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Chapter I



Stress poses a great challenge to everyone – varying from a simple student to an assiduous

worker. It is almost impossible to live without it. Seeing that everyone is vulnerable to stress at

one time or another, government employees may be vulnerable and exposed to it twice or even

thrice as much. Working in an environment wherein you deal with different people is

strenuous enough. In view of this fact, students use different coping and defense mechanisms

to help them manage stress. There are a lot of different coping and defense mechanisms that

are being applied by everyone.

Theoretical Framework/ Conceptual Framework

There are multiple frameworks which apply directly to understanding stress and the

role that coping plays in managing stress. These theories can provide a basis for understanding

how methods of coping influence the level of stress an individual experiences when faced with

a potential stressor.

Two main categories of stress coping theories exist. The first category is trait based

theories, which focus on coping as a product of personality among all diverse life situations.

Many of these theories are based on Selye’s (2011) work in systemic stress, which related

stress to physiological responses. Examples of trait based theories include Byrne’s (2009)

measure of repression-sensitization which measures personality related to confrontive actions,

Gleser and Ihilevich’s (2009) Defense Mechanisms Inventory which assesses an individual’s

reference between five protective actions, and Goldstein’s (2011) measure of coping-avoiding,
which relates reactions to personality characteristics.

Although trait based coping has some relevance to determining an individual’s

preference for the use of specific coping mechanisms, research indicates that it has a low

predictive value in regard to the coping process, and may underestimate the complexity of the

coping process (Cohen & Lazarus, 2010; Kaloupek, White, & Wong, 2009).

The second category of stress coping theories looks at coping as a process and is well

defined by Lazarus’ (2010) theory which views coping as a process characterized by the

continuous appraisal and reappraisal of a person’s interaction with his/her environment

(Folkman et al., 2011). This theory is especially relevant to the research of coping mechanisms

used by agriculture teachers and serves as the framework for this study.

According to Lazarus (2010, coping is a process which is based on shifts in the way an

individual views a potential stressor. The way a person views the stressor is based on the

outcome he/she expects from the situation. This view of a stressor was originally called an

“appraisal” by Arnold (2009) and elaborated by Lazarus in regard to stress (2010). Shifts in

the way an individual views stress may come from the environment or situations outside of the

individual’s control, or they may come from efforts to manage the stress by the individual.

This theory suggests that research examining coping mechanisms related to a specific event,

rather than as generalized statements, will yield a more accurate appraisal of individual coping



1. Profile
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Position
1.4 Civil Status
1.5 No. Of yrs in Basis for Stress
service Management
2. Common
by the
2.1 Physical
2.2 Emotional
2.3 Intellectual
2.4 Social
2.5 Moral/

Fig. 1 The Input- Process-Output (IPO) Model of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study, Stress and Work Performance of Government Employees of the Municipal

Government of Ternate: An Analysis aims to identify the stress factors and how they affect the

service rendered by the employees.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1.2.1 What is the profile of the respondents in terms of : Age Gender Position Civil Status Number of years in service with the government

1.2. 2 What are the common symptoms encountered by the respondents as to the following

aspects? Physical; Emotional; Intellectual; Social; and Moral/ Spiritual

1.2.3 Based on the common symptoms identified, what coping mechanism is/are employed by

the employees in terms of: Physical; Emotional; Intellectual; Social; and Moral/ Spiritual

Significance of the Study

Mainly, the importance of conducting this research is to find out whether the coping

mechanisms being used by the employees are effective in dealing with their common

encountered symptoms.

Employees. The results of this study will give them knowledge on how they can manage their


Municipal Government of Ternate . It would encourage the Local Chief Executive to make a

plan that will help the employees in dealing with their encountered symptoms/ stressors.

Community. This study will help the community to understand more about the employees

attitudes and behaviour.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus on determining the identify the stress factors and how they affect the

service rendered by the employees. It covered 50 municipal employees of the Local

Government of Ternate, Cavite and the study was conducted through survey method wherein

questionnaires were disseminated to the target population. Data collected was interpreted

using Weighted mean, percenmtile and Ranking.


Stress has no significant effect on the work performance of the municipal employees.

Definition of Terms

For purposes and clarification, the following terms are defined according to how the

researcher used them in the study:

Psychological stress - in this research, it cannot be solely confined in the environment itself or

just as the result of personality characteristics. It is also dependent on a particular kind of

person-environment relationship and therefore the struggle to adapt to life may be termed


Distress - In this research, it is described as the destructive type of, distinguished by anger and


Eustress - In this research, it is described as the constructive type distinguished by emotions

associated with emphatic concerns for others and positive striving that would benefit the


Process of Stress - In this research, it can be divided into three levels. The first level of

stressors are come from external sources or specific occupational stressors. The second level

can be seen as variables that act as a buffer against the negative effects of stress on

individuals. The third level in the process consists of the outcomes of stress which can be

positive or negative.

Process of Coping - involves two components, appraisal and coping

Appraisal - can be made in three different conditions: when we have experienced a stressor,
when we anticipate a stressor and when we experience a chance for mastery or gain

Coping - It refers to a process that we as individuals employ every day.

Coping Styles - Employed by people when attempting to resolve or remove a stressor: There

are three styles: Problem-focused coping, Emotion-focused coping and Avoidant coping.

Problem-focused Coping - involves altering or managing the problem that is causing the

stress and is highly action focused. This involves a number of strategies such as gathering

information, resolving conflict, planning and making decisions.

