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Alberto B. Monares Jr.

Annual Evaluation


Well, if I say about my disposition or my attitude regarding my prayer life, I can

say that, I am able to express well the contemplative dimension of my life. This I can
evidently express through my meditation, through my active and full participation in the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as well as through the sacrament of Reconciliation. In my
personal prayer life, I am able to discipline my self to be in solitude for me to meditate
and reflect my day-to-day experience and this experience of mine help me to evaluate and
reevaluate my relationship to my God.
In the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the mass I have an amazing experience
because every time I celebrate this sacrament I always felt renewed with my relation to
my God. It give my also a strength to continue my quest in life and in living out my
vocation faithfully, though sometimes there is a distraction but I consider it as my
challenge in my life.


There is a time that conflict arises in the community; personally, I experience it

towards my brothers and brother priest. The experience of conflict that I have towards my
brothers and brothers’ priest somehow hinders me to relate to them in a good way. Every
time that I communicate to them, I have already a bias attitude towards them and this
attitude of mine leads me conclude somehow that we cannot be in a good relationship.
However, despite of this conflict I am trying my best to fulfill every schedule of the
community. As far as I evaluate to it I am doing well in this aspect.


In a month as a deacon, I am enjoying my ministry, because I can share to other

my insight, my idea, and my reflection. Every Sunday I am assigned as of now in the
parish of Fr. Lito to baptize and to serve in the mass and it is challenging on my part yet I
have been happy and joyous in fulfilling my ministry.



Speaking of poverty, the simplicity that I have, speaks how I live in this aspect of
my life as a religious. Sometime I am tempted to acquire and to incline to a thing, which
is not necessary to my self as a religious, and thanks to the simplicity of Fr. MIN, it
reminds me to live a simple life as a religious. My last ordination as being a deacon
somehow, I acquire little gifts from my friends and when I present it to Fr. Min, he said
to me that you also give some to your brothers so that they have also gifts, at first I felt
bad because this is my gifts. However, I realize that Fr. Min have been teaching me to be
a simple religious and this leads to a realization that life as a religious is a life of
simplicity, a life of being a brother to your brothers and a life that can lead you to
surrender and to rely everything to the divine providence of God.


Living out my vow of chastity somehow there is different distraction. This

distraction leads me to live out hardly in this aspect. However, as I look and examine
myself, I come to a realization that life is so many distraction and challenges what is
important is you always strive to fulfill and live out the state of life that a person has. And
this reminds me of my weaknesses and limitation and reminds me also that human as I
am I need the grace of God to live out my vow.

In this aspect, I have no difficulty in living it out, because I do believe that
whatever assignment that are being assigned to me by my superior it is for my own good.
This idea also leads me to surrender my freedom with joy and conviction.

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