and fhat is why she didn't want her coronation
lelevis€d. I declare that name JOSEPH CEORGE in upper and lower case on the registation of live Birttr
and SSN is a corporation and Joseph George who now known as :Jah Born -Allah:El is an Indigenous
flesh and blood man. I, :Jah Born 'Allah :EI do hereby claim my Indigenous Standing in Law in accord with
UNDRIP and I am Not a corporation, artificial person, natural person' fictitious entity or vessel of the
United stabs (defined under 18 U.S.C. sec 9) and I give notice Internationalty, Domestically, and
Univenally via this Declaration that I dsny corporate existence. Under reservation of ALL MY RIGHTS
Unalienable and otherwise, 1 am :lndigenoudAutochthon of this planet. And I make rhis soleru declaration
conscientiously believing it to be trus, and knowing rhBt it is the sasre force and effect as made undsr oath.
Uoiteil Nations Dcelarali,on on the Rigb$ of hdigcnous Pcople ,Uniftd Netionc Corvention oa Economig Soeial qld
Crltorsl Rigits, Unitcd Nrtion* Ch*rter; Articles 55 and 56, IIJR -194, S. Con Res 26, HJR-3 .

This document was before me &is \Offoryof Trvu:Ots

PublicNot{y Mycommission r*i'*,-$4i4 ?-5,, ?Ot4

Corey Berkerey
Notary PuHic, Rhode lsland
My Commission Expires May 23,2017
Notary lD 755395
NTMffi. I


H. RES. I94
,lpologizing for the emlsl'orent arxl mcial segrcgatiou of r\fiican-Amerieans.


Fnenu,rnv 27,2047
ilfr. Comw (for hinrself, trIr. Jornwos of Georgia, Ms. J,rcrsoN,LEE of
Tesas, Mr'. Bnrot of Pennsyh'ania, i!h.. TltExLEn, IIs. Kne,rrRrcR, trls.
TToor,sEy, l,[r.. P,u,loup, ]Is. LEE, Mr. trtcGomruv, llls. Scrraro$rsf,ff,
Mrs. *f.rrr,of:sf of l-en York, l,[r. Corvtm$, trlr. trlon w of \trginia, tr{r.
C.trurwo, Mr. R.rropl, il[r. Pir]rE, tr[n Jurrnnsou, trfr. Er,urso4 itfr.
Ar, GneEN of Toioa, lfr. BurtnnnEr,D, trfs. 'W'rtTSoN, nIr. Flwcmw,
Mr. Ctu.rlnn" \[s. CirnsoN, trtr. Isnanr,, tr{r. AclrnnrrttN, ItIr. D,\yts of
Alnbamu, Jl,lr. TrErvn of Georgia, lfr. ASSncn'OilIBIE, llr. f:L\nr, Mr.
IGNNEoT, lfs. Bg,untN, ['[r. IIoDES, Mr. FTLNEB, il[r.. I-[oNorr, nnd
t1fr. Kootr:cn) Eubmittcd tho tirllowing rcsolutiou; rvhirjh nus lotcrrud to
thu Cornmittcu on thc Jurliuiury

Apologizing tbr the enslavement and racial segregation of

Whereas millions of rlfticans and their descendants were

enslaved in the United States and the 13 Amerieau colo-
nies frour 1619 through 1865;

Whereas slavery in Ameriea resernbled no other form of invol-

ultary scnritudc lrnorvn in history as Afoicans vcrc cep-
hrred and sold at auotion liks inanimate objects or ani-

Whsreas Af isans forced iuto slavery rvere brutalized, hunili-

ated, dehumanizecl, and subjected to the indignity of
being strippei of theit names ancl heritage;
enslaved families ryere torn apart after having been
sold separately 6'o* one auother;
'Wrereas the system of slavery and the visceral racisrn
pcrsons of Afriean dcsccnt upolr u'hich it ilcpcnded bc-
carnc cntrcnsbcd in thc Nation's social thbric;

