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Programme design document form for

small-scale CDM programmes of activities
(Version 04.0)

Complete this form in accordance with the Attachment “Instructions for filling out the programme
design document form for small-scale CDM programmes of activities” at the end of this form.


Title of the PoA Waste to energy using biomass Gasification in South

East Asia LDCs programme of activities1.
Version number of the PoA-DD Version 3.0

Completion date of the PoA-DD 21/08/2015

Coordinating/ managing entity Nexus Carbon for Development Ltd

Host Party(ies) Cambodia

Sectoral scope(s) and selected Scope 1:

methodology(ies), and where
Energy industries (renewable - / non-renewable sources).
applicable, selected standardized
baseline(s) Selected methodology:
AMS-I.A, version 16: Electricity generation by the user
AMS-I.B, version 12: Mechanical energy for the user with
or without electrical energy
AMS-I.D. Version 18 “Grid connected renewable
electricity generation”

This proposed PoA was initially notified under the name “Rice Husk Gasification in South East Asia LDCs Project
programme of activities” on 30/09/2013.

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PART I. Programme of activities (PoA)

SECTION A. General description of PoA

A.1. Title of the PoA

Waste to energy using biomass Gasification in South East Asia LDCs programme of activities2.
Version 3.0
Date 21/08/2015

A.2. Purpose and general description of the PoA


A.2.1. Policy/measure or stated goal that the PoA seeks to promote

The objective of the proposed small-scale Programme of Activities (hereafter referred as “the
PoA”) aims to support the application of gasification technology for mechanical and electrical
energy generation in rice milling facilities and other industrial sectors such as rural electrification.
The program will initially focus on Cambodia (the host country) with potential to operate in other
Least Developed Countries, such as Laos and Myanmar.
The host country currently experiences low levels of electrification outside the major urban centres
and many industries are required to utilise diesel powered systems to generate mechanical or
electrical energy. In the agriculture sector biomass residues, such as rice rusks, are often not
gainfully used and left to decay. The proposed PoA replaces the diesel powered systems to
generate mechanical and/or electrical energy. In addition, it may also substitute part of the
electricity which would otherwise be imported from grid by power generation from the renewable
There are some gasification units currently in operation in the region but they often pose a threat to
the environment and the people working at and nearby the facility. Workers for RHG operation and
maintenance do not normally have higher or technical education/ training, the majority of operators
are not able to read and write. Workers directly operating RGH are not aware of the damaging
effects of rice husk ash, hazardous tar, waste water, or gases composition inside the RHG on
health or surrounding environment. Toxic tars removed from the syngas are not always properly
disposed of. In addition, gas leaking from the system can pose a risk to the workers. The carbon
monoxide gas is toxic and the syngas is flammable and could ignite, posing further risks to workers
and infrastructure. Majority of those working with the RHG do not wear medical mask and apply
basic health protection means such as hand glove or gumboot3. The program will prioritise the
accurate construction and operation of the gasification units to reduce health and environmental
risks. Standardized equipment and management systems for work place health and safety and
environment for each CPA will be required for inclusion to the PoA. The waste water which
including tar are required to be treated properly to avoid risk of pollution to the nearby water body.
Recommended water treatment and waste water conservation method to prevent, minimize and
control wastewater effluent from gasifier plant include:
 During design of gasification plant, the planner should consider and incorporate the handling,
treating and removal of the wastewater.
 Water use efficiency to reduce the amount of wastewater generation
 Wastewater and material used for its treatment and disposal may degrade water resource
quality if released to the environment (such as toxic chemicals). These should be stored and
used within weatherproof, containment compounds.

This proposed PoA was initially notified under the name “Rice Husk Gasification in South East Asia LDCs Project
programme of activities” on 30/09/2013.
Baseline study waste to energy for the rice milling sector in Cambodia

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 Process modification, including waste minimization, and reducing the use of hazardous
materials to reduce the load of pollutants requiring treatment
 Treatment systems should have sufficient capacity to allow for routine maintenance or
equipment breakdowns without causing the release of partly treated wastewater.
 Before discharge into the environment, the level of wastewater treatment should be based on
whether wastewater is being discharged to a sanitary sewer system, or to surface waters
 Any wastewater treatment and disposal infrastructure is far away at least 500 meters of a
sensitive water resource
 Facilities should be constructed to ensure that contaminated wastewater is separate from
uncontaminated wastewater
 Reuse the wastewater (generally after treatment) for a beneficial purpose

The overall development objective is to alleviate poverty of local people and to mitigate climate
change through reducing dependence on diesel for energy generation or the carbon intensive grid.
The programme utilizes biomass energy generation technologies, thus contributing to environment
sustainability and climate change mitigation.
A.2.2. Framework for the implementation of the proposed PoA.
Nexus Carbon for Development Ltd (hereafter referred as “Nexus”) will coordinate the PoA as the
Coordinating/Managing Entity (CME) and be responsible for the overall management of the PoA.
Nexus will support the project implementer(s) in implementing the Component Project Activities
(CPAs). The scheme after implementation will result in reduction of GHG emissions (CO2) from
diesel consumption for mechanical and/or electrical energy. Nexus will act as the focal point for all
the carbon finance related activities and communications of the PoA. Nexus would also be
responsible for contracting the DOE for the PoA and would interact directly with DOE and EB as
well as the GS to fulfil all the validation, registration and verification requirements. The programme
and its managing entity thereby aim to contribute to reduction of fossil fuels to generate electricity
or mechanical energy. The first CPA would constitute 03 micro scale Rice Husk Gasification (RHG)
units operating at different locations in Cambodia with a total capacity of 360 kW. Subsequent CPA
shall have a maximum total capacity of up to 5 MW. More CPA will be launched as more and more
entrepreneurs become a part of the initiative. Nexus will be the managing entity of all the
subsequent CPAs.
In summary, Nexus is responsible for:
 Ensure that CPAs are correctly included in the PoA
 Collect, manage and archive the ER data from every CPAs
 Produce overall monitoring report
 Coordinate with Designated Operational Entities (DOE) and other parties
 Distributing the sales income from carbon credit.
The figure below illustrates PoA chart.

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DOE  Stake‐
auditor holders

mber CPA Impleementers

st th
1 CPA Implemente
er 2nd CP
PA Impleme
enter n CPA Implem

1 … CPA*
1 * 1 * *

Figgure 1: PoA A Structure e

A.2.3. Include a brie ef descrip ption of ho ow the pro oposed Po oA contrib butes to sustainable e
a. Environ nmental asp pects
This PoA ccontributes to the susta ainable deve elopment globally and of the host country by:
 Reduccing greenho ouse gas emissions byy displacing g usage of fossil
f fuels to
t produce mechanical
m l
and/orr electrical energy;
 Reducce local pollu utants such h as NOx an nd SO2 caused by burn ning of dies
 Reducce the dispo osal of residual biomass s (such as rice
r husk)
 Ensuring that env vironmentall and health negative impacts ca aused by lo ow standardd RHG are e
adequa ately addressed;
b. Socio-e economic effects
This PoA w will lead to the
t following g socio-eco onomic effeccts:
 Providing affordable energy to small an nd medium sized rice millers and d other rura
al industries
not coonnected to o the grid through red ducing the cost of ga asifiers or extending after sales s
 Increasse energy services to o rural housseholds in a country which faces considera able powerr
shortagges and low w electrification rates;
 Promo oting the disssemination of standard dized gasificcation unitss across thee host counttry;
 Increasse competittiveness of rice milling g facilities co
ompared to o neighbourring countriees and with h
that lon
nger term employment
e t of the workkers at the milling facilities;
 Mid-term to long g-term emp ployment off technolog gy supplier companies and othe er servicess
 Contrib buting to thee growth of a national RHG produ uction;
c. Impactts on national politics anda develop pment
 Replica ability of the programm me: The prrogramme could c be replicated in other coun ntries in the
region, for instanc ce Laos or Myanmar, also where e rice mills use
u diesel forf mechanical energy y
genera ation, while rice husk iss not used gainfully.

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 Contribution to national policies and objectives: The programme supports in the efforts of the
government of the host country to use available renewable energy sources for energy
generation4. The electrification rate of the country is low and areas are faced with brown-outs
and blackouts. The government of the host country aims to use the available electricity
efficiently and use as many as possible renewable energy sources.

A.2.4. Confirmation that the proposed PoA is a voluntary action by the

Coordinating/Managing Entity
There is currently no national or regional regulations prescribing the implementation of mitigation
measure such as the RHG at the rice millers or the investment of biomass steam turbine power
plant and this proposed PoA is a voluntary action by Nexus.

A.3. CME and participants of PoA

(a) Identity of the CME of the proposed PoA, as the entity which communicates with the
The coordinating and managing entity of the PoA will be Nexus Carbon for Development Ltd
(hereafter referred as CME)
(b) Project participants to the PoA (project participants may or may not be involved in
one of the component project activities (CPAs) related to the PoA).
The Project Participant of the PoA will be Nexus Carbon for Development Ltd.

A.4. Party(ies)
Private and/or public Indicate if the Party involved
Name of Party involved entity(ies) project wishes to be considered as
(host) indicates host Party participants, CME (as project participant (
applicable) Yes/No/NA)
Cambodia (host) Nexus Carbon for No
Development Ltd

A.5. Physical/ Geographical boundary of the PoA

The political boundary of Cambodia is chosen as the country/geographical boundary of the PoA.
Cambodia locates in South-eastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand,
Vietnam, and Laos with geographic coordinates are: 13 00 N, 105 00 E. 5
The SSC-CPAs that will be included under the PoA will be within the defined geographical location
of the PoA area and follow applicable national and / or sectoral policies and regulations.

Renewable Energy Development in Cambodia


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Figure 2: Map of Cambodia

A.6. Technologies/measures
Technology A: Gasification technology
Currently the rice mills or small power plants use diesel powered systems to generate mechanical
or electrical energy. In the CPAs the diesel powered systems are replaced by a gasification unit
and a dual powered system (diesel and syngas from the gasification unit) to generate mechanical
energy. In certain cases electrical energy might be generated.

Figure 3: Baseline and project scenarios

Gasification technology Description:
Gasification is a process which can be used to produce gas from biomass. This gas as an energy
source can be used in a number of contexts including diesel replacement and electricity
production. The main motivations for adapting this technology are cost savings (up to 75% of
diesel can typically be replaced), and reducing waste disposal impacts.

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Figure 4: Gasification
n technologyy

Pyrolysis ((pyro- meaning fire, anda -lysis meaning

m to split) occurs at high temperaturre (typicallyy
500oC - 80 00oC), high pressure and low oxyg gen environ
nments. During gasification, pyrolysis (which h
is a thermmo-chemical decompossition of bio omass) converts bioma ass into co
ombustible gases.
g Thee
gases are a mixture ofo mainly CO2, CH4 an nd H2, and require
r clea
aning before
e they are useful.
u This
is usually done
d via a series
s of filte
A typical CCPA under the PoA will w consist of o a numbe er of RHG units adding up to the e maximum m
installed ca
apacity of 5MW.
5 The RHGR will ge
enerate mechanical en nergy or ele
ectricity usin
ng biomasss
based gasification tecchnology, fo or the millerss or group of
o households.

gure 5: Four process in gasificattion
The relevaant scope for
f this ricee-husk wastte to energ
gy programme is secto
orial scope
e 1: Energy
industries (renewable - / non-renewable sou

Version 04
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e 7 of 140
For the deescription of
o above, where
w relevvant, consid
der applica
able provisioons for application off
selected bbaseline annd monitorin
ng methodology for small-scale
s project acctivities in the
t Projectt

AMS-I.A and AMS-I.B B have been n identified as suitable

e methodolo ogy for base
eline develoopment and
monitoring methodoloogy for the PoA
 AM MS-I.A, versiion 16: Elecctricity gene
eration by th
he user;
 AM MS-I.B, versiion 12: Mecchanical ene ergy for the
e user with or
o without electrical ene

Technolog gy B: Steam m turbine ttechnology y

Steam turbbine techno ology is dessigned to opperate as an independ dent small power
p produucer. CPAs s
applying stteam turbin ne technolog gy will repla
ace both lo
ocal individu
ual diesel generators a and imports s
from the ggrid by insta alling a ste
eam turbine e power plaant with a total capacity of less than
t 5 MW W
which has major comp ponents:
 Ab boiler where onverted intto super-heated steam by the com
e water is co mbustion of biomass
 The e boiler is connected
c w pipes to
with t the turbin
ne where thhe superheated steam m drives the e
blades of the turbine.
 The e turbine shaft is connected to a gearbox that adjustts the spee ed for an alternator to o
gennerate electtricity.
 The e steam tha at exits the turbine cou uld be usedd as a by-pproduct e.g.. for industrrial use like
dryying, heatingg processess like dying and ironingg in garment factories.

Figure 6: Ste eam turbine e technolo

The selectted baseline and mon nitoring metthodology applied
a to the
t CPA is AMS-I.D. Version 18 8
“Grid conn
nected renew wable electtricity generration”
As per the guidance of
o AMS-I.D., the baselin ne emission
ns are calcu
ulated using
g the “Tool to
t calculate
emission fa
factors for an electricityy system” (vversion 04.0

Technolog gy, measurres and kno ow-how to be transfe erred to the

e host coun ntry
Currently tthe applied technologyy in rice millss or small power
p plantts are generator or eng
gines which
use fossil fuel such as
a diesel forr generating g mechaniccal or electrrical energyy. Under the
e proposedd
PoA, biom mass will beb utilized and displa acing fossiil fuel in energy
e gen
neration. The appliedd

Version 04
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e 8 of 140
technologies in the proposed PoA are imported from more developed countries (such as India),
therefore employees will be trained in high standard technology.

A.7 Public funding of PoA

The proposed PoA receives public funding from the following sources:
 KfW (Germany) for the PoA development (CDM documents preparation and validation)
 EEP Mekong (Finland) for first CPA investment
 Others (other funding source may be accepted in the future once it is available)

Both KfW and EEP Mekong are not the project participants to the PoA. There is not any obligation
from the CME or the CPA Implementers to pay back the fund by carbon credit to be issued by the
PoA. In other word, the Annex 1 Parties does not have any right to the carbon credit or does not
request to reimburse the provided fund. The fund contracts are provided to the DOE for
The ODA declaration form from the CME and CPA implementers will be provided to confirm that
such funding does not result in a diversion of official development assistance and is separate from
and is not counted towards the financial obligations of those Parties.
Non-ODA diversion letters will be made available for each CPA, if applicable.

SECTION B. Demonstration of additionality and development of eligibility criteria

B.1. Demonstration of additionality for PoA

According to the “Methodological tool: Demonstration additionality of microscale project activity”,
version 07.0, EB86, Annex 14: “Project activities up to five megawatts that employ renewable
energy technology are additional if any one of the conditions below is satisfied:
(a) The geographic location of the project activity is in one of the least developed countries or
the small island developing States (LDCs/SIDS) or in a special underdeveloped zone
(SUZ) of the host country
The CPAs under the proposed PoA are additional as above because:
 The proposed PoA consists of micro-scale CPAs (total capacity of each CPA is equal or
less than 5 MW)
 The geographic location of the project activity is in one of the least developed countries
The above conditions shall make all the CPAs, and thus the PoA, additional. However, all the
CPAs shall be checked to satisfy all these conditions. This check has been incorporated in the
eligibility criteria below in section

B.2. Eligibility criteria for inclusion of a CPA in the PoA

The proposed PoA includes 4 generic CPAs which are:
 CPA which applies methodology AMS I.A only (CPA Case I: electricity generation to users)
 CPA which applies methodology AMS I.B only (CPA Case II: mechanical energy to users)
 CPA which applies methodology AMS I.D only (CPA Case III: electricity supplies to the
 CPA which applies methodology AMS I.A and AMS I.B (CPA Case IV: electricity generation
and mechanical energy to users)

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According to the “Guidelines for the consideration of interactive effects for the application of
multiple CDM methodologies for a programme of activities (version 01.0), the cross-effects (cross
effects and interactive measures are, in this context, synonymous) is identified as below:
“13. The CME should consider the following general principles to identify interactive effects. These
are neither exhaustive nor mutually exclusive and are intended to serve as examples:
(a) Type I: interactive effects could occur when there is an exchange of energy (thermal,
mechanical or electrical) or mass transfer between different measures of the CPA, the transfer
occurring from a primary, independent measure to a dependent measure;
(b) Type II: interactive effects could also occur when several measures rely on the same
information when estimating emission reductions. For example, several measures refer to historical
fuel/electricity/heat consumption. They may also occur when combining methodologies relying
solely on default factors for setting the baseline.”
Type I analysis:
Under this proposed PoA or CPAs, each unit (measure) will be physically separated. There is not
any energy exchange or mass transfer between different units, so there are no Type I cross-effects
between units.
Type II analysis:
Baseline scenario of each measure is established separately and not relied on the same
information (e.g. historical fuel/energy consumption). Therefore there are no Type II cross-effects
between measures.
In summary, the proposed combinations of measures and methodologies in the proposed PoA will
not result in any cross-effects.

Nexus, as the PoA CME has developed the following eligibility conditions for the inclusion of each
type of CPA(s) under the PoA. The eligibility criterions are defined below which is in line with the
requirements of “Standard for demonstration of additionality, development of eligibility criteria and
application of multiple methodologies for programme of activities”, version 03.0, EB 74, annex 5
and the applicability criterions of the applied methodology(ies): AMS I.A, AMS I.B and AMS I.D
accordingly. In summary, the eligibility criteria for inclusion of a CPA is as follow:

Table 1: Eligibility criteria for inclusion of a CPA in the PoA

No CPA Case Inclusion criteria
1 CPA Case I Table 2: General eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion
Table 3: Applicability criteria for AMS I.A
2 CPA Case II Table 2: General eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion
Table 4: Applicability criteria for AMS I.B
3 CPA Case III Table 2: General eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion
Table 5: Applicability criteria for AMS I.D
4 CPA Case IV Table 2: General eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion
Table 3: Applicability criteria for AMS I.A
Table 4: Applicability criteria for AMS I.B

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Table 2: General eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion

Eligibility criteria as per the
required in “Standard for
demonstration of additionality, Evidence used by CPA for
The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included in the
No. development of eligibility criteria demonstrating compliance
and application of multiple
methodologies for programme of
The geographical boundary of the
All the installations in the CPA shall be located within  Project proposal/report or
CPA including any time-induced  GPS coordinates or
the geographical boundary of Cambodia. Location of
(a) boundary consistent with the
geographical boundary set in the
mitigation measure to be checked by the CME at the  Map or address
time of inclusion of CPA.
1. A unique identifier such as location is attached to  User details (i.e. name, address)
each unit enrolled in the CPA so there is no double  Contract or MOU between CPA
counting in the PoA. Each unit shall be given with a Implementer and Nexus that
code such as: appoint Nexus as the CME.
CPA-AAA-BBB-CCC  Individual project system/unit is
In which: identifiable by:
AAA is the CPA number o Unit code recorded in a database
BBB is the plant number o Its precise location recorded in the
Conditions that avoid double
CCC is the unit number in the plant BBB database
counting of emission reductions like
(b) unique identifications of product and 2. Prior to registering a new CPA within the proposed
end-user locations (e.g. programme PoA, the CME will check the
logo); CDM/Goldstandard/VCS and other carbon
standards project database to establish whether the
proposed CPA is developed as another project
activity or CPA/VPA of another PoA. This search will
cover registered project activities, project activities
requesting registration, project activities under
review, project under validation and project activities
for which either a review or corrections have been
requested. The process of checking will be repeated
by the DOE responsible for registering new CPA

Version 04.0 Page 11 of 140

under the proposed PoA. If the CPA was already
commissioned, the financial report of CPA
implementer could be further checked to make sure
that there is not any other carbon revenue besides
the carbon revenue under the proposed PoA.
For CPA Case I: The gasification units could utilize the  Equipment contracts
biomass residues (Rice husk and/or others residues) to  Technical specification from the
produce the syngas which would be consumed in the supplier to make sure that the
generator for electricity generation. All equipment would equipment could deliver the energy
be purchased from a well-known supplier. The output at same type and level as
gasification equipment could be WBG or CBG series or the baseline scenario.
equivalent 6 . Besides all equipment are needed to be
test before operation.  Testing report to be provided
before verification period.
For CPA Case II: The gasification units could utilize the
rice husk to produce the syngas which would be
consumed in the engine for driving the rice machine. All
The specifications of equipment would be purchased from a well-known
technology/measure including the supplier. The gasification equipment could be FBG or
level and type of service, CBG series or equivalent 7. Besides all equipment are
performance specifications needed to be test before operation.
including compliance with
For CPA Case III: The boiler could utilize the biomass
residues and/or woody biomass and/or non-woody
biomass to produce the steam at high pressure for
driving the steam turbine and the generator for
electricity generation. The generated electricity would
be supplied to the national grid. All equipment would be
purchased from a well-known supplier. Besides all
equipment are needed to be test before operation.
For CPA Case IV: The gasification units could utilize
the biomass residues (Rice husk and/or others
residues) to produce the syngas which would be

The WBG Series use Firewood, Wood Waste, Branches/ twigs or Coconut Shells; the FBG Series use Rice Husk, Threshed Mustard Stalks, Soya and the COMBO Series can work
on any of the above fuels. Please find detail in
The WBG Series use Firewood, Wood Waste, Branches/ twigs or Coconut Shells; the FBG Series use Rice Husk, Threshed Mustard Stalks, Soya and the COMBO Series can work
on any of the above fuels. Please find detail in

Version 04.0 Page 12 of 140

consumed in the engine or generator for driving the rice
machine or generating electricity. All equipment would
be purchased from a well-known supplier. The
gasification equipment could be FBG, WBG or CBG
series or equivalent8. Besides all equipment are needed
to be test before operation.

The CME shall check the date of the placement of the The date at which the order for the first
Conditions to check the start date of first work order with respect to the installation of any project unit/system in the CPA is placed
(d) the CPA through documentary mitigation measure in the CPA, which shall be after (equipment contract)
evidence; 30/09/20139 and earlier than the end date of the PoA
(28 years from the date of registration).
Conditions that ensure compliance Evidences will be checked base on applied
with applicability and other Each CPA shall satisfy the applicability criteria of its methodology(ies) in the table(s) 3, 4 and 5
requirements of single or multiple specific CPA Case of the PoA DD where applicable.
methodologies applied by CPAs;
 Project description that total capacity is
The conditions that ensure that  Total capacity of mitigation measure in any CPA equal or less than 5MW.
CPAs meet the requirements
(f) shall be less than or equal to 5 MW.  Equipment contracts of all units in CPA
pertaining to the demonstration of
additionality  All mitigation measure will be located in Cambodia. if available for cross checking
 GPS locations of units.
The local stakeholder consultation meeting shall be LSC at CPA level is conducted before
conducted for each CPA at the time of inclusion. The submitting to CPA inclusion?
CME shall verify all the documents related to ☐ Yes
The PoA-specific requirements
stakeholder consultation meeting and the solicitation of ☐ No
stipulated by the CME including any
the comments received from the stakeholder meetings
(g) conditions related to undertaking All comments received for the CPA were
will be described in section C of the specific CPA DD.
local stakeholder consultations and considered by the CPA implementer?
environmental impact analysis; The EIA requirement and Environment Management
☐ Yes
Plan for each CPA shall be checked as per the
prevailing host party laws. If license is required by the ☐ No
law, the CPA Implementer is requested to provide for

The WBG Series use Firewood, Wood Waste, Branches/ twigs or Coconut Shells; the FBG Series use Rice Husk, Threshed Mustard Stalks, Soya and the COMBO Series can work
on any of the above fuels. Please find detail in
Start date of the PoA is 30/09/2013

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CPA inclusion. In case license is not required, the The EIA report is required by the host
monitoring result on emission should be recorded and country?
maintained regularly. All monitoring results shall be ☐Yes
forwarded to the local authority. In the case of abnormal
monitoring results, the local authority shall be informed ☐ No
immediately of the results and of the corrective action If EIA is NOT required by the host country,
taken or intended to be taken to reduce emissions. an analysis of the environmental impacts
Besides, specifically for gasification system, currently shall be conducted.
the national standard are being developed10. When it is ☐Yes
approved by the government, the CPA Implementer ☐ No
must follow in order to be included in the PoA.
Are mitigation actions provided:
☐ No

Summary of the analysis and reference

shall be provided
 In case Party providing ODA involves, confirmation  ODA confirmation from CPA
letter from Annex I party or funding agreement need implementer
to be provided to prove that funding to the CPA  ODA confirmation from Annex I
Conditions to provide an affirmation does not result in a diversion of official development party(ies) or funding agreement if
that funding from Annex I parties, if assistance. applicable.
any, does not result in a diversion of  In case no ODA is involved or Party providing ODA
official development assistance; does not involve the PoA, confirmation letter from
CPA implementing entity that the CPA has not
received funding or included involvement of Annex I


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Project description for purpose of CPA
Where applicable, target group (e.g.
Every CPA shall ensure that all mitigation measure
displace the use of fossil fuels to generate mechanical
(i) rural/urban, grid connected/ off-grid)
or electrical energy, and that the generated energy is
and distribution mechanisms (e.g.
used in a commercial, domestic or industrial context
direct installation);

Where applicable, the conditions Monitoring plan for specific CPA

related to sampling requirements for
a PoA in accordance with the Sampling requirement is not required as each unit will
approved guidelines/standard from be monitored directly.
the Board pertaining to sampling
and surveys

Where applicable, the conditions

that ensure that every CPA in  Project description that total capacity is
aggregate meets the small-scale or The CPA must not exceed the micro-scale threshold in equal or less than 5MW.
(k) micro-scale threshold criteria and respect to installed capacity at any time during the  Equipment contracts of all units in CPA
remains within those thresholds lifetime of the CPA. if available for cross checking
throughout the crediting period of
the CPA;

Debundling check carried out in line with the latest Address of installation
approved version of the “Methodological tool: Name of the unit owner
Assessment of debundling for small-scale project
Equipment contract for each unit.
activities” (version 04.0 EB 83, Annex 13 or the latest
applicable version at time of inclusion). CME will check
Where applicable, the requirements
for the debundling check, in case For the purposes of registration of a Programme of
CPAs belong to small-scale (SSC) Activities (PoA), a proposed small-scale CPA of a PoA
or micro-scale project categories. shall be deemed to be a de-bundled component of a
large scale activity if there is already an activity, which
satisfies both conditions (a) and (b) below:
(a) Has the same activity implementer as the proposed
small scale CPA or has a coordinating or managing
entity, which also manages a large scale PoA of the
same technology/measure, and;

Version 04.0 Page 15 of 140

(b) The boundary is within 1 km of the boundary of the
proposed small-scale CPA, at the closest point.

