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through the load. Although the output
There is a problem if you want to use a car battery to power a
voltage may be taken direetly from the
circuit which requires a symmetrical supply voltage. Having mductor, it is also possible to replace
abandoned the idea of mounting a second battery in your car the inductor by a transforrner.
As regards the eurrent through the
for that purpose, take a serious look at the circuit discussed
inductor, there are two different oper-
here. It converts the car battery voltage into symmetrical ±12 V ating conditions. The first ts tllustrated
or even ±15 V rails. Since the converter is able to supply a by the voltage and eurrent graph in
Fig. 2. After the swttch is closed, en-
continuous output current of about 0.5 A, and a peak current ergy is stored in the inductor core dur-
of up to 1 A, it is eminently suited to powering control ing period 'A' of the voltage graph. This
amplifiers and small power amplifiers. energy ts released agam a little later
during the pertod marked 'B'. Nothing
happens for a while after an anergy
has been released, which can be seen
by the rtngtng of the stgnal during pe-
rtod 'C'. The lower graph shows the
consequences for the current, which
rises linearly during perrod 'A', de-
creases linearly agam during pertod
'B', and drops to nought during period
'C'. Because the current drops to
nought intermittently, this mode is
called 'dtscontinuous current mode'.
The advantage of thts operatlng mode
ts that it allows the control system to
gtve good response to changes in the
input voltage as weil as to output load
vartatrons. The dis advantage is the rel-
atively high peak eurrent carrted by
the switch.
Another possible condition is 'con-
tinuous current operation'. As ülus-
trated by the upper eurve in Fig. 3, all
available time is then used to store en-
ergy and release tt agam. The perrod so
created ts even a little too short, be-
cause the inductor ts still busy supply-
ing energy at the end of the interval.

Fyou want to obtain a symmetrical Flyback principle
I supply voltage of ± 12 V from a ear
battery, tt ts always necessary to first 1Wo concepts are available for the de-

double the battery voltage. The only stgn of a DC- De converter based on
way to 'step u p' a direet voltage ts by the 'swttched-tnductcr' principle. The
using a swttch-mode power supply. best known are the forward converter,
Such a DC-DC converter operates on the boost converter and the flyback
one of two ptinciples. Lew-power sup- converter. Only the latter is considered
plies usually rely on a clever switching here because tt is applied in the practi-

system by which capacitor charges are cal ctrcutt discussed further on.
'stacked' rapidly to gtve the htgher Thc prineiple is illustrated in Fig. 1.
voltage. If more output current ts de- While the switch 18closed, the current
manded, however, De-Oe converters flowing through the inductor causes a
950088 - 11
almost invariably use an Irrductor for magnette fleld to be built up in the in-
energy storage. By periodtcally inter- ductor core. Ouring that period, no
rupttng the eurrent through an indue- current flows through load resistor R.
tor, a relatively high induction voltage When the switch is opened, the induc- Fig. 1. As long as the switch is closed, a cer-
is generated. This voltage may be recti- tor starts to act as an energy source. tain amount of energy is stored in the induc-
fied and stabtltzed, but it mayaIso be The diode then ensures that the cur- tor. This energy is released when the switch
'stepped up' beforehand. rent supplied by the induetor Ilows is opened,


the switch is controlled direct1y by the
1 20.0\1 2 150.0\' +-12.4~ !SI RUN output current rather than the voltage.
Referring to the block diagram. the
++ switch starts to conduct at the start of
..~. ©l"·m····'······, every oscillator cycle. Regulation of the
output voltage is achieved by changing
~ ® .® -'--'~+-- .....
I~"""-" ~. H H ';.H lf\j\H.,-.H ...~--I
.';. the toggle level of the output current
1----;-,. I ~ •• ~ v. 1. J,---~ H H ••
on the basis of the output voltage sup-
plied by an error amplifier.
+• An internal low-drop regulator sup-
""'!'I.j""'I'I.j I'I""'!"'.'I'I j'I'I"

