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Name : Suci Arianti Haryanto Date of Test : 27 March 2018

Student Number : 20150210111 Lecturer : Miss Fuanda
Faculty : Agriculture Signature :
Department : Agrotechnology

Mendoan Cilacap

Every place has traditional food, Jogja has gudeg, Wonosobo has Mie Ongklok, Semarang has
wingko babat, Madiun has brem and many more . Like the others, Cilacap has traditional food too.
Mendoan is one of traditional food from cilacap, people called them mendoan cilacap. It is favorite
food of cilacap people. Mendoan made by tempe and flour with flavor. Mendoan cilacap is traditional
unique and interesting food, it is because mendoan cilacap has different shape, size, and texture from
other. Mendoan cilacap has a cheap price and make us feel full after eating it. Beside that, mendoan
has a good nutrition because it is made by soy bean that turn into tempe.
Mendoan cilacap has bigger size than mendoan in the other place, because it is made by tempe
which covered by paper and foliage, and contain 4 to 5 sheet of tempe. while in the other place,
mendoan made by tempe which covered with plastic and beam shape. Mendoan cilacap have a
rectangle shape around 8 x 6 cm. In the other place, such as wonosobo. In wonosobo, mendoan has
rectangle shape around 3 x 4 cm. Mendoan cilacap make us feel full after eating it than mendoan in
the other place.
Mendoan cilacap has crunchy texture on the outside and soft inside, it is because mendoan
fried with the oil, the fire that fit as well as the right way. Mendoan cilacap has an unique smell, it is
smell spicy and special smell thats made by spices. The taste of mendoan is so spicy, it is because
mendoan made by tempe and flour mixed flour rice with garlic, candlenul, coriander, tumeric, and
salt. The texture of mendoan in the other place is not crunchy and the taste is so different from
mendoan cilacap, it is because mendoan in the other place has different ingredients. The color of
mendoan cilacap is yellow. The color was create by tumeric, but some people use food coloring to

make mendoan become yellow. Mendoan cilacap is tasteful than the other place.
Mendoan cilacap is unique, tasteful and cheap. If you want to buy mendoan cilacap, you
can visiting cilacap, and the tourist in cilacap, or you can find it in the other place, such as kebumen,
wonosobo, banyumas and purwokerto. If you do not have anytime to go, you can make it by
yourself or buy it on online shop.

Introductory paragraph 5 4 3 2
Body paragraphs 5 4 3 2
Concluding paragraph 5 4 3 2
Organization 5 4 3 2
Style 5 4 3 2
Mechanics 5 4 3 2
*Circle the appropriate score based on the rubric

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