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The International Journal of Lower Extremity


Altered Molecular Mechanisms of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Robert Blakytny and Edward B. Jude
International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 2009 8: 95
DOI: 10.1177/1534734609337151

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The International Journal of
Lower Extremity Wounds
Volume 8 Number 2

Altered Molecular Mechanisms June 2009 95-104

© 2009 Sage Publications

of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

hosted at

Robert Blakytny, MA, DPhil, and Edward B. Jude, MD, MRCP

The continuously increasing worldwide prevalence of altered levels of molecular factors and the inhibited
diabetes will be accompanied by a greater incidence of healing process in such ulcers will permit the develop-
diabetic foot ulcer, a complication in which many of the ment of targeted treatments aimed to greatly improve
morphological processes involved in normal wound the quality of life of patients, at the same time helping
healing are disrupted. The highly complex and inte- to reduce the huge costs associated with treating this
grated process of wound healing is regulated by a large diabetic condition and its long-term consequences.
array of molecular factors. These often have overlap- This short review examines how changes in the expres-
ping functions, ensuring a certain degree of tolerance sion of molecular factors are related to altered mor-
through redundancy. In diabetes, changes to the expres- phology in diabetic foot ulceration and very briefly
sion of a large number of molecular factors have been considers treatment strategies at molecular level.
observed, overwhelming this inbuilt redundancy. This
results in delayed healing or incomplete healing as in Keywords:  angiogenesis; chronic wound; diabetes;
ulceration. Understanding the relationship between extracellular matrix; growth factors; nerve regeneration

he worldwide pandemic of obesity, including in formation of granulation tissue and a new blood
children, is being accompanied by an increasing supply (angiogenesis), re-epithelialization leading to
prevalence of type 2 diabetes in adults, together wound closure, nerve regeneration, and laying down
with its appearance in children.1-3 Furthermore, type of extracellular matrix (ECM) as scar tissue that will
1 diabetes is also becoming more common.4 eventually be remodeled (see Figure 1).12 All these
Consequently, the occurrence of diabetic foot ulcer morphological events are compromised in DFU,
(DFU) will become ever more common. This debilitat- hindering the normal healing process. Altered expres-
ing condition greatly affects the quality of life of sion of many molecular factors has been found in
patients, as well as impacting on their carers, resulting DFU, including growth factors and their receptors,
in greater levels of amputation in patients, in turn neuropeptides, and proteolytic enzymes as presented
leading to increased mortality.5-9 The management of in tabular form in Table 1. Most of these will be detri-
DFU and its consequences puts a great strain on both mental to healing although some, such as the increase
health and social services, with huge related costs for in granulocyte macrophage–colony-stimulating factor
treatment, as well as causing the loss of general eco- (GM-CSF) and the interleukin-8 (IL-8) receptor
nomical productivity.7,10,11 CXCR1,13 might be compensatory. Many of these
Normal wound healing involves an overlapping molecular factors often have multiple and overlap-
series of events, with clot formation, inflammation, ping functions in normal wound healing, resulting in
redundancy and creating a complex set of interac-
tions.14,15 However, the degree of changes in diabetic
From the Institute of Orthopaedic Research and Biomechanics, wound healing can become overwhelming, leading
University of Ulm, Germany (RB) and Diabetes Centre,
Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Ashton-under-Lyne, to DFU formation. Understanding how altered
United Kingdom (EBJ). expression of such molecular factors lead to modi-
Conflict of interest: none. fied cellular function and thus ulcer formation and
maintenance will provide an insight into potential
Address correspondence to: Edward B. Jude, MD, Tameside
General Hospital, Fountain Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs points for intervention, not just in terms of which
OL6 9RW, UK; e-mail: factors but also the relevant timing for optimum

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96   The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds / Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2009

Table 1.  Altered Expression of Molecular Factors

Inflammation Angiogenesis in Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Chronic Wound
in Diabetic Patient

