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Standard Element Source of Evidence Evidence that demonstrates the

4.1 Using knowledge of students’ Lesson Plan *Teacher examines learning goal
academic readiness, language and determines the knowledge and
proficiency, cultural background, Reflective Conversation skills needed to reach that goal
and individual development to *Teacher selects different
plan instruction. Focus Students materials that are appropriate for
all skill levels and student
Level: Exploring Classroom Observation development
*Teacher incorporates knowledge
March 2018 of student interests into lesson
plans and activities in order for
students to make a connection
*Teacher strategically plans for the
range of physical development
displayed by students
*Teacher is familiar with students
backgrounds and socioeconomic
*Teacher considers aspects of
students backgrounds that may
impact the way students learn
*Teacher has access to students
accommodations sheet for EL
learners to help in acquisition of
*Teacher activates prior knowledge
or learning to help students
achieve the new content or skill
4.2 Establishing and articulating Lesson Plan *Teacher communicates learning
goals for student learning goals to students verbally
Classroom Observation *Students complete assessment
Level: Exploring sheet and have further access to
learning goals
March 2018 *Students understand and connect
learning goals to the whole picture
of the unit
*Teacher breaks down the larger
goals/standards into manageable
learning goals; lessons are
sequenced to build on previous
learning experiences
*Lesson goals are selected to
provide appropriate levels of
challenges in response to the
needs of the students
*Learning goals are based on the
appropriate academic content
4.3 Developing and sequencing Lesson Plan Book *Teacher sequences learning
long-term and short-term activities over time to help
instructional plans to support Curricular Calendar students achieve larger goals /
student learning standards
*Planning includes breaking down
Level: Exploring knowledge, skills, and abilities into
logically sequenced lessons;
March 2018 Teacher sequences short-term
lesson plans to achieve a long-term
learning goal
*Teacher develops a year-long
curricular calendar so that the
essential content standards are
distributed across the academic
4.4 Planning instruction that Reflective Conversation *Teacher provides the appropriate
incorporates appropriate instruction if prerequisite skills and
strategies to meet the learning Lesson Plan knowledge are lacking
needs of all students *Teacher differentiates instruction
Classroom Observation and uses a variety of equipment to
Level: Exploring best suit all students learning
March 2018 *Teacher provides visual aids for
students who are visual learners
*Teacher demonstrates critical
elements of skills appropriately to
aid student comprehension of skill
*Multiple strategies for checking
student understanding are used
during the learning process
*Teacher can identify and explain
the connections between the
learning goals and the activities
and materials that will be used
*Assessments are embedded
within the instructional plan

4.5 Adapting instructional plans Lesson Plan *Teacher modifies or adjusts the
and curricular materials to meet learning goals to meet the needs of
the assessed learning needs of all particular students
students. Classroom Observation *Teacher offers a variety of
materials or options within
Level: Exploring activities that reflect various
Student Work Analysis student learning styles
March 2018 *Teacher anticipates and responds
to differences among students by
providing a range of materials
and/or levels of support during the
learning activities
*Teacher determines before,
during and after a lesson, whether
students are making progress
toward the learning goals
*Teacher analyzes student work

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