Emotion-focused Coping - It is Action-orientated that can take a range of forms such as

seeking social support, acceptance and venting of emotions.

Avoidant Coping - It is focused on ignoring a stressor and is therefore passive, whereas

emotion-focused coping is active.It can also be described as cognitive and behavioural efforts

directed towards minimizing, denying or ignoring dealing with a stressful situation.

Coping Mechanisms - are ways to which external or internal stress is managed, adapted to or

acted upon. It is an adaptation to environmental stress that is based on conscious or

unconscious choice and that enhances control over behavior or gives psychological comfort. It

can also can be described as the sum total of ways in

which we deal with minor to major stress trauma.

Common Encountered Symptoms - I this study, It is a situation, condition or issue that is

unresolved or undesired.

Stress - Is used in this research as a psychological factor and a common feature in almost

every kind of work.

Chapter II


The researcher reviewed and analyzed several related literature's and studies to obtain a better

perspectives of the problems presented in Chapter II. Those found helpful were used in the

development and presented in this study.

Related Literature

The Coping and Stress Profile is a unique, self-directed learning instrument that provides

personalized feedback on an individual’s responses to the stress and coping resources they

have. The profile uses an engaging process of personal learning that helps individuals uncover

and explore: Stressors in their personal and professional life; Coping resources that can be

used to decrease stress; The level of satisfaction in their personal and work life; The

relationship among stress, coping resources, and overall satisfaction; An action plan to reduce

stress and increase satisfaction

Psychological stress, according to Lazarus (2010) cannot besolely confined in the environment

itself or just as the result of personality characteristics. He acknowledges that it is dependent

on a particular kind of person-environment relationship and therefore the struggle to adapt to

life may be termed stress. Other words that have been used in the past as a substitute for stress

are: conflict, frustration, trauma, anomie, alienation, anxiety, depression, 4 and emotional

distress (Lazarus 2010 ). Hans Selye (2011 divided stress into two types, i.e. distress and

eustress. Distress is described as the destructive type of, distinguished by anger and aggression
while eustress is described as the constructive type distinguished by emotions associated with

emphatic concerns for others and positive striving that would benefit the community. Lazarus

(2010) does not believe this is an adequate description and suggests something further by

distinguishing three types of psychological stress namely harm/loss, threat, as well as

challenge. In harm/loss it is recognized that the damage or loss has already taken place. Threat

then focuses on harm or loss that has not yet occurred but is likely to in the near future.

Challenge sees that although difficulties may be encountered when something needs to be

gained, these difficulties may be overcome. These three types are coped with differently and

have different psycho physiological and performance outcomes.

According to Carson and Kuipers (2009), the process of stress can be divided into

three levels. In the first level there are stressors that come from external sources, e.g. high job

demands, a lack of resources and lack of support from supervisors and colleagues – these are

specific occupational stressors. The second level can be seen as variables that act as a buffer

against the negative effects of stress on individuals. The third level in the process consists of

the outcomes of stress which can be positive or negative.

Coping is a process that we as individuals employ every day.We engage in coping when we

feel under stress or want to manage a taxing situation. The process of coping involves two

components, appraisal and coping (Lazarus, 2010). Appraisal is the act of perceiving a

stressor and analyzing one's own ability to deal with the stressor. Appraisal can be made in

three different conditions: when we have experienced a stressor, when we anticipate a stressor

and when we experience a chance for mastery or gain (Lazarus,2010). Once we appraise a

stressful situation we must decide how we will respond or ‘cope’ with the stressor, either

choosing to master it, reduce it or tolerate it. The coping style we engage in is ultimately

determined by whether we believe we have the resources to resolve the stressor (Lazarus,

employ when attempting to resolve or remove a stressor: problem-focused coping, emotion-

focused coping and avoidant coping. Problem-focused coping involves altering or managing

the problem that is causing the stress and is highly action focused. Individuals engaging in

problem-focused coping focus their attention on gathering the required resources (i.e. skills,

tools and knowledge) necessary to deal with the stressor. This involves a number of strategies

such as gathering information, resolving conflict, planning and making decisions (Lazarus &

Folkman, 2010). Emotion-focused coping can take a range of forms such as seeking social

support, acceptance and venting of emotions etc (Carver et al., 2009. Although emotion-

focused coping styles are quite varied they all seek to lessen the negative emotions associated

with the stressor, thus emotion-focused coping is action-orientated (Admiraal, Korthagen, &

Wubbels, 2011; Folkman & Lazarus, 2010). The third main coping style is avoidant coping.

Avoidant coping can be described as cognitive and behavioural efforts directed towards

minimizing, denying or ignoring dealing with a stressful situation (Holahan, Holahan, Moos,

Brennan, & Schutte, 2011). Although some researchers group avoidant coping with emotion-

focused coping the styles are conceptually distinct. Avoidant coping is focused on ignoring a

stressor and is therefore passive, whereas emotion-focused coping is active (Admiraal et al.,

2009, Holahan et al., 2009).

Coping mechanisms are ways to which external or internal

stress is managed, adapted to or acted upon. It is an adaptation to environmental stress that is

based on conscious or unconscious choice and that enhances control over behavior or gives

psychological comfort.

