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Fungsi Bahasa Inggris dalam Ungkapan oleh Guru

kelompok: Expressions by the teacher
Language functions related to:
Unit 1. Pembukaan 1.1. Salam pertemuan (Greetings)
(Introduction) Good Morning, class/students!
Hello, everyone!
How are you?
How are you getting on today?
How’s life?
How are the things with you?
How are you feeling today?

1.2. Berdoa (Praying)

Let’s pray, class/students!
Why don’t we pray?
It’s time to pray, isn’t it?

1.3. Mengenalkan diri (Introducing oneself)

My name is Mr/Mrs/Miss Smith and I’m
your new Biology teacher.
I’ll be teaching you Biology this semester.
I’m a teacher trainee.
I’m a permanent teacher in this school.

1.4. Memeriksa kehadiran/absensi siswa

(Checking the students’ presence/absence)
Let me check your presence!
Where is Lucy? Anybody knows?
Is Rudy here?
Is Tom absent today?
Ken, do you know where Edwin is?
Can anybody tell what is happening to Bill?
I wonder where Susan and Tina are.

1.5. Menanyakan personil kelas

(Asking the classroom personnels)
Who is your class teacher?
Who is the prefect?
Who is the picket today?
Who pickets today?
Be a good students!
Be careful!
Be diligent!
Be punctual next time!
Be silent!

Be on time!

1.6. Menanyakan situasi/hari

(Asking classroom situation)
What day is it today?
What day is today?
And the date?
What date is it today?
What date is today?
What a wonderful day!
Oh, What a day!
It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
It’s a bright day, isn’t it?

1.7. Menegur keterlambatan

(Warning lateness)
Why are you late?
Why are you coming late?
Where have you been?
You are 10 minutes late, report the picket teacher!
sorry, you can’t join the class. Stay out!
I still allow you to join the class. Try not to be
late next time.
Try to be punctual next time.
Let this be the last time to be late.
Unit 2. Memulai Pelajaran Instruksi/Perintah (Instructions/Commands);
(Beginning the Lesson) Imperative Sentence
2.1 Menyiapkan pembelajaran I (Introduction )
Get/Bring/Give me a board marker, please!
Where’s the eraser?
Clean the board, please!
Sweep the floor!
Dust the table!
Get your books ready!
Get ………., ready!
Come in!
Come on, students!
Unit 3. Selama PBM berlangsung 3.1 Instruksi melakukan kegiatan
(During the Learning Process) (Instructions in the Learning Process)
Get your books out!
Books out, please!
Out with your books, please!
Let’s review last Monday’s Lesson.
Look at exercise 15 on page 43.
Now turn to page 44.
Turn to the next page.
Have a look at figure 4.
Open your books!
Close your books!

Open page 10!
Listen to me!
Listen and repeat after me!
Let’s practice!
Look at the board!
Go to the front!
Write your name/s on a sheet of paper!
Order the numbers!
Draw a tree on the board!
Draw a picture of lungs!
Do your homework!
Underline the new words!
Why don’t you copy!
Come in and sit down, please!
What about singing!
How about discussing the problem!
Say it again!
Explain it once more!
I’d rather you finished it at home.
Cross out that word.
Write your answer on the board
Take turns, please
Do it in turns
Stick the picture on the board
Make it clearer
Improve your handwriting
Next, please
Now, it’s your turn
Your turn?
Whose turn is it now?
Correct Mila’s answer
Go to the front
Back to your seat
Raise your hands
Explain more clearly
Describe the process
Read the sentence
Underline the main points
Ask the others
Make groups
Tell it in details

3.2 Perintah – perintah untuk TIDAK

melakukan sesuatu
(Instructions/Warnings NOT to do something)
Don’t make any noise
Don’t make a fuss
Don’t do that
Don’t talk, please
Don’t be noisy

Don’t be careless
Don’t be a fool
Don’t be stupid
Never do it again
Never do such a thing
Never do such things
Stop talking

3.3 Dorongan dan Penguatan

(Encouragement and Confirmation)
a. Good
Right Yes
Fine Right you are
Hm-hm Quite right

b. That’s the way

That’s right That’s quite right
That’s it Yes, you’ve got it
That’s correct You’ve got the idea

c. Excellent
Very good Magnificent
That’s very good Terrific
Well done Wow!
Very fine Jolly good
That’s nice Great stuff
I like that Fantastic
You made a very good job of that

d. That’s perfectly correct

There’s nothing wrong with your answer
what you said was perfectly all right
you didn’t make a single mistake
That’s exactly the point
That’s just what I was looking for
I couldn’t have given a better answer myself

e. No, that’s wrong

Not really
Unfortunately not
I’m afraid that’s not quite right
You can’t say that, I’m afraid
You can’t use that word here
Good try, but not quite right

f. Could be
It depends
It might be, I suppose

In a way, perhaps
Sort of, yes

3.4 Sympathetic Cultural Expressions

(Lihat lampiran hal 1-3)

3.5 The Members of The Family

(Lihat lampiran hal 3-5)

3.6 Calling English Names

(Lihat lampiran hal 5-7)

3.7 Greetings and Farewells

(Lihat lampiran hal 7-9)

3.8 Occupations/Professions
(Lihat lampiran hal 9-11)

3.9 Names of Countries, The Peoples and

Their Languages
(Lihat lampiran hal 12-14)

3.10 Telling Days

(Lihat lampiran hal 14)

3.11 Telling Months

(Lihat lampiran hal 15)

3.12 Telling English Numbers

(Lihat lampiran hal 15-18)

3.13 Calling Telephone Numbers

(Lihat lampiran hal 18-20)

3.14 Telling Calendars

(Lihat lampiran hal 20-21)

3.15 Questions and Answers about :

(Lihat lampiran hal 21-22)

• The meaning of ----------

• The differences of -------
• The price of ---------------
• The colours of ------------
• The opposites of ---------
3.16 The Physical Shapes
(Lihat lampiran hal 23)

3.17 Questions and Answers about: measurements,
dimensions, sizes, shapes
(Lihat lampiran hal 23-24)

3.18 Tenses
(Lihat lampiran hal 25-34)

3.19 Vocabulary Building (about Education, Science

and Biology)
(Lihat lampiran hal 34-80)

3.20 Telling Clock – Time

(Lihat lampiran hal 80-81)

3.21 Graded Questions

(Lihat lampiran hal 81-86)
• Yes/No Questions
• Choice Questions
• Wh-/How - Questions
3.22 Making Statements with Cues and Making
(Lihat lampiran hal 86-90)

3.23 The Relative Clause/Adjective Clause

(Lihat lampiran hal 90-93)

3.24 Making Definition

(Lihat lampiran hal 94-95)

3.25 Perintah untuk mengerjakan soal

(Instructions to do a test)
Write your names on the right corner above!
Read the instruction carefully!
Choose the best answer by crossing the letter of
your choice!
Do the test on the answer sheet!
Keep the test material clean!
Choose the easiest problem!
If you want to move your choice, cross out your
previous choice then cross the letter of your
new choice!
Read by heart before answering the questions
Do it by yourself!
Don’t look at your neighbor’s work!
There are some misprinted words to be

3.26 Peringatan menjelang waktu test habis
(Attention by the time the test is over)
10 more minutes
Check the questions you haven’t done yet
It’s almost time to stop
We still have 15 minutes left.
There is another 5 minutes yet.
It isn’t time to finish yet, is it?
We have an extra 10 minutes.
Check your work for the rest of the time.
Sit still until the buzzer/bell rings.
Wait until we hear the buzzer/bell ring.
I don’t think you’re allowed to leave yet.
Don’t go rushing off. I have something to tell
Stay where you are for a moment.

3.27 Perintah saat waktu test/ujian habis

(Instructions at the time of the test/exams is
Time is up!
No more time to work!
Stop working!
Put down your pens/pencils!
No more works!
Collect your works!
Collect your text works together with the test
Don’t take any of the test materials.
Leave both your test works and the test
materials on the place.
Pass the answer sheets to the front.
Could the prefect collect the sheets, please!
Could the student at the back of each row
collect the sheets, please?
Is there anyone who hasn’t submitted the work
Leave the place/the classroom quietly!
Take a leave without any noise!
Go out, don’t rush!
Never forget any of your stationery!

Lampiran (Termasuk Inti Bahan Ajar):

3.4 Sympathetic Cultural Expressions (Ungkapan-ungkapan Budaya

(Inggris) yang simpatik. Pengetahuan tentang ini penting sekali diketahui
dan dipraktikkan dalam berkomunikasi karena hal ini merupakan “pelumas”
untuk percakapan selanjutnya agar tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman.
1. Ungkapan "Semoga berhasil": “Good luck!"
2. "Selamat atas keberhasilan usaha/prestasi seseorang.":
3. "Apa?" (minta mengulang pembicaraan karena kurang jelas): “Pardon
4. "Permisi!" (jika/sebelum bertanya, mau lewat depan orang
lain): “Excuse me!"
5. Untuk menyatakan prihatin atas suatu musibah: "I’m sorry to hear
6. Untuk ungkapan "Bela Sungkawa": May I express my condolence.!
7. Untuk siap melayani/membantu seseorang: "Can I help you?", " May I
help you?", "What can I do for you?"
8. Minta didoakan untuk suatu usaha: "Wish me luck!"
9. Untuk memperingatkan menyeberang jalan:"Look out! / Be careful
10. Untuk seorang yang luput dari bahaya:"Are you all right?"
11. Untuk ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun:"Happy Birthday!" atau " Many
happy returns of the day”
12. Untuk menjawab:"Thank you!" "You're welcome!"
13. Untuk menjawab: "I'm sorry" "Never mind!/No matter!/No problem!”
14. Untuk kirim Salam: "My wishes to ……"
"My regards to……."
"My best wishes to…..!"
"My love to ………!”
15. Untuk menolak suatu tawaran:"No, thanks!"/ No, thank you!"
16. Untuk mengalihkan suatu pembicaraan: "By the way,….." (Omong-
17. Untuk mengatakan "Anggap di rumah sendiri!": "Make
yourself comfortable!"

18. Untuk “minta maaf”: "Forgive me”
19. Untuk menghibur kesedihan seorang teman: "Just forget it!"
20. Untuk mengucapkan “Selamat jalan!”: "Have a good trip!" atau
"Have a nice journey!"
21. Untuk mengucapkan “Selamat (makan pagi, makan siang,belajar
dst.)": “Have a good breakfast !", " Have a good study!", etc.
Akhirnya, bila Anda akan berpisah dengan seseorang yang sudah mau
melayani bincang-bincang dengan Anda, ucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan
yang simpatik berikut ini:
1. It's (It has) been nice talking to you!
Senang bisa bincang-bincang dengan Anda
2. I hope you enjoy your (vacation, trip, holiday, etc)
Semoga Anda bisa menikmati (vakansi, perjalanan, liburan Anda dst.)
3. I hope we can meet again some day!
Semoga kita dapat bertemu lagi di suatu waktu.
4. My best wishes/regards/My love to…….
Kirim Salam buat ……………..
5. Good Bye! / So long! Till we meet again!
Selamat berpisah! Sampai jumpa lagi!

Give responses to the following statements!
1. You: (couldn't hear a talk and want someone to repeat) ……........?
Interviewer: "When did you graduate from your school?"
2. Feny :" I'll take my test next week!"
You : ……………..
3. You : (ready to serve)
Your student :"Excuse me, Sir! ………… "
4. Someone : "I'm sorry, I didn't keep my promise!"
You : ………………….
5. Dody :"…………….!” I'll take UM entrance test.
You : Okay! Good luck!
6. Joan :" I'll go back home to Australia tomorrow."
You :…………………. !

7. Rosa :" Would you forgive me for being too late!”
You : ……………!
8. Dona : "Sorry, Mum! I couldn't join your class because my grandpa
passed away yesterday."
You : …………….!
9. Tossy :"Wow, I got a 9 in my Math test."
You : …………….!
10. Ken :"I've lost my motorcycle".
You : ………………….!
11. Someone :"Sorry, I must have got the wrong number!" (phoning)
You : ……………..!
12. You've been talking to a foreigner for some time; now, you want to part.
You'd better say:
a. Senang bisa bincang-bincang dengan Anda.
b. Saya harap Anda dapat menikmati perjalanan Anda.
c. Saya harap kita dapat bertemu lagi di suatu waktu.
d. Salam saya buat keluargamu.
e. Selamat berpisah, sampai jumpa lagi!

3.5 The Members of The Family, Relatives and Other People

Anggota Keluarga, Sanak Saudara dan orang-orang lain
1. Orang Tua (Ayah + Ibu) : Parents
2. Orang Tua Asuh : Foster Parents
3. Ayah angkat/ Ibu Angkat : Foster Father/Foster Mother
4. Ayah Kandung/Ibu Kandung : Natural Father/ Mother
5. Ayah Tiri/Ibu Tiri : Step Father/Mother
6. Kakek + Nenek : Grand Parents
7. Kakek/Nenek : Grandpa/Grandma
8. Paman : Uncle
9. Bibi : Aunt
10. Mertua : Parents in Law
11. Ayah/Ibu Mertua : Father/Mother in Law
12. Kakak (perempuan) : Elder (older) sister
13. Adik (laki-laki) : Younger/Little brother

14. Sudara Sepupu (lk./Prp.) : Cousin
15. Kemenakan (laki-laki) : Nephew (baca: nefyu)
16. Kemenakan (perempuan) : Niece (baca: ni:s)
17. Saudara Ipar (laki-laki) : Brother in Law
18. Saudara Ipar (perempuan) : Sister in Law
19. Cucu (laki-laki) : Grandson
20. Cucu (perempuan) : Grand Daughter
21. Cucu : Grandchild/-children
22. Suami : husband
23. Isteri : wife
24. Gundik/Wanita Simpanan : Concubine (baca: kongkyebain)
25. WIL (Wanita Idaman Lain) : Lady-Friend
26. PIL (Pria Idaman Lain) : Man-Friend
27. Janda : widow
28. Duda : widower
29. Mempelai perempuan : bride
30. Mempelai pria : (bride) groom

Mother & father Parents

Gland Robert Nancy


Brother & sisters

Brothers & sisters

Exercise l:
1. What do you call your uncle's children? They are my ……….
2. What do you call your brother's/sister's daughter? She is my ………
3. What do you call your brother's son? He is my ……………
4. What do you call your brother's wife? She is my ……………….

5. What do you call your husband's/wife's parents? They are my ………
6. What do you call your father's new wife? She is my ………………
7. What do you call your brother before you? He is my ……………..
8. What do you call your sister after you? She is my …………………….
9. What do you call a man who adopts someone as his own child
10. What do you call your son’s daughter? She is my …………….
11. What’s your relationship to your uncle's children? They are my …….
12. What’s your relationship to your sister's husband? He is my…..
13. What’s your sister's son's relationship to you? He is my…………..
14. What’s your father's sister's relationship to you? She is my ……
15. What’s your mother's new husband's relationship to you ? He is my …

Exercise 2.
Answer the Questions!
1. Are Gland and Robert Brothers? Parents
Mother & Praent
2. Are Ely and Nancy sisters?
3. Is Ely Robert's sister?
4. Is Nancy Gland's sister in law?
Gla Rob Nan
5. What's Maya's relationship to Tom?
6. What's Jim's relationship to Mira? Brother &
Brothers &
7. Is Andi Mira's husband?
8. What are their relationships?
9. What's Mia's relationship to Robert?
10. What's Gland's relationship to Andi?
Practice by expanding those basic sentences among you!

3.6 Calling English names is very important. This is a part of their cultures,
Unfortunately, many of Indonesian English learners neglect it.
English Names:
1. Sebuah nama bisa terdiri dari
beberapa kata: yang pertama dinama-
kan first name; yang kedua surname
(family name). Jika tidak ada

surname, yang kedua namanya last
a. Susan Smith
(1st name) (Surname)
b. Kuki Kurniawan
(1 st name) (last name)
2. Wanita yang masih single memiliki maiden names, yaitu nama
pelengkap namanya sebelum menikah. Tetapi biasanya mereka
menggantinya dengan nama suaminya.
3. Penggunaan title seperti: Mr, Mrs, Miss and Ms.
Title tersebut digunakan untuk situasi resmi (formal situation).
Mr + laki-laki (male) baik yang sudah nikah maupun yang belum tetapi
sudah cukup dewasa.
Mrs + perempuan (female) yang sudah nikah
Miss + perempuan yang masih single/anak (perempuan)
Ms + semua perempuan
The name is Susan Smith
It's wrong to greet: Good morning Ms. Susan
The right one is:
a. Good morning, Susan (tanpa Mrs/Ms)
b. Good morning, Ms. Susan Smith (title + nama lengkap)
c. Good morning, Susan Smith (lengkap tanpa title)
d. Good morning, Ms. Smith (title + Surname)
4. Panggilan-panggilan di tempat umum menggunakan: Sir, Madam atau
5. Ragam nama, dengan contoh-contoh:
Mike Mickey Michel Michael
Kate Katherine Cathy
Sue Susan Suzanne
Stephen Steven Stephanie
6. Beberapa contoh dari Nicknames
Nicholas dipanggil Nick Richard dipanggil Dick

Robert dipanggil Bob Matthews dipangg:l Matt
Margareth dipanggil Marge Anthony dipanggil Tony
Practice: Greet the following persons!
Example: Bill Jones
a. Hi, Bill!
b. Good morning, Bill Jones
c. How are you Mr. Bill Jones?
d. Are you Mr. Jones?

1. George Bush 4. Charles Dickson

2. Barbara Stern 5. Antonio Tavares
3. Edward Smith 6. David Johnson

Practice : Use names above to continue the following expressions!

1. When can I see you again, ……………………?
2. What can I do for you, …………………..?
3. Your surname is ……………., isn't it?
4. …………………! What do you think about Indonesian cultures?
5. Mrs. ………….! How many kids have you got?
6. Are you Miss …………………?
7. Let me see, Mr. ……………..!
8. (phoning). Is ………………. home?
9. Call me ……………!
10. Shall I call you Ms. ……………..?

3.7 Greetings and Farewells

Classroom Expressions.
Conversation. Helen and Betty are classmates. They are studying
Helen : Hello, Betty!
Betty : Good afternoon, Helen.
Helen : It's time to study now.
Betty : Fine. Let's begin the lesson.

