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3/29/2018 Grace for Financial Stewardship | CDM International


One Ministry, One Church, One Message Worldwide


by Cre o Dollar | 4 Jan 2015


We can say that we trust God in all areas of our lives, but until we learn to trust Him with our money, we will continue to
struggle nancially. The Bible talks about money more often than any other subject, because God knows how important this is
to a successful life. The world teaches that we make our own fortunes and we must hold on tight to our money or risk losing it,
but this is unscriptural. The Bible teaches us that all good things come from God, including our money.

A .God wants us to prosper in every way. He wants us to be successful (3 John 1:2, AMP).
A. This includes in our health, our marriage, and our family, as well as our nances.

B. Our souls and spirits are already prosperous and blessed in Him. He wants those blessings to also be manifested in our
nancial lives.

1. The soul and the spirit are not interchangeable. We are spirits living in physical bodies. The soul is the thinker, the
doer, and the chooser. It is composed of the mind, the will, and the emotions.

C. Whatever we think in our minds and believe in our hearts is what we are.

1. When we think about something long enough, we focus on it. If we focus on our problems, we hinder our progress.
2. Prosperity begins with the thinking process. Wrong thinking leads to wrong living.
3. Our traditional way of thinking can nullify the manifestation of God’s power in our lives (Mark 7:13).

B. Jesus wants us to have abundance until it over ows. He wants us to enjoy life (John 10:10, AMP).
A. He will not force abundance on us. It is up to us to choose it for ourselves.

B. It is not His will for us to be limited by a lack of money to carry out His plan for our lives.

C. For every dream He gives us, He also gives us the means to achieve it.

1. He is the God of visions as well as the God of provisions.

D. We need to demonstrate our faith in money management, which is a small thing, so that He can trust us in the big things
(Luke 16:10).

1. Asset management and nancial stewardship are two di erent things.

2. God’s rules are not the same as Wall Street’s rules.
3. Money should be a tool in our lives, not our master.

C. We are stewards of what God has given us. Jesus taught the parable of the good steward to teach us that the money
we have is ultimately not ours, but God’s (Luke 16:1).
A. Every good gift comes from God (James 1:17).

1. Money is a gift, as is peace, happiness and a harmonious marriage.

B. God is responsible for the air that we breathe, the breath in our lungs, the physical strength for us to go through each
day, and the wisdom to discern His will (Genesis 1:26; Acts 17:28).

1. With that in mind, He is the source of our nancial success, not us.

D. We need to be mindful that the source of all of our blessings is the great I AM.
A. Abraham became wealthy not because of his actions, but because God’s blessing was on his life (Genesis 12:1-3).

1. God uttered the promise of the blessing and it came to pass.

B. Abraham did not always do everything God told him to do, but God blessed him anyway, because of grace (Hebrews
6:13, 14). 1/2
3/29/2018 Grace for Financial Stewardship | CDM International

C. Wealth is a blessing from God. Our own self-e orts only get in the way (Proverbs 10:22).

1. Prosperity is something we do not deserve, but receive through grace.

D. We should not depend solely on our physical senses. God has already blessed us, whether it appears so or not
(Ephesians 1:3).

1. We must trust and believe it has already happened.

2. Another thing to remember is that our behavior is not responsible for our blessings.

E. God blessed Abraham even when Abraham made mistakes, because of His grace (Genesis 12:10-20).
A. Abraham possessed great nancial blessings, but they were from God and not because of his own works (Genesis 13:2).

B. Later, Abraham made the same mistake again, but God still blessed him greatly (Genesis 20:1-18).

1. God initially cursed the king and his house, but then removed the curse and blessed him because of the integrity he
showed in not touching Abraham’s wife. The king obeyed God.

C. Abraham trusted God as his source. He was so con dent in Him that Lot was also blessed through his connection to
Abraham (Genesis 13:8-11, 14-17).

D. Abraham was blessed again when he received the spoils of war. But he trusted God as his source, not the great wealth
he received after winning it in battle (Genesis 14:14, 21-24).

1. Because of the trust he showed, God told him He would be his shield and his reward (Genesis 15:1).

F. God is always our source.

A. When we hold onto “our” money with a clenched st, God’s prosperity will not be manifested in our lives.

1. We must be willing to change our mindset about money.

2. We must lose any stingy, sel sh attitudes about money.

B. It is important to realize that although we must work, it is God Who gives the increase.

1. Our trust in Him causes us to prosper.

Scripture References

3 John 1:2, AMP Hebrews  6:13, 14

Mark 7:13 Proverbs 10:22

John 10:10,  AMP Ephesians 1:3

Luke 16:1, 10 Genesis 13:2, 8-11, 14-17

James 1:17 Genesis 14:14, 21-24

Genesis 1:26 Genesis 15:1

Acts 17:28 Genesis 20:1-18

Genesis 12:1-3, 10-20 2/2

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