It can be described as the sum total of ways in which we deal with minor to major stress

trauma. Some of these processes are unconscious ones, others are learned behavior and still
others are skills we consciously master in order to reduce stress or other intense emotions like


Stress and coping are complicated constructs to define. According to Crotty (2009) the

ultimate definition of stress and coping lies within the experience of the individual. This

experience is also defined by the coping mechanisms that a person has developed. Given this,

literature exploring Erikson’s (2008), eight developmental stages which detail, the conditions

that shape an individual's ability to manage and cope with various stress experiences will be

presented as well as Stewart’s (2010) three stages that a graduate student experiences during

their tenure in school. In this literature review these topics will be explored.

Foreign Literature

Stress Management

How to Reduce, Prevent, and Cope with Stress

It may seem that there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming, there

will never be more hours in the day, and your career and family responsibilities will always be

demanding. But you have more control than you might think. In fact, the simple realization

that you’re in control of your life is the foundation of stress management. Managing stress is

all about taking charge: of your thoughts, emotions, schedule, and the way you deal with



Stress is defined as a response to a demand that is placed upon you. Stress in a normal

reaction when your brain recognizes a threat. When the threat is perceived, your body releases

hormones that activate your “fight or flight” response. This fight or flight response is not
limited to perceiving a threat, but in less severe cases, is triggered when we encounter

unexpected events. Psychologist Richard S. Lazarus best described stress as “a condition or

feeling that a person experiences when they perceive that the demands exceed the personal

and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.” For most people, stress is a negative


Stress may cause you to have physiological, behavioral or even psychological effects.

Physiological – hormone release triggers your fight or flight response. These hormones help

you to either fight harder or run faster. They increase heart rate, blood pressure, and sweating.

Stress has been tied to heart disease. Because of the increase in heart rate and blood pressure,

prolonged stress increases the tension that is put on the arteries. It also affects your immune

system which is why cold and flu illness usually show up during exams.

Behavioral – it may cause you to be jumpy, excitable, or even irritable. The effects of stress

may cause some people to drink or smoke heavily, neglect exercise or proper nutrition, or

overuse either the television or the computer.

Psychological – the response to stress may decrease your ability to work or interact effectively

with other people, and be less able to make good decisions. Stress has also been known to play

a part in anxiety and depression.

Stressors are anything that cause or increase stress. Below are a few examples:

1. Academics – by far the biggest stressor for college students: the pressure of not failing.

2. Dating – relationship problems may add to the pressure/stress of academics.

3. Environment – certain environments can bring about stress such as discussing/viewing

heated topics, slow moving traffic, trying to find a parking spot, etc.
4. Extracurricular – some students may feel pressured to make extracurricular activities a

part of their daily routine to the point where every hour of the day is accounted for.

5. Peers – peer pressure is a major stressor, especially pressure that is negatively influenced.

6. Time Management – one of the biggest stressors is not knowing how to plan and execute

daily activities such as class, work, study time, extracurricular activities, and time alone.

7. Money – some student find themselves thinking more about money than they do anything

else. Money is a huge stressor that college students face.

8. Parents – yes, even parents can become stressors. Pressure from parents to succeed is a

great stressor.

After you've identified the cause of stress in your life, the next step is to learn techniques that

can help you cope with stress while fighting heart disease. There are many techniques you can

use to manage stress. Some of which you can learn yourself, while other techniques may

require the guidance of a trained therapist. Some common techniques for coping with stress


Eat and drink sensibly. Abusing alcohol and food may seem to reduce stress, but it actually

adds to it.

Assert yourself. You do not have to meet others' expectations or demands. It's OK to say

"no." Remember, being assertive allows you to stand up for your rights and beliefs while

respecting those of others.

Stop smoking. Aside from the obvious health risks of cigarettes, nicotine acts as a stimulant

and brings on more stress symptoms.Exercise regularly. Choose non-competitive exercise

and set reasonable goals. Aerobic Exercise has been shown to release endorphin's (natural

substances that help you feel better and maintain a positive attitude.)

Relax every day. Choose from a variety of different techniques

Take responsibility. Control what you can and leave behind what you cannot control.

Reduce causes of stress. Many people find life is filled with too many demands and too little

time. For the most part, these demands are ones we have chosen. Effective time-management

skills involve asking for help when appropriate, setting priorities, pacing yourself, and taking

time out for yourself.

Examine your values and live by them. The more your actions reflect your beliefs, the better

you will feel, no matter how busy your life is.

Set realistic goals and expectations. It's OK, and healthy, to realize you cannot be 100%

successful at everything all at once.

Sell yourself to yourself. When you are feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself of what you

do well. Have a healthy sense of self-esteem.

Get enough rest. Even with proper diet and exercise, you can't fight stress effectively without

rest. You need time to recover from exercise and stressful events. The time you spend resting

should be long enough to relax your mind as well as your body. Some people find that taking a

nap in the middle of the day helps them reduce stress.

How Can I Keep a Positive Attitude?

A positive attitude and self-esteem are good defenses against stress and heart disease

because they help you view stress as a challenge rather than a problem. A positive attitude

keeps you in control when there are inevitable changes in your life. A positive attitude means

telling yourself there are things you can do to improve certain situations and admitting that

sometimes there's nothing you can do. To maintain a positive attitude during a stressful

situation (or to prepare yourself for a potentially stressful situation), keep these tips in mind:

Stay calm. Stop what you're doing. Breathe deeply. Reflect on your choices.

Always tell yourself you can get through the situation.

Try to be objective, realistic and flexible.

