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Structural Analysis

 Roots  Prefixes  Suffixes

 Inflectional endings  Compound words  Contractions

Combining forms: are Greek and Latin word parts that are joined to base words or other combining forms
to create words.
 Tele = far  Telephone  Meter = measure  Hydrometer
 Scribe = write  Describe  Vis = see  Visual
 Scope = watch  Telescope  Micro = small  Micrometer
 Au = hear  aural 

Anthropo- = human  anthropology -phile = love  Bibliophile

-logy = science/ study  egyptology  philantrophy (humanist)
Seismo- = earthquake  Seismology  philatelist (stamp)
Biblio- = books  Bibliography  philosophy (wisdom)
cracy = government  democracy  philharmonic (harmony)
Dec(a)- = ten  Decade -phobia = abnormal fear  Claustrophobia
-graph = write/written  Telegraph Pyro- = fire  Pyrolysis
Octo- = eight  octopus

 Ante = before  Antedate  Mono = single  Monopolize
 Anti = against,  Antidote  Non = not  Nonprofit
 Bi = two, twice  Bicycle  post = after, behind  Postpone
 Sem(i) = half, partly  Semicircle  pre = before  Pretest
 Hetero = different  Heterogeneous  re = back, again  Remove
 Dis = apart, not  Disappear  ultra = beyond  Ultramodern
 Inter = between  International  A-/ab- = from, away  abnormal

The most common prefixes:

1. Anti = against : antifreeze, anti-war, anti- 2. De = opposite :defrost, destroy, defeat
3. Dis* = not, opposite of : disagree, disbar 4. en-, em- = cause to :encode, embrace
5. fore = before : forecast, foretell 6. In(m) = in : intake, implant, infield
7. in-, im-, il-, ir-* =not ;injustice, impossible 8. Inter = between : interact, intercept
9. Mid = middle :midway 10. Mis = Wrongly : Mistake, misfire
11.Non = Not : Nonsense 12.Over = Over : Overlook
13. Pre = Before : Preview, prefix 14.Re* = Again : Return
15.Semi = Half : Semicircle 16. Sub =under :submarine
17. super = above :superstar 18.Trans = Across : Transport
19.Un* = Not : Unfriendly 20.Under = Under : Undersea

1. I have a different idea; I __agree. 2. That can’t be; it’s just __possible.
3. Say that again; please __peat it. 4. Aliens look bad; they are __friendly.
5. Can weathermen __cast weather? 6. If we’re wrong, we make __takes.
7. Let’s not __look tomorrow’s quiz. 8. Only __marines travel underwater.
9. What has no meaning is __sense. 10. Trains and trucks provide __port.
11. What can’t be done is __possible. 12. What is put above is __imposed.
13. A first look is called a __view. 14. The middle exam is the __term.
15. Should children __obey parents? 16. Can __cooked food be __cooked?
17. What does it mean to __heat food? 18. Do bad children __please parents?
19. Which door is the __it to leave? 20. Are you __legal or __documented?
21. Can an __literate person read?
Most common suffixes
1. able, ible = can be done : doable 2. -(t)ion = act, process : action
3. -al, ial = has property of : personal 4. -i)ty = state of : infinity, sanity
5. -ed* = past verb : turned 6. -t)ive = adjective : motive, votive
7. -en = made of : golden 8. -less = without : fearless, careless
9. -er = comparative : higher 10. -ly* = having : quickly, quietly
11. -er = one who : doer, actor 12. -ment = action, process : enjoyment
13. -est = superlative : best, biggest 14. -ness = state of : kindness
15. -ful = full of : careful, joyful 16. -ous = having : joyous, religious
17. -ic = having property of : linguistic 18. -s* = more than one : books
19. -ing* = present participle : running 20. -y = having : happy, windy

Use these suffixes correctly, and

1. you look and sound pretty smart. 2. I have a different idea; I __agree.
3. That can’t be; it’s just __possible. 4. Say that again; please __peat it.
5. Aliens look bad; they are __friendly. 6. Tina took the car since she want__ it.
7. Now the car is run__ down the road. 8. Tina is in a hurry; she’s driving quick__.
9. Do you think that she has any ticket__? 10.

Match each word with its definition chosen from the list below.
In a sad way, to heat again, the opposite of lock, to read again, full of health, in a slow way, not comfortable.
1. healthful - 2. slowly - 3. unlock -
4. sadly - 5. uncomfortable- 6. reread -
7. reheat - 8. 9.

