Anda di halaman 1dari 62

L i b r a r y of



In Islam — as in Christianity — there is a fifth column

of Jews who pretend to be Moslem and to practice Islamism
piously, but who are Israelite in secret. This infiltration is
tearing apart the land of Mohammed, sowing divisions,
disabling Islamic unity and Arab unity, and in recent times
even diffusing communism. I will show, with the testimony
of Israelite historians regarded as authorities on Hebrew
matters, how this Jewish fifth column came into being in
It is necessary to keep in mind that in the Koran —
which is for Moslems, as the Bible is for Christians, the
source of divine revelation — Jews are considered as a
people damned by God who sell the Sacred Writings, who
have a padlock in their hearts, and have hell's fire waiting
for them.
The Spanish historian of the XIX Century, Jose Ama-
dor de los Rios, comments that "Sowing darnel in a so
high a place, it should not surprise it fructified even ex-
uberantly in certain moments" (1).
As with Christianity, Hebrews have tried to conquer
Islam from the inside, a n d toward this goal they hove
struggled both tenaciously a n d wickedly; but up to n o w
they have obtained less success than they have obtained
in the Christian world. Nevertheless, it seems that n o w a -
days they have begun to decisively succeed, mainly due to
the powerful fifth column that the Hebrews have secret-
ly introduced in Mohammed's religion through centuries,
whose destructive activities are n o w bearing important
These hidden organizations of apparent Moslems,
w h o in fact are crypto-Jews or underground Jews, have
been growing for several centuries, as the famous Israelite
historian Cecil Roth — considered as an oracle of J u d a -
ism — states in his history of crypto-Judaism in Christiani-
ty: "The phenomenon (of hidden Judaism) was in no way
confined to the Christian world. Ancient crypto-Jewish
communities can be found in different parts of the Moslem
world." (2). This confession that the Moslem world is under-
mined by communities of crypto-Jews, which still persist
in this twentieth century in different places, is highly i m -
portant as it comes from an authoritative Israelite source.
Later o n . Roth explains h o w this crypto-Judaism o p -
erates, a n d gives examples: "The 'daggatun' of the Sahara
continued practicing Jewish rules after their formal con-
version to the Islam".,. "The 'donmeh' of Salonika de-
ll) Jos^ Amador de los Rios. "History of the Jews of Spain and
Portugal". Madrid, 1875. 1st. vol. Continuation of footnote
No. 1 in page 108, at the end of page 109.

(2) Cecil Roth. " A History of the Marranos". (Israel P u b l i s h i n g

house. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1946. 5706 of the Jewish
Era), p. 15.

scend from partisans of the pseudo-Messiah Sabbatai
Zevi. . . and although they ostensibly are faithful Moslems,
in their homes they practice a messianic Judaism". Referring
to these crypto-Jews of the " d o n m e h " sect the author of
" A History of the Marranos" (footnote 3, page 1 5) says the
following: "Since the Greek occupation and the systematic
helenization of Salonika, many 'donmeh' have emigrated
particularly to Adrianopolis. It is difficult to get exact data
about their present condition and distribution. It worth
noting that the movement of Turkish Youth in 1913 was
led in a great pari by members of this sect". 13). This
information, given by the same Israelite historian Cecil
Roth — w h o has been described by numerous Jews as
the Flavio Josefo of our days — is of capital importance,
because the "Turkish Y o u t h " w a s one of the many secret
societies of a carbonary type, controlled by Masonry a n d
at the top level, by crypto-Judaism which h a d as their
mission the overthrow of the monarchies during the past
century a n d their replacement by Jewish governments dur-
ing the present century.
Fortunately, in the case of Turkey the great patriot
M u s t a f a Kemal Ataturk, supported by the army, w a s able
to take over the Turkish revolution a n d lead it in a more
appropriate direction for the country, displacing the hidden
power of Jewish-Masonry. Thus the underground Jews —
mostly false Moslems belonging to the secret " d o n m e h "
sect — were eliminated during many years from the power
of the rising Republic. But the Turkish people must realise
that many of these false Moslems still remain visible among
the Turkish population, ostensibly " a s s i m i l a t e d " but real-
ly constitute a terrible fifth column ready to crush Turkey
at the opportune moment; these crypto-Jews work along
as accomplices of Moscow.
(3) Cecil Roth, p. 15.

Continuing his story ot the Crypto-Jewish Moslems,
the famous Israelite historian Cecil Roth says that: "There
are other examples to the East". And later referring to Iran,
he states: "Religious persecutions in Persia started in the
seventeeth century left in the country, particularly in
Meshed, numerous fomilies that observe Judaism privately
with punctilious scrupulosity while they openly are devoted
to the dominant faith" (4). All this information is to be
found not only in the revelations of the irreproachable Jew-
ish sources such as Cecil Roth, but also in an edition of
"Israel Editorial" published in Buenos Aires, which as an
official Jewish document cannot be labeled as antisemitic.
Crypto-Judaism is a dangerous fact in Islam today.
If Moslems do not take adequate steps to protect them-
selves, they will be unhinged inside their own Islamic
religious institutions as is happening in Christianity.
The famous Jewish leader, Chacham Israel Joseph
Benjamin II, who mode an inspection four to the Israelite
communities of Asia and Africa during eight years, be-
tween 1846 to 1855, in his report to western Jewish lead-
ers referred to the Persian Crypto-Judaism, says as follows:
"Only twenty years ago, about 3,000 Jews lived in this
beautiful ond flourishing city (he refers to Shiraz). Because
of the persecutions, oppression and hatred of all kinds,
more thon twenty five hundred were forced to convert to
the Moslem sect of Ali. Although they are apparently apos-
tates, a great number of these families still keep in their
hearts their parents' faith and even find the way to secret-
ly circumcise their children (according to the Jewish rite). (5).
He also affirms that the Shiraz Hebrews have a Nassi,
(4) Cecil Roth, p. 15.

(5) Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II. "Eight Years in Asia

and Africa from 1846 to 1855". Hanover, Germany, 1861.
pp. 229-230.

who is a high Israelite leader of the internal organizations
of Eastern Judaism, of a higher rank than Chacham.
It is very interesting to notice how Hebrews infiltrate
enemy organizations to dislocate them from inside. Despite
the Koran's warnings about Jews, as a result of which
Islam was since the beginning a religion hostile to Juda-
ism, the Jews have been able to infiltrate Islam for their
evil goals. They have also infiltrated All's sect, which is
considered heretical by orthodox Moslems, because ac-
cording to the report of Chacham Benjamin, they were
accepted as pious Moslems in All's sect, despite the fact
that Jews were the mortal enemies of the founder of that
sect, and that All's followers believed that he was mur-
dered by an Israelite, according to Chacham Israel Joseph
Among the interesting information contained in Cha-
cham Benjamin's report, there is a datum that describes
how the Jews were able to scale the highest positions in
the Islamic monarchies — as they did in the Christian
monarchies — using the farce of pretended conversior
that has served them so well. Thus the studious Israelite
Chacham Israel states that in Ispahan, the biggest city in
the Persian kingdom at that time, "he was in touch with
Minister ismael, a native Jew named Jekutiel (6) who was
raised by the Providence to such a high position. I was
(6) According to the aforementioned Israelite leader whose re-
port I am quoting, this Minister of the Persian Shah, whose
Moslem name was Ismael, had the Jewish name of Jekutiel,
following the use of the clandestine Jews in all the world
of having two names: a public one, in accordance to the
religion the underground Jew pretendedly practices, or ac-
cording to the customs of the country in which he lives,- and
an Israelite one, used only in the secret of his home and
the ultra secret organizations of the clandestine Judaism.

honored to be admitted several times to present my re-
spects to him, his brothers Joseph and Mordacai and his
father A g a B a b i " . T h e n , the C h a c h a m tells h o w this J e w -
ish minister w a s e l e v a t e d to t h a t h i g h p o s i t i o n , s a y i n g that
J e k u t i e l w a s a n o u t s t a n d i n g dancer,- a n d t h a t in a g r e a t
p a r t y c e l e b r a t e d in the city in the h o n o r of the S h a h , J e k u -
tiel d a n c e d v e r y a r t i s t i c a l l y a n d w a s so a u d a c i o u s a s t o
kiss the k i n g ' s h a n d in o n e o f his artistic j u m p s . The S h a h ,
a d m i r i n g his t a l e n t a n d e v e n his t e m e r i t y , i n v i t e d h i m t o
the C o u r t , w h e r e t h e y o u n g f e l l o w grew up u n d e r his
patron's eyes, demonstrating his l o y a l t y to the S h a h o n
s e v e r a l o c c a s i o n s a n d e v e n r i s k i n g his life f o r the k i n g w h o
e v e n t u a l l y n o m i n a t e d h i m to b e P r i m e M i n i s t e r of the k i n g -
dom — a p o s i t i o n w h i c h he h e l d until the S h a h ' s d e a t h .
The k i n g ' s son d i d not k e e p h i m in his p r i v a c y a n d d i s -
m i s s e d h i m . The H e b r e w i n v e s t i g a t o r s a y s t h a t J e k u t i e l ,
b e f o r e the S h a h a p p o i n t e d h i m M i n i s t e r , c o n v e r t e d to Islam
a n d a d o p t e d the n a m e o f Ismael b u t t h a t "despite of this
fact, he helped his former brothers in religion as much as
he could", a n d a l s o , a s w e h a v e a l r e a d y s e e n , h a d fre-
q u e n t contacts w i t h t h e H e b r e w l e a d e r w h o r e c o u n t e d this
s i g n i f i c a n t piece o f history. (7).

W e s h o u l d not f o r g e t t h a t the J e w s w h o convert to

I s l a m , i n s t e a d o f h e l p i n g Islam a g a i n s t J u d a i s m d o the
o p p o s i t e . In this, t h e y b e h a v e like t h e J e w s c o n v e r t e d to
C h r i s t i a n i t y . It is e n o u g h to r e m e m b e r t h a t t h e L e h m a n
b r o t h e r s , J e w s a p p a r e n t l y c o n v e r t e d to C a t h o l i c i s m , c o n -
t i n u e d to h e l p J u d a i s m in the C h r i s t i a n c i t a d e l , a s w a s
s h o w n b y their a c t i v e p a r t i c i p a t i o n in t h e " D r e y f u s A f f a i r "
in f a v o r o f J u d a i s m a n d a g a i n s t t h e French C a t h o l i c s , led
b y D r u m o n t , w h o w e r e f i g h t i n g to s a v e France f r o m J e w -
ish c o n q u e s t .

(7) Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II. pp. 237-240.


Photo taken from the Great Jewish work titled. "Costilian^Jewish

Encyclopedia". Additional volume titled "Con.emporory Judaisn,'-^
Mexico D. F. 1961. Word rd Marrano. p.p 878, 1st. col. MODERN
Cases such as t h a t o f J e k u t i e l , a l i a s Ismael, were
numberless in the Courts o f the Christian kings o f the
M i d d l e A g e a n d e v e n in t h e Papal Courts. They i n f i l t r a t e d
as h u m i d i t y , performing imoressive a c t i o n s , kissing the
k i n g ' s h a n d o r f a l l i n g u p o n t h e i r knees in s u p p l i c a t i o n In
f r o n t o f the R o m a n P o n t i f f in o r d e r t o g a i n e n t r a n c e t o
their c o n f i d e n t i a l circles. O t h e r s d o acts o f t r u e m e r i t a n d
s h o w a p p a r e n t l o y a l t y t o t h e i r masters u n t i l f i n a l l y , a t t h e
o p p o r t u n e m o m e n t , execute t h e i r p l a n s , a c h i e v i n g t h e b e n -
efits o f t h e energies s p e n t a n d services r e n d e r e d .