Try to keep the situation in perspective. Think about the possible solutions. Choose one that is

the most acceptable and feasible.

Think about the outcome: Ask yourself, what is the worst possible thing that can happen?

(Chances are that won't happen)

Tell yourself that you can learn something from every situation.

While it is impossible to live your life completely stress-free, it is possible to reduce the

harmful effects of certain stressors on you and your heart. Here are some suggestions:

First identify the stressor. What's causing you to feel stressed?

Avoid hassles and minor irritations if possible. If traffic jams cause you stress, try taking a

different route, riding the train or bus, or car-pooling.

When you experience a change in your life, try to continue doing the things that you enjoyed

before the change occurred.

Learn how to manage your time effectively, but be realistic and flexible when you plan your


Do one thing at a time; concentrate on each task as it comes.

Take a break when your stressors compile to an uncontrollable level.

Ask for help if you feel that you are unable to deal with stress on your own.

Stress Management - Ways to Relieve Stress

The best way to manage your stress is to learn healthy coping strategies. You can start

practicing these tips right away. Try one or two until you find a few that work for you. Practice

these techniques until they become habits you turn to when you feel stress. You can also use

this coping strategies form to see how you respond to stress.

Stress-relief techniques focus on relaxing your mind and your body.

Ways to relax your mind

Write. It may help to write about things that are bothering you. Write for 10 to 15 minutes

a day about stressful events and how they made you feel. Or think about tracking your

stress. This helps you find out what is causing your stress and how much stress you feel.

After you know, you can find better ways to cope.

Let your feelings out. Talk, laugh, cry, and express anger when you need to. Talking with

friends, family, a counselor, or a member of the clergy about your feelings is a healthy way

to relieve stress.

Do something you enjoy. You may feel that you're too busy to do these things. But

making time to do something you enjoy can help you relax. It might also help you get

more done in other areas of your life. Try:

A hobby, such as gardening.

A creative activity, such as writing, crafts, or art.

Playing with and caring for pets.

Volunteer work.

Focus on the present. Meditation and guided imagery are two ways to focus and relax

your mind.

Meditate. When you meditate, you focus your attention on things that are happening right

now. Paying attention to your breathing is one way to focus. Mindfulness-based stress

reduction is one form of meditation that is very helpful with managing stress and learning

how to better cope with it.

Use guided imagery. With guided imagery, you imagine yourself in any setting that helps

you feel calm and relaxed. You can use audiotapes, books, or a teacher to guide you.
Ways to relax your body

Exercise. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress. Walking is a great

way to get started. Even everyday activities such as housecleaning or yard work

can reduce stress. Stretching can also relieve muscle tension. For more information about

becoming more active, see the topic Fitness.

Try techniques to relax. Breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, andyoga can help relieve


Breathing exercises. These include roll breathing, a type of deep breathing

Progressive muscle relaxation. This technique reduces muscle tension. You do it by

relaxing separate groups of muscles one by one.

Yoga, tai chi, and qi gong. These techniques

combine exercise and meditation. You may need some training at first to learn them.

Books and videos are also helpful. You can do all of these techniques at home.

2.1.2 Local Literature

According to Maraya de Jesus Chebat ( 2009 ) stress is here to stay.

Whatp e o p l e m u s t d o i s t o l e a r n m o r e a b o u t i t s n a t u r e , s

o u r c e s a n d alternatives so that people used the energy positively and work in thebest

possible way.

Orlandi ( 2010 ) stated, “Your ability to tolerate stressors depends onthe number

of stressors in your life”. People who can handle stress use their coping mechanism,

which is powerful tool to use, to analyzeevents objectively and observe calmly. Gather
information at

thestateo f e q u i l i b r i u m , u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f w h a t t o p r o d u c e t h e t e n s i o n t h a t h

elps you feel that the stress is alleviated.

Miranda ( 2011 ) specified that the most effective way of managing

stressa r e t h r o u g h r e l a t i o n a n d e x e r c i s e w h i c h i r o n i c a l l y a r e e x t r e m

e l y aesthetical acts which involved dynamics of the mind and body. Peoplewho are always

stress survivors stay healthy throughout their lives. They consider stressful situation

opportunist for growth.

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

Stress and Job Performance

Early studies reported deleterious effects of a wide variety of stressors on speed and accuracy

in tracking, signal detection, verbal reasoning, sentence formation, and other kinds of verbal

performance (Lazarus et al., 2010; Wilkinson, 2009). More recent research has been guided by

propositions about the adaptive demands of stress that drain energy (Glass & Singer, 2008). In

Cohen's (2008) version of this model, stressors create conditions of information overload

because they force people to pay special attention. This results in cognitive fatigue and saps

energy needed for task performance. Cohen (2008) reviewed several studies that support this

model. They show that after experiencing stressors such as noise, electric shock, bureaucratic

frustration, and task load, people perform less effectively on tasks which call for tolerance for

frustration, clerical accuracy, and the ability to avoid perceptual distractions. They also

becomeless sensitive to others and show "a decrease in helping, a decrease in the recognition
of individual differences, and an increase in aggression". These effects on interpersonal

sensitivity are consistent with results of studies on aggression (Rule & Nesdale, 2009) and

altruism (Aderman, 2008; Cunningham, Steinberg, & Grev, 20010; Isen, Clark, & Schwartz,