l4rhereas slavery rvus not officially abolishcd until the pmsugc

of the lSth Amendment tu the United States Constitu-
tion in 1865 after the end of the Civil lVar.,'which rvas
fought over the slal'ery issue;
after emaneipation fr'om 246 ),ears of slaver5', Afti-
can-Anrerieans soon saw the fleeting political, social, and
cconomic gains thcy madc during Reconstruction cvis-
ccratccl by virulcnt racism, llmehings, discufoanchiscmcnt,
Blaok Cr.rdes, aud racial seglegation laws tJrat imposed a
rigid system of officially sanctioned racial segregation in
virtually all areas of life;
the qistem of cle jure tacial seg.egation lurown as
"Jinr Crow," which arose in eertain parts of the Nation
following the Civil 'War to ereate separate a.nd unequal
socictics fbr rvhitcs and Afoican-Arncr.icans, was a, dircct
rcsult of thc racism agaiust pcrsons of r\foican clcsccnt
engeudered by slavery;
'Wheretu the s;zutem
of Jim Ororv luws officiully existed into
the 1960's-a eenhuy after the oflicial encl of slavery in
America-until Congress took action to end it, but the
vestiges of Jim Crow continue to this day;
Aftican-Amei'icans continue to suffer ftom the eon-
scquenccs of slavcry and Jirn Crow-long aftcr hoth sys-


tems were formaUy abolishcd-thrnugh enonnous damaga

and loss, both tangible and intangible, ineluding the loss
of human digrrity antl liberty, the fiustration of careers
ancl professional lives, anil the long-term loss of inconre
and opporhrnit5';
thc story of thc cuslavcmcnt and rlc jurc scgr-cgation
of Afoican-Anrcricans and thc dchurnaniziug atrocitics
committed against thcnr should not be pru'geil from r.rr
nrinimized in the telling of Americun history;
ou Jul;' 8, 2003, duling a trip to Golee Islald, Sen-
egal, a former slave port, Irr.osident George'W. Bush ac-
larowledged slavery's eontinuing legaey in American lifb
and the need to confrorrt that legacy rvhen he stated that
slavcry "was ,
. onc of thc gleatcst erimcs of history
. . . Thc racial bigotry tbd by slavcry did uot cnd rvith
slavery ur with segregation. Antl many of the issues that
still troublc Amerisa have roots in thc bitter e>rperience
of other times. But horvevel long the journey, our destiny
is set: liberty and justice for all.";
President Bill Clinton also aelmowledged the deep-
seated. prohlenrs eaused try the continuing legacy of rac-
ism against Afoiearr-Amcricans that hcgan with slavcry
whcn hc initiatcd a national dialoguc about racc;
a genuine apolory is un important and necessary
fir'st stnp in the process of rur:iul recnnciliution;
'whereas an apology for
centuries of brutal dehumanization
and i4justiees cannot erase the past, but eonfession of
the wrongs committeil can speetl racial healing and rec-
onciliation ancl help Arnericans confront the ghosts of

.Ef,ES rS4 IH
'Whereas the legisluhuc of the
Commouwealth of Viryinia has
recently talren the lead in adopting a resolution offreially
expressing appropriate reurorse for slavery and other.
State legislatures axe eonsicledng similar resolutions; and
it is important for this country, rvhich legally rceog-
nized slavcry through its Constihrtion and its laws, to
malrc a tbrmal apologgl tbr slavcry and tbr its succcssor,
Jim Crorv, so that it can move tbnvard ttncl sceh rec-
onciliation, justice, and harmony fol all of its citizens:
t\orv, therefore, be it
1 J?,esolnted, Tbat the House of Representatives-
2 (1) aekrrowledges the fundamental injustice,
3 cruelt;', brutalily, ancl inhumanity of slavery and
4 Jirn Cr"ow;

5 (2) apologizes to Afriean-Americans on hehalf

6 of thc pcoplc of thc Unitcd Statcs, for thc lt'rongs
7 cornmittcd against tlrcm and thcir anccstors who
I suffbrcd undcr slavcry and Jim Q161y; and

9 (3) txpresses its commitment tn rectify the lin-

10 gering consequenses of thc misdeeds conrmitted
1t against Afriean-Amer.ieans rrncler slavery and Jim
12 Crorry and to stop the oceru'rence of hurnan rights
l3 violations in the future.

.ER.Ell9 19{ IE
rN*FMArkx Z I


"o*,t*?.T*1H**"'H. J. RES. 3
To achorrledge a long history of offrcial depredations and ill-eoneeived policies
by the Unitetl States Govemment regarding Indian tribes and offer
an apolory to all Nativc Pcoplcs on trehalf of thc Unitcd Statcs.


JaNumv 4,2007
Mrs. Jo Aml Delts of Virginia introduced the following joint resolution;
which was referred to the Committee on Natural Resourees

To aeknowledge a long history of offieial depredations and
ill-eonceived polieies by the United' States Government
regarding Indian tribes and offer an apolosr to all l.{ative
Peoples on behalf of the United States.

