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Brother Davis

“Keep the Faith, Steer the Course”

The First Gospel through the Spirt of the Lord written by Brother MaChaaZah Tawab Mathaytes.
(Brother Davis)
Blessed be the name of the our Father; God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Ahayah Asher Ahayah (I
AM THAT I AM) (Exodus 3:14-15) in the Name of HIS Son Yasha (Savior)(Matthew 1:21) and
His Qadash Rawach (Holy Spirit)(Proverbs 8) who is Wisdom (Luke 7:35)
After grieving, praying and fasting over many things going on around my walk in this truth of the
Most High, I was awakened on the 4th day of the week, for the Spirit of the Lord (Holy Spirit)
came onto me and whispered in my ear “Keep the Faith and Steer the course”, from there I woke
up and began writing; and everything I was writing in the Spirit of the Lord, she lead me the verses
that went along with what I was writing. Brothers and sisters, and all those who lay their eyes upon
this; I hope this writing finds you in the right spirit and this writing helps you on your walk in this
“Keep the Faith and Steer the course”
In this walk we must remember that one of the fulfillments of Yashaya’s prophecies was that we
would go through the same things that He did. (John 15:18-27)
We would be Hated by the world for His Name’s sake, His Truth, and the Doctrine that He
Brought, which was given by His/Our Father Lord in Heaven (John 7:16). But we must also
remember that even those who are in this walk of truth will grow hate for you as well. Everyone’s
path/walk is different, and many may not understand yours, for your walk is for your path and your
walk on your path is to be an example for those who watch you on your walk, some will see it and
walk with you and some won’t. We are supposed to be examples, not Lords over the Children of
the Most High God Ahayah (1 Peter 5:1-5) Our head Elder, Yasha Christ (HaMashayach)(The
Anointed) was our Example and many people tend to forget this, that we must follow Him and His
Word and anyone that is not talking or walking according to His word, you know who they are to
be (Isiah 8:20) (1 Timothy 6:3-5)
These people may appear as they are in the truth but they are still living in the world according to
the flesh and haven’t fully understood the functions and fulfillment of the Holy Spirit. So many
may walk in truth but still walk in their flesh. This is a big difference in this walk. (Galatians 5:16-
If we know we fear the Most High and only seek to better ourselves by following HIS laws and
following in the footsteps of HIS first begotten son, why should we worry about the misconceptions
of others, why should we fear? What could take us from our Path, our Walk, Our Duty, and Our
Purpose, our Salvation? (Romans 8:35-39)
In this truth we will be looked upon as those that are doing wrong in the eyes of the flesh, when all
we are doing is the will of the Father in the Spirit of our Lord Ahayah, God of Abraham Isaac and
Jacob. We will be demonized for bring forth truth that hasn’t been revealed to many and do works

All Praises to the Most High Ahayah Bahashem Yasha Wa Qadash Rawach for she is Wisdom..
Brother Davis

that many have not seen. (Matthew 12:24:32) We will be considered outcast for the name of
Yashaya and His Doctrine (1 Corinthians 4:10).
As prophecy continues to come too, we are faced with the realities that the Disciples warned and
spoke of (2 Timothy 3:1-9). The only way to get through these times is walking with the Spirit of
the Lord in all righteousness (Ephesians 5:7-17). For She is our seal (Ephesians 4:30). When
Yasha says Endure until the end and you will be saved, it doesn’t mean just getting through
something, it means persevering through all things remaining in the Spirit of the Lord. This is what
grants us our Salvation. We must endure and also stay in the Spirit of the Lord and calling upon
the name of the Father and Son (Acts 4:20).
We can’t have any fear, we shouldn’t feel bad because we are doing which is good. Scripture says
(Galatians 6:9) And when we are weary, we are in a state of fear, and we can’t have Love within us,
if we are fearful (1 John 4:16-21) and what did Yasha say about love??? (Matthew 22:36-40) you
can’t love the Most High if you are living in fear. And we know that Love fulfills the whole law
(Romans 13:10) and what is the First Fruit of the Spirit of the Lord? LOVE (Galatians 5:22) So
without love, the Holy Spirit can’t even dwell within us, thus, having fear, we can’t love the Most
High, and then we fall short of fulfilling the Law. (Romans 8:1-11)……..
Important side Note - (I wanted to bring something forth in the Spirit of the Lord for what I was
putting together in my understating of the Fruits of the Spirit; which came upon me a week after
Tabernacles, is that The Holy Spirit; Wisdom, tests us by Her Laws. And in these verses solidifies
that understanding (Romans 8:2-5) FOR THE LAW of THE SPIRIT OF LIFE; This is one of
the functions of the Spirit of the Lord, not the only; but this shows how the Disciples had to be
tested by the Laws of the Spirit of Life, which are “The Fruits of the Spirit” (Romans 8:23) The
Disciples fulfilled the “Fruits of the Spirit” They were the first ones to achieve the fullness of the
Godhead (Colossians 2:9), and this is why they were called the “First fruits of the Spirit”) They
were tested by Her Laws (Read Ecclesiasticus/Sirach 4:11-18) From my writing on the “Holy
Getting back to Keeping the Faith and Steering the Course………
In this walk there will be much heartache and pain, along with betrayal. Before, living in
Hollywood and working in entertainment industry there was phrase for the loss’s one may take
while working; it was “Charge it to the Game” well for me, on this path, I say “Charge it to the
Walk”. There will be many phases that we will not be able to skip on this path through this walk.
We will be hurt, we will take loss’s and we will be tested at every turn in this walk; It’s inevitable,
but it’s survivable, we know this because Yasha showed us how to survive this, through His walk
and through His death.
The emotional feeling of the pain, hurt and betrayal we all face is greater than any physical pain we
will go through. Why do you think Yasha prayed that His cup be removed? (Matthew 26:36-39)
Yes He knew His fate was His own death, but the pain/sorrow He had, the emotional struggle He
was enduring through was almost too much to bare, this is why the Most High sped up His
fulfilment after hearing His Son cry out to HIM; Just as when we walk in the footsteps of Yashaa,

