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5 Keys to Balance Fat Burning Hormones

In Hormone Balance, Nutrition, Weight Loss | by Dr. Jockers | Comments { 0 } | Affiliate


5 Keys to Balance Fat Burning Hormones

Fat Burning hormones play a critical role in the body’s biochemical processes
dictating gender and affect human desires to socialize and maintain healthy
relationships. They influence all aspects of health including aging, sexual
development, immune response, growth, sleep, mood and even how our body
responds to stress.
Given their complexity, it is no surprise that people who struggle with weight
loss are unaware that their hormones may be the culprit. There are 5 fat
burning hormones that play a critical role in regulating body weight. Read on
to learn how they impact your ability to burn fat and how balancing these
hormones can support your weight loss endeavors and improve your overall
quality of life.

1. Adiponectin
Fatty (adipose) tissue is responsible for the production of adiponectin and is
released through insulin signaling pathways. Adiponectin has the ability to
directly lower blood glucose levels, breakdown triglycerides and increase the
oxidation of fat in various muscles and the liver. Studies show that the higher
the levels of circulating adiponectin in an individual, the greater the weight
loss potential. (13)
If you are struggling to burn fat and lose weight, it may be likely that your
body is not producing enough of the hormone adiponectin. When a person
consumes too many calories or a diet high in fats, specifically unhealthy fats
like trans-fats, the ability to synthesize and secrete adiponectin is lowered due
to insulin resistance. As a result, triglyceride levels remain elevated and
muscles do not have the required energy to function optimally.

One of the best things for increasing adiponectin and enhancing metabolism
is green tea. Drinking 1-2 cups of this organic matcha green tea daily is one
of the best things for your metabolism, brain, circulatory system and immune
system. This is one of the key fat burning hormones we want to stimulate to
reach our metabolic goals!
2. Grehlin
Ghrelin is involved in the gut-brain connection because it is primarily
produced in the stomach and sends signals to the brain to control appetite. It
is a major hormone involved in regulating metabolism and is also responsible
for triggering human growth hormone secretion. Obese individuals have
significantly reduced growth hormone secretion compared to individuals of
normal weight (19).
Overproduction of ghrelin activates a series of events that cause temporary
effects. Ghrelin triggers the emptying of stomach contents, notifies the brain
of hunger and the need for more food intake, and it also increases fat
accumulation by slowing down processes that breakdown stored fat.

Research shows that ghrelin concentration is directly correlated to stomach

size and can slow weight loss efforts in overweight and obese individuals.
(13) Follow the strategies at the bottom of this article to support ghrelin
levels and optimize your fat burning hormones.
3. Insulin
An imbalance in the hormone insulin is most often associated with diabetes
but those who are not diabetic may also have difficultly controlling blood
sugar levels. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas to help normalize blood
glucose and officiates the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in
a range of tissues and organs. When adequate levels of glucose are provided,
insulin can regulate energy for cells and promote muscular activity. (18)
However, repetitive spikes or extended periods of high insulin levels can
ultimately lead to food cravings, metabolic syndromes and insulin resistance
seen in type-2 diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s (5).
Insulin resistance prevents glucose from being transported into cells, resulting
in elevated blood sugar levels and blocking the impact of fat burning
Excess glucose is rerouted into the body as a form of fat reserve which
redirects energy that would predominantly be taken up by muscle. These
physiological imbalances lead to reduced muscle growth, increased fat
deposits and abnormal satiety and appetite responses that promote weight
gain (18).
4. Leptin
Leptin is referred to as the “satiety hormone” because it influences
metabolism and controls appetite. It is often regarded as the hormone for
treating obesity because it suppresses the desire for food intake and drives
energy output. Leptin synthesis normalizes glucose and insulin levels, helps
manage food intake and body weight, and also stabilizes endocrine hormones
that can drive physiological imbalances that lead to weight gain. (13)
Leptin is also intricately involved with other fat burning hormones. A
deficiency in leptin can stimulate a decrease in adiponectin and consequently
result in increased fatty tissue. However, increased leptin in obese individuals
is linked to a decrease in human growth hormone which suggests that these
individuals have chronic inflammation that is impacting the leptin receptor
and causing leptin resistance (14).
The more body fat one has, the more inflammation and leptin the fat tissue
will produce. However, this hormone is also dependent upon other
influences like gender, age, dietary habits and sleep cycles. (13) Following
an anti-inflammatory diet and sleeping well is very important to optimizing
leptin sensitivity and stimulating the rest of the fat burning hormones.
5. Cortisol
Cortisol signaling is linked to many physiological processes in the body that
increase one’s propensity toward weight gain. Chronic stress results in high
levels of circulating cortisol which can turn off hormones that control appetite
and weight gain (16). The overproduction of stress hormones like cortisol
causes symptoms of fatigue and blood sugar imbalances that further creates
dysfunction in the central nervous system. In turn, this leads to more
addictive and unhealthy food cravings. (3)
The adrenal glands secrete cortisol which subsequently slows down the
production of the hormone testosterone. When this happens over an extended
duration, an individual can suffer from adrenal fatigue and they also are
limited in their body’s ability to build muscle because of testosterone loss.
This creates a catabolic state, where the body tears down bone and muscle
and stores fat. Reduced lean body tissue slows down the bodies overall
metabolism and causes the body to hold on to more fat storage leading to
elevated insulin and insulin resistance as well.
5 Action Steps for Hormone Balance
Weight gain may be the most noticeable concern for some, but it is certainly
not the most severe symptom of hormone imbalance. Other symptoms
include fatigue, depression, anxiety, decreased libido, and women may
experience symptoms of PMS, infertility, have an irregular menstrual cycle or
reach menopause early. More serious conditions that can result from hormone
imbalances include autoimmune problems such as cancer, leaky
gut syndrome, thyroid and degenerative brain disorders. (8, 9)
Take these 5 action steps to help manage your hormones naturally and take
back control of your weight and health.
1) Great Hydration
Many symptoms of hormone imbalance alone can be significantly improved
by simply ensuring that your body is well hydrated. When we allow our
bodies to become deficient in water, cells shrink and the brain responds by
sending hormonal signals anticipating the need for thirst to be quenched.
Unfortunately, before we even perceive ourselves as feeling thirsty, the body
is already dehydrated. Often this can cause us to reach to satisfy a salty food
craving before we satisfy our thirst.

