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Actually we are aliens in our own


Everybody on the earth is curious to know about alien's life
beyond earth however;evrybody don't reaize that are we the
creatures that came from other planets accidently or as a part of
experiment by superior civilizations with very high level of
intelligence(aliens) in comparisions to our's.I know that it is hard
to belive and difficult to analyze about it until we will find some
others lifes on the universe beyond earth.As,many hypothesis
have been given by scientists and researchers involving planetary
missions,there may be possible lifes on millions of other
planets,stars or on any heavenly bodies.In this essay i want to give
some evidences that depicts alien's life (which we are searching )is
one we ourself for other creatures and earth.

when we analyze the nervous and physical structure of a man,it

differ vastly in contrast to millions of creatures on earth.Actually,I
want to demonstrate that darwin's law is completly fake beyond
law of natural selection(sub).It used to belive that man and other
multicellular living creatures evolve from unicellular organisms
while our whole curriculum is leading us on wrong path.scientists
argue argue that living humans derived from micro-organism and
other multicellular organisms on the basic of some basic living
elements such as carbon,ammonia and other derivatives while it is
only the design applied to sustain in a common
environment.According to the theory of mutation,derivation of
creatures from one multicellular organism to another is possible
while the deduction human as the brute from bactrial cell or
throgh animals having small cranial potential is not possible
according to mutation theory as we are suggested.

According to the boriska(russian 4 year boy) who was an

extraordinary boy who claims that he was from mars and he was
acknowledged about whole astromy to that high extent where
astronomy scholars are not familiar.When he was 4 years old he
scored 145 in IQ test which is nearly the intelligence as that of
einstein s and he claimed that in past he used be the inhabitant of
mars in past but due to the nuclear attack by advanced aliens of
another planet the atmosphere and ecosystem collapsed.He also
urgue that the survivals of his planet now survive in the
undergroung ecosystem created by them and they send him to
warn us about such hazardous allien's attack.The idea that force us
to trust his ideas is that there is high amount of radioactive
radiation on mar s atmosphere and robert sent by NASA was also
able to dig at the depth of only 20 cm.

Let,s come to our main point, as we are suggested in Neo-

darwinism it is completly imagination,scientists with some basic
scientific evidences such as body composition elemets like
carbon.I don't mean that the mutation theory is completely
wrong;however,i mean we(humans) are not derived from other
organisms based on the fact that neuro chemistry and its
functionality of humans have no match in any extent.At last I want
to ask a question to biologist who praise the darwin's theory of
natural selection that if human can create advanced mechanism in
few centuries,Why are our ancestors can't learn even to light fire
and cook?
by padam sejwal

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