1+"1'1'1'[""""" "I.j"'!'I'I'I'I'!""'I.l.
plies a reference potential of 2.3 V for
all circuits. The reference source al-
+ ,. lows input voltages between 3 V and
60 V to be used without any adverse
HHH .... H .. ;_H HHHH'HHHH.I."HHH'H"HH,',-,H HHHH'H 2
effects on the performance of the IC. A
f---...;..<"'-~ : "'-'-...... -+l~__ -----; ''-+---+---n 1.24-V bandgap voltage source is used
as a reference for the error arnplifler.
..... -'- .... .. : :
The ~ input of the error amplifier is
bonded out to a pin ('FB') and acts an
the output voltage sensor. This feed-
950088·12 back connection has a second Iunc-
tion: when pu lied low by an extern al
reststor, the output of the error ampli-
Fig. 2. Voltage and current graph of a converter in non-continuous current mode. The current fier is decoupled from the comparatar,
graph (below) clearly shows that the current actually drops to nought between the 'down' and and the Iatter ts connected to the fly-
'up' slopes. back amplifier. Because the output
voltage is directly proportional wtth
the flyback pulse, it may be adjusted
This is indicated by the section tion. All of Ws is contained in a ccm- wtthou t a dtrect link between input
marked '0' in the current graph pacl ö-ptn TO-220 style case, so that and output.
printed at the bottom. It shows that the LTI070 is almost as easy to use as The error stgnal at the input of the
the current jumpe immediately to a any of the familiar three-ptn ftxed volt- comparator is also fed to a pin. 'Vc'.
certain value when the switch is age regulators. The LTI070 accepts which has four different functions. It is
closed. and then rises linearly. input voltages between 3 V and 60 V, used for frequency compensatton, soft-
Because the current does not drop to and works happily wtth a quiescent start, current limiting. and for corn-
nought agatn at the end of the perrod. current of only 6 rnA. Dcsptte its 'mod- plete shut-down of the regulator. The
this ts called 'continuous current est' appearance, the regulator is capa- level at this pin is norma1Jy between
mode'. An advantage of this mode is ble of supplymg a maxtrnum output 0.9 V (low output current) and 2.0 V
that the ripple current through the in- power of about 100 W without the help (high output current). This voltage
ductor ts small with respect to the load of an external power transistor. may be lirnited externally to set the
current. On the down stde, this mode The destgnation 'current mode maximum current. Soft-start may be
offers not so good response to load swttcher' means that the duty factor of implemented wtth the aid of a capact-
It goes without saying that non-con-
tinuous operation is the best mode for
lighter loads, while larger output cur-
rents are best handled in continuous
mode. A system capable of switching
1 20.0\1 2 ~SO.O\l .r-12 .4~ 5.00~/
between these modes depending on
the current demand is, therefore, the
best of both worlds. Such a control .; .. ..... ; ; .. . . . .. .;. ... : ;.

system is Iar from easy to stabilize.

however, and that ts why we have re-
sorted to an tntegrated circuit which is
'easy going' and specially destgned for f--- -- --' : ;. '---i----.;..- __...J. .... ,
the purpose,

""""·j""""·j""""·j,,,,,,,,·j·'·'·'·'f'·'·'"·i,,,,·.·'·!·'·'·""!"·'·'·" ·1·.·1·1·
The LT1070
...... ; ...... ...i... ........ ,.
The heart of the ctrcutt ts formed by an
integrated switching regulator type
LTI070. The manufacturer. Linear
Technology, calls thts Je a 'current
mode swttcher'. The Interrial structure ......... , ;.
of this IC is shown in Fig. 4. On board
the LTl 070 are all the standard Ingr-e-
dients of a swttch-mode power supply. 950088 - 13
In fact, the LTl070 requires only a
handful of external components. The
most important elements are a robust
high-efficiency switch, an oscillator Fig. 3. The same graphs as in Fig. 2, but measured on a converter operating in continuous
and a measurement and control sec- current mode. All available time is used to store and release energy.