Write down the meaning:

means means means
rewrite = Anti social = disagree =
prehistoric = misspell = unusual =
postwar = nonstop = incomplete =
impossible =

Find the best word far the sentence in the list and write it in the space. The first one is done for you.
1. Most birds can fly, so the ostrich is an …unusual…. bird because it cannot fly.
2. I made a lot of mistakes in my letter, so I will ……………………… the letter before I send it.
3. My homework is ……………………… because I did not have time to finish it.
4. If you fly ……………………… from New York, you will arrive in Los Angeles at 4:00 P.M if you stop in
Chicago and Denver, you will arrive at 8:00 PM.
5. People often ……………………… her name because there are many different ways to write it.
6. We know very little about life in ……………………… times because the people who lived in those times
did not know .how to write.
7. Some people think he is ……………………… because he likes to stay alone and does not like to talk to
other people.
8. My friends think English is easy, but I ……………………… with them because learning English is very
difficult for me.

Read each sentence and choose the best word for each space. Circle the letter of the best word. The first
one is done for you.
1. Dictionaries are very …………………….. for students because students can use them to find the
meanings, the correct spelling, and the correct pronunciation of words.
a. careless b. useful c. useless d. understandabl
2. Some families are ……………………..because the husband and wife decide not to have children.
a. childless b. useful c. happiness d. successful
3. A car is …………………….. if it will not start.
a. careless b. usable c. . careful d. useless
4. Prof. Jenkins' lectures are always …………………….. because he speaks dearly and explains everything
very carefully.
a. usable b. happiness c. usefulness d. understandabl
5. Many mistakes are the result of ……………………..
a. carelessness b. happiness c. successful d. careful
6. We cannot drink this polluted water, but it is …………………….. for washing.
a. useless b. careless c. d. careful
7. A …………………….. student is a student who does well in all his or her classes.
a. careless b. successful c. usable d. childless
8. A …………………….. driver obeys all of the rules.
a. careless b. useful c. useless d. careful

VERB + SUFFIX (-ment, -al, -t, -ance, -ence, -ure, -sion, -ssion, -age, -ion , -ation, -ition, -ication, -action, -er,
-or, -ist, -ant)  NOUN
Assign, Renew, Restrain, Assist, Confer, Press, Provide, Permit, Break  Assignment, Renewal, Restraint,
Assistance, Conference, Pressure, Provision, Permission, breakage, Cooperation , Transportation ,
Competition , Qualification, Satisfaction , Worker, Editor, Artist, assistant

ADJECTIVE + SUFFIX (-th, -ness, --y)  NOUN

Deep, Happy, Discover, Bathe, Breathe, Devise, Grieve, live  Depth, Happiness, Discovery , Bath, Breath,
Device, Grief, Life

>describe or limit nouns and pronouns
>answer the question what kind? How many? Or which one?

NOUN + SUFFIX (-al, -y, -ary , -ed, -ly, -ar, -ful, -less, -ous, -ic, -ish, -en, -tive, -able, -ible, -ant) 
Agriculture, Boss, Prime, Point, Heaven, Spectacle, Care, Danger, Economy, Child, Wood, Communicate, Desire,
Divide, Please  Agricultural, Bossy, Primary , Pointed, Heavenly, Spectacular, Careful , careless, Dangerous,
Economic, Childish, Wooden, Communicative, Desirable, Divisible, Pleasant.

NOUN + SUFFIX (-ify, -ate, -tize, Em-, Ac-, Be-, Im-)  VERB
Beauty, Facility, Drama, Body, Knowledge, Friend, Prison  Beautify, Facilitate, Dramatize, Embody,
Acknowledge, Befriend, Imprison

ADJECTIVE + SUFFIX (-ize, -en, En-)  VERB

Special, White, Large Specialize, Whiten, Enlarge

describe or limit verbs, adjective, and other adverb
not all words ending in – ly are adverbs.
Friendly, Lovely, Lonely, Ugly, silly  In a friendly/ Lovely/ Lonely/ Ugly/ silly way/manner
Adjective  Adverb

Do this exercises:
The smiths have very little money, so they practice economy in all their expenditures.
They economize on food, clothing, and housing.
The security of the country was not endangered
They could widen their experience by going on a course
A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate noun forms from the word given in brackets
1. His ………………… (succeed) in business was the result of hard work.
2. We must find a ………………… (solve) to this problem
3. We are writing in ………………… (refer) to your letter of June 18th.
4. We have the firm's ………………… (assure) that they will sent the goods promptly.
5. In deciding which goods to buy everyone is influenced by two ………………… (consider), price
and utility.
6. I hope that it will meet your ………………… (require).
7. The banks cover the ………………… (move) of money to and from overseas and pass
documents covering trade (buy) to another.
8. They have tried to overcome the ………………… (difficult)
9. Economy is the ………………… (solve) of financial troubles.
10. If I were he, I would withdraw my …………………(endorse)
11. Many applicants responded to our (advertise)
12. Mr. Bates asked me for the ………………… (assign).
13. An ………………… (announce) was sent to any customer.
14. Sharon has total ………………… (responsible) For composing all telegrams and mailgrams.
15. His ………………… (supervise) suggested that everyone be informed of the …………………
(available) of the training seminar.
16. I'm certain that my boss's ………………… (sign) will be forthcoming
17. She is the ………………… (invest) counselor of whom I spoke
18. Following several financial crises, the ………………… (corporate) was forced to declare
………………… (bankrupt)
19. The personnel ………………… (direct) and he discussed job ………………… (enrich) programs
that would benefit our employees.
20. To qualify for the ………………… (certify), one must maintain perfect …………………

