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Application of Poisson
Distribution in Establishing
Control Limits for Discrete
Quality Attributes

INTRODUCTION • Validated Products – For example, establishing:
✓ Control limits for numbers of tablets rejected
This article is written as a complement to one recently from an online Metal Detector during tablet
published entitled – “Establishing Alert Limits for Micro- compression cycle
bial Counts in Purified Water,” which appeared in this Jour- ✓ Control limits for numbers of containers re-
nal Volume 13, Number 1, November 2006. In the current jected from visual inspection of sterile produc-
paper, the scope will be expanded – i.e., establishing control tion batches
limits for discrete quality data attributed to products, raw ✓ Release limits for microbial counts in non-
materials, and critical system outputs, which also include sterile products
the microbial counts in Purified Water as discussed in the • Validated Critical Systems – For example, estab-
previous article. The establishment criterion will remain the lishing:
same – i.e., using historical data and the Control Chart prin- ✓ Alert limits for microbial levels in cleanroom
ciple where, in this article, the control limits are simply de- environment
rived from the Poisson distribution that is corresponding in ✓ Alert limits for microbial counts in Water for
distribution pattern to the original Binomial distribution. Pharmaceutical Use (such as Purified Water or
Water for Injection)
Control limits for discrete quality attributes may be DISTRIBUTION
found in the following areas:
When we repeatedly take samples of the same size n =
• Trend Data Analysis – For example, establishing 90 from a population containing only conforming (say, 95%
trend limits for: of the population) and non-conforming (5%) items, the
✓ Microbial counts in raw materials, products, counts of non-conformities will distribute according to both
and Water for Pharmaceutical Use (WPU) Binomial and Poisson distributions (Figure 2). Poisson is a
✓ Environmental Monitoring (EM) microbial special case of Binomial where n → ∞ and p → 0.
levels in production areas (Continued on page 198)

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Figure 1
Binomial and Poisson Probability Density Functions (PDFs)

Figure 2
Binomial and Poisson Distributions

(Non-Conforming Rate: p=5% =0.05, n=90)

20% Binomial Dist, Mean = np = 4.5, SD = (npq)^0.5 = 2.07
Poisson Dist, Mean = np = 4.5, SD = (np)^0.5 = 2.12
Probability (%)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Number of Success

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Pramote Cholayudth
(Continued from page 196)

The two distribution curves illustrated in Figure 2 indi- ESTABLISHING CONTROL LIMITS
cate that the parameter np = 90x0.05 or 4.5 is sufficient to
construct a Poisson distribution that is quite similar in shape Control limits for discrete quality attributes may be es-
to the Binomial’s. It is also suggested by statisticians that np tablished as below:
< 5 can generate the common shape between Binomial and • Collect appropriate amount of data (at least ten in-
Poisson distributions. (Interested readers may discover
more in Statistics textbooks.) dividual test or measurement results)
Using the Control Chart principle and data above, com- • Compute for the average value of all results ( c )
parison of the control limits for np Chart (Binomial distribu- • Compute for the control limits using c ± 3 c
tion) and c Chart (Poisson distribution) will be as noted in
Figure 3.

➣ However, c ± 4 c and c ± 6 c may be

(c )
applied, as alert and action limits, respectively,
to the microbial levels to compensate the
possible sampling and testing technique errors
➣ Since alert and action limits for microbial
levels in aseptic areas are also required, the
limits c±2 c and c ± 4 c may be
applied respectively (see Figure 12)

• Justify the established limits before use by plotting

c Chart using that particular data
• Revise the limits as appropriate when the database
is larger
Figure 3
Control Limits Based on np and c Charts

np Chart Approach c Chart Approach

The results in Figure 3 imply that the control limits in discrete numbers established from
both Binomial and Poisson approaches are practically the same especially for np < 5.

