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Tolerance stack up,

Dimensional chain
accumulation of tolerances
Each part has to interact with other adjacent parts in assembly. • A consecutive series of interrelated dimensions
The success of a design depends that contribute
on how well the resulting part assembles to the tolerance of a dependent dimension
& functions with other adjacent parts in the assembly. & form a closed loop.
Tolerance stacks ensures that the designed parts • A sequence of dimensions such
will function as intended in assemblies. that each dimension in the sequence
has one endpoint in common
with its predecessor in the sequence
& its other endpoint in common
with its successor in the sequence.
• Each dimensional chain is composed of chain links.

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Dimensional chain (DC) Classification of dimensional chains with

respect to spatial structure of the chain links
• The dependent (closing) chain link
& the independent chain links • Simple (linear with parallel • Flat dimensional chains
chain links or angular with
shall be distinguished in the DC.
common angle vertex chain
The closing chain link is situated at left side links)
of dimensional chain equation
& at the right side there are independent chain links.
• The DC equation has physical interpretation
only for dependent chain link correctly defined.
• A clearance or interference in assembly as well
a machining allowance can be considered
as the separate chain links,
often with a value of nominal dimension equal to 0. • 3D (spatial) dimensional chains (secure toe-in of front wheels)
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Dimensional function Selection of the dependent dimension (closing link)
The analytic relationship between toleranced • The dependent dimension shall be directly related to
dimensions is expressed by dimensional function: all other dimensions in the dimensional chain
through the functional dependency
= f(X
z2 x 21 x 2k x 2n
Z z1 1x11 ,..., X k x1k ,..., X n x1n ) not through formal mathematical equation
– it should be shown that each change
of any independent dimension will change
Z – dependent (closing) dimension the value of the dependent dimension (not vice-versa!).
Xi – independent i-th dimension • The dependent dimension, as dependent from all others
in the manufacturing shall be produced at the end
x2i – upper deviation of i-th independent dimension
(this is obvious for any assembly chain).
x1i – lower deviation of i-th independent dimension • The dependent dimension shall have the biggest tolerance
(it is on left side of any dimensional chain equation!).
The type of dimensional chain determines its equation:
• simple dimensional chain – linear equation; The dependent dimension may be either
Attention: calculated as the result of the dimensional
• complex dimensional chain – nonlinear equation. analysis or designated in advance.
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Dimensional function Tolerance calculations

based on deterministic model
Dimensional function can be interpreted as: The limiting values of the dependent dimensions
• function (relation) of actual dimensions; are produced by the limiting values
• function (relation) of random continuous of the component dimensions:
dimensions (or furthermore geometrical • arithmetic (min-max, worst-case) method;
specifications) with known distributions • differential calculus method.
within specified tolerance zones.
Tolerance calculation
Two methods can be applied in calculations
based on stochastic model
of toleranced dimensions:
• analytical (based on the calculation of statistical
• deterministic; parameters of considered dimensions);
• stochastic. • simulation (with the aid of computer techniques).
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Deterministic method – arithmetic Deterministic method
Sum of dimensions – arithmetic
Z zz21 = A aa12 + Bbb12 Z zz12 = A aa12 − Bbb12 Subtraction
Z = A+B of dimensions
Z = A −B
Z max = A max + B max
Z max = A max − Bmin
Z min = A min + Bmin
Z min = A min − Bmax
Z max = Z + z 2 = A + a 2 + B + b 2 = A + B + a2 + b 2
Zmax = Z + z2 = A + a2 − (B + b1) = A − B + a2 − b1
Z min = Z + z 1 = A + a1 + B + b1 = A + B + a1 + b1
Z min = Z + z1 = A + a1 − (B + b 2 ) = A − B + a1 − b 2
TZ = Zmax − Zmin = z2 − z1 = a 2 + b 2 − (a1 + b1) = TZ = Zmax − Zmin = z 2 − z1 = a2 − b1 − ( a1 − b2 ) =
= (a2 − a1 ) + (b2 − b1 ) = TA + TB = (a 2 − a1 ) + (b 2 − b1 ) = TA + TB
Z zz12 = (A + B )a12+b12 TZ = TA + TB Z zz12 = (A − B )a12−b21
a +b a −b
TZ = TA + TB
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Operations on toleranced dimensions Deterministic method