In m a n y cases these i n d i v i d u a l s c a u s e d real h a v o c t o

t h e i r masters, b y b e t r a y i n g t h e m in a c a t a s t r o p h i c way
a t t h e precise m o m e n t . In o t h e r cases, w h e n it w a s c o n -
v e n i e n t to Israel, t h e y o n l y used t h e i r i n f l u e n c e t o f a v o r
t h e J e w s in d i f f e r e n t w a y s a n d increase J e w i s h p o w e r in
t h e respective c o u n t r y a n d c h u r c h , b y i n f i l t r a t i n g c r y p t o -
J e w s a n d close c o l l a b o r a t o r s i n t o t h e religious hierarchy.

In his t r i p t o inspect Persia, C h o c h a m B e n j a m i n i n -

forms that w h e n he a r r i v e d t o t h e city o f M e s h e d , t h e
H e b r e w s t o l d h i m t h a t t h e M o s l e m s h a d recently a t t a c k e d
the J e w s l i v i n g t h e r e ( a b o u t f o u r h u n d r e d f a m i l i e s ) to f o r c e
t h e m t o c o n v e r t t o I s l a m . Those w h o d i d n o t accept c o n -
v e r s i o n w e r e k i l l e d or h a d t o f l e e , b u t r e g a r d i n g those
w h o accepted conversion, the active Chocham comments:
Here, as in o t h e r places, d e s p i t e t h e i r a p p a r e n t a p o s t a s y ,
t h e f o r c e d converts remained toyal to Mosaism in se-
c r e t " . (8).
Despite the f a c t t h a t t h e conversion o f H e b r e w s to
a n o t h e r r e l i g i o n is a m e r e f a r c e , w h i c h as a consequence
brings only an increasing J e w i s h f i f t h c o l u m n into the
bosom of that religion, Moslems, w i t h a naivety only com-
p a r a b l e t o t h a t o f t h e Christians (in spite o f the f a c t t h a t

(8) Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II. pp. 241-242.

t h e y c o n s t a n t l y discovered the f o r c e a n d killed f a l s e Mo?;
lems w h o w e r e discovered t o practice J u d a i s m in secrei;
c o n t i n u e d t o celebrate as a g r e a t v i c t o r y the conversion o f
Israelites to M o h a m m e d a n i s m . So C h o c h a m tells t h a t : " T h e
a p o s t a s y o f a J e w a n d his conversion to t h e M o s l e m r e l i -
g i o n , is a reason f o r a p u b l i c f e s t i v i t y . O n c e t h e convert
d o e s t h e o r d a i n e d p u r i f i c a t i o n , he is t a k e n — n i c e l y dressed
— inside t h e M o s q u e where t h e A c h u n d receives h i m a n d
gives h i m his n e w n a m e . A f t e r w a r d s , he rides a nicely g a r -
n i s h e d horse a n d is t a k e n v i c t o r i o u s l y a m o n g a l l t h e p e o -
p l e , a n d e a c h o n e o f t h e m (the Moslems) congratulates
h i m a n d gives h i m presents o n this o c c a s i o n " . O u r c o m -
m e n t in this r e g a r d is: Poor m a n k i n d , h o w easily the J e w s ,
masters o f deceit a n d lies, deceive y o u !

This m a k e s us recall t h e g r e a t religious feasts that

w e r e h e l d in t h e C h r i s t i a n k i n g d o m s o f Castile a n d A r a g o n
t o c e l e b r a t e t h e conversion t o C h r i s t i a n i t y o f h u n d r e d s o f
thousands o f Jews f o l l o w i n g t h e 1391 slaughters, pro-
v o k e d b y t h e reaction o f t h e p e o p l e a g a i n s t a tyrannic
a n d b l o o d y J e w i s h d o m i n a t i o n l o n g e x e r t e d b y the Israelite
ministers a n d advisers o f t h e Castilian and Aragonese
k i n g s . The m a s s i v e conversion o f so m a n y J e w s , n o t o n l y
in Castile a n d A r a g o n b u t also in N a v a r r o a n d P o r t u g a l ,
astonished the Catholic people a n d clergy, w h o every-
w h e r e t a l k e d a b o u t a m i r a c l e o f h e a v e n . The kings re-
w a r d e d t h e m o s t d i s t i n g u i s h e d c o n v e r t e d J e w s w i t h titles
of n o b i l i t y a n d h i g h positions in the g o v e r n m e n t o f t h e
S t a t e , a n d t h e C h u r c h e l e v a t e d t h e m to the offices o f Bish-
o p , A r c h b i s h o p a n d e v e n C a r d i n a l . The f e a s t w a s over
w h e n decades later it w a s discovered a n d c o n f i r m e d t h a t
t h e massive conversion o f J e w s t o C h r i s t i a n i t y w a s a pre-
tense e f f e c t e d f o r t h e sole p u r p o s e o f i n f i l t r a t i n g C h r i s t i a n
society, t h e C h r i s t i a n clergy a n d t h e C h r i s t i a n State to
d o m i n a t e t h e m f r o m inside, a n d t h a t a l t h o u g h the f a m i -

lies o f t h e converts p u b l i c l y a b a n d o n e d t h e i r J e w i s h n a m e s
a n d Israelite last n a m e s t o a d o p t C h r i s t i a n n a m e s o f d i f -
f e r e n t regions o f S p a i n , e v e n a d o p t e d aristocratic n a m e s ,
t h e y w e r e a c t u a l l y o r g a n i z e d in secret society, practicing
J u d a i s m in a c l a n d e s t i n e w a y a n d e v e n k e e p i n g their J e w -
ish n a m e s a n d last n a m e s , using t h e m o n l y a t h o m e a n d
a t t h e c l a n d e s t i n e m e e t i n g s , w h i l e in p u b l i c in a h y p o c r i t i -
cal w a y they practiced Christianity religiously and fer-
v o r o u s l y , o b s e r v i n g a l l its riles m e t i c u l o u s l y , as the M o s -
l e m c r y p t o - J e w s d o in t h e I s l a m .
Then t h e g r e a t t r a g e d y f o r S p a i n a n d P o r t u g a l s t a r t e d .
In v i e w o f t h e d i s c o v e r y t h a t t h e d e s c e n d a n t s o f J e w i s h
c o n v e r t s , a p p a r e n t l y Christians, c o n t i n u e d to b e clandes-
t i n e Israelites a n d h a d a l r e a d y t a k e n o v e r t h e m a i n posi-
tions in t h e l e a d e r s h i p o f t h e state a n d t h e c h u r c h , d o m i -
n a t i n g politics, f i n a n c e a n d e v e r y t h i n g in t h e I b e r i a n p e n -
i n s u l a , a g e n e r a l d e f e n s i v e reaction c a m e , a n d t h e I n q u i s i -
t i o n w a s c r e a t e d , first in S p a i n a n d later in P o r t u g a l . W i t h
t h e a i d o f t o r t u r e , a l l secret nets o f clandestine Judaism
w e r e d i s c o v e r e d . The I n q u i s i t i o n w o u l d h a v e s a v e d those
n a t i o n s , if t h e ingenuousness o f the Popes a n d t h e k i n g s
w o u l d not have g r a n t e d general forgiveness to the Jew-
ish consprrers, w a s t i n g t h e a c t i o n o f t h e inquirers and
a l l o w i n g clandestine Judaism to survive, until centuries
later, i n f i l t r a t e d in t h e g o v e r n m e n t positions, these secret
J e w s c o u l d d e s t r o y t h e i n q u i s i t o r i a l r e g i m e . The J e w s w e r e
t h e n c o m p l e t e l y f r e e t o s o w subversion a n d w o r k t o d o m i -
n a t e n o t o n l y P o r t u g a l a n d S p a i n b u t t h e i r f o r m e r colo
nies in A m e r i c a , since c o n v e r t e d i n t o i n d e p e n d e n t n a t i o n s ,
w h e r e clandestine Jews, covered w i t h the mask o f Catho-
licism a n d w i t h C h r i s t i a n a n d g e n u i n e S p a n i s h a n d Portu-
g u e s e n a m e s a n d last n a m e s , a r e t h e p r o p a g a t o r s o f C o m -
munism and subversion of all kinds, and have al-
ready enslaved Cuba a n d attempted to subdue a n d en-

slave t h e rest o f Latin A m e r i c a . This is t h e t r a g i c result o f
t h e conversion o f J e w s t o C h r i s t i a n i t y in t h e Iberic p e n -
i n s u l a as s t a r t e d in 1 3 9 1 . A n d still t h e r e a r e m a n y i g n o r a n t
p e o p l e a m o n g Christians w h o seriously believe in t h e con-
version o f J e w s t o C h r i s t i a n i t y ! D u r i n g t h e M i d d l e A g e t h e
p r e t e n d e d conversions o f t h e J e w s t o C h r i s t i a n i t y occurred
in all European countries without exception. Converted
J e w s a d o p t e d t y p i c a l s u r n a m e s f r o m the c o u n t r y in w h i c h
t h e y l i v e d . N a i v e Christians, specially t h e c l e r g y , w h o s e
political blindness is t r a d i t i o n a l everywhere, celebrated
w i t h feasts t h e conversion o f J e w s in a l l places.

A n d w h e n the e m p e r o r s , k i n g s . Popes a n d councils

o f t h e C h u r c h d i s c o v e r e d a n d c o n f i r m e d t h a t Israelite con-
version t o C h r i s t i a n i t y h a d b e e n f a l s e , a n d t h a t t h e i r d e -
scendants, in spite o f b e i n g Christians in p u b l i c , w e r e se-
cretly J e w s , the f e a s t f o r the conversion t u r n e d into a
tragedy. D u r i n g the XII C e n t u r y the E u r o p e a n countries
w e r e s h a k e n b y conspiracies a n d r e v o l u t i o n s — the f a -
m o u s m e d i e v a l heresies a n d it w a s f u l l y p r o v e d t h a t a l l
w e r e led b y clandestine J e w s . To stop this h e r e t i c - r e v o l u -
tionary wave, the Medieval Pontifical Inquisition was
created, which through tortures investigated and con-
firmed that the heretic-revolutionary movements were al-
w a y s led b y secret J e w s c o v e r e d w i t h t h e m a s k o f Chris-
t i a n i t y . By t o r t u r i n g those leaders, t h e I n q u i s i t i o n forced
t h e m to reveal the n a m e s o f a l l clandestine J e w s in t h a t
place. The i n q u i s i t o r i a l r e g i m e w o u l d h a v e d e f i n i t e l y e l i m i -
n a t e d the c l a n d e s t i n e J u d a i s m a n d f r e e d w e s t e r n Europe
f r o m t h a t cancer, if the Popes a n d the kings w o u l d not
h a v e fell into the deceit a n d even the b r i b e o f the J e w s ,
a n d granted general forgivenesses, f r e e i n g the prisoner
Jews f r o m the i n q u i s i t o r i a l jails, a n d f r u s t r a t i n g r e p e a t e d -
ly d u r i n g three centuries the w o r k o f the i n q u i r e r s , a l l o w -
i n g the c o n s p i r i n g Israelites to s u r v i v e , u n t i l f o l l o w i n g t h e


They were Christians in public and Jews In secret. They were con-
demned for going to Mass and take communion as Christians, and
keep the wafers taking them out of the mouth to profane them.
Photo taken from the GREAT JEWISH WORK titled: "Costilian Jew-
ish Encyclopedia" 2nd. vol. Word Belgium, p. 127, 2nd. col.
Mexico, 1948.