B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adjective from the word given in brackets
1. Every ………………… (classification) employees, as well, as every management and
………………… (certification) employees, is ………………… (eligibility) for sales discounts.
2. We normally hire only ………………… (experience) operator, but on occasion we consider
………………… (good)-trained individuals who lack experience.
3. She is one of them an ………………… (efficiency) ………………… (competence) managers who
is able to give ………………… (sincerity) praise for work done well.
4. Karen wanted a ………………… (practically) book-keeping system.
5. Small businesses can afford few' ………………… (administrate) luxuries.
6. It is a ………………… (remarkably) Invention.
7. Frank is just as ………………… (ambitiousness) as Sam, and wants to buy two more shops in
Manchester and Birmingham.
8. At the moment no less than 250.000 laborers their ………………… (day) bread in the batik,
9. A number of us workers on the night shift feel that we deserve ………………… (add) benefits
10. A ………………… (convince) sales talk was given by her when she met with their chief executive
11. Did you meet Juan, who seems to be very ………………… (interest) in the job?
12. Has the president announced whom he wants as his new ………………… (administrate)
13. Large inventories of Honda could not be maintained because of …………………
(excess)holding cost.
14. Ali could not write the paper since data on the subject ………………… sufficiency)
15. He was so ………………… (persuade) that the committee all agreed to accept his proposal.
16. He made a ………………… (surprise) financial recovery after his bankruptcy.
17. The farmer got the development loan from a …………………(agriculture) bank
18. The machines are in ………………… (excellence) condition.
19. It is true that establishing a rayon pulp factory is quite ………………… (profit)
20. The result of the meeting is very ………………… (satisfy).

C. In the blank spaces supply the verbs that are related to the underlined word. Use the correct
verb form
1. The production of coal in your country is very great. How much coal does your country
2. We wish to ………………… the building of this dam, and so we are giving the engineers every
3. Hot baths are John's favorite luxury, he loves to lie and ………………… in a tub of very hot
D. Fill in the blank with the appropriate verb from the word given in brackets.
1. The company could not ………………… (employee) more workers because office space was
2. To ………………… (solution) the problem, the management decided to change the location of
their head office by moving to a town about 50 kilometers away.
3. Most of the staff are certain that they will lose their job when the office is …………………
4. He still has not ………………… (signature} the contract with the suppliers of the equipment.
5. This is because to convert such building into flats for lower-paid workers would be
………………… (profit) for the property owners.
6. When goods are ………………… (change) for goods, for example clothes for food, the trade is
called barter.
7. I can't ………………… (acceptance) your proposal
8. We feel more attractive packaging should be used to ………………… (glamour) your product.
9. What would you ………………… (advice) me to do in this situation?
10. We suggest you ………………… (reference) to our catalog and ………………… (quotation) the
order number when making a purchase.
11. Only authorized personnel are ………………… ( permission) to the insurance company
12. The manufactures will not ………………… (acceptance) responsibility for damaged caused by
13. She can't ………………… (accommodation) guests at the moment.
14. We would like to ………………… (expansion) our sales into the South America Market and are
looking for someone to ………………… (representative) us there.
15. We ………………… (manufacture) a wide selection of clothes which we …………………
(exporter) to European manufacturers.

adjective adverb
She is friendly She smiled in a friendly way
She is happy She smiles happily
it is a daily newspaper He reads the news paper daily
He is a hard worker He works hard

E. In the blank spaces supply the verbs that are related to the italicized word. Used the correct
adverb form. The first is done for you.
1. She is a careless typist. She types carelessly
2. He gave a prompt answer. She answer …………………….
3. She replied in an angry manner. She replied …………………….
4. He addressed the professor in a respectful manner. He addressed the professor
5. He expressed his views in a simple and sincere manner. He expressed his views
6. The money was divided in an equal manner among all the children. The money was divided
……………………. among all the children.
7. He did the job in a systematic manner. He did the job …………………….

F. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverb from the word given in brackets. The first is done
for you
1. The goods they want have to be ……………………. (fair) cheap
2. Banking requires ……………………. (high) skilled men to operate the government's primary
need program
3. His business has advanced ……………………. (remarkable) for the last three years.
4. He is……………………. (entire) confused by the incident
5. The news spread……………………. (incredible) all over the world
6. Transport undertakings are ……………………. (large) developed into branches of production.
7. This .industry ……………………. (principal) produced cotton and silk
8. On inspection some packages have been ……………………. (careless) marked, so it is difficult to
see where they are to be sent to.
9. Fragile goods must be packed ……………………. (secure) and labels and address ……………..
(neat) written out.
10. Your co-operation will be ……………………. (great) appreciated.

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