Heten : Please open your book, Betty!
Betty : Yes. Let's read lesson Five.
Helen : Do you understand Lesson Five?
Betty : Yes, I understand Lesson Five.
Helen : Do you understand Lesson Six?
Betty : No, I don't understand Lesson Six.
Helen : Let's study Lesson Six later.
Betty : Yes. Let's stop now.
Helen : Good night Betty. See you tomorrow morning!
Betty : Good night, Helen. See you tomorrow!

Exercise l.
Develop the following Patterns like the examples!
1. Student A: Good morning, Martha.
2. Student B: It's time to study now.
begin the lesson
go home
3. Student A: Please open your book.
4. Student B: Let's start now
keep silent
go out
take a rest
have lunch

do the homework

5. Student A: Do you understand Lesson six?

the words
the program
the explanation
6. Jack: Is it time to begin? (come in, go to the lab, break, have a
7. Jim: Yes. Let’s begin now
8. Jack: Good bye. See you tomorrow. (this afternoon, tonight, next

3.8 Occupations/Professions
Occupation Work Activities Work Transpor- Times
places duration tation consumed
1. A cloakroom Department Keep items 5 years by 10 minutes
attendant store (things) motorcycle
2. A teacher School Teach 15 years by car Half (an)
3. A technician Laboratory Teach in a lab. by public hour
10 years transpor-
tation 30 minutes
4. A lecturer Campus/ Teach on foot
15 minutes
5. A class School Manage a in a bus
teacher class etc
6. A head- School Head a school on train 1 hour
7. An Official School office Serve public 2 hours
8. A librarian Library Serve students
who borrow etc
9. A chef Cafe, Cook meals
10. A gardener Garden, field Clean the
11. A clerk Office Send letters,
12. A typist Office Type letters
13. A nurse Hospital Serve patients
14. A dentist Hospital Cure
15. A petrol Petrol station Serve petrol
attendant customers

A. Making Statements
Examples 1
occp. a. Joni is a cloakroom attendant
wrk pl. b. He works in the front part of a department store
actv. c. His job is to keep the customers’ things
w. d. d. He has been working for 5 years
trsp. e. He goes to work by motorcycle
t.c. f. It takes 10 minutes to go to work by motorcycle

Examples 2
occp. a. I’m a teacher
wrk pl. b. I work at school
actv. c. I teach biology
w. d. d. I’ve been a teacher for 15 years
trsp. e. I go to school by car
t.c. f. It takes half (an) hour to go to school by car

B. Making Questions of Examples No. 1

occp. 1. What’s Joni?
wrk pl. 2. Where does he work?
actv. 3. What’s his job?
w. d. 4. How long has he been teaching / a teacher?
trsp. 5. How does he go to school?
t.c. 6. How long does it take to go to school by car?


Fill in the Spaces with Names of Occupations/professions!

Example : ………..'s job is to cure patients.
The doctor's job is to cure patients.
1. ……………'s job is to investigate objects in a lab.
2. ……………'s job is to sell clothes.
3. ……………'s job is to sing songs in a club.
4. ……………'s job is to play piano.
5. Carlos shows the menu and serves the meals at a cafe because he's
6. The man helps the woman paint a picture because he's a/an …………….
7. ……………is a man whose job is to repair motor vehicles.
8. ……………is a woman whose job is to help other women give births.
9. ……………is a person who works in a hospital.
10. ……………is a person who works in a library.
11. ……………is a man whose work is to make furniture.
12. ……………is an eye specialist.

3.9 Names of Countries, the Peoples and Their Languages.
Ini merupakan pengetahuan yang sangat penting juga bagi pembelajar yang bisa
memperluas wawasannya dan membantu untuk "go international"

Names of Countries/Regions, Peoples and Their Languages in Alphabetical

N0. Countries/Regions Peoples (adjtv.) Languages
1. Afghanistan Afghan; Afghanistani Arabic
2. Argentina/Argentine Argentinian Argentinian
3. Australia Australian English
4. Bangladesh Bangali; Bangalee Bengali; Bangalee.
5. Brazil Brazilian Brazilian
6. Bruei Bruneian
7. Burma Burmese Burmese
8. China Chinese Chinese
9. Cuba Cuban Cuban
10. Denmark Danish; Dane Danish; Dane
11. France French French
12. Great Britain British; Briton English
13. Greece Greek Greek

14. Holland (Netherlands) Dutch Dutch
15. Hungary Hungarian Hungarian
16. Indonesia Indonesian Indonesian
17. Iraq Iraqi Arabic
18. Italy Italian Italian
19. Japan Japanese Japanese
20. Java Javanese Javanese
21. Sunda Sundanese Sundanese
22. Sumatra *Sumatran Suma tran/-nese
23. Bali Balinese Balinese
24. Papua Papuan Papuan
25. Peru Peruvian Peruvian
26. Sarawak Sarawakian
27. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Arabic
28. Sweden Swedish Swedish
29. Tibet Tibetan
30. Thailand Thai Thai

Exercise l.
1. Adam Smith is a tourist in Indonesia
2. He is Canadian
3. He comes from Canada.
4. He speaks English.
5. Cliff Richard comes from England.
6. He is English
7. He speaks English.

Exercise 2.
Questions and Answers:
Country : what country does Adam come from?
Region : What region do you come from?
Nationality : What is your nationality?
Language : What language do you speak?

Put the words/Phrases in the brackets in their correct forms!
Bali island is very popular all over the world. It is a part of (Indonesia).
(Indonesia) people are very proud of it. Many foreign tourists like (German,
Holland, France, Spain) tourists often come to see the beautiful Bali. Most (Asia)
tourists are (Japan, China, Korea). (Europe) people say that they don’t want to die
before visiting Bali. Even most tourists never leave (Sumatra). They want to see
(Sumatra) tigers that are rare to be found in other countries. They also never leave
(Java) to see (Java) cultures. Some (Java) tourist guides speak (England) very
well because they have taken an (England) language course.

3.10 Telling Days

A week has seven days
The days of the week are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
 Today is Wednesday. Yesterday was Tuesday and tomorrow will be
 The day before yesterday was Monday and the day after tomorrow will
be Friday.

Answer the questions!
1. Today is Monday. What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is………..
2. Today is Tuesday. What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is ………..
3. Today is Wednesday. What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is ……….
4. Today is Thursday. What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is ………….
5. Today is Friday. What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is ……………
6. Today is Saturdav. What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is …………
7. Today is Sunday. What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is ………….
8. Today is Monday. What day was yesterday? Yesterday was ………..
9. Today is Tuesday. What day was yesterday? Yesterday was ………..
10. Today is Wednesday. What day was yesterday? Yesterday was………
11. Today is Thursday. What day was yesterday? Yesterday was ………..
12. Today is Friday. What day was yesterday? Yesterday was ……………..

3.11 Telling Months
(Woman) : A year has twelve months. A month has thirty or thirty one days.
The months of the year are: January, February, March, .April, May,
June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Conversation :
1. Bill : What day is today?
John : Today is Sunday.
2. Harry : What day was yesterday?
Paul : I really don't know. Wasn't it Sunday?
3. Helen : Yesterday was Sunday, wasn't it?
Martha : Yes, it was. And today is Monday
4. Mr. Green : What day is tomorrow?
Mr. Brown : Tomorrow is Tuesday
5. Jack : What month is it?
Jim : This is January.
6. John : This is January, isn't it?
Edward : Yes, it is. Last month was December.
7. Paul : Last month was December, wasn't it?
Bill : Yes, it was.
8. Margaret : What month is next month?
Helen : Next month is February.

3.12 Telling Numbers

A. Cardinal Numbers/Ordinal Numbers.
Units of numbers
1. Belasan : ……….. teen: thirteen, fifteen, etc.
2. Puluhan : ……….. ty: twenty, thirty, fifty, etc.
3. Ratusan : ……….. hundred.
4. Ribuan : ……….. thousand.
5. Jutaan : ……….. million
6. Triliyun : ……….. billion.

B. Cardinal/Ordinal Numbers in order
0 = zero / oh/nought 18 = eighteen/th
1 = one / 1 st = first 19 = nineteen/th
2 = two / 2 nd = second 20 = twenty/ -tieth
3 = three / 3 = third 250 = two hundred and fifty
4 = four / 4 th 30 = thirty/-tieth
5 = five / 5 th (fifth)
31 = thirty one / 31 st
6 = six / 6 th 32 = thirty two / 32 nd
7 = seven / 7 th 33 = thirty three / 33 rd
8 = eight/th 40 = forty/-tieth
9 = nine/ 9 = ninth 50 = fifty/-tieth
10 = ten / 10 th = tenth 60 = sixty/-tieth
11 = eleven/th 70 = seventy/-tieth
12 = twelve/twelfth 80 = eighty/-tieth
13 = thirteen/th 90 = ninety/-tieth
14 = fourteen/th 100 = a / one hundred / 100 th
15 = fifteen/th 101 = 101st (one hundred first)
16 = sixteen/th 102 = 102
17 = seventeen/th 1,000 = a / one thousand
1,000,000 = a / one million
a. 5,013 = five thousand and thirteen
b. 6,030,942 = six million thirty thousand nine hundred and forty two

C. Decimal Fraction
Bahasa lnggris menggunakan dot (.), yang dibaca point, untuk menuliskan
pecahan desimal. Bilangan sesudah dot (.), dibaca menurut satuannya.
1. 4.52 = four point five two
2. 3.05 = three point oh five
3. 0.738 = (nought) point seven three eight
4. $ 75.20 = seventy five dollars twenty cents
5. £ 80.20 = eighty pounds twenty pence
Note: ordinal numbers digunakan untuk:

a. menyebutkan "penyebut" pada bilangan pecahan.
b. menyebutkan tanggal
c. tingkatan/periode ke ........

D. Vulgar Fraction: pembilang: cardinal, penyebutnya ordinal numbers.

1 1
= a (one) half = a (one) quarter
2 4

1 3
= a (one) quarter = three quarters
3 4

2 7
= two thirds 230 = two hundred and thirty
3 81 and seven eighty firsts

Untuk bilangan yang kompleks: 5 = Five and three over four, six,
469 nine
Exercise: Say in English
1. 530 = ……………………. 7. 17 = ………………….

2. 813,974 = …………………….. 8. = ………………….
3. 60,002,531= ……………………. 9. $ 499,226.25 = ………………….

4. 40,712 = …………………… 10. £ 7.50 = ……………

5. 381,404.752 =……………….. 11. Rp 5,113,005 = ……………….

6. 10 = ………………

Questions and Answers about Numbers.
Perkalian (Multiplication);
Question : What is 4 multiplied by 6?
Answer : 4 multiplied by 6 equals/is equal to 24.
or Q : What is 4 times 6?
A : 4 times 6 is 24.

Pembagian (Division):
Question : What is 225, divided by 15?
Answer : 225 divided by 15 equals/is equal to 15

Penjumlahan (Addition):
Question : What is 13 added to 15?
Answer : 13 is added to 15 equals/is equal to 28.

Pengurangan (Subtraction):
Question : What is 50 subtracted by 30?
Answer : 50 subtracted by 30 equals/is equal to 20.
Or Q : What is 50 minus 30?
A : 50 minus 30 is 20.

Pangkat (POWER):
Example : 3 10 = three to the tenth power.

Akar (Radical)
Q : What is the radical of 4?
A : The radical of 4 is 2.

Kuadrat (Square)
Q : What’s the square of 36
A : The square of 36 is 6

3.13 Calling Telephone Numbers.

Ungkapan- ungkapan bertelepon:
1. Hello! Good Morning.
2. Is it (570113)?
3. May I speak to Iwan, please?
4. Is Frida home?
5. This is Nanik. Can I speak to Ida,
6. Sorry. Wrong number! Good bye!
7. Sorry. Julia is out at the moment.

8. Could you leave a message for her?
9. Sorry; it's a private line. Thanks.
10. Hello! May I help you?
11. Good day! What can I do for you ?
12. Why not leave a message? (=
Please leave a message)
13. Is it a party line or a private line?
14. What's your phone number?
15. Hello, it's Mia speaking!
16. Shall I send her the message? (Do
you want me to send her the

Istilah-istilah telepon:
1. telepon jarak jauh = long distance
2. telepon jarak dekat = local call
3. rekening telepon = telephone bill
4. memutar nomor telepon = to dial the
5. rnengangkat telepon = to pick up the
6. telepon umum- = public telephone
7. telepon rumah = home telephone
8. denda/didenda= fine; (be) fined
Nama-nama peralatan telepon
1. Tempat nomor = switchboard
9. tetap dipegang = hang up

2. Gagang telepon = telephone 10. terputus = cut off

receiver 11. nada dering = dial tone.
3. Kabel telepon = telephone wire 12. call collect
4. telephone numbers. 13. collect call
5. tempat bertelepon (umum) = 14. jaringannya sibuk = the line is busy.
telephone booth 15. telephone operator
16. kode wilayah = the telephone area
17. the information telephone number.

18. nomor HP = mobile number
19. nada dering HP = the beep of

Talking on the Telephone.

Points of Departure
1. What is the telephone number of your house?
2. What is the telephone number of your office?
3. What is your mobile number?
4. How often do you usually receive a telephone call?
5. How often do you speak on the telephone a day?
6. Which costs more, talking on the telephone or on the mobile?
7. How much does it cost to make a local call?
8. Tell some area codes you know throughout Java?
9. How do you make a long distance call?
10. When do you hear the dial tone?
11. Which costs less - a local call or a long distance call?
12. What do you do when the telephone line is busy?
13. Tell, how to make a call!
14. What do you do when one of your family members receives a call but he/she
is out at the moment?
15. Who uses the telephone the most in your family? Why?
16. What terms do you find in SMS?

3.14 Telling Calendar

Example (pattern) : Today is Saturday, August 26 th, 2007
= Today is August the twenty sixth 2007
Or : Today is the twenty sixth of August 2007
Today is (hari), bulan + tanggal (in ordinal numbers)
Exercise: Tell the dates in the asterik marks!
A Sun Mon Tues Wednes Thurs Fri Sat 2
G 1* 2* 3* 4 5* 6 7 0
U 8 9* 10 11* 12 13 14 0
S 15* 16 17 18 19* 20* 21* 1

T 22* 23 24 25* 26 27 28
29 30* 31

1. What's your telephone number?
2. When were you born?
3. What's the telephone area code for Malang?
4. When's the Christmas Day?
5. When's the Kartini's Day?
6. When's the Hero's Day
7. When's the Indonesian Independence Day?
8. What's the information telephone number?
9. When's Malang Anniversary?
10. When's the Waysak's Day?
11. When's the Valentine Day?

3.15 Pola-Pola Tanya–Jawab tentang ( Questions and Answers about):

1. Arti (The meaning of) : What does …………………………. mean?
or : What’s the meaning of …………………… ?
2. Singkatan/Kepanjangan dari : What does …………………stand for?
or : What’s the abbreviation of…………. ?
3. Perbedaan antara … dan … : What’s the difference between …. and ….. ?
4. Harga sesuatu : What’s the price of ………………… ?
or : How much does ……………. .. cost?
5. Warna sesuatu : What’s the colour of ………………..?
6. Lawan kata : What’s the opposite of ………………?

1. Arti : What does thorough mean?
: It means complete.
or : What’s the meaning of ‘thorough’?
: The meaning of ‘thorough’ is complete.
2. Singkatan/Kepanjangan dari: What does UNO stand for?
: UNO stands for United Nations Organization.

or: What’s the abbreviation of UNO ?
: The abbreviation of UNO is (s d a)
3. Perbedaan antara ….. dan …: What’s the difference between ‘man’ and ‘boy’?
: man is ‘old’ and ‘boy’ is young.
4. Harga sesuatu : What’s the price of your T-Shirt?
: It’s Rp.45,000.
or : How much does your T-Shirt cost?
: It costs Rp.45,000.
5. Warna sesuatu : What’s the colour of Nia’s motorcycle
: It’s red.
6. Lawan kata : What’s the opposite of ‘wide’?
: The opposite of ‘wide’ is narrow

Exercise. Make questions and answers using the prompts.

1. excellent = very good
2. colourful = full of colours
3. deaf = cannot hear.
4. mute = cannot speak.
5. p.t.o. = please turn over.
6. DNA = deoxyribose nucleic acid
7. PTA = Parent- Teacher Association.
8. wife # girl.
9. male # female.
10. your dictionary = Rp.60,000.
11. a good bicycle = Rp.3,000,000.
12. jacket = brown.
13. your new motorcycle = blue.
14. old # young.
15. brave # afraid (scared).

3.16 The Physical Shapes = Bentuk Gambar Fisika.
The Shapes = Bentuk - Bentuk
1. = Oval

2. = circle

3. = cone

4. = Cube; cubic (adj.)

5. = Square

6. = Triangle

7. = Pyramid

8. = Cylinder; cylindrical (adj.)

9. = Obtuse angle

10. = perpendicular

11. = intersection

12. = curved

13. = acute

14. = parallel lines

15. = rectangle; rectangular (adj.)

3.17 Pola-Pola Tanya-Jawab tentang: ukuran (measurements), dimensi

(dimensions), ukuran pakaian (sizes), dan bentuk (shapes).
1. panjang sesuatu (the length of) : How long is ………………….?
or : What’s the length of …………?
2. lebar sesuatu (the width of) : How wide is ………………… ?
or : What’s the width of ………….?
3. ketinggian (manusia) : How tall are you/is……………?

4. ketinggian (bukan manusia) : How high is …………………..?
or : What’s the height of …………..?
5. berat/bobot : How much do you/does ……weigh?
or : What’s the weight of ………….. ?
6. ukuran jenis pakaian (size of) : What size is …………………….?
or : What’s the size of ………………?
7. ketebalan (the thickness of) : How thick is …………………… ?
or : What’s the thickness of ……….. ?
8. Kedalaman (the depth of) : How deep is ……………………. ?
or : What’s the depth of ……………...?
9. kecepatan (the velocity of) : How fast do you/does he,she……. ?

10. bentuk (the shape of) : What shape is …………………….?

or : What’s the shape of …………….. ?
11. Luas (The broad of ) : What’s the broad of ………………?
or : How broad is ……………………. ?
Examples :
1. Question : How long is the table ? or : What’s the length of the table?
Answer : It’s 2 m long. : It’s 2 m long.
2. Q : How tall are you ?
A : I’m 1.67 cm tall.
3. Q : How wide is the river ? or : What’s the width of the river?
A : It’s 10 m wide. : It’s 10 m wide.
Exercise : Make questions and answers of the following items!
1. The sack = 50 kg
2. The well = 10 m
3. The table = square
4. The building = 50 m
5. The door = 90 cm/190 cm
6. The shoes = 39
7. The wall = 20 cm
8. The jacket = L.
9. The table = round/160 cm/60 cm/ 55 kg.
10. The river = 15 km/3 m/10 m.