Protestant Reformation, they were able to liquidate the
pontifical inquisitorial reginne ruling Western a n d Central
Europe. The result is that all European countries are today
undermined b y the secret sects of clandestine Jews, cov-
ered with the mask of the different Christian churches:
catholic, protestant a n d orthodox, because the Constan-
tinoplan Church, the Greek Orthodox Church a n d its
branches: the Russian, Bulgarian, Roumanian, etc., com-
mitted the mistake a n d naivete of receiving with feasts,
honors a n d even dignities, the Jews w h o through centu-
ries were infiltrating the Christian citadel by pretending
conversion so as to w i n control of the Church a n d domi-
nate it from inside.



As indicated in the title of this Chapter, we are not

going to refer to those Israelites that have practiced Juda-
ism in Algeria openly and who are recognized as Jews
by the rest of the population. Those of European origin —
especially the French Jews — who vilely exploited work-
ers and peasants of Algeria during the French domina-
tion, were forced to leave the country after the indepen-
dence was consumated. In this chapter we shall only refer
to those Israelites whose ancestors apparently left Judaism
to falsely convert to Islam, and their descendants although
these openly practice Mohammed's religion, and appear
as faithful members of the Algerian people, they continue
to adhere secretly to the Israeli nation and to practice
Judaism in a complete hidden way, thus forming the se-
cret sect called "AAehadjerin", which infiltrates the Moslem
political, religious and social institutions. These clandestine
Jews practice the Islamic religion in a very zealous way —
and appear as members of the Algerian people, as is the
case with the clandestine Israelites that to a greater or

lesser degree have infiltrated all the Moslem nations of
Africa a n d A s i a , forming an Israelite fifth column inside
Islam, whose strength is surpassed only by the power that
Judaism exercises in Christendom, by means of those se-
cret sects of clandestine Jews that in public practice the
different confessions of Christianity but who in secret are
loyal to the Israeli nation and religion.
Before proceeding to study the sect of the clandestine
Algerian Jews called "AAehadjerin", I shall present a brief
synthesis of the policy of the Jewish imperialism regarding
Algeria in recent times.
W h e n it w a s convenient for international Judaism that
the French imperialism — converted in a satellite of the
Israeli imperialism — should conquer A l g e r i a , the Jews
living in this country betrayed it, making it easy for the
French to conquer it a n d then helping the French to con-
solidate their conquest. In return for this, Israelites living
in A l g e r i a obtained from the French government the widest
protection that allowed them to exert domain a n d exploit
the poor Algerian people. World Judaism considered it
w a s the time to liquidate a n d destroy the liberal capi-
talist imperialism, to replace it with totalitarian com-
munism which would give Israel absolute power over the
w orl d, a n d the international Judaism agreed to destroy
the Hrench Empire. While on the one hand, most public
Jews were on the side of France, infiltrating the move-
ments in favor of a French Algeria and later in the Secret
A r m y Organization, on the other hand, the clandestine
Jews of the sect we will study, disguised under the mask
of a false Islamism, infiltrated the army of Algerian in-
surgents, trying to control the independence movement in
order to guarantee Jewish domination on that country at
the moment it w a s freed, a n d to lead it gradually to com-
munism. It is necessary to understand that for the inter-

notional Jews the liberation of Algeria from the French
domination has no other purpose than to replace the yoke
of the French by the yoke of the clandestine "AAehadjerin"
Jews, who pretended to be M o h o m m e d a n , a n d other
crypto-Jews w h o were born in the country, whose activi-
ties are revealed in Jewish documents of unquestionable
This division of the Algerian Jews corresponded to
another similar division in the rows of World Judaism.
W h i l e in the State of Israel, Zionists a n d Zionist terrorist
organizations such as the Irgun Zvai Leumi even provided
arms in the struggle in favor of a French A l g e r i a , the
international powers of Judaism, headquartered in Mos-
cow a n d N e w York, backed the cause of Algerian inde-
pendence, with the hope that in achieving it, this coun-
try fell into the crawls of the underground " M e h a d j e r i n "
Jews infiltrated in the national liberation movement. A l -
though Jews a l w a y s bet to both cards in the game, there
is some evidence to believe that this time a real and
irritated division exploded on the Algerian affair, be-
tween Zionists and secret powers of the international Juda-
ism, for the Zionists considered that Algerian independence
instead of leading this country to communism, as Moscow
a n d N e w York hoped, would throw the country into the
crawls of the A r a b i a n anti-Jews making it a serious threat
for the State of Israel.
For the A r a b s a n d the whole world to i^now how
serious the problem of crypto-Judaism in Algeria is, we
will start quoting a Jewish source of information that is
highly authoritative. W e are referring to the Great Rabbi
of Constantino province, A b - C a h e n , w h o in 1866 wrote
a detailed letter to M . Feraud, Secretary of the Archeologi-
cal Society asking him to insert his letter — as he did —
in the "Recueil" of that Society; where the full text of the

mentioned document may be read.
The Great Rabbi tries to justify in this letter the hatred
the Hebrews have against Spanish, which led the Israelite
communities of Northern Africa to establish a new reli-
gious festivity similar to that of Queen Esther's Purim, to
annually celebrate the fall of the Spanish domination in
North Africa in the XVI Century, a n d the defeat of the
new attempt of invasion which occurred at the end of
the XVIII Century.
Later o n , he refers to the existance of the "Mehadje-
r i n " sect, mentioning in that valuable a n d illustrative docu-
ment, the pretended conversion to Islam of Algerian Jews.
There are two stories: the first — which the Great Rabbi
regarded as the less probable — says that at the middle
of the XVIII Century one of the main, Ben-Djellab, forced
all Hebrews in Tuggurt, Souf a n d other populations of his
fief, to convert to M o h a m m e d ' s religion, due to a love
incident; the another story — which the Great Rabbi con-
sidered more credible in accordance with the customs
of the country at that time, a n d which is also accepted
by the " M e h a d j e r i n " as true — says that at the middle
of the Eighteenth century, "Ben Djellab, the grand-father
of the one that was In Tuggurt when the French arrived
In Africa, was the prince of Tuggurt, Souf ond the coun-
try around there; as the Jews gave him a very beautiful
present, he looked for the best way to reward them and
gathered the main people of the country to consult about
this with them. Different rewards were proposed such as
personal privileges and the alleviation of taxes. Suddenly
somebody told the prince: 'As you wish to reward them
in an extraordinary manner, give them permission to con-
vert and the honor of receiving them among the true be-
lievers'. The prince accepted this suggestion and informed
the Jews about it, but they begged him that as they were

jews they wanted nothing but to remain being Jews. Ben
Djellab, who thought he was granting an extraordinary
mercy to them, became furious in view of this disdain,
which hurt his dignity as a prince and a Moslem. He con-
sequently ordered the Jews to choose immediately —
within 24 hours — between the choise of becoming Mos-
lems or of leaving the country without any hope of return-
ing. The Jew's distress was great. Many of them fled and
were persecuted and beheaded by the people of Ben-
Djellab. Most Jews, nevertheless, foreseeing what was go-
ing to happen, and without finding another solution to
this situation than conversion — at least an apparent con-
version — yielded up to the prince's orders and accepted —
at least publicly the Moslem religion".
"Still now, the name used by the descendants of these
converts, reminds the facts of this second version. They are
Kilted 'Mehadjerin', that means: "the well rewarded" . . .
The high leader of W o r l d Judaism, the Constantino
Rabbi continues to reveal that: "Like the Anussim of Spain,
new Christians, Jews converted by the Inquisition, they
openly practiced the Moslem religion, but in their homes
they continued to practice the Jewish cult. Some of those
who hod left Tuggurt for other places in Africa, to live
among Jews, were persecuted because of Ben-Djellab's
denunciation, and executed as renegades from the Mos-
lem faith. These facts intimidated others, who, in order to
escope from a similar situation, became ostensibly jealous
and even fanatic Moslems. All went on the pilgrimage to
Mecca, but the "Mehadjerin" nevertheless continued to
live in their own separate neighborhood and refused to
marry into other Moslem families, which is why they have
kept their names, their features and their distinctive habits.
It is said that even now they celebrate on Saturday or
Sabbat of the Jews, but in secret. As was the case of the

new Christians, this fact of isolationism may have two
rea ons, one of them that they wanted to remain isolated
and without connection with other Moslems, especially dur-
ing the first years, the other reason being the low regard
the Moslem had for the converts".
Then, the high Jewish leader we are mentioning
makes the most terrible a n d important of his revelations:
"Nowadays, nevertheless, they are the main people
of the country and most of all, the richest; they own al-
most all houses and gardens of this oasis and trade is
almost exclusively in their hands".
" 'Mehadjerins' have frequently inherited goods from
some Jewish relative living in Bou-Saada, Tmossin or in
Mzab. But Jews have not been permitted to be heirs to
any 'Mehadjerin' relative. The Moslem legislation opposed
The Great Rabbi continues in his letter, that at the
time of writing, the Jewish origin of the "Mehadjerins"
was not forgotten, a n d that the "Mehadjerins" were con-
sequently afraid of Arabians. The high Hebrew leader
closes his letter saying: "This letter Js too long and I do not
wont to abuse of the space the Society has agreed to give
me in the Recueil this year, i still have to talk about the
Spanish expeditions of 1516 and 1542. In the Jewish po-
ems there are certain details about these happenings that
may be interesting for the Algerian history. Besides, it is
my intention to write a monography of the North African
Jews, and I would ask a place in the next Recueil of our
society for this purpose. Signed: Ab-Cohen, Great Rabbi
of the Constantino province (Algeria)". (9).