– differential calculus method
Operation Tolerance The differential calculus method is based on
= (A + B )
a 2 + b2 an investigation of the dimensional function increment
A a2
a1 +B b2
b1 a1 + b1 TA + B = TA + TB
that is the result of difference
A aa12 − B bb12 = (A − B )a12−b21
a −b
TA − B = TA + TB ∆Z = f ( X1 + ∆X1,..., Xn + ∆Xn ) − f ( X1,..., Xn )
A aa12 × B bb12 = (A × B )A× b21 + B× a12
A × b + B× a Taylor’s series expansion of the function F
TA ×B = A × TB + B × TA
around X1, X2, ..., Xn:
k × A aa12 = (k × A )k ×a12
k ×a
Tk × B = k × TA n
ΔZ = ∑ × ΔXi + R( X1,..., Xn , ∆X1,..., ∆Xn )
( A aa21 )2 = A 2 ( )2× A ×a2
2 × A × a1
TA 2 = 2 × A × TA i =1 ∂Xi
R – remainder that contains the second & successive
( A)
A a2
= 2× A
T = × TA derivatives of the series & the independent dimension
2× A
a1 a1 A
2× A ΔXi increments to power 2, 3, …
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Differential calculus method, cont.
Differential calculus method, cont.
– influence coefficients
Remainder R( X1,..., X n, ∆X1,..., ∆Xn ) ≅ 0 The influence coefficient determines the effect
of the independent dimension Xi variation
because an acceptable variation of the independent on the dependent dimension Z variation.
dimension (dimensional tolerance) is usually small
compared with the dimension itself ∂f increasing dimension
Qi = >0 – has an enlarging influence on
∂ Xi the dependent dimension Z
ΔZ ≈ ∑ × ΔXi variation (positive value of Qi)
∂f decreasing dimension.
Qi = <0 – has an reducing influence on
∂f ∂Xi
Qi = – influence coefficient for i-th the dependent dimension Z
∂Xi independent dimension variation (negative value of Qi)
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TZ = z 2 − z1
Upper deviation of dependent dimension Z of the dependent dimension
k n
 k n

k n TZ = ∑ Q i × x 2 i + ∑ Q i × x 1i −  ∑ i 1i ∑ Qi × x 2 i  =
 Q × x +

∑Q × x ∑Q × x
 i =1 
z2 = +
i=1 i= k +1 i= k +1

i 2i i 1i
k k
 n n

= ∑ Q i × x 2i − ∑ Qi × x 1i −  ∑ Q i × x 2i − ∑ Q i × x 1i  =
i =1 i = k +1 i=1 i=1  i=k +1 i =k +1 
k n
Lower deviation of dependent dimension Z = ∑ Qi × ( x 2i − x1i ) − ∑ Q × (x i 2i − x1i ) = Qi>0
i =1 i =k +1 for i ≤ k
k n n ⇒ Qi =Qi
= ∑ Qi × ( x 2i − x1i )
z1 = ∑ Qi × x1i + ∑ Qi × x 2i i =1
n for i > k
i=1 i =k +1
TZ = ∑ Qi × TXi ⇒ – Qi
i =1
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Dimensional chain analysis Stages of the dimensional chain analysis
calculate the deviations of one unknown dimension
with fixed full description of all other dimensions
Identification of the dimensional chain:
that create the considered dimensional chain. – selection of the dependent dimension
in the dimensional chain;
Simple analysis task: calculate the dependent dimension
deviations & its nominal value when the deviations – establishment of the particular dimensional chain
& nominal values of all independent dimensions are fixed. equation.
The solution always exists.
The solution of the determined dimensional
Reverse analysis task: calculate one independent dimension
deviations & its nominal value when the dependent dimension
chain equation.
deviations & its nominal value as well as deviations & nominal

Z zz12 = f ( X1x1121 ,..., Xk x12kk ,..., Xn x12nn )

values of (n –1) other independent dimensions are fixed. x x x
Sometimes the reverese analysis task has no solution.

