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Instantaneous Power - Network

Theory Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Instantaneous Power”.

1. In purely resistive circuit, energy delivered by source is

____________ by resistance.
a) dissipated in the form of heat
b) stored as electric field
c) stored as magnetic field
d) returned to source
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Answer: a
Explanation: In purely resistive circuit, energy delivered by
source is dissipated in the form of heat by resistance and is
not stored as either electric field or magnetic field.

2. In inductor, the energy delivered by source is

____________ by inductor.
a) stored as magnetic field
b) dissipated in the form of heat
c) returned to source

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d) stored as electric field

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Answer: a
Explanation: In inductor, the energy delivered by source is
stored as magnetic field by inductor and is not dissipated in
the form of heat or stored as electric field.

3. In capacitor, the energy delivered by source is

____________ by capacitor.
a) returned to source
b) dissipated in the form of heat
c) stored as electric field
d) stored as magnetic field
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Answer: c
Explanation: In capacitor, the energy delivered by source is
stored as electric field by capacitor and is not stored as
magnetic field or dissipated in the form of heat.

4. If there is complex impedance in a circuit, part of energy

is ____________ by reactive part and part of its energy is
____________ by the resistance.
a) alternately stored and returned, alternately stored and
b) alternately stored and returned, dissipated
c) dissipated, alternately stored and returned
d) dissipated, dissipated
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Answer: b
Explanation: If there is complex impedance in a circuit, part

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of energy is alternately stored and returned by reactive part

and part of its energy is dissipated by the resistance. The
amount of energy dissipated is determined by relative
values of resistance and reactance.

5. The equation of instantaneous power is?

a) P (t) = (VmIm/2)(cos(2ωt+θ)+sinθ)
b) P (t) = (VmIm/2)(sin(2ωt+θ)+cosθ)
c) P (t) = (VmIm/2)(cos(2ωt+θ)+cosθ)
d) P (t) = (VmIm/2)(sin(2ωt+θ)+sinθ)
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equation of instantaneous power is P (t)
=(VmIm/2)(cos(2ωt+θ)+cosθ). It consists of two parts. One
is a fixed part and the other is time varying which has
frequency twice that of the voltage or current wave forms.

6. The time varying part in the equation of instantaneous

power has frequency ________________ that of the
frequency of voltage or current wave forms.
a) equal to
b) twice
c) thrice
d) four times
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Answer: b
Explanation: The time varying part in the equation of
instantaneous power has frequency twice that of voltage or
current wave forms and the other part is a fixed part.

7. Instantaneous power is negative, when the polarities of

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voltage and current are of __________

a) opposite sign
b) same sign
c) voltage is zero
d) current is zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: Instantaneous power is negative, when
voltage and current have opposite sign that is if voltage is
positive, the current is negative and if current is positive, the
voltage is negative.

8. In P (t) equation, if θ=0, then P (t) =?

a) (VmIm/2)(1+cosωt)
b) (VmIm/2)(cosωt)
c) (VmIm/2)(cos2ωt)
d) (VmIm)(1+cos2ωt)
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Answer: d
Explanation: In P (t) equation, if θ=0⁰, then P (t) =(VmIm/2)
(1+cos2ωt). The power wave has a frequency twice that of
the voltage or current. Here the average value of power is

9. The average value of power if θ=0⁰ is?

a) VmIm/2
b) VmIm/2
c) VmIm/4
d) VmIm/8
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Answer: b
Explanation: The average value of power if θ=0⁰ is VmIm/2.
So, average power = VmIm/2 at θ=0⁰. When phase angle is
increased the negative portion of the power cycle increases
and lesser power is dissipated.

10. At θ=π/2, positive portion is __________ negative

portion in power cycle.
a) greater than
b) less than
c) equal to
d) greater than or equal to
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Answer: c
Explanation: At θ=π/2, the area under positive portion is
equal to the area under negative portion in power cycle. At
this instant the power dissipated in the circuit is zero.

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Average Power - Network Theory Questions and... about:reader?url=

Average Power - Network Theory

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Average Power”.

1. The equation of the average power (Pavg) is?

a) (VmIm/2)cosθ
b) (VmIm/2)sinθ
c) VmImcosθ
d) VmImsinθ
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Answer: a
Explanation: To find the average value of any power
function we have to take a particular time interval from t1 to
t2, by integrating the function we get the average power.
The equation of the average power (Pavg) is Pavg =

2. Average power (Pavg) =?

a) VeffImcosθ
b) VeffIeffcosθ
c) VmImcosθ

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d) VmIeffcosθ
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Answer: b
Explanation: To get average power we have to take the
product of the effective values of both voltage and current
multiplied by cosine of the phase angle between the voltage
and current. The expression of average power is Average
power (Pavg) = VeffIeffcosθ

3. In case of purely resistive circuit, the average power is?

a) VmIm
b) VmIm/2
c) VmIm/4
d) VmIm/8
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Answer: b
Explanation: In case of purely resistive circuit, the phase
angle between the voltage and current is zero that is θ=0⁰.
Hence the average power = VmIm/2.