Redox ECM Growth factors and receptors

Wound Healing
Balance Formation   IGF-1 ↓
  IGF-2 ↑
  TGF-β1 ↓
  TGF-β2 ↑
Nerve Re-epithelialisation   TGF-β3 ↑
Regeneration   TGF-βR1 and R2 ↓
  PDGF ↓
  PDGF-R ↓
Figure 1.  Morphological contributions to wound healing that
  EGF ↑/↓ (cell type)
are altered in diabetic foot ulcer (DFU).
  GM-CSF ↑
  MCP-1 ↑
  IL-8 ↓
effect. It is also important for completeness to state   CXCR1 ↑
that although altered levels of tumor necrosis factor-α   IL-10 ↓
(TNF-α) have been associated with the Charcot foot,   IL-10R ↓
there is a paucity of literature relating to this factor   IL-15 ↓
with respect to DFU. Although it could be argued   NGF ↓
  trkA ↓
that there may be a change involved with DFU, this
  NT-3 ↓
would be based on an assumption and hence TNF-α   trkC ↓
is not included in this review. Enzyme activity
This review considers how the morphological   NOS ↑
changes associated with DFU could arise through   Neutrophil elastase ↑
the altered expression of molecular factors reported   Cathepsin G ↑
  MMPs ↑
in the literature for DFU. We will also briefly con-   TIMP concentration ↓
sider treatment strategies at the molecular level. We   NEP ↑
searched PubMed, cross-referencing the subjects   Arginase ↑
discussed to diabetes and ulceration and followed up Other factors
on quoted references in the English language. There   HIF-1α ↓
  Substance P ↓
is a vast quantity of literature related to this subject
  CGRP ↓
in languages other than English; it has not been pos-   K2 ↓
sible to consider all databases-related literature.   K6 ↓
  K10 ↓
  LM-3A32 ↓
Inflammation   GSH ↓
  Cysteine ↓
Extension of the inflammatory phase is associated
with DFU, with altered numbers of several inflam- Abbreviations: IGF, insulin-like growth factor; TGF, transform-
ing growth factor; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; EGF,
matory cell types reported (Figure 2).16-18 Up-regulated
epidermal growth factor; GM-CSF: granulocyte macrophage–
and continued presence of such activated inflamma- colony-stimulating factor; MCP-1, macrophage chemoattrac-
tory cells will delay the switch from inflammation to tant protein-1; IL, interleukin; NGF, nerve growth factor; trk,
proliferation of skin-forming cells. High levels of tyrosine kinase receptor; NT-3, neurotrophin-3; NOS, nitric
transforming growth factor-β3 (TGF-β3) within the oxide synthase; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; TIMP, tissue
diabetic epidermis, particularly at the ulcer edge inhibitor of metalloproteinase; NEP, neutral endopeptidase;
HIF, hypoxia-inducible factor; CGRP, calcitonin gene–related
could inhibit the elevation of TGF-β1 found in nor- peptide; K, keratin; LM: laminin; GSH: reduced glutathione.
mal wound healing, resulting in the lack of TGF-β1
produced in the basal layer and in fibroblasts
observed in DFU.19 As TGF-β1 can downregulate will be exacerbated by elevated presence of mac-
macrophage activity,20 its diminished levels in DFU rophage chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in DFU,13
will result in increased activity of these cells. This which would attract greater numbers of macrophages.

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Molecular Function in Diabetic Ulcers / Blakytny, Jude   97

↑TGF-β3 ↓ TGF-β1 ↑ iNOS

↓TGF-β1 ↑ NO
↓ HIF-1α

↓Activated T-cell Apoptosis ↑ Macrophage activity

↓ Substance P ↓ Angiogenesis ↑ Glycation
↓ IL-10 Extended Inflammation ↑ ROS

↓ IL-8 ↑ MMPs
↓ IGF-1 ↑ Neutrophil Elastase
↑ Macrophage & Leukocyte Infiltration
↓ PDGF ↑ Cathepsin G
↑ MCP-1

Figure 3.  Altered angiogenesis.

Figure 2.  Extended inflammatory phase.