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Determination of the deviations

NOTE: The dimensional chain equation
– differential calculus method
may be decomposed
Z zz12 = f ( X1x1121 ,..., Xk x12kk ,..., X n x12nn )
x x x
only into three independent equations:
k n • equation of nominal sizes;
Upper limit deviation z
2 = ∑ Q i × x 2i + ∑Q × x i 1i • upper deviation equation of dependent dimension;
equation, ULDE i =1 i =k +1
k n
• lower deviation equation of dependent dimension.
Lower limit deviation z
1 = ∑ Qi × x1i + ∑Q × x i 2i
equation, LLDE i=1 i=k +1 The fourth equation:
TZ = ∑ Qi × TXi
– tolerance equation is the dependent equation
Tolerance equation
because the tolerance is produced as difference
∂f of deviations. The fourth equation shall be applied to
Influence coefficient Qi = verify the calculations.
for i-th independent dimension ∂Xi
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Example: reverse analysis Example: reverse analysis, cont.
Dependent dimension 44
the dimensions
for the housing ⇐ Vectorial scheme of the dimensional chain
& cover. Dimensional chain equation
The dimension
44 ± 0,07 shall 44 +−00,,07 a2 +0,03
07 = − A a1 + 64 − 0,03 + 8 − 0,02 − 27 − 0,04
0 0
be obtained
the cover It is recommended to start from checking
& the disc whether there exist the problem solution
of the height A. (is the equation technically reasonable?).
Determine Tolerance equation
A aa

the disc high that 0,14 = |–1|×TA + |1|×0,06 + |1|×0,02 + |–1|×0,04

shall be specified
on the disc
TA = 0,02 (>0)
drawing. Assembly simple dimensional chain. ⇒ There is solution for the problem.
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Example cont. Example, cont.

Dependent dimension 44 If the designer requested
44 +−00,,07 a2 +0,03
07 = − A a1 + 64 − 0,03 + 8 − 0,02 − 27 − 0,04
0 0
is to have dimension 44
Deviation equations: in the range from 44,05 to 43,95
UDE (upper deviation equation): the equation is:
0,07 = (–1)×a1 + 1×0,03 + 1×0 + (–1)×(–0,04)
LDE: 44 +−00,,05 a2 +0,03
05 = − A a 1 + 64 −0 ,03 + 8− 0, 02 − 27 − 0 ,04
0 0

–0,07 = (–1)×a2 + 1×(–0,03) + 1×(–0,02) + (–1)×0 The tolerance equation:

⇓ 0,10 = |–1|×TA + |1|×0,06 + |1|×0,02 + |–1|×0,04
A aa

a2 = 0,02 a1 = 0 A=1

A aa
Verification gives the negative value for tolerance of A
a2 > a1 There is no excessive error (TA = – 0,02),
Tolerance equation what doesn't make any technical sense.
Tleft side = 0,07 – (–0,07) = 0,14
Dimension 44 (dependent dimension)
Tright side = |–1|×TA + |1|×0,06 + |1|×0,02 + |–1|×0,04 =
has too tight tolerance,
= |–1|× (0,02 – 0) + 0,06 + 0,02 + 0,04 = 0,14
There is no solution for given task.
What shall
Tleft side = Tright side OK.
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be done?
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Example, cont. Alternative solution
What shall be done, The dimensioning scheme
if for correct performance for the cover shall be changed.
of the device the dimension The dimension 44 depends
shall be in the range on the pin length,
from 43,95 to 44,05 mm? not the overall cover length.
Dimensional chain equation
Search of solution:
TA > 0 and 44 +−00,,05 a2 +0 ,03
05 = − A a 1 + 64 − 0, 03 − 19 − 0,02

A aa
0,10 = |–1|×TA + T64 + |1|×0,02 + |–1|×0,04 Tolerance equation

⇒ TA = 0,10 – T64 – 0,02 – 0,04 0,10 = |–1|×TA + |1|×0,06 + |–1|×0,02
TA=0,02 (>0)

