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3/22/2018 India, a country reflecting Unity in Diversity - Connect Gujarat

India, a country re ecting Unity in Diversity

By Connect Gujarat - February 15, 2018

India, one of the oldest civilizations in the world with people of di erent races, creed, religion,and
caste reside together in harmony. We live in a world where there were so many kingdoms that fell to
ashes due to the di erences in opinion that existed among the masses. It is such an astonishing fact ×
that the country has managed to stand still in spite of all the ills that it has faced because of the
culmination of di erent kinds of people in a single stretch of land.

What makes the people stand united in spite of all the

The following can be stated as some of the reasons why India re ects the notion of Unity in Diversity.


There are certain qualities in people that get inherited from their forefathers,and every human is very
humane,and that di erentiates him from the animals. The concept of living in groups, raising a family
that led to qualities of forgiveness, unsel shness, gratefulness, interdependency is what makes the
country stay intact despite the diverse nature of the country.

Cultural Heritage: 1/2
3/22/2018 India, a country reflecting Unity in Diversity - Connect Gujarat

The famous saying goes, “AtithiDevoBhava”; translates into Guest is equivalent to God. The native
people of the country have always welcomed the outsiders with open arms. This led to the
proliferation of di erent styles of living and that in turn added to the diversity of the nation. The entire
country is lled with di erent forms of the same notion that Humanity is above all; the monuments
and other cultural heritage structure depicting the very same has always embedded good thoughts
in people’s mind.

Cordial relations only lead to holistic growth:

The various races who had migrated to India have contributed to the growth and development of the
country. In case, the country hadn’t been very warm; it couldn’t have been the home to some of the
best industries in the world, some of the wonders of the world,etc., they say Good Fence makes good
neighbors. Indians have always learned to live peacefully with each other by respecting each other.
This has only led to helping one another during times of natural disasters and calamities. The people
being serving others who are in distress during times of mishap, all owes to the fact that the cultural
heritage that fostered humanity.

These factors can be stated as the reason why India is revered throughout the world and Indians are
recognized in the global forum. 2/2

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