If a proposed small-scale CPA of a PoA is deemed to

be a debundled component in accordance with
paragraph 2 above, but the total size of such a CPA
combined with a registered small-scale CPA of a PoA
or a registered CDM project activity does not exceed
the limits for small-scale CDM and small-scale A/R
project activities as set out in Annex II of the decision
4/CMP.1 8 and 5/CMP.1 respectively, the CPA of a
PoA can qualify to use simplified modalities and
procedures for small-scale CDM and small-scale A/R
CDM project activities.

If each of the independent subsystems/measures (e.g.,

biogas digester, solar home system) included in the
CPA of a PoA is no larger than 1% of the small-scale
thresholds defined by the methodology applied, then
that CPA of PoA is exempted from performing de-
bundling check i.e., considering as not being a de-
bundled component of a large scale activity
Assessment of sources of biomass in
In the case of project activities and accordance with CDM definition of
PoAs using biomass, emission
Project participants and coordinating/managing entities renewable biomass
(m) reductions may only be accounted
shall refer to the “Definition of Renewable Biomass”.
for the combustion of “renewable

Leakage assessment in section D.6 of the

Project participants and coordinating/managing entities
For leakage in project activities and
(n) shall refer to the “General guidance on leakage in
PoAs using biomass
biomass project activities”.

Version 04.0 Page 16 of 140

Assessment on sources of used biomass.
Biomass agricultural residues (wood, wood product,
Biomass agricultural residues
straw) used in case of project activities and PoAs for
(o) (wood, wood product, straw) for
energy purposes, shall not be stored longer than one
energy purposes
year before they are used.

Contract, MOU between CPA Implementer

and Nexus or letter from CPA Implementer
that appoint Nexus as the CME and have
(p) Carbon credit ownership CME shall have the right to the carbon credit the right to the carbon credit.

Assessment on sources of used biomass.

The used biomass in the proposed PoA are renewable
biomass which fulfill the criteria (b), (c), (d), (e) of the
(q) Type of used renewable biomass
renewable biomass definition in CDM glossary term,
version 08.0

The applicability criteria for AMS I.A are discussed below:

Table 3: Applicability criteria for AMS I.A

The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included in Evidence used by CPA for
No Applicability Criteria
the PoA demonstrating compliance
This category comprises renewable The CPAs in this proposed PoA shall install the
electricity generation units that gasification units using renewable biomass for  Grid connection report at project
1. supply individual households/users or supplying electricity to the individual household, users location
groups of households/users included that do not have grid connection or the group of
 Equipment contracts
in the project boundary. The households or users who are supplied electricity
applicability is limited to individual through a standalone mini-grid powered by renewable

Version 04.0 Page 17 of 140

households and users that do not energy generation unit(s) where the capacity of the
have a grid 11 connection except generating units does not exceed 5 MW (i.e. the sum
when: of installed capacities of all renewable energy
(a) A group of households or generators connected to the mini-grid is less than or
users are supplied electricity through equal to 5 MW) e.g. a community based stand-alone
a standalone mini-grid12 powered by off-the-grid renewable electricity systems;
renewable energy generation unit(s)
where the capacity of the generating
units does not exceed 15 MW (i.e.
the sum of installed capacities of all
renewable energy generators
connected to the mini-grid is less
than 15 MW) e.g. a community
based stand-alone off-the-grid
renewable electricity systems; or
(b) The emissions reduction per
renewable energy based lighting
system is less than 5 tonnes of CO2e
a year and where it can be shown
that fossil fuel would have been used
in the absence of the project activity
 A representative sample
survey (90% confidence interval,
10% error margin) of target
households; or
 Official statistics from the
host country government agencies;
(c) A group of households or
users are connected to a grid prior to
the start date of the project activity
(or the start date of validation with
due justification), however the

National/regional grid.
Not connected to a national/regional grid.

Version 04.0 Page 18 of 140

electricity from the grid is available
for the households and users for less
than 36 hours in any given calendar
month during the crediting period. If
based on actual monitoring it can be
demonstrated that during a specific
month the power supply from the grid
to the households and users is for
less than 36 hours, emission
reductions can be calculated for that
specific month. The methodology is
not applicable in cases where, the
project activity plant, which supplies
electricity to this category of users, is
connected to the grid at any time
during the crediting period.
The renewable energy generation
units include technologies such as
solar, hydro, wind, biomass
gasification and other technologies
that produce electricity all of which is
used on-site/locally by the user, e.g.
solar home systems, wind battery
chargers. The renewable generating
units may be new installations
(Greenfield) or replace existing onsite
fossil-fuel-fired generation. To qualify
as a small-scale project, the total
output of the unit(s) shall not exceed
the limit of 15 MW
Hydro power plants with reservoirs
that satisfy at least one of the
following conditions are eligible to
2. apply this methodology: Not applicable. Not required
 The project activity is
implemented in an existing reservoir
with no change in the volume of

Version 04.0 Page 19 of 140

 The project activity is
implemented in an existing
reservoir, where the volume of
reservoir is increased and the power
density of the project activity, as per
definitions given in the project
emissions section, is greater than 4
The project activity results in new
reservoirs and the power density of
the power plant, as per definitions
given in the project emissions
section, is greater than 4 W/m2
Combined heat and power
Not applicable as the CPAs do not involve a combined
3. (cogeneration) systems are not Not required
heat and power (cogeneration) system.
eligible under this category.
If the unit added has both renewable
and non-renewable components (e.g.
a wind/diesel unit), the eligibility limit
of 15 MW for a small-scale CDM
The total capacity of renewable units or co-fired
4. project activity applies only to the Equipment contracts
systems will be less than 5 MW
renewable component. If the unit
added co-fires fossil fuel, the
capacity of the entire unit shall not
exceed the limit of 15 MW.
Project activities that involve retrofit
or replacement of an existing facility
for renewable energy generation are
In the case of retrofit or replacement, the total output of
included in this category. To qualify
5. the retrofitted or replacement unit will not exceed the Equipment contracts
as a small-scale project, the total
limit of 5 MW.
output of the modified or retrofitted
unit shall not exceed the limit of
15 MW.
In the case of project activities that The total capacity of the added units will be lower than
6. Equipment contracts
involve the addition of renewable 5 MW and physically distinct from the existing units;

Version 04.0 Page 20 of 140

energy generation units at an existing Project layout
renewable power generation facility,
the added capacity of the units added
by the project should be lower than
15 MW and should be physically
distinct13 from the existing units.
In the specific case of biomass
project activities, the multiple types of
biomass, i.e. biomass residues and
biomass from dedicated plantations
can be used for a PoA, provided all
a. The used biomass for the proposed PoA is
the other requirements in the
biomass residues. Only leakage for “Competing
methodology such as: (a) leakage
use of biomass” needs to be considered
emissions in case of biomass
according to the “General guidance on leakage
7. residues following the general Biomass resource assessment
in biomass project activities”, EB47, Annex 28.
guidance for leakage in small-scale
b. The used biomass for the proposed PoA is
biomass project activities
biomass residues therefore this criterion is not
(attachment C of Appendix B; 14 and
(b) consistency with AM0042 “Grid-
connected electricity generation
using biomass from newly developed
dedicated plantations” in case of
dedicated plantation are satisfied.

The applicability criteria for AMS I.B are discussed below:

Table 4: Applicability criteria for AMS I.B

No Applicability Criteria The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included in Evidence used by CPA for

Physically distinct units are those that are capable of generating electricity without the operation of existing units, and that do not directly affect the mechanical, thermal, or electrical
characteristics of the existing facility. For example, the replacement of the nacelle assembly or blades of a wind battery charger would not be considered “physically distinct”.
Available on <>.

Version 04.0 Page 21 of 140

the PoA demonstrating compliance
The proposed CPA shall install units using renewable
The methodology comprises biomass and engines which consuming the syngas
renewable energy generation units from gasification units for supplying mechanical energy Equipment contract
1. that supply individual or groups of to users which otherwise would have been supplied
households or users with mechanical Project proposal
with fossil fuel based energy.

The renewable energy generation

units include technologies such as
hydropower, wind power, renewable-
biomass based energy generation
and other technologies that provide
mechanical energy (with or without The proposed CPA will install the new gasification Equipment contract
electrical energy), all of which is used system for driving rice mill engine. Project proposal
on-site by the individual household(s)
or user(s), such as wind-powered
pumps, solar water pumps, water
mills, agro processing mills and wind
3. The methodology is applicable
To replacement or retrofitting of
a. Not applicable Not required
existing facilities;
To greenfield facilities or project
b. The proposed CPA includes greenfield facilities. Equipment contracts
activities involving capacity additions;
Where generation capacity is
specified, it shall be less than 15
MW. If the generation capacity is not
specified, the estimated diesel-based
electricity generating capacity that
would be required to provide the Equipment contracts
c. The total installed capacity shall be less than 5 MW
same service or mechanical energy Project proposal
shall be less than 15 MW. In the case
of irrigation where diesel-fuelled
pumps are used directly, the
cumulative rating of diesel-fuelled
pumps shall not exceed 15 MW. The

Version 04.0 Page 22 of 140

size of a diesel-based generator or a
diesel pump that would be required
shall be justified;
For irrigation applications involving Not applicable
replacement of the pump in addition
to renewable energy use, the
operating characteristics (head v/s
discharge and efficiency) of the new
pump should be similar to or better
d. than the system being replaced or Not required
would have been replaced. In
irrigation applications where the
water distribution system is replaced
or modified, the new system should
have distribution efficiency similar to
or better than the replaced system;
If the project equipment includes The total capacity of renewable units or co-fired
renewable units and diesel fired units systems shall be less than 5 MW
(e.g. a wind/diesel unit), the eligibility
limit of 15 MW for a small-scale CDM
project activity applies only to the
renewable units. For co-fired Equipment contracts
systems, 15 the total installed Project proposal
mechanical energy generation
capacity of the project equipment,
when using both fossil and
renewable fuel, shall not exceed 15
In the case of project activities that Not applicable
involve the addition of renewable
f. energy generation units at an existing Not required
renewable power generation facility,
the added capacity of the units added
by the project should be lower than

Version 04.0 Page 23 of 140

15 MW and should be physically
distinct from the existing units;
In the case of retrofit or replacement, The total capacity of retrofitted or replacement units
to qualify as a small-scale project, shall be less than 5 MW Equipment contracts
g. the total output of the retrofitted or
replacement unit shall not exceed the Project proposal
limit of 15 MW.
In case biomass is sourced from The consumed biomass will be rice husk so it is not
dedicated plantations, the sourced from dedicated plantations so this criteria is
4. applicability criteria in the tool not applicable. Not required
“Project and leakage emissions from
biomass” shall apply
The methodology is applicable to a The used biomass for the proposed PoA is biomass
programme of activities, no additional residues. Only leakage for “Competing use of
leakage estimations are necessary biomass” needs to be considered according to the
5. Biomass resource assessment
other than that indicated under “General guidance on leakage in biomass project
leakage section above. activities”, EB47, Annex 28.

The applicability criteria for AMS I.D are discussed below:

Table 5: Applicability criteria for AMS I.D

The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included in Evidence used by CPA for
No Applicability Criteria
the PoA demonstrating compliance
This methodology comprises
renewable energy generation units,
such as photovoltaic, hydro,
tidal/wave, wind, geothermal and The proposed CPA includes a renewable biomass
Equipment contracts
1. renewable biomass: based power plant which supplying electricity to the
grid. Project proposal
a. Supplying electricity to a national
or a regional grid; or
b. Supplying electricity to an

Version 04.0 Page 24 of 140

identified consumer facility via
national/regional grid through a
contractual arrangement such as

This methodology is applicable to

project activities that:
a. Install a Greenfield plant;
b. Involve a capacity addition in (an)
existing plant(s); The power plant included in the proposed CPA is a Equipment contracts
c. Involve a retrofit of (an) existing Greenfield plant. Project proposal
d. Involve a rehabilitation of (an)
existing plant(s)/unit(s); or
e. Involve a replacement of (an)
existing plant(s).

Hydro power plants with reservoirs

that satisfy at least one of the
following conditions are eligible to
apply this methodology:
a. The project activity is
implemented in an existing
reservoir with no change in the Not applicable as the proposed CPA will not include
3. Not required
volume of reservoir; hydropower plant
b. The project activity is
implemented in an existing
reservoir, where the volume of
reservoir is increased and the
power density of the project
activity, as per definitions given in
the project emissions section, is

Version 04.0 Page 25 of 140

greater than 4 W/m2;
c. The project activity results in new
reservoirs and the power density
of the power plant, as per
definitions given in the project
emissions section, is greater than
4 W/m2.
If the new unit has both renewable
and non-renewable components (e.g.
a wind/diesel unit), the eligibility limit
of 15 MW for a small-scale CDM Equipment contracts
The total capacity of the proposed CPA will be less
4. project activity applies only to the
than 5 MW. Project proposal
renewable component. If the new unit
co-fires fossil fuel, the capacity of the
entire unit shall not exceed the limit
of 15 MW.
Combined heat and power (co- Equipment contracts
The proposed CPA is an electricity generation power
5. generation) systems are not eligible
plant. Project proposal
under this category.
In the case of project activities that
involve the capacity addition of
renewable energy generation units at
an existing renewable power
Not applicable. The power plant included in the
6. generation facility, the added Not required
proposed CPA is a Greenfield plant.
capacity of the units added by the
project should be lower than 15 MW
and should be physically distinct 16
from the existing units.
In the case of retrofit, rehabilitation or
replacement, to qualify as a small- Not applicable. The power plant included in the
7. scale project, the total output of the Not required
proposed CPA is a Greenfield plant.
retrofitted, rehabilitated or
replacement power plant/unit shall

Physically distinct units are those that are capable of generating electricity without the operation of existing units, and that do not directly affect the mechanical, thermal, or electrical
characteristics of the existing facility. For example, the addition of a steam turbine to an existing combustion turbine to create a combined cycle unit would not be considered
“physically distinct”.

Version 04.0 Page 26 of 140

not exceed the limit of 15 MW.
In the case of landfill gas, waste gas,
wastewater treatment and agro-
industries projects, recovered
methane emissions are eligible under
a relevant Type III category. If the
recovered methane is used for
electricity generation for supply to a
grid then the baseline for the
8. electricity component shall be in Not applicable. Not required
accordance with procedure
prescribed under this methodology. If
the recovered methane is used for
heat generation or cogeneration
other applicable Type-I
methodologies such as “AMS-I.C.:
Thermal energy production with or
without electricity” shall be explored.
In case biomass is sourced from
dedicated plantations, the In case biomass is sourced from dedicated plantations, Project proposal
9. applicability criteria in the tool the applicability criteria in the tool “Project and leakage
“Project and leakage emissions from emissions from biomass” will be applied Biomass source assessment
biomass” shall apply

Version 04.0 Page 27 of 140


B.3. Application of technologies/measures and methodologies

As described in section A.6 above, the PoA is applicable for the following methodologies:
 AMS-I.A, version 16: Electricity generation by the user;
 AMS-I.B, version 12: Mechanical energy for the user with or without electrical energy;
 AMS-I.D. Version 18: Grid connected renewable electricity generation

The proposed PoA includes 4 generic CPAs which are:

 CPA which applies methodology AMS I.A only (CPA Case I: electricity generation to users)
 CPA which applies methodology AMS I.B only (CPA Case II: mechanical energy to users)
 CPA which applies methodology AMS I.D only (CPA Case III: electricity supplies to the
 CPA which applies methodology AMS I.A and AMS I.B (CPA Case IV: electricity generation
and mechanical energy to users)

B.4. Date of completion of application of methodology and standardized baseline and

contact information of responsible person(s)/ entity(ies)
Date: 21/08/2015
The responsible entity:
Nexus Carbon for Development Ltd
Address: #33 Sothearos boulevard, P.O. Box 956, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The responsible person:

Ha Hoang Thanh
Technical Manager

SECTION C. Management system

The operational and management arrangements established by the CME for the implementation of
the PoA are as per “Standard for demonstration of additionality, development of eligibility criteria
and application of multiple methodologies for programme of activities”, EB 74 annex 5. The
operational & management arrangement under the PoA is as discussed below:
Roles and responsibilities of personnel involved in the process of inclusion of CPAs,
including a review of their competencies:
Nexus as the CME of this proposed PoA shall provide the necessary managerial, technical, legal,
communication and administrative functions to operate and manage the PoA, including the process
of inclusion of CPAs. Nexus will assign staff as the Programme Manager who has overall
responsibility for the management of the CME. Programme Managers will contact CPA
Implementers directly for collecting CPA information for technical training, inclusion as well as
monitoring. Besides, there will be staff working as an internal auditor to check all the processes
and to support the Management representative.
The figure below illustrates how the management system is organized.

Version 04.0 Page 28 of 140


Technical Director  re

Programme  L
Legal and Fina
ance, Marketing, 
nal audit
Manager Business Develo
opment Mana agers


Implementter(s) 1 Im
mplementer(s)) 2 Imp
plementer(s) ***


CPA unit  CPA unit 

Figure 7:
7 Managem
ment struc

Roles and responsibility of perso

on are in the
e below table:

Table 6:: Roles and

d responsibility

No Posittion in PoA
A Tasks
Mana Central point of con
ntact, inform
mation and overall
o conttrol for the
esentative system
Regularrly check thee process and
a provide an indepen ndent assurrance
service to the Mana agement Reepresentativ
ve, focusing
g on review
2 Intern
nal audit
the effecctiveness of
o the implem
menting andd monitoring
g procedurees has
put into place.

• Technical review for PoA DD D, first CPA DD, generic CPA DD, Excel
Techn nical calculations.
er • Inclusiion of CPA
• Monitooring report,, ER calcula

Version 04
4.0 Page 29 of 140

• Overall management of the Programme

• Regularly contacting CPA implementer
• Check CPA inclusion criteria
• Writing CPA DD, PoA DD
4 • Maintaining PoA database
• Writing MR
• Contacting DOE
• Conduct site visit
• Coordinate with other parties

• Promoting the Programme

Business • Maintain relationship with currents CPAI
5 development • Seeking for new CPA, CPAIs
manager • Prepare the contract with new CPA, CPAIs
• Establish the incentives structure among the parties within the PoA.

Marketing • Contacting potential Buyers/donors

Manager • Selling credits from the PoA.

Legal and
• Review all legal documents with the CME.
7 Finance
• Facilitate the transportation for site visit.
CPA Implement the CPA
Implementer Monitoring and reporting procedure
9 Supplier Provide technical equipment and training

CME database management system

The CME will establish and maintain an extensive database (a record keeping system for each
CPA under the PoA). This database will include all enrolled installations wherein the following data
will be recorded:
 Date of CPA inclusion
 Installation date of each unit in CPA
 Number of installed units
 Type of technology of installed units
 Manufacturer of installed units
 Model of installed units
 Serial number of installed units if applicable
 Installation addresses/locations
 Owners details
 Installed capacity of installed units
The data included in the database will be sourced from documents completed by installers,
manufacturers/agents, intermediaries and end-users as well as CME management and monitoring
activities. These data will be reviewed to ensure completeness, validity and accuracy. No units will
be included in the PoA unless all required documentation has been completed correctly.
For each monitoring period the coordinating entity will produce a monitoring report for the DOE to
verify the information related to the emission reductions contained in the CPA. PoA record keeping

Version 04.0 Page 30 of 140

procedures will prevent double counting across CPAs. These procedures will include cross
checking of unique identifiers (such as GPS coordinate, address and CPA code as mentioned in
the item (b) of CPA inclusion criteria) on enrolled equipment throughout the database to ensure
that the equipment has not been included more than once in the database.
Verification of each CPA will occur at the end of each monitoring period. Appropriate record
keeping procedures will be implemented to ensure that each monitoring period data set can be
transparently attributed to its corresponding CPA, preventing any occurrences of double counting.
An audit of the project data base will be able to determine the current status of each CPA – the
duration of previous monitoring periods, the households and sample groups delivering monitoring
data, and current verification activities.

Records of arrangements for training and capacity development for personnel;

After registration of the PoA and before inclusion of any future CPA, CME will provide training for
the CPA implementers about:
 Understanding about the proposed programme
 Criteria for CPA inclusion
 Data and documents to be collect for inclusion as well as monitoring.
 Regularly report to CME.
The CME will ensure training record will be kept and made available to the DOE at the time of CPA

Procedure for inclusion of future CPA

As per the standard referred for the development of the PoA DD, a system shall be established to
ensure organized process of CPA inclusion after the registration of the PoA. The following
procedure below covers the process for the CPA inclusion by the CME:
 The programme idea and technology will be introduced to the Business Development Manager
as well as the checklist form of CPA inclusion.
 The Business Development Manager will send the project owner (CPA implementer) the form
to fill in
 Programme Manager receives CPA filled information forms
 Check the CPA with the inclusion criteria.
 Contact PO in case there any request for clarification
 Programme Manager delivers the Final CPA inclusion checklist
 Programme Manager sends the Final CPA inclusion checklist to Technical Director for
 Programme Manager sends internal request for inclusion form to Management Representative
 Decision is made by Management Representative
 Programme Manager sends list of requested document to PO
 Programme Manager creates the CPA DD from the Generic CPA DD and ER calculation sheet.
 Programme Manager sends CPA DD and ER calculation sheet to Technical Director for
 Programme Manager contact DOE for CPA inclusion
 Listed in UNFCCC website

Procedure to avoid double accounting

In order to avoid double accounting, each unit to be installed in each CPA will have a unique
identification based on the following:
 CPA no
 Location details

Version 04.0 Page 31 of 140

 Geographical co-ordinates
 Type of technology used
This information will be check against the PoA Database as well as website of UNFCCC to ensure
that no emission reduction benefit from the PoA shall be claimed by it through any standalone
project or through bundle or as to CPA to any other PoA.

De-bundling checks
For the purposes of registration of this proposed Programme of Activities (PoA), the CME will
check whether there is already an activity, 17 which satisfies both conditions (a) and (b) below:
(a) Has the same activity implementer as the proposed small scale CPA or has a coordinating or
managing entity, which also manages a large scale PoA of the same technology/measure, and;
(b) The boundary is within 1 km of the boundary of the proposed small-scale CPA, at the closest
If all of gasification units included in the CPA of a PoA is equal or less than 1% of the small-scale
thresholds defined by the methodology applied (150 kW), then that CPA of PoA is exempted from
performing de-bundling check i.e., considering as not being a de-bundled component of a large
scale activity.