Whereas the aneestors of today's Native Peoples inhabited

the Iand of the present-day United States sinee time im-
memorial and for thousands of years before the arrival of
peoplcs of Europcan dcsccnt;

Whcrcas thc Native Peoplcs havc for millcnnia honorcd, pro-

tcctcd, and stcwarded this land wc chcrish;
Whereas the Native Peoples are spiritual peoples with a deep
and abiding trelief in the Oreator, and for millennia their
peopleS have maintained a powerful spiritual connection

to this land, as is evidenced by their customs and leg-


Whereas the arrifal of Europeans in North America opened

a new ehapter in the histories of the Native Peoples;

Whereas, while establishment of permanent European settle-

ments in North Ameriea did stir conflict with nearhy In-
dian tribes, pcaecful and mutually bcncficial intcraetions
also took plaec;

Whereas the foundational English settlements in Jamestown,

Virginia, and Plymouth, Massachusetts, owed their sur-
vival in large measure to the compassion and aid of the
Native Peoples in their vicinities;
Whereas, in the infancy of the Ilnited States, the founders
of the Republic expressed their desire for a just relation-
ship with thc Indian tribcs, as cvidcnecd by thc North-
wcst Ordinanec cnaetccl by Congrcss in 1787, which bc-
gins with the phrase, "The utmost good faith shall al-
ways be observed toward the Indians";

Whereas Indian tribes provided great assistanee to the fledg-

Iing Republie as it strengthened and grew, ineluding in-
valuable help to Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on
their epie journey from St. fmuis, Missouri, to the Paeific

Whcrcas Native Pcoples and non-Nativc scttlcrs cngagcd in

numerous armed conflicts;

Whereas the United States Government violated many of the

treaties ratifred hy Congress and other diplomatic agree-
ments with Indian tribes;

Whereas this l$ation should address the broken treaties and

many of the rnore ill-eonceiveil Federal polieies that fol-
lowcd, sueh as cxtcrmination, tcrmination, fbrecd rcmoval

and relocation, the outlawing of traditional religions, and

the destmetion of saered places;
Whereas the United States forced Indian tribes and their eiti-
zens to move away from their traditional homelands and
onto federally established and controlled reservations, in
aecordanec with sueh Acts as thc Indian Rcmoval Aet of

Whcrcas many Nativc I'coplcs suft'crcd and pcrishcd-

(1) during the exeeution of the offrcial United States
Government policy of foreed remwal, ineluding the infa-
mous Trail of Tears and Long Walk;
(2) during bloody armed confrontations anil mas-
sacres, such as the Sand Creek Massaere in 1864 and the
Woundcd Kncc Massacrc in 1890; and
(3) on numcrous Indian rescrvations;
the United States Government eondernned the tradi-
tions, beliefs, and customs of the Native Peoples and en-
deavored to assimilate them by sueh polieies as the redis-
tribution of land under the General Allotment Aet of
1887 ancl the forcible removal of Native ehildren foom
their families to faraway boarding sehools where their
Irlativc praetiecs and languagcs wcrc degradcd and for-

Whereas officials of the United States Grrvernment and pri-

vate llnited States citizens harmed Native Peoples by the
unlawfrrl aequisition of reeognized tribal land, the theft of
resources from such territories, and the mismanagement
of tribal trust funds;
the policies of the United States Government toward
Indian tribcs and thc breaking of eovcnants with fndian


tribes have contributed to the severe social ills and erxl-

nomie troubles in many Native communities today;

Whereas, despite-continuing maltreatment of l{ative Peoples

by the llnited States, the Native Peoples have remained
eommitted to the protection of this gr:eat land, as evi-
dcnccd hy thc f'aet that, on a pcr capita hasis, morc Na-
tivc pcoplc havc scrvcd in thc Unitcd Statcs Armcd
Forces and placed themselves in harm's way in defense
of the United States in every major military conflict than
any other ethnic group;

Whereas Indian tribes have actively influenced the public life

of the United States by continued cooperation with Con-
gress and the Department of the Interior, through the in-
volvcmcnt of Nativc individuals in offlcial llnitcd Statcs
Govcrnmcnt positions, and by leadcrship of thcir own
sovereign Indian tribes;