A aa
TA = 0,10 – T64 – 0,02 – 0,04>0
⇒ There is technically applicable solution.
that means T64 < 0,04
There is no need to cut down the tolerance for dimension 64.
The deviations for 64 shall be cut down UDE: 0,05 = (–1)× a1 + 1×0,03 + (–1)×(–0,02)
e.g. to ± 0,015 LDE: –0,05 = (–1)× a2 + 1×(–0,03) + (–1)×0
Finally for the dimension A The tolerance for
dimension 64 is ⇓
the tolerance 0,01 will be left. a2 = 0,02 a1 = 0 A=1
significantly reduced!
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Exercise 1 Exercise 2: Select the optimal dimensioning scheme

For correct assembly the pin (AB, PR), (AB, ST), (CD, PR), (CD, ST)
shall be aside of the sleeve Z
face at least 11 mm
& no more than 11,13 mm.
Determine the deviations for
the washer height.




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Dimensional chain synthesis
Exercise 3 Calculate the set up dimensions for turning.
– limit deviations calculation
of an assembly components
datum The objective of dimensional synthesis is to determine
the deviations (tolerances) of independent dimensions
based on the specified deviations (tolerance)
of the dependent dimension.

The dimensional chain synthesis consists

of two stages:
1. Determination of tolerances
for all independent dimensions;
2. Assignation of deviations
for each independent dimension.
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Synthesis – 1st step

– Determination of tolerances Equivalent tolerance grade method
The dependent dimension tolerance has to be split • The basic assumption in the equivalent tolerance
between all independent dimensions. grade method is that to tolerance value assigned
This can be can be done in many ways (theoretically to each independent dimension represents
there is unlimited number of solutions). It is necessary the same tolerance grade.
to adopt additional assumptions for the tolerances • It means that manufacturing of all independent
assignment to the independent dimensions. dimensions in the chain needs
These assumptions are characteristic of different approximately the same labour (cost).
methods for the synthesis of dimensional chains. • The tolerance grade is unknown
• Equivalent tolerances method before calculations are performed
• Equivalent tolerance grade method & it is not necessary to determine it.
• Equivalent influence method
• Cost based optimization method TXi = k× 3 Xi
– minimization of the manufacturing cost
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Equivalent tolerance grade method Synthesis – 2nd step
– Determination of deviations
TXi = k ×3 Xi
During the second step of the dimensional chain synthesis
TXi – tolerance of i-th independent dimension Xi; independent dimension deviations are selected with respect
Xi – nominal value of i-th independent dimension; to the tolerances determined in the first step.
k – unknown tolerance grade factor that is constant
for the considered dimensional chain. There are infinitely many solutions.
TZ The most common approach is to assign the deviations
TZ = ∑ Qi × k × 3 Xi ⇒ k= n on the basis of the dimension type:
i =1
i × 3 Xi • External dimension (shaft) – inside material tolerancing:
lower deviation ei = –T, upper deviation es = 0;
TZ • Internal dimension (hole) – inside material tolerancing :
TXi = n
× Xi 3
Tolerance of i-th lower deviation EI = 0, upper deviation ES = +T;
i × 3 Xi independent
dimension Xi
• Step/distance dimension – symmetrical tolerancing:
lower deviation = –T/2, upper deviation = +T/2.
Qi – influence coefficient
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Synthesis – Determination of deviations Synthesis – 2nd step

– Determination of deviations
For the last (arbitrary selected) independent dimension
the deviations shall not be chosen according to general
recommendations. The deviations must satisfy
the dimensional chain equation.
The reverse dimensional analysis task shall be solved
– unknown deviations of one dimension (e. g. decreasing Xn)
n −1
shall be calculated  k 
from: ∑
z1 −  Qi × x1i + Qi × x 2i  ∑
x 2n =  i =1 i = k +1 
• External dimension (shaft) – inside material tolerancing:
lower deviation ei = –T, upper deviation es = 0;
n −1
 k