(9) Great Rabbi of Gsnstantina Ab-Cahen. Letter addressed to

M. Feraud, Secretary of the Archeological Society of Constan-
tlna, Algeria, inserted in the "Recueil" of that Archeological

O n the other hand, the existance of crypto-Judaism
in Algeria goes back so many years before the false con-
version of " M e h a d j e r i n s " to Islam. The Costilion Jewish
Encyclopedia tells us that during the A l m o h a d e domina-
tion in Algeria (1147-1269), and especially after the a d -
vent of Emir A b d - a l - M u m i n , Hebrews were forced to con-
vert to the Moslem religion but that as the Mohammedans
uncovered many false conversions, they forced the con-
verts to wear a special dress to distinguish them from
original Moslems.
It also states that the usual language of the Algerian
Israelite is the A r a b i a n (10).
This measure of forcing the converts of Judaism a n d
their descendants to use a special dress w a s regarded as
a necessity of different parts of the Christendom a n d the
Islam in vi ew of the conviction of those supposedly con-
verted Christians a n d Moslems were Jews hidding behind
what they themselves have called a mask of Christianity
or Islam, a l w a y s Jnide their Jewish identity so as to per-
form subversive activities in the society they live. M a n y
rulers attempted to prevent this subversive activity by
forcing Jews to wear a distinctive dress, cap or a special
sign that let other people in the country know that the
man so adorned w a s a converted J e w or the descendant
of converts, a n d that all people should be careful with
him despite his claim to practice Christianity or Islam in
an apparently pious w a y .
Finallv. another official book of Judaism the Jewish
Encyclopedic Handbook, published by the "Israel Publish-
ing House" of Buenos Aires, under the w o r d " A l g e r i a "
states: "There were Jews there in the Roman age, sub-
jected to religious persecution. The first Arabs treated them^
(10) "Costiiran Jewish Encyclopedia". Mexico, 1948. Word Alge-
ria, p. 430, 1st. col

well, but the fanatic olmohode (1130) converted them by
force; these were the first crypto-Jews... " (^U-
It can be seen that the tradition of clandestine J u d a -
ism covered by the mask of the Moslem religion, has a n
ancient intermixture of roots in A l g e r i a . That is w h y it is
most dangerous for the A r a b world a n d the Islamic W o r l d
in general, because if these false A r a b s , false Algerian
Moslems, achieve — as is planned by the dark powers of
Judaism based in Moscow or N e w York — to defeat the
true Algerian patriots a n d establish there the first crypto-
Jewish communist State in the A r a b W o r l d , the result
would constitute an extremely dangerous threat for the
real A r a b nationalists a n d the real Moslems. M a y the
Algerians open their eyes in time and w a r d off such a
tremendous menace!
The needed brevity of this book avoids any inclusion
of the study of clandestine Judaism in all the Moslem
states, for this super-secret society has invaded all of them
to a higher or lesser degree. Unfortunately, experience
shows that the great majority of the people refuse to
read bulky books, and that if w e extend this book too
much, it would be hopelessly condehnned to be read by
just a few people. Due to this fact w e shall reduce to
mention in this chapter — even w e regret it — only some
very illustrative examples on clandestine Judaism in some
other Islamic States.
In North A f r i c a , including Morocco, A l g e r i a , Tunisia
Libya and Egypt, and even from Asia Minor to Yemen,
the branch of clandestine Judaism composed by the super
hidden society of false Moslems w h o are secretly a part
of the nation a n d religion of Israel, has a very ancient
(11) "Jewish Encyclopedic Handbook of Pablo Link". (Israel Pub-
lishing House of Buenos Aires, 1950. Jewish Year 5710),
Word Algeria, p. 40.

origin, because it was consolidated by one of the highest
Israelite leaders in the history of Judaism, Moses ben
M a i m o n , universally known as Moses Maimonides. 1 will
transcribe from the famous German Jewish historian's
—Heinrich G r a e t z — in his "History of the Jews", in order
for the reader to appreciate this: "In the last third of the
Twelfth Century, Judaism seemed to have lost its center
of gravity. Once the Gaonato fell, the World direction (of
Judaism) was taken by the South of Spain (which was
Moslem then) with its communities In Cordova, Seville,
Granada and Lucena; but due to the intolerance of the
Almohade these places did not have (public) Jewish con-
gregations and there were only Jews covered with the
mask of Mohammedanism..." ,
Then Graetz states that in those times the lack of
able leaders had left Judaism without a capable world
leadership but that in this critical period "Maimonides
appeared and became the unifying factor for Judaism
and a point of contact for all East and Western communi-
ties; the man whose decisions as a rabbinic authority
were the last word, although he was not invested with
any official dignity. He was the spiritual king of the Jews,
to whom the most important leaders gladly subjected."
Graetz continues, saying that when Maimonides w a s
13 years old, the city of Cordova (where he was born
and lived) was taken by the armies of the Moslem sect
of the A l m o h a d e in M a y or June 1148, and that A l m o h a d e
tried to exterminate Judaism inside Islam trying to force
the Jews to withdraw Judaism and to adopt the Moslem
religion. With this purpose, the A l m o h a d e issued Edicts
that gave Jews the alternative of embracing M o h a m m e d ' s
religion, converting to Islam, or of dying, or at least of
being expelled from the country. In view of that situation,
Maimonides and his family had to apparently withdraw

from Judaism and —according to Graetz's expression
"to cover themselves with the mask of Islam", practicing
the Moslem religion in public but keeping in secret their
adherence to Judaism, as most Jews of the Moslem Spain
and Northern Africa had to do, because they suffered
the Almohade persecution.
Years later, when Moses Maimonides' family moved
to Morocco, Moses, being already the great leader of clan-
destine Judaism, devoted himself to strengthening the Jew-
ish convictions of the Israelites that had to live publicly
as Moslems in North Africa, to prevent their Jewish faith
from being weakened by the daily public practice of the
Islamic religion (12). This practice continues among crypto-
Jews who openly practice the different gentile religions,
by the learned Rabbis of the underground Israelite com-
Maimonides, as the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia
says: "wrote the iggeretha-shemad' epistle on conver-
sions, for his crypto-Jewish brothers, in which he encour-
aged them to be loyal to the religion of Israel (13). Maimo-
nides, on the other hand, also tried to strengthen and
give a greater moral justification to the practice of clan-
destine Judaism, against those Israelites who were too
fanatically religious to be skillful politicians and criticized
those who hid their Judaism and in public practiced a
false religion.
In his famous epistle regarding apostasy, Maimonides
recalled that saints and wise men such as Rabbi Meir and
Rabbi Eleazar in ancient Rome had to pretend that they
(12) Heinrich Graetz. "History of the Jews". Philadelphia, 1956.
(Jewish year 5717. Edition made by "The Jewish Publica-
tion Society of America"). 3rd. vol., ch., XIV, pp. 446 ff.

(13) "Castilian Jewish Encyclopedio. 7th vol. Word Maimonides,

p. 242, 2nd. col.

practiced Paganism and that the Jew that hid his adher-
ence to Israel's people and religion and openly and false-
ly practiced Moslem or Christian religion, did not violate
the rules of the Bible and Talmud, because when professing
the Islamic faith, for example, "we only repeat a formula
without real meaning..." "bound to deceive..." (14).
And that although it was true that rules in the Bible and
Talmud forbade idolatry "it was necessary to distinguish
among the mere verbal transgression and those in fact" (15).
It is true that as Maimonides had recognized, several
years earlier, that many Jews including leaders as im-
portant as Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Eleazar, had practiced
Paganism in public, and that others later had pretended
to practice Christianity or Islam. But this practice — more
usual every time — had not prevented fanatic Jews who
adhered too literally to the rules of the Bible and Talmud,
from criticizing not only the hiding of the Jewish identity
of Israelites, but also their practicing in public what they
considered false religions. As centuries passed, neverthe-
less, the political and economic advantages to Judaism
from the infiltration of Jews into the Christian Church
and the Moslem Mosque, facilitating their task of domina-
tion of the nations, caused a decline in the opposition of
the fanatics. But Moses Maimonides undoubtedly has the
highest merit, and his example, his arguments and his
great prestige, decisively influenced the Israelites to toler-
ate those of their members who were driven to adopt
other religions. Thus, what on other occasions had devel-
oped as a forced resource to avoid persecution and save
the life of Judaism, developed into a marvelous system
that allowed the Israelite nation to create and extend a
(14) Heinrich Graetz. 3rd. vol., ch. XIV, pp. 446 ff.

(15) Rabbi Jacob S. Raisin. "Gentile Reactions to Jewish Ideais".

New York, 1953. pp. 549-550

world hidden power that has allowed her to secretly con-
quer the nations using as auxiliaries such secret societies
as Masonry, llluminism, Carbonarism, sinarchy a n d other
sects, or the political parties a n d all kinds of organiza-
tions secretly controlled by the clandestine Judaism w i t h -
out the gentiles in many cases can perceive it a n d not
even suspect it.
As the Israelite historian Graetz says, Maimonides,
with his great wisdom a n d ability, became the leader of
w o r l d Judaism, a n d also of the clandestine Jews w h o
openly practiced the Moslem religion. He oriented them
a n d also the crypto-Jews living in the Moslem Spain, those
of North Africa until Egypt a n d even those of the far lands
of A r a b i a in the Yemen, where according to what Graetz
says, the Yemeni Jews were forced "the same as their
African and South Spain brothers, to pretend they con-
verted to Mohammed's faith in 1172". A n d in view of
the danger that the clandestine Jews of Yemen hesitated
in v i e w of the persecution, Maimonides sent a letter to
them a n d took other steps to raise their moral against
the Moslem oppresion. (16).
Disguised as a pious M o h a m m e d a n a n d with the
long A r a b name of " A b u - A m r a n M u s a ben M a i m u n O b a i d
A l l a h " , Maimonides moved to Egypt, where at the same
time that continued encouraging the world organization
of Judaism, he successfully practiced medicine a n d could
infiltrate in Sultan Saladin's court, getting the confidence
of the Great Vizier Al-Fadel, w h o appointed Maimonides
the physician o f the Court. To this regard Graetz adds
that "Encouraged by that example, other nobles that lived
in Cairo required Maimonides and soon his time was so
busy that he needed to neglect his studies".

(16) Heinrich Graetz. 3rd. vol., ch. XIV.


Photo taken of the great Jewish work titled: "Casfilion Jewish

Encyclopedia" 7th vol. Mexico, D. F. 1950. Word Morocco, p. 302,
2nd. col.

All this gave Maimonides great influence in the
Sultan's court, which used to obtain that the persecution
to Jews, including those of Yemen, diminished. Everything
was all right, until somebody denounced him as a clan-
destine Jew and apostate of the Islam, despite of the
fact that he practiced the Moslem religion. These delicts
were punished in Egypt and rest of the Islam in those
days with death penalty; Maimonides was subjected to
a trial that would have taken him to gibbet if his pro-
tector the Great Vizier Al-Fadel had not have saved him
in a so risky situation. And Al-Fadel also recognized him
with the title of Head (nagib) of all the Israelite com-
munities of Egypt, to the amazement and indignation of
the pious Moslems, who thought it was absurd that a clan-
destine Jew, apostate of Islam, instead of punishing him
with death penalty he was rewarded as well as his Israel-
ite fellow-companions. When Maimonides died on Decem-
ber 13, 1204, his son Abulmeni Abraham succeeded his
father in the position of physician of the Caliph (17),
Clandestine Judaism in Yemen, Egypt and other Arab
countries of North Africa for the same reason plays a
very illustrious role in the history of the people of Israel.
Going back to the report of Chacham Israel Joseph
Benjamin II, it is inferred that the Hebrews of Alessandria,
although they had not in those days recovered the ancient
splendor destroyed by St. Cyril when they were expelled,
remained very strong at the middle of the past century.
The cited Hebrew authority reports that there were two
communities one of the Italian rite and another of the
native rite, but led by only one Chacham. This was Rabbi
Solomon Chasan. Chacham Israel Joseph Benjamin II also
says that there were other two communities in Cairo, one
of the Italian rite and another one of the native rite, the
(17) Heinrich Graetz. Srd. vol., ch. XIV.


Photo taken from the "Castilion Jewish Encyclopedia". 7th vol.