3.18 TENSES.
Tenses ialah perubahan bentuk kata kerja (verbs) yang menjadi predicate yang
dipengaruhi oleh waktu, kapan? kegiatan itu dilakukan. Tidak ada kalimat
berbahasa Inggris tanpa tenses. Karena itu, pemahaman penggunaan tenses
sangatlah penting untuk dikuasai.
Contoh, kegiatan "menulis = write".
Jika "write" di gunakan:
1. pada saat ini (dalam Present Continuous/Present Progressive Tense),
structure kalimat statementnya menjadi:
a. Active Voice
Subject - am/is/are - writing - etc.
Examples : I am writing English now.
Look! Iwan is writing something.
b. Passive Voice
Subject – am/is/are – being + vb 3 (by…..) ……..etc
Example : Wait! The letter is being written
Question : Is the letter being written?

2. pada waktu yang tidak tentu (sometimes, rarely), sering/jarang (often,

seldom, once a week, once in a while), rutin (always, everyday, etc.),
dalam SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE structure kalimat statementnya adalah:
a. Active Voice
Subject (I, You, We, They, Children, People, Men, + Jamak)+ often
write articles, in newspapers.
“not = negative” : The students do not (don’t) write articles in
Question : Do the students write articles in newspapers?
b. Subject (Lucia, My mother, Daddy etc.) often writes articles in
“not = negative” : - Lucia does not (doesn’t) write any articles in
Question : Does Lucia write any article in newspapers?
Passive Voice:
Rumusnya: Subject (penderita) – am/is/are + Verbs III – (by….) → etc

Passive Voice : Advertisements are often written in newspapers.
Biology is rarely written in newspapers.

3. untuk waktu yang "akan" datang (dalam Present Future Tense) dengan
tanda-tanda waktu seperti: this morning, this afternoon, this evening,
tonight, tomorrow, next week, later dsb.
Structure kalimatnya : Subject - will write - object ………....etc.
a. Active Voice : Subject - will write - ..........
or : Subject - am/is/are--going-to write - object .....
Example : Beny will write a book next year.
“not = negative” : Beny will not (won’t) write a book next year.
Question : Will Beny write a book next year?
b. Passive Voice : Subject - will be written (by.....) .........
or : Subject - am/is/are going to be written (by....)
Example : This announcement will be written by Beny next year.
Question : Will this announcement be written by Beny next year.

4. pada waktu yang terjadi "ketika itu/lampau" dalam Simple Past Tense
dengan tanda-tanda waktu: this morning, this afternoon, last night, two days
ago, yesterday. Structure kalimatnya:
a. Active : Subject - verbs (regular+ed/d, irregular verbs II) etc.
Jony wrote a novel two years ago.
"not" : Jony didn't write anything last night.
Questinon : Did Jony write something last night?
b. Passive : Subject - was/were-written (Verbs - 3) by.......
The story was written three years ago.

5. pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang, yaitu dalam
Present Perfect Continuoua/Progressive Tense dengan Time Signal: for
=selama, since, until now.
a. Subject (I, You, We, They, +jamak) - have - been – verbs (ing) ......
Contoh : I 've been writing the papers for half an hour, haven't I?
b. Subject (Frida, Sudan, My Uncle, etc.)
Contoh : Frida has been writing the papers for half an hour.
Question : Has Frida been writing the papers for half an hour?

6. mulai waktu yang sudah lewat, entah mulai kapan, tetapi sekarang sudah
selesai, yang dinyatakan dengan Present Perfect Tense.
Dengan structure : Subject - have/has - verbs 3 .............etc
a. Active Voice : - idem –
Contoh : Frida has written 3 novels until now.
The students have written articles about cells
for two weeks.
"not" = "belum" : I haven't written anything for a week.
"Sudahkah....? : Have you written the assignment ?
b. Passive Voice : Subject – have/has – been – verbs 3 by ......
"sudah di + kata kerja"
Contoh : The document has been written for years.

7. "sudah selesai" dalam Past Perfect Tense

a. sebelum waktu lampau.
Dengan structure: Subject – had – verbs 3 before + waktu lampau.
Contoh : Tina had written the announcement before yesterday.
b. sebelum peristiwa/kegiatan lain terjadi waktu lampau.
Contoh: Actice : Tina had written the announcement before an
official of the office took it out of the board.
Passive : The application letter had been written by the time you
went out last Saturday.
Question : Had the letter been written before yesterday?

8. "sudah selesai" dikerjakan dalam Present Future Perfect Tense

a. sebelum waktu yang akan datang dengan structure kalimat:
Active : Subject – will/shall – have – verbs 3 before (future time).
Contoh : Melly will have written something, about anatomy before
next year.
Passive : Subject – will – have been + Vb 3 – (by…) ……
Contoh : The notice will have been written before next month
b. sebelum peristiwa lain akan terjadi
Contoh : I will have written two topics about that before the teacher
asks me to.
Structurenya : Subject - will/shall – have – verbs 3 before/by the time

subject – verbs (simple present),....

9. Past Continuous/Progressive Tense dengan bentuk structure : Subject –

was/were – verbs + ing when –subject – verbs (simple past )---- etc.
Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan sedang berlangsung, ketika saat itu juga ada
kegiatan lain terjadi., atau kegiatan yang sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau .
Examples : a). I was observing things when Nia knocked at the door of the
: At 9 o’clock yesterday we were doing the exams.
b) Arif was having breakfast, while his friends were having snacks
at a café yesterday morning.
Exercise 1
Make Questions and Answers with activities (verbs) in the Present
Continuous/Progressive Tense, and fill in the spaces with activities (verbs)
sensible/suitable with the next words/phrases.
Examples: Prompts : Anita/peel a mango,
1. Question : What is Anita doing?
Answer : She is (She's) peeling a mango
2. Prompts : Joni and Mary/make an experiment in the lab.
Question : What are Joni and M a r y d o i n g ?
Answer : They are making an experiment.
3. Prompts : Karmen/ ……… a song.
Question : What is Karmen doing?
Answer : He is (He's) (writing, singing, revising, ect.) a song.

Do the same thing!

1. Cues : Sally/take a long breath.
2. Cues : Rita/conduct a research in the farm.
3. Cues : the students/cultivate the school park.
4. Cues : the clerk/water the park.
5. Cues : the women/concoct the spices.
6. Cues : the people/feast in the honor of their ancestors.
7. Cues : the disciplines/ ………… the new lesson.
8. Cues : Romy/ ………. the public transportation.

9. Cues : the geese/………. the earth-worms.
10. C u e s : the wolves/ ………. a deer.
11. C u e s : the foreign tourists/ ………. a bull-race.
12. C u e s : the farmers/ …………. paddy in the rice-field.

Exercise 2
Questions and Answers with activities (verbs) in the Present Perfect Tense.
Examples :
1). prompts : Lely/finish her paper.
Question : What has Lely done?
Answer : She has (She's) finished her paper.
2). prompts : the workers/pack the tobacco.
Question : What have the workers done?
Answer : They have packed the tobacco.

Do the same thing!

1. you/submit my assignment to the teacher.
2. that boy/burn the garbage.
3. the men/fertilize the plants.
4. the gardener/throw the bad apples.
5. your brother/cut the branches of the tree.
6. the author/ …………. two student’s handbooks.
7. Indra/ …………. 100 stamps until now.
8. the mechanics/ ………. the car-machines.
9. the traders/ ………. sold out the articles.
10. scientist/ ………. the results of his research.

Exercise 3
Make questions and answers with activities (verbs) in the Past
Perfect Tense.
Cues : the headmaster/take a Japanese course before last May.
Question : What had the headmaster done before last May?
Answer : He had taken a Japanese course before last May.

1. the secretary/learn to communicate in German before she went to
2. Irene/study economy before she left for America last year.
3. your son/have breakfast before he went to school this morning.
4. the students/read the test materials by the time they got the test.
5. Henry/see a doctor before yesterday.
6. Jack/ ………. his ducks before her mother arrived home an hour ago.
7. Sandra/ ………. some fruit before I came home.
8. Frank/ ………. before the second break.
9. Helen and David/ ………. when I told them to do that.
10. the officials/not ………. their desks at 8 o’clock this morning.
11. the driver/ ………. his truck before the accident happened.

Exercise 4
Make questions and answers with activities (verbs) in the Simple Present
1. Mr. Amir/take his children to school every morning.
Q. : What does Mr. Amir do every morning?
A : He takes his children to school every morning.
2. the employees/make shoes in the factory.
Q : What do the employees do in the factory?
A : They make shoes in the factory.

Do the same thing!

1. Melly/sing songs in the club.
2. your uncle/read newspapers every day.
3. the doctor/control his patients in the hospital.
4. the medicians/take care of the patients.
5. the engineer/design the construction building.
6. the stewardesses/ ………. passengers in the plane.
7. the waitress/ ………. the guests in the cafe.
8. the police/ ………. crimes.
9. archeologist/ ………. the cultural heritage.

1 0 . your father/ ………. the money

Exercise 5
Make questions and answers with activities in the Present Future Perfect
prompts : you/be in Dili before next Sunday.
Question : What will you have done by next Sunday?
Answer : I/We will have been in Dili by next Sunday.

Do the same thing!

1. Andrew/wash all his clothes before he goes to Medan next week.
2. Fredy/study English before next year.
3. the students/clean the desks before their teacher comes in.
4. the guards/stand by at the airport before the president arrives.
5. the food sellers/sweep the street before 8 o'clock tomorrow.
6. the wall-clock/be repaired before this evening.
7. the typist/ ………. the material before next Friday.
8. your mother/ ………. her hair before she attends the wedding party.
9. Tuty/ ………. the news before tomorrow afternoon.
10. Yudi/ ………. his calorie before he comes to the finish.

Exercise 6
Make questions and answers with verbs in the Past Continuous Tense.
1. you/eat dinner when I heard a bomb.
Q. : What were you doing when you heard a bomb?
A. : I was eating dinner when I heard a bomb.
2. the fishermen/catch fish when I saw them.
Q. : What were the fishermen doing when you saw them?
A. : They were catching fish when I saw them.

Do the same thing!

1. Evy/make a telephone call when her friends arrived there.

2. Dody and his sister/help their mother while their father was reading a
3. Heny/review her new lesson at 7 that evening.
4. the cook/fry meat when the chef came there.
5. the kid/play a doll when her mother found her.
6. the maid-servant/ ………. the meals at the tables.
7. your mother/ ………. the cuisine while daddy was crushing the spices.
8. Novi/ ………. the blanket when Susan saw her.
9. Wimbo/ ………. while his wife was burning some incense (kemenyan).
10. the looters/ ………. the things in the shop when we saw them.
11. the men/ ………. the window when the owner of the house woke up.
12. Susi/ ………. in her room when her mother called her.

Exercise 7.
Questions and Answers about activities in the Present Future Tense.
Examples : a) your son/conduct a research next month.
Question : What will your son do next month ?
Answer : He will conduct a research.

b). the students/investigate the mould in the lab.

Question : What are the students going to do in the lab ?
Answer : They are going to investigate the mould.

c) the carpenter/ --------- the wood this afternoon.

Question : What will the carpenter do this afternoon ?
Answer : He will (saw, gather, cut, burn – etc.) the wood this afternoon.

Do the same thing !

1. mechanic/repair the machine of the van.
2. the historian/book the cultural heritage.
3. the librarian/collect new books next June.
4. the writer/look for old stories the day after tomorrow.
5. your uncle/scrutinize the substance in the lab.
6. Mr. Brown/………. the abuse of drugs.

7. Susan/………… two helpings of jam.
8. Karen/……….. dresses in the store this evening.
9. George/………. Bali for a week next month.
10. Bill/……………. to drive a car tomorrow.

Exercise 8.
Questions and Answers with activities in Simple Past Tense.
Prompt: The clerk/serve the guest this morning.
Q. What did the clerk do this morning ?
A. He served the guest this morning.

Do as the example.
1. the lecturer/explain about the learning process last week.
2. your brother/tow the damaged car yesterday.
3. the child/tear your book this morning.
4. your daughter/go swimming last Saturday.
5. your parents/attend a wedding party two days ago.
6. your mother/…………. the flowers.
7. Tine/……………. the mango this morning.
8. Fred/………….paddy in the rice field a week ago.
9. Shinta/………….a calendar that evening.
10. the people/…………….. the injured men last Friday.
11. the supervisor/…………… some senior high schools.
12. Lidia/…………….to deliver a speech in the meeting.
13. Anton/…………… to formulate the theory.
14. Carolous/…………….living in the suburb.
15. the instructor/…………..writing the summary.

Exercise 9.
Questions and Answers with activities in The Present Perfect Continuous/
Progressive Tense. (Subject – have/has – been – verbs+ing ------------etc.).
Example :
Prompts :Corry/wait for the bus for an hour.

Question : What has Corry been doing so far?
Answer : She has been waiting for the bus.

Do as the example !
1. Tom/study physics since yesterday.
2. Ruly/learn to drive for three days.
3. Nina/sleep since 9 o’clock.
4. Mummy/cook all morning.
5. Rudy/work for 8 hours
6. Deny/………..until now.
7. Aida/…………for hours.
8. Yanti/………..for an hour.
9. Prita/………...newspaper.
10. your old friend/…………math until now.


Education termasuk Biologi (MIPA)
Kosakata (Word - Power) merupakan bagian yang sangat penting untuk
mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris baik untuk memahami text
maupun, dalam hal ini, untuk mendukung kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
Banyak cara untuk mengembangkan Word - Power. Salah satu cara
terbaik ialah dengan mengelompokkan kata-kata menurut jenisnya ; yaitu
1. kegiatannya yang berupa kata kerja (verbs) dalam suatu lingkup (ranah)
2. benda-benda (objects,things) dalam lingkup itu
3. keadaan/sifat-sifat (yang berbentuk adjectives) dalam lingkup itu
4. orang-orang (personnel) yang terkait dalam lingkup itu.
Contoh dari gabungan unsur-unsur di atas:
Lingkup (ranah) di dalam kelas.
Activities (verbs) :
Guru : - mengajar = teach
- menulis = write
- mendikte = dictate

- menjelaskan = explain
Siswa : - mendengarkan = listen (to)
- mengerjakan = do
- bertanya = ask

Benda-benda dalam kelas :

- kapur = chalk
- penggaris = ruler
- papan tulis = board
- bangku = desk
Orang-orangnya :
Guru = teacher
Siswa/murid = student/pupil.
Wali Kelas = class teacher
Ketua Kelas = prefect (bc. prifekt)

Keadaannya/Sifat (adjective):
- enggan = reluctant
- malas = lazy
- rajin = diligent
- ramai/gaduh = noisy
- absent = absent

Bagaimana merangkaikannya dalam Speaking (Conversation)?

Teacher and student.
Teacher : Who is absent now, class?
Student : No one, Sir!
Teacher : Let’s study lesson 5. Open page 10!
Andy, get me chalk, please!

Andy : Here you are, Sir!
Teacher : I wonder why this class is noisy

Dalam bentuk statements/story telling:

Our class is a good one. We are diligent students and very attentive to our
teachers. While the teacher is explaining the lesson, we are listening to him.We
answer the teacher’s questions correctly. Our class is not noisy. Yudi, the
captain of the class is very kind either to us or to the teachers. Our class-
teacher is Mrs. Linda. She is kind, patient and helpful.


Tingkat (jenjang) Pendidikan = the Levels of Education
A. Istilah-istilahnya dan hal-hal yang terkait
B. Personalianya (Personnels)
C. Benda-bendanya (Things/Objects) di setiap bagian
D. Sifat/Karakater guru dan siswa (Adjectives)
E. Aktivitas-aktivitasnya (Verbs)
F. Tanya jawab (Questions and Answers/Interview)

A. Istilah-istilahnya dan hal-hal yang terkait

Indonesia Inggris

1. T.K (taman Kanak-kanak) = Kindergarten/Nursery School

2. SD (Sekolah dasar) = Elementary school
3. SD Negeri = State Elementary School
4. SD Swasta = Private Elementary School
(Secondary School)
5. SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) = Junior High School
6. SMA (Sekolah menengah Atas) = Senior High School
7. SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan) = Vocational School
8. STM (Sekolah Teknik Menengah) = Technical High School
9. Sekolah Keperawatan = School of Nursing

10. Perguruan Tinggi = College
11. Perguruan Tinggi Negeri = State College
12. Perguruan Tinggi Swasta = Private College
13. Program Diploma = Diploma Program
14. Program S-1/Program studi 4 th = Undergraduate
15. Program S-2 = Program Post Graduate
16. Program Doktor = Doctorate Program
17. Universitas = University
18. Universitas Negeri = State University
19. Universitas Swasta = Private University
Peristilahan di Perguruan Tinggi = Terms at College
States PTS (Perguruan Tinggi Swasta) = the Classifications of Private
1. terdaftar = registered
2. diakui = acknowledged
3. disamakan = equalized
4. terakreditasi = accredited

Klasifikasi Kelulusan:
1. Summa Cum Laude : bernilai: 3,90 - 4,00
2. Magna Cum Laude : bernilai: 3,80 - 3,89
3. Cum Laude : bernilai: 3,60 - 3,79
Indonesia Inggris

1. Fakultas = Faculty
Fakultas ekonomi = Economic faculty
Fakultas kedokteran = Medical faculty
2. Jurusan = Department
Jurusan Teknik Sipil = Civil Engineering
Jurusan Tata Kota (Planologi) = Department Urban Planning
Jurusan Tehnik Mesin = Mechanical Engineering
Jurusan Kepariwisataan = Tourism Department

3. Ketua Jurusan = Head Department
Ketua Jurusan Bahasa Inggris = the Head of English
Sekretaris Jurusan = Secretary Department
4. Dekan = Dean
Dekan Fakultas Sastra = the Dean of Literary Faculty
5. BAK (Biro Administrasi = The Bureau of Administration
Kemahasiswaan) of Student Affairs
6. BAU (Biro Administrasi Keuangan) = The Bureau of Administration
and Financial Affairs
7. Seksi/bagian = Section
8. SKS (Satuan Kredit Semester) = Credit Semester; credit hour
9. IP/K (Indeks Prestasi/kumulatif) = (cumulative) grade point
average (GPA)
10. Penelitian = Research
11. Makalah = Paper
12. Abstrak = Abstract
13. Naskah = Document
14. Studi Banding = Comparative study
15. Ceramah = Lecture
16. Lulusan = Graduate
17. Angkatan (2004) = Generation (2004)