• Internal dimension (hole) – inside material tolerancing:
lower deviation EI = 0, upper deviation ES = +T;
z 2 −  ∑ Qi × x 2i + ∑ Qi × x1i 
• Step/distance dimension – symmetrical tolerancing: x1n =  i =1 i =k +1 
lower deviation = –T/2, upper deviation = +T/2. Qn
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Synthesis – optimal dimensioning Synthesis – Example 1
The number of dimensions in each dimensional chain
shall be carefully analysed.
TZ = ∑ Qi × TXi
The shortest dimensional chain Designer decided that dimension L shall be
is recommended. within the range from 138,97 to 139,4.
Determine the limit deviations for parts in the assembly.
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Synthesis – 1st step
– Determination of tolerances by equivalent
chain sketch tolerance grade method
Dimensional chain equation
Simple, 139 ,4 −00 , 43 = +8 aa12 − 27 bb12 + 216 cc12 − 125 dd12 + 64 ee12 + 3,4 ff12

0,43 = 1 × k × 3 8 + − 1 × k × 3 27 + 1 × k × 3 216 +

+ − 1 × k × 3 125 + 1 × k × 3 64 + 1 × k × 3 3,4
k= 3
8 + 3 27 + 3 216 + 3 125 + 3 64 + 3 3,4
Dimensional chain equation:
0,43 0,43
139,40−0,43 = +8 aa12 − 27bb12 + 216 cc12 − 125 dd12 + 64 ee12 + 3,4 ff21 k= = = 0,02
2 + 3 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 1,5 21,5
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Tolerances of independent dimensions 2nd step
T8 = 0,02 × 8 = 0,04
T125 = 0,02 × 125 = 0,10 3 – Determination
of deviations
T27 = 0,02 × 3 27 = 0,06 T64 = 0,02 × 3 64 = 0,08
T216 = 0,02 × 3 216 = 0,12 T3 , 4 = 0 ,02 × 3 3 , 4 = 0 ,03

External dimension
Nominal Tolerance Dimension Lower limit Upper limit
dimension type deviation deviation
Internal dimension
139,4 −00, 43 = +8aa12 − 27 bb12 + 216 cc 12 − 125 dd12 + 64 ee12 + 3,4 ff12 8 0,04 External –0,04 0
27 0,06 Step –0,03 +0,03
Step dimension
Verification of the tolerance calculations. 216 0,12 External –0,12 0
Sum of the tolerances of the independent dimensions. 125 0,10 Step –0,05 +0,05 SD ±T/2
64 0,08 External –0,08 0 Distance dimension
0,04 + 0,06 + 0,12 + 0,10 + 0,08 + 0,03 = 0,43 = T139,4 3,4 0,03 External Shall be calculated DD ±T/2
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Dimensional chain
Determination of deviations for
„the last” independent dimension
139,4 −00, 43 = – reduction
of dimensional
= 8 −00,04 − 27 +− 00,,03 0 + 0,05
03 + 216 −0 ,12 − 125 − 0,05 + 64 − 0,08 + 3,4 f1
0 f2
UDE 0 = 1×0 + (–1)×(–0,03) + 1×0 +
+(–1)×(–0,05) + 1×0 + 1×f2
LDE –0,43 = 1×(–0,04) + (–1)×(0,03) + 1×(–0,12) +
+ (–1)×(0,05) + 1×(–0,08) + 1×f1
f 2 = –0,08 f 1 = –0,11
Equation for redesigned, shortest chain. The dimensions 216,
Verification of the calculations: 125 & 27 are eliminated & replaced by the dimension 64.
T3,4 = f2 – f1 = –0,08 – (–0,11) = 0,03
Determination of tolerances by equivalent tolerance grade 139,4 −00, 43 = +8aa12 + 64bb12 + 64cc12 + 3,4dd12
method produced also T3,4 = 0,03. OK
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Shorter Shorter
dimensional dimensional
chain chain

Tolerance equation:
0,43 = k × 3 8 + k × 3 64 + k × 3 64 + k × 3 3,4
chain equation: 139,4 −00, 43 = +8aa12 + 64bb12 + 64cc 12 + 3,4dd12 0,43 0,43 0,43
k= = = = 0,037
Tolerance equation: 3
8 + 3 64 + 3 64 + 3 3,4 2 + 4 + 4 + 1,5 11,5
0,43 = k × 8 + k × 64 + k × 64 + k × 3 3,4
3 3 3

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Shorter Proper performance of assembly is secured by

Ex. 4 dimension 45±0,045. Calculate the limit
dimensional deviations for particular parts.