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Comparison of alert limits, using np Chart according to Particle count in non-unidirectional cleanroom (turbu-
the previously published article (JVT Vol. 13, No. 1, Nov. lent air) is typical discrete data. In theory, its distribution
06) and c Chart for microbial counts in Purified Water is should follow a Binomial/Poisson distribution. Measuring
provided in Figure 4. the particle counts at a fixed location in a cleanroom area at
In the c Chart Approach column, the limits data (in dis- time series will generate different measured values that
crete numbers) are the same as those in the np Chart’s. require to be evaluated. Since an area may have ‘k’ sampling
Therefore the c Chart method can be practically used in locations based on the area size (i.e., rounded integer of
place of the np method and also has an advantage over it square root of the area in m2), the averages ( x ) for these

since only the averaged count of non-conformities ( c ) is locations’ measurements require to be computed for the
employed without taking the sample size into account. In grand average ( x ) and standard deviation (SD). The 95%

Figure 6 the c value up to 7.5 (> 5) still generates the same upper confidence limit (95% UCL) using the formula
discrete data limits (0, 18) although the distribution area has x + t 0.05, k −1 (SD / k ) is then computed to demonstrate
slipped from the Binomial’s. that it still meets the designed cleanliness requirement.
(Continued on page 202)

Figure 4
Comparison of Control Limits Using np and c Charts Principle

np Chart Approach c Chart Approach

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Figure 5
Alert Limits for Microbial Count in Purified Water at Points of Use

Microbial Count Distribution in Purified Water

(Count Mean: 2.06 CFU/mL, Action Limit: 100 CFU/mL)

Frequency (%)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Microbial Count (CFU/mL)

Figure 6
Alert Limits for Microbial Count in Purified Water at Washing Area

Microbial Count Distribution in Purified Water (+Hose)

(Count Mean: 7.5 CFU/mL, Action Limit: 100 CFU/mL)
12% Binomial
Frequency (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34

Microbial Count (CFU/mL)

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Figure 7
Alert Limits for Microbial Count in Purified Water after RO Unit

Microbial Count Distribution in Purified Water (after RO)

(Count Mean: 3.9 CFU/mL, Action Limit: 100 CFU/mL)

20% Binomial
Frequency (%)




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Microbial Count (CFU/mL)

Figure 8
Alert Limits for Microbial Count in Purified Water after EDI Unit

Microbial Count Distribution in Purified Water (after EDI)

(Count Mean: 5.3 CFU/mL, Action Limit: 100 CFU/mL)
16% Binomial
14% Poisson
Frequency (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Microbial Count (CFU/mL)

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Pramote Cholayudth
(Continued from page 199)

Computing the UCL is based on the Central Limit Theorem glasses, and fibers) are separately established due to their
– i.e., the mean (averaged) values of samples (of appropriate different sources of contamination (Figure 10). Such limits
size) even taken from a non-normal population will follow a are useful as the tools for analysis and improvement of in-
normal distribution. The air turbulence will influence the dividual defect rates. It was suggested that Production con-
particle count measurement biased far beyond what it should tinuously improve to reduce the numbers of those defects
be. So, computing using the Binomial or Poisson principle is and subsequently adjust the control limits using the defect
not practical since the resulting UCL will be much lower data after the improvement. Training and qualification (OQ
than that from the Central Limit Theorem principle. and PQ) of the visual inspection process was also recom-
mended. Figure 10 demonstrates how the greater values, up

