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Title: First Name:

Surname: Preferred Name:

Title of the vacancy Choose an item.

applied for:

Please provide details of any Linklaters

employee or partner who has referred you
for this position:

Previous Linklaters roles applied for1:

Stage reached on previous application: Choose an item.

UNIVERSITY / HIGHER EDUCATION (most recent first)2

Name of University:

Degree Type (e.g. BA, LLM, PhD):

Degree Subject:

Predicted / Achieved Grade:

Start Date:

Graduation Date:

MODULE SCORES (most recent first)3

Name of Module Percentage achieved Date achieved

(or equivalent) (month & year)

Please provide the role title and approximate date of application.
Please enter the details of all Universities or Higher Education Institutions you have attended. If you have studied at
more than one university, please copy and paste this section to provide details of the institution, degree and grades
achieved / expected, including all module scores.
Please provide details of all modules taken, including any failures and subsequent retakes; add additional rows if
required. Please provide percentage scores, if this not possible, provide the score you achieved and maximum possible
score e.g. 3.4/4 or 19/20. For non UK qualifications, please provide the original result format, do not try and convert
your grades into UK equivalents. Please note: we will ask for copies of your academic transcripts before you join us.
SCHOOL EDUCATION (most recent first)4

Name of School:

Start Date:

End Date:

SCHOOL QUALIFICATIONS (most recent first)5

Type of Qualification Subject Grade achieved Date achieved

Please list the schools you have attended since the age of 11. If you have studied at more than one school, please
copy and paste the table as required.
Please list all subjects you have been examined on, from the age of 15; up to but not including, university (e.g. GCSE, A
level, International Baccalaureate, Highers etc.); include all results including failures and subsequent retakes. Please
add more rows as required.

Language: Proficiency: Choose an item.

Language: Proficiency: Choose an item.

Language: Proficiency: Choose an item.

Language: Proficiency: Choose an item.

Language: Proficiency: Choose an item.

WORK EXPERIENCE (most recent first)7

Name of


Job Title:

Legal or non legal?

Paid or unpaid?

Full or part time?

Start Date:

End Date:

How did you secure Choose an item. If “other” please specify:

this position?

Please provide a brief description of the duties, responsibilities or work you undertook:

Name of


Job Title:

Legal or non legal?

Please insert additional rows as required. If you cannot see the drop down box listing proficiency levels please choose
one of the following: Native / Fluent with legal terminology / Fluent written and spoken (degree level) / Fluent but
minimal read & write experience / Conversational with some read & write experience / School Standard (A level) /
Please give details of any work experience you deem relevant, copy and paste the table as required to include
additional roles. If you cannot see the drop down box giving options of how you obtained this position, please choose
one of the following: Application / CV / Friend or family member / Internal contact / Other.
Paid or unpaid?

Full or part time?

Start Date:

End Date:

How did you secure Choose an item. If “other” please specify:

this position?

Please provide a brief description of the duties, responsibilities or work you undertook:

Name of


Job Title:

Legal or non legal?

Paid or unpaid?

Full or part time?

Start Date:

End Date:

How did you secure Choose an item. If “other” please specify:

this position?

Please provide a brief description of the duties, responsibilities or work you undertook:


Type of Qualification Subject Grade achieved Date achieved

(LPC, ACCA etc)

Please leave blank if not applicable, or insert additional rows as required.

Describe your involvement and positions of responsibility in extra curricular activities

including any societies, charitable and voluntary work, sports or personal / academic
achievements (250 words):


1. Describe why a career in commercial law appeals to you, what factors and influences
have affected your decision to become a lawyer. Include why you are interested in a career
as a Linklaters lawyer, and the skills and attributes you would bring to the firm (400 words):

2. Write about a current issue or news article that has interested you, and how you feel that
subject would affect Linklaters (250 words):

Please use this space to provide any additional information we should be aware of e.g.

 extenuating circumstances; and/or

 any reasonable adjustments required; and/or

 whether you will require a work visa if your application is successful so we can
prepare and submit the necessary applications prior to your start date.

If you provide details of extenuating circumstances, please explain which grades/year of study they relate to. Please
leave blank if not applicable.

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