Tolerance for shorter

Dimension Tolerance
dimensional chain
8 0,04 0,074
27 0,06 X
216 0,12 X
125 0,10 X
64 sleeve 0,08 0,148
3,4 0.03 0,056
64 shaft X 0,148
Sum:Dimensional Chains
0,43 0,426 The value shall be adjusted
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Interchangeability Total interchangeability
• The assembly process can be executed
• A machine is constructed from interchangeable without any selection, adjustment or fitting
parts, when its assembly my be executed of the assembled parts – the functional
by usage of any parts from a lot. dimension in final assembly will always
• The interchangeability may be considered as be obtained within required limit dimensions.
interchangeability of parts in the unit • The total interchangeability is suitable when:
or – dimensional chain is short (the assembly
interchangeability of units in the machine e.g. contains only a few component elements);
the roller bearing is interchangeable as the unit – the tolerance of the assembly dimension
(spare part), (dependent dimension) is pretty large.
but n
TZ = ∑ Qi × TXi
it is not possible to take the rolling elements (rollers)
from particular bearing and put them to another one.
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Statistical interchangeability Statistical interchangeability

• This method more realistically assumes • The statistical tolerance analysis predicts less variation
that it is highly improbable than the worst-case tolerance analysis
performed on the same stack up.
that all dimensions This can be very beneficial from a functional point of view,
in the tolerance stack up as a lower overall predicted variation will allow
will be at their worst-case the design engineer to increase
low limit or high limit at the same time. the tolerances allowed for manufacturing
In many cases the sum of the dimensions or design the fits between matting parts tighter.
may be well approximated by normal distribution. • Statistical interchangeability is especially suitable when
• However it is necessary to accept the risk a dimensional chain is long (assembly contains many parts).
that the unit (product) will not work properly.

∑ i i TZ = 6 × σ Z
In many cases this is not acceptable
e.g. for vehicle safety devices: σz = Q 2
× σ 2
air bags or safety belts.
i =1
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Statistical interchangeability. Exercise 4
Standard deviation of dependent dimension
The dimensions X1, X2, ..., Xn
are interpreted n
as independent random variables
with any distributions with
standard deviations σ 1, ,σ 2, ..., σ n.
z σ =
i =1
i ∑Q × σ 2i
The tolerance of dependent dimension
has standard deviation σ Z. probability density function
σi =
For normal (Gaussian) distribution 6
P( – σ < x < σ) = 0,6827
P( –2σ < x < 2σ) = 0,9545
P( –3σ < x < 3σ) = 0,9973
P( –4σ < x < 4σ) = 0,999936 Evaluate the practical variability of the gap,
P( –5σ < x < 5σ) = 0,999999427 variable when widths of the block & groove have normal distributions.
P( –6σ < x < 6σ) = 0,999999998
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Assembly block-groove after conversion of inside Distribution

material tolerancing into symmetrical tolerancing of the block width
Z – dependent
T 20 0,06
dimension, σ20 = =
the gap width 6 6

Z zz12 = 30,04+−00,,04
04 − 19,97 +0,03
−0,03 Limit dimensions
& limit deviations of the block width after conversion
Z = 10,07 of inside material tolerancing into symmetrical tolerancing.
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Distribution Dependent dimension
of the groove width 1 2 2
T  T 
σ 2π σZ = σ + σ 2
20 =  30  +  20 
T 30 0,08  6   6 
σ30 = = 2 2
6 6  0,08   0,06  0,10
σZ =   +  = ≈ 0,0167
 6   6  6
The gap width (dependent dimension Z)
is the difference of two dimensions
(two random variables). TZ = 6 × σ Z = 0,10
Limit dimensions
Thus its standard deviation z 2 = 0,05
is calculated as the standard deviation
& limit deviations of the groove width after conversion of the difference between two random z1 = −0,05
of inside material tolerancing into symmetrical tolerancing. variables with normal distributions.
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Limit dimensions & limit deviations of the gap Distribution of dependent dimension
for statistical & total interchangeability
1 σ 2π
σ 2π