Mexico, D. F„ 1950. Word Morocco, p. 306.

last o n e w i t h six t h o u s a n d f a m i l i e s a n d the Italian with
only two hundred. He also says that in 1846 the two
communities sent to Jerusalem for a new Chacham be-
cause theirs h a d died. The illustrious H e b r e w traveller con-
tinues his a c c o u n t o f t h e s i t u a t i o n o f a l l t h e J e w i s h com-
munities of North Africa, giving details on the number of
families, internal officials of those communities, synago-
g u e s , places w h e r e t h e a r i s t o c r a t i c circle o f t h e Cohanim
existed, a n d regions w h e r e H e b r e w s h a d positions in the
Moslem government, indicating the case of the city of
Susa w h e r e there w a s a crypto-Jewish Cadi (Arabian of-
ficial) t h a t w a s called Chogi a m o n g the A r a b s a n d Isaac
a m o n g the Hebrews ( 1 8 ) . T h i s is a n o t h e r e x a m p l e o f the
double name used by crypto-Jews: a Christian, Moslem,
B r a h m a n or Buddhist, according the religion they practice
in public, a n d a J e w i s h o n e ; t o b e used o n l y in t h e secret
of the clandestine Jewish organizations they belong to.

Talking about Algeria, Chacham B e n j a m i n says that

t h e French e v e n p a i d t h e salaries o f the C h a c h a m i n and
the teachers, a n d that the Jews lived harmoniously with
the French government in contrast with what occurred
in the countries dominated by the Moslems, where ac-
cording to w h a t the active Jewish leader says, savagery
reigned, including in the A r a b provinces of the Ottoman
Empire, as Syria.

In L e b a n o n t h e secret societies o f c l a n d e s t i n e Judaism

were of two kinds.- t h a t grouping the crypto-Jews that
publicly practice the Christian religion, and those who
practice the Islamic religion. From t h ^ i n f o r m a t i o n w e may
infer t h a t most b e l o n g e d to f a m i l i e s t h a t live as Christians
in p u b l i c b u t w h o keep Judaism in t h e m o s t a b s o l u t e se-
(18) Chacham Israel Joseph B e n i o m i n II. " E i g h t Years in A s i a a n d
A f r i c a f r o m 1846 to 1 8 5 5 " . Hanover, 1862. p p . 2 7 7 - 2 7 9 .


Photo t a k e n f r o m the " C o s t i l i a n J e w i s h E n c y c l o p e d i a " . A d d i t i o n a l

v o l u m e t i t l e d : "CONTEMPORARY J U D A I S M " . M e x i c o , D. F. 1 9 6 1 .
W o r d Libya, pp. 821-822.

The Lebanese people are, like the Israelites, a nomad
people. Most Lebanese have emigrated abroad and are
grouped in each country in colonies with a certain in-
ternal organization. In this way, approximately two thirds
of the Lebanese live abroad and only one third live in
Clandestine Lebanese Judaism has a special rire mar
in the nation of Israel is known as the LEBAt^JESE RITE. Its
members are infiltrated in the Lebanese colonies through-
out the world and their activity in and outside Lebanon
has been the sabotage and paralization of any effective
Lebanese collaboration in the fight of the Arabs against
the State of Israel, especially among Christian Lebanese,
much more infiltrated than the Moslems of clandestine
Judaism. In countries where the Lebanese colonies are
highly infiltrated by Lebanese Jews covered with the mask
of Christianity mainly, such false Lebanese (Jews in secret),
have achieved the control of leading positions in the
Lebanese clubs and associations, preventing any help to
the Lebanese in their vital Arab struggle against the State
of Israel and Zionism. In some cases these clandestine Jew-
ish leaders from the Lebanese colonies have even reached
the extreme of maintaining friendly relations with the Is
raelite colonies, to the astonishment of those who canno
understand how such a thing is possible while a state o
martial law between!the Arabs and Israel does not exist,
World Judaism intends to control the local and inter-
national Lebanese association in its own benefit, and it
is urgent that the sincere Lebanese patriots do everything
possible to free their valuable people from the infiltra-
tion and domination of their hidden enemies — the clan-
destine Jews of the Lebanese Rite. This is important not
only for Lebanon but for the Arab cause in general. Be-
sides, the Lebanese colonies established in different coun-

From a peasant town near Sanaa. Judaism uses the needy worker
and peasant Jews of Yemen as of other countries, to lead the
Marxist revolutions. Photo taken from the "Costiltan Jewish Ency-
clopedia". Ut. vol. Mexico. 1948. Word Arabia, p. 405, 1st. col.

tries of the world, and their world association, are a great
world force, that if they fall into the hands of the clan-
destine Judaism of the Lebanese Rite, it would be a catas-
trophe not only for the Lebanese but for all mankind.
Referring to the clandestine Judaism in Irak, we shall
mention a very illustrative fact given by the Jewish Cha-
cham Israel Joseph Benjamin II in the middle of last cen-
tury in his aforementioned report. He says that there is
a Mosque in Baghdad where the grave of the great Mara-
but Abd-el-Kader is, which is visited by Moslem pere-
grines, and he is a highly venerated saint in that city;
and the aforementioned Jewish leader affirms that the
Hebrew tradition says that "the Mosque was a Synogogue
before", and that "the Marabut wos nothing less than
the famous Talmudist Joseph Hagueliti". (19)
The irony used by the distinguished Jewish Chachom
speaks by itself. The Moslem Marabut are, something simi-
lar to the saints in the Catholic Church or in the Greek
Orthodox Church, so that the facts told by Chacham Ben-
jamin would be equivalent in the Catholic world to the
fact that the Jewish clandestine clergymen that presently
invade qnd control the Catholic Church, shows that the
Church consecrated as a saint a false Jewish Christian,
a real enemy of Christ and of the Church, and that after-
wards those Judas in cassocks built a temple to honor him.
Beware, Catholics and Moslems against such infamous
In Christianity it is excessively demonstrated that the
clandestine Jews, false professing the Christian religion,
have been preferably dedicated, through the centuries, to
activities of political domination and revolutionary agita-
tion, and public Jews who openly practice their religion
are mainly devoted to industry, commerce and to build
(19) Chacham Israel Joseph Beniamin II, pp. 149.


Solemn ceremonies and rites have given and continue to give Ju-
daism a great internal strength. They are of a synagogue or fami-
liar character, according to if they are performed in the bosom
of the Synagogue Fraternities or in the family. Ceremonies use to
end with a Ritual Banquet in which every plate and every meal
has a symbolic meaning. Masonic Banquets — like everything in
Masonry — are mere copies of those celebrated in the secret of
Judaism. For the gentiles to know about these RITUAL BANQUETS
the Jewish books call them DINNER PARTIES, to hide the real
meaning in Judaism.

up the gigantic economic power of world Israel. This has
helped Judaism to hide its leading participation in its revo-
lutionary movements.
Historical facts, nevertheless, have shown us that this
has not been always an absolute rule and that in different
occasions public Jews have participated in political and
subversive activities, especially in some countries where
they are either not many of them or their political col-
laboration is required; or the successes obtained by them
make them be too confident and abandon all kinds of
precautions. But these interferences were precisely what
helped gentiles to become aware of the Jewish threat,
specially when the Holy Inquisition was destroyed and
the Christian world was left without an institution that
allowed it to discover and destroy the revolutionary activi-
ties and the hidden domination developed by the under-
ground Jews, who are apparently Christians.
We are sure that both in the Christian and Moslem
worlds and in other religions, with a nationalist police,
defending the people against the domination of the Jewish
imperialism, that using efficient means to force the guilty
to tell the truth taking advantage when it is possible of
the Inquisition's experiences, it is possible to discover that
the focus of treason to the motherland, of masonic or
communist subversion, although they do not appear to
be led by Jews identified as such, they are led by under-
ground Jews who are apparently Christians, Moslems, or
profess another religion, as in other centuries the Inquirers
could discover that there were almost always clandestine
Jews organizing the subversive movements against the
Church and the Christian States. That is why it is so urgent
that the nations of the world organize this kind of polices
as soon as possible, as the only means of defending from
the conquering action of the Jewish imperialism and its


Jewish authors say that the cradle of the Caucasic Hebrews was
in Aturpokaton, called Soviet Azerbaidjan today. They hove spread
into Georgia — Stalin's homeland — Turkey and especially in the
Caucasus. Many of them ore Moslem in public '^nd Jews in secret,
in Turkey.

f i f t h c o l u m n s , either p u b l i c or c l a n d e s t i n e , t h a t a s l o n g a s
t h e y a r e not l o c a l i z e d a n d t o t a l l y d e s t r o y e d , t h e y w i l l c o n -
t i n u e to d e s t r o y t h e p e a c e o f t h e n a t i o n s , b y p r o v o k i n g
b l o o d y a n d destroying w a r s a n d revolutions, a n d threat-
e n i n g a l l p e o p l e s w i t h t h e m o s t cruel c o n q u e s t a n d s l a v e r y .

A t e n d of this c h a p t e r I w i l l m e n t i o n w h a t researchers
on t h e J e w i s h p r o b l e m , in the f a r l a n d o f P a k i s t a n , tell
us a b o u t the l a b o r o f c o n q u e s t a n d s u b v e r s i o n o f the Israel-
ites in the I s l a m i c society. The M o s l e m P a k i s t a n i AAisbahul
Islam F a r u q i , in a b o o k p u b l i s h e d b y h i m s e l f , t i t l e d "The
Jewish Conspiracy a n d the Muslim W o r l d " w h o s e first e d i -
tion a p p e a r e d in K a r a c h i , P a k i s t a n in 1 9 6 7 , a m o n g o t h e r
t h i n g s he s a y s t h e f o l l o w i n g , r e f e r r i n g to t h e J e w s i n f i l -
t r a t e d in t h e Islamic society:

"They do produce schisms a n d dissensions among the

Muslim society. There are many a cult a n d groups who
are supported, nurtured a n d employed by the Jewry to
create confusion in the Islamic ranks".

. . . " O n e of the most favorite techniques of the Jews

is to sow seeds of dissension o n d discord among the M u s -
lim community through their hirelings a n d agents in the
press, on the platform or pulpit. They raises hell of fire
on trifles a n d unimportant, controversial issues of no con-
sequence a n d try to incite the masses a n d confuse the
intelligentsio for ulterior ends. Examples from past a n d
present can be cited from various countries. Indeed, Jews
have a special knack in the art of spreading falsehood
a n d mischief. Their career from Prophet's (Mohammed) (20)
day right up to the present time testifies to this truth.
And how tragic If Muslims themselves fall prey to their
tactics a n d become a plaything in their hands. Here in
(20) For a better u n d e r s t a n d i n g of o u r n o n M o s l e m readers, we
put that word in parenthesis.

Pakistan a few so-called religious figures have mo^e it
their lifetime job, and they do not hesitate to coin and
innovate newer and baser falsehoods against those who
are dedicated to the ideal of the revival of Islam. They
should be knowing that by attempting to weaken the
forces of Islam in this country and placing hurdles in the
w a y of Islamic movement they will only be serving the
cause of Zionism. There can be nothing more dangerous
to the interests of Zionism than a full-fledged Islamic move-
ment aiming at establishing a truly Islamic order".