Quality Assurance Measures

 All monitored data shall be kept in the PoA database for each monitoring period.
 Technical director shall cross-check all the recorded data with the PoA database for
 The PoA database shall be stored in Nexus’ server which will be regularly backed up to
ensure data safety
 All the data shall be kept for 2 years after the crediting period

Measures for continuous improvements of the PoA management system

The CME has developed management system which clearly defines the CPA inclusion criterions,
monitoring structure, data recording system, and roles and responsibilities of the Director,
Programme Manager and the CPA implementer etc.
The length of the PoA being 28 years, the CME finds it appropriate to review the PoA management
system frequently and take measures for improvement in the system. The following are the few
steps adopted by the CME to establish measures for further improvement in the management
 Necessary information and training to the CPA implementers to improve the monitoring
process as required by the PoA.
 Ensure that the persons that participate in the actual monitoring process for the CPA will be
suitably qualified and trained.
 Updating the monitoring or measurement procedures at the time of revision in the actual
 Conduct internal meeting and workshops for the management of the CPAs
Quality control improvement
The CME shall also continually improve the effectiveness of the quality control system by:
 Communicating to staff the importance of meeting statutory and regulatory requirements
 Ensuring that quality objectives are established and putting in place more stringent
procedures as required

Which may be a (i) registered small-scale CPA of a PoA,(ii) an application to register another small-scale CPA of a
PoA or (iii) another registered CDM project activity.

Version 04.0 Page 32 of 140

 Conducting management reviews annually
 Ensuring the availability of human resources

Internal audit
Annually, the person in charge of internal audit will check the process and provide an independent
assurance service to the Director, focusing on reviewing the effectiveness of the implementing and
monitoring procedures has put into place.

SECTION D. Duration of PoA

D.1. Start date of the PoA

The start date of PoA is 30/09/2013 as it is the date notification of the intention to seek the carbon
finance status by the coordinating/managing entity to the secretariat and the DNA.18

D.2. Duration of the PoA

28 years 0 months

SECTION E. Environmental impacts

E.1. Level at which environmental analysis is undertaken

Environmental Analysis, including an Environmental Impact Assessment if required by the host
country for that specific type of CPA, will be done at the CPA level because each individual
renewable energy project (CPA) is expected to have different local impacts and environmental
regulations will be different depending on the location and type of project to be implemented.

E.2. Analysis of the environmental impacts

Not applicable. Environmental analysis is carried out at the CPA level.

SECTION F. Local stakeholder consultation

F.1. Solicitation of comments from local stakeholders

The stakeholder consultations are held at CPA level, because of the different circumstances and
conditions of every social environment in which each SSC-CPA is located.
There has been not any comment from local stakeholders that were submitted to the DNA of the
host party (Cambodia).

F.2. Summary of comments received

Not applicable. Stakeholder consultation is done at the CPA level.
There has been not any comment from local stakeholders that were forwarded by the DNA of the
host party (Cambodia).

Start date of the PoA is 30/09/2013

Version 04.0 Page 33 of 140

F.3. Report on consideration of comments received
Not applicable. Stakeholder consultation is done at the CPA level.
There has been not any comment nor complaint from local stakeholders that were forwarded by
the DNA of the host party (Cambodia).

SECTION G. Approval and authorization

The letter of approval and authorization will be submitted before submitting for registration.

Version 04.0 Page 34 of 140

PART II. Generic component project activity (CPA)

SECTION A. General description of a generic CPA

A.1. Purpose and general description of generic CPAs

CPA which applies methodology AMS I.A only (CPA Case I: electricity generation to users)
The Waste to energy using biomass Gasification in South East Asia LDCs programme of activities
CPA-[INSERT NUMBER] (hereafter referred as “proposed CPA”) is being implemented by
[INSERT DESCRIPTION] (hereafter referred as “[INSERT DESCRIPTION]”) under the PoA by the
CME Nexus Carbon for Development Ltd (hereafter referred as “Nexus”). Under this CPA,
[INSERT DESCRIPTION] plans to install and operate [INSERT NUMBER] biomass gasification
units in [INSERT DESCRIPTION]. The total capacity of the gasification units is [INSERT NUMBER]
MW which is less than 5 MW. The gasification equipment could be WBG or CBG series or
equivalent 19.
These units shall provide electricity energy to [INSERT DESCRIPTION] which will otherwise use
diesel powered systems to generate electricity. Therefore, in this proposed CPA the diesel
powered systems are replaced by a gasification unit to generate electricity.


Rice husk

Figure 8: Baseline and project scenarios

SECTION B. Application of a baseline and monitoring methodology and standardized


B.1. Reference of methodology(ies) and standardized baseline(s)

Details of the baseline and monitoring methodology applied in the proposed CPA are provided
Title: AMS-I.A, version 16: Electricity generation by the user ,
Methodological tool: Demonstration additionality of microscale project activity, version 07.0, EB86,
Annex 14.
“Methodological tool: Assessment of debundling for small-scale project activities” version 04.0 EB
83, Annex 13.

The WBG Series use Firewood, Wood Waste, Branches/ twigs or Coconut Shells; the FBG Series use Rice Husk,
Threshed Mustard Stalks, Soya and the COMBO Series can work on any of the above fuels. Please find detail in

Version 04.0 Page 35 of 140

General Guidelines to SSC CDM Methodologies, version 22 EB86, Annex 13.

B.2. Applicability of methodology(ies) and standardized baseline(s)

The applicability of the methodology has been checked for the proposed CPA against all the
applicability conditions specified in the baseline and monitoring methodology AMS-I.A, version 16.
The applicability has been demonstrated in section B.5.
The proposed CPA is a Type I project, as it is involved generation of electricity using renewable
energy. This fundamental objective of the CPA shall remain consistent throughout the crediting
period of the CPA. Thus, the proposed CPA will be a Type I activity for its entire crediting period.

B.3. Sources and GHGs

In accordance with the PoA DD, the sources and the GHGs included in the CPA boundary are
presented in the table below:

Table 7: GHG Emission sources included in the project boundary

Justification /
Source GHG Included?
Major source of GHG
CO2 Yes

Emissions from diesel Excluded for

CH4 No
consumption conservative
Excluded for
N2O No
Major source of GHG
CO2 Yes
CO2 emissions from Excluded according to
CH4 No
Project activity

consumption of diesel; the applied methodology

Excluded according to
N2O No
the applied methodology
CO2 Yes Included
Excluded according to
Leakage from using CH4 No
the applied methodology
Excluded according to
N2O No
the applied methodology

The physical, geographical site of the renewable energy generating unit and the equipment that
uses the electricity produced delineates the CPA boundary as in the figure below. The generation
units present in the proposed CPA are all located in Cambodia therefore they are within the
boundary of the PoA. This is depicted in the diagrams below.

Please find detail in Section B.6 the leakage assessment.

Version 04.0 Page 36 of 140


Biomass Biomass

Biomass Storage

Gasification units

Filters Generator

CO2 emissions


Figure 9: CPA boundary.

B.4. Description of baseline scenario

According to the methodology AMS I.A, the baseline of the proposed CPA is:
“The energy baseline is the fuel consumption of the technology in use or that would have been
used in the absence of the project activity to generate the equivalent quantity of energy”
Following the EB guidance on the consideration of national and/or sectoral policies and
circumstances in baseline scenarios (EB 22, annex 3), two types of policies E+ and E- have been
(a) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages to more
emissions- intensive technologies or fuels over less emissions-intensive technologies or fuels.
(b) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages to less
emissions- intensive technologies over more emissions-intensive technologies (e.g. public
subsidies to promote the diffusion of renewable energy or to finance energy efficiency programs).
The government of Cambodia had not implemented any such E- policy before the adoption by the
COP of the CDM M&P (decision 17/CP.7, 11 November 2001) as well as E+ policy before the
adoption of the Kyoto Protocol by the Conference of the Parties (decision 1/CP.3, 11 December
1997) 21 . According to “Clean development mechanism project standard” version 09.0, it is not
needed be taken into account in developing a baseline scenario.

Therefore, in the absence of the proposed CPA, the electricity would continue to be generated by
the diesel based generators as in the business as usual scenario. In such scenario GHGs would
be released in the atmosphere as a result of the diesel consumption.
Baseline emissions from electricity generation are calculated based on the amount of diesel used
and the emission factor of diesel. For more details, please refer to the Section B.6.1.

Energy sector in Cambodia https://www.

Version 04.0 Page 37 of 140

B.5. Demonstration of eligibility for a generic CPA
The proposed CPA applies only the methodology AMS I.A (CPA Case I), therefore the eligibility
criteria from the Table 2 and 3 of section B.2, Part I of the PoA DD will be assessed.
The eligibility criteria and reasons displaying eligibility for the inclusion of this proposed CPA in the
PoA are as follows:

Version 04.0 Page 38 of 140


Table 8: General eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion

Eligibility criteria as per the Crit
required in “Standard for eria
demonstration of additionality, Evidence used by CPA for demonstrating met
The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included in
No. development of eligibility criteria compliance ?
the PoA
and application of multiple
methodologies for programme of
The geographical boundary of the
All the installations in the CPA shall be located  Project proposal/report or
CPA including any time-induced  GPS coordinates or Yes
within the geographical boundary of Cambodia.
(a) boundary consistent with the /No/
geographical boundary set in the
Location of mitigation measure to be checked by  Map or address NA
the CME at the time of inclusion of CPA.
1. A unique identifier such as location is attached  User details (i.e. name, address)
to each unit enrolled in the CPA so there is no  Contract or MOU between CPA Yes
double counting in the PoA. Each unit shall be Implementer and Nexus that appoint /No/
given with a code such as: Nexus as the CME. NA
CPA-AAA-BBB-CCC  Individual project system/unit is
In which: identifiable by:
AAA is the CPA number o Unit code recorded in a database
BBB is the plant number o Its precise location recorded in the
Conditions that avoid double
CCC is the unit number in the plant BBB database
counting of emission reductions like
(b) unique identifications of product 2. Prior to registering a new CPA within the
and end-user locations (e.g. proposed PoA, the CME will check the
programme logo); CDM/Goldstandard/VCS and other carbon
standards project database to establish whether
the proposed CPA is developed as another
project activity or CPA/VPA of another PoA.
This search will cover registered project
activities, project activities requesting
registration, project activities under review,
project under validation and project activities for
which either a review or corrections have been
requested. The process of checking will be

Version 04.0 Page 39 of 140

repeated by the DOE responsible for registering
new CPA under the proposed PoA. If the CPA
was already commissioned, the financial report
of CPA implementer could be further checked to
make sure that there is not any other carbon
revenue besides the carbon revenue under the
proposed PoA.
For CPA Case I: The gasification units could utilize  Equipment contracts
the biomass residues (Rice husk and/or others  Technical specification from the Yes
The specifications of residues) to produce the syngas which would be supplier to make sure that the /No/
technology/measure including the consumed in the generator for electricity equipment could deliver the energy NA
level and type of service, generation. All equipment would be purchased from output at same type and level as the
(c) a well-known supplier. The gasification equipment
performance specifications baseline scenario.
including compliance with could be WBG or CBG series or equivalent 22 .
Besides all equipment are needed to be test before  Testing report to be provided before
operation. verification period.

The CME shall check the date of the placement of The date at which the order for the first
Conditions to check the start date the first work order with respect to the installation of project unit/system in the CPA is placed Yes
(d) of the CPA through documentary any mitigation measure in the CPA, which shall be (equipment contract) /No/
evidence; after 30/09/201323 and earlier than the end date of NA
the PoA (28 years from the date of registration).
Conditions that ensure compliance Evidences will be checked base on applied
with applicability and other Each CPA shall satisfy the applicability criteria of its methodology(ies) in the table(s) 3, 4 and 5 of Yes
requirements of single or multiple specific CPA Case the PoA DD where applicable. /No/
methodologies applied by CPAs; NA
 Project description that total capacity is
The conditions that ensure that  Total capacity of mitigation measure in any CPA equal or less than 5MW. Yes
CPAs meet the requirements will be less than 5 MW. /No/
(f)  Equipment contracts of all units in CPA if
pertaining to the demonstration of  All mitigation measure will be located in NA
available for cross checking
additionality Cambodia.
 GPS locations of units

The WBG Series use Firewood, Wood Waste, Branches/ twigs or Coconut Shells; the FBG Series use Rice Husk, Threshed Mustard Stalks, Soya and the COMBO Series can work
on any of the above fuels. Please find detail in
Start date of the PoA is 30/09/2013

Version 04.0 Page 40 of 140

LSC at CPA level is conducted before
submitting to CPA inclusion? Yes
☐ Yes /No/
☐ No NA
All comments received for the CPA were
considered by the CPA implementer?
☐ Yes
☐ No
The local stakeholder consultation meeting shall be
conducted for each CPA at the time of inclusion. The EIA report is required by the host
The PoA-specific requirements The CME shall verify all the documents related to country?
stipulated by the CME including stakeholder consultation meeting and the
solicitation of the comments received from the ☐Yes
any conditions related to
(g) stakeholder meetings will be described in section C ☐ No
undertaking local stakeholder
consultations and environmental of the specific CPA DD. If EIA is NOT required by the host country, an
impact analysis; The EIA requirement and Environment analysis of the environmental impacts shall
Management Plan for each CPA shall be checked be conducted.
as per the prevailing host party laws. ☐Yes
☐ No
Is mitigation actions provided:
☐ No

Summary of the analysis and reference shall

be provided
 In case Party providing ODA involves,  ODA confirmation from CPA implementer
confirmation letter from Annex I party or funding  ODA confirmation from Annex I party(ies) Yes
Conditions to provide an affirmation agreement need to be provided to prove that or funding agreement if applicable. /No/
that funding from Annex I parties, if funding to the CPA does not result in a diversion NA
any, does not result in a diversion of official development assistance.
of official development assistance;  In case no ODA is involved or Party providing
ODA does not involve the PoA, confirmation
letter from CPA implementing entity that the

Version 04.0 Page 41 of 140

CPA has not received funding or included
involvement of Annex I parties.

Where applicable, target group Project description for purpose of CPA

Every CPA shall ensure that all mitigation measure Yes
displace the use of fossil fuels to generate /No/
(i) mechanical or electrical energy, and that the NA
rural/urban, grid connected/ off-
generated energy is used in a commercial,
grid) and distribution mechanisms
domestic or industrial context
(e.g. direct installation);
Where applicable, the conditions Monitoring plan for specific CPA
related to sampling requirements Yes
for a PoA in accordance with the Sampling requirement is not required as each unit /No/
approved guidelines/standard from will be monitored directly. NA
the Board pertaining to sampling
and surveys

Where applicable, the conditions

 Project description that total capacity is Yes
that ensure that every CPA in
equal or less than 5MW. /No/
aggregate meets the small-scale or The CPA must not exceed the micro-scale
(k) micro-scale threshold criteria and threshold in respect to installed capacity at any time  Equipment contracts of all units in CPA if
remains within those thresholds during the lifetime of the CPA. available for cross checking
throughout the crediting period of
the CPA;

Debundling check carried out in line with the latest Address of installation
approved version of the “Methodological tool: Name of the unit owner Yes
Assessment of debundling for small-scale project /No/
Equipment contract for each unit.
activities” (version 04.0 EB 83, Annex 13 or the NA
Where applicable, the requirements latest applicable version at time of inclusion). CME
for the debundling check, in case will check whether:
CPAs belong to small-scale (SSC) For the purposes of registration of a Programme of
or micro-scale project categories. Activities (PoA), a proposed small-scale CPA of a
PoA shall be deemed to be a de-bundled
component of a large scale activity if there is
already an activity, which satisfies both conditions
(a) and (b) below:

Version 04.0 Page 42 of 140

(a) Has the same activity implementer as the
proposed small scale CPA or has a coordinating or
managing entity, which also manages a large scale
PoA of the same technology/measure, and;
(b) The boundary is within 1 km of the boundary of
the proposed small-scale CPA, at the closest point.

If a proposed small-scale CPA of a PoA is deemed

to be a debundled component in accordance with
paragraph 2 above, but the total size of such a CPA
combined with a registered small-scale CPA of a
PoA or a registered CDM project activity does not
exceed the limits for small-scale CDM and small-
scale A/R project activities as set out in Annex II of
the decision 4/CMP.1 8 and 5/CMP.1 respectively,
the CPA of a PoA can qualify to use simplified
modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM and
small-scale A/R CDM project activities.

If each of the independent subsystems/measures

(e.g., biogas digester, solar home system) included
in the CPA of a PoA is no larger than 1% of the
small-scale thresholds defined by the methodology
applied, then that CPA of PoA is exempted from
performing de-bundling check i.e., considering as
not being a de-bundled component of a large scale
Assessment of used biomass
In the case of project activities and Yes
PoAs using biomass, emission Project participants and coordinating/managing /No/
(m) reductions may only be accounted entities shall refer to the “Definition of Renewable NA
for the combustion of “renewable Biomass”.

Version 04.0 Page 43 of 140

Leakage assessment in section D.6 of the
Project participants and coordinating/managing /No/
For leakage in project activities and
(n) entities shall refer to the “General guidance on NA
PoAs using biomass
leakage in biomass project activities”.

Assessment on sources of used biomass.

Biomass agricultural residues (wood, wood product, Yes
Biomass agricultural residues /No/
straw) used in case of project activities and PoAs
(o) (wood, wood product, straw) for NA
for energy purposes, shall not be stored longer than
energy purposes
one year before they are used.

Contract, MOU between CPA Implementer

and Nexus or letter from CPA Implementer Yes
that appoint Nexus as the CME and have the /No/
(p) Carbon credit ownership CME shall have the right to the carbon credit right to the carbon credit. NA

Assessment on sources of used biomass.

The used biomass in the proposed PoA are Yes
renewable biomass which fulfill the criteria (b), (c), /No/
(q) Type of used renewable biomass NA
(d), (e) of the renewable biomass definition in CDM
glossary term, version 08.0

The applicability criteria for AMS I.A are discussed below:

Table 9: Applicability criteria for AMS I.A

The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included in Evidence used by CPA for demonstrating Criteri
No Applicability Criteria
the PoA compliance a met
This category comprises renewable The CPAs in this proposed PoA shall install the  Grid connection report at project
1. electricity generation units that gasification units using renewable biomass for location Yes/
supply individual households/users supplying electricity to the individual household,  Equipment contracts No/N

Version 04.0 Page 44 of 140

or groups of households/users users that do not have grid connection or the group A
included in the project boundary. of households or users who are supplied electricity
The applicability is limited to through a standalone mini-grid powered by
individual households and users renewable energy generation unit(s) where the
that do not have a grid24 connection capacity of the generating units does not exceed 5
except when: MW (i.e. the sum of installed capacities of all
(a) A group of households or renewable energy generators connected to the mini-
users are supplied electricity grid is less than or equal to 5 MW) e.g. a community
through a standalone mini-grid25 based stand-alone off-the-grid renewable electricity
powered by renewable energy systems;
generation unit(s) where the
capacity of the generating units
does not exceed 15 MW (i.e. the
sum of installed capacities of all
renewable energy generators
connected to the mini-grid is less
than 15 MW) e.g. a community
based stand-alone off-the-grid
renewable electricity systems; or
(b) The emissions reduction
per renewable energy based
lighting system is less than
5 tonnes of CO2e a year and where
it can be shown that fossil fuel
would have been used in the
absence of the project activity by:
 A representative sample
survey (90% confidence interval,
10% error margin) of target
households; or
 Official statistics from the
host country government

National/regional grid.
Not connected to a national/regional grid.

Version 04.0 Page 45 of 140

(c) A group of households or
users are connected to a grid prior
to the start date of the project
activity (or the start date of
validation with due justification),
however the electricity from the
grid is available for the households
and users for less than 36 hours in
any given calendar month during
the crediting period. If based on
actual monitoring it can be
demonstrated that during a specific
month the power supply from the
grid to the households and users is
for less than 36 hours, emission
reductions can be calculated for
that specific month. The
methodology is not applicable in
cases where, the project activity
plant, which supplies electricity to
this category of users, is connected
to the grid at any time during the
crediting period.
The renewable energy generation
units include technologies such as
solar, hydro, wind, biomass
gasification and other technologies
that produce electricity all of which
is used on-site/locally by the user,
e.g. solar home systems, wind
battery chargers. The renewable
generating units may be new
installations (Greenfield) or replace
existing onsite fossil-fuel-fired
generation. To qualify as a small-
scale project, the total output of the
unit(s) shall not exceed the limit of

Version 04.0 Page 46 of 140

15 MW
Hydro power plants with reservoirs
that satisfy at least one of the Yes/
following conditions are eligible to No/N
apply this methodology: A
 The project activity is
implemented in an existing
reservoir with no change in the
volume of reservoir;
 The project activity is
implemented in an existing
2. reservoir, where the volume of Not applicable. Not required
reservoir is increased and the
power density of the project
activity, as per definitions given in
the project emissions section, is
greater than 4 W/m2;
The project activity results in new
reservoirs and the power density of
the power plant, as per definitions
given in the project emissions
section, is greater than 4 W/m2
Combined heat and power
(cogeneration) systems are not Note applicable as the CPAs do not involve a Yes/
3. Not required
eligible under this category. combined heat and power (cogeneration) system. No/N
If the unit added has both
renewable and non-renewable Yes/
components (e.g. a wind/diesel No/N
unit), the eligibility limit of 15 MW A
for a small-scale CDM project The total capacity of renewable units or co-fired
4. Equipment contracts
activity applies only to the systems will be less than 5 MW
renewable component. If the unit
added co-fires fossil fuel, the
capacity of the entire unit shall not
exceed the limit of 15 MW.

Version 04.0 Page 47 of 140

Project activities that involve retrofit
or replacement of an existing Yes/
facility for renewable energy No/N
In the case of retrofit or replacement, the total
generation are included in this A
5. output of the retrofitted or replacement unit will not Equipment contracts
category. To qualify as a small-
exceed the limit of 5 MW.
scale project, the total output of the
modified or retrofitted unit shall not
exceed the limit of 15 MW.
In the case of project activities that
involve the addition of renewable Yes/
energy generation units at an No/N
existing renewable power The total capacity of the added units will be lower Equipment contracts A
6. generation facility, the added than 5 MW and physically distinct from the existing
capacity of the units added by the units; Project layout
project should be lower than
15 MW and should be physically
distinct26 from the existing units.
In the specific case of biomass
project activities, the multiple types Yes/
of biomass, i.e. biomass residues No/N
and biomass from dedicated A
plantations can be used for a PoA,
provided all the other requirements
in the methodology such as: (a) The used biomass for the proposed PoA is biomass
7. leakage emissions in case of residues. Leakage for “Competing use of biomass” Biomass resource assessment
biomass residues following the needs to be considered
general guidance for leakage in
small-scale biomass project
activities (attachment C of
Appendix B; 27 and (b) consistency
with AM0042 “Grid-connected
electricity generation using
biomass from newly developed

Physically distinct units are those that are capable of generating electricity without the operation of existing units, and that do not directly affect the mechanical, thermal, or electrical
characteristics of the existing facility. For example, the replacement of the nacelle assembly or blades of a wind battery charger would not be considered “physically distinct”.
Available on <>.

Version 04.0 Page 48 of 140

dedicated plantations” in case of
dedicated plantation are satisfied.

Version 04.0 Page 49 of 140


B.6. Estimation of emission reductions of a generic CPA

B.6.1. Explanation of methodological choices

Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) are calculated according to the AMS I.A as follows:

BE CO 2 , y  E BL , y * EF CO 2


BECO 2, y Emissions in the baseline in year y; tCO2

EBL,y Annual energy baseline in year y; kWh

EFCO2 CO2 emission factor; tCO2/kWh

The energy baseline is the fuel consumption of the technology in use or that would have been used
in the absence of the project activity to generate the equivalent quantity of energy,28 estimated
using the following option:
Option 1: the energy baseline is calculated based on the average annual electricity consumption of
the consumers as per the below:

E BL , y   n
i i * EC i, y  1  l  (1)

EBL,y Annual energy baseline; kWh
 i
The sum over the group of i renewable energy technologies (e.g. renewable energy
technologies for households, rural health centres, rural schools, grain milling, water
pumping, irrigation, etc.) implemented as part of the project activity
ni Number of consumers supplied by installations of the renewable energy technology
belonging to the group of i renewable energy technologies during the year
ECi,y Average annual individual energy consumption observed in closest grid electricity
systems among rural grid connected consumers belonging to the same group of i
renewable energy technologies. If energy consumption is metered, ECi,y is the average
energy consumed 29 by consumers belonging to the group of i renewable energy
technologies; kWh
l Average technical distribution losses that would have been observed in diesel powered
mini-grids installed by public programmes or distribution companies in isolated areas,
expressed as a fraction30

Renewable energy lighting applications shall consider the equivalent level of lighting service instead of energy (See
annex 1 of EB 08).
Potential oversizing of the power capacity installed or energy generated by the CDM project activity shall not be
reflected in the baseline and emissions reduction calculation. For this reason, the energy value taken into account
shall be the energy consumed. It cannot be the electricity output, except if the project participant justifies that it
represents a reasonable estimate of the energy that would have been generated by a diesel generator larger than
35 kW and operating with a load factor of at least 50% to provide similar electricity services.
A reasonable default value for distribution losses on low voltage rural distribution grid could be 20%. Project
proponents shall demonstrate in the PDD that in the absence of the project activity electricity supply would have
entailed distribution losses e.g. users are in distributed locations, else a value of L=0 shall be used.