The probability that dimension Z will be smaller then 10,02 mm

or bigger than 10,12 mm is equal merely to 0,0027.
The range of the gap width variability
(range of the deviations of dependent dimension Z) It can be described as the follows: during production of 10 000
calculated for the total variability of assemblies of the block with the groove only in 27 cases
is significantly over estimated. the gap width will be outside the range 10,02÷10,12 mm.
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Interchangeability due to adjustable Interchangeability due to adjustable element
chain link – modification during assembly • The assembly includes dedicated adjustable element
• The adjustable chain link is a dimension selected i.e. especially designed mechanism (thread, eccentric,
in the dimensional chain, that allows to obtain wedge that should be properly set) or washers
the required assembly dimension by: matched with selected thickness or number.
– interchangeability due to adjustable element; • The value of adjustable element dimension is selected
– interchangeability due to machining. during assembly according to actual deviations
• The interchangeability with adjustable chain link of particular parts that form assembly as well as
is suitable, when: assumed limit deviations of the assembly dimension.
– dimensional chain is long (assembly consists of many
The dependent dimension for dimensional chain
for interchangeability due to adjustable element
– required tolerance of the dependent dimension is small.
is always set as the dimension of an adjustable element
This is the case when it is not reasonable to have
(in standard assembly dimensional chain the dependent
independent dimensions with small tolerances
dimension is always set as assembly dimension).
due to high cost of production.
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Interchangeability due Interchangeability

to adjustable element due to adjustable
The assembly process for interchangeability due to
adjustable element is divided into three steps : +0,05
The dimension 36 0 is
• provisional assembly (trial matching of parts); obtained during assembly
• measurement of the resultant (assembly) dimension due to the usage of washer
of selected thickness G.
produced thanks to actual dimensions of the parts The washers are
taken to this particular assembly; graded by 0,02 mm.
• fitting actions (adjustment – frequently measuring device Find the dimension X
of the body
is used again) to achieve required assembly dimension.
that secures proper
assembly with the washer
selected from the range
0,9 ÷ 1,1 mm.
What is the criterion for the successful assembly?
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The assembly Interchangeability due to adjustable element cont.
is successful
when crucial DCE 1+−00,,11 = − X xx12 + 10 −00,03 + 36 +00,05 + 19 +−00,,02
dimension is Verification whether there exist the solution – tolerance equation
obtain within
the range 0,2 = − 1 × Tx + 1 × 0,03 + 1 × 0,05 + 1 × 0,04
It is verified ⇒ TX = 0,08 > 0 Solution exists
during NDE 1 = − X + 10 + 36 + 19 ⇒ X = 64
The dependent UDE + 0,1 = (−1) × x 1 + (1) × 0 + (1) × 0,05 + (1) × 0,02
dimension is G. ⇒ x1 = −0,03
It is suitable to LDE
specify it as: 1±0,1 − 0,1 = ( −1) × x 2 + (1) × ( −0,03 ) + (1) × 0 + (1) × ( −0,02)
DCE 1+−00,,11 = − X xx12 + 100−0,03 + 360+0,05 + 19 +−00,,02
02 ⇒ x 2 = 0,05
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Interchangeability due to adjustable element cont.