B. Personalianya (Personnels)
Orang-orang seputar kampus = People at campus
Indonesia Inggris

1. Pengelola Yayasan = Foundation Manager

2. Rektor = Rector
3. Pembantu Rektor (I, II, III) = Assistant Rector (I, Il, III)
4. Dosen = Lecturer
5. Dosen Tak tetap (LB) = Part-Time Lecturer
6. Dosen Penasehat Akademik = Academic Advisor
7. Dosen Tamu = Guest Lecturer

8. Petugas Laboratorium = Technician; instructor
9. Kabag Personalia = Personnel Manager
10. Pegawai/karyawan = Campus Official
11. Petugas Keamanan Kampus = Campus Guard
12. Peketik = Typist; computer operator
13. Pegawai biasa-biasa = Clerk
14. Peneliti = Researcher
15. Panitia Ujian = Examination Team
16. Penguji = Examiner
17. Peserta Ujian = Examinee
18. Peserta- (seminar) = Participant
19. Panelis = Panelist
20. Teman Kerja = Workmate
21. Pembawa Acara(rapat/pertemuan) = MC (Master of Ceremony)
22. Penyaji = Presenter
23. Moderator = Moderator
24. Tamu Undangan = Invitee (s)
25. Ahli = Expert
26. Ilmuwan = Scientist
27. Penulis (dalam seminar) = Note-taker
28. Mahasiswa = College Student
29. Mahasiswa Teknik = Technical College Student
30. Sarjana = Scholar
31. Mahasiswa Tugas Belajar = Study Assignment Student

Klasifikasi Mahasiswa:
1. Freshman menyelesaikan : 0-27 unit = 54 grade points
program studi lessons
2. Sophomore menyelesaikan : 0-28 unit = 56 grade points
program studi lessons
3. Junior menyelesaikan : 0-60 unit = 120 grade points
program studi lessons
4. Senior menyelesaikan : 0-90 units = 180 grade points

program studi lessons

Orang-orang di sekolah = People at School

Indonesia Inggris
1. Kepala Sekolah Pria/wanita = Headmaster/ Headmistress
2. Wakil Kepala sekolah = Assistant Master
3. Wali Kelas = Class-Teacher
4. Guru = Teacher
5. Pegawai sekolah = School-Official
6. Kepala (bagian) Personalia = Personnel Manager
7. Peketik = Typist; computer operator
8. Pegawai Kecil = Clerk
9. Petugas Laboratorium = Technician; instrutor
10. Praktikan/pemagang = Practitioner/apprentice
11. Siswa/murid = Student; pupil
12. Teman satu Kelas = Classmate
13. Teman = Friend
14. Teman Bermain = Playmate
15. Teman Sekolah = Schoolmate
16. Tukang Kebun = Gardener
17. Sopir Sekolah = School Driver
18. Petugas SATPAM Sekolah = School Guard
19. Pengawas = Supervisor
20. Penilik Sekolah = Superintendent
21. Dewan sekolah = School council
22. Ketua Kelas = prefect (bc. prifekt)
Indonesia Inggris
1. Lapangan sekolah = Play ground; school yard
2. Lagu Nasional (Indonesia Raya) = The National Anthem
3. Pondok Pesantren di sekolah = Islamic School Camp
4. Pondok Pesantren umum = Islamic Boarding House
5. Daftar hadir = Attendance register
6. Formulir pendaftaran = Registration form

7. Pendaftar = Registrant
Kelas 1 = 1st grade/grade 1
Kelas 2 = 2nd grade/grade 2
Kelas 3 = 3rd grade/grade 3
8. Pendaftar (pencatat) = Registrar
9. EBTANAS/UAN = The National Standardized
Final Examination
10. Jurusan = Department
11. IP (K) = (Cumulative) grade point
average (GPA)
12. Raport = report card; transcript
13. Ketua Jurusan = The department Chair of……./
The head department of……..
14. Mata pelajaran wajib = Required course
15. Guru piket = Picket teacher
16. Upacara = Ceremony
17. Jam pelajaran (jumlahnya) = Class hour
18. Jam pelajaran (urutannya) = Period) 1st period; 2nd period)
19. Kasus = Case
20. Acara pelepasan/perpisahan = Fare-well party
21. Hari wisuda = Graduation day
22. Rapat = Meeting
23. Mengheningkan cipta = Let's observe a moment of
24. Pagelaran seni = Art show
25. Kepariwisataan = Tourism
26. Lambang negara = The Coat of Arms
27. Puisi = Poem
Dunia puisi = Poetry
Pembacaan puisi = Poetry-reading
Pengarang puisi = Poet
28. Persyaratan = Requirement
29. Objek wisata = Resort
30. UKS = School Infirmary

31. Kebijaksanaan = Discretion (of the Rector, the
Mata pelajaran/mata diklat = Subject; course; lesson; class
Indonesia Inggris
1. Aljabar = Algebra
2. Agama = Religion
3. Aritmatika (ilmu hitung) = Arithmetic
4. Biologi = Biology
5. Kimia = Chemistry
6. IPA = Natural science
7. IPS = Social science
Terpadu = Integrated
8. Fisika = Physics
9. Ilmu ekonomi = Economics
10. Sejarah = History
11. Menggambar = Drawing
12. Menyanyi = Singing
13. Kesenian = Art
14. Melukis = Painting
15. Memahat = Sculpting; carving
16. Bahasa lnggris = English Language Class
17. Bahasa Indonesia = Indonesian Language
18. Bahasa Perancis = French Language
19. Bahasa Belanda = Dutch language
20. Bahasa Jepang = Japanese Language
21. BP = Guiding and Counseling
22. Psikologi = Psychology

Program Extra Kurikuler = Extra Curricular Program

Indonesia Inggris
1. Beladiri = Self-defence
2. Pramuka = Boy-Scouts
3. PMR = Youth Red Cross
4. Panjat tebing = Rock-climbing (bc klaiming)

C. Benda-bendanya (Things/Objects) di setiap bagian
Benda-benda di lingkungan sekolah/kampus = Things (objects) at
Benda-benda di Kantor
Indonesia Inggris
1. Almari dokumen = Filling cabinet
2. Bendera = Flag
3. Berkas surat = (letter) file
4. Buku agenda = Diary
5. Cap tanggal = Date stamp
6. Kertas karbon = Carbon paper
7. Kursi putar = Revolving chair
8. Kwitansi = Receipt
9. Keranjang sampah = Paper basket/garbage can
10. Meja tulis = Desk
11. Mesin ketik = Type writer
12. Mesin stensil = Duplicating machine
13. Mesin fotocopi = Copying machine
14. Penjepit kertas = Paper clip
15. Penggaris = Ruler
16. Pelubang kertas = Punch
17. Staples = Stepler
18. Telepon = Telephone
Nomor tdepon = Telephone numbers
Gengaman telepon = Telephone receiver
Tempat nomernya = Switchboard
19. Kabelnya = Cable
Karet penghapus (setip) = Rubber; eraser

Benda-benda di perpustakaan = Things in the library

Indonesia Inggris
1. Atlas = Atlas

2. Buku-buku = Books
3. Buku acuhan = Reference
4. Ensiklopedia = Encyclopedia
5. Katalog = Catalogue
6. Buku ilmu = Science book
7. Majalah = Magazine
8. Peta = Map
9. Rak buku = Book-shelf; rack
10. Kartu anggota = Member card
11. Meja = Table
12. Kursi = Chair

Benda-benda di AULA = Things in the school hall/in the campus hall

Indonesia Inggris
1. AULA = Hall
2. Kamar kecil (laki-laki) = Gent's room
3. Kamar kecil (perempuan) = Lad's room
4. Mimbar pidato = Platform
5. Panggung = Stage
6. Kipas angin = Fan
7. Tiang bendera = Flag pole
8. Bendera = Flag; banner
9. Foto = Photo
10. Layar = Screen
11. Spanduk = Banner
12. Panji-panji = Banner

Benda-benda di Laboratorium Bahasa = Things in the language laboratory/

Language laboratory equipments
Indonesia Inggris
1. Alat pengatur suara = Controls
2. Gulungan pita = Reel
3. Bilik duduk = Booth TV; CD; VCD
4. Cassette

5. Tape recorder
6. Carpet
7. Lampu = Lamp
8. Korden/tirai = Curtain
9. Earphone
10. Tombol = Button
11. Layar TV = Screen
12. Loudspeaker
13. Kursi putar = Revolving chair
14. Microphone
15. Amplifier
16. Kabel = Cable
17. Rak kaset = Shelf ; rack
18. Kursi = Chair
19. Meja = Table
20. Spidol = Board-marker

Benda-benda di ruang kelas = Things in the classroom

Indonesia Inggris
1. Bulpoint = Ball-point pen
2. Busur derajat = Protector
3. Jangka = Compasses
4. Jangka ukur = Dividers
5. Kapur tulis = Chalk
6. Kuas = Paint brush
7. Mistar hitung = Slide-rule
8. Papan tulis hitam = Blackboard
9. Papan tulis putih = White board
10. Penghapus = Eraser; duster
11. Penghapus (karet) = Rubber
12. Penggaris = Ruler
13. Pensil = Pencil
14. Siku penggaris = Set-square
15. Spidol = Board-marker

16. Materai = Seal

Benda-benda di laboratorium MIPA (Math/Physics)

Indonesia Inggris
1. Alu penumbuk = Pestle
2. Almari = Cupboard
3. Bangku experimen = Bench
4. Bekeer = Beaker
5. Magnet
6. Microscope
7. Muka penunjuk pada timbangan = Dial
8. Jarum penunjuk = Pointer
9. Labu kaca/retor = Retort
10. Neraca = Balance
11. Pembakar bunsen = Bunsen burner
12. Pengukur = Meter
13. Kursi kaki tiga = Tripod
14. Tabung erlemeyer = Flask
15. Pipet = Pipete
16. Lumpang = Mortar
17. Berat jenis = Specific gravity

Olah Raga = Athletics/ sports

Indonesia Inggris
1. Senam = Gymnastics
2. Lempar lembing = Javalin throwing
3. Lempar cakram = Discus (be. Diskes) throwing
4. Bola voli = Volleyball
5. Bola basket = Basketball
6. Sepak bola = Football
7. Tenis meja/pingong = Table tennis
8. Hoki = Hockey

Situasi/keadaan di kantin sekolah/kampus tentang RASA

Indonesia Inggris
1. Asin = Salty
2. Bagus = Good
3. Baru (makanan) = Fresh
4. Enak/lezat = Good; delicious
5. Hambar = Tasteless
6. Lembut/lunak = Soft
7. Manis = Sweet
8. Masam = Sour
9. Matang = Well-cooked; ripe
10. Mahal = Expensive
11. Murah = Cheap
12. Mentah = Raw (bc. Rc); uncooked
13. Menyelerakan = Tasty
14. Lama (basi) = Stale
15. Pedas = Hot
16. Pahit = Bitter
17. Alot (daging) = Tough
18. Setengah matang = Rare

D. Sifat/Karakater guru dan siswa (Adjectives)

Kondisi/situasi lingkungan sekolah yang berbentuk kata sifat
(adjective). Karakter siswa, guru, mahasiswa, dosen.
Indonesia Inggris
1. Acuh tak acuh = Indifferent; frigid; unfriendly
2. Bodoh/kebodohan = Stupid/stupidity
3. Bolosan = Truant
4. Ceria = Cheery
5. Cerdas = Brilliant; intelligent; smart
6. Cermat/teliti = Accurate; careful
7. Ceroboh = Careless
8. Cerewet = Talkative
9. Baikhati/kebaikan = Kind/kindness
10. Cepat tanggap = Reactive; responsive

11. Egois = Selfish
12. Jujur/kejujuran = Honest/honesty
13. Keras kepala = Stubborn; obstinate
14. Kritis = Critical
15. Malas/kemalasan = Lazy/laziness
16. Nakal/kenakalan = Naughty/naughtiness
17. Pandai/kepandaian = Clever/ cleverness
18. Pengertian = Understanding
19. Penggangu = Trouble maker
20. Rajin/kerajinan = Diligent/diligence
21. Suka menolong (penolong) = Helpful
22. Pelupa = Forgetful
23. Serius = Serious
24. Sombong/kesombongan = Arrogant; conceited/arogance
25. Sok = Snobbish
26. Sabar >< tak sabar = Patient >< impatient
27. Kesabaran = Patience
28. Suka marah (pemarah) = Hot-tempered
29. Disiplin/keras/kereng = Strict; hard; firm
30. Murah hati = Generous
31. Kemurahan = Generosity
32. Tidak patuh = Disobedient
33. Patuh/taat = Obedient.
34. Setia/kesetiaan = Faithful/faith
35. Terkenal/ketenaran = Famous/fame
36. Lambat belajar = Slow learner
37. Sopan >< tak sopan = Polite >< impolite (vulgar)

Sosok/ bentuk:
Indonesia Inggris
1. Cantik/kecantikan = Beautiful/beauty
2. Gemuk = Fat
3. Ganteng = Handsome
4. Kurus = Thin

5. Langsing = Slim
6. Pendek = Short
7. Simpatik = Sympathetic
8. Tinggi = Tall
9. Tegap = Well-built; steady
10. Rapi = Neat
11. Sakit-sakitan = Sickly


A. Organ tubuh yang rawan sakit:
Indonesia Inggris
1. Dubur = anus
2. Empedu = gall
3. Hati = liver
4. Ginjal = kidney
5. Gusi = gum
6. Jantung = heart
7. Lambung = Stomach (bc.stame:k)
8. Lidah = tongue (bc.tang)
9. Mata = eye (
10. Mulut = mouth
11. Otak = brain
12. Paru-paru = lungs (bc.langz)
13. Pencernakan = digestion (bc.dijeshie:n)
14. Kemaluan (Ik) = penis (bc.pinis)
15. Kemaluan (prp.) = vagina
16. Perut (daerah perut) = abdomen; belly
17. Telinga = ear(s)
18. Tenggorokan = throat
19. Tekanan darah = blood pressure
20. Usus = intestine
21. Uterus (rahim/kandungan) = uterus

The Digestive System
Generally, this sequence of processes occur as food passes through
the digestive system:
 mechanical digestion: the process by which food is broken down into
smaller particles so as to have a large surface area for enzyme action.
 chemical digestion: the process where large food molecules are
broken down with the help of digestive enzymes to soluble, smaller
substances that can be absorbed by the body.
 absorption: the process whereby digested food materials are taken up
into the body cells.
 assimilation: the process where the absorbed food materials are
converted to new protoplasm or utilized by the body.
T h e Al i m e n t a r y C a n a l
Before finding out each of these steps in greater detail, you need to know
the various organs and tissues that make up the human digestive system.

Fig. The human alimentary canal

Structures Function
• Teeth grind and break down food to smaller pieces for
enzymes to digest
Mouth • Tongue rolls food into a bolus for swallowing
• Saliva contains enzymes for digestion and lubricates
bolus for swallowing
• Connects mouth to oesophagus
Pharynx • Involuntary muscles contract forcefully and send' food
quickly to the oesophagus
• Connects pharynx to stomach
• Peristalsis sends food down to the stomach
• Churns food and secretes digestive enzymes
Stomach • Turns food into liquefied enzyme (chyme).
• Stores food for 2 to 6 hours
• Main site of digestion
Small intestine • Has glands which secrete enzymes for digestion
• Absorbs digested food
• Liver produces bile
Liver and Gall
• Stored in gall bladder
• Bile helps in the digestion of fats
• Secretes pancreatic juice into the duodenum
• Secretes insulin to regulate blood glucose levels
• Absorbs water and mineral salts
Large intestine • No digestion
• Faeces stored in rectum and expelled through the anus

Sites Sources Enymes Actions
Saliva Salivary Salivary
Mouth Starch → maltose
(neutral) glands amylase
Gastric Rennin Soluble caseinogen→insoluble casein
Stomach juice
glands Pepsin Proteins → polypeptides
Bile Liver - Emulsifies fats
Pancreatic Amylase Starch → maltose
juice Pancreas Tryspin Proteins → polypeptides
(alkaline) Lipase Fats → fatty acids and glycerol
Trypsinogen → trypsin
Enterokinase Maltose → glucose
Intestinal Lactose → glucose and glactose
Small Intestinal Lactase
juice Sucrose → glucose and fructose
intestine glands Sucrase
(alkaline) Polypeptides → amino acids
Lipase Fats → fatty acids and

Sakit/penyakit = illness/ disease dan cacat = disabled; defective; fault

Indonesia Inggris
1. Bisu = dumb
2. Cacat fisik = physical defect/physically

3. Cacat mental/gangguan mental = mental retarded
4. Cuti sakit = sick leave
5. Demam (sakit panas) = fever (bc. Five:)
6. Detak/denyut jantung = heartbeat
7. Kelumpuhan = paralysis
8. Lumpuh = paralytic
9. Jam berkunjung untuk pasien = visiting hours
10. Luka = wound (bc.wund); injury
11. Mewabah = reach epidemic proportions
12. Gila = mad; insane; crazy
13. Obat = medicine
14. Obat-obatan (perobatan) = remedy
15. Penvakit = disease
16. Penyakit menular = contagious disease
17. Penyakit keturunan = hereditary disease
18. Penyakit cacar = smallpox
19. Penularan penyakit = contagion
20. Tekanan darah tinggi = high - blood pressure
21. Tekanan darah rendah = low - blood pressure
22. Serangan jantung = heart attack
23. Sakit (d.a. dalam keadaan sakit) = ill; sick
24. Sakit gigi = toothache (bc.tuthik)
25. Sakit mata = eye-ache (bc. Ai ik)
26. Sakit kepala = headache (bc.hedik)
27. Sakit perut = stomachache (bc.stame:kik)
28. Sakit telinga = earache (
29. Sakit nyeri = painful
30. Sakit parah = bad; worst seriously ill;
serious illness
31. Sakit TBC = tuberculosis
32. Sakit-sakitan = sickly
33. Sakit batuk = (get) cough (bc.ka:f)

34. Sakit tenggorokan = sore throat
35. Kanker = cancer
36. Kangker darah = leukemia
37. Tanda-tanda sakit/gejala-gejala = symptoms
38. Tuli = deaf (bc.def)
39. Tegang/ketegangan = tense/tension


Word-Power for Human Organs.
1. Alat kelamin (lk) = penis (bc. pinis)
2. Alat kelamin (prp.) = vagina
3. Anus = anus (bc.eines)
4. Bibir = lips
5. Bibir atas = upper lip
6. Bibir bawah = lower lip
7. Dada = chest
8. Darah = blood
9. Daging = flesh
10. Enzym = enzyme
11. Empedu = gall; gall bladder (kantong empedu)
12. Gigi = tooth, teeth (jamak)
13. Ginjal = kidney
14. Gusi = gum
15. Hati = liver
16. Jantung = heart
17. Jaringan = tissue
18. Kelenjar = gland
19. Kerangka = skeleton
20. Lidah = tongue (bc.tang)
21. Liur ; air liur = saliva (bc. selaive)
22. Leher = neck
23. Mata /bola mata = eye/s (; pupil
24. Mulut = mouth
25. Pancreas = pancreas

26. Paru-paru = lungs
27. Pembuluh darah = blood vessel
28. Perut ; daerah perut = stomach (bc. stamek) ; belly; abdomen (d. perut)
29. Saluran pencernakan = alimentary canal
30. Sendi = joint
31. Sumsum = marrow
32. Tenggorokan = throat
33. Tulang; tulang blkng = bone; backbone
34. Usus/usus - besar = intestine/large intestine; colon
35. Urat = vein; muscles.
36. Urat nadi = artery.

