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CASTLE OF FORTUNE TDP (Team Description Paper)


Team Name: Robocan.

Institute Name: Pondicherry Engineering College.

City: Puducherry.

Team member Member 2 Member 3


Name Saugat Guha Ashish Gautam C.V.Austin -

Roll 070845 07087 07077


Mobil 9047140365 9047815572 9952463315

e no

E-mail -

m om -
1. Give a detailed explanation of the approach for recognizing
numerals in the attached image and the Algorithm/Pseudo
Code for it.


The Basic Approach for Identifying the numerals is that we r

taking the standard deviation of the sum of the individual
numerals image pixels.

So, to start we make sure the image of the numerals are

brought down (or up ) to our standard size with whose
standard deviation values we r taking to compare with the

For that we r using the green circles of the image n cropping

each numeral exactly at the tangents to the circle. Then we
resize it with our predefined size. Then find out the sum of the
the pixels of each numerals column wise n , find the standard
deviation of this data.

Algorithm/pseudo code:

1. Acquire the image.

2. Get the BW image of the circles.

3. Find the start n end coordinates of the three circles in both

4. Crop the circles with these coordinates.

5. Now resize these images to the size of our standard.

6. Now Exact start n End coordinates of the numerals in each

image in both dimensions.

7. Crop the images again with these current coordinates.

8. Find the sum of the pixels present in each image.

9. Find the standard deviation of these three images.

10. Compare with our standard values n generate the values.

2. Give a detailed Explanation of how you are going to distinguish

between open and closed doors and how you are going to
enter the correct door.


we are taking the BW (of only the green component of the image,
will obtain it by applying threshold on RGB values) n then split the
image into six parts each corresponding to six rows of the arena.
Then in each image(each row) we take the central line coordinates
of the

rectangular patch(That is the white color in the above BW image.) n

Compare its location with 1/4th of the length of the row, hence find
out the exact location of the door in each row. This is done using a
function "opendoor" which inputs the image of the arena n outputs
a matrix of 6 columns having values from 1 to 4, each column
representing one row.


AT the start of the RUN,

the matrix generated by the function “OPENDOOR”(which contains

the correct door no. for each row) will be processed to generate a
matrix which will have six rows(each corresponding to the journey
that has to be made by bot to reach the correct door in that
corresponding row ) and 2 columns(the first column one
corresponding to the rotations the STEPPER MOTOR has to take

in order the bot to reach the entrance of the CORRECT DOOR

& the second column representing the left or right turn that

the bot has to take in order to enter the CORRECT DOOR.)



(detect the 12 cm. Thick partitions across the doors ) ENTER THE


The matrix is now sent to the microcontroller(ATMEGA 168 ) using

RF MODULE interfaced with the atmega168 which receives it and
stores it.

Now the BOT moves according to the received distance(received in

terms of angles of stepper motor), takes left or right turn(again
preset in terms of rotations of stepper motors.) and then checks for

The output of the TSOP’s (corrects the bot if necessary) then moves
inside the door and then moves for the next correct door and the

Actions are repeated until the six doors are travelled .

At the room of secrets the using the CODE given similarly a matrix
corresponding to the doors on each row is made and then the
above mentioned actions are repeated.
Algorithm: (For identifying the open door.)

1. Acquire the image and apply threshold for green color.

2. Run a FOR loop from 1 to 6(representing each row ).
3. Crop the image into 6 parts each image exactly covering the
Area (in image) of one row.

4.Find the sum of all the pixels in each image and using FIND

find the columns at which the sum is greater than a value

(say 50) and store it in a matrix(say “A”).

4. Find the maximum element(store it in “B”) in “A”

(formed using FIND command)

now the maximum element in “A” is the column

no. of the right hand most pixel of the white in the BW image

(formed by cropping the BW of the GREEN only color image of

The arena).

5. Now we find the middle line pixels of the image by subtracting

Length/8 from “B”. Length of the image (column wise.)
6. Now we have the column no. of the middle pixels of the open
door in each row.
7. Now we compare this value with Length/4 ,
2*Length/4,3*Length/4 or greater than 3*Length/4.
8.After comparing store values 1,2,3 or 4 as a matrix ”C” ‘s
elements(We are still inside the for loop).
9.End the FOR loop.
10. Output the matrix having the order of open doors in each

3. Write briefly about the types of sensors you are planning to

use, their number and their corresponding purposes
Explanation: There ’ll be 2 simple TSOP modules that we r going to
use to detect the walls(12 cm thickness) on the two sides of the
CORRECT DOOR. The Stepper motor wil approx. Bring the bot in
front of the correct door (the bot will take the corresponding left or
right turn) then THE TSOP will check if the Bot will hit the partitions
of the doors, if any the BOT will correct itself accordingly.

Then the Bot enters the correct door n passes through the passage.

4. Mention the two frequencies you are planning to use for

communication and their corresponding range.
Two frequencies are 433MHZ & 315 MHZ .

5. Any Additional Information that you would like us to know

(Include Pictures of Bots, Videos if any).

Two videos showing the working of our prototype BOT .The bot
shown in the video has stepper motors (TSOP has not been used.)

The video shows the working of the arena open door identification

And the implementation of it on our prototype bot. The Bot moves

according to the steps send by matlab after analysing the open

Below some photos showing the identification of opendoors n the

resulting implementation in matlab.

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