Optimal hydration is key to regulating osmotic processes in critical organs

like the kidney and aids in eliminating stress hormones. Fat burning
hormones require sufficient water intake to control homeostatic processes in
the body such as blood pressure and sugar balance (10). Considering that the
loss of only 2% of body fluid will adversely affect one’s exercise
performance, maintaining great hydration is necessary for modulating
hormone levels and reducing stress (11).
Strategies for Ensuring Optimal Hydration:
 Drink 32 ounces of water within the first hour of waking up followed by half
of your body weight in ounces before noon and a gallon of water over the
entire day
 Avoid overdoing caffeine (1-2 cups in the earlier parts of the day is fine)
 Completely avoid sweetened beverages like soda and processed energy drinks
 Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or use lemon/lime in your water to
enhance anti-oxidant and enzyme levels
2) Healthy Diet
Maintaining gut health through diet is key in supporting weight loss and fat
burning hormones. Bacteria reside along the gastrointestinal tract and
communicate with the body by sensing hormones (4). Any disruption to the
balance of gut bacteria increases stress on the body and increases the
likelihood of malnutrition which can lead to unhealthy food cravings.
A balanced diet consisting of a variety of fruits and vegetables and both
probiotic and prebiotic foods ensures the necessary fiber, antioxidants and
healthy bacteria to support gut health. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids
helps stabilize blood sugar preventing spikes in insulin. Magnesium rich in
dark leafy green vegetables helps naturally elevate adiponectin levels.
These foods also contain nutrients that naturally elevate mood boosting
hormones helping you steer clear of foods that provide only temporary
satisfaction. Adaptogenic herbs can also improve mood, support mental
performance, combat fatigue, support fat burning hormones and increase
libido by regulating stress hormones. (5, 6, 7, 12)
Strategies for Improving Diet:
 Promote gut motility by consuming kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut and coconut
 Include more fatty acid rich foods into your diet such as 100% grass-fed beef,
coconut oil, wild-caught salmon and chia seeds
 Caffeine raises cortisol levels- curb back your intake and choose decaf
 Eliminate all processed sugars and refined foods
 Incorporate adaptogenic herbs to your diet including rhodiola, cordyceps,
holy basil, and Siberian ginseng
 Up your intake of magnesium rich foods like avocados, almonds, pumpkin
seeds, spinach and kale
3) Regular Movement
A significant stress reliever, exercise increases blood circulation enabling
your body to better filter out stress hormones like cortisol from your system.
Studies show that exercise has protective benefits against declining health
because it combats stress, slows down the aging process and improves sleep
habits (17). Moving regularly improves blood sugar balance by reducing
circulating glucose levels in the blood.
This is one reason why people who participate in some form of activity
following a meal have improved postprandial sugar levels. Give yourself 10
minutes before returning to work from your lunch break to take a lap around
the parking lot or consider doing the dishes immediately following dinner
instead of waiting until the following day.

