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Week 3

Name: ​_________________________ ​Pd: ​_______

Weeks of: ​_____________________________
Due Date: ​______________________________
SOL SLO Essential Skills Grades
11.3 ❏ Given Latin and ❏ Greek/ Latin 1. ______ / ______
❏ a) Use structural analysis of roots, affixes, Greek elements Roots
synonyms, antonyms, and cognates to and their ❏ Connotation/ 2. ______ / ______
understand complex words. definitions,
Denotation 3. ______ / ______
❏ b) Use context, structure, and connotations students will
to determine meanings of words and identify these ❏ Figurative
phrases. elements in Language in 4. ______ / ______
❏ c) Discriminate between connotative and English words, Poetry
denotative meanings and interpret the match each given ❏ Providing
5. ______ / ______
connotation. word to its correct evidence 6. ______ / ______
11.4 meaning and ❏ Text Analysis
❏ c) Discuss American literature as it reflects select the correct 7. ______ / ______
traditional and contemporary themes, word to complete
motifs, universal characters, and genres. an unfinished 8. ______ / ______
❏ e) Analyze how context and language sentence.
structures convey an author’s intent and 9. ______ / ______
❏ f) Explain how the sound of a poem (rhyme, 10. ______ / ______
rhythm, onomatopoeia, repetition,
alliteration, assonance, and parallelism)
supports the subject, mood, and theme.
❏ g) Explain how imagery and figures of
speech appeal to the reader’s senses and
❏ h) Explain how an author’s specific word
choices, syntax, tone, and voice support the
author’s purpose.

What you need to know to pass the 11 EOC Reading SOL
11.3 Vocabulary
❑ Greek/Latin Roots ❑ Allusions ❑ Figurative language (metaphor,
❑ Context Clues ❑ Idioms simile, personification,
❑ Connotation and Denotation hyperbole)

11.4 American Literature

❑ Main Idea ❑ Summarize Texts
❑ Supporting Details ❑ Connect Prior Knowledge
❑ Author’s Purpose ❑ Imagery
❑ Author’s intent and viewpoint ❑ Figurative Language (metaphor, simile,
❑ Point of View personification, hyperbole)
❑ Make Predictions ❑ Irony (Verbal, Situational, Dramatic)
❑ Inferences ❑ Drama Terms (Stage Directions, Comedy,
❑ Draw Conclusions Tragedy, Comic Relief, etc.)

11.4 American Literature

❑ Rhyme ❑ Alliteration ❑ Mood theme
❑ Rhythm ❑ Assonance ❑ Theme
❑ Onomatopoeia ❑ Parallelism ❑ Motif
❑ Repetition ❑ Subject ❑ Archetypes
❑ Genres

11.5. Non fiction

❑ Use information from texts to clarify ❑ False premises
understanding of concepts ❑ Ambiguity
❑ Follow directions to complete applications ❑ Contradiction
❑ Draw Conclusions (Implicit and Explicit) ❑ Paradox
❑ Inference (Implicit and Explicit) ❑ Irony
❑ Analyze 2 texts (Comp/Con.) ❑ overstatement
❑ understatement
❑ tone ❑ rhythm ❑ verbal irony
❑ author’s purpose ❑ onomatopoeia ❑ dramatic irony
❑ synonym/ antonym ❑ repetition ❑ situational irony
❑ connotation ❑ alliteration ❑ plagiarism
❑ denotation ❑ assonance ❑ false premises
❑ idiom ❑ motifs ❑ ambiguity
❑ diction ❑ universal ❑ contradiction
❑ syntax character/archetype
❑ rhyme ❑ genre

Date: ________________________
Root Study Independent Practice
Focus: chron/chrono
Prefix Root Suffix

Chron/ chrono​ time -al ​ like, related to; an

Ana-​ back, against action or process
Geo​ earth, ground
Syn-​ with, together -ic ​ like, related to
Meter​ measure
Therm ​ heat -ism​ act, state, condition
-logy ​ study of, science
-ous ​ having the quality of

Directions​: In Column A, identify the elements in each word by circling roots and underlining prefixes and
suffixes. Then match each words with its correct meaning from Column B.
Column A Column B

1. ______ anachronism a. Continuing a long time or recurring frequently

b. Timekeeping device of great accuracy,
2. ______ geochronology
especially used in measuring longitude
3. ______ synchronous
c. Occuring at the same time
4. ______ chronothermal d. Science of determining the order in which
things occur
5. ______ chronic
e. Something out of place or time
6. ______ chronology f. Relating to both time and temperature
7. ______ chronometer g. Study of the ages of geologic events

Directions​: Choose the best word from Column A for each sentence. Use each word only once. Highlight the
context clues that helped you make your decision BEFORE you write your answer.
1. Because of her ____________________ arthritis, the elderly woman was in constant pain.
2. An astronaut living in the eighteenth century would be a/an ____________________.
3. Historians try to determine an accurate ____________________ of events during a period.
4. Scientists use ____________________ to pinpoint various stages of the earth’s development.
5. The ____________________ equation could be used even though the specimen became several degrees
colder over the two hours.

6. Both performers were prepared to start so their acts would be ____________________.

7. The measurements of the early versions of the ____________________ were affected by the motion of
the ship.

Adapted from © 2011 The Critical Thinking Co. ™

How to Read and Analyze Poetry 
1. Number the lines in each poem, and label the rhyme
scheme if there is one.
2. Read the poem several times. ​*Poems are super short! Use
that to your advantage!*​ Circle any unknown words.
3. Summarize ​each stanza.
4. Annotate the poem by noticing and labeling any ​literary
devices, figurative language, symbolism, imagery, etc.
5. Identify ​the ​major theme ​of the poem, and ​provide ​evidence
to support your choice.
6. Identify ​your favorite line or phrase from the poem, and
explain ​why you chose it as your favorite.
7. Choose​ ​one to two​ of the unknown words you circled and
develop ​a ​definition​ (in your own words! You can’t google
on test day!) ​based on ​context clues​ from the poem.


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