VERBS (Activities) in alphabetical order di bidang MIPA

Cari akar katanya.
1. akibat (meng-kan) = to result in (rvb)
2. alir (meng-/kan) = flow
3. amati (meng-) = observe
4. atur (meng-) = regulate; adjust
5. bagi (mem-) = divide
6. bersihkan (mem-) = clean up; throw – threw – thrown (away )
7. berharap = hope
8. berikan (mem-) = give – gave – given; provide
9. cerna (men-) = digest (bc. daidjest)
10. campur (men-) = mix; blend
11. cabut (men-) = pull out
12. cangkok (men-) = transplant
13. catat (men-) = copy; take a note – took – taken
14. edar (ber-/meng-kan) = circulate
15. gerak (ber-/meng-kan)= move
16. hasilkan (meng-) = produce
17. harap (meng-) = expect
18. huni (meng-) = inhabit
19. jaga (men-/menahan) = maintain; hold; keep – kept – kept
20. kandung ( meng-) = contain

21. kelompok (meng-kan) = classify; group
22. kembangkan (meng-) = develop
23. konsentrasi (ter-/ber-)= concentrate
24. kumpulkan (meng-). = collect
25. kunyah (meng-) = chew (
26. lahir (me-kan) = give – gave – given a birth
27. liput (me-i) = comprise; cover
28. lumat (me-kan) = pulverize
29. makan = eat – ate – eaten
30. minum = drink – drank – drunk
31. peroleh ( mem-) = obtain; get – got – got
32. pindah (me-kan) = transfer
33. rusak (me-kan) = damage; destroy ;break – broke – broken
34. sebar (menye-) = spread – spread – spread over
35. selidiki (meny-) = investigate
36. serap (meny-) = absorb
37. tahan ( me-) = retain
38. telan (me-) = swallow
39. telur (ber-) = lay egg
40. tembus (me-) = penetrate
41. ternak (be-) = breed
42. temukan (me-hasil) = invent; discover
43. turun (me-kan generasi) = descend
44. terdiri dari = consist of
45. tumbuh = grow – grew – grown
46. temukan (me-) = find- found- found
47. uraikan (meng-) = describe.
48. rangsang (me- ) = stimulate.

E. Aktivitas-aktivitasnya (Verbs)
Kegiatan-kegiatan di sekoIah/Kampus = School/Campus Activities
Past Tense/
Indonesia Inggris Perfect/
1. Adakan (meng-) Conduct (rvb) a
riset research
2. Ajar (meng-) Teach Taught Taught
3. Ambil (meng-) Take Took Taken

4. Akan will; shall; be

going to
5. Akan dapat Will be able to Would be
able to
6. Akibatkan (meng-) Result in
7. Angkat tangan Raise (your) hand -d -d
8. Angkat (meng-jadi) Nominate;
appointed to be
9. Angkat (beban Lift (rvb)
10. Atasi Overcome
11. Awas (meng-) Wacth (rvb)
12. Baca (mern-) Read Read Read (red )
13. Bahas (mem-) Discuss (rvb)
Pembahasan Discussion
14. Belajar/mengkaji Study (rvb) Studied Studied
15. Belajar untuk Learn Learnt Learnt
16. Baris (ber-) March (rvb)
17. Bersihkan (mem-) Clean ( rvb)
Bersihkan debu Dust (rvb)

18. Bolos (mem-) Play truant (rvb) Played Played
19. Boleh May be allowed to
20. Beri (mem-) Give Gave Given
21. Berdiri Stand (rvb) Stood Stood
22. Bawa (mem-) Bring Brought Brought
23. Beritahukan (mem- Inform (rvb)
) Pemberitahuan Information
24. Bicara (ber-/ mem- Talk; speak Spoke Spoken
kan) Talk; speech
25. Batalkan (mem-) Cancel (rvb)
Pembatalan Cancellation
26. Bimbing (mem-) Guide; lead Led Led
Bimbingan Guidance
27. Bedakan (mem-) Distinguish;
Perbedaan differ (rvb)
28. Buat (mem-) Make Made Made
29. Buka (mem-) Open (rvb)
30. Buka (mem-kunci) Unlock (rvb)
31. Bayar (mem-) Pay (rvb)
32. Cari (men-) Look for; seek Sought Sought
33. Cuci (men-) Wash (rvb)
34. Catat (men-) Take notes Took Taken
Catatan Note (s)
35. Coba (men-) Try Tried Tried
36. Percobaan Experiment; trial
37. Campur Mix (rvb);
38. (men); campuran Mixture
39. Capai (men-) Achieve; reach
40. Pencapaian Achievement

41. Dengarkan (men-) Listen (to) rvb
42. Dapat Can; be able to Could Could
43. Datang awal Come early Came Come
44. Datang terlambat Come late
45. Datang Come
46. Do'a (ber-) Pray (rvb) Prayed Prayed
47. Duduk Sit Sat Sat
48. Dorong (men- Encourage/-ment -d -d
Dorongan Motivate/-tion
49. Dukung (men-) Support (rvb)
50. Dukungan Support
51. Debat (men-/ ber-) Argue (rvb)
52. Perdebatan Argument
Denda (men--) Fine (rvb) = noun
Didik (men-) Educate (rvb)
Pendidikan Education
53. Gambar (men-) Draw Drew Drawn-ped
Gambarkan(meng-) Describe (rvb);
Description (noun)
54. Gunakan (meng) Use (rvb); adopt
(utk. cara/metode)
55. Ganti (meng-) Exchange; change
56. Garis bawahi Underline (rvb)
57. Gerak (meng-kan) Move (rvb)
Pergerakan Movement
58. Hadir Attend
Kehadiran attendance
59. Hargai (meng-) Appreciate (rvb)
60. Hapus (meng-) Erase; cross out

Eliminate (rvb)
61. Hilang (ke-an Lose Lost Lost
62. Henti (meng-kan) Stop (rvb) -ped
63. Harus Must Had to
64. Harap (ber-/ meng- Wish; expect
kan) (rvb)
Berharap Hope = noun
Harapan Expection (rvb)
65. Hukum (meng-) Punish (rvb)
Hukuman Punishment
66. Heningkan (meng-) Observe a
cipta moment of
67. Hitung Count (rvb)
llmu hitung Arithmatic
a. Perkalian 2 Multiplied by 3
Multiplication equals/is equal to
b. Pembagian 100 divided by 20
Division equals/is equal to
c. Penjumlahan 20 is added(plus)
Addition to 30 equals/is
equal to 50
d. Pengurangan 40 subtracted by
Subtraction (minus) 15 equals
/is equal to 25
68. Hormati (meng-) Respect (rvb)
69. Hindari (men--) Avoid (nib)
70. Her perbaikan nilai Retake Retook Retaken
71. Ijin (meng-kan) Allow (rvb)
72. Identifikasi(mer.g-) Identify (rvb ) -fied -fied
73. Ingin (meng-kan) Want (rvb)

74. Istirahat (ber-) Break Broke Broken
75. Jawab (men-) Answer (rvb); Replied Replied
76. Jelaskan (men-) Explain (rvb)
Penjelasan Explanation
77. Janjikan (men-) Promise
78. Jaga (men-) Keep Kept Kept
79. Katakan (meng-) Say Said Said
80. Kacau (meng-) Disturb (rvb)
81. Kembali (meng- Return (rvb) =
kan) noun
82. Keluh (meng-) Complain (rvb)
Keluhan Complaint
83. Kenakan (meng-) Put on Put Put
84. Kembangkan Develop (rvb)
Pengembangan/ Development
per - ngan
85. Kecil (memper-) Minimize (rvb)
86. Kerjakan (mempe-) Employ (rvb)
87. Kenalkan(memper-) Introduce (rvb)
Perkenalan Introduction
88. Kerjasama Collaborate (rvb)
89. Kunci (meng-) Lock (rvb )
90. Konsultasi (ber-) Consult (rvb)
91. Langsung (ber-) Last (rvb)
92. Lapor (me) / Report (rvb) =
laporkan noun
93. Lihat (ke-) Look (at)
Lihat (me-) See; notice
94. Lipat (me-) Fold (rvb)

95. Lanjutkan (me-) Continue (rvb); go
on; go ahead
96. Kelanjutan Continuation
97. Lulus Pass (rvb)
98. Luka (me-i) Hurt Hurt Hurt
99. Lebur (me-) Melt
100. Latih (me-)/ Train (rvb) /
pelatihan training;
101. Masuk Come in Came in Come in
102. Masuki (me-) Enter (rvb)
103. Mari (masuk) Let's (come in)
104. Mulai (me-) Begin; start (rvb) Began Begun
105. Minta Ask for (rvb);
106. Permintaan Request (rvb)
107. Permulaan Beginning
108. Nangis (me-) Cry (rvb) Cried Cried
109. Pergi Go Went Gone
Panggil (me-/ Call (rvb)/call
110. Potong (me-) Cut Cut Cut
111. Pinjam (me-) Borrow (rvb)
Pinjami/kan (me-) Lend Lent Lent
112. Pilih (calon profesi) Elect (rvb) election
Pilihan Chose Chosen
113. Pilih (me-) / Select;
pilihan Choose/choice
114. Putuskan (me-)/ Decide
keputusan (rvb)/decision
115. Pesan (me-)/ Order (rvb)/order
116. Pukul (me-) Hit Hit Hit

117. Perlu (me-kan) Need; require
Perhatikan (mem-) Pay attention (rvb)
118. Perhatian Attention
Perbaiki (mem-) Improve/repair; fix
119. Perbaikan Improvement
120. Rangkum (me-) Summarize (rvb)
121. Robek (me-) Tear (bc. Ter) Tore Torn
122. Revisi (me-) Revise
123. Rujuk (me-)/ Refer/ reference Referred Referred
Rasakan (me-) Feel Felt Felt
124. Perasaan Feeling

125. Rusak (me-) Damage (rvb)

Break Broke Broken
126. Salami (me-) Greet (rvb)
127. Serahkan (me-) Submit (-tted); turn
128. Sapu (me-) Sweep Swept Swept
129. Selesaikan Finish (rvb);
(menye-) Accomplish (rvb)
Penyelesaian Accomplishment
130. Siap! Get ready
131. Siapkan (me) Prepare (rvb)
132. Sajikan (meny-)/ Present
penyajian (bc.prizent) (rvb)/
133. Simpulkan (meny-) Conclude (rvb)
Kesimpulan Conclusion
134. Setuju (menyetujui)/ Agree
persetujuan (rvb)/agreement

135. Suruh (me-) Ask (rvb); order
(rvb); command
136. Suguh (meny-kan) Serve (rvb)
137. Selenggarakan Provide (rvb)
138. Terpaksa Have to/has to Had to Had to
139. Terdiri dari Consist of (rvb)
140. Terangkan (me-) Explain (rvb)
141. Penerangan/ Explanation
142. Tunggu (me- Wait (rvb) for
143. Tunda (me-) Postpone (rvb);
put on
144. Tolak (me-)/ Refuse (rvb)/
penolakan refusal
145. Tandatangani (me-) Sign (rvb)
Tandatangan Signature
146. Tugaskan; i (me-) Assign
147. Tirukan (,e-); ulangi Repeat (rvb)
148. Pengulangan Repetition
149. Tutup (me-) Close (rvb); shut Shut Shut
150. Titipkan (me-) Leave; board out Left Left
151. Tanya Ask (rvb); question
Pertanyaan Question

152. Tulis (me-)/tulisan Write/writing Wrote Written

153. Tertawa Laugh (rvb.bc. laf)
154. Tempelkan (me-) Stick (rvb)

155. Tanggalkan (me-) Take off
156. Tunjukkan (me-) Show Showed Shown
157. Tinggalkan (me-) Leave Left Left
158. Tari (me-)/tarian Dance (rvb)/dance
159. Terima (me- Accept (rvb)
160. Terima (benda) Receive; get
161. Terima (me-) siswa Admit
162. Terlibat (be) involved
163. Umumkan (meng-) Announce (rvb)
Pengumuman Announcement
164. Uraikan (meng-) Describe (rvb)
Uraian Description
165. Usahakan (meng-) Endeavor
166. Ukur (meng-) Measure (bc.
167. Ukir (meng-) Carve (bc. Ka:f)

F. Tanya jawab (Questions and Answers/Interview)

Tanya-jawab mengenai pelajaran = Questions and answers about the

1. Teacher = What do you say when you meet your teacher at

school in the morning?
Student = Saya katakana "Selma pagi".
2. T = What should you do before classes begin?
S = Kami berdo'a lebih dulu.
3. T = What do your teachers usually do before they give the lesson?
S = Beliau/Mereka memanggil nama-nama kami dari daftar hadir

4. T = What does a student do when he/she comes late to school?
S = la harus lapor kepada guru piket.
5. T = What does the picket teacher do then?
S = Beliau akan memberi surat ijin masuk untuk mengikut
6. T = What do you do while your teacher is teaching?
S = Kami mendengarkannya, mencatat, bertanya, menjawab
pertanyaan dan mengerjakan PR.
7. T = What does your teacher do when any of you doesn't do the
S = Beliau marah dan menghukumnya; mengerjakannva di dalam
perpustakaan atau menyuruh menyapu lantai di luar.
8. T = How many subjects do you learn a day?
S = Kami belajar 8 mata pelajaran kecuali pada hari Jum'at 5 mata
9. T = How many subjects do you learn a week?
S = Kami belajar 14 mata pelajaran.
10. T = What subject do you like most?
S = Saya paling suka matematika dan Bahasa Inggris.
11. T = What school/college will you go after you finish (junior high
school/senior high school)
S = Saya akan rneneruskan ke (SMA/Universitas)
12. T = What department will you take at college?
S = Saya akan ambil jurusan bahasa-bahasa asing.
13. T = What college/university will you take?
S = Saya akan berkuliah di perguruan tinggi bahasa asing.
14. T = When/what time do you usually have a break time?
S = Kami beristirahat sesudah 4 jam pertama; kecuali Jum'at.
15. T = What do you usually do during the break?
S = Kadang-kadang saya pergi ke perpustakaan untuk baca-baca
atau beli camilan di kantin sekolah.
16. T = What sports does your school have?
S = Senam, lempar lembing, lempar cakram, sepak bola, bola volli
serta atletik.

17. T = Why is a student sometimes called to meet the class teacher or
the school counselor?
S = a. Mungkin ia sering melanggar aturan-aturan sekolah.
b. Mungkin ia sering membolos.
c. Mungkin ia menjadi pengganggu kelas.
d. Mungkin ia sering meninggalkan pelajaran-pelajaran tertentu.
e. Mungkin ia terlibat dalam beberapa kasus.
18. T = Whom do you consult your problems at school?
S = Saya berkonsultasi kepada wali kelas atau kepada guru tertentu
(some teacher).
19. T = How many students are there in your classroom?
S = Ada 25 siswi dan 15 siswa.
20. T = Who is your favorite teacher?
S = Guru favorit saya ialah ... karena beliau baik hati, sabar dan
penuh pengertian.
21. T = What time do classes begin and what time is it over?
S = Pelajaran-pelaiaran dimulai pukul 06.30 dan usai pukul 13.00.
22. T = How long does each lesson last?
S = (Masing-masing) berlangsung 40 menit.
23. T = How do you study at home?
S = Sesudah makan siang, saya mengulangi pelajaran-pelajaran
yang tadi belum saya pahami. Petang harinya saya
belajar/mengerjakan tugas untuk hari berikutnya.
24. T = Do you have a study-club?
S = Ya; saya kira sebuah kelompok belajar sangat penting untuk
memecahkan masalah pelajaran secara bersama-sama.
25. T = Are you proud of your school?
S = Ya, saya sangat mer,yukai dan bangga akan sekolah saya.
26. T = How do you uphold (inenjunjung) your school?
S = Dengan (cara) menjadi siswa yang kreatif dan berprestasi.
27. Q = Does your school have a hall?
A = Ya
28. Q = How large is it? What size is it?
A = la berukuran 20 x 50 m (20 by 50 m)

29. Q = How many audience does it accommodate'
A = la menampung sekitar 400 orang.
30. Q =Is it well-equipped?
A = Ya, peralatannya lengkap dan bagus.
31. Q = What is a school/a campus hall for?
A = Untuk event-event penting seperti:
a. Upacara pelepasan lulusan
b. pesta pernikahan
c. Pesta seni (art festival)
d. Berseminar
e. Pertemuan
32. Q = What photographs or pictures are hung on the hall?
A = a. Foto Presiden RI dan Wakilnya.
b. Lambang Negara Indonesia (The Indonesian Coat of Arms)
c. Some educational figures = beberapa tokoh pendidikan.
33. Q = When/in what event do you usually sing The National
A = Pada awal acara event-event penting.
34. Q = Does your school have a language laboratory?
A = Ya, karena sebuah laboratorium bahasa sangat penting saat
35. Q = Whom is it for?
A = Untuk semua warga sekolah terutama para siswanya.
36. Q = What foreign languages are they learning?
A = Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Perancis, Bahasa Mandarin dan
beberapa bahasa asing yang lain yang sangat dibutuhkan.
37. Q = What are the laboratory facilities?
A = Ada kaset, tape recorder, TV, CD, VCD dan gambar-gambar.