"The Zionist agents take advantage of the difference

of opinion about a matter in a society or exploit vorious
schools of thought in an established religion by magnify-
ing the otherwise minor matters of details out of all pro-
portion to confuse public mind. If existing sects and groups
do not serve their purpose they develop newer ones and
create dissensions to torpedo the unity of thought and
action in a people. When such a situation arises Muslims
should pause to think a n d try to peep behind the forces
at work, instead of jumping at conclusions about persons
a n d parties, a n d not be carried a w a y in the Niagra of
propaganda of an insidious enemy. It should be remem-
bered that Jewish hands are long, their agents everywhere
a n d Muslims, particularly, are their target". |21)

The J e w i s h t e c h n i q u e s d e n o u n c e d b y the illustrious

P a k i s t a n i r e s e a r c h e r a r e p e r f o r m e d b y the m e m b e r s o f the
Israelite f i f t h c o l u m n s in the g e n t i l e n a t i o n s , not o n l y o f
Islam but a l s o o f C h r i s t i a n i t y a n d other r e l i g i o n s , n a t u r a l l y
a d a p t e d to the special c i r c u m s t a n c e s of e a c h c o u n t r y , a s
J e w s a r e a c c u s t o m e d to d o , e s p e c i a l l y a s c l a n d e s t i n e J e w s .

(21) AAisbahul Islam Faruqi. "Jewish Conspiracy a n d the M u s l i m

World". Jeddah-Pokistan. pp. 109, 110-111,





Now we will deal with a very serious problem, which

is largely unknown nowadays, referring to the role He-
brews played in the intervention by the European powers
in internal affairs of the Asian and African continents —
in some cases limitted to making or replacing govern-
ments, but in others, even to subjecting the Afro-Asian
nations to vassalage, thus forming in the XVdl, XIX and
early XX centuries, the great colonial empires.
Valuable information in this regard frequently ap-
pears in authoritative Israelite sources that we have been
able to consult, which due to the brevity of this book,
cannot be inserted in full. Thus, in the valuable report of
Chacham Benjamin on Persia, he says that: "My coreli-
gionaries in Persia repeatedly asked me to publish in
Europe a description of their present condition". The ensuing
report is extremely enlightening.

Regarding his visit to the city of Shiraz, the Israelite
leader tells about a curious a n d instructive episode. He
indicates that Moslems in Persia, in order to distinguish
t h e Israelite women from the Mohammedans, forced the
former to wear a black veil, while the latter wore a white
veil. A n d after telling that there was a revolt in Iran in
those days, he says: "One day my room was gradually
full of women wearing white veils all of them who came
to me. And as Jewish women are only allowed to wear
block veils, to be distinguished from the others, this visit
upset me, because I thought my home had been attacked
by insurgents. I was calmed, nevertheless, when they made
it clear that all of them belonged to families that had
been forced to embrace the Islamic faith, but who in se-
cret adhered to the faith of their ancestors. My visitors
took off the veil and kissed my forehead and my hand".
The pious Chacham continues, telling that the men w h o
accompanied the women complained of the oppressive
condition of the Israelites in Persia, a n d the Jewish leader
told them something that is of capital importance: "Be
patient, my brothers, and continue placing your confidence
in God. Maybe the European monarchs, under whose pro-
tection your (European) brothers live happy, may be able
to alleviate your disgraces, putting noble governors on
the Persian throne" (22)

Which European monarchies could the active Jewish

hierarch have referred here, in mentioning the possibility
of their intervention in Iran in the selection of kings? Some
facts indicate that he mainly referred to England, because
of the following reasons:
1. In those times, although governments of the
European monarchies, according to the confession of Dis-

(22) Israel J o s e p h B e n i a m i n II. "Eight Years in Asia and Africa

from 1846 to 1855". H a n o v e r , 1 8 6 1 . p p . 230-256.

raeli a n d other Hebrew sources, were already undermined
by Jewish or crypto-Jewish ministers — as the case of
Mendizabal in Spain — the only monarchic state that
had been completely conquered by the Jews was the Brit-
ish, which they had taken as their o w n since the 1830
revolution, in spite of the heroic resistance led by the p a -
triotic Duke of Wellington.
II. It w a s England — a l r e a d y converted into a sat-
ellite of Judaism — w h o mainly interfered in Asia a n d
Africa, placing a n d replacing governments.
III. The Chacham, in another part of his vast a n d
valuable report says that when he arrived in any place
the first thing he d i d w a s to visit the British consul, which
is not strange, because although the Hebrews had by then
already infiltrated the diplomatic services of other Europe-
an monarchies, they could achieve their goals more effec-
tively through the British consulates, considering that the
British Empire, after it w a s conquered by the Jews, w a s
converted into a satellite of Jewish Imperialism.
It is extremely common for English consuls a n d even
ambassadors to be either public or clandestine Jews. The
actions of these Jews a n d crypto-Jews gave British diplo-
macy a reputation for hypocrisy a n d perversity, quite
contrary to the qualities of the real English people, w h o
are generally a model of honesty. But in this diplomacy
it can be seen the characteristic seal of the Jewish perfidy,
about which the Fathers of the Church, the Popes a n d
Councils have talked so much. It is not a mere coincidence
that international opinion, in view of the perversity of Brit-
ish Jewish diplomats, has named England as "Perfidous
Albion", a remarkable coincidence to the terms used by
the Fathers, Councils a n d Popes when many centuries a g o
talked about the "Judaic Perfldity".
Other cases, although less serious, of European inter-

v e n t i o n a g a i n s t the Moslenn states t h a t h e r o i c a l l y resisted
a l l a t t e m p t s of J e w i s h d o m i n a t i o n , a r e p r e s s n t e d b y the
a f o r e m e n t i o n e d J e w i s h C h a c h a m i n d i c a t i n g t h a t in A l e p p o ,
n e a r to D a m a s c u s , there w e r e a b o u t 1 5 0 0 to 2 0 0 0 H e b r e w
f a m i l i e s l i v i n g there "who enjoy greot privileges under the
protection of the European consuls, some of them of their
own faith, because Rafael di Piechotti, the Russian consul,
and Elias Piechotti, the general consul of Austria, have ob-
tained certain influence on the Pacha, which is often used
in the benefit of their brethren" (23)
O n e o f the H e b r a i c tactics u s e d in the Islamic c o u n -
tries, e m p l o y i n g f o r e i g n n a t i o n s to h e l p the J e w s a g a i n s t
the M o s l e m s , w a s t o i n f i l t r a t e H e b r e w s in the c o n s u l a t e s
o f t h o s e n a t i o n s . The f o r e i g n c o n s u l a t e s t h e n u s e d a l l their
d i p l o m a t i c i n f l u e n c e in f a v o r o f t h e J e w i s h e x p l o i t e r s to
f r e e t h e m f r o m the just r e p r i s a l s o f the n a t i v e M o s l e m s .
W e h a v e a w i d e b i b l i o g r a p h y o n this subject, providing
i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t this g e n e r a l i z e d J e w i s h i n f i l t r a t i o n not
o n l y in the c o n s u l a t e s o f the E u r o p e a n p o w e r s , b u t a l s o
in those o f Latin A m e r i c a . R e g a r d i n g this, t h e p h i l o s e m i t i c
A n g e l P u l i d o s a y s in his b o o k "Spahish without Mother-
l a n d " in 1 9 0 5 , t h a t S o l o m o n Levy S e p h a r d i t e , c o n s u l o f
V e n e z u e l a in O r a n r e p o r t e d to h i m : "Here in Oran there
are above ten thousand Jews, one thousand natives a n d
three thousand Spanish, that since the French conquest of
this country have emigrated from Morocco". (24). If the In-
formation g i v e n b y t h a t c o n s u l is true, w h a t a terrible
p r o p o r t i o n o f J e w s in t h e p o p u l a t i o n o f O r a n .
It s h o u l d not s u r p r i s e t h a t the f o r e i g n c o n s u l a t e s in
this d i f f i c u l t t i m e f o r Islam s e r v e d a s p a t r o n i z i n g offices
f o r t h e i n t r i g u e s o f J e w i s h i m p e r i a l i s m a g a i n s t the M o s -
(23) Israel J o s e p h B e n j a m i n II, p p . 69-70.

(24) A n g e l P u l i d o , "Spanish without Motherland". M a d r i d , 1905

p. 468,
T h e f u n n y t h i n g is t h a t they not o n l y u s e d the c o n -
suls f r o m E u r o p e a n p o w e r n a t i o n s a g a i n s t the M o s l e m s ,
b u t a l s o to s u p p o r t those i n t e r n a l q u a r r e l s t h a t f r e q u e n t l y
a p p e a r in J u d a i s m . T h e s a m e a u t h o r , r e f e r r i n g to the P a -
lestinian J e w s , w h i c h w a s then a n O t t o m a n province, says:
"III.— Bouknhariotas, about 500. They a n d the Georgians,
hove attempted many times, with the support of the Rus-
sian consul, from where most of them come, to substract
to the jurisdiction of the Great Rabbi a n d be completely
autonomous". (25).
H e refers here t o the G r e a t R a b b i o f the J e w i s h C o m -
m u n i t y o f P a l e s t i n e , a n d to the M a g r i b i rite o f the Israel-
ites b o r n in M o r o c c o , w h o h a d b e e n s u b j e c t e d , a p p a r e n t l y
a g a i n s t their w i l l . W e h a v e a l r e a d y e x p l a i n e d t h a t in m a n y
cities there a r e J e w i s h c o m m u n i t i e s o f d i f f e r e n t rites t h a t
a r e a u t o n o m o u s o n e f r o m the o t h e r , b u t f e d e r a t e d to the
others in the K e l i l l a h w h i c h serves a s t h e G o v e r n m e n t or
M u n i c i p a l J e w i s h C o u n c i l of J e w s r e s i d i n g in a g e n t i l e n a
t i o n , to w h i c h a l l the J e w i s h c o m m u n i t i e s a r e subject a n d
w h i c h a r e o f c o u r s e a l s o subject to the h i g h e r h i e r a r c h i e s
of J u d a i s m . G e n e r a l l y the H e b r e w communities of a g e n -
tile m u n i c i p a l i t y live h a r m o n i o u s l y , b u t s o m e t i m e s there
a r e quarrels that become difficult to d e a l w i t h a n d these,
n a t u r a l l y , a r e reflected in d i v i s i o n s in the g e n t i l e r e v o l u -
tionary organizations they control. W h e n this happens,
t h e h i g h e r a u t h o r i t i e s of J u d a i s m interfere to r e e s t a b l i s h
unity a n d h a r m o n y .
A n o t h e r instance of European intervention in favor
o f the J e w s is t o l d b y t h e p r o - s e m i t i c S p a n i s h (possible
M a r r a n o ) A n g e l P u l i d o , in his b o o k "Spanish without Moth-
erland" w r i t t e n in 1 9 0 5 , w h e n he a f f i r m s t h a t in T u n i s i a
the i n d i g e n o u s J e w s a r e s u b j e c t e d to the A r a b i c j u r i s p r u -
d e n c e a n d t h a t t h e y s u f f e r in s o m e c a s e s , b u t t h a t "those

(25) A n g e l P u l i d o , p. 6 6 3 .