2011; Isen & Levin, 2008; Rosenhan, Salovey, & Hargis,2012), which indicate that negative

emotions associated with stress incline people toward more aggressive and less altruistic

behavior. They are also consistent with recent research in work situations where measures of

job satisfaction have been used as surrogates for positive affective experience. Bateman and

Organ (2008), Motowidlo (2009), and Smith, Organ, and Near (2010) reported positive

correlations between job satisfaction and prosocial organizational behaviors such as helping,

volunteering, cooperating, listening, and showing consideration for the needs and feelings of


Workplace Stress

Chart describing the souces of stress in America Numerous studies show that job stress is far

and away the major source of stress for American adults and that it has escalated progressively

over the past few decades. Increased levels of job stress as assessed by the perception of

having little control but lots of demands have been demonstrated to be associated with

increased rates of heart attack, hypertension and other disorders. In New York, Los Angels

and other municipalities, the relationship between job stress and heart attacks is so well

acknowledged, that any police officer who suffers a coronary event on or off the job is

assumed to have a work related injury and is compensated accordingly (including heart attack

sustained while fishing on vacation or gambling in Las Vegas).

Although the Institute is often asked to construct lists of the “most” and “least” stressful

occupations, such rankings have little importance for several reasons. It is not the job but the
person-environment fit that matters. Some individuals thrive in the time urgent pressure

cooker of life in the fast lane, having to perform several duties at the same time and a list of

things to do that would overwhelm most of us — provided they perceive that they are in

control. They would be severely stressed by dull, dead end assembly line work enjoyed by

others who shun responsibility and simply want to perform a task that is well within their

capabilities. The stresses that a policeman or high school teacher working in an inner city

ghetto are subjected to are quite different than those experienced by their counterparts in rural

Iowa. It is necessary to keep this in mind when sweeping statements are made about the

degree of stress in teachers, police personnel, physicians and other occupations. Stress levels

can vary widely even in identical situations for different reasons.

Stress is a highly personalized phenomenon and can vary widely even in identical situations

for different reasons. One survey showed that having to complete paper work was more

stressful for many police officers than the dangers associated with pursuing criminals. The

severity of job stress depends on the magnitude of the demands that are being made and the

individual’s sense of control or decision-making latitude he or she has in dealing with them.

Scientific studies based on this model confirm that workers who perceive they are subjected to

high demands but have little control are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease.


It is evident that physical health, general health and social lifeof a student will be affected by

the harmful effects of perceived stress(Allgöweret at., 2001). Results of their research revealed

that there were 33% of students when suffered from the characteristics of depression and

anxiety.Demakis and McAdams 2007)also found that when a high level of stress is reported by

the undergraduate students, there would be a significant decrease in the stability of their
general health state compared with those who have reported the lower levels of stress. In

addition, The American College Health Association (2006) found that the most common

health factor that created the negative impact on the undergraduate students’ general health

was stress.In parallel with Morgan (2007), Walton (2002) and Beck (2005) also revealed that

fear of not achieving is constantly a drain on student’s energy and resources that ultimately

deteriorate their level of performance. With such a high level of perceived stress, students are

likely to be demotivated and consequently exaggerate their general health state.


Blonna (2005) found that a stressful circumstance can be reduced considerably if an

individual knows how to cope with it. In addition, Cheng and Cheung (2005) explained that

individuals who face stressful circumstances need to have constructive coping strategy. Often

it is wise to choose strategies that work in a particular context; such as exercise regularly, seek

social support, practice relaxation and so on. Cheng and Cheung further explained that a

person who has experienced a cluster of stressful life event would be able tocope successfully

with life if he/she isable to modify coping strategy to match the demands of the situation. An

effective coping strategy can determine one’s outcomes in facing and handling a stressful

situation and influence the level of general health state (Uchino, 2004). Uchino defined coping

strategy as the ability of a person in changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage

psychological stress adaptively. Uchino further explained that coping strategy frequently act as

a mediator in influencing one’s level of stressors. For example, a person who has a higher

level of perceived stress tends to have a lower level of coping strategy. Folkman and Lazarus

(1980) have distinguished coping strategies into two broad types: problem-focused coping and

emotion-focused coping. The goal of both strategies is to control and reduce threats that lead

to perceived stress in a person. Grade anxiety and the fear of not achieving is the constant
drain on student’s energy and resources that ultimately deteriorate their level of psychological

well-being (Beck, 1995; Walton,2002). Thoits (2005) further suggested that the use of

effective coping mechanisms is in fact the determinant factor to alleviate the harmful effects of

student’s perceived stress and enhance their level of general health.

Drawing a conclusion from the aforementioned literature, it is shown that an individual’s

coping strategy while facing stress or difficulties in life would affect the person’s general



When problems or life difficulties arise, there are different

strategies in which different individuals would apply. Litman and Lunsford (2009) studiedthe

variety of coping strategies people employed and its relations to general health among 450

individuals with a mean age of 20.84 years. The findings of their study showed

that acceptance and planning would increase one’s self-efficacy while positive reinterpretation

leads to greater general health growth. On the other hand, the use of acceptance, emotions

venting, and behavioral

disengagement were shown to weaken an individual. Litman and Lunsford explained that

acceptance could involve identifying factors that were either within or outside of an

individual’s control, hence the significant findings to both positive and negative impacts.

Approaching people for advice was also linked negatively to diminishment. In sum, the study

of Litman and Lunsford demonstrated approach-oriented strategies to contribute to positive

impacts while avoidant-oriented strategies to negative impacts.