Additionally MCP-1 would lead to increased leuko- stimulate expression of various molecular factors,
cyte infiltration of the wound.21 Greater activity of including ones that induce angiogenesis, such as vas-
inflammatory cells in addition to high levels of glu- cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).28,29 Increased
cose at the ulcer will generate more reactive oxygen local osmotic conditions due to high glucose will
species (ROS),22,23 the many cell disrupting actions diminish expression of HIF-1α as seen for fibro-
of which are discussed below. The anti-inflammatory blasts in DFU.30 This lack of HIF-1α response in
cytokine IL-10 is down regulated in DFU,13 thus being DFU will thus contribute to the poor blood supply.
less effective in stimulating an end to the inflamma- Although the free radical nitric oxide (NO) at lower
tory phase. concentrations can stimulate angiogenesis, exces-
sive amounts become inhibitory.31 Increased expres-
Angiogenesis sion of 2 isoforms of the enzyme that synthesize NO,
nitric oxide synthase (NOS), have been found in
Wound healing requires a good blood supply to deliver DFU (endothelial constitutive and inducible, ie,
sufficient oxygen and nutrients as well as allowing ecNOS and iNOS),32 which may lead to greater NO
infiltration of the wound site by cells and molecular in the wound, with elevated plasma NO associated
factors required to stimulate the healing process.24 with DFU.33 The growth factor TGF-β1 downregu-
The extension of blood vessels into the wound occurs lates expression of iNOS,34 such that lack of upregu-
through proliferation and chemotaxis of endothelial lation of this factor in DFU19 will at least in part
cells from preexisting capillaries is termed angiogen- contribute to the elevated appearance of iNOS. In
esis. Disruption of this process occurs in DFU.25,26 addition to TGF-β1, a number of other growth factors
Changes to many molecular factors associated with that are able to enhance angiogenesis through stimu-
DFU could contribute to inhibition of angiogenesis lation of endothelial cell proliferation/differentiation
(Figure 3), resulting in anaerobic conditions and a and/or migration, including platelet-derived growth
poor supply of nutrients. factor (PDGF), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1),
High glucose and related greater glycation, poten- epidermal growth factor (EGF), nerve growth factor
tially play a direct role in inhibiting angiogenesis.27 (NGF), and IL-8 similarly display diminished expres-
Clot formation and sealing of damaged blood vessels sion in DFU,13,35-42 thus contributing to the poor
on wounding to stop blood loss results in initially blood supply (Figure 3). Decreased levels of the
hypoxic conditions. Such conditions induce upregu- angiogenesis-stimulating neuropeptides, substance P,
lation of the expression of the transcription factor and calcitonin gene–related peptide (CGRP), could also
hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α). This combines contribute to diminished angiogenesis though poor
with constitutively expressed HIF-1β to form the innervation of the DFU41 (as discussed in a following
HIF complex. The complex acts in the nucleus to or later section). For blood vessels to penetrate the

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98   The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds / Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2009

The DFU environment has long been known to

be highly proteolytic, with fluid from such wounds
↓ PDGF ↓ TGFβ-1 & IGF-1
able to degrade fibronectin.51 This fluid displayed
increased activity of both neutrophil elastase and
↓ Fibronectin ↓ Collagen ↓ GAG cathepsin G,52 with elevated levels of the elastase
enzyme indicated in DFU,18 causing breakdown of
↑ Neutrophil
ECM (Figure 4). The matrix metalloproteinases
↓ Extracellular Matrix & (MMPs) are a family of zinc-dependent endopepti-
Cathepsin G dases that are necessary for maintaining ECM integ-
rity, as well as removing damaged ECM and later
↓ IGF-1 & IL-10 ↑ MMPs ↓ TIMP remodeling during wound healing.53,54 They also play
a role in angiogenesis, both through and indepen-
dent of their direct action on ECM.55 The MMPs
↑ EGF & MCP-1 ↓ TGFβ-1 ↓ PDGF display varying substrate specificities, often with
some degree of overlap, including of different col-
Figure 4.  Extracellular matrix (ECM). lagen types, together with gelatin, elastin, fibronec-
tin, and proteoglycans. Thus, as a group, the MMPs
wound site, sufficient ECM needs to be present to act can degrade the structural components of the ECM.
as a scaffold and physically support extension of the As excessive activity of MMPs would be detrimental
blood capillaries. The ulcer environment is highly to maintaining ECM, their activity is normally
proteolytic, which will be detrimental to matrix regen- tightly regulated by various factors, amongst these
eration and subsequently angiogenesis. being their inhibitors, the tissue inhibitors of metal-
loproteinases (TIMPs).56 Increased expression and/
or activity in DFU have been shown of various
Formation of Extracellular Matrix MMPs, together with the down regulation of
TIMPs,52,57-60 which will result in excessive removal
Rapid formation and deposition of ECM, in particu-
of ECM, inhibiting cellular function and angiogen-
lar by fibroblasts, is required for efficient cellular
esis. Several growth factors able to regulate the
binding at the wound. The ECM provides a scaffold
expression of MMPs and/or TIMPs, including TGF-β1,
to which cells involved in the healing process can
IGF-1, PDGF, IL-10, EGF, and MCP-1, display
attach too. It also lends physical support for the regen-
changed expression in DFU.13,19,38,39,42,61-65 Such
eration and expansion of the blood vessels in angio-
growth factor alteration would contribute to elevated
genesis. Additionally, it allows chemotaxis of epithelial
MMP activity and downregulation of TIMPs in DFU
cells, especially of the basal layer of the epidermis,
(Figure 4).
along the wound bed, thus sealing the wound through
As well as inducing loss of the ECM, the highly
re-epithelialization. Eventually, the size of the wound
proteolytic environment of the DFU is able to degrade
is diminished by contraction of the ECM through the
growth factors,52 possibly contributing to the low
activity of mesenchymal cells.
levels of such molecules in the DFU. This may in
Poor ECM formation is associated with DFU and
part explain why early successful studies with recom-
can arise through both diminished synthesis and an
binant growth factors for the treatment of acute
increased rate of removal through elevated activity of
wounds in diabetic animals often did not translate to
proteolytic enzymes (Figure 4). The growth factors
trials in patients with DFU where the wound envi-
TGF-β1, IGF-I, and PDGF all stimulate the synthesis
ronment is much harsher.66,67
of ECM components, including collagen and gly-
cosaminoglycan (GAG) by fibroblasts.43-47 All these fac-
tors are downregulated in DFU,13,19,38,39 leading to poor Re-epithelialization
ECM formation. Compromised fibroblast function in
DFU has been reported, such cells displaying reduced Closing of the wound by re-epithelialization presents
proliferative ability and response to growth factors, a barrier to the external environment, keeping out
together with altered morphology.48,49 Interestingly, foreign bodies that lead to infection, as well as pre-
treatment of DFU with in vitro expanded autologous venting the wound drying out. In DFU, this process
fibroblasts induced healing.50 is not completed, leaving an open wound. Restoration

