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This is my first day at psychiatric hospital. And i practice at drupadi room which
all patient is woman who has age more than 35 years old. My feeling when i met
them for the first time, i feel so excited and a little afraid because i not yet know
how about attitude of them. We are oriented by Mrs. Dennis. She has explained
about all our tasked in this room. She has also explained about drupadi room and
their activity daily. After that we are meet the patient for the first time, some
patients appear pleased with the arrival of us, but there are also some that are
indifferent to our presence. There are also patients who do not want to be invited
to be shaken hands with us because they are busy with their halusination.

Routine drupadi’s room is the opening, praying together, when we are praying,
reciting the prayer that one patient had already been provided. After praying the
patient do wash their hands together, and do the relaxation breath in. After all the
activities were carried out, followed by measuring blood pressure and smoothing
beds. Activities run with the orderly and patient rehabilitation, when the time that
follows the rehabilitation carried out by officers to follow rehabilitation in rehab.
While patients who do not follow rehab, their continuous their activities with
watching tv, chatting with friends, in fact there were only sleeping in the room
until lunch time.

When lunch arrives, all patients gather in the dining room, they eat together in the
dining room. Most patients independently, except for patients who are difficult to
eat should be no feeding dining by nurses so that the food is eaten. Finished lunch,
they share the task of cleaning up the dining room, washing utensils, sweeping
floors, and clean the table. After the dining room clean again, patients enter their
rooms and rooms in key by nurses so that the patient does not come out and the
rest of the afternoon.

This first day we learn to do studies to psychiatric patients. The important thing is
the relationship and mutual trust with patients, that patients are willing to chat
with the nurse. Some patients easily invited to chat, but there are also patients who
are difficult to chat. When we want to discuss the patient refused and went
straight to leave nursing. Should be filled with the patience to be able to build a
good relationship with the patient.

Some of the things asked to patients is a little different with the study of patients
in General. We focus more to the mental status of patients and what is perceived
by the patient at the time. For intervention to patients, we should more often
invited to discuss patients, teach patients how to cope with the problems that are
being experienced firsthand.

Different experience we get at the IGD. We learned how to do the study to

patients who actually came when the anger in these patients is still evident. After
the study, the patient is put into isolation and then given an injection of a sedative
so that patients are not angry and rampages. when the conditions of the patients
have started mild, the patient was transferred to the intensive care room for
handling It further.

The experience that we get in the poly is more different again. Activities at poli,
besides measuring the vital sign, we examine what patients feel that moment,
when the psychiatric patients are still there, before meeting with doctors, the
patient is given the intervention first by a nurse. Here we learn how to handle the
patient with hallucinations. Besides the important activities in the poly is to give
health education to families and patients, the tool used is a moving image using
the television, so that families and patients who are in the poly can see it.

The next day we learn to care for patients in the intensive room. Here are the
places where the patient's condition requires special care. For patients with cases
of violent behavior, most placed in spaces of isolation and to make the patient
become calm, these patients mounted restrain. We learned how to install to
restrain patients. When a patient already installed restrain, all needs are met by the
nurses, including eating, drinking, bathing and toileting patients. Restrain in these
patients will be removed when the patient is already quiet and not raging
The experience that I got at a mental hospital it is absolutely incredible. In
addition it must be really smart to build a good relationship with the patient, we
must also be good at digging up information from patients. Sometimes the
patient's behavior is funny and unique could be the entertainment for nurses

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