At The Canteen
1. Waitress : What can I do for you, Sir/Mum?) (Can I be at your
You : Saya lapar dan haus; saya ingin pesan nasi goreng
dengan daging masak serta lalapan kobis, sla dan

2. W : How do you like the meat? well-done or rare?
You : Yang matang sehingga tidak alot
3. W : What about the drink?
You : Hari ini cuacanya sangat panas, jadi saya lebih suka minum ice-
4. W : Do you want the fried rice hot?
You : Ya, tapi jangan terlalu pedas.
5. W : Wait a minute, Sir/Mum! I'll serve it at once
You : Saya jangan nunggu lama-lama (don't keep me waiting too long)
6. W (setelah makannya siap) : Here you are, Sir/Mum?
7. You : Terima kasih. Ada satu garpu lagi?
dan saya perlu sebuah pisau untuk
memotong dagingnya.
8. W : Here they are. Anything else?
You : Terima kasih; pelayanannya bagus. Bisa tambah lagi gula untuk
(Setelah selesai makan dan minum) Berapa semuanya?
9. W : Rp 10,000. It's cheap, isn't it?
How did you enjoy the food?
You : Enak dan menyelerakan.
10. W : Thank you, Sir/Mum. Would you come again with your friends?
You : Saya akan sering kesini untuk makan siang sebab saya sering
kerja lembur.

Percakapan di perpustakaan sekolah/kampus = Talks in the

1. Question : What is a library?
Answer : Sebuah perpustakaan ialah sebuah Gedung untuk
meyimpan bermacam-macam buku dan bahan bacaan.
2. Q : How often do you go to the library a week?
A : Kadang-kadang 3 sampai 4 kali seminggu.
3. Q : Why is a library important?
A : Untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan.

4. Q : Who serves you when you need books in the library?
A : Petugas perpustakaan.
5. Q : What sorts of books are available there?
A : Ada buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan, referensi, ensiklopedia,
majalah-majalah dan surat kabar.
6. Q : How do you borrow a book?
A : Mencari judul dan pengarangnya, mencarinya di katalog,
kemudian mencatat dan memberinya kepada petugasnya.
7. Q : What is the sanction when you're late to ieturn it?
A : Saya akan didenda.
8. Q : How do you read a book?
A : Sementara saya membaca, saya menyediakan alat-alat tulis dan
mencatat hal-hal yang penting atau membuat ringkasan.
9. Q : How do you study in the library?
A : Kami harus tenang, tidak bicara keras, tidak makan-makan.

Percakapan di Kampus = Questions and answers at campus

1. What's your full name, please?
- (My full name is) ..............
2. And your nickname, please?
- (call me) ....
3. How do you spell it (your nickname)?
- (The spelling is) ....
4. What are you / / What do you do?
- (I'm) a/an ....
5. When were you born?
- (I was born) on-bulan-tanggal. (ordinal number) 19 ....
6. What city do you come from?
- (I come) from (city), (province.),. Indonesia
7. Where do you work/teach?
- (I teach) at ... college
8. Is it a state college or a private college?
- (It is) a ... college

9. What's your major?
- (I major/My major is) in ....
10. What subject do you teach?
- (I teach) ....
11. How long have you been a/an ...?
- (I've been a lecturer) for ... years.
12. How many credit semesters do you teach
this semester?
- (I teach) ... credit hours/ semesters.
13. Do you have any structural position?
- Yes, I do.
- No, I don't.
14. What's your structural position?
- (I'm) a/an ....
15. Are you married?
- Yes. I am.
- No, I'm not.
16. How many children do you have/have you got?
- (I have/ got) ... children.
17. Does your wife work too? Does your wife /husband do any Job?
- Yes, he/she does.
- No, he doesn't/No, she doesn't.
18. Who looks after your children/parents/father/mother while you're
- (I have) a servant.
19. How do you go to work/campus?
- (I go to work/campus) by ....
20. How long does it take?
- (It takes) ... minutes.
21. Where do you live?
- (I live) on/in jalan .../ at no. ... jalan ....

Tanya-jawab mengenai kampus anda = questions-answers about your
1. What kind of college is it?
- (It's) a university/an institute/a college of foreign languages/....
2. How many faculties does it have?/How many faculties are there?
(It has) ... faculties
3. What faculties are they?
(They are) ... faculty, and ......... faculty
4. What departments does each faculty have?
(Each faculty) has (consist of) ... departments, ... department and ...
5. What study programs does it have?
(It has): D1, D2, D3, undergraduate program and post graduate
6. Is it under any foundation?
- Yes, it is. It belongs to ... foundation
7. When was it founded?
(It was founded) in 19 ....
8. Who is the rector/the president of your college?
(the rector/the president of our college is) Mr. ....
9. What's his last education?
(He graduated) from a doctorate program
10. Who are the rector's staff?
a. Assistant rector I is Mr/Mrs/Ms ....
b. Assistant rector ll is Mr/Mrs/Ms ....
c. Assistant rector III is Mr/Mrs/Ms .....
11. How many lecturers are there?
(There are) ... lecturers which consist of ... permanent lecturers and ...
part - time lecturers.
12. What levels of education did they graduate from?
(Most of them graduated) from the post graduate program.
13. How many students are there in your college?
(There are) ... students
14. How many credit semesters should they complete in each program?

15. For D1 program they should complete ... credit semesters.
For D2 ... credit semesters
For D3 ... credit semesters.
And for the under graduate program ... credir semesters.
For the post graduate program they should complete ... credit points.
16. Where is your campus located?
(It is located) in/on jalan ... no ....
17. How do you take part in enhancing the accreditation of your college?
(I enchance it) by ....
18. How do you enchance yourself to be a more qualified lecturer?
(I enchance it) by ....
19. What are the studying facilities/ media available in your campus?
They are: ....

Pertanyaan untuk guru = Questions to the school teachers

Anda bisa menceritakan diri anda sendiri dengan jawaban-jawaban
panjang dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut.
1. What's your full name?
- (My full name is) ....
2. What's your nickname?/What name shall i call you?
- (My nickname is/call me) ....
3. How do you spell your nickname?
- (The spelling is) ....
4. When were you born?
- (I was born) on + bulan + tanggal (ordinal number) 19 .... Atau : on +
the (tanggal-ordinal) of - bulan - 19 ....
5. How old are you now?
- (I'm) ... years old now.
6. What city do you come from?/where are you from?/what's your
- (I come) from (kota), (propinsi) Indonesia
7. What are you?/What do you do?

- (I'm) an elementary school teacher/a junior high school teacher/a
senior high school teacher/a vocational school teacher/a technical
high school teacher .
8. When were you apointed to be a civil
- (I was appointed to be a civil
servant) in 19 ....
9. How long have you been a teacher?
- (I have been a teacher) for ...years.
10. What college did you graduate from?
- (I graduated) from ....
11. What department did you take?
- (I took) ... department
12. What subject do you teach?
- (I teach) ....
13. Do you also teach any other subject?
- Yes. I do/No, I don't
14. How many class hours do you teach a week?
- (I teach) ... class-hours.
15. How many days do you teach?/What days do you teach?
- (I teach) ... days./(I teach) from (hari) to (hari)
16. Are you a part- time teacher at any other school?
- Yes, 1'm/No, 1'm not
17. Have you ever joined any educational training/educational internship?
- Yes, I have (ever joined an eductional training/internship).
- No, I haven't (have never joined any training/internship).
18. What kind of educational training/ internship was it?
- (it was) a training of implementing teaching-aids.
19. Was it a local training or a national training/internship?
- (it was) a national training.
20. How often have you joined the educational training/internship?
- (I have joined the educational training/internship) once/twice/three
times etc.
21. Have you ever joined any educational contest/competition?

- Yes, I have/No, I haven't.
22. What educational contest was it?
- (it was) a/an ... contest.
23. Did you win the contest?
- Yes, I did. (I won the contest)
- No, 1 didn't. (unfortunately I didn't win the contest)
24. How do you develop your professional career?
- (l develop my professional career):
a. by writing teaching-materiaIs
b. by writing books
c. by reading science books
d. etc
25. What contribution have you given to develop the education?
- I often write articles about eduacation in some media.
26. What is your obsession as a teacher?
- Well I'm proud of.being a teacher because it is:
a. a nobel profession
b. a religious charity profession
c. etc
27. How do you help the students solve their problems?
- (I help my students solve their problems) by ...; ... etc.


Indonesia Inggris
1. Kesehatan = health
2. Departemen Kesehatan = The Health Department
3. Organisasi Kesehatan Sedunia = WHO (World Health
4. Program Bantuan Lingkungan = Rural Environment Assistance
Pedesaan Program (REAP)
5. ASKES (Asuransi Kesehatan) = Health/Medical Insurance

Rumah Sakit = Hospital
Indonesia Inggris
1. RSU (Rumah Sakit Umum) = public hospital
2. Apotik = drugstore
3. Alat periksa = stethoscope; untuk suhu =
4. Bangsal/ Ruangan = ward (bc.wo:d)
5. Dapur = kitchen
6. Garasi = garage (bc. Gera:jz)
7. Inap (meng-/opname) = (be) hospitalized
8. Kamar = room
9. Kamar mandi = bathroom
10. Kamar mayat = mortuary (bc. mo:ce:ri); morgue
11. Kamar kecil = toilet
12. Kamar operasi = operation room
13. Kamar tidur = bedroom
14. Kamar swasta = private room
15. Kantin = canteen; café
16. Klinik/Balai pengobatan = clinic
17. Klinik sekolah/kampus/kantor = infirmary (bc.infe:rme:ri)
18. Lorong rumah sakit = corridor
19. Mobil ambulan = ambulance
20. Operasi = operation
21. Operasi kecil = minor operation
22. Operasi organ-organ = cut out; open up
23. Resep dokter = prescription

Orang-orang di lingkungan kesehatan = people involved in health

Indonesia Inggris
1. Tenaga medis = medician
2. Bidan = midwife
3. Dokter = doctor; physician; practitioner
4. Dokter anak = pediatrician

5. Dokter bedah = surgeon (
6. Dokter gigi = dentist
7. Dokter hewan = veterinarian
8. Dokter mata = opthalmologist; oculist
9. Dokter umum = general practitioner
10. Pasien = patient
11. Pengunjung pasien = patient visitor
12. Perawat = nurse
13. Dokter praktik pribadi = private practitioner
14. Sukarelawan = volunteer
15. Mayat = corpse; dead body

Kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan/Rumah Sakit

Past Tense/
Indonesia Inggris Perfect/
1. Atasi (meng-) overcome overcame overcome
2. Amati(meng-) observe (rvb)
3. Angkat (meng lift (rvb)
4. Bahas (mem-) discuss
5. Cuti sakit take sick leave
Cuti (be) on leave
6. derita (men-) suffer (rvb) from
7. diagnos (men-) Diagnose (rvb)
8. hidup (dalam (be) alive
keadaan hidup)
9. hilangkan/ kurangi relieve pain
rasa sakit
10. Jelaskan (men-) explain (rvb)
penjeiasan explanation
11. mati/meninggal die (rvb); pass

away (rvb)
12. mengalami get,/got accident
13. obati (meng-) cure (bc.kyue);
treat (rvb)
14. operasi (meng-) do surgery/
15. pindahkan (me-) move (rvb)
16. pelajari (mem-) study (rvb)
17. periksa (me-) check; see;
18. periksa denyut take (one's)
19. rawat (me-) nurse (rvb)
20. suapi (me-) feed fed fed
21. suntik (meny-)/ inject (rvb)/
suntikan inoculation
22. sebar luas (ter-) spread over
23. sekarat/ sakaratul (be) dying

Ungkapan dokter kepada pasien = doctor's utterances to the patient

1. Apa yang bisa saya bantu? a) What can I do for you?
b) Can I help you?
c) May I help you?
d) Can I be at your service?
e) Yes, Sir/Madam?
2. Anda kena apa? a) What's wrong with you?
b) What's the matter with you?
c) What's your trouble?
3. Coba saya lihatnya! a) Let me see!
b) Let me check!
c) May I see?
4. Apakah ini sakit? Does it hurt?

5. Sudah pernah periksa a) Have you seen a doctor?
(ke dokter)? b) Have you had a medical check up?
c) Is this your first check up?
6. Saya kira perasaan a) I expect/suppose you've been worrying
anda terganggu about something
b) Possibly, you're worrying about something
7. Anda bisa tidur nyenyak? a) Do you usually sleep well?
b) Do you have a nice sleep?
8. Biasanya Anda tidur dan = Ordinarily, what time do you go to bed
bangun pukul berapa? and get up?
9. Saya kira tidur 7 jam sudah = I think 7 hours sleep is enough at
cukup untuk usia Anda your age
10. Sebenarnya Anda = You certainly don't look ill.
tidak sakit
11. Bagaimana perasaan Anda = How are you feeling today?
sekarang ini?
12. Jangan khawatir; akan = Don't worry! I can soon put you right.
saya sembuhkan segera.
13. Saya tuliskan resepnya = Let me write the prescription.
14. Bawa ini ke apoteker/ =Take this to a chemist/a drugstore
15. Jika anda belum sembuh, = If you don't get better, be right back!
silakan kembali lagi!
16. Sudah berapa lama a) How long have you been suffering from (-)
anda menderita (sakit ...)? b) How long have you got……?
17. Mungkin pencernakan = Maybe your digestion is a bit out of order
anda terganggu
18. Pergilah ke laboratorum = Go to a medical lab and have a check up!
dan periksa
19. Anda perlu opname = You need to be hospitalized instead of
dari pada dirawatdi rumah being treated at home
20. Tepatnya sakit apa? = What exactly is the trouble?

Ungkapan dari pasien: The patient's utterances
1. Saya tidak enak badan, dokter! = I'm not feeling very well, doctor!
2. Saya tidak bisa tidur, dok! = I'm not sleeping, doctor!
3. Saya merasa tidak enak = I feel uncomfortable after meals!
sesudah makan
4. Saya batuk terus menerus = I've got cough (bc.ka:f) for 5 days on
selama 5 hari and on
5. Sepertinya saya kena malaria = I feel that I'm suffering from malaria
6. Biasanya saya pergi tidur = As usual, I go to bed at 9 p.m.
pukul 9 dan bangun pukul 4 and wake up al 4 a.m.; or I am often
atau saya sering terjaga awake at midnight.
tengah malam
7. Kadang-kadang = I have often thrown up after meals.
saya muntah sesudah makan
8. Saya menderita sakit gigi = I've got toothache.
9. Saya sakit kepala = I've got headache.
10. Apa saya perlu opname? = Do I need to be hospitalized?
11. Akhir-akhir ini saya = I've lost my appetite lately.
kehilangan nafsu makan
12. Dokter menyarankan untuk = The doctor suggests me not to eat
tidak makan makanan yang hot, sour and too salty meals.
pedas, masam dan terlalu asin.
13. Haruskah saya perlu = Should I put on my weight?
menambah berat saya?
14. Saya perlu menurunkan = I need to lose my weight.
berat saya
15. Menurut dokter, saya perlu = The doctor suggests me to have
olah raga ringan exercise.
16. Berat saya telah turun 5 kg. = I've lost my weight 5kg.

Percakapan seorang pasien dengan dokter gigi. = A dialogue between

a patient and a dentist.
1. Patient: Saya sakit gigi, = I've got toothache doctor'

Dentist: Yang mana? = Which one is it? Open wide!
Coba buka lebar!
2. P: Yang kanan atas = The upper jaw on the right
D: Apakah yang ini? = Is this one (it)? Does this hurt?
Ini sakit?
3. P: Ya, itu sakit. = Yes, it's hurting me.
D: Ada yang lainnya? = Is there anything else?
4. P: Gigi di belakangnya = There's a cavity in the tooth behind
Berlubang it...
Perlu dicabut? = Must it come out?
5. D: Saya kira tidak; hanya = I'm afraid not; it just needs filling.
perlu ditambal
Bawa resepnya ke apoteker! = Take the prescription to a chemist!
Anda akan segera sembuh. = You'll soon get better.

3.20 Telling Clock-Time.

Time Division : 24.00 - 12.00 a.m (ante meridiem)
12.00 - 24.00 p.m (post meridiem)

Examples (Patterns)
1. pk 06:05 pagi : a. six five a.m
b. five past six a.m
c. five (minutes) after six a.m
2. pk 11:15 siang: a. eleven fifteen a.m
b. a quarter past eleven a.m
c. fifteen after eleven a.m
3. pk 4:30 sore : a. afour thirty p.m
b. half past four p.m
c. thirty after four
4. pk 9 kurang 10 menit malam : a. ten to nine p.m
b. eight fifty p.m
c. ten of nine p.m

Practice: 1
What time is it?
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 8. 9.

Practice 2
Look at the figures of the clock again, then answer these questions!
1. a. What time do you usually wake up?
b. What time did you wake up this morning?
2. a. What time do you usually go to the bathroom?
b. What time did you go to the bathroom this morning?
3. a. What time do you have the morning prayer?
b. What time will you leave for Jakarta tomorrow?
4. What time did Jim arrive at Juanda airport?
5. What time does work start?
6. What time will GIA fly to Singapore?
7. What time does the school have the first break?
8. What time is the school canteen full of the students

3.21 GRADED QUESTIONS (Tingkatan Pertanyaan)

A. Yes/No answers.
1. Question : Is ………………?
Answer :+ Yes, he/she/it + is. or : He/she/it/ + is …….
- No, he/she/it + isn' t. or : He/she /it + isn' t …….
2. Quest. : Are+(you/they/we/ + plural) ………..?
Answ. : + Yes (I'm /they/we + are. or : (I'm)/they/we are…….
– No, (I' m not)/they/we + aren’t. or : No, ……"……aren't
3. Q. : Will + …………?