Version 04.0 Page 50 of 140

Project Emission
For most renewable energy project activities, PEy = 0. However, for the following categories of
project activities, project emissions have to be considered following the procedure described in the
most recent version of ACM0002 “Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity
generation from renewable sources”.

 Emissions related to the operation of geothermal power plants (e.g. non-condensable

gases, electricity/fossil fuel consumption);

 Emissions from water reservoirs of hydro power plants.

If fossil fuel is used, the electricity generation metered should be adjusted by deducting the
electricity generation from fossil fuels using the specific fuel consumption and the quantity of fossil
fuel consumed. The project emission from diesel consumption is estimated according to the “Tool
to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion”


 If the energy generating equipment is transferred from another activity, leakage is to be


 General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities shall be followed to quantify

leakages pertaining to the use of biomass residues. According to the “General guidance on
leakage in biomass project activities”31 the following leakage need to be considered:

“General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities”, Version 3, EB47 Annex 28

Version 04.0 Page 51 of 140


In case of the proposed CPA, the used biomass is biomass residues therefore only leakage for
“Competing use of biomass” needs to be considered.
The project participant shall evaluate ex ante if there is a surplus of the biomass in the region of
the project activity, which is not utilised. If it is demonstrated (e.g., using published literature, official
reports, surveys etc.) at the beginning of each crediting period that the quantity of available
biomass in the region (e.g., 50 km radius),is at least 25% larger than the quantity of biomass that is
utilised including the project activity, then this source of leakage can be neglected otherwise this
leakage shall be estimated and deducted from the emission reductions.

Emission reduction
ERy = BEy – PEy – LEy
In which:
ERy : Emission reduction
BEy : Baseline Emission
PEy : Project Emission
LEy : Leakage Emission

B.6.2. Data and parameters fixed ex-ante


Data / Parameter EFCO2

Unit kg CO2e/kWh
Description Baseline emission factor
Source of data AMS I.A, version 16
Value(s) applied 0.8

Version 04.0 Page 52 of 140

Choice of data Default value from the methodologies AMS I.B and AMS I.A.
methods and
Purpose of data For calculating the baseline emission.
Additional comment

B.6.3. Ex-ante calculations of emission reductions

Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) are calculated according to the AMS I.A as follows:

BE CO 2 , y  E BL , y * EF CO 2


BECO 2, y Emissions in the baseline in year y; tCO2 [INSERT

EBL,y Annual energy baseline in year y; kWh [INSERT
EFCO2 CO2 emission factor; tCO2/kWh [INSERT

Project Emission
According to the section above, PEy = PEFC,j,y:


 The project equipment will be newly purchased and the rice husk used for the gasification
unit will be from the project’s mills so the leakage emission for transferred equipment is
 “Competing use of biomass” leakage:

Emission reduction
ERy = BEy – PEy – LEy
= [INSERT NUMBER] t CO2/year

B.7. Application of the monitoring methodology and description of the monitoring plan

B.7.1. Data and parameters to be monitored by each generic CPA

The CPAs in this proposed PoA shall install the gasification units using renewable biomass for
supplying electricity to the individual household, users that do not have grid connection or the
group of households or users who are supplied electricity through a standalone mini-grid powered

Version 04.0 Page 53 of 140

by renewable energy generation unit(s) where the capacity of the generating units does not exceed
5 MW (i.e. the sum of installed capacities of all renewable energy generators connected to the
mini-grid is less than or equal to 5 MW) e.g. a community based stand-alone off-the-grid renewable
electricity systems. Therefore the paragraph 21 and 22 of the applied methodology AMS I.A,
version 16 are not applicable.

Data / Parameter EBL,y

Unit kWh
Description Annual energy baseline in year y
Source of data Calculated from users onsite measurements
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Measurement Power meters will be installed at the [INSERT DESCRIPTION] to
methods and measure the amount of electricity supplied to the users by the
procedures proposed project.

Monitoring Measured continuously by electricity meters and at least monthly

frequency recording.
QA/QC procedures The recorded value will be cross-checked with the sale invoices to the
The accuracy level of power meter is defined in the “Electric Power
Technical Standards Of The Kingdom Of Cambodia”.
Power meter which will be maintained and calibrated according to the
national standards or manufacturer’s suggestion. According to the
Electricity law, currently there is no requirement from National
standard for the calibration period:
The CME will follow the manufacturer’s suggestion for the calibration
period. The future update on national requirement will be followed if it
is more frequent than the manufacturers’ suggestion.
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions
comments The amount of electricity generated using biomass fuels shall be
compared with the amount of electricity generated calculated using
specific fuel consumption and amount of each type of biomass fuel
used. The lower of the two values should be used to calculate
emission reductions according to the paragraph 20 of the
methodology AMS I.A, version 16

Data / Parameter FCdiesel,i,y

Unit Litre/yr
Description Quantity of diesel consumption in year y of unit i
Source of data Onsite measurements
Value(s) applied 0
Measurement The standard measuring cans will be recorded.
methods and
Monitoring Continuously

Version 04.0 Page 54 of 140

QA/QC procedures The fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Additional comment This parameter is applicable if diesel is consumed in the project
equipment. It is monitored according to the paragraph 18 of the
methodology AMS I.A, version 16. If fossil fuel is used, the electricity
generation metered should be adjusted by deducting the electricity
generation from fossil fuels using the specific fuel consumption and
the quantity of fossil fuel consumed

Data / Parameter BBiomass,y

Unit tons/yr
Description Quantity of biomass consumption in year y of unit i
Source of data Onsite measurements
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Measurement The standard measuring bag will be recorded.
methods and
Monitoring Continuously
QA/QC procedures The fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
Purpose of data Required by methodology for baseline emission calculation
Additional comment Monitored according to the paragraph 17 and 19 of the methodology
AMS I.A, version 16

B.7.2. Description of the monitoring plan for a generic CPA

Monitored data

 The parameter for electricity generated by all systems EBL,y will be calculated from
individual user measurement during monitoring period. This will include the annual check of
all systems to ensure that they are still operating according to the paragraph 15 of
methodology AMS I.A version 16
 Biomass quantity
 Amount of diesel consumption

Monitoring organization
The structure of the monitoring group is as follows:

Version 04.0 Page 55 of 140



CPA implementer

Gasification unit 01 Gasification unit 02 Gasification unit **

Operation staffs Operation staffs Operation staffs

Structure of the monitoring group

The responsibilities of each person involved are elaborated as follows:
Group members and their responsibilities
Person Responsibility
Nexus CME of the PoA, cross check and combine information from the
CPA and prepare the monitoring report
CPA implementer CPA Implementer, contact to gasification units for collecting
monitored data and report to CME.
Gasification unit manager In charge of general operation of the gasification units, provide
report to CPA implementer
Rice mill staffs Operate the gasification units, collecting the required data.

Data recording and archiving procedures

 The monitored data will be reported and electronic archived annually.
 The CPA implementer and gasification unit shall keep the copy of sale invoices.
 All the data shall be kept for 2 years after end of the crediting period.
 Monitored data shall be sent to the CME for cross-checking and inserting to database.

QA/QC procedures
 The recorded electricity generation value will be cross-checked with the sale invoices to the
users. Power meter which will be maintained and calibrated according to the national
standards or manufacturer’s suggestion.
 The diesel and each type of biomass fuel consumption should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
 In case of any data missing, the Gasification unit manager will seek CPA implementer for
guidance. The missing period will be conservatively estimated base on other available data.

Before the start of the crediting period, the CME will in close collaboration with the CPA
implementer develop a training manual that will clearly lay out rules and procedures for all activities
related to data recording, archiving

Version 04.0 Page 56 of 140

PART II. Generic component project activity (CPA)

SECTION A. General description of a generic CPA

A.1. Purpose and general description of generic CPAs

CPA which applies methodology AMS I.B only (CPA Case II: mechanical energy to users
with or without electricity)
The Waste to energy using biomass Gasification in South East Asia LDCs programme of activities
CPA-[INSERT NUMBER] (hereafter referred as “proposed CPA”) is being implemented by
[INSERT DESCRIPTION] (hereafter referred as “[INSERT DESCRIPTION]”) under the PoA by the
CME Nexus Carbon for Development Ltd (hereafter referred as “Nexus”). Under this CPA,
[INSERT DESCRIPTION] plans to install and operate [INSERT NUMBER] biomass gasification
units in [INSERT DESCRIPTION]. The total capacity of the gasification units is [INSERT NUMBER]
MW which is less than 5 MW. The gasification equipment could be FBG or CBG series or
equivalent 32
These units shall provide [INSERT DESCRIPTION] energy to [INSERT DESCRIPTION] which will
otherwise use diesel powered systems to generate mechanical energy. Therefore, in this proposed
CPA the diesel powered systems are replaced by a gasification unit to generate mechanical


Rice husk


Figure 10: Baseline and project scenarios

SECTION B. Application of a baseline and monitoring methodology and standardized


B.1. Reference of methodology(ies) and standardized baseline(s)

Details of the baseline and monitoring methodology applied in the proposed CPA are provided
Title: AMS-I.B, version 12: Mechanical energy for the user with or without electrical energy,
Methodological tool: Demonstration additionality of microscale project activity, version 07.0, EB86,
Annex 14

The WBG Series use Firewood, Wood Waste, Branches/ twigs or Coconut Shells; the FBG Series use Rice Husk,
Threshed Mustard Stalks, Soya and the COMBO Series can work on any of the above fuels. Please find detail in

Version 04.0 Page 57 of 140

“Methodological tool: Assessment of debundling for small-scale project activities” version 04.0 EB
83, Annex 13.
General Guidelines to SSC CDM Methodologies, version 22 EB86, Annex 13.

B.2. Applicability of methodology(ies) and standardized baseline(s)

The applicability of the methodology has been checked for the CPA--[INSERT NUMBER] against
all the applicability conditions specified in the baseline and monitoring methodology AMS-I.B,
version 12. The applicability has been demonstrated in section B.5.

The proposed CPA is a Type I project, as it is involved generation of mechanical energy using
renewable energy. This fundamental objective of the CPA shall remain consistent throughout the
crediting period of the CPA. Thus, the proposed CPA will be a Type I activity for its entire crediting

B.3. Sources and GHGs

In accordance with the PoA DD, the sources and the GHGs included in the CPA boundary are
presented in the table below:

Table 10: GHG Emission sources included in the project boundary

Justification /
Source GHG Included?
Major source of GHG
CO2 Yes

Emissions from diesel emission

consumption CH4 No Excluded
N2O No Excluded

Major source of GHG

CO2 Yes
Project activity

CO2 emissions from emission

consumption of diesel; CH4 No Excluded
N2O No Excluded
CO2 Yes Included
Leakage from using
CH4 No Excluded
N2O No Excluded

The physical, geographical site of the renewable energy generating unit and the equipment that
uses the produced mechanical energy delineates the CPA boundary as in the figure below. The
generation units present in the proposed CPA are all located in Cambodia therefore they are within
the boundary of the PoA. This is depicted in the diagrams below.

Please find detail in Section B.6 the leakage assessment.

Version 04.0 Page 58 of 140


Biomass Biomass

Biomass Storage

Gasification units Operation

Filters Engine

CO2 emission


Figure 11: CPA boundary.

B.4. Description of baseline scenario

The CPA-[INSERT NUMBER] is located in Cambodia which is the Least Developed Countries
(LDCs). Suppressed demand scenario (i.e. minimum service level provided by the project
technology is not met prior to project implementation) is deemed to exist according to the
procedure for the determination of the suppressed demand scenario under the methodology AMS
“A suppressed demand scenario (i.e. minimum service level provided by the project technology is
not met prior to project implementation) is deemed to exist, if one of the following conditions is
demonstrated through documented evidence such as, published literature, official reports or
national statistics:
a) The project activity is implemented in rural areas and the rate of rural electrification in the
host country is less than 20 per cent. The most recent available data on the electrification
rates shall be used to demonstrate compliance with the 20 per cent threshold. In no case
shall data older than three years from the date of commencement of validation of the
project activity be used;
b) The project activity is located in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island
Developing States (SIDs) or in special underdeveloped zone (SUZ)34 of a host country;
c) The project activity is implemented where there is increased demand for services (i.e.
food/agro processing) and continued use of pre-project scenario would not able to meet the
demand or the increased demand is partially met with the use of fossil fuel based
Following the EB guidance on the consideration of national and/or sectoral policies and
circumstances in baseline scenarios (EB 22, annex 3), two types of policies E+ and E- have been
(a) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages to more
emissions- intensive technologies or fuels over less emissions-intensive technologies or fuels. .

For definition of SUZ refer to the “Methodological tool: Demonstrating additionality of microscale project activity,
version 06.0, EB83 Annex 12

Version 04.0 Page 59 of 140

(b) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages to less
emissions- intensive technologies over more emissions-intensive technologies (e.g. public
subsidies to promote the diffusion of renewable energy or to finance energy efficiency programs).
The government of Cambodia had not implemented any such E- policy before the adoption by the
COP of the CDM M&P (decision 17/CP.7, 11 November 2001) as well as E+ policy before the
adoption of the Kyoto Protocol by the Conference of the Parties (decision 1/CP.3, 11 December
1997) 35 . According to “Clean development mechanism project standard” version 09.0, it is not
needed be taken into account in developing a baseline scenario.

The baseline scenario for the proposed project activity is defined according to the AMS I.B that
under a suppressed demand scenario determined using the procedure above “diesel based
generator(s) or pump(s) is deemed to be the baseline.”
Therefore in the absence of the proposed CPA, the mechanical energy would continue to be
generated by the diesel based engines as in the business as usual scenario. In such scenario
GHGs would be released in the atmosphere as a result of the diesel consumption.
Baseline emissions from mechanical energy generation are calculated based on the power
requirements times hours of operation per year times the emission factor for diesel generator
systems. For more details, please refer to the Section B.6.1.

B.5. Demonstration of eligibility for a generic CPA

The CPA-[INSERT NUMBER] applies only the methodology AMS I.B (CPA Case II), therefore the
eligibility criteria from the Table 2 and 4 of section B.2, Part I of the PoA DD will be assessed.
The eligibility criteria and reasons displaying eligibility for the inclusion of this proposed CPA in the
PoA are as follows:

Energy sector in Cambodia https://www.

Version 04.0 Page 60 of 140


Table 11: General eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion

Eligibility criteria as per the Crit
required in “Standard for eria
demonstration of additionality, Evidence used by CPA for demonstrating met
The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included
No. development of eligibility criteria compliance ?
in the PoA
and application of multiple
methodologies for programme of
The geographical boundary of the
All the installations in the CPA shall be located  Project proposal/report or
CPA including any time-induced  GPS coordinates or Yes
within the geographical boundary of Cambodia.
(a) boundary consistent with the /No/
geographical boundary set in the
Location of mitigation measure to be checked by  Map or address NA/
the CME at the time of inclusion of CPA.
1. A unique identifier such as location is  User details (i.e. name, address)
attached to each unit enrolled in the CPA so  Contract or MOU between CPA Yes
there is no double counting in the PoA. Each Implementer and Nexus that appoint /No/
unit shall be given with a code such as: Nexus as the CME. NA
CPA-AAA-BBB-CCC  Individual project system/unit is
In which: identifiable by:
AAA is the CPA number o Unit code recorded in a database
BBB is the plant number o Its precise location recorded in the
Conditions that avoid double
CCC is the unit number in the plant BBB database
counting of emission reductions like
(b) unique identifications of product 2. Prior to registering a new CPA within the
and end-user locations (e.g. proposed PoA, the CME will check the
programme logo); CDM/Goldstandard/VCS and other carbon
standards project database to establish
whether the proposed CPA is developed as
another project activity or CPA/VPA of
another PoA. This search will cover
registered project activities, project activities
requesting registration, project activities
under review, project under validation and
project activities for which either a review or
corrections have been requested. The

Version 04.0 Page 61 of 140

process of checking will be repeated by the
DOE responsible for registering new CPA
under the proposed PoA. If the CPA was
already commissioned, the financial report of
CPA implementer could be further checked
to make sure that there is not any other
carbon revenue besides the carbon revenue
under the proposed PoA.
For CPA Case II: The gasification units could  Equipment contracts
utilize the rice husk to produce the syngas which  Technical specification from the supplier Yes
The specifications of would be consumed in the engine for driving the to make sure that the equipment could /No/
technology/measure including the rice machine. All equipment would be purchased deliver the energy output at same type NA
level and type of service, from a well-known supplier. The gasification and level as the baseline scenario.
(c) equipment could be FBG or CBG series or
performance specifications  Testing report to be provided before
including compliance with equivalent 36. Besides all equipment are needed
to be test before operation. verification period.

The CME shall check the date of the placement The date at which the order for the first project
of the first work order with respect to the unit/system in the CPA is placed (equipment Yes
Conditions to check the start date
installation of any mitigation measure in the CPA, contract) /No/
(d) of the CPA through documentary
which shall be after 30/09/201337 and earlier than NA
the end date of the PoA (28 years from the date
of registration).
Conditions that ensure compliance Evidences will be checked base on applied
with applicability and other Each CPA shall satisfy the applicability criteria of methodology(ies) in the table(s) 3, 4 and 5 of Yes
requirements of single or multiple its specific CPA Case the PoA DD where applicable. /No/
methodologies applied by CPAs; NA
The conditions that ensure that  Project description that total capacity is
 Total capacity of mitigation measure in any
CPAs meet the requirements equal or less than 5MW. Yes/
(f) CPA will be less than 5 MW.
pertaining to the demonstration of  Equipment contracts of all units in CPA if No/
additionality  All mitigation measure will be located in NA

The WBG Series use Firewood, Wood Waste, Branches/ twigs or Coconut Shells; the FBG Series use Rice Husk, Threshed Mustard Stalks, Soya and the COMBO Series can work
on any of the above fuels. Please find detail in
Start date of the PoA is 30/09/2013

Version 04.0 Page 62 of 140

Cambodia. available for cross checking
 GPS locations of units.

LSC at CPA level is conducted before

submitting to CPA inclusion? Yes
☐ Yes /No/
☐ No NA
All comments received for the CPA were
considered by the CPA implementer?
☐ Yes
☐ No
The local stakeholder consultation meeting shall
be conducted for each CPA at the time of
inclusion. The CME shall verify all the documents The EIA report is required by the host country?
The PoA-specific requirements related to stakeholder consultation meeting and ☐Yes
stipulated by the CME including any the solicitation of the comments received from
(g) conditions related to undertaking ☐ No
the stakeholder meetings will be described in
local stakeholder consultations and section C of the specific CPA DD. If EIA is NOT required by the host country, an
environmental impact analysis; analysis of the environmental impacts shall be
The EIA requirement and Environment
Management Plan for each CPA shall be
checked as per the prevailing host party laws. ☐Yes
☐ No
Is mitigation actions provided:
☐ No

Summary of the analysis and reference shall be

 In case Party providing ODA involves,  ODA confirmation from CPA implementer
Conditions to provide an affirmation confirmation letter from Annex I party or  ODA confirmation from Annex I party(ies) or Yes
that funding from Annex I parties, if funding agreement need to be provided to funding agreement if applicable. /No/
any, does not result in a diversion prove that funding to the CPA does not result NA
of official development assistance; in a diversion of official development

Version 04.0 Page 63 of 140

 In case no ODA is involved or Party providing
ODA does not involve the PoA, confirmation
letter from CPA implementing entity that the
CPA has not received funding or included
involvement of Annex I parties.
Where applicable, target group Project description for purpose of CPA
Every CPA shall ensure that all mitigation Yes
measure displace the use of fossil fuels to /No/
(i) generate mechanical or electrical energy, and NA
rural/urban, grid connected/ off-
that the generated energy is used in a
grid) and distribution mechanisms
commercial, domestic or industrial context
(e.g. direct installation);
Where applicable, the conditions Monitoring plan for specific CPA
related to sampling requirements Yes
for a PoA in accordance with the Sampling requirement is not required as each /No/
approved guidelines/standard from unit will be monitored directly. NA
the Board pertaining to sampling
and surveys

Where applicable, the conditions

 Project description that total capacity is Yes
that ensure that every CPA in
equal or less than 5MW. /No/
aggregate meets the small-scale or The CPA must not exceed the micro-scale
(k) micro-scale threshold criteria and threshold in respect to installed capacity at any  Equipment contracts of all units in CPA if
remains within those thresholds time during the lifetime of the CPA. available for cross checking
throughout the crediting period of
the CPA;

Debundling check carried out in line with the Address of installation

latest approved version of the “Methodological Name of the unit owner Yes
tool: Assessment of debundling for small-scale /No/
Where applicable, the Equipment contract for each unit.
project activities” (version 04.0 EB 83, Annex 13 NA
requirements for the debundling or the latest applicable version at time of
(l) check, in case CPAs belong to inclusion). CME will check whether:
small-scale (SSC) or micro-scale For the purposes of registration of a Programme
project categories. of Activities (PoA), a proposed small-scale CPA
of a PoA shall be deemed to be a de-bundled
component of a large scale activity if there is

Version 04.0 Page 64 of 140

already an activity, which satisfies both
conditions (a) and (b) below:
(a) Has the same activity implementer as the
proposed small scale CPA or has a coordinating
or managing entity, which also manages a large
scale PoA of the same technology/measure, and;
(b) The boundary is within 1 km of the boundary
of the proposed small-scale CPA, at the closest

If a proposed small-scale CPA of a PoA is

deemed to be a debundled component in
accordance with paragraph 2 above, but the total
size of such a CPA combined with a registered
small-scale CPA of a PoA or a registered CDM
project activity does not exceed the limits for
small-scale CDM and small-scale A/R project
activities as set out in Annex II of the decision
4/CMP.1 8 and 5/CMP.1 respectively, the CPA of
a PoA can qualify to use simplified modalities
and procedures for small-scale CDM and small-
scale A/R CDM project activities.

If each of the independent subsystems/measures

(e.g., biogas digester, solar home system)
included in the CPA of a PoA is no larger than
1% of the small-scale thresholds defined by the
methodology applied, then that CPA of PoA is
exempted from performing de-bundling check
i.e., considering as not being a de-bundled
component of a large scale activity

Version 04.0 Page 65 of 140

Assessment of used biomass
In the case of project activities and Yes
PoAs using biomass, emission Project participants and coordinating/managing /No/
(m) reductions may only be accounted entities shall refer to the “Definition of Renewable NA
for the combustion of “renewable Biomass”.

Leakage assessment in section D.6 of the CPA

DD Yes
Project participants and coordinating/managing /No/
For leakage in project activities and
(n) entities shall refer to the “General guidance on NA
PoAs using biomass
leakage in biomass project activities”.

Assessment on sources of used biomass.

Biomass agricultural residues (wood, wood Yes
Biomass agricultural residues product, straw) used in case of project activities /No/
(o) (wood, wood product, straw) for and PoAs for energy purposes, shall not be NA
energy purposes stored longer than one year before they are

Contract, MOU between CPA Implementer and

Nexus or letter from CPA Implementer that Yes
appoint Nexus as the CME and have the right /No/
(p) Carbon credit ownership CME shall have the right to the carbon credit to the carbon credit. NA

Assessment on sources of used biomass.

The used biomass in the proposed PoA are Yes
renewable biomass which fulfill the criteria (b), /No/
(q) Type of used renewable biomass NA
(c), (d), (e) of the renewable biomass definition in
CDM glossary term, version 08.0

The applicability criteria for AMS I.B are discussed below:

Version 04.0 Page 66 of 140

Table 12: Applicability criteria for AMS I.B
The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included Evidence used by CPA for demonstrating eria
No Applicability Criteria
in the PoA compliance met
The proposed CPA shall install the gasification
The methodology comprises units using renewable biomass and engines Yes
renewable energy generation units which consuming the syngas from gasification /No/
Equipment contract
1. that supply individual or groups of units for supplying mechanical energy to users NA
households or users with mechanical which otherwise would have been supplied with Project proposal
energy. fossil fuel based energy.

