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Samantha Mata

Anthro 167
Reflection Paper

Cannibalism paved the way for people in search for deep knowledge about it to realize that it
is, among many things, one that manifests the concept of culture and identity. The idea of cannibalism
is something that is to be perceived through several different anthropological theories and approaches.
Among these are cultural relativism, functionalist and materialist. As time proceeds, the perception
on it was also accustomed to belief, cosmology, ritual and cultural. According to Lindenbaum,
cannibal metaphors speak about different social, cultural and religious realities and these help connect
objects in different contexts.

The term cannibalism is deemed as very negative and is often associated with witchcraft,
terror, vile and dark. Basically it is something evil to most cultures. But is it really evil or were we
programmed to think that it is? Some researches proposed that cannibalism is based on a human
desire for meat which were brought about by ethnical and geographical variations. Others think that
in New Guinea, the consumption of human flesh was because of its nutritional value. Others explain
that it is for the ritual slaughter and consumption by the Aztecs during times of famine when they
needed protein to sustain the power for warriors and elites. There are several functions and reasons
stated in the text as to why cultures engaged in cannibalistic activities, however most of them are not
demonic or evil in nature but rather just another specific kind of practice and culture. Why is it that
cannibalism lies more on the negative side in context?

The age of exploration of the Western world exposed the Western people to the different
places far from their territories. As they see more differences from their own cultures, the more they
differentiate the non-western from the western and this started to concept of “Othering”. Anything
that was unfamiliar, weird or uncommon to the Westerners were either deemed primitive or exotic,
most of the time having bad connotations. The cultures and practices that were unknown to the
“dominant culture” were regarded as exotic which is why exoticism and and the notion of primitive
is a Western construct borne by the assumption that theirs is the “civilized” world. It was more like,
according to Lindenbaum, “the West and the Rest.” This was a major motivation for the intruders to
conquer, defame and civilize the people.

However, in recent years cultures are getting more and more linked together. Different nations
intertwine in the world and the “exotic” and “primitive” live among the “civilized”. The “exotic” is
more accepted now and people are more open to unique experiences, commodities, food that are
different or strange in their eyes. Primitivity on the other hand deals with keeping up with modernity.
If one cannot relate to modern lingo Although this is true, these constructs of thinking is still evident
and it is still seen around the world through ignorant and insensitive people. Racist comments still
circulate throughout social media and from just listening to everyday conversations. These aspects of
life can best be understood by anthropological disciplines to be able to deconstruct these racial
boundaries that divides us as peoples of the world. The stigma that is attached to cannibalism,
savagery and primitivism can be eradicated by not incorporating these things as an identifying factor
to beings and self but instead see it as itself.

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