Practical circuit
v" 16V As al ready mentioned. the LTl 070
works happily with a minimum of ex-
ternal components. Consequently.
Fig. 5 shows a very simple circutt dia-
gram. Indeed, had we limited ourselves
to the parts requtred for the function of
DC-DC converter only. the ctrcutt
would have been even simpler, be-
cause a fair number of components
serves for buffering and cleaning of the
input and output voltages.
The core of the converter is actually
restricted to lei, transformer Trj , the

,,--., ERROR >---i_v,

recttfters connected to secondary
wtndtngs of Tri. and resistor network
AM' R3-R,. As stated earlter. a flyback-type
regulator aliows tbe output voltage to
be set by feeding (a part of the output
CIACUIT (0,040 LTl071J voltage back to tbe feedback tnput.
1----+ Hefe, that 15 done with the aid of R3
and Ra. The ratio between these twa
0.15'" resistors therefore enables the output
voltage to be set to ±12 V or ±15 V
witbout the need of changing the turns
"950088-14 ':' ratio of the transformer. The resistor
values indicated in the circutt diagram
gave an output voltage of ±13.8 V on
the prototype of the convcrter.
Fig.4. The internal structure of the LT1070 is fairly complex, and contains just about every- The LT1070 keeps the output volt-
thing you need to build a ne-ue converter. age constant within a few millivolts
(which can be measured only when
changing frorn no load to full load).
tor-coupled external
clamp circuit. If age under 0.15 V causes the regulator Note, however, that only the positive
Vc is pulled to ground by means of a to be swttched off completely. In the output voltage is used as a reference
diode. the regulator enters a kind of latter state, the quiescent current is for the regulator. As long as the con-
stand-by state, while pulling tbe volt- reduced to a mere 50 pA. verter is symmetrically loaded (i.e ..

03 L2


e see text




4 40J.lH
~ 5 R3
VIN LT1070
2 ~

220jJ 100n 1O~ 100jl 100n

0 25V 25 25V

950088 - 15

Fig.5. Apart from the le and the transformer, the circuit diagram contains only a double rectifier, a number of reservoir capacitors and noise
suppression filters.



Fig. 6. Populating the board is easy. Its moderate size allows the board to be fitted in many different types of metal enclosure (board not avail-
able ready-made).

roughly equal current consumption on about 50°C). To keep their heat disst- COMPONENTS LIST
the positive and negative output rails), pation within reasonable limits, these
there will be no undue unbalance, and capacitors are therefore fitted in pairs.
the regulation on the negative rail will To ensure the highest possible efft-
be hardly worse than that on the posi- ciency and life expectancy of the con-
R1;R4 = 1kQ
tive rail. However, when only the nega- verter, it would be better to use
R2 = 2kQ2 2W
tive rail is loaded, that output voltage electrolytic capacitors specially de-
R3'"" 10kQ
may drop appreciably. So, if you want signed for use in switch-mode power
to load the negative rail only, be sure supplies. However, these costly and
to provide a continuous load on the difflcult to obtain parts are not strictly
C1;C9;C10;C12;C14;C15;C17 = 2201JF
positive rail, for instance, with the aid required in the present circuit. Our
of a resistor. If you are after a 'rock- prototype gave satisfactory results 25V radial
steady' supply, connect a linear regu- with 'ordinary' caps fitted. C2;C5;C8;C11;C13;C16 = 100nF
lator to each of the converter outputs. 00 not use ordinary diodes (like C3;C4 = 100IJF 25V radial
Components 0" R2 and C7 form a IN4002 etc.) in positions 0" O2 and C6 = 1IJF MKT
so-called snubber network, which 03, because they are too slow in this C7 = 220nF
serves to prevent the LT1070's output application. Almost any real switching
voltage from exceeding its maximum diode may be used, as long as it is ca- Inductors:
value (65 V). Because of the stray in- pable of passing a current of at least L1;L2;L3 = SFT10-30 or SFT1030
ductance in the circuit, a large voltage 3 A. It is best to use fast diodes with (40IJH) (TDK)
surge may occur the moment the soft recovery - the latter feature is im- Tr1 = SFT12-50 or SFT1240 (see text)
chopper switch opens. This surge is di- portant to keep spurious emission to a
verted via 0, and C7, while the capaci- minimum. The diode indicated in the Semiconductors:
tor. in turn, is discharged slowly by R2. circuit diagram is a Schottky type D1;D2;D3 = BYW29-100
To keep unwanted emissions to a rated at 100 V, 8 A, which has an addi- IC1 = LT1070 (Linear Technology)
minimum, the circuit has no fewer tional advantage in not dropping too
than three LC filters: one for the input much voltage. Miscellaneous:
voltage (L,-C2), and one on each of the K1 = 2-way PCB terminal block.
output rails (L2-C" and L3-C'6)' For Construction K2 = 3-way PCB terminal block.
L" ~ and L3 it is best to use those F1 = fuse 3A (slow) w. PCB mount
well-known triac suppressor coils with The printed circuit board designed for holder.
a minimum current rating of 1 A [usu- the OC-OC converter is shown in Metal case, e.g., Hammond 1590S,
ally 2.5 A). If your demands are not so Fig. 6. The size is modest, while the 110x82x44mm.
high, the coils may be replaced with 6- tracks are laid out generously. Insulation set (washer and bush) for
hole ferrite beads with a few turns of Populating the PCB with step-by-step IC1, D2, D3.
wire through them. Although the sup- reference to the component overlay
pression of the 40-kHz fundamental and the parts list is not expected to Most components for this project are
component is then slightly less effec- cause undue problems. The IC and the available frorn C-I Electranics, P.O.
tive, the effect on higher harmonics diodes are purposely located at the Box 22089, NL-6360-AB, Nuth, The
above 500 kHz is nearly identical. edge of the board, so that they are eas- Netherlands. Fax (+31) 455241877
The relatively high pulse currents in ily secured to a heat-sink (using wash-
the circuit cause the electrolytic reser- ers and plastic bushes). Alternatively,
voir capacitors to run fairly hot (up to tf you use a metal (die-cast or alu-