4. In case of purely capacitive circuit, average power =

____ and θ=___
a) 0, 0⁰
b) 1, 0⁰
c) 1, 90⁰
d) 0, 90⁰
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Answer: d
Explanation: In case of purely capacitive circuit, the phase
angle between the voltage and current is zero that is θ=90⁰.

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Hence the average power = 0.

5. In case of purely inductive circuit, average power = ____

and θ=___
a) 0, 90⁰
b) 1, 90⁰
c) 1, 0⁰
d) 0, 0⁰
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Answer: a
Explanation: In case of purely inductive circuit, the phase
angle between the voltage and current is zero that is θ=90⁰.
Hence the average power = 0.

6. If a circuit has complex impedance, the average power is

a) power stored in inductor only
b) power stored in capacitor only
c) power dissipated in resistor only
d) power stored in inductor and power dissipated in resistor
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Answer: c
Explanation: If a circuit has complex impedance, the
average power is power dissipated in resistor only and is
not stored in capacitor or inductor.

7. A voltage v (t) = 100sinωt is applied to a circuit. The

current flowing through the circuit is i(t) = 15sin( ωt-30⁰).
Find the effective value of voltage.
a) 70
b) 71

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c) 72
d) 73
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Answer: b
Explanation: The expression of effective value of voltage is
Veff = Vm/√2. Given Vm = 100. On substituting the value in
the equation we get effective value of voltage = 100/√2 =

8. Find the effective value of current in the question 7.

a) 9
b) 10
c) 11
d) 12
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Answer: c
Explanation: The expression of effective value of current is
Ieff = Im/√2. Given Im = 15. On substituting the value in the
equation we get effective value of current = 15/√2=11V.

9. Determine the average power delivered to the circuit.

a) 620
b) 630
c) 640
d) 650
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Answer: d
Explanation: The expression of average power delivered to
the circuit is Pavg = VeffIeffcosθ, θ = 30⁰. We have Veff = 71,
Ieff = 11. So the average power delivered to the circuit Pavg

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= 71 x 11 x cos 30⁰ = 650W.

10. Determine the average power delivered to the circuit

consisting of an impedance Z = 5+j8 when the current
flowing through the circuit is I = 5∠30⁰.
a) 61.5
b) 62.5
c) 63.5
d) 64.5
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Answer: b
Explanation: The expression of the average power
delivered to the circuit is Pavg = Im2 R/2. Given Im = 5, R =
5.So the average power delivered to the circuit = 52×5/2 =

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Network Theory Interview Questions and Answe... about:reader?url=

Network Theory Interview

Questions and Answers for
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Network Theory Interview Questions and

Answers for Experienced people focuses on “Apparent
Power and Power Factor”.

1. The highest power factor will be?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power factor is useful in determining the
useful power transferred to a load. The highest power factor
will be 1.

2. If power factor = 1, then the current to the load is ______

with the voltage across it.
a) out of phase
b) in phase

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c) 90⁰ out of phase

d) 45⁰ out of phase
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Answer: b
Explanation: If power factor = 1, then the current to the load
is in phase with the voltage across it because the
expression of power factor is power factor = cosθ.

3. In case of resistive load, the power factor =?

a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
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Answer: d
Explanation: In case of resistive load, the power factor = 1
as the current to the load is in phase with the voltage
across it.

4. If power factor = 0, then the current to a load is ______

with the voltage.
a) in phase
b) out of phase
c) 45⁰ out of phase
d) 90⁰ out of phase
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Answer: d
Explanation: If the power factor = 0, then the current to a
load is 90⁰ out of phase with the voltage and it happens in
case of reactive load.

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5. For reactive load, the power factor is equal to?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
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Answer: a
Explanation: For reactive load, the power factor is equal to
0. Power factor = 0 when current to a load is 90⁰ out of
phase with the voltage.

6. Average power is also called?

a) apparent power
b) reactive power
c) true power
d) instantaneous power
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Answer: c
Explanation: The average power is expressed in watts. It
means the useful power transferred from the source to the
load, which is also called true power. Average power is also
called true power.

7. If we apply a sinusoidal voltage to a circuit, the product of

voltage and current is?
a) true power
b) apparent power
c) average power
d) reactive power
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Answer: b
Explanation: If we apply a sinusoidal voltage to a circuit, the
product of voltage and current is apparent power. The
apparent power is expressed in volt amperes or simply VA.