The renewable energy generation

units include technologies such as Yes
hydropower, wind power, renewable- /No/
biomass based energy generation NA
and other technologies that provide
mechanical energy (with or without The proposed CPA will install the new Equipment contract
electrical energy), all of which is used gasification system for driving rice mill engine. Project proposal
on-site by the individual household(s)
or user(s), such as wind-powered
pumps, solar water pumps, water
mills, agro processing mills and wind
3. The methodology is applicable
To replacement or retrofitting of
existing facilities; Yes
a. Not applicable Not required
To greenfield facilities or project
activities involving capacity additions; Yes
b. The proposed CPA is the greenfield facilities. Equipment contracts
Where generation capacity is The total installed capacity shall be less than 5 Equipment contracts
c. specified, it shall be less than 15 MW Yes
Project proposal

Version 04.0 Page 67 of 140

MW. If the generation capacity is not /No/
specified, the estimated diesel-based NA
electricity generating capacity that
would be required to provide the
same service or mechanical energy
shall be less than 15 MW. In the case
of irrigation where diesel-fuelled
pumps are used directly, the
cumulative rating of diesel-fuelled
pumps shall not exceed 15 MW. The
size of a diesel-based generator or a
diesel pump that would be required
shall be justified;
For irrigation applications involving Not applicable
replacement of the pump in addition Yes
to renewable energy use, the /No/
operating characteristics (head v/s NA
discharge and efficiency) of the new
pump should be similar to or better
d. than the system being replaced or Not required
would have been replaced. In
irrigation applications where the
water distribution system is replaced
or modified, the new system should
have distribution efficiency similar to
or better than the replaced system;
If the project equipment includes The total capacity of renewable units or co-fired
renewable units and diesel fired units systems shall be less than 5 MW Yes
(e.g. a wind/diesel unit), the eligibility /No/
limit of 15 MW for a small-scale CDM Equipment contracts NA
e. project activity applies only to the
Project proposal
renewable units. For co-fired
systems, 38 the total installed
mechanical energy generation
capacity of the project equipment,

Version 04.0 Page 68 of 140

when using both fossil and
renewable fuel, shall not exceed 15
In the case of project activities that Not applicable
involve the addition of renewable Yes
energy generation units at an existing /No/
renewable power generation facility, NA
f. Not required
the added capacity of the units added
by the project should be lower than
15 MW and should be physically
distinct from the existing units;
In the case of retrofit or replacement, The total capacity of retrofitted or replacement
to qualify as a small-scale project, units shall be less than 5 MW Equipment contracts Yes
g. the total output of the retrofitted or /No/
replacement unit shall not exceed the Project proposal NA
limit of 15 MW.
In case biomass is sourced from The consumed biomass will be rice husk so it is
dedicated plantations, the not sourced from dedicated plantations so this Yes
4. applicability criteria in the tool criteria is not applicable. Not required /No/
“Project and leakage emissions from NA
biomass” shall apply
The methodology is applicable to a The used biomass for the proposed PoA is
programme of activities, no additional biomass residues. Only leakage for “Competing Yes
leakage estimations are necessary use of biomass” needs to be considered /No/
5. Biomass resource assessment
other than that indicated under according to the “General guidance on leakage NA
leakage section above. in biomass project activities”, EB47, Annex 28.

Version 04.0 Page 69 of 140


B.6. Estimation of emission reductions of a generic CPA

B.6.1. Explanation of methodological choices

Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) are calculated according to the AMS I.B as follows:
“The power requirements times hours of operation per year times the emission factor for diesel
generator systems, determined according to procedures specified in “AMS-I.A: Electricity
generation by the user”
BEi,y= ∑ ∗ ∗

: Emissions factor of diesel (t CO2/kWh)

CAPi : Power requirement or capacity of rice mill engine i (kW)
Hi : Operation time of rice mill engine i (h)
N : Number of units
, : Baseline emissions of unit i in year y (t CO2)

Project Emission
Project emissions consist of:

 CO2 emissions from consumption of diesel;

 CO2 emissions from consumption of electricity not generated from the project activity (if

∑ ,, 0.8439 0.0032 ,,

,, : Quantity of diesel consumption in unit i in year y (l)
0.8439 Default value for diesel density39 (kg/l)
0.0032 Default value for the CO2 emission factor of diesel (t CO2/kg diesel)
,, : Project emissions due to electricity consumption in year y (t CO2).
This parameter shall be calculated as per the latest version of the
“Tool to calculate baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from
electricity consumption”
N : Number of units
: Project emissions in year y (t CO2)

General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities shall be followed to quantify leakages
pertaining to the use of biomass residues. According to the “General guidance on leakage in
biomass project activities”40 the following leakage need to be considered:

International Energy Agency and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development. 2004. Energy statistic

Version 04.0 Page 70 of 140


In case of the CPA-[INSERT NUMBER], the used biomass is biomass residues (rice husk)
therefore only leakage for “Competing use of biomass” needs to be considered.
The project participant shall evaluate ex ante if there is a surplus of the biomass in the region of
the project activity, which is not utilised. If it is demonstrated (e.g., using published literature, official
reports, surveys etc.) at the beginning of each crediting period that the quantity of available
biomass in the region (e.g., 50 km radius),is at least 25% larger than the quantity of biomass that is
utilised including the project activity, then this source of leakage can be neglected otherwise this
leakage shall be estimated and deducted from the emission reductions.

Emission reduction
ERy = BEy – PEy – LEy
In which:
ERy : Emission reduction
BEy : Baseline Emission
PEy : Project Emission
LEy : Leakage Emission

B.6.2. Data and parameters fixed ex-ante


Data / Parameter EFdiesel

Unit kgCO2e/kWh
Description Baseline emission factor
Source of data AMS I.A, version 16
Value(s) applied 0.8

“General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities”, Version 3, EB47 Annex 28

Version 04.0 Page 71 of 140

Choice of data Default value from the methodologies AMS I.B and AMS I.A.
methods and
Purpose of data For calculating the baseline emission.
Additional comment

Data / Parameter CAPi

Unit MW
Description Total capacity of unit i
Source of data Manufactory specification
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Choice of data Determined by each unit in the proposed CPA.
methods and
Purpose of data For calculating the baseline emission.
Additional comment

Data / Parameter N
Description Total number of units in the proposed CPA
Source of data CME Database
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Choice of data Determined before the CPA inclusion.
methods and
Purpose of data For calculating the baseline emission and project emission
Additional comment

B.6.3. Ex-ante calculations of emission reductions

Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) for each unit could be calculated ex-ante as follow:
BEi,y =∑ ∗ ∗
: Emissions factor of diesel (t CO2/kWh) = 0.0008
CAPi : Power requirement or capacity of engine in unit i (kW) = [INSERT
Hi : Operation time of engine in unit i (h) = [INSERT
N : Number of units = [INSERT
, : Baseline emissions of unit i in year y (t CO2) =

Version 04.0 Page 72 of 140


Project Emission
Project emissions consist of:

 CO2 emissions from consumption of diesel;

 CO2 emissions from consumption of electricity not generated from the project activity (if

∑ ,, 0.8439 0.0032 ,,

,, : Quantity of diesel consumption in unit i = [INSERT
in year y (l) NUMBER]
Default value for diesel density41 (kg/l) = 0.8439
Default value for the CO2 emission = 0.0032
factor of diesel (t CO2/kg diesel)
,, : Project emissions due to electricity = 0
consumption in year y (t CO2). This
parameter shall be calculated as per
the latest version of the “Tool to
calculate baseline, project and/or
leakage emissions from electricity
N : Number of units = [INSERT
: Project emissions in year y = [INSERT
(t CO2/year) NUMBER]

“Competing use of biomass” leakage:
The expected rice production for each rice mill is [INSERT NUMBER] tons/year42, with the residual
production rate of 0.2743, the generated rice husk per year at the rice mill is [INSERT NUMBER]
According to the technical specification of equipment, the maximum biomass consumption 44 is
[INSERT NUMBER] kg/h, provided that the operation hour is [INSERT NUMBER] h/year45, the
maximum rice husk consumption per year is [INSERT NUMBER] tons rice husk.
Therefore the rice husk consumption is only [INSERT NUMBER] %. In other word, the generated
rice husk only from the rice mill (not including other rice husk sources in surrounding area) is
[INSERT NUMBER] % larger than the quantity of biomass that is utilized by the project activity,
then this source of leakage can be neglected according to the “General guidance on leakage in
biomass project activities”, Version 3, EB47 Annex 28
Emission reduction
ERy = BEy – PEy – LEy

International Energy Agency and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development. 2004. Energy statistic
Source [ZZZ]
Theoretical bioenergy residue potential in Cambodia and Laos
Source [ZZZ]
Source [ZZZ]

Version 04.0 Page 73 of 140

= [INSERT NUMBER] t CO2/year

B.7. Application of the monitoring methodology and description of the monitoring plan

B.7.1. Data and parameters to be monitored by each generic CPA

Data / Parameter: Hi
Data unit: Hour
Description: Operation time of engine in unit i
Source of data: Plant log book at project site
Value(s) applied
Estimating the average annual hours of operation of an average
methods and
system, if necessary using survey methods. Annual hours of
operation can be estimated from total output (e.g. tonnes of grain
dried) and output per hour if an accurate value of output per hour is
Monitoring Recording annually the number of project systems operating,
QA/QC procedures: The result could be cross check with the record on total milled rice.
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions;
Any comment: This is also evidence for continuous operation of the

Data / Parameter FCdiesel,i,y

Unit Litre/yr
Description Quantity of diesel consumption in year y of unit i
Source of data Record of diesel consumption at site.
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Measurement The standard measuring cans will be recorded.
methods and
Monitoring Continuously
QA/QC procedures The fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Additional comment This parameter is applicable if diesel is consumed in the project

Data / Parameter BBiomass,y

Unit tons/yr
Description Quantity of biomass consumption in year y of unit i
Source of data Onsite measurements
Measurement The standard measuring bag will be recorded.
methods and

Version 04.0 Page 74 of 140

Monitoring Continuously
QA/QC procedures The fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
Purpose of data Required by methodology in cases where emission reductions are
calculated based on energy output, check the consistency of
measurements ex post with annual data on energy generation, fossil
fuels and biomass used and the efficiency of energy generation as
determined ex ante
Additional comment Monitored according to the paragraph 17 and 19 of the methodology
AMS I.A, version 16

Data / Parameter: NCV

Data unit: GJ/mass or volume unit on dry-basis
Description: Net calorific value of biomass residues
Source of data: On-site measurements
Measurement Measurement in laboratories according to relevant
procedures (if any): national/international standards. Measure quarterly, taking at least
three samples for each measurement. The average value can be used
for the rest of the crediting period.
Measure the NCV based on dry biomass
Monitoring Determine once in the first year of the crediting period
QA/QC procedures: Check the consistency of the measurements by comparing the
measurement results with relevant data sources (e.g. values in the
literature, values used in the national GHG inventory) and default
values by the IPCC. If the measurement results differ significantly from
previous measurements or other relevant data sources, conduct
additional measurements
Purpose of data For estimating the potential energy from biomass residues (rice husk)
Any comment: This parameter is applicable if biomass residues are consumed in the
project equipment

Data / Parameter: -
Data unit: %
Description: Moisture content of the biomass residues (wet basis)
Source of data: On-site measurements
Measurement The project continues to use same type of biomass during the rest of
procedures (if any): the crediting period so the ex-ante value is used during the crediting
period. The moisture content of rice husk ranged from 8.68% to
10.44%46. For conservative the highest value 10.44% is applied for this
specific CPA.

Monitoring The moisture content of biomass of homogeneous quality shall be

frequency: determined ex ante at least one time prior to first verification.


Version 04.0 Page 75 of 140

QA/QC procedures: -
Purpose of data For adjusting the quantity of dry biomass
Any comment: This parameter is applicable if biomass residues are consumed in the
project equipment

B.7.2. Description of the monitoring plan for a generic CPA

Monitored data
The average of Hi and FCdiesel,i,y , quantity of biomass with its NCV and moisture content will be
measured during monitoring period.

Monitoring organization
The structure of the monitoring group is as follows:


CPA implementer

Rice mill no 1 Rice mill no 2 Rice mill no **

manager manager manager

Rice mill staffs Rice mill staffs Rice mill staffs

Structure of the monitoring group

The responsibilities of each person involved are elaborated as follows:
Group members and their responsibilities
Person Responsibility
Nexus CME of the PoA, cross check and combine information from the
CPA and prepare the monitoring report
CPA Implementer CPA Implementer, contact to gasification units for collecting
monitored data and report to CME.
Gasification unit manager In charge of general operation of the the gasification units,
provide report to CPA implementer
Gasification staffs Operate the rice mill and gasification units, collecting the
required data.

Data recording and archiving procedures

 The monitored data will be reported and electronic archived annually.
 The CPA implementer and gasification units shall keep the copy of diesel purchase records
and the rice sale invoices.
 All the data shall be kept for 2 years after end of the crediting period.
 Monitored data shall be sent to the CME for cross-checking and inserting to database.

Version 04.0 Page 76 of 140


QA/QC procedures
 The recorded operating hour will be cross-checked with the production output
 The diesel and each type of biomass fuel consumption should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
 In case of any data missing, the Gasification unit manager will seek CPA implementer for
guidance. The missing period will be conservatively estimated base on other available data.

Before the start of the crediting period, the CME will in close collaboration with the CPA
implementer develop a training manual that will clearly lay out rules and procedures for all activities
related to data recording, archiving

Version 04.0 Page 77 of 140

PART II. Generic component project activity
a (CPA

SECTION A. neral descrription of a generic CPA


A.1. Purrpose and general de escription ofo generic C CPAs

CPA which applies methodolog
m gy AMS I.D D only (CPA A Case III: electricity
e o the grid)
supplies to
The Waste e to energy using biom
mass Gasificcation in So outh East As sia LDCs programme of activitiess
CPA-[INSE ERT NUMB BER] (hereeafter referrred as “proposed CPA”)C is beeing implem
mented by y
[INSERT D DESCRIPTIION] (herea after referred as “[INSE ERT DESCR RIPTION]”) under the PoA by the e
CME Nexus Carbon for Devellopment Lttd (hereafte er referred as “Nexus s”). Under this CPA,,
[INSERT DESCRIPT TION] planss to install and operrate [INSE ERT NUMB BER] powerr plants in n
[INSERT D DESCRIPTIION]. The to otal capacitty of the pow
wer plants is
i [INSERT T NUMBER]] MW which h
is less thann 5 MW.
These unitts shall proovide electricity to [INS
SERT DES SCRIPTION]] which willl otherwise use diesell
powered systems
s to generate
g [IN
NSERT DE ESCRIPTION] energy. Therefore, in this prop posed CPA A
the diesel powered syystems are replaced byy power plants to generate electriccity.

End user

Figurre 12: Base

eline and project scen

plication of a baselin
ne and mo
onitoring methodolog
m gy and sta

B.1. Refference of methodolo ogy(ies) and standard dized baselline(s)

Details of the baselinne and mon nitoring me ethodology applied in the propossed CPA arre provided d
Title: AMS-I.D, version
n 18.0: Grid
d connected d renewable e electricity generation
Methodoloogical tool: Demonstrat
D tion addition
nality of miccroscale prooject activityy, version 07.0,
0 EB86,,
Annex 14
“Methodoloogical tool: Assessmen nt of debun ndling for sm
mall-scale project
p activvities” versio
on 04.0 EB
83, Annex 13.

Version 04
4.0 Page 78 of 140
General Guidelines to SSC CDM Methodologies, version 22 EB86, Annex 13.

B.2. Applicability of methodology(ies) and standardized baseline(s)

The applicability of the methodology has been checked for the proposed CPA against all the
applicability conditions specified in the baseline and monitoring methodology AMS-I.D, version 18.
The applicability has been demonstrated in section B.5.
The proposed CPA is a Type I project, as it is involved generation of electricity using renewable
energy. This fundamental objective of the CPA shall remain consistent throughout the crediting
period of the CPA. Thus, the proposed CPA will be a Type I activity for its entire crediting period.

B.3. Sources and GHGs

In accordance with the PoA DD, the sources and the GHGs included in the CPA boundary are
presented in the table below:

Table 13: GHG Emission sources included in the project boundary

Justification /
Source GHG Included?
Major source of GHG
CO2 Yes

Emissions from diesel emission

consumption CH4 No Excluded
N2O No Excluded

Major source of GHG

CO2 Yes
CO2 emissions from emission
Project activity

consumption of diesel; CH4 No Excluded

N2O No Excluded
CO2 emissions from CO2 No Excluded
consumption of electricity not CH4 No Excluded
generated from the project Excluded
N2O No
activity (if applicable)

The spatial extent of the project boundary includes the project power plant and all power plants
connected physically to the electricity system that the CDM project power plant is connected to The
generation units present in the proposed CPA are all located in Cambodia therefore they are within
the boundary of the PoA. This is depicted in the diagrams below.

Version 04.0 Page 79 of 140



Boiler GHGs Emission

CO2 Emission represent by EFCM Steam flow

Turbines Electric Energy

Grid- connected power plants (fossil
fuel, hydro, etc.)
Generators Kinetic Energy

Transformer Electricity grid

Figure 13: CPA boundary.

B.4. Description of baseline scenario

According to the methodology AMS I.D, the baseline of the proposed CPA is:
“The baseline scenario is that the electricity delivered to the grid by the project activity would have
otherwise been generated by the operation of grid-connected power plants and by the addition of
new generation sources into the grid.”
Following the EB guidance on the consideration of national and/or sectoral policies and
circumstances in baseline scenarios (EB 22, annex 3), two types of policies E+ and E- have been
(a) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages to more
emissions- intensive technologies or fuels over less emissions-intensive technologies or fuels. .
(b) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages to less
emissions- intensive technologies over more emissions-intensive technologies (e.g. public
subsidies to promote the diffusion of renewable energy or to finance energy efficiency programs).
The government of Cambodia had not implemented any such E- policy before the adoption by the
COP of the CDM M&P (decision 17/CP.7, 11 November 2001) as well as E+ policy before the
adoption of the Kyoto Protocol by the Conference of the Parties (decision 1/CP.3, 11 December
1997) 47 . According to “Clean development mechanism project standard” version 09.0, it is not
needed be taken into account in developing a baseline scenario.
Thus the baseline scenario of the proposed CPA is the delivery of equivalent amount of annual
power output from the national grid to which the proposed CPA is also connected. Grid emission
factor shall be based on data from an official source (where available) and made publicly available.
For more details, please refer to the Section B.6.1.

B.5. Demonstration of eligibility for a generic CPA


Energy sector in Cambodia https://www.

Version 04.0 Page 80 of 140

The proposed CPA applies only the methodology AMS I.D (CPA Case III), therefore the eligibility
criteria from the Table 2 and 5 of section B.2, Part I of the PoA DD will be assessed.
The eligibility criteria and reasons displaying eligibility for the inclusion of this proposed CPA in the
PoA are as follows:

Version 04.0 Page 81 of 140


Table 14: General eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion

Eligibility criteria as per the Crit
required in “Standard for eria
demonstration of additionality, Evidence used by CPA for demonstrating met
The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included in
No. development of eligibility criteria compliance ?
the PoA
and application of multiple
methodologies for programme of
The geographical boundary of the
All the installations in the CPA shall be located  Project proposal/report or
CPA including any time-induced  GPS coordinates or Yes
within the geographical boundary of Cambodia.
(a) boundary consistent with the /No/
geographical boundary set in the
Location of mitigation measure to be checked by  Map or address NA
the CME at the time of inclusion of CPA.
1. A unique identifier such as location is attached  User details (i.e. name, address)
to each unit enrolled in the CPA so there is no  Contract or MOU between CPA Yes
double counting in the PoA. Each unit shall be Implementer and Nexus that appoint /No/
given with a code such as: Nexus as the CME. NA
CPA-AAA-BBB-CCC  Individual project system/unit is
In which: identifiable by:
AAA is the CPA number o Unit code recorded in a database
BBB is the plant number o Its precise location recorded in the
Conditions that avoid double
CCC is the unit number in the plant BBB database
counting of emission reductions like
(b) unique identifications of product 2. Prior to registering a new CPA within the
and end-user locations (e.g. proposed PoA, the CME will check the
programme logo); CDM/Goldstandard/VCS and other carbon
standards project database to establish whether
the proposed CPA is developed as another
project activity or CPA/VPA of another PoA.
This search will cover registered project
activities, project activities requesting
registration, project activities under review,
project under validation and project activities for
which either a review or corrections have been
requested. The process of checking will be

Version 04.0 Page 82 of 140

repeated by the DOE responsible for registering
new CPA under the proposed PoA. If the CPA
was already commissioned, the financial report
of CPA implementer could be further checked to
make sure that there is not any other carbon
revenue besides the carbon revenue under the
proposed PoA.
For CPA Case III: The boiler could utilize the  Equipment contracts
biomass residues and/or woody biomass and/or  Technical specification from the Yes
The specifications of non-woody biomass to produce the steam at high supplier to make sure that the /No/
technology/measure including the pressure for driving the steam turbine and the equipment could deliver the energy NA
level and type of service, generator for electricity generation. The generated output at same type and level as the
(c) electricity would be supplied to the national grid. All
performance specifications baseline scenario.
including compliance with equipment would be purchased from a well-known
supplier. Besides all equipment are needed to be  Testing report to be provided before
test before operation. verification period.

The date at which the order for the
The CME shall check the date of the placement of first project unit/system in the CPA is Yes
Conditions to check the start date the first work order with respect to the installation of placed (equipment contract) /No/
(d) of the CPA through documentary any mitigation measure in the CPA, which shall be NA
evidence; after 30/09/201348 and earlier than the end date of  The date at which the first project
the PoA (28 years from the date of registration). unit/system in the CPA is installed
(work progress report)
Conditions that ensure compliance Evidences will be checked base on applied
with applicability and other Each CPA shall satisfy the applicability criteria of its methodology(ies) in the table(s) 3, 4 and 5 of Yes
requirements of single or multiple specific CPA Case the PoA DD where applicable. /No/
methodologies applied by CPAs; NA
 Project description that total capacity is
The conditions that ensure that  Total capacity of mitigation measure in any CPA equal or less than 5MW. Yes
CPAs meet the requirements will be less than 5 MW. /No/
(f)  Equipment contracts of all units in CPA if
pertaining to the demonstration of  All mitigation measure will be located in NA
available for cross checking
additionality Cambodia.
 GPS locations of units.

Start date of the PoA is 30/09/2013

Version 04.0 Page 83 of 140

LSC at CPA level is conducted before
submitting to CPA inclusion? Yes
☐ Yes /No/
☐ No NA
All comments received for the CPA were
considered by the CPA implementer?
☐ Yes
☐ No
The local stakeholder consultation meeting shall be
conducted for each CPA at the time of inclusion. The EIA report is required by the host
The PoA-specific requirements The CME shall verify all the documents related to country?
stipulated by the CME including stakeholder consultation meeting and the
solicitation of the comments received from the ☐Yes
any conditions related to
(g) stakeholder meetings will be described in section C ☐ No
undertaking local stakeholder
consultations and environmental of the specific CPA DD. If EIA is NOT required by the host country, an
impact analysis; The EIA requirement and Environment analysis of the environmental impacts shall
Management Plan for each CPA shall be checked be conducted.
as per the prevailing host party laws. ☐Yes
☐ No
Is mitigation actions provided:
☐ No

Summary of the analysis and reference shall

be provided
 In case Party providing ODA involves,  ODA confirmation from CPA implementer
confirmation letter from Annex I party or funding  ODA confirmation from Annex I party(ies) Yes
Conditions to provide an affirmation agreement need to be provided to prove that or funding agreement if applicable. /No/
that funding from Annex I parties, if funding to the CPA does not result in a diversion NA
any, does not result in a diversion of official development assistance.
of official development assistance;  In case no ODA is involved or Party providing
ODA does not involve the PoA, confirmation
letter from CPA implementing entity that the

Version 04.0 Page 84 of 140

CPA has not received funding or included
involvement of Annex I parties.