lf the waveform ts okay, the input

voltage may be increased to 12 V, or
the lamp may be removed. The positive
output voltage should then be around
13.8 V. If that is the case, D2 may be
fitted on the board. Next, run another
check on the waveforrn shape at pin 4
of ICI' Also check tbe level of tbe nega-
tive output voltage at tbe - clamp of K2.
lf the circuit behaves properly so
far, it is time to increase the load cur-
rent. Secure the heat-sink to the IC
core with existing winding L1
and tbe diodes, and exchange tbe l-kQ
resistors with 5-watt car lamps. The
wavefonn at both outputs should be as
shown in Fig, 3. If you use an ad-
justable supply for tbis test, be sure to
turn it up to 12 V first, and not con-
nect the lamps until the output volt-
ages of +12 V and -12 V are present. If
you do it the other way around, the
power supply may actuate tts current
Iimiter. That may happen because the
converter always tries to supply the
necessary output current. Where a
power of, say. 12 W requires a current
adding second windlng L2 addlng Ihird.winding L3
of 1 A at an input voltage of 12 V, tbat
goes up to 2 A at 6 V, and 4 A at 3 V.
Such output currents are beyond the
capacity of most (hobby) power sup-
Fig. 7. Transformer Tr1 consists of a normal ring core suppressor choke, whose existing plies, hence you have to start withou t
winding is used as the primary winding. A bifilar secondary is wound over the primary, ob- the load connected to the converter.
serving that the winding direction is the same as that of the primary. For the sake of completeness, the
ctrcutt diagram shows a number of
measurement values. Although the
mini um) case for the converter. that converter may be improved by making input voltage is gtven as 12 V nomt-
may be used as a beat-sink as well. the secondary wmdtngs a little larger nally, tbe actually allowed level here is
However, we haven't got as far as fit- - for example, 60 turns instead of 50. up to 15 V. Using tbe indicated compo-
ttng the board tnto a case. First, eOD- Fortunately, the exact number ofturns nent values and an input voltage of
centrate on making the transformer. is not critical, so gross errors are hard 12 V, tbe output voltage should be
Tri. The core is that of an ordinary to make. about ±13.8 V. This voltage may be
triac suppressor cotl wtth an induc- changed within certain limtts by
tance between 25 j1H and 100 j1H, and changing the ratio between R3 and R.,.
Testing and setting up In all cases, however, a voltage of
a current rating between 3 A and 5 A.
The parts list states a few types that The photograph in Fig, 8 shows the 1.24 V (±5%) should be present at
may be used. Usually, such cotls have completed prototype of the converter. pin 2 of lCI. If not, the regulation of
between 30 and 50 turns of enamelled To be able to test the circuit properly, tbe lC does not function properly. This
copper wtre on the core. This wtndtng diode D2 should not be fitted for tbe voltage should correspond to the inter-
may be left in place, and becomes the moment. Connect two I-kQ load reste. nal reference voltage. At a too high
primary winding of the transformer . tors to the output rails of the converter voltage, the output of the converter is
Count the number of turns. Next, (one to the positive rail and one to the probably not loaded, while a too low
apply two secondary wtndtngs over the negative rail). In tbe interest of safety, voltage at pin 2 indicates a too heavy
primary, each having the same num- it ts best at this stage to use an ad- load or a too low tnput voltage.
ber of turns as the primary. Use 0.5- justable power supply tnstead of a car The internal regulation voltage of
mm dia (24SWG) enamelled cop per battery. Connect It to the converter, the IC may be measured at pin 1. This
wtre, and wind the two secondaries st- and tncrcasc the voltage slowly. The voltage depends on the output current,
multaneously, that is, with two wtres converter should start to work at an and changes between 1. 1 V at no load
at the same time. Be sure to observe input voltage of between 3 V and 5 V. If to about 2 V at full load.
the same winding direction as the you do not have an adjustable supply,
primary. lt does not matter whether connect a 12-V, 5-W lamp in series Final remarks
you start winding tbe wire from tbe left witb the battery. The lamp will limit tbe
or tbe rtght - tbe thtng to keep an eye current in case something goes wrong. Having passed all tests and experi-
on ts whether the wtre is inserted tnto Use an oscilloscope to check the ments without serious mishaps. the
the core Ircm below or from the top. voltage at pin 4 of tbe LT1070 agatnet circuit is ready for the finishing
So, look carefully at how the primary ts the oscillogram in Fig. 2. It is essential touches, and the test gear and car
waund. Distribute the two new wind- to be able to discern three levels: zero lamps may be put away. To keep urt-
mgs as evenly as possible across the volts, the supply voltage and tbe dou- wanted electromagnenc radtauen as
circumference of the core. The final bled supply voltage, If you find tbat low as possible, the ctrcutt should be
construction is illustrated in Fig. 7. there are only two levels, the wtndtng built into a sturdy metal case. The pro-
A final remark on the transformer . lf direction of the secondaries on Tr 1 is totype was housed in a dte-cast case
a high er output voltage is desired wrong. Remove the transformer and from Hammond. The type number is
(more than ±15 V), the efficiency of the wind it agam. 1590S and the outside dtmenstcns are