Interchangeability due to adjustable element
– applications
Limit deviations: x 2 = +0,05 x1 = −0,03
• Interchangeability due to adjustable element is suitable
when the tolerance of the dependent dimension is small
Tx = x 2 − x1 = 0,05 − ( −0,03 ) = 0,08 OK & assembly consist of many parts (dimensional chain
is long) with different sizes of production – also large
lot production & mass lot production.
• Advantages: Interchangeability due to adjustable element
X xx12 = 64 +−00,,05
03 gives possibility to
– biggest extension of tolerances of independent dimensions;
The body dimension – keep the small tolerance of the functional dimension.
that shall be specified on
• Disadvantages:
the manufacturing drawing
– implementation of additional adjustable element usually
when the washer is selected
from the range decreases the assembly stiffness;
0,9 ÷ 1,1 mm graded by 0,02 mm. – the assembly cycle is usually extended.
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Interchangeability due to machining Interchangeability
• The required assembly dimension is obtained due to due to machining
machining (fitting of dimension) of selected component.
The assembly dimension
• Quite often the allowance removed during machining shall be
toleranced (e.g. due to surface carburizing & hardening) is achieved due to remove
& in such case a dimensional chain with allowance of the allowance N
as dependent dimension shall be considered. by grinding
• Interchangeability due to machining is suitable of the block surface.
for piece & small lot production when the tolerance The dimension 36
is verified during assembly
of a dependent dimension is small & assembly consist & the required machining is
of many parts (dimensional chain is long). performed. When the block of
Disadvantages of interchangeability due to machining: appropriate height is obtained
the assembly is completed.
• The part selected as compensating piece loses its interchange- Determine the dimension H
ability capability & may be assembled only in that particular before assembly
unit to which it has been dedicated due to extra machining. (i.e. before machining that is executed during assembly)
• Additional cost of machining – usually to fit expensive finishing – that enables correct assembly with allowance kept
machining is necessary during assembly. in the range from 0,1 to 0,3 mm.
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Interchangeability due to machining cont

allowance DCE 0 ++00,,13 = 36 +00,05 + 19 +−00,,02 +0,03
02 − 64 −0,03 + Hh1

Verification whether there exist the tolerance equation solution
is chosen as
dependent 0,2 = 1 × 0,05 + 1 × 0,04 + − 1 × 0,06 + 1 × TH
It can be ⇒ TH = 0,05 > 0 Solution exists
specified as NDE 0 = 36 + 19 − 64 + H ⇒ H=9
N n2
n1 =0
+ 0,1
+ 0,3 = (1) × 0,05 + (1) × 0,02 + ( −1) × ( −0,03 ) + (1) × h2
Dimensional ⇒ h2 = 0,20
chain equation LDE
+0,3 +0,05 0,1 = (1) × 0 + (1) × ( −0,02 ) + ( − 1) × 0,03 + (1) × h1
0+ 0,1 = 36 0 + 19+−00,,02
02 − 64 +0,03
−0,03 + Hh2
h1 ⇒ h1 = 0,15
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Interchangeability due to machining cont. On the 1st December in 1913, Henry Ford installs the
first moving assembly line for
Limit deviations : h2 = 0,2 h1 = 0,15 the mass production of an entire automobile
TH = h2 − h1 = Model T
= 0,2 − 0,15 = 0,05

Hhh12 = 9 ++00,,215
The dimension shall be specified
with one deviation equal to 0
& another deviation inside material

Hhh12 = 9,2 −00, 05 His innovation reduced the time it took to build a car
from more than 12 hours to two hours & 30 minutes.
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Tolerance stack up Dimensional chains

Accumulation of tolerances
A successful design is one which gives a product that: In the assembly process, some dimensions
• consist of parts that properly fit together; interact with other ones
• performs its intended function properly; & have influence
(customer satisfaction – product quality) on the function of the assembly.
• maximizes tolerances to allow economically produce parts. These dimensions are called
dependent dimensions
A tolerance stack is a study of dimensional relationships (closing dimensions).
within a part or assembly. The relationship between
The tolerance stack involves calculations toleranced dimensions
that determine the maximum or minimum distance e.g. can be expressed by equation:
• clearance or interference between two features on a part,
dimensional function. Z ZZ21

Z zz12 = f ( X1x1121 ,..., Xk x12kk ,..., Xn x12nn )

or in an assembly; x x x
• space available to accommodate the parts.
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