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Molecular Function in Diabetic Ulcers / Blakytny, Jude   99

↑ MMPs ↓ IGF-1
↓ K2
↓ K6
↓ TIMP Cell Activity ↓ K10 ↓ LM-3A32

↓ Neuroinflammatory
Inhibited Re-Epithelialisation ↓ SP Signalling
↓ Nerves &

↓ IL-8 ↓ TGF-β1 ↓ NGF ↓ Substance P ↓ PDGF

↓ IL-10 ↓ IGF-1 ↓ NT-3 ↓ CGRP ↓ TGF-β1
↓ IL-15 ↓ PDGF ↓ NT-3
↑ TGF-β3
Figure 6.  Inhibited nerve regeneration.
Figure 5.  Inhibited re-epithelialization.

of the epithelium involves keratinocyte prolifera- Nerve Regeneration

tion, differentiation and migration. These cellular
activities are regulated by a large array of molecu- Sensory nerves within the skin are in contact with
lar factors. Growth factors, including cytokines dermal and epidermal cells, and can regulate local
and nerve growth factors, along with neuropep- blood flow and stimulate wound healing through
tides (TGFβ1, IGF-1, PDGF, IL-8, IL-10, IL-15, their release of neuropeptides such as substance P
NGF, neurotrophin-3 [NT-3], substance P, and and CGRP that display a range of healing-associated
CGRP) that stimulate epithelial cell activity are properties (Figure 6).71 Loss of nerve function in
downregulated in DFU (Figure 5).13,15,19,39,41,42,63,68-71 diabetes and thus sensitivity to injury contributes to
In contrast, TGFβ3, which inhibits the migration of DFU formation. Diminished nerve content was
dermal cells, is upregulated in DFU.19,72 As well as found in DFU, with specific markers indicating a
inhibiting MMPs, TIMPs also stimulate growth of lack of their regeneration in the epidermis whereas
epidermal cells.56 However, when a TIMP molecule in the dermis reformation occurred but without
combines with an MMP molecule it loses this stim- achieving maturity.41,76 Consequently, staining for
ulatory effect. Thus, low levels of TIMP in DFU, substance P and CGRP-related nerves is generally
exacerbated by greater amounts of MMPs,52,57-60 will lacking in DFU in both these skin layers,41 contrib-
contribute to inhibited re-epithelialization. The uting to poor angiogenesis and re-epithelialization
expression of the cytoskeletal keratins K2, K6, and (Figures 3 and 5). Various growth factors know to
K10 by keratinocytes that are associated with the have neurotrohpic properties, including the neu-
differentiation of these cells is diminished in DFU.73,74 rotrophins NGF and NT-3 together with TGF-β1,
This indicates that the differentiation of keratino- IGF-1, and PDGF,77,78 are all downregulated in
cytes, which is inhibited in DFU, is necessary for DFU,13,19,38,39 and may all contribute to poor nerve
migration of these cells and subsequent wound clo- regeneration and function, as well as reduced pro-
sure. Reduction of the expression of LM-3A32 by duction of neuropeptides.
keratinocytes was observed in DFU.74 LM-3A32 is Even low levels of neuropeptides that can still be
the uncleaved precursor of the α3 chain of various produced will be susceptible to removal by elevated
laminin isoforms, including laminin-5. This laminin activity of neutral endopeptidase (NEP) in DFU, a
isoform regulates binding of epithelial cells to the neuropeptide-specific peptidase, potentially directly
basement membrane together with the motility of through high glucose levels.79,80 As CGRP inhibits
these cells via integrins. Disruption of the LAMA3 degradation of substance P by NEP,81 diminished
gene results in reduced keratinocyte survival and expression of CGRP in DFU41 will leave substance P
differentiation,75 such that loss of the protein itself even more vulnerable to increased NEP activity in
would inhibit re-epithelialization. DFU.

