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Name: Subject: Themes

Date: Sheet: Famous people

Walt Disney - Fact Sheet

Read through the facts about Walt Disney and then answer
the questions.

1. Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago. He

was one of five children.

2. As a child, Walt took art classes in Chicago and drew for the
school newspaper.

3. In 1923, Walt moved to Hollywood. He created the first

animated film to have sound. It was called Steamboat Willie
and starred Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

4. He continued to create more characters such as Goofy, Donald Duck, and Pluto.

5. In 1932, Walt decided he wanted to make a full-length animated film called Snow White
and the Seven Dwarfs. It took five years to complete and was finally released in 1937. It was
a huge success.

6. Walt produced more animated movies including Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, Bambi, Alice
in Wonderland, and Peter Pan.

7. Disneyland opened in 1955 and cost 17 million dollars to build. The park was a massive
success and is still one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world.

8. Walt Disney himself was the original voice for Mickey Mouse.

9. In his lifetime, he received 7 Emmy Awards, 4 honorary Academy Awards, 22 Academy

Awards, giving him more awards and nominations than any other individual in history.

10. Walt Disney died on December 15, 1966, from lung cancer. Walt and his wife, Lilly, had two

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Name: Subject: Themes

Date: Sheet: Famous people


1. Which year was Walt Disney born?

a. 1907 b. 1904
c. 1901 d. 1902

2. Walt couldn't draw. Is this true or false? __________________________

3. How many Walt Disney films have you seen? ________________________

4. Write down three characters that Walt created:


5. What was the first animated film that Walt created with sound?

6. Which of these films was not produced by Walt Disney?

a. Dumbo b. Fantasia
c. Bambi d. Matilda

7. How many children did Walt have? ________________________

8. How many years did Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs take to complete?

9. Who was the original voice for Mickey Mouse? ________________________

10. How did Walt die? _________________________________________________________

11. Can you fill in the missing words to these films?

a. Alice in ________________________
b. Peter ________________________
c. ________________________ Beauty
d. The ________________________ Book

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