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HLTH3800 Alternative Task - Basketball Street Game

Tute 2 group 1 Group Brendan Burke, Cam Edwards, Zac Humble

Firing Squad


- Students aim to be the first one to get all shots from specific points around the court.
- The first one to shoot from all the spots wins.


- 1 ball per student (4/5 per group)

- Markers so students
- 1 hoop with D around it


- Students have a ball each and are trying to shoot from each point around the hoop.
- Students all throw continuously to try score the goal. Students do not have to wait for
others to shoot first.
- Students decide the shooting points and are responsible for marking the positions.
- Students must wait and encourage others until everyone has made it in from each
- Positions must be able to be made by all students in the group. Students are not to made
the position too hard for any of the students.

Playing area:

Game is played around a hoop with markers made by the students to mark where they are
going to shoot from.

Reference: Activekids, (2018). 11 fun basketball games for kids besides H-O-R-S-E. Retrieved

1. Students can execute a basic motion offense using a screen
2. Students make the choice on the complexity of the offence by varying the number of
3. Students understand why and when to apply the screen in offensive plays

Pre impact
- Teacher moves students so that there is 3 students to every half court
- Teacher demonstrates the offensive play using the screen
- Students recall the KTPs when performing the screen
- Teacher using selected students to show the demonstration, student with the ball,
student performing a screen and student free for the pass
- Students understand the basic demonstration and have the choice in how many screens
they will do before taking a shot or dribble at the basket
- Tell the class that you will be available for questions and observing if they were
- In groups of 3, students will perform the offensive motion with the screen
- Students decide how many screens they will perform before having a shot at the basket
- Teacher observes the groups and asks if they were successful and if they will change
their choice next time
Post impact
- Teacher stops the drill and students gather around a selected group to see the offensive
- Students decide how many screens they will do before having a shot
- Teacher identifies to the class and ask the question of how many screens is needed
before shooting or dribbling
- Teacher provides feedback and offensive strategies that’s effective
Self check
1. Students can identify the key teaching points of the screen
2. Students can self-analyze the criteria of the screen within the offensive motion
Pre impact
- Teacher moves students to the court with 5 students to each half court
- Teacher uses a demonstration to show the activity and highlight that the screen will be
the main component
- Teacher goes through KTPS of the screen
- Teacher will be available to give feedback and answer questions on the task
- Questions will be dependent of the knowledge of results to enable students to self
evaluate the performance of the screen
- Students perform the screen within the offence motion
- Teacher asks specific questions on the screen to get students to evaluate their
- Students makes adjustments based on the performance on the screen

Post impact
- Teacher stops drill and uses selected group to demonstrate the screen
- Asking questions the teacher enables the students to access themselves and explains
the correct KTPs and visually go through all teaching points of the screen
- Teacher explains the criteria of the screen and gets students to go through KTPS
Individual practice

1. students can reproduce the right-side motion offence
2. students display the KTP’s of associated with the pass in this offence
3. students can outline why this type of offence is used in a game of basketball

 Teacher divides students into groups of 5
 Teacher uses one group of 5 to demonstrate how students line up on court and where
the ball starts
 Identify KTP’s for task  Balance, step, pass, move
 Outline to students that even though they are working in a group they are individually
working on their technique of the pass and move
 Teacher provides visual demonstration with the selected group and uses verbal cues to
further outline what needs to be done.
 Teacher relates task back to game relevance so students understand the importance of
passing and moving and why they are learning this skill (to get open for a shot)
 Teacher moves other groups to their assigned court
 Before starting the teacher askes students about the KTP’s they are looking for (select 4
random students to answer with one each)
 Tells the class that while they are individually practicing, they will be working around to
help, provide feedback and answer any questions
 Students individually practice
 Teacher walks around and provides feedback to students
 Students who are excelling at the task are instructed to incorporate a bounce pass as
their pass
 Teacher stops the drill and students stay on their courts
 Teacher asks students to recall the KTP’s
 Asks students to recall why passing and moving is essential
 Gets competent students to provide demonstration (as teacher provides verbal cues)

1. Students can reproduce the right-side motion offence with the incorporation of a screen
2. Students can provide feedback to their peers on the effectiveness of their screen
3. Students understand why a screen is used in offensive basketball play

 Teacher moves students so that on each court there are two groups of 5 (from previous
 Outlines that students will be performing the same task with the incorporation of
screens during the motion offence
 Teacher gets students to recall KTPS of screen. (learnt in a previous lesson)
 Teacher gets selected group to perform the right-side rotation offence outlining where
students need to use a screen
 Teacher selects second group to stand behind the first group (each person behind the
corresponding person on the front group)
 Teacher outlines that the back group will be giving feedback to the front group on the
quality of their screens
 Students will give feedback to the person that starts in front of them (at end of rotation)
 Students will use criteria learnt previously to give feedback on screen (location and
timing of screen. KTP’s  Plant, cross, stand)
 Teacher gets students to answer questions about the criteria (from previous knowledge)
 Tell the class that they will be walking around to talk with the students providing
 Students perform the right-side motion offence
 Students provide feedback on the quality of the screen (at end of rotation)
 Teacher walks around talking with student about their feedback

 Teacher stops the drill and students gather around the group selected to provide the
final demonstration
 Students perform the drill and then selected students provide feedback
 Teacher outlines to the class why this feedback was good  specific, immediate, body
language and eye contact.

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