Where applicable, target group Project description for purpose of CPA

Every CPA shall ensure that all mitigation measure Yes
displace the use of fossil fuels to generate /No/
(i) mechanical or electrical energy, and that the NA
rural/urban, grid connected/ off-
generated energy is used in a commercial,
grid) and distribution mechanisms
domestic or industrial context
(e.g. direct installation);
Where applicable, the conditions Monitoring plan for specific CPA
related to sampling requirements Yes
for a PoA in accordance with the Sampling requirement is not required as each unit /No/
approved guidelines/standard from will be monitored directly. NA
the Board pertaining to sampling
and surveys

Where applicable, the conditions

 Project description that total capacity is Yes
that ensure that every CPA in
equal or less than 5MW. /No/
aggregate meets the small-scale or The CPA must not exceed the micro-scale
(k) micro-scale threshold criteria and threshold in respect to installed capacity at any time  Equipment contracts of all units in CPA if
remains within those thresholds during the lifetime of the CPA. available for cross checking
throughout the crediting period of
the CPA;

Debundling check carried out in line with the latest Address of installation
approved version of the “Methodological tool: Name of the unit owner Yes
Assessment of debundling for small-scale project /No/
Equipment contract for each unit.
activities” (version 04.0 EB 83, Annex 13 or the NA
Where applicable, the requirements latest applicable version at time of inclusion). CME
for the debundling check, in case will check whether:
CPAs belong to small-scale (SSC) For the purposes of registration of a Programme of
or micro-scale project categories. Activities (PoA), a proposed small-scale CPA of a
PoA shall be deemed to be a de-bundled
component of a large scale activity if there is
already an activity, which satisfies both conditions
(a) and (b) below:

Version 04.0 Page 85 of 140

(a) Has the same activity implementer as the
proposed small scale CPA or has a coordinating or
managing entity, which also manages a large scale
PoA of the same technology/measure, and;
(b) The boundary is within 1 km of the boundary of
the proposed small-scale CPA, at the closest point.

If a proposed small-scale CPA of a PoA is deemed

to be a debundled component in accordance with
paragraph 2 above, but the total size of such a CPA
combined with a registered small-scale CPA of a
PoA or a registered CDM project activity does not
exceed the limits for small-scale CDM and small-
scale A/R project activities as set out in Annex II of
the decision 4/CMP.1 8 and 5/CMP.1 respectively,
the CPA of a PoA can qualify to use simplified
modalities and procedures for small-scale CDM and
small-scale A/R CDM project activities.

If each of the independent subsystems/measures

(e.g., biogas digester, solar home system) included
in the CPA of a PoA is no larger than 1% of the
small-scale thresholds defined by the methodology
applied, then that CPA of PoA is exempted from
performing de-bundling check i.e., considering as
not being a de-bundled component of a large scale
Assessment of used biomass
In the case of project activities and Yes
PoAs using biomass, emission Project participants and coordinating/managing /No/
(m) reductions may only be accounted entities shall refer to the “Definition of Renewable NA
for the combustion of “renewable Biomass”.

Version 04.0 Page 86 of 140

Leakage assessment in section D.6 of the
Project participants and coordinating/managing /No/
For leakage in project activities and
(n) entities shall refer to the “General guidance on NA
PoAs using biomass
leakage in biomass project activities”.

Assessment on sources of used biomass.

Biomass agricultural residues (wood, wood product, Yes
Biomass agricultural residues /No/
straw) used in case of project activities and PoAs
(o) (wood, wood product, straw) for NA
for energy purposes, shall not be stored longer than
energy purposes
one year before they are used.

Contract, MOU between CPA Implementer

and Nexus or letter from CPA Implementer Yes
that appoint Nexus as the CME and have the /No/
(p) Carbon credit ownership CME shall have the right to the carbon credit right to the carbon credit. NA

Assessment on sources of used biomass.

The used biomass in the proposed PoA are Yes
renewable biomass which fulfill the criteria (b), (c), /No/
(q) Type of used renewable biomass NA
(d), (e) of the renewable biomass definition in CDM
glossary term, version 08.0

The applicability criteria for AMS I.D are discussed below:

Table 15: Applicability criteria for AMS I.D

The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included in Evidence used by CPA for
No Applicability Criteria
the PoA demonstrating compliance
This methodology comprises The proposed CPA includes a renewable biomass
renewable energy generation units, based power plant which supplying electricity to the Equipment contracts
such as photovoltaic, hydro, grid. Project proposal
tidal/wave, wind, geothermal and

Version 04.0 Page 87 of 140

renewable biomass:
a. Supplying electricity to a national
or a regional grid; or
b. Supplying electricity to an
identified consumer facility via
national/regional grid through a
contractual arrangement such as

This methodology is applicable to

project activities that:
a. Install a Greenfield plant;
b. Involve a capacity addition in (an)
existing plant(s); The power plant included in the proposed CPA is a Equipment contracts
c. Involve a retrofit of (an) existing Greenfield plant. Project proposal
d. Involve a rehabilitation of (an)
existing plant(s)/unit(s); or
e. Involve a replacement of (an)
existing plant(s).

Hydro power plants with reservoirs

that satisfy at least one of the
following conditions are eligible to
apply this methodology:
Not applicable as the proposed CPA will not include
12. Not required
a. The project activity is hydropower plant
implemented in an existing
reservoir with no change in the
volume of reservoir;
b. The project activity is

Version 04.0 Page 88 of 140

implemented in an existing
reservoir, where the volume of
reservoir is increased and the
power density of the project
activity, as per definitions given in
the project emissions section, is
greater than 4 W/m2;
c. The project activity results in new
reservoirs and the power density
of the power plant, as per
definitions given in the project
emissions section, is greater than
4 W/m2.
If the new unit has both renewable
and non-renewable components (e.g.
a wind/diesel unit), the eligibility limit
of 15 MW for a small-scale CDM Equipment contracts
The total capacity of the proposed CPA will be less
13. project activity applies only to the
than 5 MW. Project proposal
renewable component. If the new unit
co-fires fossil fuel, the capacity of the
entire unit shall not exceed the limit
of 15 MW.
Combined heat and power (co- Equipment contracts
The proposed CPA is an electricity generation power
14. generation) systems are not eligible
plant. Project proposal
under this category.
In the case of project activities that
involve the capacity addition of
renewable energy generation units at Not applicable. The power plant included in the
15. Not required
an existing renewable power proposed CPA is a Greenfield plant.
generation facility, the added
capacity of the units added by the

Version 04.0 Page 89 of 140

project should be lower than 15 MW
and should be physically distinct 49
from the existing units.
In the case of retrofit, rehabilitation or
replacement, to qualify as a small-
scale project, the total output of the Not applicable. The power plant included in the
16. Not required
retrofitted, rehabilitated or proposed CPA is a Greenfield plant.
replacement power plant/unit shall
not exceed the limit of 15 MW.
In the case of landfill gas, waste gas,
wastewater treatment and agro-
industries projects, recovered
methane emissions are eligible under
a relevant Type III category. If the
recovered methane is used for
electricity generation for supply to a
grid then the baseline for the
17. electricity component shall be in Not applicable. Not required
accordance with procedure
prescribed under this methodology. If
the recovered methane is used for
heat generation or cogeneration
other applicable Type-I
methodologies such as “AMS-I.C.:
Thermal energy production with or
without electricity” shall be explored.
In case biomass is sourced from
dedicated plantations, the In case biomass is sourced from dedicated plantations, Project proposal
18. applicability criteria in the tool the applicability criteria in the tool “Project and leakage
“Project and leakage emissions from emissions from biomass” will be applied Biomass source assessment
biomass” shall apply

Physically distinct units are those that are capable of generating electricity without the operation of existing units, and that do not directly affect the mechanical, thermal, or electrical
characteristics of the existing facility. For example, the addition of a steam turbine to an existing combustion turbine to create a combined cycle unit would not be considered
“physically distinct”.

Version 04.0 Page 90 of 140


Version 04.0 Page 91 of 140


B.6. Estimation of emission reductions of a generic CPA

B.6.1. Explanation of methodological choices

Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) are calculated according to the AMS I.D as follows:

BE y  EG BL , y * EFCO 2 , grid , y


BEy Baseline Emissions in year y (t CO2)

EGBL, y Quantity of net electricity supplied to the grid as a

result of the implementation of the CDM project
activity in year y (MWh)
EF CO 2 , grid , y CO2 emission factor of the grid in year y (t CO2/MWh)

Calculation of EGPJ,y
The calculation of EGPJ,y is different for greenfield plants, capacity additions, retrofits, and
replacements. Á the proposed CPA is the installation of a greenfield power plant, then:

, , ,


, , = Quantity of net electricity generation supplied by the

project plant/unit to the grid in year y

The emission factor can be calculated in a transparent and conservative manner as follows:
(a) A combined margin (CM), consisting of the combination of operating margin (OM) and build
margin (BM) according to the procedures prescribed in the “Tool to calculate the Emission
Factor for an electricity system”;

(b) The weighted average emissions (in t CO2/MWh) of the current generation mix. The data of
the year in which project generation occurs must be used.
Calculations shall be based on data from an official source (where available) and made publicly

Project Emission
CO2 emissions from on-site consumption of fossil fuels due to the project activity shall be
calculated using the latest version of the “Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from
fossil fuel combustion”.

Version 04.0 Page 92 of 140

In case biomass is sourced from dedicated plantations, the procedures in the tool “Project and
leakage emissions from biomass” shall be used.
Project emissions resulting from cultivation of biomass in a dedicated plantation are estimated as

PEBC,y = Emissions resulting from cultivation of biomass in a dedicated plantation, in year y
PESM,y = Emissions resulting from soil management, in year y (t CO2e)
PEEC,y = Emissions resulting from energy consumption, in year y (t CO2e)
PEBB,y = Emissions resulting from burning of biomass, in year y (t CO2e)
PETR,y = Emissions resulting from transport of biomass, in year y (t CO2e)

Emissions resulting from soil management are estimated as follows:

PESM,y = Emissions resulting from soil management, in year y (t CO2e)
PESOC,y = Emissions resulting from loss of soil organic carbon, in year y (t CO2e)
PESF,y = Emissions resulting from of soil fertilization and management, in year y (t CO2e)
PESA,y = Emissions resulting from soil amendment (liming), in year y (t CO2e)
Emissions resulting from loss of soil organic carbon are estimated as follows:

PESOC,y = Emissions resulting from loss of soil organic carbon, in year y(t CO2e)
T = Length of the first crediting period of the project in years (7 or 10)

= Loss of soil organic carbon in land stratum i, ( t C)

44/12 = Factor for converting units from t C to t CO2e; dimensionless
1.156 = Factor to account for soil N2O emissions associated with loss of soil organic carbon,
i = Strata of areas of land

According to the “Methodological tool Project and leakage emissions from biomass”, Version 02.0

Version 04.0 Page 93 of 140

Loss of soil organic carbon in a stratum is estimated as follows:


= Loss of soil organic carbon in land stratum i, (t C)

ASOC,I = Area of land stratum i; (ha)
SOCREF,i = Reference SOC stock applicable to land stratum i, (t C/ha)
fLUB,i = Relative stock change factor for land-use in the baseline in stratum i
fMGB,i = Relative stock change factor for land management in the in stratum i
fINB,i = Relative stock change factor for input in the baseline in stratum i
fLUP,i = Relative stock change factor for land-use in the project in stratum i
fMGP,i = Relative stock change factor for land management in the project in stratum i
fINP,i = Relative stock change factor for input in the project in stratum i
i = Strata of areas of land
1.21 = Conservativeness factor accounting for the uncertainties in the values in Tables 2-4 in
appendix 1 of the tool

Emissions resulting from soil fertilization and management

Emissions resulting from soil fertilisation and management are estimated as follows:

PESF,y= Emissions resulting from soil fertilization and management, in year y (t CO2e)
qN,y = Rate of nitrogen applied, in year y (t N/ha)
AFTM,y = Area of land subjected to soil fertilization and management, in year y (ha)
EFFT = Aggregate emission factor for N2O and CO2 emissions resulting from production and
application of nitrogen (t CO2e/(t N)). A default value of 13.3 t CO2e/(t N)shall be used

Emissions resulting from soil amendment (liming) are estimated as follows:

PESA,y = Emissions resulting from soil amendment by liming, in year y(t CO2e)
qLM,y = Rate of application of limestone, in year y (t/ha)

Version 04.0 Page 94 of 140

ALM,y = Area of land in which limestone is applied, in year y (ha)
EFLM = Emission factor for CO2 emissions from limestone application (t CO2e/(t limestone)). A
default value of 0.12 t CO2e/(t limestone) shall be used
qDL,y = Rate of application of dolomite, in year y (t/ha)
ADL,y = Area of land in which dolomite is applied, in year y (ha)
EFDL = Emission factor for CO2 emissions from dolomite application (t CO2e (t dolomite). A
default value of 0.13 t CO2e /(t dolomite) shall be used.

Emissions resulting from energy consumption

Small scale project activities may, unless otherwise required by the methodology, neglect
emissions from energy consumption associated with cultivation of biomass.

Emissions resulting from clearance or burning of biomass

Emissions resulting from clearance or burning of biomass are estimated as follows:

PEBB,y = Emissions resulting from burning of biomass, in year y (t CO2e)
44/12 = Factor for converting units from t C to t CO2e; dimensionless
0.47= Default value of carbon fraction of biomass burnt; dimensionless
1.07 = Factor to account for non-CO2 emissions from biomass burning; dimensionless. If
biomass is cleared without using open fire, then this factor is set equal to 1 (one)
AFR,i,y = Area of stratum i of land subjected to fire in year y (ha)
bi = Fuel biomass consumption per hectare in stratum i of land subjected to fire (t dry
Ri = Root-shoot ratio (i.e. ratio of below-ground biomass to aboveground biomass) for stratum
i of land subjected to fire; dimensionless
i = Strata of areas of land

Emissions resulting from transport

Small scale project activities may, unless otherwise required by the methodology, neglect this
source of emissions if the transportation distance is less than 200 km

General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities shall be followed to quantify leakages
pertaining to the use of biomass residues. For biomass residues which are used, the leakage for

Version 04.0 Page 95 of 140

“Competing use of biomass” needs to be considered according to the “General guidance on
leakage in biomass project activities”51.
The project participant shall evaluate ex ante if there is a surplus of the biomass in the region of
the project activity, which is not utilised. If it is demonstrated (e.g., using published literature, official
reports, surveys etc.) at the beginning of each crediting period that the quantity of available
biomass in the region (e.g., 50 km radius),is at least 25% larger than the quantity of biomass that is
utilised including the project activity, then this source of leakage can be neglected otherwise this
leakage shall be estimated and deducted from the emission reductions.

Emission reduction
ERy = BEy – PEy – LEy
In which:
ERy : Emission reduction
BEy : Baseline Emission
PEy : Project Emission
LEy : Leakage Emission

B.6.2. Data and parameters fixed ex-ante


Data / Parameter CAPi

Unit MW
Description Total capacity of unit i
Source of data Manufactory specification
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Choice of data Determined by each unit in the proposed CPA.
methods and
Purpose of data For eligibility criteria of micro scale.
Additional comment

Data / Parameter: EFgrid,CM,y

Data unit: tCO2/MWh
Description: Combined margin CO2 emission factor for grid connected power
generation in year y calculated using the latest version of “Tool to
calculate the emission factor for an electricity system”.
Source of data used: [INSERT DESCRIPTION]
Value applied: [INSERT NUMBER]
Justification of the As per the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity
choice of data or system”.
description of
methods and
procedures actually
Any comment: Fixed for crediting period.

“General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities”, Version 3, EB47 Annex 28

Version 04.0 Page 96 of 140


Furthermore, for projects including biomass cultivation, the following parameter shall be known.

Data / Parameter: Pre-project land use

Data unit: variable
Description: Service level of the pre-project land use
Source of data used: Land management records, records of the relevant local authority,
stakeholders interviews etc.
procedures (if any)
Any comment:

B.6.3. Ex-ante calculations of emission reductions

Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) are calculated according to the AMS I.D as follows:

BE y  EG BL , y * EFCO 2 , grid , y


BEy Baseline Emissions in year y (t CO2) [INSERT

EG BL, y Quantity of net electricity supplied to the grid as a result of [INSERT
the implementation of the CDM project activity in year y NUMBER]
EF CO 2 , grid , y CO2 emission factor of the grid in year y (t CO2/MWh) [INSERT

, , ,

, , = Quantity of net electricity generation supplied by the

project plant/unit to the grid in year y

Project Emission
The proposed CPA will utilized renewable biomass for electricity generation, therefore PEFF,y = 0.
Project emissions resulting from cultivation of biomass in a dedicated plantation:


“Competing use of biomass” leakage:


Version 04.0 Page 97 of 140

Emission reduction
ERy = BEy – PEy – LEy
= [INSERT NUMBER] t CO2/year

B.7. Application of the monitoring methodology and description of the monitoring plan

B.7.1. Data and parameters to be monitored by each generic CPA

Data / Parameter: EG facility,y

Data unit: MWh
Description: Quantity of net electricity generation supplied by the CPA to
the grid in year y
Source of data to be Power meters at site.
Value of data
applied for the [INSERT NUMBER]
purpose of
calculating expected
emission reductions
in section B.6
Description of This parameter is calculated base on:
measurement (a) The quantity of electricity supplied by the project
methods and plant/unit to the grid; and
procedures to be (b) The quantity of electricity delivered to the project
applied: plant/unit from the grid

Continuously measured by power meter and monthly recording
QA/QC procedures The uncertainty level of this data is low. The measurement/
to be applied: monitoring equipment should be complied with national
standard and technology. The accuracy level of the power
meter will be at least 2.0s according to the national standard.52
Power meter which will be maintained and calibrated according
to the national standards or manufacturer’s suggestion.
Double checking invoices. Data will be archived within the
crediting period and 2 years after the end of the crediting
Any comment: Use for calculating ERy

Data / Parameter: -
Data unit: Tonne
Description: Quantity of biomass consumed in year y
Source of data Project activity site

Electric power technical standards of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Version 04.0 Page 98 of 140

Measurement Use mass or volume based measurements. Adjust for the
procedures (if any): moisture content in order to determine the quantity of dry
The quantity of biomass shall be measured continuously or in
If more than one type of biomass fuel is consumed, each shall
be monitored separately.
Cross-check the measurements with an annual energy balance
that is based on purchased quantities (e.g. with sales/receipts)
and stock changes. Check the consistency of measurements
ex post with annual data on energy generation, fossil fuels and
biomass used and the efficiency of energy generation as
determined ex ante
Monitoring Continuously and estimate using annual energy/mass balance
Any comment: -

Data / Parameter: -
Data unit: %
Description: Moisture content of the biomass (wet basis)
Source of data Project activity site
Measurement On-site measurements.
procedures (if any): In case of dry biomass, monitoring of this parameter is not
Monitoring The moisture content of biomass of homogeneous quality shall
frequency: be determined ex ante.
The weighted average should be calculated and used in the
Any comment: The moisture content of rice husk ranged from 8.68% to

Data / Parameter: -
Data unit: GJ/mass or volume unit
Description: Net calorific value of biomass type k
Source of data Project activity site


Version 04.0 Page 99 of 140

Measurement Measurement in laboratories according to relevant
procedures (if any): national/international standards. Measure quarterly, taking at
least three samples for each measurement. The average value
can be used for the rest of the crediting period.
Measure the NCV based on dry biomass.
Check the consistency of the measurements by comparing the
measurement results with relevant data sources (e.g. values in
the literature, values used in the national GHG inventory) and
default values by the IPCC. If the measurement results differ
significantly from previous measurements or other relevant
data sources, conduct additional measurements
Monitoring Determine once in the first year of the crediting period
Any comment: -

Data / Parameter FCi,j,y

Unit Litre/yr
Description Quantity of fuel type i combusted in process j during the year y
Source of data Onsite measurements
Measurement Use either mass or volume meters. In cases where fuel is
methods and supplied from small daily tanks, rulers can be used to determine
procedures mass or volume of the fuel consumed, with the following
conditions: The ruler gauge must be part of the daily tank and
calibrated at least once a year and have a book of control for
recording the measurements (on a daily basis or per shift);

Accessories such as transducers, sonar and piezoelectronic

devices are accepted if they are properly calibrated with the
ruler gauge and receiving a reasonable maintenance;

In case of daily tanks with pre-heaters for heavy oil, the

calibration will be made with the system at typical operational
Monitoring Continuously
QA/QC procedures The fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked
with available purchase invoices from the financial records
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Additional comment

Data / Parameter NCVj,y

Unit GJ per mass or volume unit (e.g. GJ/m³, GJ/ton)
Description Weighted average net calorific value of fuel type i in year y

Version 04.0 Page 100 of 140

ource of datta

Meeasurement Foor a) and b): Measuremennts should bee undertaken in line with
meethods and naational or inteernational fuuel standards
Moonitoring Foor a) and b): The NCV shhould be obtaained for eacch fuel deliveery,
equency froom whichweeighted averaage annual vaalues should be calculateed
Foor c): Revieww appropriateeness of the values
v annuaally
Foor d): Any future
fu revisioon of the IPC
CC Guidelin nes should beb taken
intto account
A/QC proce
edures Veerify if the values under a),
a b) and c) are within thhe uncertaintty range
off the IPCC deefault values as providedd in Table 1.2
2, Vol. 2 of thhe 2006
PCC Guidelinnes. If the vaalues fall bellow this rangge collect addditional
information from
fr the testing laborattory to justiify the outcome or
coonduct additional measuurements. Th he laboratorries in a), b)
b or c)
shhould have ISO17025 acccreditation or o justify that they can comply
wiith similar quuality standaards.
urpose of daata Ca alculation of
o project em missions
dditional com

ata / Parameter EFCO2j,y
nit tC
escription W
Weighted averrage CO2 em
mission factoor of fuel typee i in year y

Version 04
4.0 Page 101 of 140
ource of datta

Meeasurement Foor a) and b): Measuremennts should bee undertakenn in line with
meethods and naational or international fuuel standardss
Moonitoring Foor a) and b): The NCV shhould be obtaained for eacch fuel deliveery,
equency froom which weighted averrage annual values
v shouldd be calculateed
Foor c): Review
w appropriateeness of the values
v annuaally
Foor d): Any future
f revisioon of the IPCC Guidelin nes should beb taken
innto account
urpose of daata Calculation ofo project em missions
dditional com

Data and parameters

p relevant to
o projects including biomass cultiv
vation are monitored
m ass described
in the follow

ata / Parameter ASOC,i
nit ha
escription Area of land stratum i
Soource of datta Measuremen
M nt by projectt participantts
Meeasurement Sttandard lan
nd area me easurementt methods applicable in the
proocedures (iff any): ho
ost party
Moonitoring Annual
QAA/QC proce edures Check that standard land are ea measurement m
pplicable in the host pa
ap arty countryy are used
dditional com

ata / Parameter qN,y
nit tN
escription Rate of nitrog
gen applied
d, in year y
ource of datta Laand manag gement reco ords mainta
ained by project particcipants
annd fertiliserr compositio
on informa
ation from supplier,
s sttudy or
independent laboratory.. Alternativeely, the default conse
vaalue of 0.200 t N/ha per year may be
b used

Version 04
4.0 Page 102 of 140
procedures (if any):
Monitoring Cross-check records of applied quantities with purchase
frequency receipts and inventory
QA/QC procedures Check that standard land area measurement methods
applicable in the host party country are used
Additional comment Nitrogen applied through the following methods shall be added
up to arrive at this value: (i) synthetic fertilisers; (ii) organic
manure; (iii) return of the residues or cover crops

Data / Parameter AFTM,i

Unit ha
Description Area of land subjected to soil fertilization and management, in
year y
Source of data Measurement by project participants
Measurement Standard land area measurement methods applicable in the
procedures (if any): host party
Monitoring Annual
QA/QC procedures Check that standard land area measurement methods
applicable in the host party country are used
Additional comment Areas receiving one or more of the following inputs shall be
added up to arrive at this value: (i) synthetic fertilisers; (ii)
organic manure; (iii) return of the residues or cover crops

Data / Parameter qLM,y

Unit t/ha
Description Rate of application of limestone, in year y
Source of data Land management records maintained by project participants
procedures (if any):
Monitoring Annual
QA/QC procedures Cross-check records of applied quantities with purchase
receipts and inventory
Additional comment

Data / Parameter ALM,i

Unit ha
Description Area of land in which limestone is applied, in year y
Source of data Measurement by project participants
Measurement Standard land area measurement methods applicable in the
procedures (if any): host party
Monitoring Annual
QA/QC procedures Check that standard land area measurement methods
applicable in the host party country are used
Additional comment

Data / Parameter qDLy

Version 04.0 Page 103 of 140

Unit t/ha
Description Rate of application of dolomite, in year y
Source of data Land management records maintained by project participants
procedures (if any):
Monitoring Annual
QA/QC procedures Cross-check records of applied quantities with purchase
receipts and inventory
Additional comment

Data / Parameter ADL,i

Unit ha
Description Area of land in which dolomite is applied, in year y
Source of data Measurement by project participants
Measurement Standard land area measurement methods applicable in the
procedures (if any): host party
Monitoring Annual
QA/QC procedures Check that standard land area measurement methods
applicable in the host party country are used
Additional comment

Data / Parameter AFR,i,y

Unit ha
Description Area of stratum i of land subjected to fire in year y
Source of data Measurement by project participants
Measurement Standard land area measurement methods applicable in the
procedures (if any): host party
Monitoring Annual
QA/QC procedures Check that standard land area measurement methods
applicable in the host party country are used
Additional comment

Data / Parameter bi
Unit t dry matter/ha
Description Fuel biomass consumption per hectare in stratum i of land
subjected to fire
Source of data Measurement by project participants. Alternatively, the default
‘average above-ground biomass content in forest’ values from
Table 3A.1.4 of the Good Practice Guidance for Land Use,
Land-Use Change and Forestry (IPCC-GPG-LULUCF 2003
Measurement Measurement may be carried out through sample plots
procedures (if any):
Monitoring Annual
QA/QC procedures If sample plots are used, the estimated mean value should not
have an uncertainty of greater than 10 per cent at 90 per cent
confidence level

Version 04.0 Page 104 of 140

Additional comment

Data / Parameter Ri
Unit Dimensionless
Description Root-shoot ratio (i.e. ratio of below-ground biomass to above-
ground biomass) for stratum i of land subjected to fire
Source of data Measurement by project participants. Alternatively, the default
values from Table 4.4 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National
GHG Inventories may be used
Measurement Measurement may be carried out through sample plots
procedures (if any):
Monitoring Annual
QA/QC procedures If sample plots are used, the estimated mean value should not
have an uncertainty of greater than 10 per cent at 90 per cent
confidence level
Additional comment

Data / Parameter: Land use

Data unit: variable
Description: Service level of the pre-project land use
Source of data
procedures (if any)
Monitoring Annualy
QA/QC procedures
Any comment: The service level of the project land use shall at least provide
the pre-project service level, otherwise leakage shall be
accounted for

B.7.2. Description of the monitoring plan for a generic CPA

Monitored data
The parameter EG facility,y and the parameters related to project emission due to fossil fuel
consumption and cultivation of biomass in a dedicated plantation as mentioned in Section B.7.1
above will be measured during monitoring period.