Strategies for Moving Daily:

 Perform high intensity exercises by zoning in on specific muscle groups and
elevating heart rate
 Enjoy low intensity exercises like swimming and walking
 Enjoy moving whether gardening or dancing
 Use resistant bands for low impact strength training
 Improve muscle tone and balance by learning tai chi or yoga

4) Good Sleep
Polls taken by The National Sleep Foundation indicate that 60% of people
experience some form of sleep problem at night (2). The majority of those
individuals report mood disturbances, and unhealthy changes in their family
and social life. Sleep deprivation promotes the sustained higher levels of
epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol. Individuals who receive both
sufficient and quality hours of sleep have lowered stress hormones and a
dramatic decrease in inflammatory agents circulating the body. (3)
In a study, a reduction in sleep was shown to cause a decrease in leptin, an
increase in ghrelin, impaired glucose tolerance and increased hunger and
appetite. Such data suggests that inadequate sleep in people of all ages may
likely contribute to increasing obesity and type-2 diabetes. (15)
Strategies for Improving Sleep:
 Aim to sleep 7 to 9 hours
 Receive plenty of sunshine during day light hours
 Sleep in a dark and cool environment (between 60 and 65 degrees)
 Avoid all technological distractions no less than 1 hour before bed including
phone, computer and television use
 Avoid caffeinated foods and beverages in the late afternoon and evening
 Avoid rigorous exercise in the evening
 Stick to a regular sleeping schedule focusing on falling asleep before 11pm.
 Use an eye mask to cover your eyes and maximize your melatonin secretions.
This mask helps me tremendously.
 Download f.lux onto your computer, phone or device and wear blue light
blocking glasses at night, this can help see a 70% increase in melatonin
secretion before bed.
5) Reduce Stress
Incorporating adequate rest and relaxation into your daily life is critical to
improving hormone balance. While we work endlessly to keep up with life’s
regular demands, our bodies’ systems become strained and depleted of the
energy to regulate physiological processes optimally.

Studies show that chronic stress significantly increases cortisol levels in the
body which has been implicated as a cause of a pain, anxiety and disease.
Stress also has been shown to trigger alterations to human growth hormone
secretion, thyroid-stimulating hormone and testosterone. Following a short 4
month period of regular meditation practices, a group of individuals were
shown to have improved hormone balance and a healthier response to stress.
Strategies for Reducing Stress:
 Wind down with a calming Epsom salt bath
 Utilize the therapeutic potential of aromatherapy by inhaling essential oils
like frankincense, chamomile and lavender
 Practice stress relaxation exercises daily including grounding, yoga,
meditation, deep breathing and stretching
Fat Burning Hormones Bonus Strategy
Do you believe you are doing everything right and still question why it is so
difficult to lose weight? Functional Medicine looks to find the origin of the
problem as opposed to only treating the symptoms. Such doctors empower
patients by utilizing evidence-based functional medicine and educating
individuals how to use the body’s natural healing potential to thrive and live a
vital life.

Finding a functional health practitioner can help you learn which fat burning
hormones may be out of balance in your body and identify ways to regulate
those key fat burning hormones. He or she can show you how to correct the
problem by personalizing a care plan that starts you on the path to weight loss
and healing.
Sources for this Article Include:
1. MacLean CR, et al. Effects of the Transcendental Meditation program on adaptive mechanisms: changes in

hormone levels and responses to stress after 4 months of practice. Physchoneuroendocrinology. 1997 May;

22(4): 277-95. PMID: 9226731

2. National Sleep Foundation: Annuel Sleep in America Poll Exploring Connections With Communications

Technology Use and Sleep. Link Here

3. Joo EY, Yoon CW, Koo DL, Kim D, Hong SB. Adverse Effects of 24 Hours of Sleep Deprivation on Cognition
and Stress Hormones.Journal of Clinical Neurology (Seoul, Korea). 2012; 8(2):146-150. PMCID: 3391620

4. Sandrini S, et al. Microbial endocrinology: host-bacteria communication within the gut microbiome. J

Endocrinol. 2015 May; 225(2):R21-34. PMID: 25792117

5. Apolinar, LM, et al. Role of prenatal undernutrition in the expression of serotonin, dopamine and leptin

receptors in adult mice: Implications of food intake. Mol Med Rep. 2014 Feb; 9(2): 407-412. PMCID: 24337628

6. Kwon, et al. health benefits of traditional corn, beans, and pumpkin: in vitro studies for hyperglycemia and

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7. Panossian A, and Wikman G. Evidence-based efficacy of adaptogens in fatigue, and molecular mechanisms

related to their stress-protective activity. Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2009 Sep; 4(3): 198-219. PMID: 19500070
8. Bremner JD. Traumatic stress: effects on the brain.Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience. 2006; 8(4):445-461.

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458. 2908954


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