Whereas fndian tribes are resilient and determined to pre-

serue, develop, and transmit to future generations their
unique eultural identities;
Whereas the National Museum of the American fndian was
established within the Smithsonian Institution as a living
mcmorial to thc Nativc Pcoplcs and thcir traditions; and
Whcrcas l{a,tivc Pcoplcs arc cndowcd by thcir Crcator with
ccrtain unalicnablc rights, and that among thosc arc lif'c,
liberby, and the pursuit of happiness: Now, therefore, be
I Resol,ueil by thn Benate anil House of Representatiues

2 of the. Uni,teil States of Arnerica in Congress assembleil,

I sncmoN r. ACK\owLEDcEMENT At{D Apot,ocy.
2 The United States, aeting through Congress-

3 (1) recoglrizes the special legal and politieal relation-

4 ship thc Indian tribcs havc with thc llnited Statcs and
5 thc solcmn covcnant with thc land wc sharc;
6 (2) commcnds and honors thc Nativc Pcoplcs fbr thc
7 thousands of years that they have stewarded and protected
8 this land;
9 (3) acknowledges years of offrcial depredations, ill-
l0 eonceived policies, and the breaking of covenants by the
11 United States Government regar,iling Indian tribes;

12 (4) apologizes on behalf of the people of the llnited

13 States to all Native Peoples for the many instances of vio-

14 lenee, maltreatment, and neglect inflicted on Native Peo-

15 ples by citizens of the Ilnited States;

16 (5) cxprcsscs its regrct f'or thc ramifications of
17 fbrmcr off'enscs and its eommitmcnt to build on thc posi-
18 tivc rclationships of thc past and prcscnt to movc toward
19 a brighter future where all the people of this land live rec-
20 onciletl as brothers and sisters, and harmoniously steward

2l and protect this land together;

22 (6) urges the President to acknowledge the offenses
23 of the United States against Indian tribes in the history
24 of the llnited States in order to bring healing to this land
25 by providing a proper foundation for reconciliation be-

26 tween the United States and Indian tribes; and

. rH.I 3 IH
":r.s. , .:,,i=i:Ell#-ry-

| (7) eommends the State governments that have

2 begun reconeiliation efforts with recognized Indian tribes

3 located in thriir boundaries and €ncourages all State gov-
4 ernments similarly to work torrard reconeiling relation-
5 ships with Indian tribes within their boundaries.
6 snc.2. Drscrluunn
7 Nothing in this Joint Resolution authorizes any claim
8 against the United States or serves as a settlement of any

9 elaim against thc Unitcd Statcs.


' III"I I lE
Pope asks pardon for church's 'crimest
against indigenous
Jul. 9,2015 9:01 PM EDT
l0 photos.
Pope Francis talks to Indian leaders and social workers at the second World Meeting of
Popular... Read more.

CRUZ, BoliviaCopyrieht 2015 The Assoc
may not be published. broadcast. rewritten or redistributed.

SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia (AP) Pope Francis apologized Thursday for the sins, offenses
and crimes committed by the Catholic Church against indigenous peoples during the
colonial-era conquest of the Americas, delivering apowerfirl mea culpa on the part of the
church in the climactic highlight of his South American pilgrimage
Histo4ls first Latin Americanpope "humbly" begged forgiveness during an encounter in
Bolivia with indigenous groups and other activists and in the presence of Bolivia's first-
ever indigenous president Evo Morales.
Francis noted that Latin American church leaders in the past had acknowledged that
"grave sins were commiued against the native peoples of America in the narne of God."
St. John Paul II, for his part, apologizedto the continenfs indigenous for the "pain and
suffering" caused during the 500 years of the church's presence in the Americas during a
1992 visit to the Dominican Republic.
But Francis went farther, and said he was doing so with "regret."
'I would also say, and here I wish to be quite clear, as was St. John Paul II: I humbly ask
forgiveness, not only for the offenses of the church herself, but also for crimes committed
against the native peoples duting the so-called conquest of Americ4" he said to applause
fromthe crowd.
Then deviating from his prepared script, he added: "I also want for us to remember the
thousands and thousands of priests who strongly opposed the logic of the sword with the
trlower of the cross. There was sin, and it was plentiful. But we never apologizedo so I now
ask for forgiveness. But where there was sin, and there was plenty of sin, there was also
an abundant grace increased by the men who defEnded indigenous peoples."
Francis' apology was met with wild applause from the indigenous and other grass-roots
groups gathered for a world summit of popular movements whose fight against injustice
and social inequality has been championed by the pope.
"We accept the apologies. What more can we expect from a man like Pope Francis?" said
Adolfo Chavez, a leader of a lowlands indigenous group. "It's time to tumthe page and
pitch in to start anew. We indigenous were never lesser beings.'
The apolory was significant given the corrtroversy that has erupted in ttre United States
over Francis'planned canonization of the lSth century Spanish pnest Junipero Serr4 who
set up missions across California. Native Americans contend Serra brutally converted
indigenous people to Christianity, wiping out villages in the process, and have opposed
his canonization. The Vatican insists Serra defended natives from colonial abuses.
Francis' apology was also significant given the controversy that blew up the last time a
pope visited the continent. Benedict XVI drew heated criticism when, during a 2007 visit
to Brazil, he defended the church's campaign to Christianize indigenous peoples. He said
the Indians of Latin America had been "silently longing" to become Christians when
Spanish and Portuguese conquerors violently took over their lands.
"In effect, the proclarnation of Jesus and ofhis Gospel did not at anypoint involve an
alienation of the pre-Columbus cultures, nor was it the imposition of a foreign culture,"
Benedict told the continenfs bishops.
Amid an outcry from indigenous Soups, Benedict subsequently acknowledged that
"shadows accompanied the work of evangelizing" the continent and said European
colonizers inflicted "sufferings and injustices" on indigenous populations. He didn't
apologize, however.
The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said that Francis wrote the speech
on his own and that the apology for the sins, offenses and crimes of the church was a
"particulady important declaration."
Church officials have long insisted Catholic missionaries protected indigenous peoples
from the abuses ofmilitary colonizers and were often punished by European colonial
powers as a result. Francis' own Jesuit order developed missions across the continent,
educating the indigenous and turning their communities into organized Christian-Indian
societies. The Jesuits were expelled in the 17ttr century.
Mexican Bishop Raul Vera, who attended the summit wtrere Francis made the apology,
said the church was essentially apassive participant in allowing natives to become
enslaved under the Spanish "encomienda" system, by which the Spanish king granted
land in conquered territories to those who settled there. Indians were allowed to live on
the haciendas as long as they worked them.
"It's evident that the church did not defend against it with all its efforts. It allowed it to be
imposed," Vera told The Associated Press eadier Thursday.
He acknowledged that John Paul had previously asked forgiveness for the church's sins
against indigenous. But he said Francis' apology was particulady poignant grven the
Campesino leader Amandina Quispe, of Anta Perq who attended the grass-roots summit,
said the church still holds lands it should give back to Andean natives. The former seat of
the Inca empire, conquered by Spaniards in the l6th century, is an example.
"The church stole our land and tore down our temples in Cuzco and then it built its own
churches and now it charges admission to visit them," she said.
Francis' apology was not the first. After his 1992 apology, John Paul II issued a sweeping
but vague apology for the Catholic Church's sins of the past during the church's 2000
Jubilee. A year later, he apologized specifically for missionary abuses against aborigines
in Oceania. He did so in fhe first everpapal email.
Drtring the speeclr, the longest and most important of Francis'week-long, three-nation
South American fip, the pope touched on some of the key priorities of his pontificate: the
need to change an unjust global economic system that excludes the poor and replace it
with a "communitarian economyu involving the "fitting distibution" ofthe Earth's
uWorking for
ajust distribution of the fruits of the Earth and human labor is not mere
philanthropy. It's a moral obligation," he said.
He ended the speech with a flerce condemnation of the world's governments for what he
called "cowardice" in defending the Earth. Echoing his environmental encyclical of last
monttr, the pope said the Earth "is being pillaged, laid waste and harmed with impunity"
while "one intsrnational summit after anothertakes place without any significant result."
He urged the activists present to "keep up your struggle."
It was a message he articulated earlier in the day when he denounced the "throwaway"
culture of todals society that discards anyone who is unproductive. He made the
comments as he celebrated his first public Mass in Bolivi4 South America's poorest
The government declared a national holiday so workers and students could attend the
Mass, which featured prayers in Guarani and Aimara, two of Bolivia's indigenous
languages, and an altar carved from wood by artisans ofthe Chiquitano people.
In ablending of the native and new, the famously unpretentious pope changed into his
vesfirrents for the Mass in a nearby Burger King.

Issociated Press writers Paola Flores, Jacobo Garcia and Carlos Valdez contributed to
this report.
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