A. : + Yes, ……….. will. or : ……… will + verba I ………….
– No, ……….. won’t or : ……… won + Verbs I ………….
4. Q. : Can ………………?
A. : + Yes, ……….. can or :……… can + verbs l ………….
– No, ……….. can't or :……… can't + verbs I ………….
5. Q. : May …………?
A. : + Yes, …………+ may or :……… may + verbs I ………….
– No, ………… + mayn't or :……… may not + verbs I ………….
6. Q. : Must …………?
A. : + Yes, ……... need. or :……… need + verbs I ………….
- No, ……… needn't or :……… needn't + verbs I ………….
7. Q. : Need …………?
A. : + Yes, ……… must. or :……… must + verbs I ………….
– No, ……… mustn’t or :………mustn't + verbs I ………….
8. Q. : Do …………?
A. : + Yes, ……… do. or :……… + verbs l ( write, eat, etc.)…….
– No, ……… don' t. or :……… don' t + verbs I ………….
9. Q. : Does + he/she/it/Mr. …………?
A. : + Yes, he/she/it + does. or :……… verbs + es/s (loves/washe) …..
- No, he/she/it + doesn't. or :……… + doesan't + verbs I ……….
10. Q. : Did …………?
A. : + Yes, ……… did. or :……… + verbs (past t.) ……….
– No, ……… didn't. or :……… didn't + verbs I ……….
11. Q. : Have ………...?
A. : + Yes, ……… have. or :……… have + verbs III ………….
- No, ………haven’t. or :……… haven' t + verbs III ……….
12. Q. : Has + he/she/it/Mrs. …………?
A. : + Yes, ……… has. or :……… has + verbs III ……….
– No, ……… hasn't. or :……… he/she/it + hasn't + vebbs III….
13. Q. : Had………….?
A. : + Yes, ………had. or :……… had + verbs III ……….
– No. ……… hadn’t. or :……… hadn't + verbs III ……….

B. CHOICE ANSWERS (Jawaban Pilihan)
1. Q. : Is …………or …………?
A. : ……… Long answer : ……… is ……….
2. Q. : Are ………or ………?
A. : ……… Long answer : ……… are ……….
3. Q. : Will ……… or ………?
A. :…… (wiil + verbs l) ……..Long answer: …… will + verbs I….
will go/will write
4. Q. : Can ……… or ……….?
A. : ……(can + verbs I)……Long answer :…… can + verbs I….
can eat
5. Q. : May ………or ………?
A. : ……(may + verbs I) ……Long answer : ……naed + verbs ….
may leave
6. Q. : Must ……… or ………?
A. : ……(need + verbs I)……Long answer : ……need + verbs I ….
need drink
7. Q. : Need……….. or ……..?
A. : ……must + verbs I ……Long answer : ……must + verbs I …..
must drink
8. Q. : Do ………or ………?
A. : …… + verbs l ……. Long answer : …… + verbs I (make, zake
9. Q. : Does ………or ………?
A. : Verbs l + s/es ……. Long answer : ……verbs I + s/es ……..
10. Q. : Did ……… or ……..?
A. : Verbs + (past t.) ……Long answer : ……verbs (past t.) ……..
11. Q. : Have ……… or ………?
A. : (have + verbs III) …… Long answer : ……have + verbs III ……
12. Q. : Has ………or………?
A. : (has + verbs III) …… Long answer : …… has + verbs III ……
13. Q. : Had …… or ………?
A. : (had + verbs III) …… Long answer : ……had + verbs III ……

Give short and long answers to the following questions !

Look at the examples, analyze, then conclude !

Questions Short answers Long answers
1. Are you a student ? + Yes, I’m Yes, I’m a student.
- No, I’m not No, I’m not a student.
2. Will you find a job + Yes, I will. Yes, I will find a job after
after school ? school.
- No, I won’t No, I won’t find a job
after school.
3. Do you work at + Yes, I do. Yes, I work at home.
home ? - No, I don’t. No, I don’t work at home.
4. Does Miss Susilo + Yes, she does. Yes, she teaches biology.
teach biology ? - No, she doesn’t. No, she doesn’t teach

Do as the examples !
1. Is Carlos a technical student ?
2. Are Kesy and Ira studying math ?
3. Does Cathey live in Sydney ?
4. Do those people speak Indonesian ?
5. Did Patricia lose her purse ?
6. Will Sally marry you ?
7. Can that child read English well ?
8. Shall we leave for Bali this evening ?
9. Does Deny wash his own clothes ?
10. Did you meet Tina this morning ?

Choice questions.
11. Do you study English or biology ?
12. Does the driver repair a van or a truck ?
13. Will Jimy stay in Malang or in Bali ?
14. Did Iwan take a taxi or a public transport ?
15. Were the sheep hungry or tired ?

C. Wh……./How…….. You can just give short answers/just the points of

the answers.

1. What = apa; berapa; sebagai apa
2. Who = siapa (untuk menanyakan orang sebagai subject)
3. Whom = siapa (untuk menanyakan orang sebagai object)
4. Where = dimana
5. When = kapan
6. Why = mengapa
7. Which = yang mana
8. How = bagaimana; dengan naik apa
9. How many =berapa banyak (untuk benda yang dapat dihitung)
10. How much = berapa banyak (untuk benda yang tak dapat dihitung)/
berapa harga.
11. How long = berapa lama/panjang
12. How far = berapa jauh
13. Whose = milik siapa/kepunyaan siapa.

Making Questions : a). Yes/No Questions

b). Wh-/How- Questions.

General :
1. Andrew is a civil servant.
2. He works at a college.
3. He has been a civil servant for ten years.
4. He is also in the service of a restaurant in the evening.
5. He always does his duty very well.
6. He works 7 hours a day.
7. The work starts at 8 a.m. and is over at 3 p.m.
8. He goes to work by motorcycle.

Specific (Biology about a digestion system).

9. Teeth grind and break down food to smaller pieces for enzymes to
10. Tongue rolls food into a bolus for swallowing.
11. Saliva contains enzymes for digestion and lubricates bolus for

12. Stomach churns food and secretes digestive enzymes.
13. It also turns food into liquified enzymes.(chyme).
14. It stores food for 2 to 6 hours.
15. Small intestine is the main site of digestion.
16. It has glands which secrete enzymes for digeston.
17. Pancreas secretes insuline to regulate blood glucose levels.
18. Large intestine absorbs water and mineral salts.

3.22 Making Statements Using Cues (kata-kata bantu).

Topik ini merupakan awal latihan membuat kalimat-kalimat pernyataan
Pola-pola dalam bab ini bisa dikembangkan dengan Lessons sebelumnya,
termasuk penggunaan Tenses-nya.
Roby a teacher a. Roby is a teacher
a Senior High School b. He teaches at a Senior High
biology c. He teaches biology.
from Malang State University d. He graduated from Malang State
in 1990 e. He graduated in 1990
for 15 years f. He has been teaching/a teacher
for 15 years.
20 class-hours a week g. He teaches 20 class-hours a
by motor cycle h. He goes to school motor cycle.

Exercise : Do the same thing!

1. Mr, Adam Smith.
a. a scientist,
b. a teacher/a lecturer
c. for 20 years
d. from "Soedirman State University"
e. Natural Science Department

f. Under Graduate Program
g. in 1986

2. Jony Kualat.
a. a contractor
b. Papua
c. a Building Construction
d. for 10 years
e. 8 a.m. – 4:40 p.m.

3. Mrs. Dian Sukamto

a. Mrs. Sukamto.
b. on March 22nd, 1960.
c. a stay-at-home mum.
d. Mr. Sukamto
e. at a shoe factory
f. 8. a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
g. Rp. 4,500 million a month.
h. Jl . Jawa 26 Malang.

4. Percy Hilton.
a. Percy
b. German
c. a tourist
d. Yogya/plane
e. two weeks
f. mt. Bromo, Grajagan Beach
g. to Australia

5. Mira Sugandhi
a. unmarried
b. 25 years old.
c. a café
d. 6 waiters/4 waitresses.

e. fried cnicken, fried rice, roast
beef, grilled fish.
f. 6:30 - 10, p.m.
g. boy-friend/college student
h. medical faculty
i. last semester
j. one year older.

6 Exercice (Practice)
Make your own statements with the following Cues.
a. (decide the person's name) i. work-hours a day
b. nickname/ surname j. work-days a week
c. home-town k. marital status
d. date of birth l. his/her job
e. occupation m. the number of tne kids
f. position n. their studies
g. duration of work o. their residence
h. income/revenue

Making various questions.

1. menanyakan pekerjaan/ sbg. apa = What are/is ------------------- ?
2. bekerja dimana = Where do/does ----- work ?
3. bekerja di bagian apa = What section do/does – work in ?
4. lamanya bekerja = How long have/has --- been working ?
5. lamanya sbg. apa = How long have/has – been a/an--- ?
6. lamanya jam bekerja dalam 1 hari = How many hours do/does – work a day
7. lamanya jam bekerja dalam = How many hours do/does – work a
1 minggu week ?
8. hari-hari apa bekerja dalam = What days do/does --- work a week ?
1 minggu
9. pekerjaan dimulai jam berapa = What time does work start ?
10. pekerjaan usai jam berapa = What time is the work over ?
11. berapa gaji/upah dalam 1 bulan = How much do/does – earn a month ?
12. naik apa ke tempat kerja = How do/does – go to work ?

13. makan waktu berapa lama ke = How long does it take to go to – by---?
14. dengan siapa ke tempat kerja = With whom do/does --- go to work ?
15. menanyakan berapa banyak = How many ---- (+s/es) do/does --- verb.
(untuk benda-benda yang dapat dihitung)
16. menanyakan jumlah benda yang = How much do/does--- verb --------- ?
tergolong tak dapat dihitung.
17. menanyakan ‘milik/kepunyaan’ = whose +things do/does/did/be –
(verbs) ------ etc ?

Make questions!
1. The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.
2. In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.
3. Their father takes them to school every day.
4. Mrs. Sawyer stays at home everyday.
5. She does the house-works.
6. In the evening the children come home from school.
7. They arrive home early.

Everyday, the sun radiates vast amounts of energy to the earth and our moon,
and to all the other planets in our solar system and everyday, the planets
reradiate that energy into space. Only on earth is there a unique delay in the
reemission of a tiny fraction of that energy: for a brief moment, a minute portion
of it is trapped and stored. This minor delay in the flow of cosmic energy powers
life.Plants capture sunlight and use its energy to build and maintain stems and
leaves and seeds, while animals secure the energy of sunlight by eating plants,
or by eating oher animals that have eaten plants.At each stage in the many
processes of living and dying, waste heat is produced, which joins the pool of
energy being relayed back into space.
Biology is the study of this very special category of energy utilization – it is the
science of living things. The world is teeming with life: millions of species of

organisms of every description inhabit the earth, feeding directly or indirectly off
liveless sources of energy like the sun. What is there in the maze of diversity that
unites all biology into one field?

Specific. (about Science).

A theory is a hypothesis that has been repeatedly and extensively tested.It
is supported by all the data that have been gathered, and helps order and
explain those data. Many scientific theories, like the cell theory, are so well
supported by essentially all the known facts that they themselves are “facts” in
the non-scientific application of that term; but the testing of a theory never
stops.No theory in a science ever absolutely and finally proven.Good scientists
must be ready to alter or even abandon their most cherished generalizations
when new evidence contradicts them.They must remember that all their theories,
including the physical laws, are dependent on observable phenomena and not
vice versa.Even in correct theories, however, can be enormously valuable in
We usually think of mistaken hypotheses as just so much intellectual rubbish to
be cleared away before science can progress, but tightly drawn, explicitly
testable hypotheses, whether right or wrong, capitalize progress by focusing
thought and experimentation.


RELATIVE CLAUSE ialah kata-kata yang menghubungkan kata benda (Noun):
yaitu (people/non-people) dengan kata-kata./phrase/sub-clause yang
menerangkannya, yang letaknya DI BELAKANG NOUN tersebut.
a) untuk Noun (people) : WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, THAT = “YANG”
b) untuk Noun (non- people): WHICH, OF WHICH, WHOSE dan THAT =

Pengetahuan dan penggunaannya sangat penting untuk mendefinisikan

/menjelaskan seseorang; sesuatu kepada siswa atau orang lain.

1. "who" = sebagai penghubung Noun (people) yang menjadi subject dalam
kalimat (adjective clause) yang menerangkannya
Rumusnya : Subject - who + (verbs/be/lauxiliaries, modals – etc) -
predicate (object) …………etc.
Examples : There are three people in the car-
show room
Question : Which one is Johny
Answer : The man who is looking close at
the car is Johny. ( The man is
Johny. He is looking close at the
car.) or : Johny is the one who is
looking close at the car.

2. "whom/that" = (dalam hal ini, boleh tidak digunakan) sebagai penghubung

Noun (people) yang menjadi object dalam kalimat yang menerangkannya
(adjective clause) atau menjadi object sebuah preposition dari kalirnat yang
Examples :
There are two men in the room.
Question : Which is Mr. Thompson?
Answer : The man whom/that the lecturer is talking to is Mr. Thompson
3. "whose" = kata penghubung untuk bentuk “kepunyaan-milik” dalam

There are two men in the room
Question : Which one is Mr. Thompson?
Answer : The man whose trousers are
black's Mr. Thompson (The
man is Mr. Thompson. His
trousers are black)
or : Mr. Thompsonn is the one whose trousers are black.

1. "which" = penghubung pada Noun (non-people), baik sebagai subject
maupun object datam kalimat yang menerangkannya.(' dalam adjective
clause ). There are four cats in the yard.
Question : Which is `pushy'?
Answer :
a. sbg. subject :`pushy' is the cat which
drinks milk
or : The cat which drinks milk is
(The cat is pushy It drinks milk).
b. sbg. object : `pushy' is the cat
which ' you kicked yesterday
or: The cat (which/that) you kicked
yesterday is `pushy'.
2. "whose/of which" = penghubung untuk milik; kepunyaan. Bentuk pola
Subject - (whose/of which the + noun………etc) - predicate - etc.
The cat whose fur (bulunya) is black is `pushy'.

Exercise :
There are three people in the car-show
Question : Which one is Lucas?
Answer : The man who welcomes
the visitors is Lucas

or : Lucas is the man who welcomes the visitors.

Question : Which is Buddy?
Answer : The man to whom Lucas is offering a car is Buddy

You can see 5 people in the supermarket.
1. Johnson : The man who wears a small hat s Johnson
2. Lucia Johnson : The woman whose coat is being taken off is Mrs. Lucia
3. The Johnsons : The people {whom/that) the cloakroom - attendant welcomes
are The Johnsons.
Non-people /Things:
1. The horse which is eating grass is an
Australian horse
2. The chair (that/'which/where) Bill sits on
will be mended
3. The chair of which one of the legs is
broken will be mended
Practice 1
Now, look at the pictures then identify these
1. Anna.
Question: Which is Anna?
2. Mr. Roby Wilson.
Question: Which is Mr. Roby Wilson?
3. Mrs. Lucia Wilson.
Question: Which one is Mrs. Lucia Wilson?
4. Nancy Wilson
Question: Which one is Nancy Wilson''
5. Nancy's Boy-Friend.
Question: Which one is Nancy's Boy-Friend?

Practice 2
Identify each person in the picture!
Make each of them different by adding an
Adjective clause

3.24 Making Definition/Explaining Something.
To be able -to make definition/explaining something is important to enable
pupils/students to understand things that they do not know.
1. Things ( singular) is (kind/sort) which /that + verb + s/es …………………..
− A laboratory is a room where someone/students pratise(s) something.
(adjective clause)
− A microscope is a kind of a lab. instrument to magnify objects to be

2. Animal:
insect : An ant is a small insect which lives in groups, which
has 6 feet which likes sweets.
mamals : A tiger is a wild, fierce animal as big as a calf whose skin
is yellow striped which likes eating meat (carnivorous).
A cow is a herbal four-legged animal having two horns
which weighs about 200 kg when adult.

3. People / occupations:
Question : What is "chef"
Answer : A chef is a woman or a man who works in a
restaurant whose job is to cook.
Question : What is "teller"?
Answer : A teller is a person, mostly a woman, who w orks in a
bank to serve the creditors.
4. activity:
Question : What is "push"?
Answer : "push" is an activity using both right and left hands
to press something.

5. condition / adjective.
Question : 'What is "hungry"?
Answer : "hungry" is a condition /a weak condition because of
not eating for some period of time.

1. What is “carrot”?
2. What is “chilli pepper”?
3. What is “mammal”?
4. What is “reptilia”?
5. What is “Aves (Birds)”?
- What is “Saliva”?
- What is “enzyme”?
6. What is “amphibia”?
7. What is “wild”?
8. What is “fierce”?
9. What is “angry”?
10. What is “digest”?
11. What is “swallow”?
12. What is “deficate”?
13. What is “evolve”?
14. What is “remove”?
15. What is “investigate”?

1 September 2009

1. Portofolio yang dikembangkan berisi kumpulan bukti proses pembelajaran dan

kinerja mahasiswa dalam Teaching Biology in English.
2. Pemanfaatan portofolio ini:
• untuk dijadikan sarana refleksi bagi mahasiswa mengenai kemajuan
kemampuannya dalam mempelajari Teaching Biology in English
• untuk dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dosen untuk menilai pengetahuan,
sikap, dan keterampilan penyusunnya dalam rangka pemberian nilai akhir
matakuliah Teaching Biology in English.
3. Struktur portofolio yang dikembangkan:
a. Macam bukti (artifak)
1). Hasil karya tulis mahasiswa: berupa 5 macam karya yaitu:
a) jurnal kegiatan sepanjang semester ini
b) hasil analisis kritis satu artikel yang dilakukan secara kelompok
c) RPP Kelompok
d) RPP Perorangan
e) Persiapan mengajar berupa Presentasi Power point dst dan bukti-bukti hasil
kegiatan di kelas (worksheet yang sudah diisi, product siswa, hasil penilaian
terhadap siswa) dst.

