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Estabilishment of the qualified people started since being into the womb until grow up.

Variety ways can be use to increase quality of human resources, the one of them is with giving

exclusive breastfeeding. Exclusive breatstfeeding can helped the baby to begin the good life.

There are protection factor and nutrition which contained in dreastfeeding give a good nutrition

status to a baby and reduce morbidity and number of death on the baby (Haryono and

Setianingsih, 2014).

According to WHO, the death of child under the age five years due to by giving

breastfeeding is not exclusive. Giving exclusive breastfeeding can be reduce infant death by

13%. Giving food companion breastfeeding with total and at the best time can be prevent infant

death by 6%, so if the baby given exclusive breastfeeding until 6 month and continued until >2

years with the right food companion breastfeeding can be prevent infant death by 19% (Suradi,

2008). According to research giving exclusive breastfeeding can prevent obesity, dearhea,

respiratory tract infections, asthma, diabetes and leukemia. Various problems of malnutrition or

excess nutrients also appear cause giving food on less then 6 month. Beside that exclusive

breastfeeding also can optimize motoric development, intellectual and emotion.

Achievement target of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is 80%. But presentation

giving exclusive breastfeeding to infant 0-6 month in Indonesia on 2012 still below the target by

48,6%. The highest presentation giving exclusive breastfeeding being in areas West Nusa

Tenggara by 48,6%, following Gorontalo by 67,01%, meanwhile in DIY still on low number of

presentation by 42,70% (Depkes RI, 2012).

The lack of giving exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia get the special attention from the

government. According Kemenkes RI, giving exclusive breastfeeding must doing during 6

month and recommended to still continue until the child attain the age of 2 years or more with

giving additional foods in accordance. On 2009 has been published legislation health Number 36

year 2009 about Health on article 128 paragraph 2 and 3 namely, during the provision exclusive

breastfeeding, family, government, local government, and community must giving full support to

mother with provision of time and special facility. Provision special facility as intended in

paragraph (2) held at work and means public (Astutik, 2014). Beside that the government also

giving time to mother who work for rest to breastfeed her child, that’s set on legislation No. 13

and 2003 about employement article 82 paragraph (1), the women workers entitled to obtain the

rest during 1,5 month before time to birth and 1,5 month after birth according to accounts

obstetrician or midwife. And than at article 83, the women workers who her child still on

breastfeed must give a time was duly for breastfeed her baby if that must doing during time to

work (Peraturan UU, 2013).

Attention of DIY’s people about exclusive breastfeeding still below and under the target by

71,62%, just a little from community who consider breastfeeding is important for growth and

development a baby. The people who matter about giving breastfeeding joined in a support

group breastfeeding (KP ASI). KP ASI managed by a women organization so an automatically

group of KP ASI among other Dharma Wanita, Dharma Pertiwi and sorority other mothers

(Astutik, 2014).

There are several internal factor and eksternal factor that effect success to giving exclusive

breastfeeding. Internal factor like knowledge of the mother and attitude of mother, while the

eksternal factor like supported from family, communitu, health professional and the government
(Nugroho, 2011). Support from health professional in giving exclusive breastfeeding there are on

KEMENKES Nomor 450/MENKES/SK/VI/2004 about giving exclusive breastfeeding in

Indonesia that’s professional health for give an information to all of mother have to birth to

giving exclusive breastfeeding with referring to 10 steps success breastfeed (Kemenkes RI,


Beside that support family so important to succsess giving exclusive breastfeeding, more

than this role of the father it so big for succsess breastfeed. Michigan State University

recommend to breastfeeding educator for father and family in antenatal threatment, so that they

more understand and also participate in giving exclusive breastfeeding (Roesli, 2008).

One of local gvt in Yogyakarta city area is local gvt Ngampilan I find giving exclusive

breastfeeding still below. The results of the survey has done, that on 2016 achievement exclusive

breastfeeding in this local only 27,74%. While in the middle of the year 2017 achievement

exclusive breastfeeding by 33,55%, that meaning still under the target of the government by


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