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CC Guided Reading Plan Date 11/16/17 Session # 6 #/Teacher Ms.


Assessment Data Student: Levi D. Student: Pippa S. Student: Izzy A. Student: Kael

1. Interests Sometimes likes Likes to read; does not Likes to read; does Sometimes likes
reading; enjoys reading like being read to; not like being read to; reading; doesn’t like
fantasy, mystery, horror, enjoys reading fantasy, enjoys reading being read to; enjoys
humorous, and series mysteries, science fantasy, plays, comic, reading fantasy,
books; Wants to read fiction, horror, graphic graphic novels, graphic novels,
Diary of a Wimpy Kid. novels, humorous and humorous, and true informational,
action story books; story books; wants to humorous, series,
wants to read Percy read a lot of comic and action books;
Jackson this year. books. wants to read a
space book this year.
2. Spelling Stage Middle Within Word Middle Within Word Middle Within Word Middle Within Word
Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern
3. Fluency (wcpm) 123 145 112 158
4. Comprehension at gr level Independent—100% Independent—90% Instructional—75% Frustration—60%

Note: Kael shut

down when reading
because it was
about all girls. I feel
as though this level
doesn’t represent
his skill.
5. Primary Need – Skill Short answer Short answer Short answer Explicit and short
questions questions questions answer questions

ELA Standard(s): One for each of the following: word sorts, fluency, reading, and writing.

Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.
Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Common Core Guided Reading Plan, c. Rod Winters (2013). All rights reserved
Revised 9/27/2016 by Joan Sax-Bendix.
CC Guided Reading Plan Date 11/16/17 Session # 6 #/Teacher Ms. Boehmer

Instructional Objective(s): One for each of the following: word sorts, fluency, reading, and writing
Objective: Language function + Content stem + support.

Example: Describe the main character's personality using discussion, textbook quotes and a graphic organizer.

Summarize the main events in “The Well” referring to main characters while writing sentences.
Analyze the deeper meaning issue in the book “The Well” through small group discussion.
Categorize the word sorts and be able to justify their reasoning.
Analyze their own fluency abilities by using whisper phones.

Skill Goal:
Identify the main characters and events that occur in a narrative text.
Writing and giving support to their peers by responding with questions or comments about their peers summaries.
Identify the students’ sentence formation skills by writing at the end of the lesson.
Write and spell to be read by someone else by staying in between the lines and writing neatly
Demonstrate grade-level expected fluency skills by adequately completing the QRI
Summarize the given passage by questions and writing prompts.
Interpret the text and form questions on what they think their peers struggled understanding.
Identify the student’s basic comprehension level by listening to them while they read aloud.
Analyze the portions of the book that were confusing for them and form questions to later help their understanding.

Language function:
Spelling to be read by someone else
Explaining answer to prompt
Naming group expectations
Answering Questions
Analyze for the theme
Categorize the words in their word sorts
Retell information learned from their passage

Common Core Guided Reading Plan, c. Rod Winters (2013). All rights reserved
Revised 9/27/2016 by Joan Sax-Bendix.
CC Guided Reading Plan Date 11/16/17 Session # 6 #/Teacher Ms. Boehmer

Analyze Argue Categorize Compare/contrast Explain

Interpret Retell
Predict Question Summarize
Common language functions include:
- identifying main idea and details,
- analyzing characters and plot,
- comparing ideas between texts, and
- explaining steps in the writing process

Instructional Plan Record of Student Performance Data / Implications

1. Greeting What will be your welcoming activity/greeting to help build relationships?
List materials needed for the greeting. Greet the students and say “I am glad to be seeing you all again this week.
Expectations sheet we made last time This week is our second to last time meeting with one another!” Next we
remind each other of our names. I will ask them to tell me something exciting
that happened this week, or is coming up within the next week. After greeting
one another, we will go over our expectations for one another again. I will
again describe how we came up with these expectations together and are all
responsible for following the set guidelines in order to make our learning as
successful as it can be. (10 minutes) 

2. Assessment & Instruction underline focus Underline assessment tool or identify strategy to address primary need Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support Assessment Tools:
comprehension. 1. Interest Inventory
a. Read grade-level text with purpose and 2. Spelling: Qualitative Spelling Inventory
understanding 3. Fluency Probe and Running Record: Curriculum-based Measurement Fluency Probe
4. Comprehension @ gr level: QRI-5
b. Read grade-level text orally with accuracy,
appropriate rate, and expression on successive
Common Core Guided Reading Plan, c. Rod Winters (2013). All rights reserved
Revised 9/27/2016 by Joan Sax-Bendix.
CC Guided Reading Plan Date 11/16/17 Session # 6 #/Teacher Ms. Boehmer


Planning for assessment (include all materials needed): Directions for assessing (protocol- what is said and done in detail so anyone would be able to

3. Word Sorts What word sort will be used?

How will you introduce it?
How will you assess the student’s learning?
Planning for word study instruction (include all materials Directions for completing the word sort exercise (protocol- what is said and done in detail so
needed): anyone would be able to follow):
The word sorts that will be used this week come from the Words Their Way Book. All of which
Printed and cut out word sorts.
will be created and cut out prior to this session.

