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All Dynamic Segmentation functionality that has been available for Arc/INFO cove
rage route
systems in previous versions of ArcView GIS is now available on measured PolyLin
e shapefiles.
A measured PolyLine is a PolyLineM or a PolyLineZ (with the optional measure val
ues attached).
This is a brief tutorial describing the process of adding route events based on
a theme that
contains measured linear shapes. The process described here is very similar to
adding route
event themes for Arc/INFO coverages.
The data required for this tutorial are:
1. Hwym.shp - A PolyLineM shapefile
2. Accident.dbf - This table contains accident locations (point events) specifie
d as relative positions
(in miles) along the routes (PolyLineMs) contained in Hwym.
3. Pavement.dbf - This table contains pavement quality information (linear even
ts) specified
as from and to positions (in miles) along the routes (PolyLineMs) contained in
For more information about the topics discussed here, the following sections in
the ArcView GIS on-line help are useful:
1. Support for measured and 3D Shapes
2. Measures
What are Measures?
What is Dynamic Segmentation?
3. Events
Adding route events
Adding Themes
5. Adding files containing tabular data to your project
Procedural Reference
Step 1 - Add the Hwym (PolyLineM) shapefile to a Theme in a View.
1. With a View already opened and active, click the Add Theme button.
2. In the Data Source Types box, choose Feature Data Source.
3. Navigate to the directory that contains Hwym.shp. Double-click on the directo
ry name to list the files it contains.
4. Click the Hwym shapefile or coverage you wish to select
Step 2 - Add the Accident and Pavement tables to your project.
1. Make the Project window active.
2. From the Project menu, choose Add Table
3. From the File Type list choose dBASE (.dbf)
4. Navigate to the directory that contains the Accident and Pavement files.
5. Double-click the file you want to add or choose the file and press OK. Hold t
he SHIFT key if you want to add both Accident and Pavement concurrently.
Step 3 - Initiate the Add Event Theme Dialog Box.
1. Make your View active.
2. From the View menu, choose Add Event Theme.
3. The Add Event Theme Dialog contains two buttons in the top left corner. One i
s for adding XY events. The other is for adding route events. Choose the right b
utton. This will not be possible unless you have completed steps 1 and 2.
4. Add the Accident (point) event theme. This is done by first selecting the Poi
nts radio button and filling in all of the dialog box options (see below). Finis
h by clicking the OK button.
5. Add the Pavement (linear) event theme. To do this, repeat sub-steps 1 through
3. Then, select the Lines radio button and fill in all of the dialog box option
s (see below). Finish by clicking the OK button.
Dialog box options:
Route theme - The theme that contains the measured linear features (Hwym)
Route field - The field in the active route theme's attribute table that contain
s the route key (RKEY).
Table - This drop-down list shows all the tables in your project. Select the tab
le that contains the point events (Accidents).
Event field - The field in the table that contains the event key (RKEY).
Location field - The field in the table that contains the measurement data (MIL
Table - The drop-down list shows all the tables in your project. Select the tabl
e that contains line events (Pavement).
Event field - The field in the table that contains the event key (RKEY).
>From field - The field in the table that contains the "start" measurement data
for the linear events (FMP).
To field - The field in the table that contains the "end" measurement data for t
he linear events. (TMP).

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