2). Hasil pengesahan: berupa catatan hasil masukan dari mahasiswa lain atau
dari dosen; berupa coretan pada draft naskah RPP sebagai usulan
3). Produksi, berupa
a) pernyataan penyusunnya mengenai tujuan pengembangan portofolio
b) hasil refleksi diri pengembang yang berupa ungkapan perasaan atau
pemahaman terhadap kegiatan dan bagaimana hal ini mempengaruhi
pemahaman sebelumnya dan pengembangan selanjutnya.
c) identitas dokumen yang menjelaskan bukti apa yang ada dalam
portofolio yang dikembangkan
b. Penentuan dan Pengaturan mengenai Bukti:
1). Siapa yang menentukan mengenai apa bukti yang harus disertakan?
• Kesepakatan antara dosen dan mahasiswa (mahasiswa mengusulkan apa
saja bukti yang disertakan; dosen menyebut semua bukti yang mungkin
dapat diberikan).
2). Seberapa banyak bukti yang perlu dimasukkan?
• Pilih bukti yang representatif, yang memuaskan pengembangnya.
3). Bagaimana pengaturan bukti-bukti tersebut?
• Sesuai dengan pilihan mahasiswa, boleh secara kronologis, teoritis dan
menurut kelompok bukti.
4). Penyekoran Portofolio
Terlampir diberikan format-format kriteria penilaian portofolio mahasiswa
sebagai berikut.
a) kriteria penilaian portofolio diri sendiri
b) pengecekan portofolio akhir semester oleh teman

c) penilaian portofolio akhir semester oleh teman
Khusus untuk format c) perlu diperbanyak format yang sama dan judulnya
diganti penilaian oleh d) diri sendiri dan e) dosen

Format-format tersebut ditayangkan di kelas untuk disepakati penggunaannya

oleh dosen dan mahasiswa
5. Catatan Tambahan
a. Pada awal perkuliahan sudah diberikan beberapa pedoman untuk
membantu mahasiswa melakukan refleksi mengenai hasil belajarnya,
yaitu bagaimana Mencatat hasil bacaan secara Analisis Kritis, pada
naskah ini ditambahkan lagi pedoman untuk melakukan Refleksi Akhir
b. Mahasiswa diharapkan memberi masukan/komentar mengenai format/
pedoman tersebut untuk perbaikan format agar lebih tepat dipakai untuk
menunjang pengembangan portofolio tahun-tahun yang akan datang.
6. Rambu-rambu mengenai Sampul Depan dan Daftar Isi portofolio yang
dikembangkan seperti terlampir.

BIL 401

NIM : _________________
Class : ________________


Daftar Isi Portofolio Teaching Biology in English

• Identity
• Journal (separated or included)
• Reflection on Journal writing

(completed with Identity, The Article, Result of Critical Analysis of article,


(completed with Identity, Group Lesson Plan, Preparation and Evidence of
Teaching-Learning Processes, Reflection on Teaching Learning Processes)


(completed with Identity, Individual Lesson Plan, Preparation and Evidence of
Teaching-Learning Processes, Reflection on Teaching Learning Processes)




Pengembangan portofolio memberi kesempatan kepada Saudara untuk mereviu,

menganalisis, dan menikmati karya yang telah Saudara hasilkan dalam
matakuliah ini, dan juga memberi Saudara kesempatan untuk mengklarifikasi
tujuan Saudara mengikuti perkuliahan ini. Tambahan pula, portofolio
memberikan dokumentasi konkrit mengenai apa yang Saudara lakukan sebagai
dasar penilaian kemajuan kemampuan Saudara.
Portofolio adalah suatu kumpulan seleksi hasil karya, bukan seluruh hasil karya.
Saudara harus memilih mana bukti (persiapan presentasi) yang akan Saudara
masukkan dalam portofolio Saudara. Sebagai tambahan dari tulisan Saudara,
boleh dipilih dan dimasukkan juga bahan-bahan yang menurut Saudara ikut
menunjang perkembangan kemampuan Saudara sebagai pebelajar Teaching
Biology in English (misalnya, hasil bacaan mengenai bahan-bahan ajar, metode
atau strategi pembelajaran yang Saudara pilih). Suatu seleksi hasil karya bukan
merupakan portofolio kecuali bila disertai pula dengan hasil refleksi, yaitu hasil
pemikiran Saudara, hasil analisis Saudara mengenai tulisan atau karya Saudara
tersebut. Refleksi dapat diletakkan di dua tempat-bagian PENDAHULUAN dan
bagian KETERANGAN (label) atau deskripsi mengenai setiap bukti (artifak)
dalam portofolio Saudara. Saudara boleh memilih untuk menulis pendahuluan
yang panjang lebar dengan “keterangan” yang pendek-pendek, atau Saudara
memilih menulis “keterangan” yang lebih panjang dan rinci (yang meliputi hal-hal
yang disarankan ada dalam pendahuluan yang didaftar di bawah ini) dengan
pendahuluan singkat.
Hal-hal yang mungkin dapat Saudara masukkan dalam PENDAHULUAN:
1. Deskripsi mengenai latar belakang Saudara dalam menyusun Rencana
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, melakukan praktik pembelajaran, pengalaman
Saudara sebelumnya dalam melakukan pembelajaran.
2. Tujuan mengenai apa yang ingin Saudara capai dengan mengikuti
matakuliah ini.
3. Penjelasan mengenai bagaimana peningkatan kemampuan Saudara dalam
belajar Teaching Biology in English dapat memberi sumbangan kepada
pencapaian tujuan akademik dan karier Saudara.
4. Ceritera mengenai mengapakah, bagaimanakah, dan manakah tugas-tugas
atau kegiatan di kelas yang bermanfaat bagi Saudara dan dapat Saudara
5. Ceritera mengenai tugas-tugas atau kegiatan di kelas yang terlalu sulit atau
menantang bagi Saudara (dan mengapa tugas itu sulit, dan apa yang
Saudara lakukan untuk menghadapi tantangan itu)
6. Penjelasan mengenai proses belajar Teaching Biology in English (misalnya
bagaimana Saudara memulai belajar Teaching Biology in English, strategi
apa yang Saudara gunakan untuk belajar? Kapan dan di mana Saudara
dapat belajar paling baik? Sumber-sumber apa yang sangat membantu
pada saat membuat RPP dan merevisi RPP Saudara? Pada saat
mengumpulkan dan menganalisis hasil belajar siswa? Pada saat menyusun
refleksi hasil membelajarkan? Apa masukan teman? Komentar dosen?
Manakah bagian dari proses yang paling mudah atau paling sulit bagi
Saudara ?

7. Identifikasilah hasil kajian pustaka yang menurut Saudara paling baik dan
paling banyak berperan membantu Saudara menyusun RPP (jelaskan
mengapa demikian)
8. Tuliskan beberapa hal mengenai pembelajaran Teaching Biology in English
yang belum Saudara pahami sebelum mengikuti perkuliahan ini (Dan tulis
pula beberapa hal yang masih ingin Saudara pelajari lebih lanjut).
9. Tuliskan mengenai strategi atau teknik baru dalam belajar Teaching Biology
in English yang baru Saudara peroleh (Dan ceritakan juga hal-hal lain yang
ingin Saudara pelajari atau kuasai dalam belajar Teaching Biology in
English sepanjang program studi Saudara selanjutnya)
10. Sebutkan bukti (artifak) khusus (tulisan atau bahan tambahan) yang
Saudara pikir perlu dimasukkan karena berkaitan dengan komentar-
komentar Saudara di atas. Contohnya adalah komentar Saudara mengenai
keterlibatan Saudara dalam diskusi kelas saat pembelajaran oleh teman
lain. Tuliskan komentar Saudara mengenai satu atau dua presentasi oleh
teman yang paling Saudara sukai. Tulis juga komentar Saudara tentang
contoh-contoh Lesson Plan yang diberikan dosen dari pelatihan guru RSBI l
tingkat SMP.

Hal-hal berikut harus Saudara periksa sebelum mengumpulkan portofolio

Saudara (Apa yang harus ada dalam portofolio yang lengkap)

Periksalah dengan menggunakan Kriteria berikut. Apakah portofolio Saudara

sudah menunjukkan bahwa Saudara adalah Mahasiswa yang Berhasil

• Bukti Perkembangan: Menunjukkan apa yang telah Saudara pelajari,

bagaimana Saudara berkembang sebagai seorang pebelajar.
• Bukti Keteladanan: Menunjukkan hasil karya terbaik, menunjukkan bahwa
kriteria keberhasilan telah terpenuhi, menunjukkan proses atau produk yang
• Bukti adanya Pilihan: Menunjukkan bahwa Saudara mampu memilih dan
membuat keputusan dalam pekerjaan atau kegiatan-kegiatan Saudara.
• Bukti Keberhasilan: Menunjukkan hasil karya Saudara berupa proyek dalam
suatu periode waktu; menujukkan proses kerja yang lengkap dari ide awal ke
draft-draft dan ke naskah akhir; menunjukkan proyek-proyek jangka panjang
yang meliputi hasil karya lebih dari satu matakuliah.
• Bukti Pembelajaran Sosial: Menunjukkan kemampuan Saudara untuk
bekerjasama dengan orang lain, berbagi dan saling membantu dengan
mahasiswa lain, menyumbang pemikiran untuk mahasiswa lain atau untuk
• Bukti Penerapan: Menunjukkan kemampuan menggunakan apa yang telah
Saudara pelajari di dalam situasi baru atau situasi yang berbeda, mampu
memecahkan masalah, menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dan
mengembangkan proyek atau rancangan baru.
• Bukti Evaluasi - Diri: Menunjukkan kemampuan untuk memikirkan dan
memberi penilaian atau pertimbangan mengenai hasil karya Saudara sendiri,
menjelaskan apa yang telah Saudara pelajari atau berapa nilai yang
seharusnya Saudara peroleh ke orang lain, melengkapi lembar refleksi diri,
dan menetapkan tujuan jangka panjang untuk diri Saudara sendiri.


1. Mengapa saya memilih materi ini untuk dibelajarkan dalam kelas?

2. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran di kelas menurut pendapat saya?
a. Bagaimana bahasa Inggris yang saya gunakan? Apakah cukup
komunikatif? Apakah saya melafalkannya dengan jelas? Apakah
pronounciationnya sudah benar?
b. Bagaimana media pembelajaran yang saya gunakan? Apakah saya
menggunakan IT? Mengapa ya atau mengapa tidak?
c. Bagaimana kegiatan “siswa” saya? Apakah mereka sudah “minds on”.,
“hands on” dan “hearts on”? Apakah mereka berhasil belajar sesuai materi
yang ingin saya belajarkan?
3. Apa yang saya pelajari dari tugas ini?
Mengapa tugas ini penting? Sebutkan 3 hal yang ingin Saudara sampaikan
ke orang lain mengenai tugas ini.

4. Kriteria mana mengenai mahasiswa yang sukses yang terpenuhi melalui

penyelesaian tugas ini?
a. Perkembangan dalam suatu periode waktu
b. Penetapan pilihan
c. Keberhasilan (proyek jangka panjang)
d. Refleksi, Evaluasi Diri
e. Keteladanan
f. Penerapan keterampilan atau pengetahuan
g. Pembelajaran sosial


Nama ______________________________ Tanggal ______________________

❏ Pikirkan mengenai seluruh proyek dan karya yang telah Anda selesaikan
selama satu semester ini. Apakah hal terpenting yang telah Anda pelajari?

Apakah Anda ingin mempelajarinya lebih lanjut?

❏ Apa hal yang paling istimewa yang Anda pelajari?


❏ Apa yang ingin Anda pelajari pada semester yang akan datang?


Setelah itu uraikan hasil refleksi diri Saudara mengenai apa yang ditunjukkan oleh
portofolio yang Saudara kembangkan

Tuliskan juga hal-hal berikut apabila Saudara belum menguraikannya di dalam

Pendahuluan Portofolio ini.

“Ceritera” mengenai apa yang Saudara disajikan dalam portofolio Saudara? Aspek
apa yang terdokumentasikan? Pemahaman mengenai cara belajar? Disiplin
belajar? Pemilihan kata? Pembuatan RPP? Keterampilan mengajar?
Perkembangan kemampuan berbicara dalam ahasa Inggris? Kemampuan menulis
dalam bahasa Inggris?
Apakah perlu juga hasil refleksi Saudara (yang Saudara pikirkan secara analitis)
mengenai kemampuan Saudara belajar Teaching Biology in English? Mungkin
juga berisi buku-buku sumber yang perlu Saudara rujuk untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan Saudara lebih lanjut?
Perlukah Saudara tulis pula tugas atau kegiatan yang sangat Saudara sukai dalam
mata kuliah ini?
Atau perlu jugakah Saudara tuliskan mengenai tugas-tugas yang meningkatkan
kemampuan Saudara belajar Teaching Biology in English?
Manakah tugas-tugas atau kegiatan yang terlalu sulit untuk saya?
Manakah hasil karya Saudara yang paling Saudara banggakan?
Seberapa besar rasa percaya diri dan kemandirian yang Saudara miliki dalam
belajar Teaching Biology in English dan mempersiapkan RPP dalam bahasa
Strategi belajar/keterampilan belajar yang mana yang telah Saudara peroleh dan
Saudara rasakan paling efektif untuk diri Saudara sendiri dalam mempelajari
Teaching Biology in English?
Pemikiran atau pertanyaan apa yang masih Saudara miliki mengenai Teaching
Biology in English?

Portofolio Anda memenuhi kriteria (+++) = istimewa (vv) = memuaskan
(++) = sangat bagus (v) = lumayan
(+v) = bagus (-) = kurang
....... 1. Daftar Isi yang menunjukkan isi portofolio
...... 2. Bukti-bukti yang dengan jelas diberi label sesuai yang tertulis dalam Daftar
isi untuk menunjukkan konteks penyusunannya, respons Anda mengenai
hal tersebut, perkembangan diri Anda sebagai penulis/peneliti, dan
penilaian Anda mengenai hal tersebut
...... 3. Pendahuluan yang menceritakan tentang latar belakang Anda dalam
bidang kemampuan melakukan pembelajaran dalam Bahasa Inggris dan
perkembangan Anda dalam bidang tersebut selama ini.
...... 4. Keterangan khusus sebagai pengantar untuk suatu bukti tertentu
...... 5. Paling sedikit sepuluh buah bukti hasil karya Anda semester ini.
• Jurnal belajar Teaching Biology in English
• Analisis kritis artikel
• RPP Kelompok
• Bukti persiapan dan hasil Pembelajaran Kelompok
• RPP Perorangan
• Bukti persiapan dan hasil Pembelajaran Perorangan
..... 6. Kerapian portofolio dan urutan penyajian yang tepat.
...... 7.Ada satu bukti yang menunjukkan proses penulisan persiapan presentasi
...... 8. Beberapa bukti tambahan perlu dimasukkan dan dianalisis karena alasan
• favorit/sangat menarik/sangat bermanfaat
• sangat sulit atau menantang
...... 9. Kualitas keseluruhan dari karya akhir yang telah disempurnakan:
• selesai dikembangkan dengan sempurna
• menunjukkan bukti proses/usaha
• menunjukkan koherensi/organisasi yang baik
• kreativitas/keefektifan rhetorik
• tata bahasa, pengetikan
• Kualitas keseluruhan hasil refleksi/analisis (dalam pendahuluan umum
dan dalam melabel masing-masing bukti)
...... 10. Nilai portofolio Anda untuk semester ini
Komentar: (tuliskan dibalik kertas ini)

Kelas : ……… Program Studi : ……………….

Nama Pemilik Portofolio : _______________________________

Nama Penilai : _______________________________

Gunakan Lembar Pengecekan Portofolio ini untuk melakukan pengecekan

penyajian dan kelengkapan portofolio teman Saudara.
Dengan memeriksa portofolio ini Saudara mendapat kesempatan untuk
membandingkan portofolio Saudara dengan portofolio teman dan membantu saya
mengumpulkan data portofolio kelas ini.

Periksalah portofolio rekan Saudara itu dan berilah tanda

+ (plus) untuk tampilan/sajian yang istimewa
v (cek) untuk tampilan/sajian yang memuaskan
- (minus) untuk tampilan/sajian yang kurang
0 (nol) kalau tampilan yang seharusnya ada, tidak ada
Dan jawablah pertanyaan yang diajukan di tempat yang telah disediakan.

1. ( ) Sampul Depan Portofolio

2. ( ) Kata Pengantar
3. ( ) Daftar Isi
4. ( ) Pendahuluan
5. a. ( ) Identitas Jurnal
b. ( ) Jurnal Belajar
• Berapa masing-masing entry untuk
Bulan September 2009? ________
Bulan Oktober 2009? __________
Bulan Nopember 2009? ___________
Bulan Desember 2009? ___________
Bulan Januari 2010?____________
c. ( ) Refleksi Diri tentang jurnal
6. a. ( ) Identitas Naskah Artikel Jurnal yang Dianalisis Kritis
b. ( ) Naskah Artikel
c. ( ) Naskah Terjemahan (kalau ada)
d. ( ) Hasil Analisis Kritis
e. ( ) Refleksi Hasil Analisis Kritis
7. a. ( ) Identitas RPP Kelompok
b. ( ) Naskah RPP Kelompok
c. ( ) Naskah Persiapan Mengajar dan Penilaian Diri Mengenai Proses
d. ( ) Bukti Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran
e. ( ) Refleksi Hasil Pelaksanaan Persiapan dan Pembelajaran
8. a. ( ) Identitas RPP Perorangan
b. ( ) Naskah RPP Perorangan
c. ( ) Naskah Persiapan Mengajar dan Penilaian Diri Mengenai Proses
d. ( ) Bukti Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran
e. ( ) Refleksi Hasil Pelaksanaan Persiapan dan Pembelajaran
9. ( ) Refleksi Akhir Semester

10. ( ) Penilaian Portofolio Diri Sendiri
apakah cukup objektif? _________

Komentar untuk kegiatan penilaian portofolio ini (tuliskan di sini, bila tidak cukup,
lanjutkan di baliknya).

Kelas : ……… Program Studi : ……………….

Nama Pemilik Portofolio : _______________________________

Nama Penilai : _______________________________
Tanggal : _______________________________

Berdasarkan pengecekan penyajian dan kelengkapan portofolio teman Saudara

tersebut, berilah penilaian dari 1 (0 – 49, sangat kurang), 2 (50 – 65, kurang),
3 (66 – 74, cukup), 4 (75 – 90, baik) atau 5 (91 – 100, sangat baik) untuk setiap
butir di bawah ini dan kalikan dengan bobotnya untuk memperoleh nilai akhir

Untuk Portofolio Akhir Semester

Weight Score Weight x
1. Preface 5 …… ……
2. Table of Content 5 …… ……
3. Introduction 10 …… ……
4. Learning Journal 15 …… ……
5. Critical Analysis of Article 10 …… ……
6. Group Lesson Plan 20 …… ……
7. Individual Lesson Plan 25 …… ……
8. End of Semester Reflection 10 …… ……

Kesimpulan: Nilai Akhir Portofolio A A- B+ B B- C D E (lingkari salah

satu), dengan patokan E (0 – 50, sangat kurang sekali), D (51 – 100, sangat
kurang), C (101 – 150 kurang), B- ( 151 – 200, cukup), atau B (201 – 250, agak
baik), B+ (251 – 300, baik), A- (351 – 400, sangat baik), A (401 – 500, istimewa)

Komentar untuk portofolio teman Saudara (tuliskan di sini, bila tidak cukup,
lanjutkan di baliknya).


Anda mungkin juga menyukai