Monitoring organization
The structure of the monitoring group is as follows:

Version 04.0 Page 105 of 140



CPA implementer

Power plant 01 Power plant 02 Power plant **

Rice mill staffs Rice mill staffs Rice mill staffs

Structure of the monitoring group

The responsibilities of each person involved are elaborated as follows:
Group members and their responsibilities
Person Responsibility
Nexus CME of the PoA, cross check and combine information from the
CPA and prepare the monitoring report
CPA implementer CPA Implementer, contact to power plants for collecting
monitored data and report to CME.
Power plant In charge of general operation of the power plant, provide report
to CPA implementer
Power plant staff Operate the power plant, collecting the required data.

Data recording and archiving procedures

 The monitored data will be reported and electronic archived annually.
 The CPA implementer and power plants shall keep the copy of sale invoices.
 All the data shall be kept for 2 years after end of the crediting period.
 Monitored data shall be sent to the CME for cross-checking and inserting to database.

QA/QC procedures
 The recorded electricity generation value will be cross-checked with the sale invoices to the
users. Power meter which will be maintained and calibrated according to the national
standards or manufacturer’s suggestion.
 In case of any data missing, the Gasification unit manager will seek CPA implementer for
guidance. The missing period will be conservatively estimated base on other available data.

Before the start of the crediting period, the CME will in close collaboration with the CPA
implementer develop a training manual that will clearly lay out rules and procedures for all activities
related to data recording, archiving

Version 04.0 Page 106 of 140


PART II. Generic component project activity (CPA)

SECTION A. General description of a generic CPA

A.1. Purpose and general description of generic CPAs

CPA which applies methodology AMS I.A and AMS I.B (CPA Case IV: electricity generation
and mechanical energy to users)
The Waste to energy using biomass Gasification in South East Asia LDCs programme of activities
CPA-[INSERT NUMBER] (hereafter referred as “proposed CPA”) is being implemented by
[INSERT DESCRIPTION] (hereafter referred as “[INSERT DESCRIPTION]”) under the PoA by the
CME Nexus Carbon for Development Ltd (hereafter referred as “Nexus”). Under this CPA,
[INSERT DESCRIPTION] plans to install and operate [INSERT NUMBER] biomass gasification
units in [INSERT DESCRIPTION]. The total capacity of the gasification units is [INSERT NUMBER]
MW which is less than 5 MW. The gasification equipment could be FBG, WBG, CBG series or
These units shall provide mechanical and electrical energy to [INSERT DESCRIPTION] which will
otherwise use diesel powered systems to generate [INSERT DESCRIPTION] energy. Therefore, in
this proposed CPA the diesel powered systems are replaced by a gasification unit to generate
mechanical and electrical energy.


Rice husk

Figure 14: Baseline and project scenarios

SECTION B. Application of a baseline and monitoring methodology and standardized


B.1. Reference of methodology(ies) and standardized baseline(s)

Details of the baseline and monitoring methodology applied in the proposed CPA are provided
Title: AMS-I.B, version 12: Mechanical energy for the user with or without electrical energy,

The WBG Series use Firewood, Wood Waste, Branches/ twigs or Coconut Shells; the FBG Series use Rice Husk,
Threshed Mustard Stalks, Soya and the COMBO Series can work on any of the above fuels. Please find detail in

Version 04.0 Page 107 of 140

Title: AMS-I.A, version 16: Electricity generation by the user ,
Methodological tool: Demonstration additionality of microscale project activity, version 07.0, EB86,
Annex 14
“Methodological tool: Assessment of debundling for small-scale project activities” version 04.0 EB
83, Annex 13.
General Guidelines to SSC CDM Methodologies, version 22 EB86, Annex 13.

B.2. Applicability of methodology(ies) and standardized baseline(s)

The applicability of the methodology has been checked for the CPA-001 against all the applicability
conditions specified in the baseline and monitoring methodology AMS-I.B, version 12 and AMS I.A,
version 16. The applicability has been demonstrated in section B.5.

The proposed CPA is a Type I project, as it is involved generation of mechanical and electrical
energy using renewable energy. This fundamental objective of the CPA shall remain consistent
throughout the crediting period of the CPA. Thus, the proposed CPA will be a Type I activity for its
entire crediting period.

B.3. Sources and GHGs

In accordance with the PoA DD, the sources and the GHGs included in the CPA boundary are
presented in the table below:

Table 16: GHG Emission sources included in the project boundary

Justification /
Source GHG Included?
Major source of GHG
CO2 Yes

Emissions from diesel emission

consumption CH4 No Excluded
N2O No Excluded

Major source of GHG

CO2 Yes
Project activity

CO2 emissions from emission

consumption of diesel; CH4 No Excluded
N2O No Excluded
CO2 Yes Included
Leakage from using
CH4 No Excluded
N2O No Excluded

The physical, geographical site of the renewable energy (electricity and mechanical energy)
generating unit and the equipment that uses the generated renewable energydelineates the CPA
boundary as in the figure below. The generation units present in the proposed CPA are all located
in Cambodia therefore they are within the boundary of the PoA. This is depicted in the diagrams

Please find detail in Section B.6 the leakage assessment.

Version 04.0 Page 108 of 140


Biomass Biomass

Biomass Storage

Mechanical Electrical
Gasification units energy energy

Filters Engine/Generator

CO2 emission


Figure 15: CPA boundary.

B.4. Description of baseline scenario

Baseline scenario under the methodology AMS I.A
“The energy baseline is the fuel consumption of the technology in use or that would have been
used in the absence of the project activity to generate the equivalent quantity of energy”
Therefore in the absence of the proposed CPA, the electricity would continue to be generated by
the diesel based generators as in the business as usual scenario. In such scenario GHGs would
be released in the atmosphere as a result of the diesel consumption.
Baseline emissions from electricity generation are calculated based on the amount of diesel used
and the emission factor of diesel. For more details, please refer to the Section B.6.1.

Baseline scenario under the methodology AMS I.B

The CPA-[INSERT NUMBER] is located in Cambodia which is the Least Developed Countries
(LDCs). Suppressed demand scenario (i.e. minimum service level provided by the project
technology is not met prior to project implementation) is deemed to exist according to the
procedure for the determination of the suppressed demand scenario under the methodology AMS
“A suppressed demand scenario (i.e. minimum service level provided by the project technology is
not met prior to project implementation) is deemed to exist, if one of the following conditions is
demonstrated through documented evidence such as, published literature, official reports or
national statistics:
a) The project activity is implemented in rural areas and the rate of rural electrification in the
host country is less than 20 per cent. The most recent available data on the electrification
rates shall be used to demonstrate compliance with the 20 per cent threshold. In no case
shall data older than three years from the date of commencement of validation of the
project activity be used;
b) The project activity is located in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island
Developing States (SIDs) or in special underdeveloped zone (SUZ)56 of a host country;

For definition of SUZ refer to the “Methodological tool: Demonstrating additionality of microscale project activity”,
version 06.0, EB83 Annex 12

Version 04.0 Page 109 of 140

The project activity is implemented where there is increased demand for services (i.e. food/agro
processing) and continued use of pre-project scenario would not able to meet the demand or the
increased demand is partially met with the use of fossil fuel based equipment.”
Therefore in the absence of the proposed CPA, the mechanical energy would continue to be
generated by the diesel based engines as in the business as usual scenario. In such scenario
GHGs would be released in the atmosphere as a result of the diesel consumption.
Baseline emissions from mechanical energy generation are calculated based on the power
requirements times hours of operation per year times the emission factor for diesel generator
systems. For more details, please refer to the Section B.6.1
Following the EB guidance on the consideration of national and/or sectoral policies and
circumstances in baseline scenarios (EB 22, annex 3), two types of policies E+ and E- have been
(a) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages to more
emissions- intensive technologies or fuels over less emissions-intensive technologies or fuels.
(b) National and/or sectoral policies or regulations that give comparative advantages to less
emissions- intensive technologies over more emissions-intensive technologies (e.g. public
subsidies to promote the diffusion of renewable energy or to finance energy efficiency programs).
The government of Cambodia had not implemented any such E- policy before the adoption by the
COP of the CDM M&P (decision 17/CP.7, 11 November 2001) as well as E+ policy before the
adoption of the Kyoto Protocol by the Conference of the Parties (decision 1/CP.3, 11 December
1997) 57 . According to “Clean development mechanism project standard” version 09.0, it is not
needed be taken into account in developing a baseline scenario.

B.5. Demonstration of eligibility for a generic CPA

The CPA-[INSERT NUMBER] applies the methodology AMS I.A and AMS I.B (CPA Case IV),
therefore the eligibility criteria from the Table 2, 3 and 4 of section B.2, Part I of the PoA DD will be
The eligibility criteria and reasons displaying eligibility for the inclusion of this proposed CPA in the
PoA are as follows:

Energy sector in Cambodia https://www.

Version 04.0 Page 110 of 140


Table 17: General eligibility criteria for CPA inclusion

Eligibility criteria as per the Crit
required in “Standard for eria
demonstration of additionality, Evidence used by CPA for demonstrating met
The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included
No. development of eligibility criteria compliance ?
in the PoA
and application of multiple
methodologies for programme of
The geographical boundary of the
All the installations in the CPA shall be located  Project proposal/report or
CPA including any time-induced Yes
within the geographical boundary of Cambodia.
(a) boundary consistent with the /No/
Location of mitigation measure to be checked by
geographical boundary set in the NA
the CME at the time of inclusion of CPA.
1. A unique identifier such as location is GPS coordinates or
attached to each unit enrolled in the CPA so Yes
there is no double counting in the PoA. Each /No/
unit shall be given with a code such as: NA
In which:
AAA is the CPA number
BBB is the plant number
Conditions that avoid double
counting of emission reductions like CCC is the unit number in the plant BBB
(b) unique identifications of product 2. Prior to registering a new CPA within the
and end-user locations (e.g. proposed PoA, the CME will check the
programme logo); CDM/Goldstandard/VCS and other carbon
standards project database to establish
whether the proposed CPA is developed as
another project activity or CPA/VPA of
another PoA. This search will cover registered
project activities, project activities requesting
registration, project activities under review,
project under validation and project activities
for which either a review or corrections have
been requested. The process of checking will

Version 04.0 Page 111 of 140

be repeated by the DOE responsible for
registering new CPA under the proposed
PoA. If the CPA was already commissioned,
the financial report of CPA implementer could
be further checked to make sure that there is
not any other carbon revenue besides the
carbon revenue under the proposed PoA.
For CPA Case IV: The gasification units could  Map or address
utilize the biomass residues (Rice husk and/or Yes
others residues) to produce the syngas which /No/
The specifications of would be consumed in the engine or generator NA
technology/measure including the for driving the rice machine or generating
level and type of service, electricity. All equipment would be purchased
performance specifications from a well-known supplier. The gasification
including compliance with equipment could be FBG, WBG or CBG series or
testing/certifications; equivalent 58. Besides all equipment are needed
to be test before operation.

The CME shall check the date of the placement  User details (i.e. name, address)
of the first work order with respect to the Yes
Conditions to check the start date
installation of any mitigation measure in the CPA, /No/
(d) of the CPA through documentary
which shall be after 30/09/201359 and earlier than NA
the end date of the PoA (28 years from the date
of registration).
Conditions that ensure compliance Contract or MOU between CPA Implementer
with applicability and other Each CPA shall satisfy the applicability criteria of and Nexus that appoint Nexus as the CME. Yes
requirements of single or multiple its specific CPA Case /No/
methodologies applied by CPAs; NA
The conditions that ensure that  Total capacity of mitigation measure in any  Individual project system/unit is identifiable
CPAs meet the requirements CPA will be less than 5 MW. by: Yes/
(f) No/
pertaining to the demonstration of  All mitigation measure will be located in
additionality Cambodia. NA

The WBG Series use Firewood, Wood Waste, Branches/ twigs or Coconut Shells; the FBG Series use Rice Husk, Threshed Mustard Stalks, Soya and the COMBO Series can work
on any of the above fuels. Please find detail in
Start date of the PoA is 30/09/2013

Version 04.0 Page 112 of 140

The local stakeholder consultation meeting shall Unit code recorded in a database
be conducted for each CPA at the time of Yes
inclusion. The CME shall verify all the documents /No/
The PoA-specific requirements related to stakeholder consultation meeting and NA
stipulated by the CME including any the solicitation of the comments received from
(g) conditions related to undertaking the stakeholder meetings will be described in
local stakeholder consultations and section C of the specific CPA DD.
environmental impact analysis;
The EIA requirement and Environment
Management Plan for each CPA shall be
checked as per the prevailing host party laws.
 In case Party providing ODA involves,  Its precise location recorded in the database
confirmation letter from Annex I party or Yes
funding agreement need to be provided to /No/
prove that funding to the CPA does not result NA
Conditions to provide an affirmation in a diversion of official development
that funding from Annex I parties, if assistance.
any, does not result in a diversion
of official development assistance;  In case no ODA is involved or Party providing
ODA does not involve the PoA, confirmation
letter from CPA implementing entity that the
CPA has not received funding or included
involvement of Annex I parties.
Where applicable, target group
Every CPA shall ensure that all mitigation Yes
measure displace the use of fossil fuels to /No/
(i) generate mechanical or electrical energy, and NA
rural/urban, grid connected/ off-
that the generated energy is used in a
grid) and distribution mechanisms
commercial, domestic or industrial context
(e.g. direct installation);
Where applicable, the conditions Equipment contracts
related to sampling requirements Yes
for a PoA in accordance with the Sampling requirement is not required as each /No/
approved guidelines/standard from unit will be monitored directly. NA
the Board pertaining to sampling
and surveys

Version 04.0 Page 113 of 140

Technical specification from the supplier to
Where applicable, the conditions
make sure that the equipment could deliver the Yes
that ensure that every CPA in
energy output at same type and level as the /No/
aggregate meets the small-scale or The CPA must not exceed the micro-scale baseline scenario. NA
(k) micro-scale threshold criteria and threshold in respect to installed capacity at any
remains within those thresholds time during the lifetime of the CPA.
throughout the crediting period of
the CPA;

Debundling check carried out in line with the Testing report to be provided before verification
latest approved version of the “Methodological period. Yes
tool: Assessment of debundling for small-scale /No/
project activities” (version 04.0 EB 83, Annex 13 NA
or the latest applicable version at time of
inclusion). CME will check whether:
1. For the purposes of registration of a
Programme of Activities (PoA), a proposed
small-scale CPA of a PoA shall be deemed to
be a de-bundled component of a large scale
activity if there is already an activity, which
satisfies both conditions (a) and (b) below:
Where applicable, the requirements (a) Has the same activity implementer as the
for the debundling check, in case proposed small scale CPA or has a coordinating
(l) or managing entity, which also manages a large
CPAs belong to small-scale (SSC)
or micro-scale project categories. scale PoA of the same technology/measure, and;
(b) The boundary is within 1 km of the boundary
of the proposed small-scale CPA, at the closest
2. If a proposed small-scale CPA of a PoA
is deemed to be a debundled component in
accordance with paragraph 2 above, but the total
size of such a CPA combined with a registered
small-scale CPA of a PoA or a registered CDM
project activity does not exceed the limits for
small-scale CDM and small-scale A/R project
activities as set out in Annex II of the decision
4/CMP.1 8 and 5/CMP.1 respectively, the CPA of
a PoA can qualify to use simplified modalities

Version 04.0 Page 114 of 140

and procedures for small-scale CDM and small-
scale A/R CDM project activities.
3. If each of the independent
subsystems/measures (e.g., biogas digester,
solar home system) included in the CPA of a PoA
is no larger than 1% of the small-scale thresholds
defined by the methodology applied, then that
CPA of PoA is exempted from performing de-
bundling check i.e., considering as not being a
de-bundled component of a large scale activity
The date at which the order for the first project
In the case of project activities and unit/system in the CPA is placed (equipment Yes
PoAs using biomass, emission Project participants and coordinating/managing contract) /No/
(m) reductions may only be accounted entities shall refer to the “Definition of Renewable NA
for the combustion of “renewable Biomass”.

Evidences will be checked base on applied

methodology(ies) in the table(s) 3, 4 and 5 of Yes
Project participants and coordinating/managing the PoA DD where applicable. /No/
For leakage in project activities and
(n) entities shall refer to the “General guidance on NA
PoAs using biomass
leakage in biomass project activities”.

Project description that total capacity is equal or

Biomass agricultural residues (wood, wood less than 5MW. Yes
Biomass agricultural residues product, straw) used in case of project activities /No/
(o) (wood, wood product, straw) for and PoAs for energy purposes, shall not be NA
energy purposes stored longer than one year before they are

Equipment contracts of all units in CPA if

available for cross checking Yes
(p) Carbon credit ownership CME shall have the right to the carbon credit NA

Version 04.0 Page 115 of 140

Assessment on sources of used biomass.
The used biomass in the proposed PoA are Yes
renewable biomass which fulfill the criteria (b), /No/
(q) Type of used renewable biomass NA
(c), (d), (e) of the renewable biomass definition in
CDM glossary term, version 08.0

The applicability criteria for AMS I.A are discussed below:

Table 18: Applicability criteria for AMS I.A

The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included in Evidence used by CPA for demonstrating Criteri
No Applicability Criteria
the PoA compliance a met
This category comprises renewable
electricity generation units that Yes/
supply individual households/users No/N
or groups of households/users A
The CPAs in this proposed PoA shall install the
included in the project boundary.
gasification units using renewable biomass for
The applicability is limited to
supplying electricity to the individual household,
individual households and users
users that do not have grid connection or the group
that do not have a grid60 connection
of households or users who are supplied electricity
except when:
through a standalone mini-grid powered by  Grid connection report at project
1. (a) A group of households or renewable energy generation unit(s) where the location
users are supplied electricity capacity of the generating units does not exceed 5  Equipment contracts
through a standalone mini-grid61 MW (i.e. the sum of installed capacities of all
powered by renewable energy renewable energy generators connected to the mini-
generation unit(s) where the grid is less than or equal to 5 MW) e.g. a community
capacity of the generating units based stand-alone off-the-grid renewable electricity
does not exceed 15 MW (i.e. the systems;
sum of installed capacities of all
renewable energy generators
connected to the mini-grid is less
than 15 MW) e.g. a community

National/regional grid.
Not connected to a national/regional grid.

Version 04.0 Page 116 of 140

based stand-alone off-the-grid
renewable electricity systems; or
(b) The emissions reduction
per renewable energy based
lighting system is less than
5 tonnes of CO2e a year and where
it can be shown that fossil fuel
would have been used in the
absence of the project activity by:
 A representative sample
survey (90% confidence interval,
10% error margin) of target
households; or
 Official statistics from the
host country government
(c) A group of households or
users are connected to a grid prior
to the start date of the project
activity (or the start date of
validation with due justification),
however the electricity from the
grid is available for the households
and users for less than 36 hours in
any given calendar month during
the crediting period. If based on
actual monitoring it can be
demonstrated that during a specific
month the power supply from the
grid to the households and users is
for less than 36 hours, emission
reductions can be calculated for
that specific month. The
methodology is not applicable in
cases where, the project activity
plant, which supplies electricity to

Version 04.0 Page 117 of 140

this category of users, is connected
to the grid at any time during the
crediting period.
The renewable energy generation
units include technologies such as
solar, hydro, wind, biomass
gasification and other technologies
that produce electricity all of which
is used on-site/locally by the user,
e.g. solar home systems, wind
battery chargers. The renewable
generating units may be new
installations (Greenfield) or replace
existing onsite fossil-fuel-fired
generation. To qualify as a small-
scale project, the total output of the
unit(s) shall not exceed the limit of
15 MW
Hydro power plants with reservoirs
that satisfy at least one of the Yes/
following conditions are eligible to No/N
apply this methodology: A
 The project activity is
implemented in an existing
reservoir with no change in the
volume of reservoir;
2.  The project activity is Not applicable. Not required
implemented in an existing
reservoir, where the volume of
reservoir is increased and the
power density of the project
activity, as per definitions given in
the project emissions section, is
greater than 4 W/m2;
The project activity results in new
reservoirs and the power density of

Version 04.0 Page 118 of 140

the power plant, as per definitions
given in the project emissions
section, is greater than 4 W/m2
Combined heat and power
(cogeneration) systems are not Note applicable as the CPAs do not involve a Yes/
3. Not required
eligible under this category. combined heat and power (cogeneration) system. No/N
If the unit added has both
renewable and non-renewable Yes/
components (e.g. a wind/diesel No/N
unit), the eligibility limit of 15 MW A
for a small-scale CDM project The total capacity of renewable units or co-fired
4. Equipment contracts
activity applies only to the systems will be less than 5 MW
renewable component. If the unit
added co-fires fossil fuel, the
capacity of the entire unit shall not
exceed the limit of 15 MW.
Project activities that involve retrofit
or replacement of an existing Yes/
facility for renewable energy No/N
In the case of retrofit or replacement, the total
generation are included in this A
5. output of the retrofitted or replacement unit will not Equipment contracts
category. To qualify as a small-
exceed the limit of 5 MW.
scale project, the total output of the
modified or retrofitted unit shall not
exceed the limit of 15 MW.
In the case of project activities that
involve the addition of renewable Yes/
energy generation units at an The total capacity of the added units will be lower Equipment contracts No/N
6. existing renewable power than 5 MW and physically distinct from the existing A
units; Project layout
generation facility, the added
capacity of the units added by the
project should be lower than

Version 04.0 Page 119 of 140

15 MW and should be physically
distinct62 from the existing units.
In the specific case of biomass
project activities, the multiple types Yes/
of biomass, i.e. biomass residues No/N
and biomass from dedicated A
plantations can be used for a PoA,
provided all the other requirements
in the methodology such as: (a)
leakage emissions in case of
The used biomass for the proposed PoA is biomass
biomass residues following the
7. residues. Leakage for “Competing use of biomass” Biomass resource assessment
general guidance for leakage in
needs to be considered
small-scale biomass project
activities (attachment C of
Appendix B; 63 and (b) consistency
with AM0042 “Grid-connected
electricity generation using
biomass from newly developed
dedicated plantations” in case of
dedicated plantation are satisfied.

