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2018 CNSA National Conference

January 24th


I attended the meeting unknowing of a dress code. My Official Delegate kindly apologized and
informed me of it. During a break, I quickly drove home to put a pair of dress pants on. I was
unaware of what was going on in this meeting, I sat and observed. I realized this conference may
put me out of my comfort zone as a PN student and a new member of the CNSA.


Opening Ceremony was focused on respecting and honoring the indigenous people with a lovely
presentation. The Snuneymuxw members shared their songs and journeys with us.

I was very impressed with my team from VIU putting this conference together and I was excited for
the days to come of learning.

January 25th


Workshop: Beyond Collaboration

What I learned:

- In this profession collaboration is an expectation and is limited by yourself

- You exist for your patients not yourself
- Care for people all my working life I will mark numerous lives
- I have a huge responsibility to be informed, which means a life of learning
- You must match your patients’ needs with your skills
- Collaboration vs. Competition
o Nursing can be just a link to the care provider most important to the patient


Workshop: Medicinal Cannabis in Clinical Practice

What I learned:

- Cannabis is never a first line treatment

- Contraindications
o Under age of 25
o History of psychosis (THC)
o Cannabis use disorder
o Cardio. & Resp. Disorders
o Pregnant/Breastfeeding
- Not currently covered by healthcare
- Modes of Administration
o Vapor (inhaled)
o Oils (PO, Topical)
o Capsules (PO)
o Spray (PO)
- Cannabis receptors are not attached to the brain stem
o There have been no deaths
o Not psycho-active
o Anti-inflammatory
o Neuroprotectant
o Anti Seizure
o Antipsychotic
o Analgesic
o Causes Impairment
o Appetite Stimulant
o Antiemetic
o Sleep Aid
o Anti Spasticity

This workshop was incredibly informative of cannabis used as pharmalogical therapy which is
becoming more accepted. I believe it is a safe beneficial drug that should be regulated and
prescribed. She focused on our role as nurses administering and understand doses in the health
care setting and even passed her personal medication around, which was a shock to me but
helped with normalizing this concept.


Workshop: Women’s Health

What I learned:

- Menopause = Mid-lifer Rollercoaster

- Humor is a type of connection
- Regard your patients as teachers
- Nursing involves more active listening then, say a GP
- Even though women have greater adverse social determinants, but live longer
- Empowerment of women includes controlling reproduction
- Most medications are tested on men
- Heart disease is a problem for women
- Normal and Natural isn’t always a good thing
- Ovaries die when women were supposed to die (biological clock)
- Menopause
o Ovarian failure
o Affects every system
o Perimenopause lasts 5-8 years
- Don’t just put the fire out, treat the reason the fire started
o Postpartum depression
 Antidepressants (putting the fire out)
 Hormone replacement (turning of the gas)
- Self-doubt plagues women
- Connection
o Vulnerable
o Strive for honesty

I enjoyed this presentation very much because I have an interest of women’s health, and I am a
woman; I am not only the nurse but the patient. The presenter also inspired me as a health care
provider and just a successful woman.

January 26th


Workshop: Gerontology

What I Learned:

- Get more consent when providing care

- The 5 Minute Challenge
- Spending 30-60 minutes on yourself every morning, care facilities only give 5 minutes to get
residents up in the morning whilst they have impairments


Workshop: Sexual Education

What I Learned:

- Sexual education is a human right yet most people don’t receive adequate education
- Teaching sexual boundaries
o Consent
o Forced affection
- Teaching the boundaries of when it is appropriate to be touched as a child and what is
“safe, unsafe, and secret”
- Forcing affection on family member is wrong

I came to a realization about how important consent was when it comes to non-sexual affection
as well. Simply becoming aware to consider asking and respecting child’s bodies before give
hugs or kisses. As adults, I believe we think we know what is right or wrong, so we do things
without consideration all of the time. On the other side, I think affection is important for bonding
and families, constantly asking verbal consent for something like a hug from your child may
change the normal of it. There is also a cultural aspect of affection, can you call it wrong for a
European to hug an acquaintance who was not comfortable or surprised with the hug simply
because of difference of culture?


Workshop: From Surviving to Thriving

What I Learned:

- Unmet needs = Stressors

- Factors to enable thriving
o Environment
o Selfintegrity/Advocasy
o Child Centre upbringing

o Self Compassion
o Relationship of unconditional/positive regard
- Positive regard = self compassion
- Why does the indigenous community struggle to thrive?
o Upbringing, the community was not brought by their parents, rather residential

I need to practice positive regard. I tend to beat myself up and doubt my intelligence, I learned that
as an ignorant ego is important to avoid, positive thinking or strengths and my opportunities are
what I should focus mostly on, to improve myself.

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