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PRG 420 Week 1 Individual Assignment Analyzing a Simple Java Program

Resource: • Week One Analyze Assignment Text File

For this assignment, you will be analyzing the Java™ code in the linked text file. Carefully read
through the code line by line, then answer the following questions in a Microsoft® Word document:
1. What syntax signals a Java™ comment? (In other words, what symbol(s) tell the Java™ compiler
not to process certain text?)
2. Type the line(s) of code that accept user input.
3. Type the line(s) of code that process user input.
4. Type the line(s) of code that produce output.
5. Type the result this program would produce if a user, when prompted, responded by typing
"everyone" and then hit Enter.
6. Type the result this program would produce if a user, when prompted, responded by typing in
"Mickey Mouse" and hit Enter.
7. Type the result this program would produce if a user, when prompted, responded by typing
"Benjamin Franklin" and hit Enter. Submit your completed Word document using the Assignment
Files tab.
Supporting Material: Week One Analyze Assignment Text File


PRG 420 Week 2 Individual Assignment Coding a Program Containing if-then and switch

Resources: • Week Two Coding Assignment Text File

For this assignment, you will apply what you learned in analyzing Java™ code so far in this course
by writing your own Java™ program. The Java™ program you write should do the following:
• Accept user input that represents the number of sides in a polygon. Note: The code to do this is
already written for you.
• If input value is not between 3 and 5, display an informative error message
• If input value is between 3 and 5, use a switch statement to display a message that identifies the
correct polygon based on the number of sides matching the input number (e.g., triangle, rectangle,
or polygon)
Complete this assignment by doing the following:
1. Download the linked Week Two Coding Assigment Text File.
2. Read the file carefully, especially the explanatory comments of what the existing code does.
3. Add your name and the date in the multi-line comment header.
4. Refer to the following linked Week Two Recommended Activity Text File to see examples of
how to code all of the Java™ statements (i.e., switch, println(), and if-then-else) you will need to
write to complete this assignment.
5. Replace the following lines with Java code as directed in the file:
• LINE 1
• LINE 2
6. Comment each line of code you add to explain what you intend the code to do.
7. Test and modify your Java™ program until it runs without errors and produces the results as
described above. Note: Refer to this week's analyzing code assignment if you need help. After you
complete your assignment, zip your JAVA source (.java) file and submit the ZIP file using the
Assignment Files tab.
Supporting Material: Week Two Coding Assignment Text File Week Two Recommended Activity
Text File


PRG 420 Week 2 Individual Assignment Analyzing a Program Containing if-then and switch

Resource: • Week Two Analyze Assignment Text File

For this assignment, you will be analyzing the Java™ code in the linked text file, and predicting the
results given specific input. Carefully read through the code line by line, then answer the following
questions in a Microsoft® Word document:
1. What is the output of the program as it is written?
2. What would the output of the program be if you assigned iAmHappy to false, num to 35, and
numDayOfWeek to 5?
3. What would the output of the program be if you assigned the iAmHappy to 5, num to 50, and
numDayOfWeek to 8?
Submit your completed Word document using the Assignment Files tab.
Supporting Material: Week Two Analyze Assignment Text File


PRG 420 Week 3 Individual Assignment Analyzing a Program Containing Loops

Resource: • Week Three Analyze Assignment Text File
For this assignment, you will be analyzing the Java™ code in the linked Week Three Analyze
Assignment Text File, and predicting the results. You will also examine both the code and the output
for inconsistencies and clarity. This Java™ code includes examples of for, while, and do while loops.
Carefully read through the code line by line, then answer the following questions in a Microsoft®
Word document:

1. What is the output of the program as it is written?

2. What improvement(s) could be made to this code to make the output clearer or more accurate, or
to make the code easier to maintain?

Note: You do not have to make the improvements in the Java™ program, although you certainly
may. For this assignment, simply describe the things you see that would need to be improved to
elevate the code and output to a more professional level. For the code, consider variable names and
hardcoding. For the output, consider formatting/punctuation, repetition, accuracy of information, and
Submit your completed Word document using the Assignment Files tab.

