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International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education2016 (ICMSE 2016)

Preservatives Tool for Vegetables and Fruits with Photocatalytic N-TiO2/chitosan

1,a) 2,b) 3,b)
Rahmawati , Navela Rahma Aji and Emas Agus Prastyo Wibowo
Depatment of Chemistry , Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science , Semarang State University
a) b) c)
Correspondent Author, ,


Cases of food poisoning that occur in the community of people due consuming food that contain pathogenic bacteria and other toxic
substances need to be wary of us. Safe food is food that is not contaminated, it does not contain microorganisms or bacteria and harmful
chemicals, have been processed in a manner that properly so that the nature and nutrients are not damaged, and do not disturb the health
of people.Vegetables and fruit is a source of vitamins and minerals that necessary body to regulate processes in the body. Although the
needs of it is relative small, but the function of vitamins and minerals can hardly be replaced so that the requirement for the
consumption of these substances is essential. Some types of vegetables and fresh fruits consumed potentially injurious to health for
vulnerable contaminated with microbes and pesticides. This study describes the synthesis of N-TiO2 / chitosan and photocatalyst
mechanism in tackling the rot in vegetables and fruits. Chicory and tomatoes used in this study. Tool made cuboid and there is glass
coated N-TiO2/chitosan. Based on that observations obtained, white mustard in the refrigerator is more durable than white mustard with
no refrigerator and this tool, with a duration of one week storage period. While in tomatoes showed the best results with these tools that
compared with a refrigertor and without a refrigerator with storage time up to 2 weeks.

Keywords :Automatic Water Spray, Eco-friendly Vegetables and Fruits Preservative tools, N-TiO2/kitosan


Vegetables are good sources of vitamins and because it has a high photocatalytic activity, non-toxic,
minerals that the body needs to regulate processes in the stable at high temperatures, and stable under UV light
body (Jahari, 2011; Dimyati, 2010; Laksonoet al., 2014). (Kathirvelu, 2008).Based on its utilization as a tool
Today's consumer wants began a critical and vegetables antibacterial and degrading pesticides in vegetables and
that meet FOSTER nature that is Safe, Healthy, and fish, photocatalystTiO2 has several disadvantages that
Whole, and also Halal. For export purposes, food must can only be initiated by UV light (Liu et al.,2011, so that
also meet food safety requirements. Some studies the necessary modifications to the material in order to
indicate microbial contamination of fresh vegetables are work on a range of visible light. One solution of this
taken at the level of farmers or traders (Isyanti, 2001). problem is to cover TiO2 with nitrogen (Rani et al., 2010;
Similarly Susilawati research (2002) shows that it Goleet al.,2004; Sathishet al.,2005; Jagadeleet al, 2008;
contains Salmonella in fresh vegetables by farmers and He Z and He HY 2011; Zhou et a, 2014) ,to add a
traders in Bogor. Microbial contamination of vegetables function of the photocatalyst, it is done with chitosan.
can be derived from the spraying or irrigation water that Chitosan doping is one of the good carrier for TiO2
contaminated with Salmonella and fertilizing with because in addition to biodegradability and its
manure, so that in vegetables such as lettuce found biocompatibilityproperties that can improve the
Salmonella (News Agricultural Research and dispersion stability, its existence as a waste shells of
Development,2008).In contain bacteria, from a lot of crustaceans abundant in natural potential for
residue monitoring results from several universities and development (Aranazet al., 2009).
research institutions showed that pesticide residues had Harmful bacteria are compound that can be
been present in the soil, drinking water, river,water, air reduced by N-TiO2. This photocatalyst an reduce bacteria
and even in everyday foods suchas vegetables and fruits. up to 98.7% by using visible light (Wang, 2011). Based
Nanotechnology in the world today is growing so on the facts above, an innovation that will be the
fast. One compound of that is titanium dioxide dominant solution against bacteria in vegetables and
(TiO2).Titanium dioxide selected as the semiconductor fruits is to create an anti bacteria in vegetables and fruits
material is excellent for the coating applied to the glass with N-TiO2/ chitosan. The tool works as an antibacterial
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education2016 (ICMSE 2016)

in vegetables and fruits. This tools is also an efficient TiO2/ chitosan is then performed the manufacture of
energy because the system only requires the energy of glass plates by using spray coating system.. This meant
regular bulbs, another advantage of this tool also does not that the spray method of glass coated with N-TiO2 /
spoil the taste, texture and nutrition for vegetable and fish chitosan evenly, here is the process of coating the N-TiO2
will only be illuminated by visible light. In addition this / chitosan on the glass.
tool is easy to apply and harmless to environment
because it will only produce byproduct CO 2 and H2O. Mechanism

