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One of the major causes of universal
STRESS; is the perennially disturbing
conflict between the inevitable and
insatiable sexual urge; and the
unavoidable pressure of almost impossible
task of inhibiting it! To overcome this
STRESS we have to culminate this conflict
into globally benevolent sublime
experience of cerebral orgasm.

The moment the word orgasm is uttered;

there is a flood of sexual and romantic
excitement and there is elevation of mood!
Orgasm is the acutely desired,
passionately sought after, intensely
pleasurable and essential core of normal
sexual instinct!

However; somewhere in the process of

evolution; we have begun to part our ways
and deviate from our instincts and give
importance to intelligence and emotions;
rather than instincts! We have begun to
feel ashamed, apprehensive and vulgar;
about the genetic, genital, gonadal and
psychological sex and the sexual
phenomena; such as attraction for
opposite sex, sexual excitement,
ovulation, ejaculation, sexual intercourse,
menstrual cycle, pregnancy, abortion,
delivery etc.

It is very true that we can not undo or

reverse evolution; however we may try or
like to do so; hence there is no sense in
trying for it! But we should understand
that the root of our apprehensions about
orgasm and sex are in this evolution; so
that we can negotiate with the conflicts
associated with sex, orgasm etc!

Having said thus far, we are now equipped

to appreciate without apprehension; the
concept of cerebral orgasm!

The Greek word orgao means excitement

or swelling with moisture. The Sanskrit
word urja means nourishment sap or vigor.
In sexual orgasm; cerebral cortical,
autonomic nervous, visceral, endocrine
and the whole body is involved. We can
find he details of the physiological and
psychological changes during sexual
orgasm; in the books of sexology. But
what we also find in these books is; even
as most of the systems are involved in the
phenomenon of orgasm; the focus is on
genital and perigenital sensations! Thus
apart from the various parts of body such
as breasts, areola, nipple etc, involved
foreplay; the orgasm is restricted genital
and perigenital areas.

It is only with the advent of the

development of brain structures such as
cerebral cortex and limbic system; that the
orgasm per se; has acquired more
emotional and poetic dimension. Further;
the development of intelligence has given
us the ability to understand the
importance of sexual intercourse and its
importance in heart to heart selfless bond,
parental care, continuation of the specie
and the fulfillment associated with it. The
evolution has also further evolved our
deep orgasmic experience to the urge of
global unity, harmony and welfare!

Our focus of contentment has shifted even

in personal and social behavior; in terms
of involving emotional fulfillment; through
various relationships such as those
involved in father-son, mother-son,
husband-wife, employee-employer, and
teacher-student and so on; rather than
mere physical intercourse!

This has freed us from ephemeral

pleasures; which vanish in the course of
time, but only intellectually and
emotionally; not instinctually and
physically! In other words, we are freed
psychologically, but not physiologically!
This is why there is conflict between
sexual abstinence and indulgence!

But we should realize that even as we are

not freed from our physical needs and
instincts; it should be clear that pleasures
arising from sexual orgasm and other
instinctual gratifications are important and
can lead to cerebral stimulation or
excitement; although incompletely and
inadequately! This is why; we are partly
individualistic and partly generous!

We are left with only one option in such a

situation when our consciusness is tardily,
incompletely and hence painfully shifting;
from genitals to cerebral cortex and limbic
system! This option is that of expediting
the evolution that is generating perennial

Is this possible?


We have simply to open the floodgates of

the dam; through NAMASMARAN; so that
all kinds of experiences in life hitherto
blocked below subcortical levels; are
quickly “driven”, “funneled” or “sucked”
into cerebral cortex! All the relationships
and interactions of life; (including sexual,
family, social, political, industrial
educational etc) would thereby quickly
evolve and culminate into, sublime and
eternal experience of CEREBRAL ORGASM;
that is associated with the dawn of
simultaneous individual and global

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