All Praises to the Most High Ahayah Bahashem Yasha Wa Qadash Rawach for she is Wisdom..
Brother Davis

while inhabiting the Spirit of the Lord, the Most High will hear and answer our prayers too! (2
Chronicles 7:14). This is what will get us through, this is what will save us.
At that time while He prayed for His cup to be removed; He wasn’t in any physical pain. He had
endured all the emotional pain He could and The Most High seen this. All His emotional pain
was to prepare Him for the physical pain He had to endure to fulfil the Most High’s prophecy (1
Peter 5:6-10) (Hebrews 12:11). While He was praying, The Most High showed Him it was His
time and He only had to endure a little more to complete His Mission and come back home. He
was given the strength from on High to finish the mission (Luke 22:41-44). We must too follow
this same course. When we grow weak emotionally we must trust and believe that through the
Most High, He will give us HIS strength to endure until our time is at hand (James 1:2-5).
Our God/Father, Ahayah Asher Ahayah sees our struggles and feels our pain; and through these
struggles and pains we must still stay within the Fruits of the Spirit, just as Yashaya did.
Even though Yashaya was hated on, He still had LOVE; even though people mocked and laughed
at Him, He still had JOY. There was madness, chaos and confusion around Him, but He still had
PEACE; as much as He was attacked, He still kept His temperance: He still remained GENTLE
as a dove and kept His GOODNESS and through His LONGSUFFERING, He kept His Faith
until His last breath and this is why He was able to be our Sacrifice for our sins (Colossians 2:9)
[Another Writing – The Power of the Godhead].
He showed us as an example of what we must do in order to be saved. He was given up as a
sacrifice so that we could be saved, but our salvation depends on our endurance in this walk of
truth until the end (Matthew24:13) (2 Thessalonians 1:4).
One of the last things Yashaya did was show forgives (Luke 23:34) (Matthew 5:44) (Matthew 18).
Forgiveness is one of the main actions that we must do in order for us to be Kingdom Worthy. (1
Peter 3:4) (2 Thessalonians 5-7) (Colossians 1:10) (2 Thessalonians 1:11) (1 Thessalonians 2:9-13).
We will go through many chastisements and many afflictions, pain and agony in this walk, but this
is how we know we are children of the Most High (Hebrews 12:5-10). This is how we know we are
striving to live life righteously, in a world of unrighteousness.
Remember; only 1/3 (One Third) of 10% (Ten Percent) of Israel will receive that change. Are you
walking to be the 10%, or are you walking to be the 1/3? (Zechariah 13:7-9).
We Must “Steer the Course and Keep the Faith” until we see the Promise of the Golden
Gates…….. (2 Timothy 4:7-8) (John 4:34) (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) (Hebrews 12:1-2) (Philippians
3:13-14) (2 Timothy 1:14) (Luke 8:14-15) (Revelations 3:8-10)…………..
Shalawam (Peace Be With You) brothers and sisters, may the Most High continue to bless you
and guide you through this walk.
All Praises to the Most High Ahayah Bahashem Yasha Wa Qadash Rawach for she is Wisdom..

All Praises to the Most High Ahayah Bahashem Yasha Wa Qadash Rawach for she is Wisdom..

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