ESTABLISHING CONTROL LIMITS FOR to 62, of the averaged counts of non-conformities ( c ) are
REJECTED CONTAINERS still justified for using the Poisson distribution approach.
Using the overall limit information, standard yield limits
The number in each batch of sterile product containers for production batches can be established as in Figure 11.
rejected due to their failure to pass the visual inspection is
also a discrete type data. Establishing the acceptance limits LIMITATION OF POISSON
for these rejected containers is essentially required. In a APPLICATION
pharmaceutical plant where the author provides consulting
service, one set of data for containers rejected after visual There are some limitations for the application use of
inspection from ten batches of an ‘Infusion’ product has Poisson distribution. Some types of counts of non-confor-

been collected. Their control limits are established as seen mities (or numbers of defects) data with the average ( c )
in Figure 9. greater than ‘x’ or smaller than ‘y’ may fail to generate the
In addition to the established overall control limits (38, proper control limits since Poisson distribution may not
86), control limits for individual types of defects (particles, exist. The values of ‘x’ (expectedly high) and ‘y’ (expect-

Figure 9
Control Limits for Rejected Containers

Batch # Particles Glasses Fibers Overall

1 13 (min) 14 16 43
2 32 (max) 7 (min) 17 56
3 18 16 19 53
4 21 8 38 67
5 19 12 9 (min) 40 (min)
6 26 12 39 (max) 77 (max)
7 22 15 36 73
8 18 20 33 71
9 27 14 25 66
10 19 21 (max) 34 74
Average ( c ) 21.5 13.9 26.6 62
UCL 35 25 42 86
LCL 8 3 11 38
UCL = c + 3 c , LCL = c − 3 c

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edly low) require to be identified. From a preliminary trial rectly use the zero (0) for computing the alert and action
and error experiment, ‘x’ is probably 100 and ‘y’ is 1. In any limits. In Figure 12, two approaches for establishing control
case, it is strongly recommended to justify the established limits for environmental microbial levels are provided. The
control limits prior to use and periodically review during cumulative frequency approach was introduced by Robert
their use. A. Fry 6 – i.e., 95% and 99% confidence levels are set as the
Appropriate handling of the data is very important – e.g., alert and action limits, respectively, based on non-normal
for microbial counts in Purified Water, the zero result (de- data. Two sets of limit results (cumulative and c Chart) are
noted as < 1) is preferably transformed to 1 before compu- to be evaluated for justification by plotting as c Charts. The
tation of the alert limits. Regarding microbial levels in an most valid set of limits is selected.
aseptic processing environment, it is more justified to di- For the high-valued data of which the value is greater

Figure 10
Distributions of Rejected Containers

Poisson Distributions: Rejected Containers

Mean = 13.9
12% Mean = 21.5

Fibers Total
Mean = 26.6
Frequency (%)

Mean = 62.0




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Number of Rejected Containers

Figure 11
Yield Information: Standard Yield Limits

Yield Descriptions Quantities (containers)

Theoretical Yield 3,921 ( = 400x1000/102)

Number of QC Samples 24
Control Limits – Rejected Containers UCL: 86 LCL: 38
Standard Yield Limits UL: 3,859* (98.42 %) LL: 3,811** (97.19 %)
Batch size: 400.- liters, target fill volume: 102 mL/container
* UL (Upper Limit) = 3,921- 24 - 38 = 3,859, ** LL (Lower Limit) = 3,921- 24 - 86 = 3,811

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than 100, the Poisson distribution will have a limitation to good practice to carry out the periodic evaluation of such
exist. However, bear in mind that the data of interest is the control limits. ❏
non-conformity (defect) data; these should be as low as pos-
sible. Establishing control limits for high defect numbers
means we are accepting high defect rates – poor quality – ABOUT THE AUTHOR
which is the wrong concept. In any case, if such limits are
really required, it is necessary to collect the data from Pramote Cholayudth is Executive Director of
smaller samples so that reduced defect numbers fulfilling Valitech Co., Ltd., a well-established validation and
the Poisson PDF requirements are obtained. The new data compliance consultant services company for the
can be then converted to control limits. Pharmaceutical Industry in Thailand. He is a guest
speaker on Process Validation to Industrial Pharma-
CONCLUSION ceutical Scientists organized by the local FDA. Mr.
Cholayudth was a full-time lecturer in a School of
Historical, discrete quality attribute data in sufficient Pharmacy in a private university for four years (1998-