The tools used in this study is a glass tools,
analytical balance Metter Toledo, GCA Corp. oven,
furnace, magnetic strirrer, Visible light from the Light of
the Sun, SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), Atomic
Absorption Spectrofotometry (AAS). The materials used
are titanium (iv) isopropoxide Sigma Aldrich, HNO,
ethanol, urea, and distilled water.
Synthesis Method of TiO2 and Photocatalytic Figure1. The tool preserves vegetables and fruits
Activity Test
.Nanosol synthesis of TiO2 using sol-gel method
Figure 1 show that preservatives with the
with HO:Ti mole ratio which is 4: 1,which is the ratio of
photocatalyst will help resolve the problems caused by
hydrolysis in the synthesis is 30 ml of ethanol are then
bacteria and microorganisms that accelerate the decay of
added HNO3 to pH 3. Thereafter the solution was stirred
vegetable and fruit. This is due to the presence of
using a magnetic stirrer for 10 minutes to HNO3 added
substances N-TiO2/chitosan photocatalyst on
evenly distributed into the solution. Then added 3.98
preservative’s glass. N-TiO2/chitosan will degrade
grams of TTIP by putting Erlenmeyer containing the
bacteria, and microorganisms that make decayed fruits
solution and magnetic bar up digital scales with a scale of
and vegetables become harmless subsatances.
0 and shed TTIP slowly until the scale figure of 3.98
grams. Then 5 ml of ethanol in the beaker is placed on
digital scales and added 1.008 grams of distilled water.
Then dribbled ethanol in a beaker drop by drop until the
end and, with stirring, for 5 hours to be nanosol. The
second step of dissolving the 5% urea solution into the
titaniananosol mixture and stirred using a magnetic
stirrer for 5 hours.Synthesis procedures referring to
research Haldorai and Jae (2014).First the N-
TiO2dissolved in 100 ml of acetic acid 1%, ± 2 hours
stirring continuously with speed konstan. Then added 0.4
gram soluble chitosan, stirred rapidly ± 2 hours
continuously to obtain a clear sol.Then NaOH 1 M sol Figure 2. The mechanism of substances N-TiO2/chitosan
added dropwise until the solution reaches pH = 10. A photocatalyst
solution N-TiO2 / chitosan is ready to use.After that, the
Figure 2 show the mechanism of substances N-
sol obtained is coated on a glass substrate. The
TiO2/chitosan photocatalyst. The photocatalyst
photocatalytic activity test samples of fish were placed
phenomenon begins with photoexcitacy that is light
under a glass substrate that has been coated with TiO 2 for
comes to N-TiO2/chitosan nanoparticles will excite
2 hours.
electrons from the valence band to the at the same time
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION produce hole+ in the valence band. The energy generated
N-TiO2 / chitosan derived from this method is the from these excited electrons causes the electrons are in
basic material that will be used to coat a glass plate on the conduction band and produce pairs of negatively
the appliance antibacterial and degrading pesticide charged electrons (e) and hole+ is referred as a
residues in vegetable and fruit.Having obtained the N- semiconductor photo-excitation state (Reddy, 2013).
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education2016 (ICMSE 2016)

From that photocatalytic reaction forms superoxide Testing Result of Vegetables and Fruits
compounds that release O2 and OH radicals which can Preservation tool After obtained a series then
oxidize a wide range of microbial spoilage of vegetables testing on the device. The purpose of the preservation
and fruit as well as the bacteria so that the tool preserves results This tool is to analyze the results of preservation
fruits and vegetables with photocatalytic principle is able of vegetables and fruits through physical observation,
to preserve a way to kill bacteria and microorganisms and the level of freshness.
that cause decay so that fruits and vegetables products
keep fresh, nice texture, and durable in the long term.

a. 1 day b. 1 day

c.1 day

a. 3 days b. 3 days

c. 3 days

a. 7 days b. 7 days

International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education2016 (ICMSE 2016)

c.7 days

a.14 days b.14 days

c.14 days

a.1 day b.1 day

c.1 day

a.7 days b. 7 days

c.7 days
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education2016 (ICMSE 2016)

a. 3 days b. 3 days

c.3 days
information :
a.Sampleuse the refrigerator
b.Samples do not use refrigerators and preservatives
c.Samplesusing a preservative

Figure 3. Testing results

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Highly Efficient Formation of Visible Light-xNx
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