The applicability criteria for AMS I.B are discussed below:

Table 19: Applicability criteria for AMS I.B

The eligibility criteria of a CPA to be included Evidence used by CPA for demonstrating eria
No Applicability Criteria
in the PoA compliance met
The methodology comprises The proposed CPA shall install the gasification Equipment contract
1. renewable energy generation units units using renewable biomass and engines Baseline assessment Yes
that supply individual or groups of which consuming the syngas from gasification /No/
Project proposal

Physically distinct units are those that are capable of generating electricity without the operation of existing units, and that do not directly affect the mechanical, thermal, or electrical
characteristics of the existing facility. For example, the replacement of the nacelle assembly or blades of a wind battery charger would not be considered “physically distinct”.
Available on <>.

Version 04.0 Page 120 of 140

households or users with mechanical units for supplying mechanical energy to users NA
energy. which otherwise would have been supplied with
fossil fuel based energy.

The renewable energy generation

units include technologies such as Yes
hydropower, wind power, renewable- /No/
biomass based energy generation NA
and other technologies that provide
mechanical energy (with or without The proposed CPA will install the new Equipment contract
electrical energy), all of which is used gasification system for driving rice mill engine. Project proposal
on-site by the individual household(s)
or user(s), such as wind-powered
pumps, solar water pumps, water
mills, agro processing mills and wind
3. The methodology is applicable
To replacement or retrofitting of
existing facilities; Yes
a. Not applicable Not required
To greenfield facilities or project
activities involving capacity additions; Yes
b. The proposed CPA is the greenfield facilities. Equipment contracts
Where generation capacity is
specified, it shall be less than 15 Yes
MW. If the generation capacity is not /No/
specified, the estimated diesel-based NA
electricity generating capacity that The total installed capacity shall be less than 5 Equipment contracts
c. would be required to provide the MW
Project proposal
same service or mechanical energy
shall be less than 15 MW. In the case
of irrigation where diesel-fuelled
pumps are used directly, the
cumulative rating of diesel-fuelled

Version 04.0 Page 121 of 140

pumps shall not exceed 15 MW. The
size of a diesel-based generator or a
diesel pump that would be required
shall be justified;
For irrigation applications involving Not applicable
replacement of the pump in addition Yes
to renewable energy use, the /No/
operating characteristics (head v/s NA
discharge and efficiency) of the new
pump should be similar to or better
d. than the system being replaced or Not required
would have been replaced. In
irrigation applications where the
water distribution system is replaced
or modified, the new system should
have distribution efficiency similar to
or better than the replaced system;
If the project equipment includes The total capacity of renewable units or co-fired
renewable units and diesel fired units systems shall be less than 5 MW Yes
(e.g. a wind/diesel unit), the eligibility /No/
limit of 15 MW for a small-scale CDM NA
project activity applies only to the
renewable units. For co-fired Equipment contracts
systems, 64 the total installed Project proposal
mechanical energy generation
capacity of the project equipment,
when using both fossil and
renewable fuel, shall not exceed 15
In the case of project activities that Not applicable
involve the addition of renewable Yes
f. energy generation units at an existing Not required /No/
renewable power generation facility, NA
the added capacity of the units added

Version 04.0 Page 122 of 140

by the project should be lower than
15 MW and should be physically
distinct from the existing units;
In the case of retrofit or replacement, The total capacity of retrofitted or replacement
to qualify as a small-scale project, units shall be less than 5 MW Equipment contracts Yes
g. the total output of the retrofitted or /No/
replacement unit shall not exceed the Project proposal NA
limit of 15 MW.
In case biomass is sourced from The consumed biomass will be rice husk so it is
dedicated plantations, the not sourced from dedicated plantations so this Yes
4. applicability criteria in the tool criteria is not applicable. Not required /No/
“Project and leakage emissions from NA
biomass” shall apply
The methodology is applicable to a The used biomass for the proposed PoA is
programme of activities, no additional biomass residues. Only leakage for “Competing Yes
leakage estimations are necessary use of biomass” needs to be considered /No/
5. Biomass resource assessment
other than that indicated under according to the “General guidance on leakage NA
leakage section above. in biomass project activities”, EB47, Annex 28.

Version 04.0 Page 123 of 140


B.6. Estimation of emission reductions of a generic CPA

B.6.1. Explanation of methodological choices

For unit(s) under AMS I.B
Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) are calculated according to the AMS I.B as follows:
“The power requirements times hours of operation per year times the emission factor for diesel
generator systems, determined according to procedures specified in “AMS-I.A: Electricity
generation by the user”;”
BEi,y= ∑ ∗ ∗


: Emissions factor of diesel (t CO2/kWh)

CAPi : Power requirement or capacity of rice mill engine i (kW)
Hi : Operation time of rice mill engine i (h)
N : Number of units
, : Baseline emissions of unit i in year y (t CO2)

Project Emission
Project emissions consist of:

 CO2 emissions from consumption of diesel;

 CO2 emissions from consumption of electricity not generated from the project activity (if

∑ ,, 0.8439 0.0032 ,,

,, : Quantity of diesel consumption in unit i in year y (l)
0.8439 Default value for diesel density65 (kg/l)
0.0032 Default value for the CO2 emission factor of diesel (t CO2/kg diesel)
,, : Project emissions due to electricity consumption in year y (t CO2).
This parameter shall be calculated as per the latest version of the
“Tool to calculate baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from
electricity consumption”
: Project emissions in year y (t CO2)

General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities shall be followed to quantify leakages
pertaining to the use of biomass residues. According to the “General guidance on leakage in
biomass project activities”66 the following leakage need to be considered:

International Energy Agency and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development. 2004. Energy statistic

Version 04.0 Page 124 of 140


In case of the CPA-[INSERT NUMBER], the used biomass in these units is biomass residues (rice
husk) therefore only leakage for “Competing use of biomass” needs to be considered.
The project participant shall evaluate ex ante if there is a surplus of the biomass in the region of
the project activity, which is not utilised. If it is demonstrated (e.g., using published literature, official
reports, surveys etc.) at the beginning of each crediting period that the quantity of available
biomass in the region (e.g., 50 km radius),is at least 25% larger than the quantity of biomass that is
utilised including the project activity, then this source of leakage can be neglected otherwise this
leakage shall be estimated and deducted from the emission reductions.
For unit(s) under AMS I.A
Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) are calculated according to the AMS I.A as follows:

BE CO 2 , y  E BL , y * EF CO 2


BECO 2, y Emissions in the baseline in year y; tCO2

EBL,y Annual energy baseline in year y; kWh

EFCO 2 CO2 emission factor; tCO2/kWh

“General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities”, Version 3, EB47 Annex 28

Version 04.0 Page 125 of 140

The energy baseline is the fuel consumption of the technology in use or that would have been used
in the absence of the project activity to generate the equivalent quantity of energy,67 estimated
using the following option:
Option 1: the energy baseline is calculated based on the average annual electricity consumption of
the consumers as per the below:

E BL , y   n
i i * EC i, y  1  l  (2)

EBL,y Annual energy baseline; kWh
 i
The sum over the group of i renewable energy technologies (e.g. renewable energy
technologies for households, rural health centres, rural schools, grain milling, water
pumping, irrigation, etc.) implemented as part of the project activity
ni Number of consumers supplied by installations of the renewable energy technology
belonging to the group of i renewable energy technologies during the year
ECi,y Average annual individual energy consumption observed in closest grid electricity
systems among rural grid connected consumers belonging to the same group of i
renewable energy technologies. If energy consumption is metered, ECi,y is the average
energy consumed 68 by consumers belonging to the group of i renewable energy
technologies; kWh
l Average technical distribution losses that would have been observed in diesel powered
mini-grids installed by public programmes or distribution companies in isolated areas,
expressed as a fraction69

Project Emission
For most renewable energy project activities, PEy = 0. However, for the following categories of
project activities, project emissions have to be considered following the procedure described in the
most recent version of ACM0002 “Consolidated baseline methodology for grid-connected electricity
generation from renewable sources”.

 Emissions related to the operation of geothermal power plants (e.g. non-condensable

gases, electricity/fossil fuel consumption);

 Emissions from water reservoirs of hydro power plants.

If fossil fuel is used, the electricity generation metered should be adjusted by deducting the
electricity generation from fossil fuels using the specific fuel consumption and the quantity of fossil
fuel consumed. The project emission from diesel consumption is estimated according to the “Tool
to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion”

Renewable energy lighting applications shall consider the equivalent level of lighting service instead of energy (See
annex 1 of EB 08).
Potential oversizing of the power capacity installed or energy generated by the CDM project activity shall not be
reflected in the baseline and emissions reduction calculation. For this reason, the energy value taken into account
shall be the energy consumed. It cannot be the electricity output, except if the project participant justifies that it
represents a reasonable estimate of the energy that would have been generated by a diesel generator larger than
35 kW and operating with a load factor of at least 50% to provide similar electricity services.
A reasonable default value for distribution losses on low voltage rural distribution grid could be 20%. Project
proponents shall demonstrate in the PDD that in the absence of the project activity electricity supply would have
entailed distribution losses e.g. users are in distributed locations, else a value of L=0 shall be used.

Version 04.0 Page 126 of 140



 If the energy generating equipment is transferred from another activity, leakage is to be


 General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities shall be followed to quantify

leakages pertaining to the use of biomass residues. According to the “General guidance on
leakage in biomass project activities”70 the following leakage need to be considered:

“General guidance on leakage in biomass project activities”, Version 3, EB47 Annex 28

Version 04.0 Page 127 of 140


In case of the proposed CPA, the used biomass in these units is biomass residues therefore only
leakage for “Competing use of biomass” needs to be considered.
The project participant shall evaluate ex ante if there is a surplus of the biomass in the region of
the project activity, which is not utilised. If it is demonstrated (e.g., using published literature, official
reports, surveys etc.) at the beginning of each crediting period that the quantity of available
biomass in the region (e.g., 50 km radius),is at least 25% larger than the quantity of biomass that is
utilised including the project activity, then this source of leakage can be neglected otherwise this
leakage shall be estimated and deducted from the emission reductions.

Emission reduction
ERy = BEy – PEy – LEy
In which:
ERy : Emission reduction
BEy : Baseline Emission
PEy : Project Emission
LEy : Leakage Emission

B.6.2. Data and parameters fixed ex-ante


Data / Parameter EFCO2

Unit kgCO2e/kWh
Description Baseline emission factor
Source of data AMS I.A, version 16
Value(s) applied 0.8

Version 04.0 Page 128 of 140

Choice of data Default value from the methodologies AMS I.B and AMS I.A.
methods and
Purpose of data For calculating the baseline emission.
Additional comment

Data / Parameter EFdiesel

Unit kgCO2e/kWh
Description Baseline emission factor
Source of data AMS I.A, version 16
Value(s) applied 0.8
Choice of data Default value from the methodologies AMS I.B and AMS I.A.
methods and
Purpose of data For calculating the baseline emission.
Additional comment

Data / Parameter CAPi

Unit MW
Description Total capacity of unit i
Source of data Manufactory specification
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Choice of data Determined by each unit in the proposed CPA.
methods and
Purpose of data For calculating the baseline emission.
Additional comment

Data / Parameter N
Description Total number of units in the proposed CPA
Source of data CME Database
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Choice of data Determined before the CPA inclusion.
methods and
Purpose of data For calculating the baseline emission and project emission
Additional comment

B.6.3. Ex-ante calculations of emission reductions


Version 04.0 Page 129 of 140

For unit(s) under AMS I.B
Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) for each unit could be calculated ex-ante as follow:
BEi,y =∑ ∗ ∗
: Emissions factor of diesel (t CO2/kWh) = 0.0008
CAPi : Power requirement or capacity of engine in unit i (kW) = [INSERT
Hi : Operation time of engine in unit i (h) = [INSERT
N : Number of units = [INSERT
, : Baseline emissions of unit i in year y (t CO2) =

Project Emission
Project emissions consist of:

 CO2 emissions from consumption of diesel;

 CO2 emissions from consumption of electricity not generated from the project activity (if

∑ ,, 0.8439 0.0032 ,,

,, : Quantity of diesel consumption in unit i = [INSERT
in year y (l) NUMBER]
Default value for diesel density71 (kg/l) = 0.8439
Default value for the CO2 emission = 0.0032
factor of diesel (t CO2/kg diesel)
,, : Project emissions due to electricity = 0
consumption in year y (t CO2). This
parameter shall be calculated as per
the latest version of the “Tool to
calculate baseline, project and/or
leakage emissions from electricity
N : Number of units = [INSERT
: Project emissions in year y = [INSERT
(t CO2/year) NUMBER]

International Energy Agency and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development. 2004. Energy statistic

Version 04.0 Page 130 of 140


 The project equipment will be newly purchased and the rice husk used for the gasification
unit will be from the project’s mills so the leakage emission for transferred equipment is
 “Competing use of biomass” leakage:
The expected rice production for each rice mill is [INSERT NUMBER] tons/year72, with the
residual production rate of 0.27 73 , the generated rice husk per year at the rice mill is
[INSERT NUMBER] tons/year
According to the technical specification of equipment, the maximum biomass consumption74
is [INSERT NUMBER] kg/h, provided that the operation hour is [INSERT NUMBER]
h/year75, the maximum rice husk consumption per year is [INSERT NUMBER] tons rice
Therefore the rice husk consumption is only [INSERT NUMBER] %. In other word, the generated
rice husk only from the rice mill (not including other rice husk sources in surrounding area) is
[INSERT NUMBER] % larger than the quantity of biomass that is utilized by the project activity,
then this source of leakage can be neglected according to the “General guidance on leakage in
biomass project activities”, Version 3, EB47 Annex 28
For unit(s) under AMS I.A
Baseline emissions
The baseline emissions (BEy) are calculated according to the AMS I.A as follows:

BE CO 2 , y  E BL , y * EF CO 2


BECO 2, y Emissions in the baseline in year y; tCO2 [INSERT

EBL,y Annual energy baseline in year y; kWh [INSERT
EFCO 2 CO2 emission factor; tCO2/kWh [INSERT

Project Emission
According to the section above, PEy = PEFC,j,y:


 The project equipment will be newly purchased and the rice husk used for the gasification
unit will be from the project’s mills so the leakage emission for transferred equipment is
 “Competing use of biomass” leakage:

Source [ZZZ]
Theoretical bioenergy residue potential in Cambodia and Laos
Source [ZZZ]
Source [ZZZ]

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ERy = BEy – PEy – LEy
= [INSERT NUMBER] t CO2/year

B.7. Application of the monitoring methodology and description of the monitoring plan

B.7.1. Data and parameters to be monitored by each generic CPA

For unit(s) under AMS I.B

Data / Parameter: Hi
Data unit: Hour
Description: Operation time of engine in unit i
Source of data: Project site
Value(s) applied
Estimating the average annual hours of operation of an average
methods and
system, if necessary using survey methods. Annual hours of
operation can be estimated from total output (e.g. tonnes of grain
dried) and output per hour if an accurate value of output per hour is
Monitoring Recording annually the number of project systems operating,
QA/QC procedures: The result could be cross check with the sales invoices.
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions;
Any comment: -

Data / Parameter FCdiesel,i,y

Unit Litre/yr
Description Quantity of diesel consumption in year y of unit i
Source of data Onsite measurements
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Measurement The standard measuring cans will be recorded.
methods and
Monitoring Continuously
QA/QC procedures The fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Additional comment This parameter is applicable if diesel is consumed in the project

Data / Parameter BBiomass,y

Unit tons/yr
Description Quantity of biomass consumption in year y of unit i
Source of data Onsite measurements

Version 04.0 Page 132 of 140

Measurement The standard measuring bag will be recorded.
methods and
Monitoring Continuously
QA/QC procedures The fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
Purpose of data Required by methodology in cases where emission reductions are
calculated based on energy output, check the consistency of
measurements ex post with annual data on energy generation, fossil
fuels and biomass used and the efficiency of energy generation as
determined ex ante
Additional comment Monitored according to the paragraph 17 and 19 of the methodology
AMS I.A, version 16

Data / Parameter: NCV

Data unit: GJ/mass or volume unit on dry-basis
Description: Net calorific value of biomass residues
Source of data: On-site measurements
Measurement Measurement in laboratories according to relevant
procedures (if any): national/international standards. Measure quarterly, taking at least
three samples for each measurement. The average value can be used
for the rest of the crediting period.
Measure the NCV based on dry biomass
Monitoring Determine once in the first year of the crediting period
QA/QC procedures: Check the consistency of the measurements by comparing the
measurement results with relevant data sources (e.g. values in the
literature, values used in the national GHG inventory) and default
values by the IPCC. If the measurement results differ significantly from
previous measurements or other relevant data sources, conduct
additional measurements
Purpose of data For estimating the potential energy from biomass residues (rice husk)
Any comment: This parameter is applicable if biomass residues are consumed in the
project equipment

Data / Parameter: -
Data unit: %
Description: Moisture content of the biomass residues (wet basis)
Source of data: On-site measurements
Measurement The project continues to use same type of biomass during the rest of
procedures (if any): the crediting period so the ex-ante value is used during the crediting
period. The moisture content of rice husk ranged from 8.68% to
10.44%76. For conservative the highest value 10.44% is applied for this
specific CPA.


Version 04.0 Page 133 of 140

Monitoring The moisture content of biomass of homogeneous quality shall be
frequency: determined ex ante at least one time prior to first verification.

QA/QC procedures: -
Purpose of data For adjusting the quantity of dry biomass
Any comment: This parameter is applicable if biomass residues are consumed in the
project equipment

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For unit(s) under AMS I.A
The CPAs in this proposed PoA shall install the gasification units using renewable biomass for
supplying electricity to the individual household, users that do not have grid connection or the
group of households or users who are supplied electricity through a standalone mini-grid powered
by renewable energy generation unit(s) where the capacity of the generating units does not exceed
5 MW (i.e. the sum of installed capacities of all renewable energy generators connected to the
mini-grid is less than or equal to 5 MW) e.g. a community based stand-alone off-the-grid renewable
electricity systems. Therefore, the paragraph 21 and 22 of the applied methodology AMS I.A,
version 16 are not applicable.

Data / Parameter EBL,y

Unit kWh
Description Annual energy baseline in year y
Source of data Calculated based on individuals onsite measurements
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Measurement Power meters will be installed at the [INSERT DESCRIPTION] to
methods and measure the amount of electricity supplied to the users by the
procedures proposed project.

Monitoring Measured continuously by electricity meters and at least monthly

frequency recording.
QA/QC procedures The recorded value will be cross-checked with the sale invoices to the
The accuracy level of power meter is defined in the “Electric Power
Technical Standards Of The Kingdom Of Cambodia”.
Power meter which will be maintained and calibrated according to the
national standards or manufacturer’s suggestion. According to the
Electricity law, currently there is no requirement from National
standard for the calibration period:
The CME will follow the manufacturer’s suggestion for the calibration
period. The future update on national requirement will be followed if it
is more frequent than the manufacturers’ suggestion.
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Additional The amount of electricity generated using biomass fuels shall be
comments compared with the amount of electricity generated calculated using
specific fuel consumption and amount of each type of biomass fuel
used. The lower of the two values should be used to calculate
emission reductions according to the paragraph 20 of the
methodology AMS I.A, version 16

Data / Parameter FCdiesel,i,y

Unit Litre/yr
Description Quantity of diesel consumption in year y of unit i
Source of data Onsite measurements
Value(s) applied 0
Measurement The standard measuring cans will be recorded.
methods and

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Monitoring Continuously
QA/QC procedures The fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Additional comment This parameter is applicable if diesel is consumed in the project
equipment. It is monitored according to the paragraph 18 of the
methodology AMS I.A, version 16. If fossil fuel is used, the electricity
generation metered should be adjusted by deducting the electricity
generation from fossil fuels using the specific fuel consumption and
the quantity of fossil fuel consumed

Data / Parameter BBiomass,y

Unit tons/yr
Description Quantity of biomass consumption in year y of unit i
Source of data Onsite measurements
Value(s) applied [INSERT NUMBER]
Measurement The standard measuring bag will be recorded.
methods and
Monitoring Continuously
QA/QC procedures The fuel consumption quantities should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
Purpose of data Required by methodology for baseline emission calculation
Additional comment Monitored according to the paragraph 17 and 19 of the methodology
AMS I.A, version 16

B.7.2. Description of the monitoring plan for a generic CPA

Monitored data
For unit(s) under AMS I.B
The average of Hi and FCdiesel,i,y , quantity of biomass with its NCV and moisture content will be
measured during monitoring period.

For unit(s) under AMS I.A

 The parameter for electricity generated by all systems EBL,y will be measured during
monitoring period. This will include the annual check of all systems to ensure that they are
still operating according to the paragraph 15 of methodology AMS I.A version 16
 Biomass quantity
 Amount of diesel consumption

Monitoring organization
The structure of the monitoring group is as follows:

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CPA implementer

Gasification unit 01 Gasification unit 02 Gasification unit **

Gasification unit staff Gasification unit staff Gasification unit staff

Structure of the monitoring group

The responsibilities of each person involved are elaborated as follows:
Group members and their responsibilities
Person Responsibility
Nexus CME of the PoA, cross check and combine information from the
CPA and prepare the monitoring report
CPA Implementer CPA Implementer, contact to gasification units for collecting
monitored data and report to CME.
Gasification unit manager In charge of general operation of the the gasification units,
provide report to CPA implementer
Gasification staffs Operate the rice mill and gasification units, collecting the
required data.

Data recording and archiving procedures

 The monitored data will be reported and electronic archived annually.
 The CPA implementer and gasification units shall keep the copy of diesel purchase records
and the rice sale invoices.
 All the data shall be kept for 2 years after end of the crediting period.
 Monitored data shall be sent to the CME for cross-checking and inserting to database.

QA/QC procedures
 The recorded electricity generation value will be cross-checked with the sale invoices to the
users. Power meter which will be maintained and calibrated according to the national
standards or manufacturer’s suggestion.
 The diesel and each type of biomass fuel consumption should also be cross-checked with
available purchase invoices from the financial records
 In case of any data missing, the Gasification unit manager will seek CPA implementer for
guidance. The missing period will be conservatively estimated base on other available data.

Before the start of the crediting period, the CME will in close collaboration with the CPA
implementer develop a training manual that will clearly lay out rules and procedures for all
activities related to data recording, archiving

Version 04.0 Page 137 of 140

Appendix 1. Contact information of coordinating/managing entity and responsible
person(s)/ entity(ies)

CME and/or responsible Responsible person/ entity for application of the selected
person/ entity methodology(ies) and, where applicable, the selected
standardized baseline(s) to the PoA
Organization Nexus Carbon for Development Ltd
Street/P.O. Box #33 Sothearos boulevard,
P.O. Box 956
City Phnom Penh
Country Cambodia
Telephone +855 23 990 591

Contact person Hoang Thanh Ha

Title Technical Manager
Salutation Mr
Last name Hoang
Middle name Thanh
First name Ha
Mobile +84 904 009985
Direct fax
Direct tel.
Personal e-mail

Appendix 2. Affirmation regarding public funding

The proposed PoA receives public funding from KfW (Germany) for the PoA development (CDM
documents preparation and validation). However, KfW is not involved as the project participants to
the PoA. The affirmation regarding public funding are provided to DOE for confirmation.

Appendix 3. Applicability of methodology(ies) and standardized baseline(s)

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Appendix 4. Further background information on ex ante calculation of emission

Appendix 5. Further background information on the monitoring plan

Appendix 6. Summary of post registration changes

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Document information

Version Date Description

04.0 9 March 2015 Revisions to:

 Include provisions related to choice of start date of
 Include provisions related to delayed submission of a
monitoring plan;
 Provisions related to local stakeholder consultation;
 Add exception for generic CPA where technology is
under positive lists;
 Editorial improvement.
03.0 25 June 2014 Revisions to:
 Include the Attachment: Instructions for filling out the
programme design document form for small-scale CDM
programme of activities (these instructions supersede
the "Guideline: Completing the programme design
document form for small-scale CDM programme of
activities" (Version 03.0));
 Include provisions related to standardized baselines;
 Add contact information on a responsible person(s)/
entity(ies) for the application of the methodology (ies) to
the PoA in B.4 and 0;
 Add general instructions on post-registration changes in
paragraphs 2 and 3 of general instructions and Error!
Reference source not found.;
 Change the reference number from F-CDM-SSC-PoA-
 Editorial improvement.
02.0 13 March 2012 EB 66, Annex 13
Revision required to ensure consistency with the "Guidelines
for completing the programme design document form for small-
scale CDM programmes of activities".
01.0 27 July 2007 EB33, Annex43
Initial adoption.
Decision Class: Regulatory
Document Type: Form
Business Function: Registration
Keywords: programme of activities, project design document, SSC project activities

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