A similar investigation was carried out among 268 Singaporeans aged 17 to 66 years

(Diong& Bishop, 2009). Their analyses showed that both active coping and coping by seeking

social support were related to better general health while avoidant coping was related to worse
general health. Another study was conducted in Taiwan using

441 16 to 20-year-olds on the relationships between coping methods and psychological well-

being (Wang &Yeh, 2005). Their results showed that problem-focused coping would have the

positive effect of alleviating psychological distress while emotion-focused coping would have

the negative effects of impairing general health. Other than the aforementioned studies

conducted in other nations, a similar research was administered in Malaysia context using the

sample of 421 undergraduates (Arulrajah&Harun, 2000). Among the four categories of

coping, avoidance coping, positive intrusive thoughts, and problem-focused coping but not

negative intrusive thoughts were found to be positively linked to undergraduates’

psychological wellbeing (Arulrajah&Harun). The positive relationship between avoidance

coping and general health was inconsistent with other research findings; however, the effect

size was smaller as compared to positive intrusive thoughts and problem-focused coping


The inconsistent research findings on the relationship between student’s coping strategy

and general health emphasize the needs for further research, particularly in the Malaysian



Research also suggests that moderate levels of stress can have

positive effects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment while reducing turnover

intent. These findings seem to be an extension of the inverted-U-shaped relationship discussed

previously. Under this hypothesis, at moderate levels of stress, individual performance and

productivity are likely to be higher and can also contribute to higher job satisfaction and

organizational commitment. For example, Zivnuska, Kiewitz, and Hochwarter (2002) find that
moderate levels of stress tend to be correlated with higher levels of job satisfaction than either

very high or very low stress levels. The authors explain this effect by noting that moderate

stress is perceived as stimulating and challenging, without being unbearable. Empirically, the

authors demonstrate the nonlinear relationship of stress with turnover intent, value attainment,

and job satisfaction by including a tension-squared term as a predictor variable in their model.

They find that the tension-squared term has a statistically significant relationship with each of

the outcome variables. These findings suggest that turnover intent increases quadratically with

job tension, while value attainment and job satisfaction decrease quadratically with tension.

These findings are supported by the work of Milgram, Orenstein, and Zafrir (1989), which

looks at the effects of stress on a group of

Israeli soldiers. They find that moderate levels of stress foster

increased group cooperation, commitment, and morale, all of which can contribute to effective

group performance. As stress levels decline from the “optimal” level, the authors find that

individual endorsement of official goals of the military, military unit morale, and loyalty to the

unit also decline. Taken together, these studies suggest that although

stress often comes along with a negative connotation in popular

language, it does exist in positive and helpful forms that can

contribute to individual and group intensity and achievement. This type of stress is likely to be

particularly important for military personnel

in peacekeeping deployments, where a certain level of stress may help maintain vigilance and

reduce boredom.


However, while exposure to some level of stressor may help

individual performance, the long-term effects of stress on the

individual tend to be negative, according to the majority of research

looking at prolonged exposure to stress. One potential result of an

extended exposure to a single or to multiple stressors is burnout,

defined by Maslach, Schaufeli, and Leiter (2001) to include exhaustion, feelings of cynicism

and detachment, a sense of ineffectiveness, and

lack of accomplishment. Burnout is most often measured on the Maslach Burnout Inventory

(MBI). The authors note that individuals with high MBI scores tend to also exhibit higher

levels of job dissatisfaction and lower workplace effectiveness. Work by Lee and Ashforth

(1990) supports the argument that high and consistent exposure to stress can lead to burnout.

They find that psychological strain and burnout have a correlation of 0.94 and that

physiological strain and burnout have a correlation of 0.56. Although this does not imply a

causal relationship, it does support the argument that individual stress levels are strongly

related to burnout.

Long-term exposure to stressors can also have other negative

effects. For example, Cropanzano, Rapp, and Bryne (2003) find that longterm exposure to

high levels of stressors can lead to emotional

exhaustion, which has been shown to degrade organizational commitment and increase

turnover intentions. According to Seymour and Black (2002), chronic stress can also lead to

physical problems, including cardiovascular disease, muscle pain, stomach and intestinal

problems, decreased fertility, and reduced immune system strength.

Long-term stress can also lead to feelings of anger, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and sleep

problems. In the extreme, long-term exposure to high levels of stressors or a single exposure
to a very demanding event can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder, a psychiatric illness that

can interfere with life functioning. PTSD has a variety of symptoms, including nightmares,

flashbacks, difficulty sleeping, and social isolation. Not all individuals who experience

extreme stress will develop PTSD, though. Factors that make individuals more or less

susceptible to PTSD include the type of stressor experienced, genetics, lack of social support,

or the existence of other mental or physical diseases (Green et al., 2000; Kahana, Harel, and

Kahana, 2008; Adler, Vaitkus, and Martin, 2006). Important from the perspective of this

report, combat experience is one of the types of stressors that can bring on PTSD. In fact,

PTSD has been

observed in nearly all veteran populations studied, including those who served in World War

II, the Korean War, Persian Gulf conflicts, and UN peacekeeping deployments. Specifically,

for the Vietnam War, a study conducted 15 years after the end of the conflict found that at least

15 percent of veterans were still suffering from PTSD symptoms (Schlenger et al., 2002).