Give each student a word sort. Have the student read the words aloud to themselves/you.
Then they must sort the words in the way they see fit. After they finish the sort, have them
read them aloud to you again. They must then give a reason as to why they sorted them the
way they did. If approved by teacher, they can either sort the same words in a different way,
or switch word sorts with another student since they are all in the same spelling stage.

The sorts include:

24. Short/Long a (Words Their Way p356)—Kael
26. Short/Long e (Words Their Way p356)—Izzy
33. Short/Long u (Words Their Way p356)—Levi
39. Long i patterns (Words Their Way p356)—Pippa

4. Fluency Work What fluency strategy will you be using with your student?
What passage will be used?
Common Core Guided Reading Plan, c. Rod Winters (2013). All rights reserved
Revised 9/27/2016 by Joan Sax-Bendix.
CC Guided Reading Plan Date 11/16/17 Session # 6 #/Teacher Ms. Boehmer

How will you introduce it?

How will you assess the student’s learning?
Planning for fluency instruction (include all materials needed): Directions for completing the fluency activity (protocol- what is said and done in detail so
anyone would be able to follow):

The students will be using whisper phones while reading to work on their fluency.
1. Give the students their passages
2. Show them the whisper phones and ask “Who has used a whisper phone before?” Wait
for student responses.
3. Explain that a whisper phone helps them with their fluency and that they are to hold it to
their ear like they would with a normal phone.
4. WARNING: Tell them they are whisper phones for a reason! They don’t want to distract
their classmates, nor do they want to hurt their ears by talking to loud into the whisper
5. Instruct the students to use the phone throughout the entire passage. Once they have
completed the passage, they need to set the whisper phone down on the table and
proceed to answer the comprehension questions.

5. Pre-reading: Preview, Predict, Purpose Preview text, introduce key vocabulary, predictions, purpose to confirm Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general Teacher introduces next part of the information reading.
academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including
Title of Book: The Well
those that signal
a. precise actions, emotions, or states of being Author: Mildred D. Taylor
(quizzed, whined, stammered) pages: 30
b. and that are basic to a particular topic (wildlife,
conservation, endangered) RAYGOR: 3
c. (*and words used to give directions or show what Flesch-Kincaid: 2.4
students know across subject areas)
Book Room Level: T
Include your standard here: a. Link to prior reading/background:

Common Core Guided Reading Plan, c. Rod Winters (2013). All rights reserved
Revised 9/27/2016 by Joan Sax-Bendix.
CC Guided Reading Plan Date 11/16/17 Session # 6 #/Teacher Ms. Boehmer

Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas read title and ask “What happens in school?” What would happen if a mouse came to
develop and interact over the course of a text. school?”
Do you guys know what the Civil War was? What were they fighting over and who was
fighting? Do you know what segregation means?
b. Pre-introduce key vocabulary: words, definitions and strategy
Word Hunt (Words Their Way page 62): Introduce the words to them, show them what
they look like and tell them what they mean. Then have them mark when the see the word
in the book with a sticky note. CHANGE FROM LAST TIME: Go over the words before
reading but do not tell them they will be doing a word hunt. After they finish reading, have
the GO BACK and look for the words. They should not look for the words while reading
with the sticky notes.

Tier 2: Gen Academic Words:

Preserves: food made with fruit preserved in sugar, such as jam or marmalade.
Lathered: (with reference to soap or a similar cleansing substance) form or cause to form
a frothy white mass of bubbles.
Prosperous: successful in material terms; flourishing financially.
Tier 3: Technical Academic Words:
Colored: wholly or partly of nonwhite descent (now considered offensive in the US).
Segregation: the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community,
or establishment.
c. Preview text features:
- illus, charts, diagrams, headings: (Contents pg) N/A
- story elements – What key events occurred in this portion of the text?
d. Predict- elicit prediction of what author will choose to write about in this section
Based on the cover, what do you think this book is going to be about?