protected by the European nations, enjoy perfect equali-
ty". (26)
A sad role was piayed by the European powera,
whose governments were dominated or largely dominated
by Jewish Masonry, and who were acting as blind instru-
ments of Judaism to force the Afro-Asian peoples to un-
chain the Hebrew beast and facilitate its work of domina-
tion without the true Christians becoming aware of these
powers or of what their Hebrew or masonic governors
surreptitiously authorized.
We have to make it clear that Israelites, with their
proverbial ingratitude, far from thanking the European
monarchies for their help, they overthrew one after the
other, as soon as they could, starting with the Portuguese,
Russian, Austrian and the German, and continuing with
the Spanish and others whos? diplomacies had helped the
Hebrews so much in Islamic lands.
Regarding the interference of Judaism to facilitate
and consolidate the conquest of India by British Imperial-
ism, the prestigious Israelite Indian leader and writer,
Haeem S. Kehimker, President of the "Israelite School Com-
mittee" of Bombay in his 19th century book " A Sketch of
the History of Beni-lsrael gives very interesting in-
formation on how the Jews who hod lived in India for at
least sixteen centuries, helped England since the eighteenth
century to extend and consolidate its domination of India,
taking part as officers and commanders of the British con
trolled Indian regiments that helped to supress the Hindi
patriots during the campaigns of 1750 and through all
those that during the 19th century served to crush the
revolts of the Patriotic Hindus who sought to win inde-
pendence for their country. The Indian clandestine Jews
— H i n d u in appearance but Jews in secret — served as

(26) Angel Pulido, pp. 505-508.

bull dogs to subjugate the people that for so many cen-
turies had granted them kind shelter, acting as spies to
denounce the conspiracies of patriots and as leaders of
the native police, that served the British Jews in their task
to consolidate their domain on that great country. The
aforementioned Israelite leader, in "his call for help to Inter-
national Judaism which appears in his aforementioned
book, gives the names of military leaders — Beni-lsraeles
Indian Jews — that were outstanding for their valuable
services in crushing the resistance of the Hindu patriots,
giving a very detailed information which is really eloquent,
stating that the Beni-lsrael soldiers were more intelligent
than the rest of the Hindus, and that there were Beni-ls-
rael officers in all Anglo-Indian regiments and they also
hay important positions in the British Viceroy's administra-
tion. He also mentions how they were used by the London
government as officers of the Indian troops in expeditions
led against Afghanistan, Persia, and even the famous ex-
pedition against Abyssinia in 1867 and 1868 (27).
Maybe this was one of the first interventions of Hindu
crypto-Jews in Africa in modern times, leading Indian
troops, to favor the plans of World Judaism, which in those
times used the resources and qualities of the British peo-
ple, already dominated by the Jewish-Masonry, as a doc-
ile instrument in the imperialist undertakings of the Israeli
nation as it spread amongst and infiltrated all other na-
tions in the world.
The fact was that the British interferences in Ethiopia
favored the enthroning of the present Negus Hailie Se-
lassie's dynasty of Jewish-Solomonic origin — according
(27) Haeem Samuel Kelnimker. (President of the Israelite School
Committee of Bombay, India). " A Sketch of the History of
Beni-lsrael and an Appeal for their Education". Bombay edi-
tion printed by the "Education Society's Press", pp. 24-36.

to the Castilian Jewish Encyclopedia — with the aid of
Jewish advisers and technicians brought from Palestine
and other places (28) whose ancestor Shoa, after a bloody
civil war, took power thanks to the help of the Jewish
British imperialism in 1889, under the name of Menelik II.
Since then the negro Jews or "Falasha"", natives of Ab-
yssinia, and the aforementioned Jewish dynasty of a
Solomonic origin, together tyrannized Ethiopia, It is worth-
while to note that only in this country and in Britain —
where even the monarchy is now Judaized — the Masonic
republican movements that Hebrews have organized in
oil the world do not appear until it is convenient for Juda-
ism to change the way of government.
Going back to the Beni-lsrael military in India, we
can say that just as they at one time served to extend
and consolidate the Jewish-British domination in India and
other places of Asia and Africa, they are now helping
Indira Gandhi and her Congress Party to control the Hindu
armies and consolidate in India the domination of the
native Jews, serving again as bull dogs in order to sub-
jugate the native peoples who fight for their true indepen-
Besides, the ancestral nomad temper of the Israelites
has brought as a consequence that the secret sect of clan-
destine Jews Beni-lsrael of India, as well as the also secret
sects of the Indian Jews of Cochin have extended to other
nations by means of a great migration. Thus the converted
Israelites of India today comprise o powerful sector of
World Judaism after the Ashkenazim and the Sephardites,
the first of them native from Germany and the second
from Spain and Portugal, and whose secret societies are
spread throughout the world.

(28) "CasH'lian Jewish Encyclopedia". 4th vol. p. 232. 2nd. col.

Clandestine Indian Jews have invaded Asia and Afri-
ca, where as traders, bankers and businessmen they ex-
ploit, in different ways, the native population of those na-
tions. Since they hide their Jewish identity and say they are
natives from India (although in some cases it is true that
true Indians do today live overseas in other countries) peo-
ple only know them as Indian traders, bankers or business-
men, without realizing that they are part of one of the
most dangerous and exploitive fifth columns that Interna-
tional Judaism has developed to dominate all other peo-
In Africa they have invaded the nations ruled by
negro governments, such as Uganda and Kenya, as well
as the nations ruled by a white government, such as South
Africa and Rhodesia.
In the negro nations they ore taking over the wealth
of the country and mercilessly exploit the negro popula-
tion, many of them using British passports to have the
protection of the British government in their infamous task
of exploiting the people. They act as in other times did
the Jews of different African and Asian countries who
even adopted British, French or Spanish nationalities to
obtain the protection of those governments in case the
native population, becoming tired of so many exactions
and exploitation, reacted against them. Others, neverthe-
less, have adopted the nationality of the places they ex-
ploit in order to seek assimilation, although only outward
ly, for they remain Jews in secret covered with the mask
of Indians. These are the most dangerous ones, because
the nation invaded by this plague of false Indians may
fall into the trap and think they should fight only those
who have foreign passports without considering as dan
gerous those who have adopted the nationality of the

country they have invaded, and which are more harmful
and dangerous than those of a foreign nationality, be-
cause they are incrusted as a fifth column in the nation
in v^^hose territory they live and whose people they vilely
exploit, and will try to dominate it with the help of the
Super-Imperialism of Israel, either through the satellite
imperialism of Moscow, Wall Street, or London, or through
any other local or international power at their service.
In some places such as South and East Africa and
Guyana, apart from the migration of clandestine Jews of
India, another migration of authentic Indians took place,
but while the latter are mainly poor workers, the clandes-
tine Beni-lsraeles are usually traders, usurers, business-
men and people of good position, who seek to control the
authentic Indian emigrants, using them to provoke distur-
bances and problems in the country of their adoption
whenever it suits their convenience. This secret Jewish sect
has invaded even England, where many of the recent
Indian emigrants are secretly Jewish, whose Israelite rulers
were responsible for helping them to the invasion of many
countries, in the world especially in Africa and Asia, and
who refused to give independence to India until they
could hand It over to Nehru and a Jewish controlled Con-
gress Party Nevertheless, it is necessary to repeat that
there are many independent forces in India even inside
the Congress Party, that should be adequately helped to
save that great nation from the yoke of these terrible se-
cret societies and their main instrument, which is Indira
Gandhi herself.

Among the interesting episodes mentioned by the

Indian Jew Kehimker, there is one about a Beni-lsrael
Hindu that pretendedly converted to Christianism, but who
continued to be Jewish m secret. This was a certain AAi-

chael Sargon|29), who first pretended to be a Hindu, but
later lift off that mask to take a Christian one, while
continuing to be a Jew in secret. This and similar exam-
ples illustrates the way in which the Hebrews juggle with
their pretended conversions, changing their external mask
whenever it is convenient for them to do so. Here it could
not be argued that they were forced to convert to Chris-
tianity, because in India the predominant religion is Hin-
duism, which, on the other hand, many Beni-lsraeles ex-
ternally practice with great piety, observing Judaism in
the most absolute secret, in order to remain firmly infil-
trated in the Indian nation as powerful and dominant
fifth column. The result of the British domination of India
destroyed the defenses of the former leaders of that no-
tion against Judaism, making it possible for the Jews who
controlled Britain and hand over India to Nehru and his
gang of clandestine Beni-lsraeles Jews while pretending
to grant India its independence. The same has been done
elsewhere, except where international circumstances forced
British Jewry to grant the independence to populations
still not controlled by secret Jewish infiltrators. More in-
teresting now is the fact that International Judaism is to-
day seeking to destroy the power of England and the
United States to open the door to Communist Imperialism
led by the Jewish hidden power, and so to achieve the
final goal of the great Hebrew revolution of modern times.
So far they have not been able to convert the English and
Americans to Judaic communism, because both peoples
are accustomed to good life and free institutions.
In his extensive report presented to Western Judaism,
Chacham pointed with the darkest colors the situation of

(29) H a e e m S a m u e l K e h i m k e r , p- 21.

Israelites in the Sultanate of Morocco ot the middle of
the 19th century, asking for the interference of the Europe-
an powers in that kingdom. He said among other things,
that the oppression of Jews in Morocco was worse than
that in Persia, and that they were forced to use a Turkish
cap to distinguish them from the Moslem population.
It can be seen that in all places in the w o r l d the peo-
ple menaced by the political conquest of the Jews tried
to alert the population against them, distinguishing them
with a sign, such as a cap of a certain color, a dress, or
the star of David, so that non-Jews might know them
and guard against their intrigues and subversion. These
defensive steps appear in both the Christian and Moslem
worlds, reoccurring at widely different times, often sepa-
rated by several centuries one from the other. We have
already seen how Jewesses were forced in Persia to wear
a black veil to distinguish them from the Islamic women
and how they evaded this step by pretending conversion
of themselves and their families to the Islam, thus en-
titling them to wear the white veil and to be confounded
in consequence with the real Moslems.
Returning to the subject of Morocco, Israel Joseph
Benjamin II declares that the situation of the Jews was
terrible there, due to the fanaticism of the Arabs and their
arbitrariness, saying that: " I f an A r a b enters a house, the
Jew must address him humbly as if he were a prince.
If he takes something he likes, there should not be heard
the least gossip, for on the opposite the intruder w o u l d
immediately take his knife a n d there is no judge not l o w
to protect the despoiled or o p p r e s s e d " . . . " I f all the great
European powers attempted to oppose this barbarity in
those places near their influence, they w o u l d do much in
their o w n benefit, in the benefit of science a n d in favor
of the oppressed". (30).
(30) Israel Joseph Bentamin II, p p . 319-325.