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100   The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds / Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2009

↑ iNOS ↑ Glucose ↑ Glycation Anti-Protease

↑ NO

Viral Vectors NOS Inhibition

↓ L-Arginine ↑ ROS ↓ GSH & Cysteine

DFU Treatment

↑ Arginase ↑ Direct damage: ↑ MMPs

Protein Platelet Grafts

Growth Factors
Figure 7.  Formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
Figure 8.  Approaches to diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) treatment
at the molecular level.
Reactive Oxygen Species
Many recombinant growth factors have been inves-
Increased oxidative stress in diabetes, including
tigated.66,67,88 Although earlier studies of these fac-
through the formation of ROS, plays a major role in
tors in diabetic animal models with acute wounds
diabetic pathogenesis, including DFU formation
often resulted in accelerated healing, an improve-
(Figure 7).22,23 Elevated levels of such free radicals
ment in DFU in subsequent trials with patients did
will lead to poor wound healing.82 These molecules
not automatically follow. The highly complex nature
damage proteins, lipids, and DNA (Figure 7), caus-
of DFU formation and the changes in expression of
ing disruption to cellular function and even leading
many growth factors may have contributed to this
to cell death. ROS can affect platelet aggregation
diminished effectiveness of growth factor treatment.
and the release of growth factor, as well as inducing
The response elicited by growth factors still expressed
increased expression of MMPs that will degrade
will further be decreased by the diminished presence
ECM (Figures 4 and 7). Free radicals possess the
of various receptors. Amongst these are TGF-βR1
property to directly degrade ECM components.83,84
and TGF-βR2, PDGF-R, IL-10R, tyrosine kinase
ROS can arise directly from high glucose and
receptor A (trkA: for NGF), and trkC (for NT-3);
increased advanced glycation end products (AGEs)22
(Table 1).13,19,41 Only PDGF has been given approval
associated with DFU. Increased levels and thus activi-
for the treatment of human DFU, with recombinant
ties of both iNOS and arginase in DFU32 will increase
protein being expensive and large amounts neces-
their competition for their mutual substrate the amino
sary. As the wound fluid of DFU is highly proteolytic,
acid l-arginine. This results in NOS synthesizing ROS,
even being able to degrade growth factors, this
including superoxide.85 The increased NO produced by
might contribute to the need for such large amounts
elevated NOS activity can react with superoxide to gen-
of recombinant growth factor. Using a protease
erate the even more toxic free radicals OH• and NO2,
inhibitor in combination may be one way to improve
the free radicle spot’.86 Apart from generating greater
the chance of successful intervention with a growth
amounts of ROS in diabetes, the ability to remove them
factor. To provide more sustained levels viral expres-
is compromised in DFU. The universal reducing agent
sion vectors are being developed that contain the
reduced glutathione (GSH) together with the reducing
sequence for a given growth factor that will be syn-
amino acid cysteine are diminished in DFU.87 In addi-
thesized in vivo at the DFU.89
tion to its direct action, GSH acts as a cosubstrate for
The fact that many growth factors are altered in
the reducing enzyme glutathione reductase.
DFU means a multiple treatment approach may be
warranted. Indeed, treatment with platelets and
Treatment material derived from this cell, which produces mul-
tiple factors involved in wound healing, has been
Various approaches at the molecular level have been promising.88 The timing of the appearance of molec-
developed for the treatment of DFU (Figure 8). ular factors in wound healing is also crucial. To

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