Rates for other conflicts are lower. For example, incidence of PTSD in Gulf War veterans is

estimated to be between 2 and 10 percent (Hoge et al., 2004). In general, the severity of stress

response experienced by an individual appears to be related to the type, duration, and

magnitude of stressor experienced. Adler, Vaitkus, and Martin (2006) find that Operation

Desert Storm veterans who had witnessed U.S. casualties exhibited the highest scores for

PTSD symptoms. McCarroll, Ursano, and Fullerton (2003) also look at the connection

between PTSD symptoms and degree of stress exposure. They find that soldiers who handled

human remains reported significantly more severe PTSD symptoms than did those who did


As mentioned previously, in addition to combat-related stressors,

the stress associated with peacekeeping duties can also be severe. For example, Litz et al.

(2007b) study the rates of PTSD and exposure to stress for military personnel who served in a
peacekeeping mission in Somalia. They find a prevalence rate of PTSD for the sample (men

and women) of 8 percent. Interestingly, this rate is comparable to that

discussed above for Gulf War veterans, despite the fact that the Somali deployment was a

peacekeeping mission. The authors hypothesize that “peacekeeping operations under perilous

conditions may represent a unique class of potentially traumatizing experiences not

sufficiently captured by traditional war zone exposure.... It could be that both war zone

exposure and frustration with peace enforcement are most implicated in PTSD responses

because of the uncontrollable and unpredictable nature of peacekeeping” ( see also Foa,

Zinbarg, and Rothbaum, 2002; Weisaeth, 2000). Although the conflicts in Iraq and

Afghanistan are still under way, research on the prevalence of mental health disorders among

returning veterans has already begun. A study by Hoge et al. (2004) finds that soldiers

deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq had significantly higher levels of mental disorders, including

anxiety, depression, and PTSD, than did those who were not deployed. Furthermore, those

deployed to Iraq demonstrated a much higher incidence of mental disorders than did

those who had only been to Afghanistan. The authors used a survey to

identify personnel who met the criteria for PTSD set out in the

Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Center for PTSD Checklist.

2.2.2 Local Studies

According toCalderon( 2008 ),p e o p l e w h o e x p e r i e n c e a h i g h l e v e l o f st

ress for a long time and who cope poorly with this stress may becomeirritable, socially

withdrawn, and emotionally unstable. They may alsohave difficulty concentrating and solving

problems. Some people underintense and prolonged stress may start to suffer from extreme

anxiety,depression or other severe emotional problems.

Odrigo G. Ancheta ( 2009 ) says that, “Stress gives us energy to cope witht h e

d e m a n d i n g a c t i v i t y o f l i f e . I t i s t r u e t h a t s t r e s s i s a n o r m a l constant part of

our life because it involves changes, challenges andemotions. Try to imagine life without

stress. You would not have

anyc h a l l e n g e s a n y t h i n g t o a f f e c t y o u r e m o t i o n s a n d a n y t h i n g n e w

a n d exciting. It gives as energy because it activity involves physically and

emotionally. Stress might be considered as a problem because

weo f t e n b e a r a b o u t s t r e s s i n a n e g a t i v e l i g h t t h a t p e o p l e m a y o n l

y associate’s bad experiences with stress. How you perceived and handledstressors will

determine whether the stress is good or bad for you. Asituation that seems extremely stressful

to you could leave very calmto somebody.

Flores (2000) said that a person who is stressed typically lessanxious thoughts

and difficulty concentrating or

remembering.Stressc a n a l s o c h a n g e o u t w a r d b e h a v i o r s . Te e t h c l e n c h i n g , h

a n d w r i n g i n g , pacing, nail biting, and heavy breathing are common signs of

stress.P e o p l e a l s o f e e l p h y s i c a l l y d i f f e r e n t w h e n t h e y a

re stress. Butterflies in the stomach, cold hands and feet,

d r y m o u t h a n d increase heart rate are all physiological effects of stress that

we associate with the emotion of anxiety.

2.3 Synthesis

These reviewed literature and studies are considered because it talks about stress
management and different coping mechanisms where in it is the very important part of this


This literature and studies has enabled the researchers to have a better understanding of

ideas of different well known writers which resulted to broadening the researchers own

thinking in relation to the present study.

The foreign and local studies shows the effects of stress and the effects of using different

methods/ strategies in coping with it.

In this research, both the children ( including the students ) and adults ( including most the

parents and teachers ) from these. It may give them awareness on how to deal with stress.

In this matter, coping mechanisms are ways to which external or internal stress is

managed, adapted to or acted upon. It is an adaptation to environmental stress that is based on

conscious or unconscious choice and that enhances control over behavior or gives

psychological comfort. So It is in our hand on how we control ourselves in time of stressful

Chapter III


This chapter aims to enumerate the steps undertaken by the researcher in choosing the method

suitable for the study, thee research instrument and how was it administered in the population

and the statistical analysis applied after deriving the results.

Research Method

The researcher used descriptive method of research. Qualititative research refers to the

systematic empirical investigation of social phenomena via statistical, mathematical or

numerical data or computational techniques The objective of quantitative research is to

employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The

process of measurement is central to qualitative research because it provides the fundamental

connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of qualititative


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were fifty municipal employees from the Local Government of

Ternate, Cavite. The target population was selected through random sampling which included

employees who arte in permanent items/position in the agency concerned.