This terrible invitation to Western Judaism, to whom
this book is addressed, to persuade the European powers
to interfere in Morocco, presents the Arabs as savages and
criminals on the one hand and suggesting subtle argu-
ments w i t h which to induce the European powers to inter-
fere. The story is repeated frequently in world history, for
when the heroic Visigothic Empire constituted an obstacle
to the Hebrew plans, the latter stimulated the Moslem
ambition of domination and facilitated their invasion and
conquest of Spain. Later on, when Moslems wanted to
defend themselves against Jewish domination, the Jews
favored the triumph of the Christian kings. A n d when, in
the 14th century, Europe desperately fought to stop the
domination of Jews and the subversive activity of their
heresies, the Jews incited the Turkish to invade Europe,
facilitating their conquests through the Jewish fifth col-
umns which existed in all the Christian countries. Later on,
when it was convenient for them to destroy the Turkish
Empire, they turned the different European powers against
the Turks, and for a time even favored Arab nationalism
only to betray the Arabs later when they sought the con-
quest of Palestine and the establishment of Israel.
In the 18th and 19th centuries the Jews conquered
the European monarchies from inside, achieving it better
during the 19th century, using them to launch an attack
on the Asian and African countries which the Hebrews had
not yet succeeded in conquering by internal subversion.
However, the Jewish fifth columns inside these Afro-Asian
countries betrayed their hosts in favor of the colonial enter-
prises of the Jewish-manipulated Europeans, thereby sub-
duing many states of Asia and Africa. They were then
able to ensure, by different means, that the Israelite com-
munities in such states were strengthened until they could
dominate the peoples that had sheltered them. This also

was often achieved with the support of the European em-
pires, until the Jews a n d crypto-Jews could lead the Afro-
Asian populations under the pretended banner of freedom
in a demand for independence. As our reader will n o w
realise, this was not to be a real freedom, for the inde-
pendence movements were generally under the leadership
of the secret Jews w h o sought to become national heroes
and to become the absolute rulers of the "liberated" coun-
tries once they had been granted their independence from
their European rulers. Their intention was that once the
ancient colonies become independent of the western pow-
ers, they would be even more securely in the claws of the
native Hebrews, or of the Jewish imperialism in the form
of communist totalitarianism directed by the Jews of the
Fortunately in many countries of Africa a n d Asia this
plan of pretended liberation of the colonies failed a n d
they could not prevent real heroes of the independence
from taking power once it was consumated. In other cases,
once the Jewish agents of the British government left the
power in the hands of native clandestine Jews, or agents
of the Kremlin Israelites, a patriotic military coup swept
the false redemptors a w a y , establishing a truly patriot
government in the liberated colony while the Jewish world
press protested against the military coup, which had de-
privet! Judaism of one of its possessions.
W e exhort our readers probe deeper in this subject,
a n d those w h o do, will themselves discover the decisive
Jewish participation in most of the imperialist ventures
of the Dutch, British and French imperialisms in A f r i c a
a n d A s i a . The famous companies of the Eastern Indies o n d
the companies of the West Indies were created in Holland
mainly with Jewish money to economically exploit the col-
onies of the Dutch Empire, a n d similar companies were

established in England a n d France to exploit the English
a n d French conquests, mainly in the benefit of the Jewish
capitalist monopolists, w h o in a secret agreement in the
present century with the Jewish communist imperialists of
Moscow have since approved the liquidation of the Dutch,
English a n d French empires, when it was deemed con-
venient to the supreme interest of the fsraelite imperialism
to replace the partial a n d uncomplete domination repre-
sented by democratic capitalism by another more com-
plete a n d absolute system of control — totalitarian com-
munism — secretly led by the Jewish imperialists, using
the clandestine Israelite communities which had infiltrated
those countries as agents of domination following the sup-
posed "liberation" of these lands.
In the former European colonies of A s i a a n d Africa
that become "independent" countries, a fierce fight take.'
place between the super secret societies of clandestine J u -
daism that has often lived in those countries for centu-
ries, w h o fight to submit those countries to the yoke of the
communist Jewish imperialism led from Moscow a n d tha
gentile civil a n d mainly military leaders who genuinely
wish to defend the nations' independence a n d work for
Its prosperity. The worse part of the situation is that while
the clandestine Jewish minority knows very well the enemy
it faces a n d even may infiltrate the ranks of the true p a -
triots with spies a n d saboteurs, the true patriots of these
A f r o - A s i a n nations seldom understand the nature of the
hidden enemy who directs the communist a n d socialist
movements supported by the Jewish leaders of the Soviet
Union a n d their puppet, the paranoid M a r r a n o tyrant w h o
has enslaved the unfortunate Cuban people. Until these
heroic A f r o - A s i a n patriots can identify a n d destroy the
secret force behind subversion, uprooting the clandestine
Israelite communities that compose it, they will be unable

t o e n j o y either peace or p r o s p e r i t y , a n d w i l l e v e n t u a l l y f a l l
o n e a f t e r t h e o t h e r into t h e c l a w s o f t h e t o t a l i t a r i a n J e w i s h
c o m m u n i s t i m p e r i a l i s m w h i c h w i l l subject t h e m t o s l a v e r y ,
as it has a l r e a d y subjected the u n f o r t u n a t e p e o p l e o f the
Soviet U n i o n , Eastern Europe a n d C u b a .
The w o r s t p r o b l e m f a c i n g the A s i a n a n d A f r i c a n n a -
tions, a n d in g e n e r a l a l l t h e u n d e r d e v e l o p e d countries,
i n c l u d i n g those o f Latin A m e r i c a , is t h a t t h e J e w i s h Racist
I m p e r i a l i s m holds t h e m in t h e f i r m g r a s p o f its pincers. O n e
arm o f t h e J e w i s h pincer is t h e c a p i t a l i s t J e w i s h i m p e r i a l -
ism o f t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l M o n o p o l i e s , a n d the o t h e r arm
is t h e J e w i s h c o m m u n i s t i m p e r i a l i s m d i r e c t e d f r o m M o s -
c o w . The w o r l d J e w i s h s u p e r - i m p e r i a l i s t pincer w o r k s w i t h
b o t h a r m s in the f o l l o w i n g way:

1st. The J e w i s h capitalists, t h r o u g h trans-national

enterprises such as t h e J e w i s h Banks a n d t h e J e w i s h inter-
n a t i o n a l t r a d i n g m o n o p o l i e s , b u y a t v e r y l o w prices the
raw materials of the u n d e r d e v e l o p e d nations a n d sell
industrial products a n d technology at very high prices,
p r o v o k i n g a b i g g e r i m p o v e r i s h m e n t e v e r y d a y . This sub-
h u m a n e x p l o i t a t i o n o f m a n b y m a n enriches the J e w i s h
owners of the exploiting monopolies.
2nd. The e x p l o i t a t i o n w e h a v e just m e n t i o n e d , a n d
t h e progressive i m p o v e r i s h m e n t o f t h e d e v e l o p i n g — or
under-developed — n a t i o n s serves t h e J e w s w h o carry
t h e f a l s e b a n n e r o f Israelite c o m m u n i s m t o incite t h e o p -
pressed p e o p l e t o r e b e l l i o n a g a i n s t such e x p l o i t a t i o n , f a c i l i -
t a t i n g the c o n t r o l o f t h e p o p u l a r masses a n d t h e possibility
o f conducting t h e m to a false "dictatorship of the prole-
t a r i a t " ' w h i c h w o u l d be, as in t h e Soviet U n i o n , a J e w i s h
d i c t a t o r s h i p o f t h e p e o p l e r e s u l t i n g in t h e i r t o t a l enslave-
ment. Capitalist exploitation of the developing countries
a n d other abuses a n d crimes o f t h e J e w i s h c a p i t a l i s t I m -
perialism, justly irritate many gentile nationalist rulers.

w h o u p o n receiving s u p p o r t ag>-.Inst c a p i t a l i s t i m p e r i a l i s m
on t h e p a r t o f t h e J e w i s h c o m m u n i s t d i c t a t o r s h i p s , f r e q u e n t -
ly f a l l in this s k i l l f u l trick, even b e l i e v i n g t h a t t h e r e is n o
w a y to save their n a t i o n s f r o m th3 c l a w s o f t h e c a p i t a l i s t
i m p e r i a l i s m , except as allies o f the M a r x i s t socialist dic-
t a t o r s h i p s , w i t h o u t k n o w i n g t h a t t h e Soviet U n i o n a n d her
satellite states ( i n c l u d i n g C u b a ) a n d the c a p i t a l i s t J e w i s h
I m p e r i a l i s m a n d its agencies ( i n c l u d i n g the U n i t e d States
a n d E n g l a n d ) a r e m e r e p a w n s o f a s i n g l e secret super-
i m p e r i a l i s m , t h a t uses this m a n e u v e r t o p e r s u a d e t h e n o - '
t i o n a l i s t rulers t o f a l l into the t r a p , to start destroying
b a r r i e r s a n d d e f e n s i v e i n s t i t u t i o n s , or t o d i c t a t e o t h e r m e a -
sures t h a t a l s o f a c i l i t a t e t h e progress o f t h e communist
J e w i s h r e v o l u t i o n in o t h e r n a t i o n s , a n d s o m e t i m e s even
in t h e i r o w n c o u n t r y , w i t h o u t b e c o m i n g a w a r e t h a t t h r o u g h
these a n d o t h e r steps (the result o f their f r i e n d s h i p with
t h e Soviets a n d t h e Soviet satellites) t h e y a r e increasing
the w o r l d a n d local s t r e n g t h o f c o m m u n i s t J e w i s h i m p e -
rialism, which is responsible f o r t h e state o f oppression
a n d slavery f r o m which they cannot liberate themselves.

Those nationalist rulers s h o u l d realise t h a t Maoist

C h i n a , A l b a n i a a n d R o u m a n i a a r e t h e o n l y r e g i m e s in t h e
c o m m u n i s t f i e l d , t h a t a r e i n d e p e n d e n t a t least u n t i l this
moment — o f b o t h n e f a r i o u s i m p e r i a l i s m s , a n d t h a t these
states m a y y e t b e c o n q u e r e d b y t h e J e w s .
J u d a i s m , b y c o n t r o l l i n g b o t h a r m s o f the s u p e r - i m -
p e r i a l i s t Israelite pincer, as w e h a v e just d e s c r i b e d , a l -
ways wins!
It is e v i d e n t t h a t t h e o n l y escape f o r t h e u n d e r - d e -
v e l o p e d peoples f r o m t h e d u a l forces w h i c h oppress t h e m ,
is t o c o o p e r a t e so t h a t t h e y h a v e t h e c o m b i n e d s t r e n g t h
t o e f f i c i e n t l y d e f e n d their interests a g a i n s t b o t h i m p e r i a l -
isms; the c a p i t a l i s t a n d the c o m m u n i s t . But J u d a i s m , w i t h
its centuries o f e x p e r i e n c e , takes p r e c a u t i o n s t o prevent

such defensive cooperation by infiltrating all fields, espe-
cially those its opponents may create to protect them-
selves. So we saw the Jewish emperor of Ethiopia, Haile
Selassie, controlling the African Unity Organization to en-
sure its failure. The Indian government, led by Judaism,
has similarly infiltrated and nefariously influences the so-
called third world. And the Jew Josip Bross (a) Tito, the
Yugoslavian dictator, plays a similar role in the manipula-
tion of the third world. That is why nationalist gentile gov-
ernments, seeking to be independent of both the capitalist
and communist imperialisms, will not be able to form truly
defensive organizations as long as they do not expell from
their organizations all governments infiltrated by and con-
sequently subject to either the Jewish capitalist imperial-
ism, or the Israelite Kremlin imperialism, from whose domi-
nation and exploitation the under-developed peoples in
the world must free themselves if they wish to overcome
their present poverty and misery.

t i l l (mE«8W0«t« #B5^


1. Maurice Pinay;

2. Louis Bielsky:

3. Itsvan Bakony:

4. Itsvan Bakony:

5. Itsvan Bakony:

6. Itsvan Bakony:

7. Afonso Costelo:

8. Itsvan Bakony:

9. Itsvan' Bakony:

10. Itsvan Bakony:


11. Itsvan Bakony;


12. Esteban Aguila:


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