8. The expression of apparent power (Papp) is?

a) VmIm
b) VmIeff
c) VeffIeff
d) VeffIm
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Answer: c
Explanation: In case of sinusoidal voltage applied to the
circuit, the product of voltage and the current is not the true
power or average power and it is apparent power. The
expression of apparent power (Papp) is Papp = VeffIeff.

9. The power factor=?

a) sinθ
b) cosθ
c) tanθ
d) secθ
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Answer: b
Explanation: The expression of power factor is power
factor= cosθ. As the phase angle between the voltage and
the current increases the power factor decreases.

10. The power factor is the ratio of ________ power to the

______ power.
a) average, apparent

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b) apparent, reactive
c) reactive, average
d) apparent, average
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power factor is the ratio of average power
to the apparent power. Power factor =(average
power)/(apparent power). Power factor is also defined as
the factor with which the volt amperes are to be multiplied
to get true power in the circuit.

11. The power factor is called leading power factor in case

of ____ circuits.
a) LC
b) RC
c) RL
d) RLC
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Answer: b
Explanation: The power factor is called leading power factor
in case of RC circuits and not in RLC circuits and RL
circuits and LC circuits.

12. The term lagging power factor is used in which circuits?

a) RLC
b) RC
c) RL
d) LC
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Answer: c

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Explanation: The term lagging power factor is used in RL

circuits and not in RLC circuits and RC circuits and LC

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Reactive Power - Network Theory Questions an... about:reader?url=

Reactive Power - Network Theory

Questions and Answers
by Manish
3-4 minutes

This set of Network Theory Multiple Choice Questions &

Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Reactive Power”.

1. The reactive power equation (Pr) is?

a) Ieff2 (ωL)sin2(ωt+θ)
b) Ieff2 (ωL)cos2(ωt+θ)
c) Ieff2 (ωL)sin(ωt+θ)
d) Ieff2 (ωL)cos(ωt+θ)
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Answer: a
Explanation: If we consider a circuit consisting of a pure
inductor, the power in the inductor is reactive power and the
reactive power equation (Pr) is Pr =Ieff2 (ωL)sin2(ωt+θ).

2. Reactive power is expressed in?

a) Watts (W)
b) Volt Amperes Reactive (VAR)
c) Volt Ampere (VA)
d) No units
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Answer: b
Explanation: Reactive power is expressed in Volt Amperes
Reactive (VAR) and power is expressed in watts and
apparent power is expressed in Volt Ampere (VA).

3. The expression of reactive power (Pr) is?

a) VeffImsinθ
b) VmImsinθ
c) VeffIeffsinθ
d) VmIeffsinθ
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Answer: c
Explanation: The expression of reactive power (Pr) is
VeffIeffsinθ Volt Amperes Reactive (VAR). Reactive power
=VeffIeffsinθ Volt Amperes Reactive (VAR).

4. The power factor is the ratio of ________ power to the

______ power.
a) average, apparent
b) apparent, reactive
c) reactive, average
d) apparent, average
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power factor is the ratio of average power
to the apparent power. Power factor =(average
power)/(apparent power).

5. The expression of true power (Ptrue) is?

a) Pasinθ
b) Pacosθ

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c) Patanθ
d) Pasecθ
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Answer: b
Explanation: True power is the product of the apparent
power and cosθ. The expression of true power (Ptrue) is
Pacosθ. True power = Pacosθ.

6. The average power (Pavg) is expressed as?

a) Pasecθ
b) Patanθ
c) Pacosθ
d) Pasinθ
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Answer: c
Explanation: The average power is the product of the
apparent power and cosθ. The average power (Pavg) is
expressed as Pacosθ. Average power = Pacosθ.

7. The equation of reactive power is?

a) Pacosθ
b) Pasecθ
c) Pasinθ
d) Patanθ
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Answer: c
Explanation: The reactive power is the product of the
apparent power and sinθ. The equation of reactive power is
Pasinθ. Reactive power = Pasinθ.

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8. A sinusoidal voltage v = 50sinωt is applied to a series RL

circuit. The current in the circuit is given by I = 25sin
(ωt-53⁰). Determine the apparent power (VA).
a) 620
b) 625
c) 630
d) 635
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Answer: c
Explanation: The expression of apparent power (VA) is
Papp= VeffIeff = (Vm/√2)×(Im/√2). On substituting the values
Vm = 50, Im =25, we get apparent power = (50×25)/2 =

9. Find the power factor in the question 8.

a) 0.4
b) 0.5
c) 0.6
d) 0.7
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Answer: c
Explanation: In sinusoidal sources the power factor is the
cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and the
current. The expression of power factor = cosθ = cos53⁰ =

10. In the question 8 determine the average power.

a) 365
b) 370
c) 375

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d) 380
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Answer: c
Explanation: The average power, Pavg = VeffIeffcosθ. We
know the values of Veff, Ieff are Veff = 625 and Ieff – 0.6.So
the average power = 625 x 0.6 = 375W.

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