quantity are averaged ( c ) to estimate the mean of the entire 2001). Prior to entering the academic arena, he
Poisson distribution, the basic control limits are then com- spent 23 years in the Pharmaceutical Industry with
– –
puted using c ± 3 c principle. These particular data must Bayer Laboratories (1974-1981) and OLIC (Thailand)
be obtained from the same size of samples taken at random. Limited (1981-1997) – a leading, and the largest,
The established control limits are justified before use and pharmaceutical toll manufacturer for multinational
periodically evaluated (i.e., reviewed and revised) as appro- companies. Pramote is the author of “Concepts and
priate. Justification is undertaken by plotting the limits-es- Practices of Pharmaceutical Process Validation.” He
tablishing data on the c Chart to verify the fitting ability of is currently a respected, contributing member of
the limits. All control limits, established based on data, are JVT's Editorial Advisory Board. Pramote can be con-
reviewed or revised on a periodic basis. The evaluating fre- tacted by fax at 662-740-9586, by e-mail at
quency is another interesting issue where its justification is, or at the following mail-
required. From a quality assurance (QA) point of view, it is ing address:

Figure 12
Approaches for Establishing Control Limits for Microbial Levels

Cumulative Frequency Approach c Chart Approach

Results % Cumulative Average Control Limits

(CFU/Plate) Occurrence Frequency (%) (CFU/Plate) (Poisson)
0 86 86 0.00* Alert Limit:
1 9 86+9 = 95 0.09* = 0.25 + 2 0.25
2 2 95+2 = 97 0.04* Overall =1
3 1 97+1 = 98 0.03 = 0.25 Action Limit:
4 1 98+1 = 99 0.04 = 0.25 + 4 0.25
5 1 99+1 = 100 0.05 =2
Alert Limit: 1 CFU/plate (95% Confidence) Alert Limit: 1 CFU/plate
Action Limit: 4 CFU/plate (99% Confidence) Action Limit: 2 or 3** CFU/plate

* 0x(86/100) = 0.00; 1x(9/100) = 0.09; 2x(2/100) = 0.04, ** = 0.25 + 5 0.25

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Pramote Cholayudth
Article Acronym Listing
6/756 Number One Complex,
Bangkok-Ram 2 Road, EDI Electrodeionization
Pravate District, Bangkok, 10250 EM Environmental Monitoring
Thailand IPC In-Process Control
LCL Lower Control Limit
OQ Operational Qualification
REFERENCES PDF Probability Density Function
PQ Performance Qualification
1. WHO Technical Report Series # 929, Thirty-ninth Report, QA Quality Assurance
Annex 3: WHO Good Manufacturing Practices: Water for RO Reverse Osmosis
Pharmaceutical Use, World Health Organization, 2005. SD Sample Standard Deviation
2. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), UCL Upper Control Limit
Guidance for Industry, Sterile Drug Products Produced
WPU Water for Pharmaceutical Use
by Aseptic Processing - Current Good Manufacturing
Practice, September 2004.
3. Ad Hoc GMP Inspections Services Group, EC Guide to
Good Manufacturing Practice, Revision to Annex 1,
Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products, May 30, 2003.
4. The United States Pharmacopoeial Convention, Inc.,
General Information Chapter <1116> Microbiological Evalu-
ation of Clean Rooms and Other Controlled Environments,
United States Pharmacopoeia 27th Edition, Philadelphia,
PA: National Publishing.
5. Besterfield, D. H., Quality Control, Sixth Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2001.
6. Fry, R. A., CQA Microbiology Support, Presentation on
“Environmental Monitoring: Establishing Action and Alert
Levels,” PDA Spring Conference, Orlando, Florida, March
11-13, 2002.
7. Wadsworth, H. M., Stephens, K. S., and Godfrey, A. B.,
Modern Methods for Quality Control and Improvement,
Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

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