The WINNER 01 the International

1st Prize
Dr our International Circuil Design
Compelilion published in the July/August
1995 magazine

will be announeed in the

Deeember 1995 issue 01 Elektor International tst prize tor the Circuit

Eleetronies. Design Competition: the incredible

THS720TekScope.Will it be yours?

The winning design will also be presentedl

A list 01all prize winners, as weil as a large part 01the prize winning
circuits will be published in separate sections in the January and Februarv
1996 issues 01Elektor Electronics. Don't miss these special issuesl Your
circuit may be in one 01theml

approximately 110x82x44 mm. The

circuit board fits exactly in tbis case,
and ts easily secured to the bottom
with the aid of four PCB pillars. The lC
and the three diodes may be secured
to the stde panel using rnsulattng
washers. This arrangement will afford
sufftctent coohng for not too heavy use.
The Input and output cables to be con-
nected to K1 and K2 the case
through suitable grommets, and
should be fitted with a heavy-duty
strain relief at the inside.
As already mentioned, the converter
is capable of supplytng a peak output
current of up to 1 A, and a continuaus
current of up to 0.5 A. Note, however,
that these rattngs are achieved at nor-
mal room temperatures only (up to
about 25 "Cl. In the blazmg sun, how-
ever, the temperature Inside a car may
easily reach about 60 "C, which means
that the converter ts not able to supply
its maximum power because the ther-
mal shut-down will be actuated much
"..... ....... -"...., ...... ,.... earlier than under normal ctrcum
,-..""',... ...... ,...,-., ...... stances. Fortunately, the same ther-
mal protection ensures that the Ie can
not be damaged or destroyed by high
Fig.8. Completed prototype board. Diode 02 should be omitted tor the purpose of testing the temperatures.
circuit. (950088)


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