Research Instrument

The research instrument used by the researcher in the study was survey method. One of the

best ways to achieve unbiased results in a study using survey method is to collect

samples/respondents is through random sampling. This is the sampling method used by the

researcher in conducting the study and choosing the target population. Random

sampling includes choosing subjects from a population through unpredictable means. In its

simplest form, subjects all have an equal chance of being selected out of the population being

researched. The content of the questionnaire are divided into two sections:

Part I Consist of the Profile of the respondents which is the background information of the

respondents consisting of Age, Gender, Position , Civil Status, and Number of years in service

to the government.

Part II Common symptoms identified, encountered by the employee-respondents:

1. Physical

2. Emotional

3. Intellectual

4. Social

5. Moral/ Spiritual

T he questions were interpreted using the five point Likert scale as follows:


5 Always

4 Often
3 Sometimes

2 Seldom

1 Never

Part II B. Kind of Coping Mechanisms

The questions in this section were directed to obtain the Kind of Coping Mechanisms

of the students respondents. The questions were interpreted as follows:


1 Always

2 Often

3 Sometimes

4 Seldom

5 Never

Administration of the Instrument

The researcher first drafted a survey form which included questions relating to her study. After

approval of the survey form, a final draft was made which was disseminated to the target

population. The survey asked a specific, narrow question and collected a sample of numerical
data from participants to answer the question. The researcher analysed the data with the help

of statistics.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The researcher applied the frequency distribution as statistical analysis in the treatment of the

results. Frequency distribution is an orderly arrangement of data classified according to the

magnitude of the observations. When the data are grouped into classes of appropriate size

indicating the number of observations in each class we get a frequency distribution. By

forming frequency distribution, the data can be summarized effectively. It is a method of

presenting the data in a summarized form. Frequency distribution is also known as Frequency

table. After tabulating the frequency of the respondents’ answer to the specific questions, the

researcher used the weighted mean.

To answer Part I - Profile percentage is used. The formula is

% = ( Σfx/n ) 100

% = symbol for percentage

Σ = symbol for summation

fx = symbol for frequency multiply by the respondents

n = sample size

100 = constant

For a question on Relationship of the Profile Stressors and the

Kind of Coping Mechanisms. The formula is:

Wm = Σfx/n

Wm = weighted mean

f = frequency

X =weight

n = sample size

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


The study was conducted to identify the symptoms of stress factors being experienced by the

target population who are municipal employees in the Local Government of Ternate who are

in permanent position and the effects of the said stress factors in their work performance. The

respondents were selected through random sampling. Data were collected using the

descriptive approach through survey forms disseminated to the respondents. They were asked

to answer the three part survey form.

The first part collected demographic information of the respondents, the second part identified

the stress symptoms they experience and the third part identified the effects of the said stress


After the data were gathered and tabulated the researcher used frequency, percentage and

weighted mean to identify the relationship of the stress factors and work performance of the

employees as statistical analysis. After treatment of data, the researcher used the results to

reject the hypothesis established by the study and generated a conclusion and provide

Findings showed that there had been different stress factors and effects identified by the

respondents. Those are the following:

A. Physical

1. extend help to others.

2. punctual in attendance.
3. don’t have insomnia.
4. don’t have a feeling of fatigue.
5. don’t have muscle spasms.
6. don’t have muscular tension.
7. don’t have a high blood pressure.
8. don’t have headaches.
9. don’t have neck aches.
10. don’t have backaches.

B. Emotional

1. hold anger manageably.

2. remain undisturbed under pressure.
3. calm in the midst of chaos.
4. maintain dignity in all circumstances.
5. don’t give up easily on the task.
6. set high goals for oneself.
7. feel sure of what I do.
8. work with the sense of urgency.
9. assume responsibility with confidence.
10. have a high self- esteem.

C. Intellectual
1. make correct decisions.
2. give attention to details.
3. analyze every situation.
4. am quick to make solutions.
5. utilize to the maximum every material.
6. create new things.
7. easy to cope up with the rapid changes.
8. very imaginative.
9. mentally alert.
10. like to try out new things.

D. Social

1. help voluntarily.
2. enjoy the company of others.
3. can adjust to any group as a member.
4. spend time for my relatives.
5. spend time for my friends.
6. spend my time for my family.
7. tend to be friendly.
8. see others opinion as different from mine.
9.give equal chance for everybody to be heard.
10. enjoy my social activities.

E. Moral/ Spiritual

1. able to join religious organization.

2. have strong spiritual foundation.
3. able to read inspirational magazines and
4. have time for spiritual retreats.
5. always pray and devote.
6. able to attend regularly Sunday Mass/ Church
7. time to read the Bible.
8. have conflicts between personal and spiritual
9. not easily persuaded to conform to others
religious belief.
10. respect any religious belief.


Based on the findings of the study, it can therefore be concluded that stress poses a negative

effect on the work performance of the employee. Hence, the hypothesis is rejected for there is

a significant difference between the performance of the employee that is experiencing stress

factors from the work performance of those who does not experience stress factors. Moreover,

it is not only their work performance that is affected but also their physical, mental social,

emotional and even religious aspect of their personality and well-being.


Finding out that stress affects a worker on how he/she can properly perform his/ her service,

the study recommends the following activities be undertaken by the concerned agency:

Local Government of Ternate:

 Provide Stress management Activities for the employees as stress affects how they
deliver their basic services.

 Ensure that the employees concerns are properly addressed to lessen their stress


 Assure continuity of work security and safety

 Promote a healthy working environment conducive to stress- free working.

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