Supporting Material: Week Three Analyze Assignment Text File


PRG 420 Week 4 Individual Assignment Coding a Program Containing an Array

For this assignment, you will apply what you learned in analyzing a simple Java™ program by
writing your own Java™ program that creates and accesses an array of integers. The Java™
program you write should do the following:

1. Create an array to hold 10 integers

2. Ask the user for an integer. Note: This code has already been written for you.

3. Populate the array.

Note: The first element should be the integer input by the user. The second through tenth elements
should each be the previous element + 100. For example, if the user inputs 10, the first array value
should be 10, the second 110, the third 210, and so on
Display the contents of the array on the screen in ascending index order.
Complete this assignment by doing the following:

1. Download the linked Week Four Coding Assignment Text File.

2. Read each line of the file carefully, including the detailed instructions at the top.

3. Add comments to the code by typing your name and the date in the multi-line comment

4. Replace the following lines with Java™ code as directed in the file:

• LINE 1
• LINE 2
• LINE 3
• LINE 4
• LINE 5

5. Comment each line of code you add to explain what you intend the code to do.

6. Test and modify your Java™ program until it runs without errors and produces the results as
described above.


PRG 420 Week 4 Individual Assignment Analyzing a Program Containing Arrays

Instructions: Resource:
• Week Four Analyze Assignment Text File The ability to read through Java™ code and predict the
results, given specific inputs, is an extremely useful skill. For this assignment, you will be analyzing
the Java™ code in the linked Week Four Analyze Assignment Text File, and answering questions
about the array that appears in the code. Carefully read through the code line by line, then answer
the following questions in a Microsoft® Word document:
1. If an array had not been chosen to hold the data manipulated in this program, how else (i.e.,
with what other data types) could it have been represented?
2. Which approach, using an array or using the alternative you identified in question #1, is
3. What is the output of this program?
4. What would be the result of using a println() statement to display the value of arraynum[8]?
5. How many values can arraynum contain, and why? Submit your completed Word document
using the Assignment Files Tab. Supporting Material: Week Four Analyze Assignment Text File


PRG 420 Week 5 Individual Assignment Coding a Program Containing Exception Handling

For this assignment, you will apply what you learned in analyzing a simple Java™ program by
writing your own Java™ program. The Java™ program you write should do the following:
1. Organize the code capable of throwing an exception of type ParseException as a try block
2. Include a catch block to handle a ParseException error thown by the try block.
3. Include a hard-coded error that results in a ParseException to prove that the code can catch
and handle this type of exception.

Complete this assignment by doing the following:

1. Download the linked Week Five Coding Assignment Text File.
2. Add comments to the code by typing your name and the date in the multi-line comment header.
3. Replace the following lines with Java™ code as directed in the file:
• LINE 1
• LINE 2
4. Replace the value assigned with one of the variables so that the program throws an exception.
5. Comment each line of code you add to explain what you intend the code to do. Be sure to include
a comment for the replacement value you added in Step 4 that causes the program to throw an
6. Test and modify your Java™ program until it runs without errors and produces the results
described above. Note: Refer to this week's analyzing code assignment if you need help. After you
complete your assignment, zip your JAVA file and submit the ZIP file using the Assignment

Files tab. Supporting Material: Week Five Coding Assignment Text File


PRG 420 Week 5 Individual Assignment Analyzing a Program Containing Exception Handling

Resource: • Week Five Analyze Assignment Text File

For this assignment, you will be analyzing the code in the linked Week Five Analyze Assignment
Text File. This program contains exception handling code. You will be evaluating the code and using
what you learned in this week's readings to predict the results based on the program as written, as
well as based on changing the value of a specific variable. Carefully read through the code line by
line, then answer the following questions in a Microsoft® Word document:
1. What are the results of the program as written?
2. What results would the program produce if you changed the value of a from 0 to 3?
Submit your completed Word document using the Assignment Files tab.
Supporting Material: Week Five Analyze Assignment Text File


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