Common Core Guided Reading Plan, c. Rod Winters (2013). All rights reserved
Revised 9/27/2016 by Joan Sax-Bendix.
CC Guided Reading Plan Date 11/16/17 Session # 6 #/Teacher Ms. Boehmer

6. During-reading: Teacher supports student reading of a new section of informational text. What is the
decoding strategy that you are planning to use for each student? Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis Comp
skills in decoding words. Use combined knowledge of all Decoding Levi Izzy Kael Pippa Levi Izzy Kael Pippa
a. letter-sound correspondences, A
b. syllabication patterns, and 1 Tap x
Reread x
c. morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) B Stop
to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in 2 Sound
and x x
context and out of context. Out
3 Does it
- (*Monitor comprehension and utilize C
comprehension repair as needed.) Question
sense? x
4 D. Link
Chunking key term
5 Skip,
6. Re-
x x x
What questions will you be asking during the reading (include Write the answers:
page #s):

1. Based on the cover, what do you think this book is going to be 1. Listen to student responses
about? 2. Narrative
2. Do you think this book is going to be a narrative or 3. Listen to their predictions
informational book? 4. Because the Logan’s had more land than the Simms
3. Based on the first page, why do you think the main character 5. To mind their own business and stay out of one another’s way
doesn’t get along with Charlie Simms? 6. Creek Rosa
4. What is a reason that the Simms dislike the Logan’s? (10) 7. He fell off a tree and broke his leg so he was on a crutch
5. What was his papas solution to the Simms disliking them? 8. Older
(10) 9. The boys were being sassy and rude to him
6. Where did most people get their water back before the 10. African American
drought—including the Simms family? 11. She thinks they shouldn’t share with them since they aren’t nice to the family and that
7. What could the main character only carry one milk bucket? sharing the well with people doesn’t necessarily mean the Simms
(11) 12. Cut trees for lumber
8. Is Charlie older or younger than the main character? 13. Not so bright but he has a good heart
Common Core Guided Reading Plan, c. Rod Winters (2013). All rights reserved
Revised 9/27/2016 by Joan Sax-Bendix.
CC Guided Reading Plan Date 11/16/17 Session # 6 #/Teacher Ms. Boehmer

9. What does it mean on page 11 when Ed-rose asked the boys 14. The back of the book, or context clues
if they were “gettin smart” with him 15. Listen to student responses
10. Based on what you have inferred from the text so far, is the
main character white or African American? (12)
11. What does Ma Rachel think about them sharing the well with
the Simms’? (16)
12. What do David’s brothers and Dad do for work?
13. Describe Joe McCalister (26)
14. How can you tell that David is the main characters name?
15. Give me a summary of the main events that occurred during
the reading

Main characters name is David

7. After Reading: Reciprocal Teaching, QAR, GIST Teacher supports student clarifying & extends thinking (Choose a discussion strategy
strategies below, and write questions for each component, with a pg. # from the text that would
verify possible answer to questions.) Refer to details and examples in a text when A. Prediction What strategy will you use for your After Reading activity/discussion?
explaining what the text says explicitly and when verified? Reciprocal Teaching-Questions
drawing inferences from the text. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown
1 Rt There: What questions will you be asking after the reading (include page #s):
and multiple-meaning words and phrases based
2 Think & Srch: What process will you use to transition to this exercise?
on grade 4 reading and content, choosing
flexibly from a range of strategies. 3 Author & Me: What questions did you have while reading the text? Or what questions do you
a. Use context (as a clue to the meaning of a think other people in the group had?
C. RecipTching:
word or phrase.
b. Use grade-appropriate Greek & Latin affixes 1 Predict Communication. “Now that we have thought of what questions we had, or
2 Clarify questions that other people may have had, let’s try and answer one another’s
and roots
3 Summary questions.”
4 Question
8 minutes

8. Written Response & Guided Editing Guided Writing & Sentence Editing:
Include the sentence frame/stem and the editing goal for each student.
Common Core Guided Reading Plan, c. Rod Winters (2013). All rights reserved
Revised 9/27/2016 by Joan Sax-Bendix.
CC Guided Reading Plan Date 11/16/17 Session # 6 #/Teacher Ms. Boehmer

1. I learned that…
2. GIST: a) Who / What was this section about? GIST: Who/What was you passage about?
b) What’s important about it?
3. Other: 8 minutes

Writing standard you will be addressing:

Demonstrate command of the conventions
of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Common Core Guided Reading Plan, c. Rod Winters (2013). All rights reserved
Revised 9/27/2016 by Joan Sax-Bendix.

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